HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-09-03, Page 6MINOR 1,;QQA1, S. ( PERSONAL.. Vooler Weather. Thursday', Sept, 3rd. -•The 'tush is now on to the Toronto Vale. l Mr. Harry Pierce was visiting for a few days at Lueknow. Dr. T. Chisholm, E, P. is spending a tow weeks in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Moore spent Sunday with friende at Bayileld. Mrs, Wm. Sneath was visiting with her aunt, Mre. Reynolds, at Stirling. --Wingham,. L. O. L. meets Friday Mrs. J. E. Bradwin was visiting for a Greenling of this week. few days in Galt, Paris and Stratford. Mr. John Shaw, of Clinton, is visit- ing with his daughter, Mrs, W. J. Muir, Mrs. F. Buchanan and children have been visiting with Toronto friends for a days. Misses Hazel and Verna Moore are spending a week with friends at Bay- field. Miss Ethel Musgrove has returned home from a several weeks' visit in the West. Miss Bessie Kennedy is visiting with tier friend, Bliss Dorothy Dickson, at Wroxeter. Mies Patterson, of Erin, is visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. W. G. Patterson. Mr. Samuel Sexsmith, of Kincardine, was calling on old Wingham friends on Tuesday. Mr. John C. Currie left on Tuesday for the West, where he will spend the next taw weeks. Miss Florence Christie, of Guelph, is visiting her friend, Miss Hazel Jonea, Bristol Terrane. Miss Edith Davis has returned to her home at Exeter, after a visit with Hazel and Verna Moore. Mr. O. W. Ross, of Chicago, is spend. ing his holidays with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ales. Ross. Mr. Adam McKay, of the Teeswater News, was visiting with Wingham friends for over Sunday. Miss Houghton has returned from her holiday at the,lake, and will resume her classes on September 8th. Miss Marjory Fisher left on Monday to take her position as teacher in the Leamington Public School. it f th 9, a, e- ls s a w d e f m n We shall be glad to have contributions to mitis eolunin trona aiy of our readera. xt you have visitors or purpose going away yourself, drop in and tell ue, or send, ufe a note to that effect. -,--Labor Day celebration #rt Wingham mmatt ¥[onlay.. W lkerton's tax rate this year is meta on the dollar. —The railways announce single fate rates for Labor Day. --Mr. E, Mceloy's new residenoe on marling Terrace is about completed. --High-olase concert in the opera house, on Friday evening, September 25th. ---Wingham fall fair on September 24th and 25th. Make your entries early. Tows and Weekly (,}lobeto new sub. Joribers to January 1st, 1909, for 35 rents. The Tures sent to any address in Canada to January 1st, 1909, for 25 rents. Ladies—Take a look at the new atot k atf back and aide oombs at the BIte Boole Jose. —Regular monthly meeting of the Rollie School Board next Tuesday waning. Teems and Family Herald and Weekly Star to new enbsorlbers to January let, 1909, for 85 cents. --Messrs. Currie & Rintoui shipped a inar load of heavy horses to Winnipeg on Saturday. —The regular monthly meeting of the Town Council will be held next Monday evening. TrnrMS and Family Herald and Weekly Star to new subscribers to January let, 1009, for 35 Dents. —The hum of the threshing machine can be heard. The farmers will be busy for a few weeks. Tuns and Weekly Globe to new sub - =titters to January let, 1909, for 35 icents. --List of attractions for Wingham fall fair will be found in our advertising ,00iumns this week. —The abutments for the new bridge ton Josephine street north are completed and ready, for the superstrnoture, —Mr. W, Bailie, the popular Reeve .of 'Went Wawanoah, is recovering after a few weeks illness with pleurisy. --The next meeting of the West Whwanosh Township Council will be field on Saturday, September 12th. —Poor tea is poor eoonomy—nse a'Salada" and you will appreciate the .excellent finalities of high-grade tea. —The regular meeting of Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland, will