HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-09-10, Page 4TIM WINtik1AM TIMES, SEPTEMBER 10, i,iftla
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges
The only way acme people know is
the other way.
Speaking of marble hearts, it is more
i9ati,afaotory to give than to receive.
Beet Treatment for a Burn.
It for no other reason, Chamberlain's
Salve ebruld be kept in every house.
11o10 on account Of )te greet valuein the
treatment of burns. It titles the pain
almost instantly, ard utlese the injury
is a severe one, heals the parts without
leaving a scar. This salve is also un-
equalled for chapped horde, sore nipples
rind diseases of the shin. Price, 25
Bents. For sale by all druggists.
ea y era....... ,.., --. 4►—.—^
Pride and prejudice make ten unsatis-
factory pair to draw to.
The chap who always agrees with you
Bas an axe to grind.
Chili is now exporting nitrate at the
rate of over two million tons a year.
Cold on the Lungs,
Mrs. John A. Wilson, Little Sbip-
elegan. N. B., writes: ''I cannot praise
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur-
pentine too highly for it ot.red my chil-
dren when they had whooping oout;b,
gave them relief from hard coughing
and soon cured them " This treatment
is a positive cure for croup.
Dr. Milton L. Hersey of Montreal has
given $10,000 to the Kingston Mining
William J. Crow, a cattle buyer of
Mosley, committed suicide by shooting
is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
"'1 Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanantly cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free. Alt dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo,
Richard Hudson, 75 years old, cone -
mated suicide at Dartmoor, 18 miles
Pram Orillia.
A woman has a hard time convincing
herself that her children could be smart-
er than they are.
Good for Biliousness
"I took two of Chamberlain's Stom-
ach and Liver Tablets last night, and I
feel fifty per cent. better than I have
,for weeks," says J. J. Firestone of
Allegan, Mich. "They are a fine article
for biliousness." For sale by a]1 ding-
giste. Samples free.
Some men marry poor girls and set-
tle down, and some others marry rich
widows and settle up.
The first practical sewing machine
was the invention of Elias Howe, which
was patented in 1846.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Rave Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
at Mrs. Harshaw was killed by an , ex -
pr ese train at Comber, while trying to
av old an spproacblrg freight.
John McAinsh of Guelph township,
age d 83 years, died from a dose of Paris
gr een, taken with suicidal intent.
A Gracd Truth express was derailed
near Woodstock, ard a cumber of pad -
a angers i fared, but not aerionsly.
The average man may know when he
• has said enough, but he seldom has sum -
dent self-control to put the lid on.
The list of great buildings in New
York now numbers over a hundred of-
fice buildings more than 10 stories high,
of which 18 are over 20 stories in
It is said that the New York Jewieh
community is now tgie largest in his-
tory or tradition. It represents 10 per
Dent of the entire Jewish population of
the world.
Mrs. Wagner, wife of John Wagner,
of the 8th con. of Carrick, gave birth
to triplets on Saturday, August 15th.
The Mildmay Gazette declares that
the Wagner family deserves the King's
.A- "111Q 1EL X _A..
The Kind You Have Always Bong f
Front Street, Petrolia, is.to be pav-
ed with minerva brick at $1 90 per
Hamilton clients of the Meadows -
Williams Co., which failed will lose
Dorn's Kidney Pills aot on the kid
trey,, bladder and urinary organs only,
They onto backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, d!.abetes, congcetion, infiamation,
gravel, Bright's -disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
(kidneys and bladder
H. Eilber's election expenecs in South
Huron amounted to $145 06.
Rev. Jas. Bracken, pastor of Ferguson
avenue Baptist church, Hamilton, hoe
1 Nature's Remedy
La grippe,. pneumonia and intlu-
tnza often leave a nasty cough when
they're gone. It is a dangerous
thing to neglect.
Cure it with
"Nature's Perfect Blood Purifier
Cares Al Gertri Diseasca"
Harbord Street, Toronto, Ont.
