Lucknow Sentinel, 1904-01-28, Page 4`W �7-1_ W;1 7 7 7, 4, . . ....... . ..... .... # vo W J-UUUQ1 ,A l*', wl .44'. "Aft, -B4O 01�AUANTFiE OE C 'IN dilmNT" COUNT)�, coluxons'- -144 fo od, Colte' _nr`Ure%-f a CUP 0 99 7 'INS usill en 'Y "B'AR.- A]' N N'UAR -lit w.. f r i q Q io C. -0 4, ;q, 4 . I I., Coquolls WAS vogi. . . . . . . . . . . right` on- dedk- noW ake - i, 9'PinpWAAW bAv',,o Wio�,WW CUE . L . t haans-.as!we,wj.j1,.so.rt '0 -A LEOM 90, bursoo tv! gkI foo:tweiVt Q; IV. Eir, Di, kri 3 �to, Accep 0 op1l; tbi Q, 04 t will U)n Qa if).. affair's u nd r, ot yalnerop,, qer,, etc. Holt A, cadiettmi, Q040I 1 rN te joan.,-0 to' -9.0. W 0 -theth wh;l�suo or 6 ation, 0 bl gy �td.. money bu n,,Qa "Wry. 1 , iese' iho UORRIPON! ARJUS PER, P4- were made,- v� oio 9f 4y Ira! Aye . RAOE -,,WIEDICAL:�, scor 'Wo anuar3 hoe to sq k moo, Go! RDON, �.ilit3 T e.w _M C"PS -0, Physician e0 & - illouchei. V�tltairb in Allin -loo bro-v­h 06-l''b th h 'of 1he 7 g.tq ut y� o q apgipg tie avor adeuce Ras atieet,.,Whind. J4, G. Murdoch.. 4 Iormaitib6--of the,coun,y, clignpil rom, Vols. store. 40c d p . e and, 50 r 14,- oilr re6ves da� deput�, reby �S',as, o Residence M. SPEN09, M.D There �vas, a s i,,bt remun ratio 0 tA* House, f late Dr. Tennant, and, offige ovei n ed. fdr, time s en� by thpsg -w�o It bucka P ortunA'e enou-0 8001 ETIE4­ 'those'; Office's, that,, constitute!, tho.� u 'he' 6ti. ty. council,, thoreby inoreaI JJTT� A.F. V were f h'. -to QKNOW -ONT ORRGAN... BRO S Lii �IG 6veryThursdayfilB �.on or aspirants' or inUnicipal 0 A M 0 meete in, the. honbr - in the h'* th t b servi beforiA the tull Mo .8, Opp: a s� y., rl�q Id . as u1c;H8111 y 0 their Onstituerits 16yidly, the 'would' Brioet,I .11,- G. AuuSTH NG, W. M -to tfiosIil s eventually be electe office, Adak act h 'was passed JU Ni, -112 oh carp h to.*tlie. �coulitv seat - ucimow OD whi y L Ilndq� the' w6ic :Aea( Ails Thanks. to the .9 lasD legul-36tive-jairi ipg.,Ia majorr At.& c,,qic u U ick7 in 1 e.is bheir reet. brethren -cordially- -.Q;IL4,tt'�a�'--lle;"".�ir-2p e d 'bull - C&I np; )n:.a counq bb.lifit Alje,burdieijg� ol"Ioperatioll accoWp4nY- e� iu�ited. darIS the elect6ral constailtly, in+ ca esolutions tliib:no, eled- 'Pic a of th.6- Taritt '17wifoIrm Q 11 tratfic'! extonding "Over: the log fALwe, a period of �p pass 8 J, tions lich V T. S. Reid d it c I—succee 6oll tI c6titib shall -b 4d Ithat cialling-for Incienud facilitids Ill -the, Is"TAD sign u Ituen,cle's' e ii . dorsb, the, . de6.'11ld ",Way of� iAddl, -1'dl�lgs A -rid Stlitidn' oxeeves an, , mayors'. shall con- "] - , , I . . . I . .1 M.� . . " , tloxiai?h stil.uteiho. ;coun-ty -olutioa.- Tho. imper- trI d 9 e adian lity, of the liotljr,16 cta�r.s u.6d,'ejlgLL1ejs,, a] L III it, ni�iu I at d I gre ucopoup y cq,u�ci e t ec ioa w1ill. lrdej?