be held next Monday evening. All members are requested to be present. —The many friends of Mee. Geo. Spotton will be pleased to learn that she has recovered sufficiently to return from Listowel to her home in town. —Mr. R. A. Hutchison, who returned from a visit to the West a few weeks ago, has taken a permanent position in Mr. S. Gracey's furniture and under- taking establishment. Dr. Ovens, Oenlist, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear,, Nose and Throat will be at MoKibbon's drug store, Wednesday, Sep. member 23rd. Hours: 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. «lasses properly fitted. —Mr. F. Paterson left this morning for Walkerton where he has the Contract of banding a green for the lawn bowlers. Mr. Peterson has similar contraote at Paisley and Grand Valley. —Speaking of J. H. Oameron, who will be 1st the fall fair concert on Friday•evening, Sept. 25th, the Edmonton B3n1letin says: --"His humorous songs, recitations and stories were excellent, -- 8 meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wingham General Hospital will be held in the Council Chamber in the town hall nazi Monday afternoon, com- mencing at 4 o'clock. All members wets.'bre requested to be present, McBRIEN.—In Turnberry, on August 25th, James McBrien, aged as years, 3. month and 1n days. hoes—In Vancouver, B. C., on -kunst ust 22nd, Plot erica Russ, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Koss, formeriy of Wingham, aged years and E months. Bn:nn—In Wingi:am, ou August 81st, ICathar ne Rahn. wrre of Mr. Conrad Diehl, aged 4:+Years and 8 months. It0Kr. Mese ATT ..-.A,t Wroxeter, on August 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moffatt a son. Mrs. Geo. Carr and child have r turned home after several weeka vis with her parente at Tilaonburg. Dr. John Roe and Dr. Wesley Roe, o Philadelphia, Pa., are visiting wi their parents on the 2nd line of Morri Mrs. W. F. Vanstone and Miss Fred of Wingham, were renewing old frien ships in town on Monday.—Brusse Post. Dr. and Mrs. Walker Ard, of Phil delphia, Pa,, is visiting with relative and friends in Wingham and Turn berry. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Walley and Mis Dorothy Walley are visiting for a fe days with relatives in Brantford an Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Orvis, of Dryden, wer visiting for a few days at the home o the former's brother, Mr. E. W. Orvie Turnberry. Mr. and Mrs. R, Goring, parente o Mrs. J. W. Hewer, have removed fru Toronto and taken up their residence o Shnter street, Dr. and Mrs. Redmond are visiting with relatives near Lansdowne, Dr• A If. Paget, of EIora, has charge of Dr. Redmond's practice during his absence. Dr. and Mrs, John Anderson, of Philadelphia, Pa., are visiting with the farmer's parents, Mr, andMra. F. Ander- son, of Bast Wawenosh,and with. Wing - ham friends. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baer and Yam• ily, who have beeli residents of Wing. ham for some time, leave this week for Southampton, where Mr. Baer has a good posftion. Their many Wingham friends will wish them success and bappinesa in their new home. —H. N. Roadhouse received on Anguei 27th, a bank draft for $1,000 payable to Kira. A. E. Simmons in settlement of certificate held by the late ale E. Simmons. Mr. Simmons had been a member of the Knights of the Maccabees for 12 years and 4 months. He had paid in dues and assessments the sura of $140.00 This year we had the celebrated Scottish vooaliet, Mrs. Coutts -Bain, whose reputation as a vocal artist Is second to fess, if indeed she is surpassed by any. Fier reputation ip famous, not Only on the continent of America, but in the old lanai. -••The Durham Citron - fele. Pall fair concert, opera house, Wingham, rriday evening, Sept. 25th. .. 