Beare the
Bagdad has no newspapers in which
it would pay to advertise, There is
really but one publication, and that
devotes its columns entirely to Govern-
ment notices.
Eleven thousand five hundred pas-
sengers left Ontario for the West in
the five days of harvesters excursions,
many of these were women and obi(-
dren. It required eight trains and
about 120 coaches to accommodate
Don't be afraid to give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy to your children. It
contains no opium or other harmful
drug. It always cures. For sale by all
The imports of apples this season into
England amount to 12,000,000 bushels.
It is apparent that the Canadian export-
ers are ousting the United States. Im-
ports from Australia are also increas-
Mrs. Elsie, an inmate of the House
of Refuge, died Monday evening of last
week, at the good old age of 101 years,
The remains were taken to Zarioh,
where they were interred by the aide
of her life -partner.
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters has no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
The shortest time aroubd the world
is claimed to have been made by Lient.-
Col. Burnley Campbell, who left Liver-
pool on May 3, 1007, and on his re-
turn landed at Dover on June 13, 1907,
covering the circuit in 40 days and 1910
For a Sprained Ankle.
A sprained ankle may be cured in
about one-third the time usually requir-
'ed, by applying Chamberlain's Liniment
freely, and giving it aIlsolute rest. For
sale by all druggists,
In Pennsylvania alone there are about
1,700 fire bosses and assistant firs bosses
receiving salaries ranging from $75 to
$100 peak month; 2,200 mine foremen
and assistant mine foremen who receive
from $100 to 5125 per month. There are
also 40 inspectors, each receiving a
salary of $x,000 per year.
.Eh.ant '1P®11Yi-41.. •
Bears the The K'.^d Y. i Hale APr�a}s Bac�t�
at/tattoo /p%
A Dubois (Pa) thin of dealers in
musical instruments offered as a prize
a $3„0 piano to the one who could
write the name of the piato miter the
largest number of t; tea on a piece of
cardboard 3x4 inches in size. R, L.
Cathcart, of Clearfield, won the piano
by writing the name on the card 2,310.
The electric road construction from
Goderich to Kincardine has made zY f
fairly good start, though the scarcity of
teams was a big .aana:cap against the
directors. However, times are now
looking up, as tears aro being procured;
from London, and other points as far
from Goderich. The road is being pre-
pared inside the fences and outside the
tenets, and one has only to travel be.i
tweets Sheppardton and I intail to see
Met the connecting link to join Godot.
ioii tend 1 incttirtlifle is being male,
Your Food Disagrees.
You're Tired—Lifeless.
Skin Is Yellow.
You'll Feel Worse livery Day Unless
You Brace Grp (►arca. The Best
Treatment is Eerrozotte.
Every day comes the ;cod news of
wondertul mama with Ferre zone
In Peterboro it worked marvels for
Louie Meehan—put right on h s feet—
made hien entirety well.
"About three years ago" says Mr
Meehan, "I had the Grippe whioh left
me in a very rundown condition that
finally developed into Dyspepsia. I
vette enable to tat bat n few things aie4
bad a craving for acid I gave p treat
lug with the doctors because they did
not help an tied on the advice of a
Mend used. Ferri z me. It not only cur-
ed rue of Dyspepsia and Biliousness, but
has built up my strength to what it was
before I had the Grippe. I oan recom-
mend Fcrrozono as an ichel restore
It atrengthers the (stomach, cures in-
digestion, preveuts headaches—guar-
antees good health
Thousands nee Ferrt";one—they all
improve—get better health—look bet
rer—feel better; try it yourself—sold in
50e. boxes by all druggists.
In restoring the parish church at
Fordbam, Dorchester, England, there
was found a. slab of Purbeck marble
with a Roman inscription on it that is
supposed to be part of the tombstone
of Aristobulus, the first recorded apostle
to Britain ard said to have been one of
the seventy ordained by Christ,
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medioine. They oure Constipation, Sick
Eleadaoho, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or siokening.
