HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-05-12, Page 4ave, purchased t'be,e e- Boot 8 Shoo,•. stool; o D. Camrteron, tad will sell the same • below Aad' ac re,'' � s , uT W. - triu%a. bpr .;p b m. en's -Plow: oes just 4rnireiI, r any price yon -wa* roe a�aollarr up. ®moi Ni MIEN OEM E 1411111111111 IMMO El UNE ll MEI If SAVES WORRY. auo now, 3t67, xmtu, 11th 73Et74AAeT • lir, A..., Bowles, formerlya,teacher ip ,. Betfast and,'whw is'Fnow attending cher: Collegiate in ( odor clh spent Sunday at: home. , : The lake', breezee 'appear .•to agree with him Mus :i3arolay, • ' 'of Dungannon, IAS spending a`few weeks with relations in Belfast .• For stoma :time .there, bus. ,heed a steady,o)xodu of,popula tion from Bele' fast but we"are pleased • to note '.that the tide has: turned: Mr. Jas, 'Boland > t moving: into- the�:honse :he has pur- chased from Mrs. Wilspi :.while Mr. Bmelyer will soon occupy the 'vacant • house opposite A, wild cat said to have his head quarters in Wm Bowler's swamp is the centre of much interest these days The other night, a,smitll party. of Bel fad citizens got upon the; scent•of an• animal which judging from its awe- inspiring 'cries and the_ 'way, in which it repelled, the attacks of its canine foes could;' be none other. than the. dreaded; , beast, Having treed ' the ., ani • al a shot gun was brought into ' re ition and Aoon file ; Xifeiess, ybody, of the ferocious brute was dangling from a crotch of the tree., One of the' huatera • with Spartan fortitude climb the_.tree and :;detached 'than body which proved to be :that, of a : large ;speoimon of the house'cat but a` very wild one:: .7i 12 TO 92 I1 CSM KNE I SELL FIRE;.- MIA 4.00IDENT and S1p4:=. • NESS •POTATCIEi3 • Ocean, Lake,, Itaii' anal Accident 'Insurance' Ti�1 buy rud gin Emdownment Reaciee,. Reil Eptateand"bnslnepa Stocks. • Accou}atn at ditod and collected,;;' J ] URCRISON,, Luoknow. FIIILLII!� 'We wish to announce, that we have.. Moved to our new store, on Campbell Street, where wewill be pled to .• meet our customers and friends who will now•iind us better:.prepared to'. display the most up-to-date goods. :' NEAP SHOP; • `NE:VP : GOODSa LOW PRICES AND .PROM:T 'ATTENTION.: W e wish to call attention to our large and varied . stock of ' 'PICTURE ,•FRAMES i . EASELS, ,'TABLES ;:ROCKING CHAIRS ,ARM pgA.A3S,...• IRON* . c DS °. i) OU*Lai.,TSr P. • PARLOR . SUIT, .• ' O C ES ETI:. „IrOiOaistitierraltiktr ,.X.tOlit Ott .A. 2..,•• I�A Y 'e • I, M$URA,HCE TIRE "AMI MARINE . EGAL +ra Vl4i b'7ra hii ei ri4 :41,14 il;,17.4147.1: "With a cup of good Cof'ee `for your Br t1Iast , a4 bleb you can get by • using "��'e���Yy+r'Nsc,nt �yC�1a,�3{zuaw 7J�jyt�zYazztas,sarial• L,;Diokiuson; .: (71ias (Iax?Fpw.Ir.fe.i, . A. M.0ooM oN, BAanlsTs,R, SoD.untoB, ' a Conveyancer, etc„ .(late Af, f aouerch Holt c(i Cameron, Goderioh.) Office upstairs in Allin•Blook LubknOw • ToBBIePIi:, B4uaI'BTEB, ,0QLIOITO h a. OommiegioAer; Notaryf Eto =Money° - to loan,;. Office over W"ataon'O Farber Chep.'' l— .-,-rte • MEDICAL. .MoD GonDGN. MD.•17 M, -P T M S2 •, 3(C P S O, Physician Surgeon and 'Upstairs in Allin Block, Resi- dence Rose street, behind J. G. Murdoch & •Co's. store. M. SEEN Opt M.D . C Mi 'Residence 211L.a =House` of late"'Dr Tennant and Office over' Elliott's • Gro o�ery, Main Street, `Litoknow. WHITECUURCH . Spring work:'is in progress. •The fall whe.ib around here . is almost' a complete; failure,. and the probability. is that most of the farmers will plow' it. up ,. A wedding took place, at the ;Meth- 'odist parsgnage on W•ednesd''y of lash week.,. The 'interested: parties:. were ,Thornley Mowbray and Mies Durnin of St. Helena. May the union be' a happy one. A short time ago Mr. Ceo. , Cottle SO01ETIES` • LD LIGET LODGE, A.F. A. 