HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-06-23, Page 24 -
"Mo % lit 0 IhAv�
_u �
Wlis AS, ;Tqjsponde*� intA, 14 or A
sfe4tch, tor'.da�,' uegdg, A 4 bqt,*
e continuc�,� 140, Ja
L y). ay e
IL .''D
'MuseO I ye e
4 a p
a,,1�1I9,1,11p,ii, the, Cossa6ki
hd�'44pji;Aiase: ar14 ..drove,.
:,Vn t4o ni4lit Ofjuxie - 2, Southwest JK
A01i filop, their, pqsitjon�
LOCU, ff
1.A, K E,,.
�Wq. lost,
fW men., . o appse
�e: jqpi. -pre
'41�4 �90 horsesV,
wed,� vf Wh` h,
o.r. und d
roe ,Jes., ecovi.
tug 'PoS,.Acrqs
ve , "' I '' S, UnW'at .400, &VI
mper�r Xiq40.ai_bap Xe0i 4
;kwsx. IN so
"'to. - - ". . I A,
loet"', 1.40h, lop ovo
77" U T4 d R
F and: Sixty
_0se. i od
ic�-xo*ll% deso�fd
C" .e re J o i, an
10, 1.0, 0 le
ted lil
!'Thi Tbkjo� cagi
qvit'neo Of . two,� A, T46 t�o*-
Vattle ooi, th,4,-� 4
,,�e: 13
which� J�as returned 14) Y" ri ngifig, Up q^Bo'diis�",O
divI493w- 'was 4440V#04 PI? .149, 'to be I
01IJ: "pill ad- ,roo.orts that She ��,Oq
aiitjaj�" -, ,, ON wer".-
ai.W k
The., _Alntoed _t - -
_V4111eilux" ore" at 0, p. in, Nvq
A-. Ol",
14; y
-4194g,itlie, valley.b,' thc� W�A�o 0 iro,"
f 'a. �- -0
nd P. The
by the TA_, Val Q Aid the..
y., ralloporti, Hitg*
zig -by the�*,WA
n '.0
'was a, qe 00'
Ph' X Lilitsiatu g andthe' itilpy.,, j�nd Me
�Pa was; dA in' _bipft Ulia
bflih 01 �s 'With JW
�pying, ' thia,- VAJ
UP; 10emy'lialtod7woo -'t6ps, twere A
Do- st
pstw, The -,%Ye
:tp.jb�,,, 'S
0 -he$ southwArd, pf Varideli,qu., Hino.-tight.ed tjlp
from, I
t -she'turn
have �Ipqt f 44tailed ..mfil iad�
the- Morgue,,
7_177- -7 m
ran, 411�;41P,11411.e ,a wqAtzi.�ngfo.-tilc mlA
-bbilt `j
i n ati i 0- 0 6 u rL'j 4 0 1 a U
A, Tcherb&akiin' and'' sevdr 1. ptildi inside the Island, Chi�t,: Bpjh �si�uailed ,-��cw )�ork',Yeport.:, ',NVhen. the dread'- cum, and in'tbeir pdgt�riaj articles - -0XIN
a pro wgrq
danger to the, 0 1 Q egeall , ed,* G ener hyL VI
wounded. 1bu,'Whicli: itl al, Slocum distipter N ' r; as 1� keen Sense. symp t
'of the
"Acvordin6 - ence," Ao The the'-ftitaeki and sailed the hor ible' a ;r
be i Hi p th
P I-` , , - , I _
Ort. 'Arthit 6 tackled',
t jntol�g 40 Ea fully'told,*lien tl e1ast blac the meric,, n people in r�j
-ittivajidd of �f'hq Jft from, f3i4yen ar4und'by thl�,Rjj�
kenedb6tly d Alt, which, f6r,grim and ilaournful.con.
n vessels, b,
tra�t idt
�Pasa was obseryed,,tQ+ late AS unknown. ulk" b ween -WO -Y,,A nf an,.triigedy
Thet loss. of lifeI -will ri m,4i
e igavy rs f Hell Gtite...give is con�i. ered t
d to 'a n a me
tfie bu�heil, h
slit been, 'takdn f6m
".0 probably N I and th swift,wate, 'b -ta, d
T ge ralStaff has received the- 161-,
he up, their deail, the. eatagtr(�R em,
Ch ill take
wing- despat ,� dated* June 13�
E e.'
lace as
o4t1d;r A,, de4pat�li.t the tbe,,ccm��j-jad -F GHT1 ON, 4 !the, Dark 'Sid
Lofido from OT4 R
merchantmen stw� V M j 0 ol .. its p 9�post appallirg� thkt, has,
a, or-G..Oneral J�arevit h
'EXPiess, -1ro the apane eiltrAnce to, thia and oce rred -waters! oil, B4t. there: is darker' side"Iti
ever it
39 in .buring the nights of Julio. 11., in. the inland,
)I b F;Tiug-:, Heard - in the Direciio f.