The Canadian Pewits Railway Oom.
pany will seek authorization to issue
$50,000,000 of new common stock,bring-
ing the authorized capital of the cam-
pany to $200,000,000.
The merits of the Boger beet were
discovered gradually. For ages it was
used chiefly as cattle feed, but it was
not till 1801 that the first beet sugar
faotory was built in Silesia, with the
aid of King Frederick William III„
The development of the Louisiana
sulphur deposits has caused the imports
of sulphur to the United States to de-
orease from 83,201 tons in 1905 to 20;3
299 tone in 1907; while the exports in-
creased from nothing in 1905 to 35,925
valued at $734,749, in 1907.
Confidence in Dr. Chase.
The wonderful confidence which peo-
ple have in Dr. A, W. Chase is founded
on the reliability of hie famous Receipt
Book and the exceptional curative pro-
perties of his great family medicines.
For example Dr. Chase's Ointment is
the only positive and guaranteed care
for every form of itching, bleeding and
protruding piles.
• Shewfel's general store at Armow
was robbed on Wednesday morning, the
safe being broken open and about $200
secured. A large quantity of stamps
were secured, the post. office being in the
same building. No clue to the robbers
has been obtained.
Bears the , The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature 4
s•of •� '
Fewer New Yorkers own their own
homes than the residents of any other
city in the world. The reason is a
simple one; the land is so valuable that
none but the very wealthy can afford its
purchase. 0! the 391,697 families living
on Manhattan Island only 16,316 hold
title to the houses they occupy.
The friends of Perch Mcllwain, eldest
son of Mr, Robt. Mcllwain, of Nile, will
regret to learn of his death, which oc-
curred at Goderich Hospital on Sunday,
Aug. 30th, after 17 days' illness with
typhoid fever. Deceased had lived in
this vicinity nearly all his life, being
about 22 -years of age, and was very
mach liked by all who knew him.
General regret la expressed at his un-
timely death.
Many people mere a mistake in think-
ing that tete only (. i.,•o of a pill is to vi000
the bowels, but a properly prepared pill
should act beneficially upon the liter and
the entire glandular and secretory system.
This is just what _lill,urn's Laxa-Liver
Pills do, and ay their s1rcitle alterative
action euro Lives Complaint, L'ih > i ee.ia,
Tau ndire, Co est t.2°i n, Fie t t'nt:ye
Heartburn, llew.d tone re 1 til, ia, `i\'t .:r
Itra ;lt, Catarrh et' the Stomach, Coatt..3
Tongue, Foul Breath, and all d.s3a..ca
ar si:,g from iinpur'itiee elegaing tli0
They aro small and easy to take, and do
not gripe, eelten or sicken. They may
bo used was a mild laxative or a strong
purgative aecord:i.g to the dose.
Price 25 tents a vial, er 5 vials for a $1,
at all dealers, or readied direct en receipt
of price by
The T, Milburn* Co , Ltd., Toronto, Ont.
Folire who tiro willing to go to heaven
alone are sore to get lost on the way.
A loan has gr° made for diva co if bit
wife vet uses to ho.p htni with the home.
0; canna von are no hotter than your
fellow titan, but som•-how he is altars
jaet a little worse than yon are.
There ie no a rouse for dealing aoa"
from home, Monty shou:a be sec ut
in the locality in which it is made,
otherwise the growth and Meer 41.1 of
dis'riots ie rtnpeired The an'^dutn of
ti o e p ople who bur on credit in must,
and outside for oath, cannot be too
strongly condemned. The merch'rrts
know what they have to contend with
in outside competition and oonsega-rtty
Matt tbinga ;ivivti to the lowtet 1)%t i ct;
l,tfoe go that if they cannot obinia can
or its equivalent in value, they suffer I
loss. Assist the merchant so far es lies
in your power to take advantage of
every trade discount by' giving him the
Dash with which to do so and you wilt
find that every effort put forth in tbie
way will redound to your ititereats —
Mouetary Times.
