Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-03-31, Page 677
.5 MIT ,
NOW;,- k
e 'the 4TOZ 11OW94 19
Released- b3o, itlis
N V -Chwong Two T
ew cable;.
qse� meychauiS,J�Sutaj4m;,aA,
; .0, 8,
and 4140. Al U V�
Fell-, I Until 'Al4relf; .26, airiy
begriv imprisoned a -t Arthur f,rp "A
lA .4 10GE
e here to
yl� pm ihpir Nvay to. Tie4,
:44, 1 T in They.
were rReased .............
U�, ,"A '0
:INV WN-', -0E --M,-, women refugees, d "R'DU F
H11 I
as a, result a � t e -efforts.
'OfUititecj States C Sol Mill
bide od itbo, AeLgQ- a e.on
:d ae�,.,O-f . ' , 0
XQtl;jfig, *ore bgs.b,'een. hea stei. I
I,d:- of. ye- plateliquiry in the inAttef's the -M st Impe
if 406mbitied' land sG -Ili 11p, . t COve vp �P
1119'. JR th "*'ptu T,�lq'mercbants
"Alipp 'ell of, AsAbOr poil, -e
o Atilt, result �404 On t 9
-LiM A. vaace
r od
P41BY unt of having J
1110. chrol0clo repo Of the cQ.##�Jn- ill
Arts that tbii�r0l.,Wflfl. Session elfartle 0i - z o do ml..
at, 4i
bombardineiit ell lilat4d to t.
U4,011 Ill wbi report, that they wbre i
Thei ke, �of x am!.
by tile. Rua$iAll's, PS , pepilikily,".�- T; 1400 ci.b 0- D4
sayg�";thfif'tl I " I oprnevpf t
on file he Abbe -0664 a iIiiiiiiag
Vp lipo�i-41i 7
want ed dAf�y e� con.11.04- in- the� milljtary,p TV till' ho, bad
t4e -44y -i fu 6UYiliks. v
portAr, e I 5le'
*1 to Octal �v , C*mbridgp, th
were! Wiled- '00 ;aft
.1, . - I , li� 1111i;, f� , thur;', lei A; A* b4k heo� A0000q&j
helit '!it-, ell stody -fdr-21-"�'. q
4W ic c
7V c
-E it
Wilk Chq *Z�0)6m% -1161 t
C W S 91 (ft"(,
if r m,
nothilix ay, of pHyll
,411W8 . 431, Y XtWff6;t*,9
Of I
ihUra�%�*pgotcrd the z4liylll PAL -land tA-Airge 11v mh-ha�d,
Is, Auling: �e4wixd,, -Qvhm,� AlexOdrai 11,
R;�.whqdic4 it; �Q% eqh6ea.
Nth ill
we, �selltwftiiles .-of
up"'to: Arius' (Wjl,ll�
clal fq�eign,, mbnaie�ros
I!Ccounts hgve, b.pell -3 *it I, I e , jig I ecs 169m,
U14 arAval'. lliere 39 diplon* -boafsely
'!,.Ac�ordjn�,r to t
1'eurti, d -Port At Abbey, The'Norry X
TAY pf
their pipi. 9enry,We1d6n)L;
Icy %Yere pree., med:,:
rept f rOm, -walks fa,1116,, iktte�ded. ill"
T IT d. States llritish�-sub�� -is the t b g
ind. the.'fdu titles of the,defla Man, t
'e' PrOm ly, till d
00 Abel exists, Oomplet ... cor
e, einbargo Ae , ps,
��qr to J C
d 'consul Aliller
POIT �Aelvspaper. espiwichas di
I C,
Port, Ai-thur.,- Tlie-,n 4th �yfflkod'beldrT4 it �th
rorig of.
anit 0
R011" , (1,
S. iiiiiar.y a . . Ja0s :at: iinj
e DO
;,ah(L 161.
Itre, at,��tho� ill: 'in rtaffi.1fl
-h� b ie
On the, Coil- paltd, fr�hi Adluiraf'Alexi h lerftfter t the bright sunshine t - thopsqnds p
eff f0A 0, cor
old. peO�Jemoritsjde the Abbey wittelled-th
-trlt,ry�:Ahey--deeiwiw that, Such bombQrd-
Neil. [lilt tidnately
1 gelienki.. repor is wits W&C
-wear, Pitt tile guns, and" machinery Tatrol*�-'Apl)N g -m7 iijit, 011' known ta tho publ IQ L e �W-t e -gun, carriage'. -TI
nients Ym;
;L Jlipilieiel tagy Wy of the
jes" t o
yps erda
Cio in
h�. id tom a 9
e,4 er, -d' If
A farch 17 'Wits takell t1i gee we
Of. the ships and ,a Old' Duk6 SL wit
aFthlvor ii,'.On the metbry and' buried' be- bit stirrup
ensal Green' Ce
waste -:limmunitiop observellL the engmy's,c,
lisatin , . valitag "rikey e of the cl�cugichq
e ad ivr o yprsed,, followed his.
