The Wingham Times, 1908-08-27, Page 46
Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges
Seventy thousand Ameridane emigrat• 1 An English insurerce company ha s
eft to Canada in 1906. refused to take any further bueinese in
Lcrdon's congested business district be -
canto of the inadequate water supply.
American capitalists contemplate
working a concession of 8,000 sores of
hard wood timber in Honduras. Twenty
miles of railway, with spurs are to be
The U. S. Methodist Book Concern in
the last four years has shown profits
and Dividends amounting to $2,024,377,
a showing that it is believed is unequal.
Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid) ed by any otherpublishing house of this
soya, bladder and urinary organs only» class.
They Imre backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, infiamation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
Lecturing on the piscatorial art 'will
sive no one a fish dinner.
.®.f.3orCTVt. i.E'1...
hears the The Kind You Nano Always Bodel
Il ga,,tare
A man's hair turns gray about five
years earlier than a women's.
Most people waste a lot of valuable
time telling their imaginary troubles.
Are You Weak
Get Strong.
A good dinner has about the same ef-
fi'act on a man that a goad cry has on a
The abundance of money in Germany
Iso now so great that it Cannot be placed
without considerable difficulty.
An Extraordinary Case.
For three days my wife hovered be-
tween life and death with pneumonia
nor inflammation of the Inoue," writes
• Mr, Fred Hawkins of Hintonburg,
-Carleton Co., Ont., "and the doctor's
;raedibines did not help her. I then got
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur-
pentine and this brought her relief the
drat night. Complete cure was soon
affected and I oaunot praise this medi-
Three farmers in the Belleville district
have been fined for watering the milk
which they sent to the factories.
Jerry Doyle, a new -comer iu St. Ca-
tharines, was on Friday last sentenced
to two years for an indecent assault.
u sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
.. :A/ passages, stops droppings in the
throat and permanantl y cures
4 Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
'N.,)11, All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Bos'.to.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature ofa
Yon are discouraged.
You teel old and worn.
You are sick, but not aware of the
Yon oan dray' youreeit around—but
work Ds impossible.
With your unmeant (trying out for
assiatauoe and the nerves all on edge
why not try Ferrozone--it will surely
do son good
Ferrel the is a wonderful combina-
tion of vegetable extraote, fortified by
excellent tonics for the nerves and stom-
When you 'goal despondent, Ferrozone
cheers yon up
When languor and oppression weigh
you down, F+rrozone braces you np
When sleep is impossible Ferrozone
calms the nerves and gives you rest.
For bounding health, good looks,
good spirits, nothing equals Ferrozone;
makes the weak strong and the siok
well. Good for leen, women and chil-
dren ; try Ferre zone, bom per box at all
The tramp nuisance is again becoming
eeriens. Tramps are like caterpillars;
they get very numerous for a tune, and
again they will disappear. At this time
of the year they keen pretty well to the
country, begging their meals through
the day and sleeping in the barns at
night. They are not pleasant people to
have anything to do with and the farm -
ars are afraid of them,
A quiet but very pretty wedding was
solemnized in St, Joseph's church,
Stratford, on Tuesday, the lath, when
Miss Dorothy Chisholm became the
bride of Frederick Sweet, mathematical
teacher of the Kincardine high school.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Father MiGco.
A. J. Bailey, of Stratford, formerly
superintendent of bridge construction
for the G. T. R., died at his residence
last week. He was in his 74th year.
The cause of his death was a Stroke of
Charles J. Gidden, the millionaire of
auto tour fame, proposes to start a
balloon passenger and freight line. One
of the advantages, at least, will be that
tramps will not care to risk rides on
the bumpers.
The essential lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and refined into a perfect
cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway
Ptne Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a
gaarantee of satisfaction. Price 25
A. McGuire, Goderich township, has
a field of corn 13 feet 7 inches high
No trouble to hide in it.
The 105th anniversary of the establish-
ment of representative government in
Nova Scotia was celebrated at Halifax.
C;.A.atT®R.X A-.
Bears the The Kind You Have lbw Bcubht
'' of
Mr. J. R. Williams, Gorrie's oldest
business man has disposed of his furni-
ture and undertaking business til Mr. A.
M. Hamilton, who will take possession
in about a month.
According to statistics recently issued
the male inhalitants of St. Petersburg
outnumbered the female by 124,000.
The total population of the capital is
now 1,454,704, showing an increase of
230,000, or 19 per cent., as compared
with the census of 1900.
The September Rod and Gun.
Duck shooting has a mighty fas-
oinatiDn in September and ROD AND
published by W. J. Taylor, Woodstock.
Oat , deals in a generous manner with
the dunk hunter in its September issue.
