HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-01-21, Page 5•
Balance of -Ou,r Ladies'.:
racks ts. are to be''cleare out .13a -
fore STOCK-T:A EI N G. The
prices -have all' been ,.greatly 're-
duces, thasdwee1. Most of •them
are new stock,. A great: man
of the= have vie : °lily ' • been iii ,the :store : 'a
few117700.k ,. ` hi is our o portu lit..
o sects -e a pashionable Jacket for ..very
little mol
Tble. $5.:001in.es are marlted cioWn to 3:_75 ::.
1'0.00 'and $'12
° y
ss� Axa«•
0'i ;Saturday,, Mrs Wm. McNeil,,';
JO-4-4:1(17.01(4:o'.lrst residencel;:of'X141948.
passed, away to the; 'great beyond.
Mrs. 1txoNei)', bad been Ill. , .w1th heart,
•disease: for over a, $ear and' her demisei
, was; not unexpected Sbe A wee. a;,
woman'; of great :meatal, yigpr,, ,a. de;
vont Ohristiai and.a, member, of. ,,the
'Methodist Church: : Her',lees 1 sin
cer.wnedourby her. f
elywilcy end •a,:
'numerous' host of friend
Mm A14der0ou r has~;rot' reed'
•irout,an extended visit ati:;llfr 'f ns.:•
lttk Ipieol,'s. : ,
John Armstrong sr. Is suffering froin','
'an, attack df rheumatism
M Sy Idtdl-of 1Oristleberg has leen
Mrs •t5cat't" of Dakota• paid;.:a visit
to her :llrother:Mr. '.S, B'radeu. c
Thos. McNeil Of Sandweek,
Spent •a week at his'fathet's home.
•_ Mr: -W. S.. Arder'son, of Nome►
Alaska,. is at home.,
On, Monday Mr. Win. Cole met
-with an accident, that , reaulted •in. .his
death. Ife climbed up on • the scaffold
to.throw. dgwa,. •come . h&y' and' fell
through' it,to the barn floor. .a distance
of 1.5 feet. ' Although'no 'bones • were
roken'he1suffered severe. internal
juries:: After suffering Intense pain`he.
expired on .Thursday morning, . Mr:.,
•Cojc-was.innhis,S5th: year• -and was-
exceedingly :>vigoroue and . energetic..
• Ile was .a' -Man of pronounced opinion,.
_sincere in !fg_liel.ief�and an_enemy
all cantand"hyproery. , ..
We'have.. also a number of .Chililren's..'and nZaid's'' Coat
to'c], Lr at lnuch,less'thanrTegular rices`'
.-.. fir. ...-.
Iad'e-of od-fast�blaek Astrakan-sloth, ed ,throe
g. '
vritii.- i 'u'
. bber '12 Ali � fOr
l,ld ; S35 dines to cl'eair:at'
28 ••
35 tl,
50 ./
$45 Racoon Jacket, size' 36 fur, $35
$55 El Seal, with Sable collar, -$45', --
$30 Wool' Seal Jackets. --6
Miss"McLaren of ' Lucknow visited
at W.E.Uordon'a;.for''a'weelr
"Nle"; `andbirs. "James herriff .of,
.Whtteghurch visited at Wm Sherriff's
on Monday
Mr, Neely, ;wino 'was visiting his
daughter,, Mrs: Todd, has returned,
hone to Pigeon Eich. R,..;A: Miller,
of f `iemming, Asse, ' is'. renewing ac-
civaintances-inethis •vicinity after- an
absence of`three years,.'
• Capt., John Webb of Delutb has. re
turned' hoiae..
:Duncan:,Mc'Donald: and wife, have
moved into tl?o' Mieses-Rutherford's
wgAF 1
Men's 'relt'C i gres`s with' leather, soles at $1'50.perpair
':Vierss Felt;'Congress with felt soles . 'ate $2.0Q per pair.'
en's. Felt'. Foxes Bais, leather;`soles'at-$2.2Si per pair
en'srCurl ng 13al (something cosy) at $4.00 per• pair.
Wom ns�Felt Congress.. e g ' ' ' . ,at $1.00 per pai.•r.
Wemens Felt Bal. (Dong Foxing); ....at $1.50 per pair
Womens+Folt Bal. (Box .Calf Foxing) at $1.50 per pair
"meps Felt. Bal. and Congress: gr ltli at $1.50 per; pair`
-Womens' Felt Slippers, Dong- Foxing: at $1.00 per pair
- W e have a 'complete line in .Lumbermen's Footwear'
at Rock bottom ;prices.
'Call and examine our stock before purchasing else
arriage License.
W. CONNELL, Issuer of Marriage Licenses- t
Agent for Allan Line and Agminion Lines•
oLBteamsliiipe. .
Life and Accident Assurance:;
d''awpbell St Lucknow.
• %
limmt ,:... �p
1 NI
®r n s
', l , ' t(t'i`i mil t. largo": 'skid: ''of ' tiro
1, 1,<t�, inst. r 1
•`.lititdtit ..,:and 'most up -to -dale. :,tttIoile1',;..