,news- -Chwaiim is noyr sur.
the fict e that of his mor
New without coinpe I' ft bank' I 'sid gallittic )yife, all-' master to tile- gravel.
ago ny that a marched tlir6ug and ill- Wlorvapid
forceis; 'hay. 07 theAutericau flect as Pro d nerals-eriter�d
that "t 1 � The C -' '
reliable tb Oint to tile.. shiall at.. anti' posite the*-totyn., -p -ing pring mbass
ip4er� despatches are .rile efiel' at sanilsof troop es, a
rounded. bi'large,
e 'ad
f of of their ate. Ila 1. * t , 't appeared ht Yong- ed the:.streets, and,dense Cr w 21 carriage's arid. started
if ing...breastworicS And. battericis �sitab, futi no , Ye, .0 s atch, �gq
o, the Japn!1liese armyl-4orthw I on the long jounley
Sri lityl'' VrOn" the 'Positiowi taken 'by P0119, fteen 1 14 Aort t f At* It 31) ilitar inag,' eme, ry,
lishqd fl edthQ Spectacle, whie tb -the c
at the; -railWay si t`
carnage jar,
on...- east side of'tbc.;�ly& Lind, And alsb d' tile'. funeral:
'be exp A, Ion on, the J;IPai,;eSethe' Jtwt�e believed -that '7' - 'j"' Pificillfce,- rivall Aheild of the 41M ray 6 iR
W-1, 'Q1T of uctil,
the, tol$
'T potident of th Ei of British. troops geld�m sgenr'in
Nagasal.-i corlirch the
IP&Y ecti6d Yet r 'could not, See
y so
at a p a'� ese tl,',Oops is at Anj.*, .T(d 'the
'n,'or tile, batterie$, The,
e the fort on the,'w "'T
. .... QW
est sidej
Jt 1, ea' t -y'- fo r t t 6 tile a.
'insot�hi '11 '81bim, 0 V lei
st�Qlf,..� he Lucersi.
e§. lie i igh -an-le 'or ti -4Wemfkdiers� Hu d�M -1-`
il,�',liilld, pre6sioil. iyas. AS Ive - bad reveived. i f uniform; -and the' Queen, iii the dbepest iMars, ragoons� 41'..
Department- has the jap- Amp of landers, )�fth their , blinds marclief
the atri��al�' enemyls
Ito, Matte that. the Wair danger Ofr Cannon fire, Aould ossiblerA . gh tile g teral target inournipg,' lilroiile from Buck
11 . 4 lils fo a. lubky -cliani gee to the 7AbbeV, The, 'Cro oil formed, p
ino* I compi anese Conic 'Up the liver. waq, P of, tivo of the I . u*,kam Fal- through a lane of'.brillant.col'
eted, it ill . det -r ther le could Sqlladioiis,�at,Pakehou, ir$- deqat�lied wds uncovered
On account, the' fear iliat...the. really -dama,�e the, batteries oil ships. '13o. 200 ell N, 1111-Y t0 pi'M'lent the enor from bV t) e 'rIfitntry lining the route. Ile,hind
e file troops reversed -arms
umns f Vnited Stfirfes-,gunboat Relen f--1 r: is khOITY"the 'Japanese-Im-Tap-li-sife Pake on. -their an-!-* p. Abbey w4s then' -iipectators filrmed�d cimtj
t (Alici�maip 'Col in silence, and
a will, be the. nuousi
f *�ncbat 01" lver. Our,cay-
It d' i2l"Ossilli, the -fi R' Th
r iiu- a4-.. h o serve&..- filil, ipIoinal ors
isl on, tile left. bank 1: -which
rkxtvd States 'Alin. tile, Russian-%- hall.- bettef. luck, a;' -sliell squadrons and army '0fliCW5.-q' till, ill- and Wi6es spirklid -ia t e
0, stated that withdrawn residents '' heic 40 Oil tile b packliId:'-,vjfIi d ;S'. privy, council]
Americarl thing yemerdit other hand air), black bickground. Cuirasses, glumes,
a great force has be�n massed, fo iLve tclegia�he Q� :0f. till. en�my!S
d to IT
gorgeous �nni-
�et Conger'at fr(-.m th6 battleship Retv,i7an vbi that Ai0 beon'sb seldom sceit of lilkt� by
*Aee Hiiiiiin, starting.'. froi�, the PQkin,. reiluesitiig the ell NVO -withdrew- on Alie. arrival forms. The 1r, !g walked lip the aj�le,�
presence 'of -an American, man-of.-tva Wing. ovin the hil ;A d A Anj of our I detach. d%-V�Grenadiers,
one of
tinuance i --b - - 13T0,S, bent low 'over- - tile, revers'ed arms; a half -hours el
Inkouth of the I an insr' Oil I iihich'wail line" the inbabitants of the Metro
Ment 'toliklai it
Tumen River, below rbssielt duiling the' poll th _Q_UtL .1glItillig
�f-Abg-warj�jol�. t ed
;3B!LV!,: Hea esla le taliabIrse squadrons -edusis Nearly twd and
07eslif!0411Y protectin�,, IF mourner at Defoi 'the gun
itral4ed. north of Ioing-,yjklig an ofren-, property dtiring PUW4 Land, Operklons., 190 - mounted,nien. d itbok his place as Oiie� ca�,iage'reached:'thel
the. disorder is 11011 tile, iijglltL Of' �A'rnrelllq t wo, i the licad. of i ry, . om "which the; public b d been ex
A F, tbatL it' St., , i Life, coffib. 'file rince , of It 0 f'r
ic Wales, tile *buke 'of ComiaifgI C
zollya 1111:16Vibn YAlit X Ul. attend the inten . )qgnum Petersburg cable,: -.,Y 'CA& Is*:
the Alit ile_Tokio�- C PecteOL'
-wi . - he�Hin and oth
luded. T
nm�, fl;�A flip, C6 itdod'.by ad
Itietween 4ussian and. Jo nces Wo-oid7E@lil�& U, of
Par Na a squadro,
ifiniderstan&. that, ope a wilt bpXin , . . , . , :.� . The ])ail ''opened: fe ' ill
obt '9f"the, Da� 'bein -4W ---r
t0frespond lese, Occulia miral Togo'" 07 r litir -- P
ily miil,skyp� the co patrol ,bctiv�.P)i 1'
-0011111. g emulated 1; 11,9an : and' Ch6reltu Zlb ee?t of,,Pr, s9ii represen mpeilo� :'lierA fited t volleys M
mande�r` of. usgia r&
'61 - Iii e., but tile ri1eiiw a theit
mew�cbw�ni' the JAPIiI1CS6.-forcb@, in. Cor�a. - X alill'. JN1 Old
yill ,nntip Millicrs, ficld'iiia I 'I
"Ivance 4)f ille.;Japanetj iam'Anicing Ahe,,pnnt n 1.1,
Yalu' 1ki ane �on s-,shows"that they' silt .,is reported fluit 100 of flip 'Were Admiral, and Colonel Fi#ge,?rge,..
