Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-05-19, Page 8'illetotkoikomout ••••••••••••16 - lift. S., Gibson is eo,Plere4I at $t. • *•:•AtipStme. , ,, , , ' • . I , • - Iliss Mary Phillips is , Ppeedieg. • ' to few days ie our midst, • . • ,•Mr. •E, Sherwood, of Gode.ri,•011 spent : Kintlay with hi! parenfs., .' ' ' • AucrOPN .04.14E8. a4otio7 -,houShild fur Pi 131C0 wjUPe held et the Inert en Camp bell, .St, at 1 o'olook on S•turde7( May. fth. . Jk•r9rVisi AuqtiOliger• .. • 11401.+4•4-11.14+f+111-141. 44 • 44 44, 444444444***. , 44**44.44444+1444"."4441* • clier andthe • ch�lar is • ....11;ep4b.0f ITO:04,i • • fMtkiiii1)14 'r „ • .• • • 3rd 4Clus—O seDlatieid * 3. Tow* ‘Clarksori''Itt Aler1. . . 2ed .•(-,)3.,Agnew, Strnthers, 17 M#9.Dietieid, 41-lbeith;.1,!Tewle t • rill'grm 7-Z:Congra, J Griffin.' , Jr Clarkson, g mounis troiceniie.. • • t. .1 Sr—F Cleric, .Pickering; E Clark E Smith. No. on roll 37... Average etten 4`• ance`34. T;IC.:311ftellebe. • : G 11 Glass, pupil a, Dr. :Torring- ton and Rechab Tandy , 'take a iheited , nuMber of voice and patio Pupils for Summer term, beginning about June 20tb. • 'For terms a,daress, ,G. ,Gless, 57 wooa.s.t. Toronto ••• Paui Fora1e PT'2. 044, •10, APO, knot '14 the *10.4‘ and, irge1:94a,, 447bitarci4.470,:m10004,Oe.liBeao.allil•lsia*ear6Qt. • .21" ft7wall-tosts 014•449041, firtetas9 itt 43Ver,,' ' nartitlijareelbay,ttlackt lo4u011.(f4C,;, garr•41; VESTOtit'UtitAe; ' an well; Tail feriCes, '309 gook zail. nahsed- iPert ,111gm• 3 Ohurcli3Oct4101,00) 00174 'POO= QE:Pilr". chase money cma,liayrov,u1, cid at• per centi !Qui*: purchaser mil et bargai: n, • ,fepply: , , . • to ' DVNCAH4M0XENZTE, ..,••• • — ITnierwOud . 40 • ...,...------,—....., HERE are Many different makes .in printse-bu ' non il surpass QUUM for . . . , • waSbing and wear. - These ire made at the Thornlibank Isti110.• This.stamP : is a KiVrantee you -axe gettin; the Tight quality. • ::tilrp have Also .the AmOri's qau cbicks in, black aud white. These are fast' blaeks and give excellentrvear. . . th • " : ii.4.: Tl#In's ., :AK' ,\I -p . diiimiPliww's i -los We bought ow I -ladies and* Chi1dre4s cotton hose Orly. Wean . give the, best '. value the, market affords. -- A vsloial. Ladies' line at 1,06 'per .palr The 13n11 a NiflAetad,bra-uds Ake the' kind for boys .'wear.- , , , . 3t4Et Dotet forget pint vi.,0 make kspecialt`y.of Litioleufas-Mul fixor- and oll,cal . % '''‘ • '-. ''''' " '' ' sIrt:MBIL) i' ,, *Good rtettis and allividthi from 1 tor4-yards-wide-...liatrie'eplebiated'Mak,o 9f :_tiinnoolieenuinm, ssat_5c a* squire yard.. ,I3e We. and See, our stook • of 0i1,01Otbs ,and , , .3szipiawit-kr .3-.3mp_e.ii;rxiivEn1\T J'ust pceived for the MillinGri DepartMelit a large assortment or new hat's: • ELL BOTJGHT, AB 4B13.sTogE MERITS PATRONAGE; ••.IE -\ very evidence of geQd taste display- ed in our choice fit .stylish costuiting. s ocial ec 9 rint sii a unitnow Markets The following is the market prices for grain on, Thursday morning • • • • • • ..55.to 60 • Oats"... : 29 to 30 , • • 40 to 42 • r • Warms. Fay solo , Axe you desirous of -purchasing farm '1 ' If so call and 800 me have several fifty and one hundred acre farms for sale in Ashfield, Meat Wa- waiinsh and Kinloss iownsbips. These farms have. all good end -Will -be-soldrathargain Geo. A: Stddall Lucanow. ming Coming 1'0(in:du SMITH, $6TENTIFC OPTICIAN .44': 44• .44 • 49 44 • 49 • 44 44 /444444"1"141+1444144441+1444144414414+44+4444444444.