HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-05-19, Page 2W.-
. . . . . . . . . . I
iiii, WON
p.VaqiA. W,
41 MMEM", far
�6 additicip reason,whyFjm� result., t a IV?, i
e t Soo, -reac
I P IN$ , - , . 1 Per a at alfat � gr
g deairos'to, meet the ell -
AL t bsViy .r.e�eifiion 051 V rQr, t of the. flamburg. Chamber 1 0
the _PC t
l;Ing, t "p yoviow., -fiat, I
c . iff,irries on, hls,� bp
bilcoulesi joo dy
a4 _f 6tt10g:JQ � , . R_ Q,
tell, by -a ortiolt- D, s e a Rt
f 0441d UP Mol or RI
_ark o. a W 31411,
verel, '40Z.,
7 "ou moneyr 'will n
, 4, Val J&PA400or Poliedrili -he 'was
jr. 'AA solo).
44o, i4i A ''AIR "a 1L trade. Aerr
in 1891,
Z "A
X only being siVed tj t, -,w�
ATTAC visit to
4A pan;,,. claimed it, ei
11FIL te noblq: 46tioij -of his i rejolo,0� It Ru
frout deatil -by it wori" U00".
speclal reg.son% I
l6sea t W for t1the
b , tire strug
'It_ beedmelif 'VIAt "Au
he an Cqlude, to' gO. 'AiA WOO I
-45 mie, acilve. comilIts", 'the
But A;0 ,�90pulsodl m v ;9r,
Lud of1ber
% reei,-e,
pl�incq�,qporoe of 0
91110siall dolis
�iiot' U bave%, an ;w
:Toki,o cable t but w.041d: ifiltv to -the' Art lio, 0 ..
TIM. Still, Bitter A _ � 1, r
ks at Mqui; VQ( to
'is, t
R_§6144 Cols@�W b* 0i, this
P0 I., 'L � speake;r "0.
t pro
4 ,aklogl, *it.1"..4114 pe. L
0, -TecciVe.4- tbo far
Ro. III,% AVer . Being eferreo t
rest Too,
all 4_ -
140 juf
Mun packe
-td tl;l� J k* mOV
�n - Freder 0
'I dvis6 to'' �. . �' _'P�
bere tq-d,&YT,, 1� the -spot, -t Ct..,.Pm I;
.19 'Ven, *400opailkilik, ilr*
' "'. - �ft . peyor wo ations: against (30
rat" b6i.ed-'2 IV 0
0 and t eir, attack Its
qt6d Y
Rtl S & T G IWrox
T The irlembers of bIs, miU%ry. QAMQ
i0n, lie Jappriese garrisoit'LIP,. f gr
oly� event, A?f Iinjr qlIpAloot 0
yangi15tal mona d'in
7- -1.t, io. gj1j'WJj_J`e$t P UIPIV .1.
0 r
At b -0, ent'whirA 191 fill Amp ��at Q MO=
Itly,-fanIl, succee(le'& in driving
Eke might e4ire:
b Romeo Out "llo
s. lie L
D, .. 1,fr�u, nae� o
"'ifieli the men 6
f-NA'"Vifieli" the r-! 10 'Top
a C
-a oussidlij No,�� Fe er I lamity Uyl W,
t.�-.. t Mls,;evidefit, that. 4apanesg, OL met: deaitIl In the dili;c. arge,
On, .. tho�
an, - ut it
oeiign w. u
probalif qIegr4m.eX
M Y'' oil
p rom� als :Qfrf. IV.C1I here' Ent t6pod at many, olvq
proceed are
Ji, fg�
-,south' for,: the 'I )iii h4,
"D liflygilt.yin. MM
s a pe ire scAt" -1bliandellor; , - , , �
of ltbdlr dutYi'
pu b -its this expreis.-
.qn we, ft�UtjljiuSly' tQW4rd,tb& inveitment'
h e, nik
Vn,, Artbirr, , '. [ aintr'.convinpe.4,
a unqa o �,ieoip
a* 'flankS ant ... amunlegi .. _., I . jBymVatbyL%qOrr d -
'of the tologrittill: anot *4 qf�pp
at L an Cpiorftlinlo�
rt"'Of .0 - 1"'41 1, ", sidn
�gbtlpg*r " �JQr!� L.'' ]*:L � " "".