the latili'Ditke's. 1,sons, BcAidejt�h_gb were,
e,, 'A London: cable: sdyi. The. Times Uis� losing no time, and *that tficy'jrc ell
morning,publisl emys, cityall.,y n (!('in
ple Ila y peop e are v
[it -Nevertheless, , the "fdrtificitidn 0
Haines, Robert§, Norm'hil. inourning�
ia.,correspaOoe�t of� t Veie Ja ixth will., NpC0Cd-- -on, iifol.0-d---tile field - infirshill d If masted -*and, iiian
led Ill]. ojUnion of a qOr.. more'rapid than:the :Russiaps 0 jed
Th up
alu arn
-A e ITY at Xe*-Chwang,
which *ijr Shows Pie Japanese -operation
oinpamied'b' 'all-prop,�Y-, nii other wet -0 general 'sf Of, �popu fir
'be: turned -,into -a magnificeft bass find s,are ac-, beell.,placed ill readine 4 soi ha� whoi Ivith a s0l.f, of igns
41 '11110111 R WXU be.'relaxed �arly' iai�rn; aild
10*PUattl'8kOQr'predi0t:s "ill �V th 9l� Anjul "Alaterial- for' llorft6bn� bridgils 00
he Daily respondent . tb
filmolle 11ri
that -she also probably, vvill lar lltary:�-pre- 1 84 . gt�nci. ll- kor . rpN, at thc� 4ppth'o�-
4w4i0b, may bei,inte�preted as seize 'Ifii- 'Cautizins.. all - the HussiWils. are it - orth of Anju,",
Confirming Chefig,' fitfeen miles 'eastward 'of the� Concerned, %hey h4jc, 116 intention .6f,jt� Jhpi? Stea3l :kdvan6
the ieportk�, j6f'r a i"in
forwird, railroad,
that t cotn' anded
ie is er in
ding 'as an"additional .,base,' king Anju, bht'.th6,,prcsence-of:.tI A London Cable i§a�,s
4, " '' and. 4tae
:movement. The steadv ad-' R. PARK1WS'.ADVENTUR19,'-. Pt
nousskil of- SJ.N
9�riouslv.k , , 1i D 'da
tt�qking �'Cifher d, thousiind cavalry- irance in. �Nortbern; -do
�%e c�i4esponden' not �secm.
Poilt Aithiii-or Viadivosiock;`tlie iner. under- Gcn.'-Nllst6h6nko�%r be"to to '66,ye, r6sulted ill serious il';Iltink any-, ItOodes', q Amonggt' the w�reokager. Wab also
t'rof',th' C. ell. �Vill, 'be foUgh ' ' var
t. out Olt 'of
C ichollarship Utan�llnat lokl trchind, a,, nuffiber',of. bandlM ot de lln
and', retard -Jap n
P4 'ght
give, Ventral ANIanchurial it ese in every wl�iere., -It. is aotioie'd- here"that I Youg-
p �,cabling frorfi:,Chcfo6 plains haritas...
ither acouu way possible. Eklileii ocid Viii"
T -1 .. , -le led
t of, the Japanese -pr 1`0119, " wh " h the �skiil)�, which aro thdo ttv
taPaTa" It is Almoit. certai Was 'oedupi
Nieiv,,, -ork, CIR -Part (if t
In , the. dorrel; 'file atithorilks lilere Ile ICVC that It, I a p Ain C' 3 tei Cargo of this 'otmi- -
'.h Re on, "a.6ird. -- �y
v, acco, ,)Late I, ilm&n�%jioli
sf�yp e went on a steamer -sp.ofidqni.19 QpjTTiOn;,-,�ba't the�var' ivil'L- only be a inatter- of -a �4jng- t Of- t 0
�shol t Aime G 0 papers,for the-UqP11 11�jode
13,"aild g,..north-
found' ......
en.� Zueeir% City
be klong:6iie and at the w6r When Activc� 1 is VefigPien a Canad 6n..
th Irim 'scholArphip Ili pail
V, St,, Japan* and operatioils. will'begin. east sif', !and Canadian
W, I retain- ft:L Anin. The L' ablindoninent, 6f'tbe American
on e an. Oxfori
ifiateve landing place way . to, ietreat- 6ve Of 'the: JapitifilelseLbattleship; of. 6urs6' lissian ontlibstq,: be -tlie 1 Uniketoft! lw,ure-beild coast'lime - -7
�s pame,e
-of' into - Corea. If h ifore Ja' upon; th 0
J, t e' ang
been approoia he say4.1 't . 'German Loyld rder in - HbboL;; ed"here, thl,s� -
U W.estimated. that% got shot,' -a�,' t,ry.�- Zvaiica is rex(ardco' North' 11
tile rca in- Qu6en: CU .1), -L
e, Comm S r wit of
''j. e.coun- '11 'be -of. inestim. 4Tkander 'at Port -Artlitil"I
e a
ilp of the"'.1ce. �L IT tife ..Con), tb0LTr6as0!r
teadlne8s, for e Ilie garrison.. as jw aceor(iance,%%�itit,'tll'e',Kii,;sian' ph u6�t.. LBaV,
spanese in .4ei'prestige will be I ighed, ing Id, In' Petersburg, -ken'to.:Aa�y lL Pending it'decisi6n4rom,
and - hd - add§ thatL 't F1 ]Nfa tard,fl, r6ok-4, tic I-Igs(I
Souther' Of citurlidign., as to wlle�, yrzitAt.
