HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-04-28, Page 5,�,W„u,vMw,wrraa;Aw.0 AR.rhnfrragal,+f. CYi•.mc»; • • .67,466,6666 SArkraa-.• r • II Store open Tuesday an OatuTdar eveuizge,, lose othoz evoningB a O'clock, "UITS . and. as this particular Fash><Qn,,•say$, . T� �' � , _ -: .. . , . .,. suit is`= ver `ervicable and:becoming to all women.: � .. style of. s Y � ... , ., .. - . . • r` ° sure tai be ,pi ular, - At this store: • ou. • can; see gOod 'many suitable materials.' for making' ;them, ;.-inolud_ g in LUSTRES in: Careams' Blacks, Navy,. ;Cardinal; 'Grey,f' id r. �'Lin- -en. i Navy, 1ad..Grey' Checks'.L1nQn°Crashes, Embro e.,.y u -en. Vestings, Mattings, Ducks, Drills, etc. Brass Buttons, Glass Buttons and Gun ° Metal ' Buttons for trimmin Also some pretty designs 'in FRENCH 'LACES', and in,- s• : suitable for trimming these. material's. Inna Corset: Covers at 25, 35, 50,''75c, and $1.00.. }rawers at 25, '40, 50 '75c, and.. $1.00 Skirts—See. our loaders at $1,00, $1,25 and ' $150. at -$1 00 and 8,1.-0 • ate, .fit• Linen ,Giallo Iiietadz-n1.Golored Borders, I anc� �t toped Bord. e Cents e • .1 and 2O .'ach. and the .Ker chie�. Feces Po.r;�2t .t'� • • WAST'' WAWA 'OS : c.:uuoii mete according c�e,...adjQu ril `r.;,ent;'Anemperti all present, mutes of last tneet1ing ctlnfirmed, �3 •Ef in'Ta0or• was appointed:"collector for 1904," E ` oh.nston, was g"ave i the. coatract .of supplying teamslfor the ,graders -71* :resrgnation of `Jas: 1nrph�all• as ;.ens g�neer was acceptd by t e board D `.McDonald wase app i.ut. d operator. ;of , grader: Notice was; received, froni,1O0. `. Bice S'o` the. sato. Qf the road o't con .6.,. :the matter w. °as lef C in the hods of:the .'.; . :Couneillot41"eleh.0-.-The,•- :foiIoWing p ;gl,eoks werec $sued'. .ir,'shall, balM of aectry !,.;-J Sks'U'brri iIo 1, 4f•unicipal orld suppli a 5, & b0;i1 1.. Thvo •' Don n s asp Wa ` . 61, D McDonald do,3 50,:'J Duiinin do. 9 H. .Lrei :shovelIin ;ano,.w t ,13.y law woe' n Hain fence v,.wera' was gassed. � ap of .. g } • ;,.. pound -:keepers and pathma8ters Thu, fotl'owing`•,are the , app.ointed. ' Fenco_ viewers—G '.Rutledei�, , . fceainey , t Bowers, •J Purdow,; W: McDonald, W Gordan •Pound•keepers-4,S.Nichol- lou; T• McCann; W J Jackman, Thos" Alexander,,:' ,R' Humphrey;-' A Ander son.. Pathmasters—Rd Kirk;- Watson.. irk; Watson.. J Young, • Stal'keerr. G F Youngblutt, J' ,4 lough,. J~F,Iliott; A Kirk, F.. Fragau.A. Retie, .13' Phalen; 'J YFtucaer, A Frsgati,;; JNichol'son; W Ryan, J .1tedinond,.._ Smylie, A.:Mc15ougal 3 Finnigan, G. Wilson, 7 11Lo0; J .Scafford, lor, %V .1 anford, J; Woods, 1-1' 'Wenn, T4Web4ter, 'PV Campbell, _WWildon,, -- Y R Bower,,' D Sini tb, 'W Thompson; W McAllister, A Brbplty,ll' Kearney,,"°E• Piowm-an;',J:;Chamriie� T Woods; '. Ward;'.11 Smith. J Cranston,', d :'Fore itaw;;B•Brophy, E Craig, J •G'amniett,. G Tisdale, Atton, 1)': Rutherford,; Harper, J lhutheiford,`.W Todd, T Joyrit,' I) Donovan;::W .Taylor, .T Cunt mioge, S Phillips, .Ti}, Hain'e , J Bowleg, C Gaynor,l'Henry,•.J 