HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-05-26, Page 8•••, 41 • • , • 4 ••••••••••••••••• • • .• Is ;tiie' best,' • cher anglt e • scholar • one • earns trolA i'experienc lothers. • • • iiitAmsgm Mr0, il7f*Smcltzer pd'etitldren are 110010.; from Alberta. . !)1.1r, Sxneltoer. will ,arrive this week with.a, Carload, Of *feeteriaOrtiee•••• .4irtgl: ;up ctatalC14. i*noviioit acquei,eti*e.e.e,, th',-.7$11-8iSaii1;y 0:4 M. aoristo, *tol‘refo 1010.4ettemiloi to; Poit •' fikeedingzhira,,been floished keise. and neliron-Ntwiether rot crop, • „ n'tINGzir•N'ijON vouT OP REVISION.•. 4Court Of Reilalan of e,-A'Sdelsiiient Bell for the Village of Lueknow. wilkbe held at the Connell Worn, ToWaliallt LticknoWt 011.Taatuia)P eirga4ag#IkiLLY 31:8to 07.30 p. m. • * A.. 31Aticoirsoa. *4-1.tf44444.4-14444,44-* • '•. '''.Alitinitrfgeitis Of the Mellough . HOMO . .,„ .. , .. . . . ,....,.. ,, lei bovinii.W' sOMMOsliona "stable.‘re- ,•shingled, , The Work iti, being—done bY Jas..Ellatt, eirrpenter, Nile. Mrs. ,Wm: Kilpatrielr,. of ,.fisfield, 00,11071010U8 te. Oleno!a gill, after bov, .ing, an extended :visit to relotives ..iii. Chicago and 'other Paints, .007034' .•• hothe last week.'• • .,Th0-,niinaerous friends of -'Edward • Allder0Qaf 80a of.ThomaS' .4ildeisOP* Ashfield; -are pleiseci to krio.vr ;that WELL Boyerwr * ThIS STORE MERITS UR 'PATRONAGE. ••••: very evidence ,of good taste -display- • ed in our choice ot •stylish' cost *ng, 100.4,pato.,f9x..0#10,:„ 'THE ealekated•Waverlay now fist.ablished: • thimeaViest tropi!er sncl best Oland- ard eat ever brought to Canada. 50e per •GEQ liVinaham• JO are any 'different makes in prints, hut none surpaOs: ORTJMS, for - Washing 'and -wear, These are made at the Thorril1baule:Mill0., This stamp • r.foit1! you- are Ottin4 .the fight qthility. We.have al:Sothe Araeri- enn:m,ncr4,41.m1 4 La.• cand white: iThese are fast.151acks and.'give eeellent Wea + A. 1, 1, 17. T4.41:5.XV AL.13...-.0.1:XXZJEDECHIMST ' XH'TQ-S01,. • W• .• • „ .• .• • 0' *night our Ladies : and '‘ Children"cotton hoseearly. We.emi .give..the • 'best -.'10410,0 t,h0 Mark0t-affcrcls.:- 'special.Lidies'line at lloo. per . pair. :The, Bull -,..00g•and..No Mend 1)tanth. are•.the. kind for • boys . virear. . • , ]1I1 i - • • •V Don't:forget that we make a 'specialty of Litfoleunis and .floor: "and'oi Good.Oteras and all i*dths--from rto, 4 yards wide:- Nairns celebrated ma - 141401euMif at 65c a' Squafe. yard. ' Bo and see our ..gtock of . oi1_eloth and . . , • . • - • • ' nolekiins. •. . . . " ••:• 4 - „ ;rust received for the IVIillinsry'PelIarinVInt a, large:assortment of new hats. • r•••••••",i--- 100 acres of land. OomPrising the W of Let. 11, Concession. 