'the J111PIXT19scr onto., Glo�e.) oil V the,,- me
.Y�� M14
�Qfisca". L, . , I I I o ca,�,'�r I*."
"Flun . .: all merfto:o
om Toy
_notr g'VE� till,�open -nigh . 'L : . I I I . , wit
Ity of thli
at A big I , I'll , OU96",
ay �Jg6 With
THI�__ CE- thoge of the
yalig .'after tile ILLudling BAIR
ou, was 01.4 B. who lauded gige, Tbiber,,, f &or
A 1pridon This V#bt ING '919TRAIW Advic�
weparati 4 'it lias the jolli!iiviij from Gy. PI 0 man,
itt IMsewo. �'Rveiy' I, tb.t Ue invader! Rg.
t C of, espi,� ch, of
the rain in Case Of t . I dateol'.May 8 It
Of the Jqi4,esei from he TO nIa - 1 It ' a*- leiling tbQ,.,,h4nAe1 pitsiaNp are.,.marcbin,,, ojitipli, de-,
de to blow UP -slowly du -Af ter the, d
TV necessity, 14 prevent I a f nil advanced T1 t Y.
Jig- de t�.cbilig
t -the' Ili _,IjP6 at� Pot -, iL'
�My`on the, Liao- a is �Ot order t Divers a Work 01- which -is elegram- Qf ... ay lou�tea 0 Q THE AONE
Artbur.H, Ai '60f, the 4 REST ON
Ja %flose Port thojUissian Gibraltar-,
Inds tT lit the, jried'to the varonr
ye e;qlairocid is' nothi . 0 into'L
tsa -.WAS' carrietol 010 retu
k Lt,� ifid- lb orce tv c
-Thel' NVOrIll, quOt nfanti pit ylvair-
au7 light 014 the subj�cqt,, f rom The tlf4 �Tciv 1�ork cable.� Case' ugarill at'
the men of 3ponderif'OU o orts �la 'they liad killed 2 jifle. Jdaif ttot)14pi-y,
;61f4aclifice -of 4t1i,
qbrrc� Plijils, mAng rise -to -the rel)
T qq4 �Yltil ing the St. -Petersburg. aroldifs reporting,
sou a., 5, crew that tfibyL ViTe
r Battalion .,Wa g. CteX.. a larldjrl_�L [It Port
13afly' 'Jj;Xpi!eS$, ye: th pursuit, 4fter the on'
,ay r , �e,,L 1, tL1lS during e.
aparle , Usslap L 13 ba7..e. occupied $iq, e
0 §Alccqs - .1
a tbikt� so: far pro'..
