Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-04-28, Page 8fi
°Ile, x e
time of hitt untimel: de!ith Ha' wa#;
popolr►r among. hi aeaoaiatea ,a)14 -w 1.
thought citb3ra1i who ktse'w filet.
Undertaker $abktrll teak vtitkrio
of the• body, cm -04,01944 of •the ac-
cidetat r►nd on WQdneeday;:Qstttning
tnoaed it t : the ouug ;min'4. late
hotne 'on tbo Durlbatn goad♦
Funer si WM beld'1n'Tburcday .aid:
the. remainlj were intone d. in the.:
fatnilyple beroo}, IR'We Baptist+ce1aetery. ..
• Thav ed family had tho, ,.deep
aynip tby ,of the 600tuonity:
A Iceegly, :ootitest&d gain° of "fo$ -
1' brae 1syed QA ; netttrsl grounda,.
• : t' o* Fcadt►y 114 beweeti.oux eohc01 ani
St. ; elepe The game endectin favor
of . 11e, St ; $0lenp etalw its by' d the
very' ."' ; evidence y. ` of
good ►taste display.:
ed; in QM" choice of
w stylish costikw-i-D ,'-.-
edbstantisl ecora of 4' to D. However •
bgnpre 'were more evenly •divided than,
thek',.eor� wguld iudioate as for a good
ly pojsitiati of 'the: game ,,tbe ball was.
.,1rept well within St: Helene terrltgry.;:
Considering the fact that ibe Belfast
team -hive lied dp piractice for ‘seve'r &I
weeks and irk .point of.;•avoirdnpiis
•.wereent-eleased twd 'to one by, their
oppeuont• their showing was indeed' 1
creditable.' : Mr; 'Wolter $aekett ' of
Haugh' cu(i,fame: arnged . with a -"Pow"-
bell made an efficient and ipiPartial.
refereo A,tair continent from .hoth
burgh• witges ed ,the matefb
Pieughing-has 'cowwenaed-in= earnt-
• these Parte for; yoirs. Waft ,thi# .'which
nutting 'weed: rin Idle farm Of- ,Mr; Ton)
when the fatal niCticient , Oceured. 'It'.
. •., appears:. that- a, free Oh which the men
' Were , at' work lindlOrizect in ,a, ,tree
:: the hiitt of :the hanging. trio., in, 'order
.W ;hots the cnt 'nod '.etatted to
*' the ekeltie 'Beth
Friday evening 'in ,,the-asisOlasly-,-
WM. laerweod de,,,,are,, pleased
• Uri; Wre. Rea retdrned ,on Friday
her ,home • in, Gime aftor !muting
Plidet ,the parental reaf 'tor two weeks.
the .following amountor.--' Eartheird-
eon_ for bridge and. dratving timber
and °work a6
Pearsonyaited on the council asPing
that the reeVe be appointed- a delegate
interyiew• the' government in regard
tO:theeitent, Of 00,000.0Q. BarkleY:
,Kiekley,That 'Ade council ;';', having,
heaid 'the deputation froni:Iii,',Albert
re harbor improvements,. -believing
„there leerr.some_,:good,,pinnt.e
.Vanned. Therefore we 7 a; -.board
',would': heartily! repoininendthe satO
,iniProyeinents :Would Urge. - upon
our Meth bet 'Mr, Holmes: the ,nepessity
Of doing:. his .influenUe this,, end?
Stott,ipx,a, council', 'adjourned
rook agitiii'ea.; the 2$tli
.Mc 'Very geed...771i TaYlori
MOOregor, X Hill. Conley,,
•/$4 ,ftUatiou'e¢i'e of ;I Qushold (dna
tea* will bg,'bald, at the. enact 040•41)
1 St4' at 1. ;.o.'clook on :§#tittti%
ivyie,, l$0,tinser,`
te ; New 'York, Philudel'phiia
cand..Toronto •Colleges,, --
"will be,. at •
Tup a ay 19th, '04
Call early and. avail. yourself of 41
valuable services.,
8alo Ren
building known as the
rooms, ate; apd „ftjn': gee& repair. , :There
'a, good stable 'mid the beat of* - spriag-rmater.
• suitable tennant. • For„ particplars ,, apply 'to.'
e clear). -
ikroOl. 3. ply, Si
tro-in 400.- to 85c, per yaril, o designs and coloring axe
:THE Highest •Trice
Cish paid for B.utter
:and Egga at the ,LuoicNow
Pittarli/C EMPC/RIU1VII three et
doOfliOreSe: st‘ '0! the P, 0,sost-
tiegiggrogijklER ai ELI WO Effil MOM 1E
ai iDE.f E3 fr, t•11114 PI Eli Eli
FenOing Material, Goiled Spring Wird No. -9,
flY tire, Plain twist wire:
Will do, well to consult us for prices in Nails and Hardware.
We are in the business to aneet phe *anti of the' people.
e.4ave-the goods .to.'do. it _with, and the priee and cinality
*se Tottellot;
ind adjoining territories, to represent
and advertise an old estabIrshed hus-
lnese house ,of gond financial standing:
'Salary $21 Weekly,. with expenses, paid
headquarters. ' Expenses advanced' ;
:position „...,permanent;
100 acres of land eothprising the * of Lot'
11, Concessioh t. bivision Township*
Ashfield, County of flitroa, For particulars •
6,zinea praising ", the style of a 'DOt,liy Dodd;
33ut, ".8tyleVis no what stamps 'this shoe abolie,,, others, tie Dorthy.
Dodd has 'Style Most' assuredly.
„ t s t -e sort of shoe hat 6eps,rates its weatets from al. ot ers, as persona
, box() 'wive 4900 acres Of choice farm landa
tor sale. in 50., 75; 100,159 ando206 tiCre$,.
with good birtolci cheap CallY2
; 'terms; A. goed,e4W-taill. tor olinost tor
8, song .t• also a good hisekstosli,tli shop (dwell.
fag Cohnectiba) doing '1.99 hosiiiesit, for
male cheap, A, getteraistore with large trade,
ton* at 5 petachk, Vet further particii•sira
A, tiam3tuNztr,, itolyrfcrl, Oat;
geed 'Oatp for Sale
11111114'; celebrated WaVerle'Y hoW
as' the heoviest crOpt.ei, arid Vogt hveid-