19 -,the, japazipse att��4q,T _#�v 0(k
b jar or. freid tit. e a
Th f
.;5 �pt id to, be. -the in vitable
9 . o egress comes too 'Posts, ..pear , the viqlageii of ' Utiaten, �,',_ta R �_,i life.eqnniit y6t. be givbn,'. That, more Seqompanimplit,
ZLqt yet, been qMcialli usians,in Xea
publi8h of al late to,, permit f an.,'efrect` on, the: south of.'.Wafangt�eu atand ovo aJI � grca6
ic�ory.,pea -04 1 6. -for; 'the 1-s- -iblel of
great apan sef,. N of �hq� Japhndm,' Fijing tha, 500; erc,ba -been fie evidence of-, a chaiac-
w�, opera ions 'at pctly.:, in. the d
r Th has, b6c�n hoard. d i er spej
on -the Tal Woyio Seventy' ihilep. ;x Well; guns and Stores: hkve practfeall, Pas, weio'repulsed.:with 100. eP* ce'rtainty,. bkit )low utic
orth 09 tion of. XAi 011,011, si in exccgp� .'of MOtigh to fast�ii it. upon indi.'
all 'been "landed, and- Admiral Togo- is I '4The saxie niah it ter Ilght ..nee. 10, o'clock --la t luals and" perwit of �punlsha
. . , . '' " . f. 1. C Ing last t VI(
-it is ad 1e n
TheRus ansi7 ent, � bui
keeping' ill, remnants of,the.,�L Alip -un il mornijig� our 'nigh hat number I stievivars and, eye-wifne�sos
were qyqr t Tifo- batteries� qf �artillery qush- hat,
,,w,hplmed� lost'a iliousguilt, The'sqc�, , e say
J��P, nese 3 lit pg
mprisolliad in Port'Arthur. took o' 9s4ssi6n "of the pass* arid. through fo�rn at midnight. is4ig." 'colunin Is some brutal acts of selfighnes
ijtussiin fleetI b known Whe the (in
a Jana C �V-;
�Jlqjiguns.on the field,,and Last loliday idghr, th �!j�kdiv!i�JoA of. �y
ej _L
�L ,6ar LA _the��ig -th
r -losses I -distcess 607ed--14 ordqri thesel, nocturnal vere §eeu, and that g"s- from
_jhA � Al _w
7reported . to be nutrellixig. to vurdlsy
the,, V
a 'b b 'destroyers, succeeded'' re were, four. so] iers killed, and' Chou' yestekd to -day
;P . li thro*ugIL the darly
Fg, orpedii- oal of takut
T!a8liou ii� rL 'ad work'�f exploring the Slodum's liut.i One t, a big
'd ftk,'f6r the,, purlidse he Wrqlng bq�f ivere disre-arddil by
aiaching Ing flip_enemy in the rear. it' paming craft or
18 wounded,
eiries. of min*6 Thd
vening of June- 8, "tively wetit n and j6pin'dock- io.3norgue the vhfte Llil jassed thi bu han the
stait oroes,
-h" -a ne ngrg� addi and planting -al 'i� "During the 6' L known, that the 6dies -in-Ah"cinityo Ad-pro,cessio.n. -0
ese yes$. Is -the neigh�!Drhood,,'of'Oiita'ch'et-' 'HdIf are at i[ai Cho, 'an 1he in er its pitiful load, Won' ard, and did -not even lacken
the -ros n V
sauce in
ur. e miles northeaSt of' Alyang-Me- About, tw'enity.luils ca$ loi t ":0aclit'
ht;UwArd od from tbii. oyer
served,'and ret' Aa, -ten he mor&e at V
river front, to. the
Thihichao and'. Kaiq�. u 'a ig A ,hb c* law he foot speetl. At6rdin
he 0 sus un as compinies en re o cc num 'a, 35, 00'..