+4 '44+httle+, , 44 - • mammummmmaammmommaamme MO MO araduate of New York, 1"hi1ude1phia and Toronto .Col1ege8i.:-.4,;„,„...J :will, be et •. CAIN'S HOTEL, ONE DAY ONLY. • iDOMM i''..iM OMO OMM 0Or.olir.i0 a Or.• • • , hursday May I.9th, Call, early, and avail yourself Of, hii3 valuable serv.tce8. • Por -Sale :or Rent.. Ap1yTIIAT 4-4rn..roEJitioncri buil,din known as the "'mariners Hotel" in ,the ,tloaggEkel knov! Teal Estate Aijent,: , Otago for. Sale' 11 UEL1C NOTICE. • The public are hi3reby forbidden to give' predit to•any person. or persons in my name without my written order, as I will not be 18 day of May, 1904 • • ' • "4 ' 'JOSEPH DAVIDSON,: Westford May 18th 1904: We are glad to *announce that ' we have everyt Iirn people want in the wNr, of : aping Material, Coifed, pring Wire Nu. a; Ai:aerie= Field and Hog Fence and Staples, l.a,ok Wire 11-12,' Soft Gay. Wire No. 6-131 Barb wire; Plain twist wire u i`or sale, on Gaugh ;Street in.the village Of rooms, etc., 'and, in good repair. There is • three•quartere •of acre of .grotind,- with good ,orchard,"of applbs, • • t ears,. plums, -cherries gratipti aad'splendid BMW fruits,: Tnere is a good, stable and the best of spring, water:- The time will be adia cheap or -rented to'. a. 4Mitable „tenna.nt. Por, 'particulars _apply. to, 'vettonsible for any debts,centracted steer. the. 'WILSONILSO.* "e"9**. ckn ow, a -'irame cottage, containing six, , • ates TH tyles.: 00.000001.06 LL ARE •os • •-• ' The Court of BeSision for the Township. of 'West Wawanosh will be held in 'the ToWn- ▪ ship,Hall,,ott Thursday,- May 26th,•1904,. at • ,.10 o•clock.aan...,•' • " .1114: mialonwr St: Helens May 9th, 1904: S. hIcCrostie, Clerk. "ITT.T,S:=FOR SATE? , • AosiiisiotiesO•i•OOtroi.iit000,00skOi ,. • - • Will do well to consult us for prices in Nails and Hardware We are in the business to meet the wants of the,people. We have the goods to do it with, and the price andquality we will guarantee to compare with the keenest-Corapetition CALL AND SEE. t41 i:10473 ill £2 ai a.i t13 fli 13FE EBfii fl4 FE 00E3 111 00000120MM Imaaammemememm mm S eeEemmemmesea. • • ,,Tor sale. two thoroughbred Durham build yo Ili...months old, withgood., pfirlierees_,. Ps,rticulareappLyatXot72.t-uori--'2-, iltarrYrv To*nbldp-4; : • ,, o. • :James Steele Lochalsli F 0 • ; • ; • • ""7", COURT OF;REVISION.' • L -ILS , • 0 0- • • •4.• • . • . • ' • , , •WC<OW.N • ' • • • ' • ' - • t • . '. iii•••••••O•••••••••••••••• . , ;.)'• • I COURT 01? Agyrsrox.: • A Coart of • Revision of e Assessment, 'Rolf fOr the Village of Lucknow, will be heId at. the flountil Room., Town Hall, lincknow, on Tuesday eyening, May 31.st, at 7.30 11. In; , ,P. Ma.tooksoiv. WTT ••=r. • Seed' Oats • clebtated Waverley noW establishe as the heaviest Cropter and best stand-, 1)Am:a nvet•hroUght•tozOcarada: tar : GEO. E, W Farmers.in thie section aro almost through heeding. • !all wheat Ia..; i,jot. vexy good hciLe but it. is, hOPed the .reeent. riins 'improve it., • , Soolpr'fishing has been giiite a lies, ; time ter dote° of or :young ien. unit Older Onealko, . • • A number from .T.aucli.tiow AO 12t1i• paised' thrOUgh our town' one evening last week, en tbeirl *ay, to' Pt. Altiert, accompanied. by .fishing , Mr.'b. Alton is ,gone to vfOt hiE.iter Mri.. 