t rsbur$,.Lc, rTesponde
from o df,
the aarrig. Therd is going SUSP, Reol"a, �l
alo, the lie
eueVei'.-& gtatemvA lsfi6rtly, after, 4 �'el,Qek- the 'east didd,.of ifie Lj' gagenient., elebrat
ail b jjaiu'JtrrJ d t 4� rCbAu friq� blowing Up theirim --Bay, On' Alto Thibotans and the liminary .1ilaorings. �,Lre; -
':'r that .. I t obbito 1�in-chou,
a offleja :baol r . I. 1 1, 'Itor46rily. at NCS.,qry .. as turim penjusula,. f, L I i
y the ITO In , coliusion'beilveen b case
e Ort Arthp b( ed-'$10,000MMjJ"T,0.4.qry y
.t )rt Arthur
threy haVor no. ititentio jNndligh� rilles. live een
h arrison (it. iC!Atle�e.,CiITNYq -ended and r
isau r; �wOilld
stjtjon,z for y, injIes, -from� J. to-Genqral _ex_tI
�bc�c�jug, the Ajsofubarka�� . -.t ,emifry,-_the�g esulted U J' Balfgsv
-%vga handed -Over J'he ratrarleei 0, g �Urthcr 13ol-Ifii- I On, the con- 't -of which 'w,Aff lost by �-of `J Ili, WiIcOX,,
de��sitclIC4. 'It i, :,Y h rVW u no
-eat er is _ 'hL '' '' , I So..�Cqlu_ Ob6rn re- 0 mail, 6lerk 4,
where. A is engaged, jmcIe4iiP9 , L reell. f Calgary,and Joyee
porp �or p
tile entire Japll!ilicWarmy�� 40), �vas, ir oilat too; at -�,a lawyer 6
under. 1prope one, laidiqln'
bit 0 rCttq6ti6JI'tQ` P4t Arthur tho'Va&r, traTy, indicationsy �r,�, at Pliari, some months. ago. at tile'
-if returned 611 0 plot, I . , hoLSt StaJ e
ellmIlk tively, small 6 .- "d by ships thUr of G.en.J �It nd tireirAriple
Ay"blocUe sistance. . t I Tills'and tellIll to
for t1i.a.t. pur.- )rt �r is n6teworifiy, tha gliper Or a
_Col,� pyl Onoff t Pq th
C\tienle a C els, 14mIllu ly
high iRitan- POSe' The onFock reVlial6d illi ly. Tito niftniffac" ence'diiect
fail ack. It, a4ent in, by Ill �rfie presence. a. re - Xortlic-O mit 19 8"ttin 98
tagic one the official des t 11 nitibil-,mitiatifiietlifed at, Lh;t.ssa, it
to Cour�' heba,
"that, loloomo: Ivet W 0 filled' tba gairri 0 . the being used, by the. coon Ills - eyid
�'After andi, Boyce by.
ng ai'PitseNY6
480 .4119944,1� hiirg- ew tile ie 'Ure,is rong.L-but- -effective
�rd,: jon-Chilq cultyi, for fnay igpi y athe pbsties
Mnde�ed Gen. Kuro �i a I1dvaPCF"_ bse began milre wtit t ��nl]id JnaSSe&'OJL iron. -tiger -th pectett 'Bangs With I ., ;,. , 1. . of10' the I a one, Con. . . .. ., foAress, is, much stio b 1 Paz, the stolen
119T 171 tile, Cn6m -to Nappe is A OUL, oto
I . [ _�=c 1,11M" 11,
the, tions rYqsterday 14
b e 04' the -nighV:: remvat . 12#$
Consisting of about. rc4-, iaer to heMW to IMMI1117tO SYan eseaot
0 ve*A41ii;r�bq Birandei's -stolen In, n
riman a ot
7 ol-thi lea iSmall 'Col. itills
od' arty; . . . Vil. Juig pOssossion
44enti .6f In A it *r. nose bor`6 holes f ten -thnnsan en tLUII&: oit thle' by his.,'etatemlent �hdwe
OA' 3110 Ing aopaiatuE e. ratit. d
n' 'Who llki.Liao, Tung Pen- foice at;) but
'Wrils. despatch, jffi� 'height$. above 'S11111011110 #id i 'cc . . 0, - o" t [a On tit
e from Port for placing dynanlite �fu Is divisi., and.' leox, lie recel"4�4,
t? 2 'bag a ploughing and 67f V. pft_es miles a n StileaJ161 lbas. lei$ iir�y lagers were it_ was through 'Wi �ejved the
dent - �'f -1 ,
0 _Si'L _�Poatergbifl
n 08 goi 19 it 1H
110k in- _i� wing', Nvere,
The, *,;-q p -Ta "Th -NV !eh
thi. Iiail.y T Arthur lionese vesselo' peh. at and men *a
are ese 'divers., hpvq �15, Mills un ey om-ViiI36k,'bULt bad go
latest Of Ort T- lui iv6d lier dirki, and, �fo
ap to rell, C ves e ce is in-
'TA o-TuiI- "AbOt"Abir Y and: according his evidence