'_"ow 'I' y1u, l,rlc:i grid e.r•cs thilig, •IlCccssitry,
doing or,(it'1",)i,'rlitiii•riticlt ;rs':•
[;r'r'.ru:1 1li„iu»a; U!1.r: llt.1)S, Ntvpt 1:0,0is,.
31.Ai:l u:ar , '1;4, ,INci l OI'I S, ...Of R(Ur,Aftq,,'
rt)I+iv(,' LA(;:y )1),Itr ro 1 i1 Aug, . ,';1,tl:prft'i'y, . ' <,;
yyyy tiiir S
�' WA
l h
1 ,
VISi'rl��., T�TVI,.I'1 i it
I:NIS`'i' t".ttt,i)Sr''• 1. 1.A(IhAilli".:16i 111„:t.
a1NNcttt;;c, , ,• '10.;r6.: T
PAN: L,AltAlttlt;t l;,t. ,j,..liil;r.4y,
000so'eaoeo •
e , Lucknc•mr Seftlnel
will be s'ent . with t
the' fol=;
�'a ens ;P. p, r an-
nary 1904t at the
4glIowing 'prices,:
WitEriLy U401iL & S NTINI;r.,` $1.60:
",`MAin EII'IRlyy & . • tr.'
. '•'$1,75,.:
Mo. T till ,'A ,
�. �i AL 1, AbfliY •
I-1EttrtE`D . • .
A !in NVI i.iti.Y .' STA R) ,ATtri
Sr�iTnn rf, $1.76,
�,.• :.
xYt NTlt'it t
Hitt Y A b, ArtA SE>,r= , •; ,
"M Nllt
0 IgAri�VI'1NILdB,AN1o`'�,r
Lt)�IibN At vi. tTIsEn aC, ',i; 1'$1;.50 •
i0Nii61•1 Fit ri PREss;At u_.' ,$li7bt,
plan tEI2iSt vN,tt / ' tr'• 11t7'S'.
•Y1 9'.
Messrs, R. 1) and Angus Cameron
of i:u'cirnow called vii friends iri'the
vill age last week.
Hugh :Arrclersonis-still oil, the, •sick
.hut we hope soon '•to liear of : his''
Mr: ,,Beckett"of Qt men's College re-
turned, tO
eturned,;to Kingston 'last week:
Will`' McDonald who was, visiting
friends in,:.'this vicinity. '.kft` for hi
hours in•.Winghm this ,week.
We:aro sorry to:. learn, that,
Webb'ii family is sick. at 'present but.
we•hepe that moon all may begin their
uaual'good hoalth-again
Two Papers for 51.15
, A few' years "ago •a ',dollar'''. weekly
wd upon as a„navel of cheap- lAOacras,�gith;or without=orop; For
nes, Now, ;at `no . •little cost, -?we ,araC
enabled to offer "two papers fozr. a trifle
'qv er' phati sum.'By .special :and, ex-'
c naive arraogetnent with the .Mon=
trel Weekly Herald, we, o(Tet it °and
The Sentinel,, for one•year for $1 15
The offer., is so ,estraoridinary' liberal.
that it•;should be: taken,.. advantage of.
by every' man; •woman°,ld whoncl Chia
can read' • The Sentinel is the'leading'
local ,:paper "• 'In this„ district., They
11 i a.. aper for ;filo'•AIwino, ..and;
Tarin, giving, the new : of • the world,'
and''a Inas of, :entertaining reading.;
,The"two papery at'such• a•.price, make
a'n i
• rreaistable :coinbinaflon; . ••.-To;new•
subscribers the' papers Willbe sent the
hal ar.cc of this year free:'
Fire insurance.
Iniiure' 'our .ro.ert a_ainstlass or dam
age byPre ,rnt.e o .'re la` e•`atiana an
Idercantile Oompaniee,low rated, and.punc
tub paymen •
Deeds, Wills`; Mart age. , Le`ases.; Agree
•ments,etc.,,neatly -exec i ted.;
Office Tbwn• Hal'l,.Tweaday, Thursday:
ndS=aturdayafternoons -
`� s':G,rglzgmo-
D E 1�T.
c. A ,'N.EWr'ON,
• 'i dentistry;-e-rein'to
Dentat'College. and Doctor of:Dental Sur-
gery; Toronto U'niversity...All,modern plan
of operation and carefulnessworkmanship.
Office in Allin's block, upstairs '
P;8. -V4111 -visit ~Ripieyevery-Thuis?Yity;.
Parra -for -Sale,
Farni', For Sate
100 acres, min good locality, : about
ci4ht miles •frdni Lucknow•. ' Partli.
seeded•downt eight acres of•.fall. wheat.
Well wafereffi'- y Spring -Creek ,;'.
fair; dwelling and a good barn': are on-'
the:prelniaes Icor further pirticularrs•
apply to G, eo, -A. Srddall, Lucknow.