It . Ma nitlifists, silys a L
ti 'da,st of Idiloo-aver
Jinen , IS �Yisry: 4,CtiVe'throu g ulerely tl I er llilre'�ttrivi
in 'being Coln- '13t.' -Petersbur. Ontis i0rificials bad'd legal
able. valliCin foi - , , III io
itry,, buying �,ti.04. Storing ri Other n . W i I irown, Out, -ak-, liaier 9
t 0 N1,6 T% lull liftra's'S tll'(,-'
a c.- ivs�: self-restra right tolAtsillmU them with it, lirL
lint :ih_ iftit. ans, ivere sa 4ben
I ,
_f tho�. ',issel ifilbre thi rop6l* is,
ich,� t
lip _i —4rigagement. Pgt�s L' 11
-�..Tfo. - -
00 ri "It. at o , f" 'p
tile enemy., I
not ',to i.nvit Or eT--,-
A �pjp lit 0 L' #floui (?mba� s ut,to llyl W' UpjI ek Ca p
.3 c
er Quadra,
Tnmakesm' e*w6 Cult.. Theri are bi -al ],011 -on
lonun�ni .1k6min fidiiiii di ,
00,600 T e, AV 10 C Ullayb tAlils wor/hing rfl
p0s) Ions on I AQ
-,tit. laified the' Yalu Rivo.- TI , ' ifl, th",
-meants. or upp I 'et sburg up, e says ell to 914 t
IT 11, r p to Vic correspondeilt:ot er el.
the As
me ease the'numbeil there' 66k'-hai reCei,,4' the 'joflowi If Wed Pr6s-i, lioi b
desph bouiid, IL
-nlan: Lloyd k0a.mer Xal-L
Imuld efita
IL, 'that `�t]jc flff�': n.,iJ68, betwe�n knin and dL the ex-
Nbtltli Gei
'il arduous, difficult fig, te16- fiell v a s011ite y e4s�utia
tS, thA e Uttan papeilsi in rl� fi:uige I enve-
Lieut.-Gen. p 'Ott Artbuir a arg -m ZHIKSE,
K" � "L I 'L 1. i . f6i There jo BeAlpd 6d 'tape, 'and
ere -uk midnight- -bf March 214ap bllt� L'I'L ^' 1
Ile' -?jifthishing ,
3114kC` their mahi military Ano -�§l
"U 'grilm-11-61if- the part 'of illb ]RUg' �tl]6 a
rqUism -w
-corI96 6n7 1. . . . ho,
extren'fely Aifric fit" for
is Supposed that the' Jav�., se, kitend t a sian. naval ' ninander a i V
vem j6eigSel �epor col a full IT ON
j ent:else, sell at may -be- Iiql�
Ifilg the Cldrea'h- advance as:'a'di. anes6,torpedo
aro s Tactms. -Ine-se t ip Russians- aT4 opeh'.thei `�nvclopi�i. jWe, cJ A:noi�eTheifn. Into.' Mrltisb
Thq��, -hold . two- enormous �discover 'Alik if, deteizi RdV t
WIT 11 . lights cd -by. �oui�LsOIU6.L. t aw id tbat,
b. ong positions at,Piiifr Admi�aI kakar �fr, 'wIl
-Yang� ose disposi- cligiisr .ill& OuIrp,666'bfiflie. Colinibla.
an4,L Our gi Cut iintil. lttl.t'gi . 11 of. �J am
sollic ON inatidn"wduld
-ketoria 1� C., March 0.9,-
"Uf tli Miok�aksskn . M 'bO lost 'If' the.PUl*ks'4;6fe disclosed I
�ard- shiiii alid - for't b torl 7
VOW�'A�Ould 'be .-to. go -Amt ail meet t1id, 7111 y
nes," opened Tire upon thein -filff, 6w _the
fl� , . MEN
"-�l4Dgju.'and Seoul. The Iat xamination b6f6re' thp, 'tlslceoluin�6i'a
oftntains," between tC AS SENT
theil'Ill y, should �6ive II&JOL upon
d hAt thep
-which are` ' ib boi
tqi position 'I of 06.,jar-anesp,and'
listing, for., - .20 -Thin -461�Jo6k"-s yoach mindtift's'
lit t -defeat. them
pregnable. It Secures Seoul A t Ounibeii YA1. Tim
Win of.L Ru
-fro�i the northwest'. Thi the' mbilning.t his Vic ory, --,voul( be fruitless ssian Trops -77
as nece e.and Cbrnell Univers�tji�s, b6,� Ilnqp er �fit e-rg nrn
116-,aftack:lvas rene orwaWd las.�fiTad
t L nex- er in.
