HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-07-07, Page 5Tuesday �' a►�. Saturday evenings.: lose• pth r evettings a:. • oys' :Sweaters o boy f • r~a for �Tothing•.handier yr the more comfortable. A new k;t of their. have just come to hand: this week, for.:boys froin three years upwards. They are good' all wool swea'ters with stripe -I -collar -bawds Prices 65c, .75e, 1,00 each. en. s Trousers, $2.60 ial values'this week in`extra. spec • M_eri s Tfausers—k esi--patterns, in Speolal, 3 .lei's. fine quality ..striped ging ham shirts, 'soft' fronts, starched. collar bands to, be we'll', with a white collar. Good patternsgood, wearers,g ood' Washers. �-'We11' '. Borth 75c. .,Our price ,while.they -last- will=-be=39c• -See -wiadow-of them on Saturday. ' WBiOcavilCiI r.Alex, • A. :Sump;on, • who beer :i". aiding„ for the laeb; year With - Dr, Bali, of Singhsmpton,; i spending. hill, vacation: at his home in ()dross.. Mr. CleoGG. Moffatt, of tangside spent a few days lastweek iin Seaforth with his son. W.. J. Moffatt, principal of the ;Seaforth Public Sahool • Mime Miiunie.Cuyler, who hie been' with`hsr aunt, Mrs. R(Rov) ' W, Tre, • Wen, for ;the past, three. rnoniths, is„` spending• a few weeks with -her -mother Mrs R. S. Oilier., Qn• Frktay'evening, of last, .reek a erg:interesting lecture on the ''Dlfe- wti,?ti4"..;`i hive+,, d kid. '3 il'3•i �i►W viewe;. "wase given in,' the. Methodist Church by Rev T..'x•11 Couplaad of Aubuca'ti �geac,ias,TVessot occupied.';the. pplpit of -the i.e hytetia urch,on Sunday and gave a very • interesting discourse ou French 'evangelizatiory n s-' carried on in the.Poinl Aux Telmbers. Schools in Montreal. On Monday he 'canvassed ' the. congregation for sub-: mcriptions,to aid 're-equipping Of the schools and poet with great success. Thedeath. took _place, • on Monday; afternoon 'of Mary Adeline. Phillips; wife? of 'Mr.. Malcolm. Roes ,'of the 2nd. con. of Kinl'oss.• ..Mrs, Ross, who. was but in her thirtieth year, had, been' seriously i11 only two weeks with per.- nicious anaemia.. Much sympathy is felt for. the'lhusband and,, small 'child - len. who are left behind, .. Thp,funeral; --service-was-conducted_hg-Rev oro o�e� C. M and good wearers; extra well igade' and all sizes� at,$2,50 each. :ns_ okorec eaoras• Some natty shapes in Men's , -Col - ored,: `Fedora' -Felt'' Hats;. English Makes.. Price,, eacu, $2.25. 1Viens.CashmereSoo s Special values in Men's Cashmere;:. r. Socks, •seamless and -extra, ra u ali i 's .at 25c. 35c and ' per ties, '•...,50c pair. ress ' Goods You will find here the ` correct materialsfor dresses, shirt waists suits,waists-and =separate -skirts A 'beautiful `,material for ..summer ls' -.a Batiste-:'cl-oth'=— all wool, ^serviceable ' and !.'stylish; sh :�Tle,.pprlce is ofil 50c' pet yard Colors,, black,. pearl,' chain pague,` castor:and' reseda. • Underskirtsite ' uick.sellers'at•; 75c $1.,0.0; $1.25 and. $i1 Thite Ki' Gloves' A new stock of : White .id Gloves just far arrived; sizes. 5a to 7. The 1� Pauline at $1.'OO:per pair, 'and the' "Waldie,": a ;washable glove, at $1.00 . Patt: rns.A —Patterns kepi �en�ts for•S�and�x' In stoc.K... Fashion Sheets Free. • • :. l•w•'OW. is.: s .the m a ,,c fornet .11tVe your 11'ugeies-and WagonsPtihtea by .Jas. ,Ariderson,'it the.old, t •stand over Moise's 'Machine Shop. : ,Prices reasonable. Mr,. Moist can doany• repair- ing they �'. may. -need+:_: . PAXIITElt. or, Sale' or: ,Rent. 