'Thompson, ' ...Mr, A Gribsen has :pnrcint'sed, he st,TeitaitmlIntends getieraIsto , :keeping' ouomeSs. • Miss !T. -11iickett. ,Who'been spenditig4he winter in 'Detroit with , brother: Oticltett has returned hOme. Phillip's, is ',visiting her, , • 'Engineor Wanted Applitations will be received bir the under- signeti-ot) till Monday May 30th, lor popitiim of Engineer for the 'roWnship of Kinoss: By Order of the Couticil.: . GEO. MOPPA:T; Olerk, , • , • • • 11otis6 auct ..tatta for Sale , ,0 ; st 1 d Or . 0 Cash Pa . : f. Eater • Price 'in W. EMP°Rt. • at the , 1). .: a . Eggs-. tum three PRODUCE:office jdOOrS east of the'-1.),Ps O' • 44, UOKNO ols0000i00000lgoopos.064•0604, , sale'in'the viiiago of Ioadoow; a good -frame holm and one acre of grourid,aftacheil,. cor:taining all kinds of fruit with barn ail& Stab ie., drive house , On& wood shed, Both. bard and eat water. Alio four acres•on Bob strlet. .The Will be -sold, together or in separate lots; , : • , -FOr Particulars applY to tlit; oWner, kits TE/08. BURN$, Willoughby ..Stro4t, .or' to' -RAIN-r-B11/-.C•12,4411C4N44t linow; , l'OR 'SALE, . • , 100 acres of land comprtsing,the "W.of Lot 11, Ooncession 11 11. Division Township of Ashfield, Cunt' of Huron. For particulars address • ' 2412'E Pine $t Seattle, •Viashington. , DU iionsE DENTIST ta-,1-iortsot-Luoltilovi, every Tuesday, R. •ComMercial 56telet..Dtingannon, eViory Thursdayf';- at 'Actotibtain'sAoteli sessin f tho 'Pownship of. •daY,of May, 1994: at 2 &chi* t, in in comic 1 rooin tor the ilevision,of the. Asent rell for' said township, 'Dated at Itafekini this;30th Apri149044 i4otliers , The Court of linvision or Astifield, will hold its first Sittings on the 23tli daughter Ms. T, VerguSon. ,QUIte a atitnbot f,r0in '0.0r0 Istlebd,0C1 'thit Sscralnental serviees held in 1-topee. Church 4.n tifo.y • it6v., Mr Mtllyarl, o LuoltnowcOndtil : thirseivion in • the 'abileriee at pastOr Rev.' :We Mr. Whaley•epolte faiot eliurdh* "Ubiott. iltiring ,,Fidrtinon'•oli rt.reednteSandaY, 1q0TIOE. A d(Iiitt for ti.e't oviAon 4140A.444ekhlie 4 toil tor tile Towtoillia ret '054,b held' at- the T,wyoriip 11 all, ioyjOocl, 4', 6,1104 ttovl AT, 016t1r4 ° . We have beea, pleased' to "not.i(3) latelY a. great dal of taik iti 016shoo un114- .8,zines praising t`t,he style of a 4.1)orthyl)oddi' • • But •'Style'' is not what stamps, this shoe,Advz 411 othtlrs. The •:bortly 3,-)0.14 has Stylo mot 'assuredly' • : But i.t atsakts Avalitic?)teU hdis tlie.Sort-of shoe that, separates.its, weasters." from all others; as . pergola _4. , 'Separated, trona:people, , • • • • • , LILL; , :• .• gives'a CtCI1PT t� the human foOt. • the."Stylo" of "Dorthy Ddd4 n 8 tO the foot .jneiV*hat a ,title means—ib ceiifera distinction • .• I r • I• 43X001108,4.60 • ItOti 113 'EtPL•CiA Stood MORE • ••• ,FOlot Oyallele need nx,oittiditelY • • • • • ,Ilian Who ts' a Ea.fro.2._ • , I' i'.. ntWe04'et 4000.6.cre50f choice farm ds fesi L., ir sale, n 50, 76,1,00, 1,50 and 200 acrd. lots irt • Xitiloss't (1-,reA1< ools. Bruce, ukardine, 11 Arent and A011ield'towialthal. G,Ood landa 1 i.t '4•0 th good buildings to he sold oto(lp on easy tertriFf.• A. good taw 'hilt (or teal°, altreolit 'for 4 on ; also a Oood„ blackanitt mtop. (dwelk italic ire dannentiptil dealt good blistteetei, fo sr le oboati. A, ,g000,abst ore with largo trade, II.Vo villin'.. • Ayso a larko am Omni of inoney.ter `Itinit at rfinit WIG, Vil. ,farther.partiOtentil apply to , r ' . ,J, A'. rvIii.OXIWZIE Itol$roial on; , • ••• ,