Eastern, ()antral and Western Canada
oontribntee duck hunting stories, and
the differences In the conditions under
which she sport is pursued in various
parts of the country aro well brought
out. Every dunk hunter will sympa-
thize with the work of the Emotion
people in making a collection of the
native wild fowl and trust their example
will be followed in various parts of the
Dominion, Fishing and big game boat.
lug ,-expeditions and aolouute of the
adventures of a ohaiuman in "Helping
to Make a Railway," and the story of
"The Royal Nova Scotia Yacht quad-
ron" aro articles to which particular
attention may be directed. The story
of "The Alpine Club's Third Annual
Camp" is t.1d in en article lay a special
representative and oars is taken that
th,m3 interested in outdoor life in any
of its phases are not neglected. There
is plenty of variety soatterrd through
she pages of au exoollent number, not
only iu the Departments, but also in the
numerous articles and stories making
np the issue.
Oa Wednesday, Aug. 12th, a quiet
wedding took plaoe at the residence of
Mr and Mrs, Brigger, Hamilton, when
Miss Maribel, eldest daughter of the late
Wm Mitchell, 'and Jatnee Andrews,
electrical engineer, both of Goderich,
were united in marriage. The brtde
was unattended, and that well known
Presbyterian divine, Rev, James Roy
Vail Wyck, performed the ceremony.
The oD1ytY40t for the new Bap
obnroh, at Aubnrn, has beeu let to Ikir.
L Hill, of Blyth, and it is expected that
workwill be oummenced this week
The plane call for an up to-dato building
with beeement, of red brit* with oement
blocks us high as top of basement.
There will be a neat poroh on the front
with double doors, and the roof will be
surmounted with a bell tower.
Su many wonderful things are being
done these days that one's oapacity for
feeling snrpriele is well-nigh exhausted.
Still, the announcement that telephone
messages have been sent a distance of
310 miles in France. without the aid of
wires, is the record of an accomplish-
ment which stands out prominently
even in these days of marvelous ad-
vances along all industrial and scientific
"Mother's compliments," said a
youngster to a butcher who kept a shop
in a busy euburban thoroughfare, "and
she's sent me to show you the big bone
brought with the piece of beef this mor-
ning." "Tell your mother next time 1
kills a bullock without bones in it I'll
make her a present of a joint," said the
man of meat, with a grin. • "Mother's
compliments," coutinaed the boy, "and
she says next time you find a bit of sir-
loin with a shoulder of mutton bone in
it she'd like to buy the whole comes as
a cariosity.
Mr. Andrew Henderson, con. 4, Mc-
Killop, has 3 lambs, which in many re-
spects surpass any we have yet heard of.
These three lambs are all from one ewe.
They were dropped about the middle of
April, One of these a wether, weighed
95 pounds, and was sold to Messrs.
Everett & Sons, butchers, Seafortb.
The other two are ewes and weigh 90
pounds each. One of these ewes when
about two weeks old got out of its pen
and got trampled on by a horse and had
the front and hind leg broken, but by
good nursing it recovered and is now as
smart as if nothing had happened it.
The cost of a first•olass Upited States
battlesbip equals the valuation of all
the land and the one hundred buildings
Harvard University has accumulated in
two hundred and fifty years, pine all the
land and buildings of Hampton and
Taskagee Iuetitutes. A modern battle -
practically useless in
ship becomes
fifteen years.
Police Chief Makey of Blenheim will
lose the use of his hands as the result of
Injuries received from the explosion of a
gasoline lamp.
B. single Brazilian State—Sao Paulo
—has 670,000,000 coffee trees, the yield
of which for the present year is esti-
mated at 9,000,000 bags.
Latta -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
TEIeadache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia
Without griping, purging or sickening.
Chafed and Irritated Skin.
What mother is not tired of using
unsanitary, pore-ologging powders to
relieve the ohafing and skin irritation of
her baby? Dr. Chase's Ointment is so
delightfully soothing and healing that it
is admirably adapted for this purpose.
It relieves the itching and stinging and
makes the skin soft, smooth and velvety.
Dr. Chase's Ointment is also a positive
cure for baby eczema from wbtch so
many babies suffer during the teething
Breathe Hyomei and be cured of
Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma.
Nature has a remedy for catarrh, epi -
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •s►•••••••♦•N••••••••••••`.
About 75 Indians are engaged in pull-
ing flax in Hullett, and about 100 more
between Hensall and Kippen. They get
$7 an acre for the work, and are requir-
ed to find their own provisions and lodg-
ing, which they do in tents. An.occa-
sional Indian can pull half an acre in a
long day bat this is more than they
usually y do.
To Irishmen were about to run a
race to a certain tree by different routes.