'M.,G.R'.C„ meets every Thursday night on or' before the tun moon, in the A Masonio.�•Hell; JIavelock ' street Lucknow. ' H. 0. AiiusTBono, W. M. H. ,Deus, Seo. • LUCENOW' LODGE No. ,112, meets, every.Friaay evening at $ o'_clock in their ball,.Campbeil street ., All brethren cordially invited, 3. Pickering: T.S; Reid, .' , Noble Grand:, Recorder. of the Whitechurch saw mill received: an elm log over four feebIn diiameter, which was too. mu•ch for the saw to •go'. through, •therefore on Friday "last he: 'blasted•ib with gunpowder. • Tho Togs was, split in two as nice'OA though ;it had_ been, cut, with a fine rip -saw, • but the concussion was so great that win- dows in the houseli hear byrattled, and some:of the; building were shaken. On' Wednesday of lash week_ our vil lege was • the scene of a fire, by which' Jr. John V. , Mowbray's, residence'.' was burned to `the ground. The • fire. started''in the garret and •must have been burning ?quite a :while before be- ng noticed, and when it broke . thru the roof a BOGY wind fanned it, and the flames' were not :long in de -i, venting '' the ' building. Furn tnlre, clorahing-and • almost everbhing else was burned, scarcely an article Being sailed.: Mr. Mowbray•is agent'for :the Frost Wire Renee Fence Co'., and it is thought he lino some gates on Band, ' which were' , 1s9 destroyed. The logs is a heavy one for: Mr. Mowbray; and he • h'as- the sympathy -of' the'comtnunity in his. vcarirow„ povN-. Canadian Order of, Chosen Friends, meets first and third •Tuesday evenings of„ .each Month, in the .Odd fellow's 11a1l,Camp- bell street..' •Luck - now. Visitors are, cordially invited, • CoIn v SHEBWOoD No.. 50.• �j •O • a• Liioknow; meets every. first Molloy of every month,in:the ,Orange Sall. Visiting brethren are cordially invited. N. D. MoK'NzzE, R. GRAHAnM, r: Chief Ranger. • Rec Sec +' miaow toDGE'IN dependent Order of Foresters meets in, the Oddfeliow'e Hall, on the secondand fourth Tues- day of. each':month, as 7:30'o'clock.Visiting brethren ,ire' --cordially iavited. _ F. E. ]YIcDonatd, - • • Chief Ranger. 11 tt tt S 0 Celebrated' for their •Plavor and Strength:` 40c and 50o per ib,. x: • *RO EILS tij 1(r1 f(A�5t1f IftIGIYHf66 2i siFamf.*i kIlfi3tt.a3RCM ET i3 WO ELIEitai.iMei4:it:3 r:.r+avarrr1. t• r 1.I111F1ItttT L iI' SRN ,ur'SPring MillinerSr is now complete FLOWEII,S, FEATHERS, (111NAIENTS- e have in. stock everYthing t° Ina" RETTY E-_ •Wo• ikraen, meets in the Oddfellowe':hall • the sebond' and • laid :Mender even ings.pf each. Month at eight o'cloilk. Visiting bretbien; o cirdially invited No. 428, )101,Drs ITS BEGD4Alt Orange Sall, .Cainpbell street. tacknow, on .the se2ond Tuesday evening of each and every month, Degree night on•the second Tuesday evening following. All visiting , 'brethren cordially invited to the meetings. • ' The: vote in test Wavratiosh on' the by-layr. granting* bonds to. the C. late tiefiry.Wightiman; to: her: :fatally of 'Soria and datighters,',',60sides, large Sliniter :of grand -children, to Wedding have,. again. been thef.'itev. • dOulitid ;n the precs- The bride was ;the recipient of ,, niany he ,lately Pereliased fpetn, Wird".„ and 'wife, ,of Dungatinen, *Ore' oolong tliogunNot a.disiince. Graduate of tondon.;New York 'and CAIN HOUSE, LUCKNOVI Wednesday: April 27tli. 1904. 174.110 t ALSO A. COOD.STOCK OF et • ttp • le i'upils prepared for Conservatory • todeived file the Old. reliable, Agent for Fria Trees and ornamental slittise Furnittre Dealers. arid liudertakerse