t cited' by. 1,wo f a 6W
ri Club, and a flag indieutimg .1tat the own -
of a iai�e ed An. forcing opshtks There ire'
lid Slit
S io 1A after a hand4o4jand
j.er -was not'on board,, and
-Poft rthur. A pri- os o se wreck, gie Slocum she Aebred �ver to the ivest-
u a rc�l of the -waters,
"SQUADRON. fight e Ittird the
g 4�
STOCK I t m ukaw
coot says t. e.Iireso t e I
ing to hf6rination 3,000:'Jap rres on o em bovejo;' whil'Pin -her'
She 9118dllit."d ig 7belti]I 31.01aing the a the ar ,not bf of &A ' ivo e i gh4iily quo6t.
R e, 0 iLrehiiik.ifoi'thw.ardl,,t6wariI
with binticu-
A&' e. III 'ne s,. III ge a, man
Ita Action 0 Jes still in the, holl t
081 on; Xiikii c ory Reports. is, to ussidns',,, who c e'Ar a
ti di t' ettin' nc ro r e b
ITS seyes,wate e4,thc,vesse urn...
ppo' the oorrcs- of t 'to
)luayensiang2l ive
��Vlid fQ4
r' L, e urned �essdl'accordinj -tw i 'jEyen more -hortible'than thisgi6d si
are not, waft d MT
E ivors'- and Wreckers, but the river As flar Sets Of iric ness is, a
�Tokio, cab e.:'
F101it 'OCCU-JkR` D. gly ts
gly at! h
the redible, L-Allous th
Liad fol16wi cor6,Poh&nts4i -pre arin :,to -
Sabin, Vladi loqk'M't comAbt;6 the Iii;t. 116�v -mini
g .1 st6q. of Miss wh
in oharge of Admiral.. Martha Weirk,
vostock.isquadiloh, 0, Says, -
ftihtiiig 6* va%ri t ]a Trying To,. Driv9 oferring ,death y. 'drbvm1ng to. the,
the are. pr b'
she �gtiuggled in' the witer
a, ou, 'd gow thet.wMle
Skrydloff,' ma q a descent Up6n� Oki
O&S! ak rene. rd agony,6f'death b- fife,went over', tie
rax never o.,xise again, uring-the
orea, t I . F. � boxt'dre�w, alongside' Qf her, and th� menr
L-. -� the Strajts'�of id t
ed- to -da' ONE HVNDRE1i`,TH0'V` 9N d `-aftbr strippini;1 f -h -
SAND MI. er 6 er'rings and.
details� are' obtaiiiiibicii Nit u elieved id - have 'captured :Lon on.. opones 'shed
isiel' f6
there. are. d oc radi) of the Vc te beach,' will th ''-I
o er jewe ry, pu. her back* ffito,'tbe,
ie"L ent_.,4thd_the- r a Fly nevWbe il
8'. press-cor-, -lio- : " 1. ,
Th- 0- e a
t 11� gck,dn rt -Arthur- on
4 respoiidenti3.--muzkled,�*�thdire.�is us:w.ate -of
*j,-jces§f u1�,AesttqyAi*-thjree' ujaui I era been. rifled:
the absence of any fficiall o iof clteidating,11id' fra'" ` -itarj.'Russiail b' ut a: FbAnighf- ingly.give ,
r a gmei
ing. pl�ls.
aThe RuSbian: casul. t1iiiiitittiVe , icc6un the.sor the. rqports of fighting north of the,line,,the. fil his pockeis, con't;; as found,
f tie of 0 r St.,
Squadron, it 'iq only � pp,94: I' Japanese . have "A Chefoo: cable says'i,'Frorna, re:
a I the" Lio� Pilot Van 6 erer;"said to -day,
Source it, is- learned that � the Jap- 1',epor:: en,
ing , yestordsty.,:Wero di4wn acr6s
oundi N�rto, send - what, appean'to,:be _tho Tung Peniiisplk -front Pill ndidh; . to! I b
ise 'f rof qion�[ that 'be couldI16t dock.,the xesae,, e-
'60 inch tin'the U* r', ad. .'The lap- 'h
'f nloit'reliabld,of hot- nunie'ro ;'Gon Itouropatkiri ese- ad�600 e ai
ualtidi� r poit us. repor.z.. merely de- ln§u;.jt te, Alto Ung. V it orth, k t r A I I use aJ1,.-of'bef.-1awqdr§ w6re-burneil.