north .6 nal 'on,,6 the isveral days,, clearg( , the woUia r t eJ strikiiig Change. The whole' pla, money and 13milgo il Olen
tki I r I fro Ln. apiacia- and
Coast of YIng tly re 61 i oul -that IIII, �betans; 1rin
-T g Pen have,' -sufficien
P ast - of, the Lifio n&1.- Tin ss.q go Of, torp [It nu, ve4ted by, Tlii aisiliinsu UP911. by Wilcox,
on faiii, J apapose. are; �sv the jong. tzne One
tit t
vik- pqdq�bowt' a ro
of iroqps. o seg.,
. ... .... . Ile litpan a
T 8 clif large adjacent
&V!8ions� �are�, presumea to
already. General Ther.6 is it 4
there, PJV of"Port. Arthulr,.but. Col. yourighusban lace e the f41014 off water surt there,
t . iqL tb -of t 7 too 'at - one was.,
r - *ill shortly �r 30,000 -of EW_CJ�WANr are in gdoa hefillth,ind i Ur
o�'itfi 72, guns, wfiile 311 0,, more' s ce of' ItLeCijit . hsis declared, to. Chief source of 'jig.. e h't 6
Kid., OUT no
Ma v Probable. Bed sew.wa, Id-oLot 0
Untjf% the. eni -'the, morning 9 't 'eel "b6it . 42po
4 ht611a on y , cing. It
-%�ith_5. -guns, re ready 'to
in ..con kt
gay, but' oRi�saAif�.TI!9911� W.i)I,Ro*a b sll by priise oil t
thi w
d 90 a
HeneCi it' alic
The* Thibbta c all
T lanellpriar cable Japanese Arrive. lit
ihe he .'cc 0'': uLn
of oo - cabl' The 'ad
e �says,-7�_
-will, u - - is are: lingering - tat Plots. icO
fatkin 11 6061 F ;'�b 'trayed-Ahei t from -him. Wi X had
believed that, Geu,JCOJjrQF, ��be :'RUB140, A .,Che but' theif shotAing get the molley 31iiinged, -and b
ietori L then,, And vjclbjt*�� of New-Qhwjing? 11334 h M, New- 'INT.6thing.is, kndivp tion. just in t' �Jolr the defe Uis, o to. 000 waa-,
line &t:about $2,
Oku t OVienna 'bAll
the t% the city, cerE ; of 'the steamoirwarriVing TO] 8'says. ;o 1old him'.111 . .........
mg.,:. .. . I., * - . L " -colit the -story 4, -poal lolls.:- --pax Y
t of Fort Arthur.. oif,,tho, yr --I , n -ollact pilblished,-yostcrda:� it' '-�Oteriviie,- 0 ah . I t
the ftivestran rettirui e d for 1, n- ta, e up: icir l'poiss,�ssl;)nof artoz, e,r.
f berw of , the doubt-latge utif
�Rur i
it, �, i I , gian, 44rtilicky "a ;T A , 'the'.-Russlans
a. reported, ribrift �L.The C i0it of -the fleet �bf alleged an iriRrehist tit money ileft with
transportiAloh. aqd au, In.; I
Tito �repoff`0': �) " — -
tile, nussians still iingeir, Wherttlici + bI,-,V4Ip'Ru3sIan f6rtrbses hiLve suini6ifilited �vhe defeuces, Clotrol and ijould -be
d Liab-yang. have c�pu a rt,' r on Jhutsd4y. .. conspirney, intinate Juifide
an , fightino' at lit thbSeL' Udder' Ills C, Will -
at �o Cc � assed Pot' Of % L Arthur -list ftglli�si the diq6r rostored
to the, Confirtned."' T ana mxliti;IXV�. t')lot inen t' id oillasikfu- Min -f have followed- -sholtild e, � re o
are, ev�W ittrning here is a, PT9 -they! - avi aparoblightS that q
pn Pletive, the R, waS orts. There f capital jusiat6d ort� johiing1lit the Ing -At It
'toWn y� it jig tlie'L s�ipsL-aua I i -iter tile,, Intiiirtoii- or, the. h
engag I ChengL 'Ia�, be' ;I the Japitn�se',fleet An u4siart. Enitieror. Pos- the were asked, -WitillOss to
lot qtglpn,,,W e
ements Ing mission, scrvimts
ere o' 61, c had
"..the repo 8 a thc'.he; '(Wilcox)';"
ther. stated, valli�ble-'.bot-h�iii--itlie-ddfene oln e
Vle"ClItY.". repor 'C
the sleiaderest, if 'the t,
ve, trbops,- fr Tbw'6fficer& fur
t excoe( -of ayiairc a
'that there wer46 -RUB- -,- chase j6f
re creeping gibl'y the e-�r�nient Dq cetive
I �I 000 weand �'the subioqiient Dorran on.
