HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-02-25, Page 5•
eaa . the i�st: a�a�. 8
@> arel;orc teduptii3,
�L11r.L{Su is O ° ' V .1-.11 V O.AT►'? i. w
Men's .$7, • and $7.50 Overcoats ;' •for . $6.00
."$10.0u Overcoats.- for ' .8.75
u ..12.00►, it 10 00.
15.00 •. •,t
• ZV.L'E T'S INTE� • ,S7VECi.d3ES
` 10Ien'� lcanized D.uck•Smocks, $2.00;lines for .$1,50,
1, If : . 3..50 �! " n •2.•75.• ..
,►r.. ' n. �� 5.00 n, 5.00
n:::. ::6.50 ' ►t:.
thereSmockst, 5.00" .
:OL OQ.Y: •
The crowd. Wali eXveptlonally, large.-
wy �lce eetx g;of tl}e. Literary S 4etety
on, J;'r duy e`verueg 'larst,, 41)1,14•40'' •excel 1
,trlsnt attention Maintained throughout
_ the evening spoofs well' for .tlie• enter-
tainers; and ' the e4,tertau Cd.• The,
� rogram each evening- la c'A1aracterized
13,f the variety -of jt features:and ,the.
•large..nuwber of.' members capable and
willing to'' take: part:. Tbxs evearng
we, had:_a epellip4matcla, wh"icl cai�ld'
ya ayeeiy be m t p ! as to,the; eifaeaats }
nc ey<;',s1aQ w :1 n 7 thi: aTaFic,lri s Y o
taio$.0 1Qssn were P 'Stiattr;.ankl
Go"rrigati, After sone :tin a 'of clever
spelling. the later'e skip, carried. t, ie
.,hhe ;
'i�gtxc•, !e w�dc �ut��a.�a�ry puri ..�
prr. ograu *was; mnlity p vs0, L'Oif401.
y for, Sadie Ehiotbv
Ons on A aq,._� .
Jo t ,.nes•T . a
T 71fioIgto b •M Langford and Btanley,
and-'bir,_ 3 .MeTwo playa, ,
which'fairlst Carried 'the` house wore
acted.,, These were entitled .. An.
comfortable • Predicament" , and
Heavy Shower." , Allare invited 'to,
attend our meetings.which. are so liber-
al in their 'principal, practical in their.• '
means and. educative in their •con •
wBlaek Dogskin: Coats3 $20 bo_for_ X1:500 _ M
Manchuria Buffalo (Brown) $20 .nd $22, •.for ,$15: and
.• ti,po
Austriaoh Coats,.�a for•$20
Man's; O'versloes, : 443uc kle, : wide or'medium Toes,
;reular $1.50: lines. for. • •
Women's Overshoes, Button, regular $L25,for.$1.00
A job 'let' of 2 3and 3 1/2 Overshoes a . 50c
M pi's High Laced. Felt BOOS., regular .$2 for.$1'.76
sequences .:.
Vnrererved disposition sale by pub-
lie auction of 25 registered' .s1orthorn
Cattle,, 30, high claseShropshire sheep;
horsee, grade cattle, brood sows, farm.
impleiiaents and" machinery°`The un;
dersigned have received' .instructions
froth 111 Th'ompson.44 sell.
auction on ThursdayMarch 3rd; ab
lot i4; con. 4,;•Township of Brant,, 3:
miles frons Walkerton and 7 fro'cu •
Hanover The following. property
Shorthorn 19 cows and heifers and 6
bulls. ;the ,abo a herd has been care: -
fully bred'
arefully;bred' nothing' but sores of
Men's;Bugarian Zamb Coats' (Black) $2o for $20
Men's. Dark Galloways; $30 for., .$25
• gn•ed
slual.nierit and' choice breedin
ing:coriditie,.n, ;Shropshire , sheep,: 18
breeding- "ewes and lambs-, 12 ewe'
Iambs* if ram and the sheep- are all
registered -or -eligible for registratiOn
bursas., :1.2.. grade eattle
and: rila,chinry,; and 'as the :•preprietor
TEM?r,S:•4All syroS $5.0Q and under
SVST ,S:J\T-3..P ::AT $6_50
20 only Men's Heavy Weight Factory Tweed Suits,' doublh
breasted; well'made and lined, regular price. $8 for 6.50
2 -inch Sniting wit& Venetian finish in navy and black only
regnlar 50c goods for 3-9c per yard.