Suddenly Mike slapped Pat on the baok
and asked how they were to tell who
reached the destination first. After a
moment's thought Pat answered: "I tell
yer, Mike, if I get there first I'll make a
mark on that tree with this chalk, and
if you get there first you can rub it
Another wedding which excited a
good deal of local i-terest was that of
41 Canada's
(a-x'pw ,n .1.2e
1 Telephone
✓ Exchange Connection Ccsts An Extension Set
✓ 5?. to 10 cents per day Desk 8 1.3 Cents
• Special Inducements
For Rural Line Connection, Over 300 Rural
A • •now connected.
For Full .
• Consult
. •
on Your
I. per day
OR •
L. BINKLEY, ,Local Manager.
afliorcts service iridis 100,000 subscribers
Dearness Cannot bo Cured,
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
Phere is only way to cure deafness, and
that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafuess is caused by an inflamed con-
dition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
inflamed you have a rambling sound or
imperfect bearing, and when 11 is
entirely closed, Deafness is the result,
and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its
normal condition, hearing will be des-
troyed forever; nine cases out of ten
are paused by Catarrh. which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the mucous
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of deafness (paused by
catarrh) that cannot he cured by Hall's
Catarrh cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for oonsti-
demio colds and bronchitis that is far + Mr. J. E. Jordan, organist of Knox
better than dosing the stomach with I church, Goderich, to Miss Mary Telfer
medicine and drugs Murray,youngest daughter
;Frank Sporanco, an Italian, was ar.
tested at Byng Inlet after an exchange
of shots with the constables, in which
he was shot.
Startling revelations were made at the
hearing of the Colchester election case.
Whiskey and money were distributed by
Conservative workers,
Cywsl...r '7G*c LI4 ..
Wears the The Kird Yoa ila ? A;titi1:; B. ht
Sign .tnrs
w99- %LGlr.G^tf+
Its of Special Value to Many Here
in Wingham.
It will be economy to finish your
sheets with the same width hem at each
end. By so doing they can be used
either side np, and gain much wear.
The treasurer of North Biy has ab-
sconded and is found to be $23,000 short
in his accounts with the town. He is
thought to have been speculating in
Cobalt stocks. The finances of North
Bay have for years been in the hands of
two men by the name of Martin—lather
and son—and it is the younger man who
until this year was tax collector, that
has got into trouble. The Martins have
for many years been highly respected
and well -to do residents of the town,
being in -the general:insnranoe business.
A notable discovery and one that
appeals especially to many people in
of Mr. and Wingham is the combination of stomach
It is the healing oils and balsams of help in the Mi cent treatment. This
Mrs. James Murray, Exetez, which took preparation works wonders in case of
Hyomei which medicate the mfr yon h f thebride's parents indigestion or weak stomach.
breathe, reaching the most remote air place at the oma o r
It acts directly neon the walla o1 the
cells in the nose, throat and lungs, kill- I on Wednesday afternoon, Ang. 19th, stomach find bowels, strengthening and
ing all catarrhal germs and restoring
health to the mucous membrane.
Hyomei acts like a curative interna
air bath and has the same healing and I The marriage of Miss., Elizabeth Mo -
stimulating them so that they readily
• •1 oharch, Exeter, tying the knot. take care of the food that is eaten with -
antiseptic effect as the air where the Kenzie eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Pine and Encalyptic forests give off i Edward
Breatthehe healing Hyomei and sae how ; of Toronto, was solemnized on Wednes•
;?icKemite, to Mr. Win. Pearl
their f and d he
aling balsams
quickly you will get relief from catarrh day, Aug. 19th, at the family residence
and head colds. If it does not help you ion Broadway, at Kincardine, Rev. Dr.
there will not be a penny's expense, as Murray performing the ceremony. Miss
Walton McKibbon agrees to refund the e
money. The complete Hyomei outfit Hanna McKenzie, sister of the bride,
costs only $1.00.
was bridesmaid, and Bert Cullen of
Toronto was beet man.
Mr. Wm. Davidson, of Greenock, i Charles 'Gideon of Philadelphia was
threshed over 325 bushels of fall wheat 1 aroused the other day by some creature
from 9 acres of crop, and from 4 acres Illli biting his legs. He yelled for help and
of barley had' 160 bushels. Not many William
William Saddler, a fellow boarder, went ` a to hie assistance. The men fought the
acres of the west will beat that wheat
1 creature, which flaw about the room,
yield this year. 1 giving fight until they succeeded in
killing it. Au investigation proved it
6ir'RI:NO ;MEDICINE. I out of shelter. They are, the mayor
so be a bat, measuring eighteen inches'
i As a spring medicinco Burdock Blood i between its outstretched wings• Gideon 1 says, without clothing, without house -
was Bitters has no equal. It tones up the was severelynipped about the limbs
Grant was graduated in the cissa of system and removes all impurities from I P hold utensils, without food, without
1543 at 'Wet Point—washer 21 in al the bleed. and tabes away that tired, r and face. supplies or resonrcee of any kind.
class of 33. General William B. Frank. i weary feeling so prevalent in the spring.
out distress or suffering.