forts here '� that' the . I . I
0 ACV y rIIM4?T- -left for 4to, Port Art ur. 11 1' , " ''
�atoh front the - Daily t ' I , 'ivoek.' and jvhich iind Planks' the' first, Japanese at wan last. t 9. bjecf-CLbe ng,
ato;sCli3i:ill6 the rel
Tokifit. 543 Th br.n,lng, the,o
believed thaj present' situation is in orestili -w6gt tht� �m
have PC,
forces efg-,Wan�o ity. Jheie.�are oilly"'SIX , n contrhiil e ba aialirder of tile:
of large. a cp vb siiongly foiltifiedtfie
army oceii TT l�'Poyf.- DaIny DOC a.., The Thibiei. ans,
I . T�L' - .' I B"ga�Lsald .. e-wa
n tirle:,on eve I I - -
on' the despateh4. t t es,O -ts alf-the'big tin inpro ap qi
n thc.16i i. b
art(I huge q ft�r 12 money; wMe
aken to �Liaowy4nga
W. I c willing �s -on
tion iled Ale:
has the opinjoiv,prova - 'to the ioil,' 8omc',, hundreds h' 'Id be res 0
at QhllYan
enced, again live, Kieft -amuniti41,115 Vidiiro Ia, monas
that. Russ . I . a In ew-, hitan ton' ols. -ti
iteir ;residehce:i
a ew restoring �duijug,:the, C117, 0 , rq at, Pnr b -opened . fro. oil 0 t P lieks !an( P-10 tery, ep ;OPs of jmpoT an* D
n lev*g Chwang,' also
'da 9 The arsenals ouUnction* of the "a' WA a4 pk(I.911.1111714 .,V erE
1 'A
Y, Liao,
ire worUiPt". ciigt�varA to, e: ar LAN NOT. 0 'POLE$-.
M Sts' 'tile
Port Arthur'AbiolutelY to 'China.'- Col. adviser olifrJoUlt a Japa 0 r he. PoIcS
f r6m t to. monasteries
oPrussW - t
'7 'to aaft Shaft ii NA Viceroy of.the -lit send's coni
id A'
t th .jncC'of: 01 5S,OPL . I S X. , - ro jolerL at:tbaj 'P' P- a quirlilgr Lands
AS ALITCH REPORT 7�A,de�'patclr 0 C C'Thibetiina
� :.. . . Ct ilte. adin of tb melt bi
ar em-, Wie' ) re's tTict-
-'T on -tint IWAY I rn
6 itakd the, distri n, Mang- Standard from-,, TieriTgin qub'49 a,. ready t Port Wily bei3n -.icfriewc -di o�t'jy
ves, -,,as to ed ifidl, yro3h. egg it, is:,Ulfaelfli tholsel, L L, thlat ig. b ig n
nd pese East.eiiit Railwa-!�' tood wtkc ea;st "coast spent a6q1iirIhg afid''in the PO
i JapOl 1 -.1 , L, , i,e of the Chl Itiliasian troop of
tziese'' A& of fir ,
wester Y. plo. _ Pole# In.