i'was: �'Wlh�n,l'flrs diidov-
Abat'it, is: their intentfou,'to u4c.-Jo'd000 bid
Ah 3orth*91-d:':`wo Pe'n, n � days 'a�ro. It'. Is' b6lieved or The iiquadron,'�rioortie& to coW319t.of 'the inent bil , IT -is, statemen
at io 8 f, he ill -fit,
-q es iwat6d_ *ed -'the' �ris�encb. -�df fir6,:o,:n,ih6 steamer
-and Gromoboij.. ic i at
uten, in tic -attack oil Port Airthur—Poi. wi's:buzzled �c talmi t�dock
ate, coming to Opine accounts, of":,% to number about, 39;000 Then, and: a-Ae-
diiebtiou bf T 46yuisers; Rurik, Rossia drda ur 'and
'it,be ore tney
spa c row' f sixt tl 'b liad,, den , etheliqw-and: SiblY 'it will-be"a"fortnig) _�r- triep, o
s rjg �5 10nis. mt 1 -was �in-
force of fiqt4II%.of:toipddIot bdW rived 'up I -could,find, Vjjif� in, -a`,'
t It' fi moni(
i91,o'dlbck,, to f, this fe'expeet
a�,qijlel ed, -mPdt,tb,,
r'y' day iw"the S '0 foi the ropes which we. -
i t 11itil-been identified b'
�ngagoulen 'l-Onsued;, aii& according' 'message. The harheal of A The mihiber of.* mli"
s6iinds 9 of cannona. ing''wero 1eard, ing v -bi)rn
Die of: ille 10 NvAs e;ilployed in. the ina,z . '. .
dl ell i -6s,timated' on , - I , TV ti6d,:pp biil-been
ddspitchos,fght'ngLI'4#o. 'o: 1ort'Artfiur is authority. init� of-, 400.' IIs -
0eii'decided to-makdjor'tbe�fl�sf pbirit
thd.lapab�se-and Cotean. coasts., I is il ages menti [led aro.difricult to 'idcn� uting, �tlre ..day- 203: 'appe , ars2 to- ior, th t , t ie. -epars -0 D
Ading': a I'along the Ifib, . t 1. 11 -1 t
the'.Jlipinese tif Y, but"if;*asit be 'Wifalil- h1 �yars ii er flan4�-�rhere th'cio
�;otnrorcqmepts. IrZ that :� ')� to !to "it
ic isaine as ps �0nly:poiigisfo& of �als.. After oi� ti thL. .'he IkU8�iau beach the thig, 1 (lid., The
the Islail kin'6, §P ment it, was found"hi -man 640s that..
Wafafiggow onsistin- ofthree infantry' seene'�,of, the",sorVide' light reptitd, by placing' dam- preence <)f al6ni:'r 'slid're
d cUl r e
d t d made ies.,were e
va :between thc,Isjqnd,.,of Tsushima e I ar
Gen. Stalk-ebbyrg': cali We 4sily -jocatoill ilge prts.' Ther
if" e, J mpoq
'It, is iepcirtOd that 's
divisions 7411 h I , it , P-� for, The. t6 ch
jvi -it
Jiipavesd max R.- t6. also i.!)l � be t'
assa iver is appAroutty"Adentitial, daniagied rib%` prevent,their g'oivg, ficinic, and. they -e
sooner thart I di I"
e lips at Easebo itad. thoie* wh
h fapailese w6aisl i ' Q!
q;jg' to; the, ulloW'd to Aepart.,: Solve of �ssel: Any
Nvith the Pili iver, which entd'rs viotio LILIMC FeFU
at. bf tbe'. fleet of. TC111alli'lil 10,13p 1�,.
9X,,Clit�* AT, ll_a�fen ed in" the arection of r th hoWevel",
e sti I in.
-itic .'. dbridition.