11 E:1Diiision' Towashiti not Ashfield, Conutz.of Huron: For, partieniara addressi •••• '••• • - At..a&n,wxt,t, - 24122,E. Pie8t.,' Who 'Wants a Feria ? ' .. •.1.'have:oVor 4000 aores'o£ choice farm. land'', for 'sale;in 50..75,100450 and 200 Aimee, iota • in •Kinless, .Greenoch; Bride; , Kincardine, Huron' aticlAtihReld townShiPs: Good land With geed biiildings to be iold.cheap on easy "termii",---A."giiiia-saw.:iiiill,.for sale„ alenostier, a, eengyalie a g'00(1 ):114.01tel4ith'shap (dWella 'ing. in, connection) doing,. goodlotisiness;". for: sale. cheap.. -11:,•generalstore witialiarge trade, • ilayins on4ergono a, ‘Buo.,:461,24111.. opera..., :lioyen,viallagve; oAnbio.a larogrsan4ount 0:AboT oney, to . 1 a t 5 i° e t• r - f ther tien'ars ' :Glefl for an in ' jury • which was' •citiied: , a,OP,17 to , • . , . • .. ,. . . A MACKENZIE 'Holyrooden 4 cm accidental fall . recently, . he. is • • • - . . , ..;-. ".tbint'. far cloiog nicely and' good", hopes,: , . , . . . „ mg .r his recovery ' in the nea,r 'ftitare aro. • r speci.all ect stoc1 new spriii 4.4'0J entett,ain.o.. •,.• A. foNa11yofpliith had on ex- hibition .here a model of an, imprOved „.. • le ssakto cattail* •1:11ockalofintsc,liinertaiori'S necessary, to J bnild dwelling bouses All perenria' who.have seen pronounce ,it t� be an excellent machine for the purpose• • 1 -ie states' that it has taken abont,two . . year" to complete„.it. been eticcessful in obtaining, a'potent for' it , . • , and he deserve r great credit and pit, TIBLIC—NOTICE. fo- Iherpublie. are hereby forbidden to give •iiedit to ailYetion or -persons in my name without my wFitten order, awl Will • not 'bo responsible for .any debts contracted after the • 18th day of May,. 1904 •• , ," • JOSEPH 'DAVII)SON, . Webtford..Maf 18th. 1904. arni$ ronage. 1"1+41444444444+:1"144444*.}44+4144+4+4+4441-1-1-1-1-1-144-1444.44444****++++44++++++++++++ "- ..-004§§manaapiegpi*Iiii&eigimoiirira iTial 111 at ill ill alai ID ,131.TLLS' POR SALE. X , 0.• . • • For sale, two thoroughbred. Durham bulls 18 months old; with good , Pedigrees: 'For akticulars apply at Lot 24, Con, 2; :Huron _ .• .james Stcele, Leohalsh ,.......— e are glad to announce that we have :everything dill, • --0•-• ' people ,want in the way Of : C' Ming Material,,Coiled'Spring Wire No. 9, Black Wire11-12, ',a:oft Gal. Wire No:9-13,, . , . . . , .. American Field; and. liog.FenceTand-Staples, .Barb wire,.i'lain,tiist wire. • Loi4e1gi.i'DIty • Alliance Threivi11-o. a public meeting in, the ..1‘fethedit church. on. Nionday., •evening, at:8d, p., ,.under th.01.ituipices of the Oniario• .Lord's Day Alliance. Addressee Will' be, de- livered,. by Rev: D. R Drummond,' of St. 'ihcimas,,cenvenor'of the General ,AsseniblY committee On Sabbath, ob.'. servance; and .bY the. Ministers of the, town. •All are Welcome., suitihgs, wIreplete.: • sk to see our st,amped, Premier • . • . • .1Latesti---• tylesJ . • •.,•••••••••••• : • • ••. LI ARE INVITED: • COURT OFLItEVISIODT . • , • The Court okReviiiion for the Townshipsif • Ashfield, will hold its firsraittings on the 28til 7 cia5o.of May, 190,4'2 at 2 'o'clock p, m in eouflcll • room for the Revision'of the Assessment, roll for said toWnship,• • • •. ' •' 2Dateditt:*afeking thie-30thof April 1904, Wm.. Stoth'erl, . , . Cattle Hatimy ; Strayed from the premises, of the undersigned, let 1, con. 12,• Kinloss en or about Thursday May. 19tb •yearly Cattle, aU Split in the right ear and on the right hip a cut in the hair. Two are grey , and tlin rest red or spotted. • Any information leadingto their recovery will be suitably re- • warded. .the above have been found but one grey one.' , , „• WM.