'Gaunt,, W. E • Gordon, • G' Wobli; . J;. Atchiesoo, W Donnelly, . T•.Tayl.or, J : Laidlaw, 3 Martin, .P Smeltzer; 'Y Millar;,. F ,•Me Donald, J Sherr>ff,:' A Anderson, A Webb, ,J ,Foster, T, Innlis,` R' •Thorr,p- son, J Eaglestone, 3Guunt, J Wed thy- ard; D Glenn: Council adjourno meet again on Thursday May. 9th ae': aCou>•t of Revision and,' for •general, M business. W. cCrostie ' Clerk, ' athe (Alton o I ry j• Ask for the ;PURITAN 'BRAND. Hose , for girls • One of the .`finest 'qualities` of this •brandis runde of finest select cotton yarn. A. very fine one and one rib and, soles, at 25 cents '/a..pair in:. the ;largest sizes.: iv ,Made-ot: heavy— cloth, •rubber; _linen, small detachable capes Bishop -sleeve- with-cuff;---CO-LO-RS Grey and, .Black. This is , a .: good serviceable coat' at '� ,5.00. • 1 HI Last ea t we':Lad lt" difficulty ingetting enough print shirts` for' y, op e slip d men•I Tbis year weh'ave an.;abt}nd:nce:• '. They axe t g , •wn in ' s �thro 1'ti ' ua e 1>•�,irl'a with. st'vl'� � and' , wearing 91 i • P> ices `'7:5f;,,.$ ' 00 .'1 25 and $1:50 each, '., WO also'carry a frill range of buy s;l' slze$<• • The new lines -for this springare in and ' consist of the very latest -patterns. Prices '25.35,and 50 cents per pair. � oee,e.Qeea•e,•••e•w••••r••a••oo• • .Coifed: . Spring Wire fence • • With lu'ge,_stiff stay wires, makes a perfect fence., • Not one pound of soft Wire enterssinto the constructibit of • THE; FROST. Tile uprights are. imniovably locked to.the , • " runnin wires`with.THE FROST WEDGE -LOCK making an absolutely Stock-proof•.rencc;,''rltc I;ock's bind without kinking or crim pin either the says or; lateral' Wires:;' Will' not slip, and our. . , a ._.:�..w,....., �._ g . ,,...... _,_ .._...� . _ •• which adds eatl • n and bakingreveutsrust, Sr_ , Y . e th od• of enamelli p ate m g 0 w 0 to''the appearance of the •i`.ence, Make no un§take. Buy THE FROST... • It la the heat/ v lest. and the beat. p'or sale by; • W JSP.• DLE rLaoouo•c' %now •• *it*•••••••••Sr!&!i.$'a• o • Marriage. Itip.pnge. i~'ul-Murri,t fiicetises'W. CozfiiaLt, ,is�viic . Agent for Allan .idno and Dominion Lines of Stealntihiptl.• • • Life J.nd :Accident Assurance. (7an pboll St. I uZliOth • t1r. CONN:tfit ' D,±TIST-. 1Ionor'gradnate; in dentistry, Torm..) DentalCellegc, and Doctor:,. of Dental gory, Toronto i nlversity All modern pi of ovetatio:i and carefulness in workreansh'' . Wilco to e�llitt{s block, upstdira, P,S Will visit 1tiployy every Thursday :'Afternoon. THE, HIGHEST` 'PRICE, FOR' : BUTTER '&EfAil$ NOW :IS THE 111 1,4 You should be thinking of having• your, spring provements done; and I, wish to :remind you : that ,I am•still'in the bgsiness and ;.. You right, can 'sery °PAINTING AND ALL 1rINDS U1" '` DECORATI;NG M .4;11,E MY" SPECIALTIES. SPECIATIES Givemie a,call and 43,4e cOniinced that I can give work 'and prices. 