port�,Artl fore: tire:'
arrive sula. ws in Wild lit. exditec
bg reipa
lie its ca9ter-ii- but diffidu tv
ooti!l am 1ousii, of
e-domp sent �a espa St,.'Petersbur I
_ic RUsgians. re, gda-dj It the had not,: %,itlk Port. Arthiii 'lip
munieAtIng. r - t'llis place, restored N, t prei�enta iveRL�J�o d,
NV04 1, 6tn,,;, A grhN
beell, I )' '
rill'in' on' which the e felt I sup.por
wit ts.:.. iner6telu-Plua L
oral staff 'to t e hia: steamers, -left was Opened to t-,
CUtL_6 if,' Li e rt4, Of, d, ordere be PISP7--,
guese. Ot4pp. �nd',LraOrda'. is. thei -'bacirery tb
?Mb-iore�1ai1nol ;QlAic - , d*,Ii,�.=M
1-itistei n
n g., t -he
ed, to Ilk a
to d e ep NY. X (w
�:_a 1% enh train Jo
idiiet��'-of-L'tli6�"Riissi�-t.nL, roops- is jr#, thb,
_711tch appear Wan ay� is 000 C d. h Pot I
een had been Ithideit obavoi,�.,beeii ekeellent lhiou��b- V`theT Tliib
11Trw'pB;, se betuTC11 Pulan-Tien rb6f�.5'�'ClTk 10 ere eilligillt h
'uard' bilord anee -tv ami
of -the, t :,out. ve I I , ir ' ae -0 , lers b Ion & I llpp on v
oLlid- Waf an -Tien 0 t le
last: t,6' d9is MI'll
auglit7er f
di: lor.
,ach iBuppIjo( fact miles.. The: .1. U.;n�ste declared, It"Ito'..,
*cn,&_NVaPg_CJieng, weLster Y.. coiistruct�d,' g heof emalft' f. tile
far frader, -sees 11UP ie6tidn'. 0 too bi-(;Iiab,- TWO: tbreak- ago, ill
for Tac houses, an eel they bdide& anotlicit I I , F�, rif T' AXJTY eraiu ,It. Is reported that ZZAPallege 10 naiaPs,. Arthut., Dock$' 'Qx'- Iingurrecti6fi," "tOlw'
di'visiou Of -%vp -'Rugg R -oicements, Arrive .,'aA water was beInF.Q It. !�, Of unded ar
—th , , , , I 1, t 1'v' t '' ded to 'I also going. 9 th� .-Piers I I n lie
-Mill oil -IV 0 were -, lea bct.,%�Ccn oiiviv the I �lig addrossing.
Russiailar .0 saLdi 11 .1. (
1, 1 ., . . q Li true.,
I Drei '14 'two Q�jM,. It
fantry, in on "The! Con the R titdd tCn(
za ivith .40 guns. and' i5bo caa ry. procce,4- Tlt6r(- Weib -t%YO 'T, I ; 4 latte'i' -a a-Cldc�l '. f or but p6ndent tofl "it ___ -P A ncable' sayi against , gt-61as drydocltKt� One plo
it flrOtno -that nL at. libliberatel Corot olds h _A0 iriip t,
From �r P4 fhat C.'Condl e -is 0-
0 it,
CA '- - I
-figb -W on go
a f it -upheld
JhCL' city
Da nLy- Japailesii Jr
f 'the Iliver Y tile. afln, atioil P61-1 two SOU the of Chinese uze aih
three irou 6 -the. inis
V attiffelied reportcol - jestoratiW Ot- 1(ussla Anju' hist, hto e ln� w f Icd - ilbPer
section 0 LOWING, Tip, 611 -,va5 -J, -6th in
tKieNOT 11 pn& -being'0111. 'The,'Rusgians 6j, lbeated 11111roal jo;&, CA Po n4e thid - leas
h a -oil tile af ter tion", in.,,Yllich tb it �opipound'Lby � blollet frottAlid
b,. ent.