- -Stanley, .'Purple • Grove. . . , _ • la OS • • • • • • lton• • -• • 4, - • • • . • • • • • • • K li.4, I • e • - • • * O••••••••••••••••••••••••* • DEATH OF 1UCHA,11,1) On 'Mirada!, May 120i) Richard 'Martin, one of the•oldeit Pioneers of district, passed aWay at the "i?esi- 'clenco of his dinghter,, Mrs., Johnston linger*, at. the ,ripe oge of, 79 years and 7 montin His remains Were. in-. ' terrl in, gt, 'Luke's burying• gonna; Pine..River, on Saturday last, .The • Rev. �L. Mills,. ef:RipleY, conducted the'eerVicei at the benne' and at the chut,ch; preaching the' .sernion':itroni Job Tk-12..,..‘DedOise4 done to: thia countrf froin Ireland alma 1849 and has resided abontbesveari on his, fariii • 4th lin6 of Huron TO1;13ii1jg'pent seam years in.; Rainy RivOr District, Mid lately has leen living via, his dough- vred—ea, eased hint-alioiWP-Ivatt.agOr..ind.,..h0„. la imevived by three, daughtors Taylor, Rat l'ortag6; Mrs JaoktnAn Pert Arthur' -And' Mra itnaton of `:Ituron;., also ; five' • 80.08,1 ,Jot0i and 'River, Robert Of • Fort. Francis, Frederick Ato3se and'Willifunent, ;Nrest.. 'He. had o' t)le-ritOet Part enjoyed, excellent, health suddn tling affWe:S couSed . , by it paralytic stroke, • 1-W.ettotIty of and his activity Woi . oOtigOe'- 1008 tamily ittreetIba and '.worm heat ted neati iloold only lit fully :ktiow_o, to t11086 411(thad atiintirniteactinitintence, Public NOtiee The public are hereby. warnednot ter givs.credit to vy 'wife or 'aUy,rneni- tier of my family, without "niy written order; as Irwin riot be :responsible for. any‘del3ta contracted by' them, after this notice. Miller • Lucknow P.O. , . • • Sravnis° POP sale Are' you desirous of Purching NOTICE. . . Will do well to consult us for prices In Nails and Hardware. We are in the business to meet thewantS -Of the people. , • - We have the good's to do it with, lid the price and quality we will guarantee to compare with the keenest competition . • • ,. A c ourt for the•re7viston of 'the Abe. esemen .Roll for the •ToWnship of Kinloss will b held at the Township 'Hall, -IIolyrood, o Meruclay Mity30th, at 10 o'clock a. m, • • •GEO.,MOFFAT, Clerk. ' • arm. For Sale FB F3 FE al F3 FE FEIEllE FE Fa nu EETE aeemaes essasememmeses.s • .• OT 2 ton 10, Bruce, know as the High, •:INIckenzie'failmt 400 acres• at:cleared and,,in grass, ack• own. soil. Barn 45 x 00 x. 24 A won't:gists on stint's, first•class in every pgrocular, steellay tracks complete'. Henn 18 x 24 ft frame. : Orchard of one acre; artev, -an fences; '300 good rails unused. inirt Elgin 8'noiles, Underwood 3. 