'gross,, w o. iy' I -of kt ei
tile' an4':that.' cruiser Xitakn�' h as,: Wiiunde�d comma .ten
lc*cen r.0 'Interest F..f he�i -Slo",
AftAirs in %the Fa;'; East Assuming, a Ciit- u pals e
Fii;st,-,Ea§t vSiborjn 'Itiff "Brigaile.
encountered the.Russiam off�.Ttushinla. M list illf
rn dilkstdr-1mrit y Aaium
St.-. gj ca 0 slum W.11tryilig itir'thwdrd, X0,6 of the :amts peo L.N� f''' �_ �L
iLged., but. jit -lat repqr A was. i
A h an.
at pilm ing baeki_tlic thattile pie', visited, the;, buildill:W, mit i
I esthilali , e war� to �dqp'in tbu�jx with tfie d o1I le: hi -lit th "bee'
n-,- ppL
T ies as reig da:�. u ion,in,
-hed- therb.'_t'XiV' aVor .61. the- -garrison at
t f il�ftd 'given b' 0� T -he -intivement Sllp7 .9ays. the Al gt.qn,..tb0 Pr6siden f The la�ds f orn,;erl v xe'servc I alona the
With the 'Ond'olinter'' between' thet, 'op. provloWAy. IiODu gicht6V -by rhe, dilinq, j.na D'�. D, n
Bbard of. os IVA in
hi'mnln6C.afid heav hght.' Y: oaili� nanie�. of the; ��Afgoffi'� Ce.Aftil have. Sians, who.1wilsudd t�Fmi� 'firing.. :posed made ili. co,operati, h
A06ii shots,' -b ?api T por
is. 'to' hi v�'-rc(zked, or', it 'throWn open
-proa4rss south of Vifan lAt'-the ttans'p s- reacheck Gen, itfirciki�:'althoiirrli by e f the timate a-
Sill -A. rue bill. was returned-.agains . os -
latter no unge- not,. bii.,' cofirit
(Liko Tufig pninsulaiI.aboiftt�55-l' wiled 46, i's advancing rom sg*i 6il i ties of 1,2�0:
Ratsumoto'.safely that I' , 1\ t, t
Arthur.'J c o, er..a led. Jt egl6ul th
lin says -that -Y
two "Japanese. ivisions tooli his Mr. Ifispi 0 .,.the lj� rjur
36tor, 'established' by, he Japanei� . r6aching Sl=S intci66�te& "t io, e -trial.
ito ---laden. apapeae n4L Y I ,by :Gn!��Kdur6patk sixiiit-& ?itSe;Vo_ t .1 car- y 1,00,0- 'haire made ni�re stri I ull SIO
Obe nitinber. it n I'
huent aw
Pirt Adaws),�n.ews both froni the lind The. stedinship,-Ibuii, MiTu, which left. �119' ay' Mail lengy
d tfibir obje6tie,' RUSSiAX -FLANIC
ssume,, fig. sec'ondhAna
it is it A
hnd.te- was awaited -i6th feviarish Tv foi:Bakan at 16'p. -in Jupe IA� Te-, and theii rogress � wariTE 0 k� Allin
a ie y�, turned at �"m The ornpany *jll see
ieves ldday�,.td-djy; flying 1- the i -that: pface is iitt6ipi' at sin
The, - general be
the' MoTgue,
th 1I :,.the. Jitianeser f9'rq t is,likely, to result in thb- severest light- -Turned by thi apailesia ir"pi, W
ILen4 WkmnskiI age,�. tom '�Jie.ptyners of'.6he'Cape r -
'-'Gen.- erilems to be FighiL to'tho _Aorgtie to -try. ton,for the simkingfthc�Canada.
,enemy A, Vessels are �on its the, `B
��&vision 'yesterday Won th W, the' ;4�.;7' The 1buri Marit iubAequ6it-, ii t Evi ently.,
s rong orce! in. the neighborhood of
the. a&anbe 16ice: of .,'Geii.... Nomis' iy reported �'seeing the ineichint 'te I-Ilintils tDomoem ydster-day nominalt�
a m
Sti� PAersburg. r, mp'cror �t' find little Wh; t
andI ounit, A b odv.
ire, army ofailaarly' 50,000 inefil.Gen., er-Ritachi MiLiu. fired.upon it, f 'h t -Niiiholas 'hics'receiv' which L.-.�B. Stringer, Lind6l
6 ed. Was mising,'
Blirbn , Stakelberg, . who' Xqne�.ou t e_,,mqny,,rcpor S,bf con6' 4, for' 00v
commands the hild.. JVan ernor; an instrueted' date
in'the mornin. Slid ajs6sa*- ki c gates to �sup-
r1r Siberian Ciirps, 4s personally. di,-' Anothei tinuous -or in,termitteut� "fighting, I tLiound dated 'Juno- Ito
t iiiner r new
:s e AuriourideO.by,�h'eRussiansis' dering from.'-phe Mor'nie-s -.po t'W,R. if ea r.4 t, f 6 i de
the, operation- af. thc� front, but P ViAiflitir"can '14'ecintirmod. Two r oc 4 � at he walked.
re ing. or n en,ggement PrtisJi litial
states that the ittiso thrbti Russ ah'' t -Fanrr Tien' (norilir %1`6it Arihiir), tbe trIn liece of.tb#,�jeirj and ination.