the 'dittil-oile I' L I IV, therefOre ;ry ayan and J%t s pia -ning an shop, Clls', CtC., r good Mo.(
air, Wcdriesday-mo! ornlfa� -Tor eir or f t
t geci ) of. the, River lty,, and tile �umor .0 41 Cuts hops for -juctjoii and:re, L the t to 0
-ther pairese,, reinforcern I L I ' L ''t -being 0
-in he gam'6 rom. IIIstearnslill) const orn Aflj4,by Vic';foree, nONV 0( Ing,.;
'i T.C!
tit lllri�ilq.- ogi,qes�Cif Ale por for. promotion 0. 'eirel
On Japanese are
wnorthern' 'group opposi e s---m-Tbe 'it "LlIg. I n th d I ti6n of Xai pair, Nyk Thero'bas� n' roll he'Polisli.
tile year -of t eil, d, (16109
:lBicaliships, �jtnd railroa,
ing bl".
In Fetig 'a.
d. ."Ariocl)ona d.- N . '
Salidza,. 4 to 26' -r'p' gepoial-eml Oge th6 xo4d Jr( 119� that*, iton, a longi PON%!, at �Chuffi
.'An' A &6yed .'LO .'' pr vent Tho,Japirlege casualties Thibe ans
'ittion- - I I ;4 krthui Is' being - el th.er n lift distant.' The- t
lt�,,tc. 614airt,.j. for t o thb"hands'lif he, enemy d it,.. Tile:Rus of ailduscinent.: he ePO -ARMERS.-
four 'killed and Bik woun c ibs' and
its Tallin in f, :Clt qt, 'Vote about Ili ty. A
e case i)y t116 Admiralty. cdsua lea*
dealIli- 0
sacoute to iC dospAch riolds aro yet.
tiln"edfi R It 13 reamer
distovere 'Cl tile hi'lis,'an
omti . iinese. ad, fiot�,- going to li�lif. thd prisoner a id Joining- the, gerieraf Inciga T
a that Ole f; an -r iol JBdid 506, towards ity forL n 0 Sobastof raiders, number but-44rilicli Off C I tbryifty-Three Do ars;
otistakill 1nare c0fn TwelvQ lidlifirs. bigber.gTourfol, �com ra UP
C t � . t. L r, I d rilly, alpliriL �rdblitbly. lie boon;, arrfi�g A by Cos- wander of yought 'Vierce vrcat� effect t �i
to a, Scoulf a.1 beall
cft&� whic -tol in -b
ate'' mj el in it bit lie irigglon,
sac . L'' - �4. I .
t lialitest,
OVe "Ilad the 110tic Ile Pitt to sell; Infantry yei r 6
i. 6;60�000, ITori t,
the be Crogil bpfo�o' t1io, 6.u&� of trial
e ein �,411( a.. Mue I �rbacllcd r for si i(ilenco' engage. hhe pip
Worth, Iind i&cd Jap ow, e Were STILL xO",FlGHT1XQ W;Iifi 16 tile 'at 6.30 6'00ck'ift 'tile' evenin C6%t
9 at''Arl f rwed:bb
'on till' lar"ge
ay le
'OUpIcL of
I I * fought, 1002"'Ani .1
damagQ - 10' The goitirrison ia( tt'.
th c Work 8 'NY Oil 64, � " '0.
D But- oil 'Call, ya, cy' in co," 11
y "of
in ahy. way teA CIZED THEVAISE
oppogilig Aries. Vhs -ving' "their illitil �thc Cuenly r it(.. eT;6tiou TAbti
go' ry,
of It 'L to storin. 'lip' g lfai'L4' IW
e rift 'Port, which. hasSp %vith Port Frallitc.