in, positio -hiiiisi), Goverzim nt,,-'
'Yaln I 'I'D illornin-'- our injuries o shi s Canada. i
�th Aiier, Int6naed'461 mak�o Arl-:. of' the.,. Client ps,.-anil, ade-, Tifindon ll Ao"111-6- effeci that, tbet
Ships appeared, from hlnb�se Gov- �.T
quate do6kib" n.Y-Sf. WLst- Peteri�-,
lMpOsSI le JO 'Of flip -estmLn
ted, he -y tllq :�'-sOilth,, lollowed, by the' fal3ilities. at -Tort als finally: decided, to telct- e`rf"Iu4'-n
..In their base; jLs,they. expee . a-. Afthur burg corkespiii agPeeot to. i
-b iepair t says 0110''to 11raWlinjibil. to tisk for -a Jtj all
squild' -b- -eigy4t tor-- -W(Mil -at P -k f bjeet� from builgi'liting to�the`
emefitsTlies� did 41ot �arrivc�.ju�, that tile. Ooverml'
ron of,L even ' oats' an
d lent prh it) Orin-
squa tiff �r,.-u jwaA R4irli -tlla�t t4or, W. Transyahl tI
the RuiAtin fearifig,that, pedo -boa,6�' -.:Oui' th6my whcroas� Japan' has ninple docks� t"
general retired,
left',' - -to "their 'vessel sa%c ti 0 nli be
b, , t, t 'at" )Ili, dron, Jhlit
41it be Cut no by.the bieitk-'� road te X'�.J 0,000 trij�p,
I is e 're. -stea4 to meet tlls.,eft6ruy IS s, 11, S. I "f'L. mission 'Iffne
was lobtainod. flectot ion full
ng up,o t GO Of very.
There were e`nemy's,'batti�- -tiilififili.; C I
f Ito le
"At., 9. ir here� is thai'1he 'Jap�nesct-tapficq! ill -to, 0 Unibia, undor
--yang, when 't ICL lie k, L, I an' inuck c"Wp, conditi6iis,' than -
ships Open6d b are pre Jumiary to- a, landing 011' liql:rihning,
raiR6 5.i the Port` fj
lie' 64'ar East %vpi C:
tia, WWI
id only' 250 'Japanese at,'Ping Of' tile �vaj
firo On, Liao -Tis ;a, after to
te Ruisidrisi a - '- -'p I. 'Rat off. , Tile. finitcd St t'' Plpil at"11'80 W1tJI 'tbe
pproached,,'aiid fliq la.U6 which the� tool;. tip: 4. po Pen! sul n attenzp
uld have. easily behipd' tbilr 'bill Yg p4 luta6e,lllr�il�parkifn
Sit Ion rt a es Embassy is till 1 1011, of.
e W 91
J: aptured",the't tile rocky: 6minence.W- Liao-Tisldn 'Ana erd I,. bom �'Iig Cllatge f,tW0I-vc Japallf-A hundred: d
W611t ta: eHie Varillectta,11 If0tei.
menee Trk-�I'ts )TIC I werr. I . 1. � .. . f
describesf the Jally- -bornbitrded Sell.
The corre bardlueu'L'and 'CoIll ffient�'
UU— . eg�.
-X-Fat�r t I- -a- si e,, ie ii a k—.(-
aifdW a :70i ving., on g- b
SPS' el Tom VleeroyCla'C lie till apa lya
tu-,.-t -, ,. 'T
eodl b ma 6 -ba ie Ale;Kieff to the -or.,s e, till U11 �S, COUNTERBLA& TI LIM klroviziekd,
y forced
Gover"hirtent", Intei
E*.pez , uvm; 'Ute'" ak
-the' li
ghte8t.:p Ill v wn I say- fliat t
Ic . : - f r,,n lu
! '%Upplemen a &'101vW
They ofteii ivpu4ckCd in t frdi� TC� do in
Ao tento'L ': pill ers �fir t.:t
co is ary
fsted-,,ot, -six- ba" -cli 4bahadian Sold,lers, ':a 116 Ina-tt6li ''but that'
he flect k9toessel tile' , n,,Fd t fine hey,
por Lieut 0en i S 0 Tite-�ia�ie. 1,eaf tbo
�Woiv-cove!red fields. file' lie, IS' "to 11 Embassy pointed out, ve,, heard- of t
consi . bly lie: would. . -tiff
-Owi obts. ears -a solutely p Ile -
preparations - were, -,very th6r0Ugh4.' Up- sbipS and. we ve, Cruisers. g 'them, It allip
V 'a L 1 ,j-and.,=ffleaLAep6tz, line -the, allit event allyj :T6fdn6 'If
J' J le
`tl ` , , 0 .9f Russiall .1", -pie rial,'' not a, I)b1iiinl6n, ;01,
IT .11, --news'-- 'Pps�eroqis. L, ` "queselon, an ilifiT
-lie 9-� Sli
oli& but iq pover y.o 6 Country. is hir, nut for. of A1aJJI0,,Le.4
Orc.c6n ill iwepaili. I'
battlesilips And.
tinuin:,. of. P6.i.. t ta, iAsuqd a' counWrblast.;Lb
edo� tak. .. . . , : ..t. .. - -Canoxi ro_-
a cons ant.,,sou rp . b6ai
roe of tiouble. A ut0, -Ing lip a Position i , vee liall O�-Ping-:Yang., ''lous forLa s'lle, LFICILL OUV, T to Hinis . tees -go I ;y, t . at
pea IT Liao -Tishin'' ge ml�lch?s intimation tllaf'! Iiis �goflg`. is Snell',
armjr must have starv�c r 'and Golubluaia Ila (Pigeon Ilay). A London' Cable S:ays: 'I'll 8cou�', Aith'u� by. rushing. ),,I.gC the. C11
t h
eq- - I ... "no �tii 'L
i"blfiieut in'- at- 1he d6ggere
plies..'to fl . l. . �, .