8116110r6V6. Seed Oats and `°Barley I 'UR Stock of Waverley: oats which we - er. fir seeaL•:is, lure. and glean and. cff. P 'worthy the' attention':of farmer who -iwish to' , grow irge crop. of grainami straw with the,. ' - good;featureof standing up. well ia. the_. wet; season. Our:ylnid.laat year on ordinary cult- ivation was 140 buahels.pet' acre. Also a lim '. ited .un!tity of. Man bchure Boris . Prices: ,s on -application. '1$. J.GAUNT, Con ;W Wa'wonosh•, `:The Invict is h Soes '; manufactured .by `Geo. later, are: in a'class,by themselves, as regard :STYLE;;' ?ITund-'W Al Q`tlher maker .try: irnit to : Qufa fai l; &te,, 17 Clue .. to. >l e. �l ..... 4 , ,o procTuce an article ec nal... iii . any vvay } ,The following are some of •' our s ecials . g pp4 'Good: eai Welt . ; stip sole, in •new"shag per• pair: out to sell at �$�QUa, a ,be en's Velour Calf • Goodyear 'Welt, -in new'. , American" o- • x last,` to sell:at $4:O0yer pair. en's iox Calf B...,al Goodear new Shape., The best 40,50 shoe sold in Canada... ?AIN°. Sui 9 5 If you need .a goo d shoe for; spri t<g call and examine ourstock of`'Invictus .Shoes.:' CALL AND EX ... �MhN'E BEFORE BUYING, '1 •/ 's. CA. U; PO's. PO REPA1RfNC NEATLYAN® PROMPTLY QONE • ;,.++++ eni,ett :.tie ,painter has the late and most: up=to-aate colors for house aj:,ting of all kinds. 1. ' io..> eca, pai PER • OW is the time' and don't `forget to havee. your Buggies and Waons Painted by Jos. Anderson;' 'it the old. stand :oyer .-Nloise's.._.Machine,: Shop. , Prices reasonable. Mr. Moise can do an 'repair ing they may: need. ors •; • WILL • PAY. YOU,.'TO .GET . `BRNNETT TO D ,-i YOUR WO!K:' - PI4P , E ASV-; E � H C E� R• OW: f • .,■:.:e:.•w..:.:.:c:.;.:■:■;.:•:.:.:.:.:.:•:.:a GROCERY' • FOR. RELIABLE COONS 1- wish to announcd',:thnt"wo will take'your,old recorcis'in exchange for•• new onesi cracked, brgkep.or cleiectod. 4t -anyway; and allow you i; cts on. ach 7, inch record and 30 cts etich for 101ncli'records. ' Ou ' Ne -w Iniprovgd brown in Meloy,' wilt, play a in competition ivith.any:other Walking machine, 1 will: use out. $15 machine in.eompetition against any.$r5 mach- ins o'hthe inarket for loudness,,. plain. Bess, deafness and the natural. tone of did human voice; Our itiaehities aro sold andel• a 5 -tar guarantee, with. 11 recordS-nttd,`?Q0 1l1ec11os flee i, pi`lces $1;5 00, 52c,0U.,, ?S.04: and $45,00.' Von call •buy oiir msticltIno far ono' dollar down rho balorde,tt payments, We'reeex,ve lists every Mouth o t, the. latest,sougs;and•'mu'sic; call n,h . bct Otte,• . TYO:NE''wito attended the: Torento • Exhibition ' last. fall" and, enjoyed the prett-y'sigl is 111:'Ithe horticult- ural'pavillien:could not. fail to see .on nearly all the .coll- ections of cut: flowers the'conspicious Grown from nenis' s ;seeds" You can 'grow' just ,s' pretty flowers as those ' that` were •w 'Sonif, you'soRennies;eeds a: n' 1€Li 'e assortment ; of • Rennie's t, have oust received_a � ,., .... Flower' -and Gai•,denySeeds . , ig <r::, it itiei" ll u� i Cl a e t. and, s the ht time 1i lar ie b��ya<n� at rj�u b q wear() enabled to sell tl elnl at the extremely ' of • i' .11* _._ . ger Paca e • .A186 a fnll assorlindot of Frsver anci Jar en •