-16' is believed thA, -6e, maj - are Sol :; o
AnotheIl, re, po.rt. ffiswhii or portion
-me some e; sidimers iiate 6sca�ped fr'oni, P&t- Arthur%haVe, wi 4 'his' caip's. I is too fat north to r6nder - ib a`JJ`pdncse force Ailirnbering at thrii�v herself, U11 a -Obneral'.Knox
of �64 Attorney
-e.r. .Sho,
e cutive �vjuppor.. Both sides' retained 4orth of ikiihirnsi: Tsland;,souie of them reaWed Qciiei�il XouropatkiAL leas.t two'divisions, Olir Itisses:'in Wiled will lo�i n �O�t 6i7ed her if,
eir posi ioni nan Ing
th a. after the one 't' itward bound froni'MQ di a d
oun er yes. .ji, while the' spatches'., oil- fo6t� and iridludiad Coll Khostnow, coull succee ed,by'Mr..
a -o -%8,aq'- taken Wtlie bos'-Tvit 1, 'of ',t
i'tardqy. No dbubt c-itstj bore, that the :Wet t e first relyin n . I erian
c- Vorn,th occupied four das.-for�j*the 'ou'rne.', h q: resen
cut b ttl rifles -.of V6ur. Maivify, 'The iiixilshi;s W e wns',ro§umed to-daY.,. But ivith oil on them, causing grea (]all They i i6d.'as say zl&� Seciihil,
are reprisl�il of that' P
ctimpj'ptelyL priiityata(14. Ile
.,,Thiid -c ose y -invested .-but C11 �
thet �hole Atniv Gen. Jack, of definit& ntiw.q: is ttribute irch,' is
ess raizost(yff R' 0., Hayrie f
d to tb6 iortr:
.'Of 418
era,. Yr Met . in sin ii Payson or.,
b iaj -be utiablIo.'te, i e
Nozu there ls.apvrefienisitiri -and tough llC'mcutid�, an' Aghth g. rqii-mont., � T i'd - Wounded ini5lude
-that Stakiil-� fog I c arrivid �y�.dq So' Y i New yrI"'llas dis�
th moat -the tillio
itOiufi�in the No,",
GcVnaross;'iyh6 rdma' 116,disaster, under',tbe eon-� �C=�',
'field, -and CaT f tile _411
got 6gother a of the-jandr�y's citiWers dlose't.o,th6, 4ap- Pod. WnwAOt- D., care 4-,a His candit 'the' Evening,, Post,
%aufficient forcejo success Ily aneiae 6tst, is' 't'a in"g, exciltevidiit- the' it. E�rinf;Aiy,, o ion
fu gro-oiif�6 e enemr. g,ncr�, iff. Tve
n more of the Ev'
His not, n
an names a
Tilere -is con,,,iderab1,,, as, e -Ne T I c, o e i i I, A11
o arHansen, 1 11, . I � M, . .
thong clartid A�t iiot�itv'i ex. bl' d
nown. were kil 0 of' the,
.-Rioc, PLAN. a ioldivr to ittddki lie
nxiety 'r�gaiding shi X�iportant.
ippi ke.
ja i� b"I 4r, �'rcnch'Cbitinber yeAer-da card the
!known ftat tliere are urg ca Ad; 111 -10 .12 IiinA,200' i� Aig t�pr ntatit,6 I qF? e� A Wid D` m Mrs. TAt' o Shipow.hem' n 9
'borte'd yc4sels "at'' Tfie Ji'ji remained. 'y er
in i6n� unt Itimost tbe s'artilldiy' b"offilecirs (1-ilig wo Association's objoet4ojlg�,Jo th6.,
lislate and'
'2 d' ving to,. ra -.nl to ;.of "His, Tr66 s clock this'3jior t :A�glb-Ficnch treitty - ,
'that, the
onon. cable-_ th4 IS I , 1 ..