54 to 56 inch „Frieze Cloths, in,grey, black, & broln, regular
. price Loo per yard,for 75c "'
8.inch Navy Worsted Serge, an excellent cloth at 1.00 yard
clearing -price -65e -per -yard -
inch Brown Venetia,n Suiting; reg. 1,25 for 1.bo per yard
54 inch Genuine Scotch 'Tweed Suitiugs, plaid patterns; re
ulaY ioo for 1.25 per yard.,
We have 'stiil a lot of good qt.-altty Fur Jackets tor
Ladies', up to slie 42 bust measure, which will be—offered—
very cheap to clear,. You cannot afford to miss this chance.
of -getting a good Fur Coat at the price of a, cheap ,,one, ,
-till end, of February. The early buyers get best Selection.
t•in. in
'The Luckncw Sentinel
, will be sent with the fol-
lowing papers; until Jan-
uary 1st, 1905, at the
following prices.
04tit:Lit,s1,11Eil.".txt.:, 'AND Strall
1VI.ONTIIADWiTztss AND' • 11,1(,)1
'per annuW Off ter dash... •Catalognes
mailed Oti:epplicatiok Lundh !served,
.at noon:: Sale t‘o Celina:fence. at 12
Walkerton. .
, *r. Sherifft grain merchant will
the. cooling. sPring erect Perinanent
Convenient -handling. of all ,clasees' Of
Farm For Salo •
. 100 acres; in. geed, locality, ;about
eight miles•Lfroml.,i..ineknow:.• Portly_
•seedeadoWni eight aeres of fail wheat.
Well Watered. spring creek, - A
fair 'dwellin'g and:a good -,barn•arel en
.; 'All parties wishing to get vie,
banjos, . guitars, .111.andolins, or any
'other mueical instrumeots, should see
shoWing...instrumenta whether. you
�Ien,s :l londyke: Felt Boots;` was. ,$3 00 .4..4.2;0:0,. per pa><r..'
eats Felt Felt Boot,, was '$2.2:4; for - $1,085 pe
r pa>Gr.�
ngressWas 2.00 for - "$150 er air
Wen s,:Fel ., " 50$1.25.per. ,
oinens Felt Bal., and Cong was $1.at $1.25•.per, pair
Men's..Heavy Lumbermen'. ,Rubbers .at reduced prices..
all early and seeure„Winter Goods at greatly 'reduce
`prices. We have not many in' go*d_selling sizes.
. of W9rthington's Canadian Stock Tonic.
'James -Leask', breeder and feeder of the
sweepstake fat cattle at Froyincial Winter
Fair 1901 ancle,19.02., '
I have led yoUr Stock Tonic to cattle and
like it ver., much. It makes them thrive`well
an pu on
-also-feeding rt -to -our -,hens -this vatter_anci...
they are laying -better than they: ,have done
or a long time. It pay_s_to fee .
Yours truly,
Greenbank V et 3,1903.
rhad a mare stocked in both legs, Vti`or•
thington's Stock Food took it down corn-
pletelyand put her in good dondition. It has
done my cows good. Thiak it is a good thing
and Call rec,ommend it.
• rtUrilig. the pipit, week we, have sent'
Out a number aecourits,• for.;
te the; Sentinel, And
-1frel;ne-eci thO. Money .svii hone 'all who,
have riceived them will kinkly remit
the amounta as` soon as po8sible and.
save further trouble :* All aeconnt4
,not paid, hy thellrat' of ,llarch -Will -be,
pleas& in, Court for collection, •
nese. /sTeat,'at no little•cest,. we
,enabled to. offer„pwo papei,,s fpr a trifle
elusive arrangem‘iit• With— the
trot Weekly,.1-ler'41(1, We 'efibt• it ;rand'
The Sentinel -tor ono year-.,f,o,4741.15.
,that it shonld be taken advantage of
can read. The*Sentmol is the leading
local, 'paper this &strict:- Tim
Herald IS a paper for the—herne-- and
and a Dian of entfrtainiilit reading,.
anbactibers the papers will be sont the .
them on thezrass„, , They • will Surprise y,00,
For salaand 'guaranteed' bY
'That 7440 '0;nyij'aper
First --class work. guaranteed
Best place in Cans:da.of securing . ab •
thorough business education or 2•1
snperior shorthand training. , Our:
graduates ere always: successful iia
-getting-positions . --This siehonl
expect. 'IVrite -far 'catalogue. ,
Winter-terrn•penS,_ Zan -nary 4th: •
E haVe installed one of “Coles" newest and most up-
to-date coffee mills which grinds coffee without
beating er in any way maring•its fla,vor. Our blend
of Mocha and Java is a high grade 40 cent coffee
,,--rwliiich4tariliegaccoud.to4toue.in quality aud flavor.
le.cou ince -ofits superiority,
Is making new friends v ery day.
It makes a: delicious Salad. 60'
an llounters Purer Solulile Cocoa
I fin u ilaty fo, add boiling "water: