Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-07-14, Page 4• .....n.....m. smr^^*nr-nine+..-rw._v^,P^`.•..... ,� ,....,.....,fir-��,.a...,v...-i.n"`vn`n !LW:. 7a1.31.1e . WxxQgi vrsTRrar WV* IEK- sc roo.L,'. Tbo'pirogrrm .tor.. the oemwe, r school' Co be held .under the ,euepleea•• Bieroitliloagnee. of Winghal'm fir- °trio iq, l �noardine+ :A,+ttgurt 8.4o°14_14 inclusive; nae: reached• thigi' ot)}ge, '..x'0 • aeeeliOne :of the school will be lield if t4r thq:ottentple of the larger scbgolo iseti Thus 'Ub�r�n °a ' :e aa1= e rfning:;tspeiot a. denoted to tile. shady, . of they Bible and m esioua, wbila •. the; •atterpioonwill :tie- left #qr rooreation. The etres0gal and qual ty,of gram ¢ought to: bn.a strong indugewent; . o sIttha young people of: the distr ot. to attend. W The list of '.ipakers in dudes Rev Jaams• Hetrdersont D. D Toronto,: Asst; ¥isaiofarylSeo.;; Ron,' .'F. C..: Stephenson. M; ' Toronto,; Seo.rof, the Forward. Movent me, Ree. R. W.. Wogdaw•orth, of ..Toronto, a. specialist in Butte Study: Jaolttoa"MrD,ofBella'Coola•'B. C... Mr. •Jsoksolea addressee will be; .. es-. =P ootally ntereating tatho-itagi errs -••.of., Winghain Dltriot beosuse he is en gaged in the • same kind 'of nnssion work;as::Rev.;,G; H. 'Riley, of Kita� :i iaat, the miseionary'whenw; they sep- port, it r. Jackson will illeetrate with lime-ligbeviewe the miesiiins and ml§-, hien atatioee;of the Methodist' Church. in British Columbia. ; In.addition to those':;apeakee.i, 'Rev, J. .E ;Hiruter, who ea auccegefully_,.eanipaigaed• the dietrio t will .. be' present, whilst the iniulateea • of.. the loaul ortooitf , o id chargee are very energetically oo-open- sEting,to make the gathering •a,4eucceee The singing during the •,.whole • school.. will bb. in chorgeof . Principal V. W IsTry' B ,A.. . leader 'af the iliocar- di•D ethod}st.cboir.' =Special. wee*. will field(' Upon the two tentwbooka foul 9034; biz; --Studies in Abe_ _Life. Of Obelisk and The'Hearb of Pa.:Chine; The Summer'•is' u ►like moat conveatiooa and gatberinge, ivaeruch asits work'taker s definafe• form •• In- 'atea3 of'talkiug on bow i,, study the Bible, the.Bible will be studied to .stead of apendiog. time: over •dhow. to study misainne4. the different phases of miseiaue r• and miaidpa Itudied.,. • Iteeting on the .shores .ruf Lake Huron; 'with almost all the ad:`' vuntageit of a' popular:. resort, :comb o fug so many educative and soatriagii6. eelities, the ' S•nmaoer School offers/..' ehonee'of.an intere"hting and„ � help'iu week's outing, such ds has never' , I •dfi'ered in•this •vicuuty. efero; ;: 'uli information ti.• to bo' found e'in. i,p�r grams, which nnsy be obtarneid, ifr $. J Beaton, 'Whitecbnreb,• :0 .� $ere, BruaaeLu N 1fensa'light luk fesi;.:8 t We areofferwQrn ing soma fines of ena shoes,wortb •5Q^anf4 *QQ.00 Qx 420Q i. . w tt .o f '�' ens o?� urns ani tots slippers• from :70.0 'ta 1.60 manliamagalollammanisRaulaklalala . • s aro '•.'his week, will no° cluubt see the ,end of stra,wberries, ' or a> least the heaviest pickings." Get them noi.We-have thepi for sile.• . warts �1 Cera ion rge e best or all purposes. ere is r.1way s satisfaction ins using • Inetuding,Iiananasr*Oringes, Lenimons,.Waterrnclons and IRtneapplgs.•. • Try our 250 green, or btaek teas. They are:tiara.to beat., u.tt • ttE:t_htthi. KNO SVT ns�u1�IK IiEGt�PtttJ�Slias'(i�sst fig' , , i r!i"�:a" Iiilerar�, • BELL. "• ;ACCIDENT' aui1,'SiCB ')ceh, Lake, Itai1 and _lcuident 4Ideurance I Estatbuy' e +wandd eeU-Endownmegt 1'�slioiea, Beni . buainees stock,. • ,''•&ccouute audited.and.c ihlected. J. MURCR:ISON, Luoknow FIRE. AND MARINE, ..t.PASA.rGiiderich Ont.. .1 Holt &Cameron, GZideruilt.) Office upstairs ▪ ,OoniMissime,r Notary. Etc.' Money to loan. Office Over Wation's Barber Slum, ce Resantreet, behind IT; G. Murdoch & • :1 Lief fot Just received at Mrs. Smith% Lovely Creations in JANE • -.17.otuie of. late Dr.. Tennant, and e.wish to arthounee that . we have. Street; where we WM` be'pleaaid Meet' Opr customers. and 'friends Who .2 Will., now ,:nd" better-Trepared-- :display the most up-to-date 'goods:: LOW PRICES AND AROMA ATTENTION. • 11 wiskto calkattenfion to our large and varied stock of PICTURE FRAMES EASELS, TABL,ES ARM CHAIRSj .pm` 114N4- BEDS; ',BED ROOM SUITS, ma /...EA.DINGArlinEltiARER A'141) EMBALMER. ItaragrAttil1013t) ter tite4I0 'Ott DO. ,j 41,4 • .homei Other „father ,Altr Veneering Mi., lineee and wheee 'they vent a ,plesnant .day? ASA 0044' tO thin neffibbot- aro.. co" Item' for rfisay yeatyi got, hAvvkiiiktOter , OlyOkl; dialled en • SOCIETIES Amery Thursday night on or before the full moon, in the ' Masonic HsX. Havelock ,. ARMSTRONG, W.. NI. • 112, meets every Friday evening .at 8 ,o'cloek in their hill,. Campbell street. • All briitIiism•cOrdiallY • Noble Grand., Recordei. • ucisigoiv ell,. Canadian: Order. of „Chaim Mends, meets tint and third Titesday eveiiinge Air 'anti month, in the Odd - hell street, •Luele.• &Mildly invited.. RENO 'Oa • Lucknow, meets every first Vili,ting brethren are cordially invited. , , Itoreettera njeirtn In the' ()4411441/rw'e /loll. on the 'evocormi awl North Tnea, day of omb month; m lorethrofi are • cordially' X,'/Acbornold, Lawrence, 11 Lines t rim. ALSO" A...009D....STOCK:...OF..0 of thio Ancient Go of .1fnftell • Minwiey 10. l'oenAhles, . g40444, • UR et?Iffie' f4$—eis es 04,10$40•4 looioyfivionfoN #44th 464 41+014' eerdiallk !avitoul 404,444 oat, '1$0.40.4401,. WMAMOOdisifiNVAIN900.14600101,Aiviviaithh6.81.11Miifil • •