V ers. in, -two ;Ilespo'dent- of ill 1;i �s'"`tfiat ' ' ' 11 Is 'Tile Maple Leaf': mai be d,ogger6l,;1 'iry. (xWld.1)6 to
.;conditions. The f6rov, cruis formed while, ll�e, .10fingrUidn 14N",of 'tl
se lines sai
illery, but ig 6t alAk equio- IT -IIS fo, " !)a * d*
t ptic e to
cor 11)
111RI)v �,:M. --v ls-, �.Joadod, 07. r....
brwise, admit the. South., -a d' ii '4 tolep,40,- but the -'Y j1d
e -L rc --are-full o� despitiI, Q- cal
d Th io0s;
Y0- Aft. anYthing 6
-weather, ayfld,� tile- prevalence, "At '0.90 ot6 Illmistfative-, reconstruct ion Japan re-: nnd oti 'wil-opinion. "I
Ile terrible, 1 3'
lock the baitl6bip Rcil "Commends' th.1t Coreiv shill,.0aauM -Pirriv -I re AiIv t cont
fl TI. .1 , . " 114 Vo
ov�c .��t - it rr a, poeiru 6 Ji011 V�IjS
have little ondur 0 It 4dviscils 'of tile Govz 'HO
n pneumonia. `at- Mtn Opened 4'o,
The writtQil With the%.idea tllei
if,� dysentery a' d be, eliminate f6re 8 Coica;
airy horses' ance,' and'. Liao-Tishih
's'lilattle PpOin TnorLl for
-led. The'tranappr thii. London "'Vile
trumeht and a "' 't ' , L 64u,t e
am " c I r it
many of, them have d wii,
cable,: poll
Tuilovy oil it. Nit D��JES
I are good. th -.b W
Whe ;wokk'of -plabilig a- town. .3relinw1jile our W�,Ct form osii:y V'reneb - 6ccu Imes- - deserl 08 ng.tilfl I -:fIC61 R.
611, of theforcign49,'-;Avlio. pprident of T. laot' I I'D
t shilis, -which , relilled by jirilli fid"gent:'
bildge pro ed, up. are m ory, orous..'work,, flint 'Ila been. ro' .777
I)y 19 done 'by, ill.e
!et III, line in the outer rondst0ad.
avl �I'Jie Offt-jr 61'' Warlia,
cee ing ra Imillititinte, Two' Slemrs "Ile .'alktof" tlil� :'I.,
pidl . Viltil it'As tomp ed ail' Pb' N 'With ell10"Itne"O aggregating Japanesc'6n tile P4LJ
tile mornin t*" is ela lip
x4vance - is impbsskc� The. Russians are g ill , , 1 "? I t Siberian it''
'g About 11 oiciocl 0 $100,060!'annuall�� 'anti half.' of,, tlib."36 61�ict lo'.,coiio, -ut
'L' �caunonadfi Slackenod'i't'and Ali � J. . . I Y. L fill li'tai Wilt 1, 011i- btj�ve liby s t 6o
'OhIstriieting- A� pobtoon btidgd across ill e apfin, �vhi L I
JV"off 81', "IL 't
OW L or d he Jill
BOGIII.S. an lt
iing Y`UIIg 1, qtrn,�te(lic C#�Iided.16 .1 blili, L.S)l L Of t
. - I' , "' ifflti.�nlld. ' f
. A( ' and' othe rtling'. Of tir-fbtelle ruin ;It
Yal k4r, �Car Wfiti. ThCLf� "lip, seiAng onsirticti 1-K ef b -� - Ify 1% olit'l-6,11, �,Alltl-(" 1, ook�i
. III (I It; rbllniwlg�, re vigorl'ill tile ; ' " i[ ' Ing- 'all,),:. of ItartIs Uh-6h.-surrb 1110'
&e posts.:rkre absolUe slnccuees:� ;,,roq�t- railivny - d'Of
d a�:Ji�ljt rail
nd W
tile S�fithcasi And, 'llien'tlyL will 0 Ust, t
6611sow I , 0
If lyd 0 "' , §1 a
all. the diinc.�d- toiiti tbey 6n ilad, nud 0', 11, nd kill man V 10.
en -lowil A '10.
Points is sho1vn--JitpaTii�Ji4s.
F, Irw- the if Zoo, d
T "—g, -Ur�t�r
P xvpx S .-J
7 . ( 1-0)Uji�==IIAI.
10 miles, I onlL
-7 Are e
11-4331 , , - tlel��
'I'll'o . �A ! �rc
ldllvA and nine' -wer Of D,f anaterial, ootainod' Yr dLi� ler'lilinatilig, tile line
'LAND BSTTLE i WRED vog'. At ti 6uf�fll. or ro,,- �11(1 -Illotlifiii, t
oil -t. it witil' the iothdart 51aple P'1 4)
soldier, 'ill varioils paI+4:(Jf Jjp�fu- a) efinnec .
Nvil � .. ,Po ic oA -------- - an
to' . C
Collision of the c rinkit L noN.. -�a w , r . I �ang.'