A T. availing Alan's Experience.
"I must tell you my experience ou an
E et brand 0. R. & N. R. R train from
Pendleton to Le Grannie, Ore., writes
Sam A. Garber, a well-known traveiieg
man "I was in. the smoking depart-
ment with some other traveling men
when one of thorn went out into the
coach and Dame beck and said, 'There
is a woman sick nate dearh in that car '
I at once got un atid went oat, found
her very ill with cramp cnlio; tier hands
and arms were drawn up so you could
not straighten them, and with death-
like look on her face, Two or three
ladies were working with her and giving
her whiskey. I went to my suit case
and got my bottle of Chamberlain's
Oolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
(I never travel without it), ran to the
water tank. put a double dose of the
medicine in the glass, poured some
water into it and stirred it with a pen -
oil; then I had quite a time to get the
ladies to let me give it to her, but I suc-
ceeded. I scold at erce see the effect
and I worked with her, rubbing her
hands, and in twenty minutes I gave
her another dose By this time we were
almost into Le Grande, where I was to
leave the twilight I gave the bottle to the
husband to be used in case another dose
be needed. but by the time the train ran
into Le Grande she was alright, and I
received the thanks of every passenger
in the oaf." For sale by all druggists.
Sunday evening, Aug, 30th, death
claimed one of Clinton's pioneers, in
the person of Mrs Samuel Cook. De-
ceased, who had been afflicted with
paralysis for upwards of six years, and
confined to the bed for practically, the
whole of this time, Dame to the country
from Nottingham, in 1854, and had re-
sided in Clinton, continuously up to the
time of her death. She was a very
devoted Christian of the Aeglican faith,
beloved by all who knew her. Besides
a surviving husband. she leaves three
sons and four daughters.
Few People in Wingham Really
Know How.
Slow eating and regular meals is of
great benefit to a wrong acting stomach
Those who suffer with indigestion and
weak stomach can with care and the use
of mi-o-na stomach tablets restore the
digestion to a healthy condition, so that
they can eat what they want at any
time without fear of distress or suffer-
After a few day's use of Mi -o na
stomach tablets, the headaches, dizzy
feeling, drowsiness, bad taste in the
mouth, coated tongue, flatulence, sleep-
lessness, distress after eating—all these
symptoms of a weak stomach—will dis-
appear, and perfect digestion and good
health will be restored.
Walton McKibbon has eo much con-
fidence in the power of Mi-o-na to cure
indigestion that he guarantees satisfac-
tion or money back. Price 50 cents.
The Kincardine Review says: Our
friends in the country districts when
they feel like complaining about their
school taxes ehould contemplate what
others' have to pay. A comparison
with the town of Kincardine is illumi-
nating. Our tax rate this year is 26
mills on the dollar. The school rate
alone is 101-, mills. The whole munici-
pal tax rate of the township of Kin-
cardine is only 71 mills. The school
rate is 2:a. mills. The municipal tax
rate in Huron is less than six mills and
the school rate less than two mills.
A remarkable test of ecduranae was
recently made in Denmark to demon-
strate the relative value of food 'of
beefsteak and bananas. An energetio
advocate of fruit diet, chiefly of bananas,
aged 43, offered to run a race with a
flesh -eater around the Island of Zealand,
vowing that the bananas he had eaten
during the years since he became a
frnitarian ensured his victory overt -shy
beet -eater in the Danish capital, r'i.
groeer'a assistant, aged zi, was present-
ly selected as tho upholder of beefsteak,
and for two days and a half the miniere
kept abreast of each. other, The banana
man flagged, and when, after nearly
five days, the youtag grocer arrived at
Copenhagen, having finished, the tri-
tmph of the beefsteak was such that the
'butchers of ',A*ealand, to mark the joyful
event, presented the victor with 'a silver
bowl, And now bananas area ding on
the banish tnar'4t.