Annual 'Meeting"
ry�III: a
nifial meeting Cif the•est. Vavao
osh,Mtitutt1Wk'ire: Gnat,rance.0o,. wilt be
held in the A„ricoltural lull, Dungannon, at
'oris tt'clock,pni, on ,• '
January 2Oth,n04, `.
tVheu tl,n .t)ireetors' annual'report' Will be
given bsfore the meeting also for the receiving
• of the eiiclitos annual reports ef.reeeipts and:
arlientlitures:trf the o„nrp my for•the pafit year
anll for the elei,tt nt of ft nr dfri>,etors to (ill t1 c
vacancies at' the botr,l"inenrre(l-•bv the 'retire
meat; of t'tea.st5• Joh ,t:ltallaht\ n'M..
, 1,:dk•;rrrd
A.ebisuu, Ale ai.d r Stewart and Daltoti
whoiw'taret of Milts ns rbtectcrs will thea
explro, all of whom aro eligible for' re.gtection
,„ w • • •7, MY'Eol3Eivrs,
Dunganrtori,;lac2Gthr0 , - .
x 5'
tipularsapply to ,
WM Dungannon P.0
Public\. N otice
''NT�;OW is Chetime and don't forget to. have
lr, your •buggies and.wagons 'painted, My
priceswill be reasonable, -at:•the .old : sstand.
over' Moi"se's Machine Shop.'.': MrMoi:se can
do any repairicglh�ey May want, •
• hortborn• Cattle For Sale.:
HE Undersigned' .offers'' for sale 'at hie`
farrai one m}9e east of •Luekn'ow, Short:
hnrn cows, heifers and two•young bulls,,.som'e,
.o.f whiah.are aegisterecland."the.other• ,•1 -able
for registration ' For'furt • er' in orma'tion
-amity to :..• tf'(31,
Farm for. '
Sale :..
Bums south half. of iota 45, 4(3; concession 1.
Kinloss, contains 95/, acre, ::About 10 acres
•'bush lana. Never failingspeing;creek running
through farm,. '.Kos :house, good barn and",
stables; 'Abuµt two •miles east of Lucknow,
Apply to
That 1f,you want any Paper
H .4, su ii Paint'zno o'r y)eco r
q +Y �
ating dole to cation-,
of Worthington's .;'Canadian Stock Tonic..
James Leask; •:breeder ;; and •feeder,.. of the:
Fair 1901 and,1902,.:says ::
Dcait+ SIIi; .•
1 have fed Your.gtock Toiticto &tittle and
ncia m e
like it ver;'muoh.. It inakes:them.thrive'we,il
and put on flesh more' ;rapidly;:; 'I think it 'ie ,
the -best Tonic 1 bav'e fed to horses. We are
allso feeding• it to Our hens this, winter and
hey are laying .better than^ they have done
or, a long time.• • It pays to feed it
Greenbank, P. 0... reb. 23,1903.
--i .:• e. m egs, .' or.
thington's Stock Food took it' down cora•
pletely and put ter in good condition. It has
done my cQws good. Think it is a good.
and can recommeind it • ''. •
B. CHURCHILL,"•'Dairymon'
;Clinton,:Jan.l7th,1903`•• • •
Purify' your animals' -blood before turning
them on the gram:, They will ;surpriseyou
in the
10 Ibfall. box, 200 feeds, 50o.; 501b: sack $2
Manufactured byj
the; Wrth1en '' Dru
For sale and guaranteed by
AGAR &; EARLS, Lucknow.
A: 'Wonderful Discovery
physicians, ,Scientists,,Etc, i.ave given
their. -unqualified .,tests 'to, I the . only
known r;emedys which .Swill absolutely
,do at is c1aimed for:":them:, and. at
the s, . e time :ma he relied' y ed .upon as.
absolutely harmless. and: effective.
We do not claim to grow hair 'on .a •
shining, bald head where ,the%roots : of•'
the. hair are dead or destroyed and no
fine• hair left; 'but if thero is any fine•
hair left.we • can make it .grow, we
hove 'grown httir en heads that have: •:.
been bald' for years :and years and•
there is,;not a case to.0':found where
a: young. man or wonio.friyh.o'is losin,.
.their Bair. and becoming , bald Where.,
our celebrated hair growing; remedied
will fail to produce, a' good, healthy;
head'of'hitir,='if used a'cco'rding to the' .:;
directions ,
This is to certify that 1. `hays used
Brown's Celebrated Hair Gtower,"and
g e• a good full
of hair,.; . I was '• quite, bald ibefore 1
used it and nowt am permanently'
'erased of :baldness, falling hair, and
dandruff, • Jr l , Joh son, Guelpli- I
' Ptited tris l Sth day of DedeniIiev 1;1.03,
O+V U► ' luNt;:
rirsto.,class work
fiul raiite✓ed, ;Jo 'E4 DB OWN 4t aa,, Guelph •