'chase money caneCent . bprovided at Ai per '.' Church and sohOol near by, Portion of ,pu,r- Quiqlr. purchaser Wilt get bargain, Apply' to DUNCAN' 1VicKENZIE •. Underwoed P. o. farm '1 If :so. call and sem.. lb have fifty , and one hundred. acro forme for Sale in Ashfield; West Wri- wSnOsh,' Huron and urbirtoWnshipi. These fertile have oodd buildings and, Will be inIdat bargain pripea. • Gee, A. Sidciall, Lucknoir. Sale . or Rent. , THAT commodious building knowiras . the ."Farmers Hotel" in the Village of Lucknow ,Apply to PETER CORRIGAN. ,Real Estate Agent, • • LticknoW. , -COttae for Sale „ • ,For sa19, ou Gough, street in the village' of Lueknow, it• frame, .cottage, containing; six rooms; etc:, and• ,in .good' repair. There Is. Oreeviarters .ot 'acre' of ground, With good orchard. of apple's,_ pears..•plunis, cherries grapes and splendid small fruits. Tnere is a good atible and the best of ,• spring water. The 'place will be sold cheap gr •rented to a suitable tennant. For particulars apply to • WILSON EAGC4LESON, Lupknow: •••••••••••••••••••••••••• :. MARRIED At the residence bf the officiating minister, Rev A MacKay, Tuesday, May 24th i Mr J 5 Purvie•to second daughter of Mr Wm Barr, of Kinlmia ' TO REiCT.' 100 acres of lo.nd- to, rent. sitabls fos as tine,. good?, spring water, situated . on the boundary between Huron and Ashlield. south half of Lots 27 and 28, better , known as the D R MacKenzlmfarni, For further partieto ists apply to . • ' 1111:4S. 0, McLeXeompi 1: nginear anted • • • • sirrIASITTEP • • , • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • FIE Highest "Price • • Cash paid for.Butter.:` and' EggLat the Pitoi)toE Eigroarun, 'three : ;doors 8at the 134st-1 :once.: ; •• OZ. • .014 APplications Wilt be reCeiveil hy, the under - 'Signed ttp till Monday May 30th, for position of :Engineer forzthe Towniirip oi ICinloss. By '.(;i•cler of the Crimicil, • GRO. MQVFAT, Clerk, Honse and: Land. for $al.e.: For sale in the Village of L'uottiow, a good frame house ct54 vita sere ground attached, cer.taining all lund4 of fruit, with barn and stable, drive 'lionise' and ,w01,1 P11611v Both hard mid t water. Also 4Ait, tititC8 titA.) titrlet: The notierty will be sold toithror , imSeparate lote. • For p„artiontate" 041'0'9' to the, ;Wrier; TII03, BERNS', WillOughltY 'Street, et to Mit, PEr E R Nt, Lusk now*. 0 • st • I , • MI es•oPiStiflcd We have been pleaSed to notice la,t.ely •a, great deal of talk in the shoo Ma g zines praising ',the style of ,Porthy But "Style'! is 'not what stamps this shoe: abOVe all otliis Tito 1)''ort Dodd has Most' assuredly. ' „ • , • `10,1n(11111716 /al.)* 11W14, I ' q..1..)41*.pmtioit; ' , , It is thesort of shoe that separates its wearWfvoni all ohtpprs . s eparitted,'„from peopie„.' ' ' ; ' 1 . It gives a o▪ ACIIIZT to 018 hilalaa foit, The "Stylirot wiitoorthy Dndd „ , e a118 to the fO0,t justwhat a title means—it contora aistnict403, , OxFpiktps 50 BOOTS' $3.75., ,SPECIA s 5oim MOB Pant 001Or oyeietsi uned • exclusiveiy L • • .. . . . • • . .. .. *. . , ... . , • .••• ' . . - • tii . iiii, , • ' a •.' it -t- ,. . .‘„,,, .. . ... , . . .. ' . ' ' .•:-. 0 av • ,- 4. . o . • • . .UL -4 K P4 QIN • . ' . '-: . -4! ,t5 • . . • • • . • . • "iiiiiiii,Nilli 64.4i istfil•ii Si. •••••0•04i: . . .•.