_to I,t6 thc� hift) towtirC14 of thts' 9 t:lint the,
h116i rhupositive )0 64litp saill ber
_,r Pass) for on Apkil. the dai o�iik tlio tow
jell ),to ng;.Ad il, Pulft
ionj-'Parg, ructjoh of Ito roliavl 1�v tile L Ile 'no fight at � , 1?. t' I S
t to .1 Ili -in
PO Ri one "noll;
julssians lied t I i e PIC the dls� .0i ftt * rhid,4 It crearil r a
PoArthur' had eMily
Tel.A officer, `V -Sbuik. citse 'a,
of lo, budget blM in.' tile. e-ortid h t Ills
c ese, lost our, Th tl
vViler ots, 0 f to
According to tile' -.thimeprot e. Ti"
C r�,,PL,��Vrrng tpj,,IjI Tlip
foreeo at, bbatt to-�tel6grirllll, o tin C4�11 tile Jpqn0c P [lit" or hill wo T6,gafolirlg� . . 'L . I e Vlso 1;o rs 1 .1 It isbavti
how ill ()I- fl�r
in twr)L irqops at jive, protc Chong , U , tile, eitemy 'and -ftil, Ong 1 1190 front �ifl' Jill, it fOr va �cff it a
g io�' arruored cruisci l4pat. Jhoili.., A
ng, '011`0 �j Cit'r 'ThOy Jold lo trar 9,
A rid' tOrP( lie 'a I' P e, (1offildal i -Port As: g.-tzet - to
rl lain
VaM P.flrt Of tlia.
It sho,
])or of to:
a citeetive oIsab 0 had ILS1.)03tOy
tloe . . 1 x of offs t6li III: tlic -ere
PlA t
twoNN corning. .so 'ftCPt6()o1
Y� the' Ieliusad 0 'r. ittheir ,Ufffoit
Pill, tell _Ile il al will g(,
13 ItUrli 'LiQli§4t� ,
to itit(! R-U§SIAN PLO 110A front ictiiy, thd! YOU, ItsWiLli lical' Y 'UVI
fel0 ,ortre3cds`,An - . I , gibid t
Olin A
i I- . . r
10 ria., t6, 0 oeds,
ivp 'I lop Ili
Al -ding 'It tit �,n -A lokt. ill, the czat. that it, CL hot
w a
oiny Toror on,
t -to- �that, l'it I, ni�l V also
It'll fils sill lit; 114 oil to, lififteror it'll t I or WhIch thcsi
'I the ode,
ti1Iiiq lidliiltfid(l to NYqjld� -
r&'t,�cra or�.
Ikt, titittioll I IPv 111L . Info- fol ows llor,.fi , , I
Ijv itid bo boug
it D,to tlie'Veon't .() 'T 101 11, Ilueli I, - I thb
li1j,,ql of fin C. of n'd oll'o I ot If 'it it
Irl C)i tl�fl J.1
loik. tbo A Vat t e w o r 11
tint 1f tvie " it'll
I,' tyi f rq r & tIU
_LV 1. . I'll ItIlT
iliTt'hu'r Up- A' lr
oo1 the IM
CIOI' ft�
clift, of, !;I
Uri. Vivusfoino" 14 11 f. Alent, 'tile 1 ,,11 (,.,q t, Jill
j'PLIlt "oil' t1j" J'Jr to.
11fig OA
n1i'Lli-Ill fill6A. R `RZV 1) T ild ill, tft I. i y
W, nip 0 0,.t,
is t � V 1j 'ef V ifty, T 4 t lkaills, 11046116 : o I itio rs MY` lovd Oi
I I litlelt A
1q. j�f ItIl" t V 141 w I, L oro Yj�( [Ito
olu nroflL 10 .11fIv 21!. vorld lim of
ililt All'ili 'foi
(1110i Ilolylif il�V lit y dril'in"i -Ow pw('101 I It.11 it I r I MI
otoII'll V -ft Itrif i#1 Mehl, llvitll t, le firr'fy .,Tfi 25 bo 1
(I to) 1, t fJ
to 010" Ill dio Titimilp tiqhps (yrig of ),IiKL L(NI of 10;,
fr I'll Itflip
'tit 4' i( f , pol(lipr'o hroVf Ow ALI lit ( ito dws"
iNil )I fif. 14, AIL tilloolliliC tIA
r ttiff elnr
I V4
LS N to t