wd For 6s Ca iting shipment'. to Pill 1 b,f 48eoill, NA,1161'e, t 1;e latter joi;14 thq, 0 "iko
0. 9
-akaroff's 10
I . 1:1.d L. (", of
`b6'156Iay6 'Another , tcJ6 pie IJN, �8(lptein� or no I L-1, 'I
d. poif. led' to i)e Illu po line, Illile,. �of ',Do I` ad I
'tell 'tild
grant froin Viceroy Alex. cr x o i0mv: fifty. 110
to tile. r,, lie
gIVC.,S , lily �0 . 'i* as rf,13v(-solited, W�S'
Will so I if t W if
sh6tild. 1,
dhl f,0JIJPIe,ti by'nittioniii. cv, 0 f tha mell
ps if(,. 111141 -Y.,11) iv fivo
it -111 'Mal it
fter j4pan's' hi g
St P6f0rsbur&' CM)ic. GCh "ll or colt1q, Thb Oftel
-�,Ji6ft, �4ioivs- that" ill(-, Yajillue'se �,A 'itroft.'s "yep A
enko s, I 61,t its. 4ollo%vg lit s1loilli(1)e filli��Ilefj b',. Anthem,ft fta and, WIfb'li tlkfiy
2 p alls , ave signiflel1q. q
fi S6110m�vr.% T It ar-Adh 'It ��n h . I lei ter skil-I i a r it' 4i t I 1 (1, Ill) Lf
-th: t bt of Marell , I rd C', gilt
bhv� t '-ell th�' prZ 'On'to erwt Cal Iley
Tiff torpe two L r is 6116., Exh(; .1 . wjay Ivolild lx� -on
-, wl!l �'�Ore
Japou'pll �- '6'� 1,1
ny. W
NvIiie"h call' tile (I rob, it. , .. I - nilll If g 'i;n
vorks-Ait Anj�, held by it; 0 �,J)Uats 00"q on, t1le,
PProachett Orresponilorit at s.t: P&C F3
hinflle� llivisi6n ullU'l Mic remairider of tlle� 6111tOr ..m Wnl A�`-'Collld tiot
1) file ivprii dis- i's rfim6red ill. naval eir('16
417111.y. 0 S Lt fell(," s f6l,our
Cd. J U1, p)ro1w llit-v or
11 1 delli�af )late
om ug-, over ir I Vinsilpogr
'idries nt�
g T -or, 6�-possi if I itl 1.4, 861neflmos� livArd if (�dtl
the �firt, orv,� ill 'i fr '11, its 'el ell
hrelli I
o e Capt. Ve
t-angp 40 y, Tho 'Rdssiatfs� litive hnil fire 1,6 r.4 s hi Afanclitiri u'llftteydr,
d III)OIl'. 1)Y- thj� forts, flp(J� n , idS bcoh'j)rdo "I" .. I I. . .1 S(;
'rio iiitc?iti'oyi to attael, 2 'nJI!, but it '1� , 11 1 iot t �Cor(4,
bY tile . 12111MIOR414 13JW and 06-4jnly certain-poilit, b" tends -t6 holit C
11.1111t 11.1.11
fed. 6 ff'�6rfake WRECKA' - T
q- th4:d,dty of G 'I,.. IvIfil Tlf Ov, Were-,oblig'N't tb YoUre I and tW Ill *lift Pttcifie- tli� blIttlo,' iiiitrIsIl duzill, lin to,' Cave. 9do
'W'POrt'llit,111 h6, haF1
fi, bee'
at sik thousand (liviiiI'v, to', If bdiight
CeOfIll . . a.(I. to. le.8apg", I a offo. I od
a a9f�. luas' lnffde'� it �4 I�lc "Tapanj�� A 1,6iiilofi� carb' 11'r Part OUR -GR6,16r,
I'06rh 416 licholigthi, io I ellong to tilt,
Jal)ari6s als tj OT, tile
Ntard Neil w7l, OiloCk in,.tfI'p' t Still fla. L .
till le VladiV,08toCIC..' ftjll'� T
W l4row 'the. 1".
Tile. ��orre.,��onilt
p6siblm' The-ji! �41101,1. edo
I in to all
Mfi,e.41fondent, '10 84
p llfiqo , I I
0awid, AvAllq .1, 1 , .
sfAt',, dallbre 11"
1.111ijoro(l. fli,tt .1!, lip ',spldal�
f i f' th ee. 'In�cl.61.'
tfes* lf�liov�, tile (,Iiifil�e 0 1 ae I Ve
0 1 -of ("Or. -ql r IN
J. C
ho 411' Is Mild
Of - * I
ado' boatii, fl,obl I:Iic,: tovills, of 'is' 111 111 to Itilks0d Mac 1111(�Vy 4 Jill 1,
oeeilpy- on
th ski'llh, (� (.111111 � 4(,e IlAs reflised infetosts, Volvioll '8( t ne
�q liow:oifiv li-nTni- er�,6� (lie . , I ivoillif
Uid-olie�-klonsli 'frolil Not�Cihlvnng, J,t1pr"eIlti';I(r
e(I gttl
outsob, vAile 'the� R114.4illrO AT:(,, d suld �.is Amilt nb� gIziol. �do li oil 1-odirl, 11,111q(k k ants
evitz., rlloiln�d �llllt -tiloy I 4elids tile Yf tile, eact "'iliclitly, Uololl
0, rs, If if (I
ing flid sl rategie pointwori thn,Yalu. torp' c6llror�l' J(i, Ill I, I (I M",
�TJLLI,4 sildes,-' At 7 ofeloel, 011 ill
1"' poilt4L tile
Rtissial is, 110g6tin'ting. for �Jilloro �of hostififir's, Ife Oft (!,t il
-IV. soml� hort 01, 11wo
eltval ve, 00 'filtiol. lial-bov, (,'fktf'6IlJ.'o �,I
luo�ce(l fe)l Cil I t t 2�',
ejjne�c; 111�o: MIAdall got) ral f4left1l b2c 0
adfilg. wit), flioA I un ore.