d re, ar'b of th 'boinlo I A despatch, I " el givii out qiiie't: lintil bistfi(It Aorney' arva TO
jps.arrived itt Tkisb nding.t e Jt' is lilldc6f
Xouicipatkiii Has, Md aimou h' iigfli� a thaAlex ad6r,
New-Chwabg'sg�� that 2� ,In to Daily Mail f �onl' ti hs_,a n0od','Imflor fl� d6zeii. lifo. pro
bcoan a
ne 14. on oiir -right fiank; 'lqng'tI!0' In f sorellq taken fi�'oni, 11id, Gtinerl I ng. -
he force
ythe, - flist
arlrirg� soon At Of f on] tlir�u infiiet T titer Vni
saians� drqnitivino it,otroni,
o Steamer s *ed: iiT�on' fr6m" ivhicl�l, A,ortmor;". In 1-071 Y-Wor(l ed ciiiincia:4'
or t r g an'Aftempt. t,14 nizig lie apan.6� pose q coverin - 'n-A''ifilurL .. Illoi t Wer� �;. tind d to' �t,ig thought, 1.
riong poin . 'A dewd f.1ir lmay prove o imyc becil, :a
e 0'rt, t ii. obr Short]* o r'! tory odit(
o 6 �6rk is poiiring;t,' etin )rjlsi tile don papel c3e-`
- " 'o . `
ia'ween HilIi-Ohting and -K�ichali kre'lield discover I timid tl§i, I ,
t P o I the "Coo, ction III I
t C!x d ro t I f ;Ilt tr light"hank Vic prog�n�o sot h t�vd assisfalit :.0
figlit. The 11,110" bu,j. rats 1$6di6 of P Jar, tl tt W TAIOLn'd� on t�o� ni6rping 6oll: fw 06 fac of he Cliit 6f it cii.mider 0, difwnitv,
gest numbel THilei'L frnin the & 0( nipany :art "I"
skvjtlj los�'cs afso theory, hud I'll* f` r nial... of' li, ntl Y
Doast. tirive liotlitly, brIngin,(, thein slonolow nf: m Y6�k
-e Wiartle'd at" it stories -of, fighthirt, NVIriel: ed th. in, AiliIjiont 't
cannot bc:verli froil Jrn� NI a, s' Chon nd Lmi .:WorliEptl
o A�trq Co
of. 97
t ptlo�)f .1 1
ar-.r 11,8180ig 'of, 'a
to f tlWyn '000 of '0 k1lo 04 k
1119 of clilio on wtirds a,' 8,10cil b
�jr 4 i9f his roop�, a at- A Volild
the .9 1, 8 of in, 'tlil -cdht rtighnent �of �n� it bodv,� to the''Aur unflo
149P. SttAP& D OUT CRUV 0,11 onr left ffaIflk wa.q
'At ;,tt,otf, lt r 410'.
'0 �tlip
�Vp're , ii�,l f (s Inli orkigainstw
,I" to 16 'north
1) d I sSu fl fr,6111 ull f vors io Opp: fill n _S to. I ii n FArIL 'I tyg flid `?�t lio
Voill8 �tyla tor) 0 er
11UPU0111111ulAIR UL
itr i 't TIED A
iT�Pt Thdx, UUld X 4)r oil ioft�jje i, 11(j. sa-at Ubtlao
i0 file 08,t 'Ot Ps)ft rt T Aflie
11mijan, N,
olit from tlffrt' Aft1mr, j;rnjjg lit- lip Vho, asft.".V6 ing from, t1lo, jj�i
q,094 I ii) 01, I's, 1". �Vljiojj, 11h le Vi '
it' %roal-tily white
aIre, 6'�' ff 0 "1 yail
oanwij 6011,141it Atio t1itttlyor'. nd' 1jad' smns
A .11 Tef'f"A io "llt4 that lli-iilyll� jT4 lit 'to 'purposb o o Atoji,yi-4- hn(
�tlg thti eyioftl�t to soft U, 3 to n(l, that frig, 11i (ivory femil T lit, term g., news, 103' Milt Aft&wdras, Ailthiie., , f lid fa
of Port, is lit' iWtif Por"t, Art
jl�)h 'that thd, b f," PAI 111AIA long it ectimitl to 4�X6NV, Yor
diledod lit, 'bldgtift#�� 1i tht Elio IT -of aIota
tt6yod by'ff d;vftqdY P'vpL or hptt�'%a �11%00 until lid
V4% -V
.1 P.