'i'IIA ' coinid shout; bui,lyding known os tlto iFarmore Hotel" In 'the Village of Ltteknow • Apply t) PETERCORRIGAN, , 'Co Real ;],.state. Ag Lucknowr You should be thinking of.'having': your spring provements :done, and .'I wish to'remind`Y ouu, that yam still in' the business ,and can serve you right. • P.A1'.fil BANGING PAINTINir • Grit tINENG; • • GLAZING `. AND AL.,IIr•KINDS OF DECORATING Am 'ui'v�SPECIAL-TIES Give me a call' arid be convinced ! that 1 cak give you satisfaction . both ' in workandprices. :engrave. Wanted. Smart healoby• 'girl to' do ;general` house work'' and 'help take care of "a child.. ' Apply to: Mrs. R. ild: Lipsey, Bot 205, St,' Thomas,, Ont. Wool Wanted :Parties having',wool to dlepose ., of will find it to their advantage to take it to the `'`Lucknew Woollen ' Milia, where:. the: highest price` in icash'-or, trade will be given. Wool ,.Wanted 10,000' pounds wool wanted. D. Sheriff,- grain dealer is....prepared to pay the -highest- cash_priceY for wool. Store -room next door• to: D. M'allough's • E HAVE austopened out a number of epeci ln, childreri'ti shoes,, made . 1 y •cFarlane:o C ,Tl`f Motli'.X"to, ,.- b Sir `a'�, 5+A1 �. " i_l Children's tanal sizes 8 - 7,0 �at 1. 5 . r: h ,� 2 p;B pair... MS These are'the very latest in color and shape. Children's tan bats with steel support tor: weal ankles, sizes 5 to 7, per �p tir : = • , Children's black.Dongola ,with velvet facing, some- ing new, sizes '3 to 7, $1 per. pair.' • hildren's Dongola button patentvamp, sizes 2 7 at 85c>per pair. .,. r . Child's tan Po_g a slipper,~ new.:style' at 00o . per, pair.` we'have "a full. supply for. men, �:. n ' nd:childr. en something; to suit you 'or ypur friend, It ,will pay you: to examine our stock - before • - buyin ,elsewherei• 0. REPAIRING NEATLY. AND PROMPTLY DONE. • anted .. The, • undersigned ha'e pasture for • four or,fivews, good ;price, plenty;' of: water.'' caApply to Wm: Rivers. Residencies For: Sale —The'undoraigned has, on band .four: fine frame.residences anda large brick store building in the Village illage °of'li,ubk- now. .'The properties Y are all well • located and .will -be sold at .a bargain. Any persons wishing to buy will ,do. well'to-call at once.• Geo. A.•Siddalli: Farms For . Sale • , Are you desirous of :purchasing. a farm.? '-If so call. and :see me; : ; I have eeyeral fifty .,_:_and-onehundred•acre farms for: sale in,A.l;hfleld, west' Wa- wanosh Huron and Kinloss townships. eae farms haver. all :g fix .good buildings and will be mold at bargain prices. " ' Geo. -A. Siddell, • Lucknow. DR.' BROWN. • 1.: lt. •C' P.. London, England•. • Graduate of London. NeW4,•Verk-and. Chicagq. Diseases of :the• rye, Ear Throat. °WILT, B1+7'' ATR HOUSE, LU� N IW CAI°N•;NBU CK b -Nolo and - Wednesday, April 97th,. 1904. House 9 can, to 9 0. in, • , iiUSIC .TAUGHT Lessons in ' _ oa#l• ` and lnstrum.enta N1us1C ana .Sari luny rv;�� are taught by z LADIES READ THIS; Ber.riett the :painter has the late3t most,p-to-sato colors for house aanting of: all duds. r . � Special: attention. . � aid to: N. :PAPER . G I E RAT 9a� ti I '' GET : BENNETT;TO'D T• WILL ..PAY YOU TO YOUR .WORK, �- 'INTER:':-& `' PAPEi HANOEI -CT'C*•NOS' " Y.90001.70 %% .' 