� of,. Chosen 'Support'of'POibler Balfou 's er, ratio Ulan At Triends, meets rim r � in ous V neja j3i $K OC lidiatel prtoI noC 166'Joeld 'of. to,`Ail ide; and rqpn�ljdto: il CJUUtli�oiie" an&thilrd Tuaild A, in ot eac construe 1xis.-mealihig' Air :best p municipalities titni6 o do�- # Goa in the, Odd- illit :. 'a preferentil pollcy freely for �.purposes ci�e up" b fellow"i; HOXATAP-, udk- 'still eS�thlbg reaudnablo boetv� Aoile k� tlil.,4 direction out, c i res.olu�iori: (Aimpally Wight: e tO.be treat6d;s all 'It'erh Of th bell 'street;, L not6d. tli�t.th U)us a pas,� n Visitgro Are, d rflonist' t6st,' b . se iin oAed b 110.0 f Iler6fdre that d is . t a, specia, mee for, t aA. oie Oer bttiii deiiouncing the 11p- led niliod wo liay'o Spull 011 11101V Tr �Ar, pqrpoI ed. to' ... ". ! . .. '' . I COURT" SH a 611 e d. p rtioul ty-pe r, inwobj5 �jsTo 56. t .1 'bridges or, I - do ign "LucknoW. pleat 'of. engilles B,evezy eirst opshjs) hill:- .1, t116 lailke9t tie 'riefil $4.000 000; AV I trii6ted: Monday of every mouth in the Orange'Hall. f -OW d of addit' I eond-.trA,6k;, In aVi iitin POC -lie and VRIT, X. e, _pr r ean ii, , �;o t jut Ao- ity -t D. McKENzIE Rangek.,. - -See,, sz7stbw 11 -as PEV6' tline'k;1. as much oxer- ral.[�- Ch ef Aec Onvario Bra C4- of the Alli� oublo track' !a it, d I , t uUnce, Will URk proviii legis'litive I r additi6il"ll sidin , owtve add- UCK$OW' LODGE IN candidat6s to,sigh. a , p pv 0 LS 10 [Arni i V:1 Fbresters ineats -in thoj 'it 11 . ... .... 'Ogwes tu Foni tly to ainpie gating, system. e V P qWeik. klie d rs-'-W! t the. bar- -be' x ilien i visi 'y"'o"u­ u"'noxpeciedly', an i YOU . %R9k th , 6 : in ditift o rebei I Ad r I _y �j 113i 'v'ing., i a ot�el� R66nd and.fourt- tto,'ha' e a. cui XT.: In I ell v TV 4j, JLL I -JLPJLNA34JL - to the Tullost-capaielt,y, )ut ge ZvpFee)OU per a;rr. isfiing I have Or - 7 a,11rements,in the Pandora'insure'a sti obg draft,'and -�qulek fire at, ili a .11 1 ly I Uohi outsillo �B Tfi't" Do'111 An horthorn.trdeders' br6thren Are 4_vited. -ell H, t re -PLtba10123 *aitS fdI SE,6': ini --fias-debided- nof wdxhi bit-, Meg r-4. senc6,of_ ilde —A- r6m its promptness T1. E. I. th��S*-. Ll lil"iii it� (.x Oo t I .7, a -n;- as -5 m" -e- tad--LhAj j : . b6autk ou��*or . d!s�_ ChietRange gracw ntile. * result! that 95 solidity in. . Appearance no,L, Been in o G6vornmeiit- wi ih e� U7 iot Id nd 7F., TJCKNOW' oDI nd, L -coulft C freigliAt its mobdbar to Ic sal i ey L 11 nge'llas.many new and impottaift, features,'. Buell Order . 