Druggist 1IeX1bbon Is Having
Spioncti:1 Reports from Hyomei
In'r& tba poison germs in the air you
bleat':.. that et•eetes and feeds catarrh.
Ryonttd simply oatches these germs on
their way to week and destroys them
Tait fi et wreath of Hyesnei air hells all
catarrhal noise,
Tbt, makes the air you are bretthiog
inward he'pful, it goes on its way
through the air passages, bronchial tabes
and lunge charged with germ destroying
pewor that cannot he resisted, it soothes
and Biala th3 wounded and inflamed
tee re. o:
That to why Hycmei is so instantly
help'ul for Noy distress of the breathing
Yrfe't'ist ^,tan, orotlpt knenohitisi i9tilinn
.1e6:.•,ed l;rentnonla, they* aro the
germ life that Hyomei kills.
Complete guaranteed outfit $1.00
S rid by Walton MoKibbon, talk to him
about it
A twelve thousand bushel grain
elevator will be erected at Kincardine
by,pr:vete oapited on the Wellington,
Grey and Bruce Railway.
Dr. Leroy S. Chadwick, hneband of
Cassie Chadwick, who died in peniten-
tiary to which she was sentenced for
colossal frauds, filed a petition in bank-
ruptcy. He places his personal debts at
$1•,750. Debts contracted through en-
dorsing notes and cheques for his wife
he i,laoes at about $650,000.
Tho Wiarton Echo Iast week put.
chased the subscription list and good
will of the Hepworth Journal from W.
Buellauan,who is leaving for Englehart,
where he will conduct a publishing
house. Finding it impossible to make a
financial success of a paper in a limited
field sir. Buchanan decided to sell, The
Thedford Tribune has discontinued
publication. The publisher announces
t hat after seven years of effort, he has
given up the struggle and has conclud-
ed to shut down. The Laoan Sun has
also discontinued publication, owing to
not being able to collect their anbsorip.
tion accounts.
Robert McIntosh, who died on Sat-
urday, Aug. 29th, at the residence of his
son in Huron T°p., was the youngest and
last surviving ohild of a family of ten
born to Hugh McIntosh and Bessie Mo -
Kay, of the parish of Reay, Oaithnes-
shire, Scotland. When a young man, in
the year 1859 he emigrated to Canada,
coming to the Twp. of Zorra, where in
1862 he married Alexandrina McKenzie,
second daughter of the late Wm. Mo -
Kenzie, who survives him,and has proved
herself in sickness and in health a faith-
ful and worthy helpmeet. With his
wife and eldest child he came north in
1863 and settled on lot 3, con. 13, Ash-
field, W. D., where he lived and labored
until 1898, when failing health com-
pelled him to sell oat and retire. ,
A very unexpected death took place
on the iltB con. of Hullett, on Friday
afternoon, Aug. 27th, when Mr. John
H, Govier, a most highly esteemed re-
sident passed away in his 56th year.
Deceased, though not in the best of
health, had been plowing in the morn-
ing, but feeling poorly had gone into
the house. A doctor was summoned,
who prescribed for him, and he was
quietly resting, not appearing to be
other than somewhat exhausted, as he
had heart trouble. Mrs. Gooier had
gone done cellar, and called up to ask if
he would like some milk, but receiving
no reply she hurried up and found him
dead. Deceased was a quiet, unobtrusive
man, who enjoyed the respect and con-
fidence of his neighbors and the com-
munity generally.
For Diarrhea, Dysentery,
Stomach Cramps, Colic,
Summer Complaint, Chol=
era Morbus, Cholera In-
fantum, and all Looseness
of the Bowels
There is no Medicine Like
It has been a household remedy for 63
yet}rs. You can always rely on it in time
of need to do just what we eltiim for it.
Do not allow an unprincipaled drnggiat
to palm off a cheap substitute on you.
.The genuine "Dr. Fowler's" is mann,
factured by The T. itIilbru'n Co., Limited*
Toronto, Ont.