00000a1lii .WWW ':F. !I.'om `vV. a send one pair of exceilent late curtains •2i yardg Iang,2 feet 5 inches wide,'for secur- ing only two : eub.criptions . for' • MCCALI.'s Mau4z1NEat 50 cents 'ash.. This .,IB-a.inoet retitark,iIil oflor,,but 14 only oneof an, offers" . in our'Proinium:Catalogue, Ni that we ,send Free on lteiluest: ,; : 'Curtains (11 styles) Rigs, 'Silverware :tel T blewate': of every decor p. tion, Jewelery (Soli(' Silver \VatehNs, Rings, Bracelets,;(nard'Chainti} Atoutn , furniture 13urea. Scarfs,' C,enterpkeei , l.ineti Napkins, ,Wrist Bags, everything you need. I). tiot lay this paper aside without waiting rot, a. copy of McC it i.' NiA6AZI:14 E -anti Catalo,us • cf Prominme•X'.' • No chargafnr � titer, , AV, e tVaxt yott t o see' Our :beautifuliftl M lSartne fhe very bestIlidnits and 1+'ashiion•Magartnu to know about our pretniltins: Will you not kindly write us at -once':' A postalcard will o.. THE McCA'L1 •.CoMl'AsY, . . "1l3.l1ti,117' *614413let street, 1Vew York City, We deign atnd_inake the,celebcated McCal Patterns: • HORSES ' ESTRAY.. Strayed from, the prcinises' of the under signed Colborne Township : two, miles south- west post office, nti about the 6th of May. two horses: one yearling•-bli51Cwitir• --tw rwhitellind-'fcet-and-halter-on:-the_other_ is a bright' bay with' white face; and. white hind legs and clipped mane, a -4 year old broncho, Any one giving information of their •whereabouts.wall:«be-suitaiilyrewardad. • Hiratr :trinity, ',Nile P. 0.' Dorothy. Jibes Teacher of ' Piano.,, Organ aid Theor�'� .pupils prepared for Oonseri+atory;:,l iatilinw ptions, Canning Street. TO • ltEztr' 100 Bore's of land to rent, suitable for pas tura, good surfing water, situated on •• the boundary between Huron and Ashfield south half of ,Lots 27 and 28, better .knovtn as the, D il, M`q clCenzie fart► 'For , further particu,� ars apti'S+,t') Mlba,. C, MttoKKenyte. 1 A (r� OCERY" .�I�•'• � STAR:' � FOR: RELIABLE C.00DSz BI:BBYSff' THE BEST. of ALL CALF FOODS This feedds inade by Bibby cC 'Sons, of Li�terpool lung,,,• and they abree to return in full the money to. any - c''13 Iiogives their ni.eal a fair trial and is net satisfied itli the results, 1t-1ias• the largest sale In the world t '„silo its u e rorlt :eve 0111 ou s and this . ct alone t fa p is • � Y; • ilei fi gds; 'l`llelr' ally;biritput is' over 1000 tons, conseq ::uently a great Many people must feed it. • NDS .IJV ' A CLASS BY' 'ITSELF.; • IT.:STA .a , ' .• STANDS �' ;,:,.. Unlike ' .' . . lir foods.' Being alto etllt✓i unlike any other stock manufactured here and advertised las :being , good for; calves ,.and which are -.a medicine and tonc this is, a f ' '�milk where 'milk- is fo • d., Zt is used to substitute, ; Q cows .scarfs or' for rising' with skimmed or separated milk,. or' without any null Whatever, cst J)CCau:se it gives the best` results er4i2e-m CE�USED-ALFWA1 Give 'itfa trial and be convinced,,_ .Aar & .Earls sell it and.have 'recoinmendi from all who have used •it. 1:kato*tA 3iJI>e060ceueca