3�lan of hall at liicltIti„o, a drag store. Harry V. Logan, of Brantford, general financial agent of the British Methodist Bpi:copal (colored) Church of Canada, was in town during the week soliciting aid for the church. Mr. Logan did nor meet With the duccea8 that would have been his ha:i he not been prececded by ft aolicitor, who we trkra informed has no connection with this chnrell and who succeeded in col.+ iflg to law. litaflag ooniklerabbe money in Win j 13. 1;lirTi'SOM, Wing. .r. r Clerk Towu of Wingm, ha Wit. ilatctl Atafsu.st ".yth,1918, VOTERS' LIST, 1908 %IUNICIPALITY 01' TELE TOWN OF WINOHA IS THE Cot'Ni'Y 01' nun .� Notice is he rel,vg vc•n fin 1 have trona - mated or deliver( ri to the p sons mentioned in Sections a End t. o" the O , i i, Vote •s' List Act, the cape, v requi ed Said seetifns to bo rrn transmitted , r dol , d of the fiat, made nurtunnt to hmikeset. et all nrzr -e.nv aptheearin, MutnoiIoy iuc,nonwieestotoln ad Municipality at 1✓le,• t.:ns for i,u nir,ers of the r oaislative AS;winbip and at Mune:Dal Rice - tions : and that the cob/ list was first posted up - at my bade in the Ti .n of Wing.iam on the 2stli ,day of &ugust, ltte, nail remains there for snaoe�etion. Electors are called u1son to wen+ iinp the oath 'ssi 1!.4 t, and if any u -ilei loud or any other arryra' Are found therein, to take fii'.i ,E.,l ;its proeewd• inrs to have the said errors l'oirt. t,A1 accord -1 'VIM ...ING1 .1K TOMS, SUM EM KING'S POR BARGAINS t Move Quickly WV WANT 'MVO, TRAM This week will draw to a close one of the most successful Stomper SuSales we have ever had. We have still a good selection of Mustins, Lawn Waists, Whitewear, etc., and parties wanting any of the above will make good interest on the money invested here. Another Shipment of those. Elannellette Blankets The $1 05 kind for $:I.00, The $1.00 kind for 78e, Ti E 'BEST EVER ! ! 10 pcs all pore Liman Tabling, 60 in, wide, regular 500 a yd, for 25c. Our stock of' General Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, and everything kept in a first class general store, is complete. TUB MUTTER 22e. E(>~,GS 20c. G. E1 KING. C HEAP PRIDES omgcnr- NOTICE TQ CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. 1897, Chap. 129,Sec. 88, that all persons having claims against the Estate of Alexander Orr, late of the Town of Wingham i the County of Huron, hotelkeeper, decease,who died on or about the 22nd day of Ju A.D. 1908, are required to send by nos prepaid or to deliYerto R. Vanstone, W- gham P. 0., Sob- cttor for the Administ rs, on or before the First day of October, . 1908. their names, addresses and descri ons, std a full state- ment of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongthe parties en- titled tbereto, hating regaronly to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 2nd day of September, A. D. 1908, R. VANBTONE Wingham P. 0 Solicitor for the Administrators. TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to The Ontario Voters' List Act, by His Honour the Judge of the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Foresters' Hall at the Village of Bluevale on Tuesday, the 22nd of September 1908, at 10 o'clock a. m„ to hear sad de- termine complaints of errors and emis- sions in the Voters' List of the Menici- pality of Turnberry for the year 1908. Dated at Bluevale this 26th day of August, 1908. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk of the Municipality of Turnberry. 1 Central Business College, Toronto The largest and best equipped school of its kind invites you to write for its new catalogue. Pall Term from Sept. 1. Address W. S, SHAW, President or E. R. SHAW, Secretary. PLUMBING and TINSMITHING? We are fully prepared to execute all orders promptly and satisfactorily. First-class workmanship guaranteed. Reduced prices on Tinware and Graniteware are still in effect. W.J. Boyce Successor to T. Bug t Son. 444444.4.444.444,4.+4,144-1-1-4-) R r .I. 4.:I: G oi6 4..1.4. 4. 4. lAt, 4. 4. 4. •.•••dommAerYsamol*ai • A beautiful display of 4. • Dinner and Tea Sets % .1.