"I have used Dr.
Mrs. Robt. Rahm* Fowler's (Ext. of
13urketon, Ont., Wild Strawberry
writes:— for diarrhoea, and
I think there is not
a batter remedy to be found, ad 1 have a
largo family and all subject to it. I
would not be without it in the house as it
is a quick cure, and ° the only thing' that
will oute thoni."
A quiet wedding took plaoe Wednes.
day, Sept. and, when Rev. James A.
Anderson, 13 A., united in wedlock's
bonds William James Dore, G. T. R.
ticket agent and despatcher at Goderich,
and. Florence May, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, N, Dietrich. Bride and groom
were unattended, and the only persons
present were the parents of the aontraot.
ing parties and the groom's brother and
the bride's sister;The groom is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. Dore, of Mitchell, and
his brother, Norman Dore, travelling
r.uditor with the Grand Trunk.
A farmer in Iowa onoe sent hie boy to
tcwn with a sack of potatoes but after
lingering around town all day, 11e °awe
home without soiling them. When ask-
ed why he had not sold the potatoeaa he
drlswert d; "No one naked me what I
tad in my saok." There are many
merchants like that boy. They have
plenty of goods to sell but fail to tell
what they have in the sack, If business
men expect to make sales in this day
and age of the world, thoy must open
their sacks and, expose their geode to
public gaze and be oontinnally shouting
their merits.
There is more Catarrh in this notion
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and uutil the last few
years was supposed to be inourable.
For a great many years doctors pro-
nounoed it a local disease and presgribod
local remedies, and by constantly fail-
ing to ogre with local treatment, pro-
nounced it r incurable, Science has•
proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease and therefore requires eoueti.
tattonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manfaotured by F. J. Cheney &•
0o., Toledo, Ohio, is the only conatitn-
tional cure on the market. It is taken
internally in doses from 10 drops to a
teaspoonful, It note directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer gee hundred dollars
for any case it fails to euro. Send for'
oiroulars and testimonials.
,A.ddreo': F J, CHENEl & Co., Toledo,.
Sold by Drngoists, 75o.
Tako Ball's Family Pills for con-
Within two years since the great
earthquake which undid San Francisco.
that berate city bas put $100,000,000 in-
to building operations, of which, accord-
ing to trustworthy statements, all but.
$4,000,000 came from local sources.
We are sole agents for the celebrated SCI ANION COAL,
,t which has no equal. Also the beat grades of Smithing, gannet and
+ Domestic, Coal, and Wood of all kinds. always on hand. -
+ (Dresped or Undressed)
Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
t war Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. "taa
r Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. • Mill, No. 44,
Od9.46•4044A+•ee+.44raawaelaier. .444494104114.7444344444•44064.44.1-
•Ot. °
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been snooessfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medioine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
and anyone having' live stook or other
articles they wish to dispose of, should advor•
tise the same for sale in the Tibias. Our large
oiroulation tells and it will be strange indeed if
you do not get a customer. We can't guarantee
that yon will eel' because you may ask more
for the article or stook than it is worth. Send
your advertisement to the TIMES and try this
plan of disposing of your stook and other
Orders for the insertion of advertisements,
such as teachers wanted, business chanoes,
mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact
any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or
other city papers, may be left at the TIMES
office. This work will receive prompt attention
and will save people the trouble of remitting
for and forwarding advertisements. Lowe
rates will be quoted on application. Leave
or send:your next work of this kind to the
If a man oan write a better book, preach a better sermon
or make a better mouse -trap than hie neighbor, though he
build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
path to his door.—Emerton.
Get on the path to the door of the
Times Printing Office
3 wf
Where mouse traps are not made but .1
Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
• materials and machinery are used,
Z and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
• characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
• where good printingis done cheap;
• where the kind of printing is done
• that will lead the*world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
11.4:4014. 3 414403 i33 0.I110.1.1�«134.0.
Good Prillting
or by calling up 'Phone 4,