6t' Unit fol, lle The PAn gr '67 IU of'the Anciefit a� ra d as gh oa 'and *Armin g; d :,tripi reniod6116d Laltirie e itmilled'�Aseivoir,'Sbliet steel high shelf sholila. de�ire tq-64.o. o�,,muqh the Workuien, iVeet 'the'QddfaI S triagulart onstructi6ln 'whith' fd rees,.'the hW -for th'e F, ox irates an& A, sp6eiil fue, Io *or 0 air. seedud. a- dud dud 'fin( I-poit.7h -I- I . I around tlA oven, lVwice and. direo�tl­ I '' I :. �. I . I I �tho 0 e"ig ;a orte ' ::� , .. I - . . . . I p ot Sq time. I : er every sbakef and a pe fect'. th nt At 4 cost of 65,060,600:N e God `9 or 11,64; fla -indde the C!, A) ll.b., oil p a- great: bridge, across. Visitin' brethren, o-, the Va6a L the illai , n.. n,d'- All I at -tie ,,sido _&ns',! doniiecti g qjo Is- -9prdially invitblid, but "6 Strait. of 0 litic thtirefr6m., land -Breton, with 'the Wain - jot tl1oV(,)_ o Cipe G TER ig r6pbses ereetio 9 The.tbt�l i� land. 11 be: %400: ath6ir While t -N6.428'HOL REGULAN wi ahailch ("s -Con the ge b r i d 6 the outI poetin ga- xq the, Franoe' 11 not U, 0- K N 0 on at Lucknowi on 04brbW,� -it wil." Q VV 'Ve'150 fl�et,alo hi h' Wk 00. our no or an wil. Orange Hall, Qamilbill street Coal ve Ag he -,second Tuesd every 16 ay, evening o eackand miater..­Ievel. rrV. E ousan , tom -u DeF t1i ,ree might on the h d following, All. N) siting' WeI striviat4o ivening.. MIL H 0VWWdWG,A1&*-%W11,A� V 0 'eqrs 6 f:. X V; n a OWL' JoHIMTH MUSIC -*�T' UCHT­" A 'a a idity, are,�p.roparjng_ ahs. L 00 ore. & InStru . menta t m ph V.rill b6a gre t an m0y.,pooplli.of the i�me 6pirliton this W1 arM ny Munk-And,H'' 0 yeat thtit -there �is - p. en y, 0 onw�. We sh.. to, eAli att'e"nt ion to.I6tirlaige' 1 . . f � , , re aug y- 9- andt, vaiiod,' 1'w 'afiir b ht b" bl' 0 e ills The. road i I ��u �O�Ar,y mppssa, e. Ma�nitobs, inLys, suitahlo M& jE�, S Af Is$ Donth X 0 in H CBRISTMAS-"PRESE9 r et 'Nile boy r well p�ea PRES Teichpiet Of, is pritlrwr Aortic. an -au& Theo oWel.is.visityng lave j C�Iiglgmmen )?upilq,proparod, for, CousilAtory `Exav�ln-. atl 81''sui a a,, presen s.. Mr;�Jfarvy E, oldiii 4,01d, S.,� ktbertA. . Canning Sired.', ucknow or �k tS fiW�ding hii paio�n t P ay' St I ssS' 4er visited At th li)q DRm;.,:BR0 P I C T U It F, F A NX E' 9 N d. - n hot broth-er' Mr- tietity Snydiar,: L P. EASMS T AB innigaw, isit Graduafe Of toij�on. Xew' York and 'friends f L A' SO A .00 Mr. ArAH isea6esl of the. P,,�e and 10,1110W n 'Man- 'aud Wis a ritl4sly 'ON -BEDS, Th "rill to I'm PED JZI009' WiLt, B I AT T8 L W PA 0,1164 -Cie OP tb I, 'CA111 HOUSEA06KNOW: hurt, the ducIbov 4 viio, to. b Y cry. 0 e N IJ COT -T 'go,tirth' We&, eaday of, i, wl(ioi -has bVen Ho ra:9,11i in 0, P. M, Wine'tiine pisf jj n t, t S � .,rV0.,DA1. , E siopk of Furnituebi.ali jin,13� is in very com 4 faq Calls'. -wi'th' I i ty. qua ------- — imgi. v6r�.. g6otj h'r3fdth > ........... !.1 hAIM noysir. tbe railwaI At Wwwaud John I)y - t GO 6 7V, :t S O.j,— U hire and. Jj. -d 'rtl al s J NIARTAXER Tut A 1) tl MMALMVIto n L Bo P me n t6ok . I ''Sale -use aod Lot& ism Ili,- 'OrI "Ab 4 Looknow, tot, A 0 0 &ALi A. A NO lru'oo, y oun( If WIAAAO�- dii,. Tuotda A Ulus J6 0 144 OMPOP66 so 0%W1 ........ ..