* • Toilet Sets and :I .1. Fancy China 4. going at cost while they last. .p We must snake room for the 1 • • Xmas goods. 4. • We also handle the best Teas and Coffee inn the market. Fresh grocer• les always on hand. Highest prices for produce I. :r + 4. 'IIco1ins 4. + ,.„ + 4 ysyy,}}� ,}}.�,}},,}}IHO��l E 54,.. yyy yy+. CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Winghalisz Circle, No. 434 ppMeets First Thursday in each month, at 8 ra. illpreibehnenAstforchalalin uracsoliicitedko see our rates of any member qr officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. REV. T. 8. BoynE, T. E. RonINson, Leader. Recording Secretary W. J. WYLEs, Financial becretary. FARM OR SALE. The Undersigned of farm, being lot 2. con mM miles from Wro2, ham and is a fir; gooc{, condition. Th best. Get terms an raises, or address II rs for sale his 100 -acre d, Turnberry. The farin ter, and 7 from Wing• t•class one and is in buildings are of the very particulars on the pre- JORN MoTAVISir, Wroxeter, P. O. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that rap wife having left my bed and board without cause, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by ber after this date, without a written order from me, Dated this 25th day of August, 1908. PETER TERRIFF, TAKE NOTICE. se,z, :„ That J. S, Jerome, Dentist is making beautiful eels of teeth for eight dollars, and inserting the Patent Airchamber, All work guaranteed. Office in Chisholm Block, Wingham. BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on his Premises. Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris, (Bluevale Road) a thoroughbred Yorkshire Boar. Terms—$1, to be paid at time of service. T. M. HENDERSON, Wingham, P. U. CANADIAN :PAAc v Fri C LOWEST the RATES NORTH-WEST by any route, are those on C. P R. Homeseekers' Excursions, which are now run via new Muskoka line. Hours saved on old sohedtrle. 60 -day return tickets to all North-West paints, at rates ranging from Winnipeg return, $3200 Edmonton return, $42.50 /BAYING DATES: July 7, 21. Aug. 4, 18. Sept. 1, Id, 20 Comfortable berths in tourist sleeping cars et small extra cost. Apply early for accommodation, A TRIP TO MUSKOKA To Parry Sound or to any of the delightful Georgian Bay resorts is most comfortably and quickly made by taking the C.P.R. Fast trains over new direct line—service, time and equipment without equal. For anyinformatdon see Agent or write C. B. Foster, Dis. Pass. Agent, Toronto, Canadian National Exhibition Toronto $3.65 from Wingham, good going Aug. 29 to Sept. 12, Special excursion rates $2.70, good going Sept, 1, 3, 5, 9, 11. Return limit on all ticket9 Sept. 15th. Western Fair London $2.25 from Wingham, good go- ing Sept, 12, 13, 14, 10, and 18th, Special excursion rate $1.75, good going Sept, 15th and 17th. Return limit en all tickets Sept. 21st. LABOR DAY Bohm tickets at singe fare het. Wenn all stations in Canada, good going return Ang 8,1308,0 Vali information and tickets from any Grdnd. Trunk Agent, or >I'. D, McDonald, D. A., Toronto. C Little ti August 10 Days' $'s and c's Dress Goods alld Clothing Sale + I IODAYS SALE 1 AUGUST 20 TO 31 *♦ 1 $4,000 Dress $5000 MensBoysand ,t, Will be slaughtered regardless of cost. The A 1 GREATEST OPPORTUNITY the purchas-II , + ers of Wingham- and vicinity have had x for years ---no old stock ---all new up -to- date goods --your opportunity-- ey bring your cash or trade. + + * LADIES t . : +, +. 4+ Your chance to get new Fall Dress Goods at cost and below. + + 4. + + + +, 4-1 6tNTS Your new Fall Suit or Overcoat at the + + +' We invite you an to inspect our bargains; come early Thursday ; it will pay you ; . a rare chance ; can you afford to miss it ? + prices of almost the material. + , t We save you $ when others only save you e e e. A r s > I We Sell lVfCa. atterns 1 E Which are by far the best. A trial solicited. ► i P b ANATH. >s nA.ii Jil A �tw iw t • WINGHAM + . 1,.. BIRO