of W11,111, ij�l fill 4 tltl,4 �teoki f,,mflo6,1l:eVI) 's, ") ("
":ju , r e. , �
ekiisill I'll `1 r
e -Ili lie' t I
t vlo.�C -wl�tfsl�s olw�� mll, Q()ILI a ll
in t6tich' wh-IlAlla. Itus �Ill li� '8111Yq� 0-itifilAtes flifti, fl 1)0.61voml WO, ago, of 'tjltpar�'
organ"' 81i�', e(le 6 11(1� JIJ(,tj)ok to tit.() "tranct,,,
arV loat).10,
.4 n1v -P(I" lit thfir 11(lad'; nn(l, billviberlor. Ilil'initiese tr(m])$ Ifillie.d I J'(� .0tv ,
:t JJIL6" omilpation .511*fr"4� Folloll,1119, , I)i JAY
of -
JOW - lil.�� ge("It. risk ne
-M- 41P ay.
t"ne"" 'F, �J'l i
1`43P M' sithU
,AnJIli rI "tr' J
119 lJ0110y, * ,
eSe'rVdL 6t axed, JX ti,
find 11r6d 100 81ioll.4 from''
., ro�ds- ),(sildillie 'to NVIjIt, j1plI,
sall Liflo"I'J'Sl'ifil
'If 'LO
a�d Xlrhiz�aW&ds, �Jfi 11 i)fe,
o 1) 14 �p p,
1;116ii, 12-iiieli g 'Srt Artin'tr Tokio, eilhlol, I a rs
e (`11V�11'0113 Of t ilf f. ki. eb",
00P'41 bq6n receivotl i, �,V, -V adivosto* 4 bo e 0111
tr , , fin 17 1 ,,* , , eff"bIL6, ' " (I'lo '' Bill Ursh Ohe �14)":
10.9 9 111 lif, tl 1.001,0111" the p 0111R, oftle (Mat-1117ity ( I
In �,lileiit` io to �,03, u
thul-,; ig ktio�v.11 I hat, 0,10, I`OM6i: e I f 0 110,
)M "T"Ilt. lyllliW. of '04s Our 411011% five(I-fit-villdhis of c1glity ()If Port Ai o 41:10 hltv�*qt,
lied wao lign,
JMIro'l i"I lins, Wtat(ql W
lips boon st I)y tL)Ij,. eltble 11 bolffl), i4ovoll left Vladi �ostoek .,oil h A
of ..t4lf,
1paliC4 Ifo ""liVS.-flint jvb4il fiC 'IL
IWO'! t
n w1fig 4ho I)e).in rpe i f
HW us; 1;'$ 1110, y
f an (t iel I ft oil bl'ttit,'1A tilt', tiu
,,u I0 6,�1001, 'a JApitfin'so' battfe SIfily Tildrity, lfowdver, lilt, e i
AROk, oil tiX tho �lq�i'lieadoll� Tor it
hvf�slio�s, . ' lliefit of it., Dolibtltss Adnlli,44, T000�,,+
;Iriotint6d '-ski itl�ilcl
'i I. port h"18 not lj(so IL (V V('(1 N I I mv, 111,61 floet -,'to With 5.o.thor W,qwAi; (if
ANG' ��tklo , ) bilt; nil Il't1ir S11 wgvI
of foill't 0
lllof" 'WI)IO) oe wol I' nit 00 Wilf,,A t611 coasf but �Illq not iiiiii i� "In 't..
a. 4 'tit t1l Ofti, (tilikers - ClAltllli�
fl lIn if to 1)(i �of.
It-reaty Port txpb d Dailftr , '11 j�ll dellod .11H
If e, le CfIPJl`fV 1 .9 tlpS� r e bas beeft, i4slui ofli
sit on! 110 grfia.�
*ftor p 'Wf,jo tho.Da"fldoon
5t to yj I rj IIICII R`W'(�J)i.'
1 '6 -CW f Altitfrill it,, kt tf�ftt' tllt
P1,9,qiIi,4 iIr)flg,tb resol-ve -i's �110t'l InLX(,( - 1'. 'Wora; plb'itifillj Alld P'llaaklititY Pitt, tfiry!;
af� filottille';
11. f ottiv,orhin; Ilortl", itfut it i"; pq tlfi�,nl.A.* 1'.vvilro 1, :J
h6h, Fitt', f"110i IIS � 6m
711101`1 1 ,
1�114 1.6 ",
104t attaeking fitir' aft eguin-1
J�)(frl ill, ,
;oil Is,: .11111�a� 01)11146:1, til,.
glfft (in
An'. t1us4an Ouns -DismantIt(T. t. t 4111,odod, to till( Av(l fi� 1111;lfl�ilr 60(� `11'lo t�qtl kf�Op� the
:Kow-di *an rt cablet ruse to y AvIlell
fb.. 1, . , , , Irs arinly I 0mlint thn't 016 or 4t
01. 1 1, 6 It Y
I. fy� I:,
worf, swimmilM.It ave tllb T�
tolgil 0onsilIA-lippellks 'London 'Cai)1611' ' 11i" oil d 1(,t4R` I .
'0011 bkwopt. tr n I 'tpit
WPM I i IAte(I 111101111kil 011111.
Illeorl called for �the pijilpos(l of :(I i L )()0
(it 016 A, se, it tack tol, oft bo oljll�ly illfol C, 'A ROUIC"W'Keye n6l.tK of llard. ill r wit" it
il ' . 1 '0 Put
11g. piwis of POCIll"I'lig 06 piotOdtibif POO, Aithur tire thfik(i fl t 'parthivovks, havo 10LIell
on ftjtlp�l J 'kil JQI t it 111ft '11 I;Ifl It
. 11 woul(f not )e'-ftble to �ff$s ji lot 4t,"111,41tsifial, WIIA' jt�110W ilto of` 1;11,1 IoR,4 lot (Je.,
1 0thd .
M 'to, �hd Czar' it
Alit! -r
nd th itt it, a 'Yhoubt 112 uiom, infix. im
ed "'
4 :tilt �btk�
4. t
Ah 1-