So positive are the good effects follow-
ing the use of Mi-o•na that the remedy
is sold by Walton McKibben under an
absolute guarantee to refund the money
if it fails to cere. A 50 cent box of
Mi o•na will do the good the stomach
needs which is simply to make it do its
own work.
The Contract Dept.
•e••e•••e••••••••eeee•o•e• ses•e•o•••••••o•o.••••••••4►
•••••••••••.•••••••••0•••••• ,•••y•••,64.440.4•01•00••••41.
We are solo agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL,
which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, 9annel and
Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds. always on hand.
The Brussels Post says:—"In driving
through the rural districts a marked
improvement is noticeable in the
premises of many farmers. Iu addition
to better farm buildings and cultivated
acres are tidier barnyards, well pruned
lawns and flower beds, the removal of
the gate at the road and a general
thriftiness about the whole place. A
little additional work and care coupled
with a tastiness of outlay has
wrought wonders on many a farm-
stead. The expense is trifling as com-
pared to the increased value where
these things exist. There is the culti-
vation of a better order of things in
the minds of the young people as well
which will tend to the good of the
community in years to come. A trial
by those who are yet uninitiated will
prove the value of the experiment."
Residence Phone No. 55, Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44.
••••••••••.•b••OO••••ota••• •••••••••44434A0:444404`444i
The Sehieshel Bros. of Teeswater,
have secured the contract of building
the concrete abutments at the county
bridge at Teeswater, and already have
a number of neon at work. About
42,000 will be expended.
Mayor Tuttle of the destroyed city of
Fernio is appealing to the people of Can-
ada for help. Ont of 300 homes only 22
remain, throwing nearly 6,000 people
lin Vii45 graduated at the head of the-.wP---
I Viscountess Molesworth has started
Ell- 1
1,C ad train fccd.
2.hx iter the functions c e iver.
3. Promotes a soun3 sad quie:s`.cep.
4 F)t
.,infect.. the meal.
Ne'ereiizes the torp1 u5 acid
ds cf the
6 Paralyzethereerrheidal
7. Helps the secretion of the kidneys,
8, Prevents cake A.5 ccncretsons.
9. Obviates indigestion.
10. A prever,tstive spina dli*s a eE
file throat.
11. restores all nervous energy arta res
vryes the natural '
42 Harbord Street, Toronto, Ont.
a jam factory on her estate, near Min-
ster•on-Sea. England is extraordin-
sally fond of jam, and Viscountess
1 Molesworth makes extraordinarily good
jam, so that the Centura seems likely to 1
t , be profitable.
Exports of iron and steel from the
L;teited I7ingdom for the first three
the LAST Tal
If there be - nerve derangement of any
*incl, it is wound to produce all the
various phenomena of hear i; derange -
months of the current calendar year i meet. In
show a d::ci1ine as ooilipared with the 1 PM LEuntra.
corresponding montba of last year of i HEART AND fdCyi6ie'C
279 OCO tons in volume and of 50,195,-! E'6f,i.
251 in value,. iscombinedtreatment the.t gill cure all
forms of nervous riisortiers, as well as
' Ilnox chtircli, Goderich, ,,was the scene Inet upon the beset itself.
r on WC ,
rlut t
wedding g k ro C n ri
a.l .ue I t
f an e rr Doli 1 I
o early . "
o.. i
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t,ifl } iii t r fC(tIti
0 tt st E.c
h as ,. ben a
Au i.ft , .latie
in I
morn ,
ala g•
nos g
interest in which was shown by the tit• . heart and nerve troubles fol the Ian t
tandanee o8 rune 7 spectators, notwitli• ' ten yours. lfte marry t(1Irtill es,
and ours.1 i,: nor io e:iia 'tlitLout
Standing the early hour. Tile panic- ilio least iriri ft, I decidtil to tine Mil -
1 were Mr. Fred T. Egener, organ- burn's Ileart ^ltd :erre fills z tifiul.
'' iet of Zion Presbyterian church, Brant- I am thankful to ;ay tilet, after u it,fi.
^n, would
nine hoses I am cU ir+ l cured .. 1 w
ford to Miss I'et'tyne Florence, uatigh- •recaniniend them io all suilerers,"
for Of the late Peter McEwen, of Godot.
Dress the Para.
At a recent farmers' meeting, the
farmers were somewhat taken off their
feet by an address by a lady, prominent
in agricultural circles, who proceeded to
extol the occupation of farming and the
dignity of the farmer. She told the
farmers that they were lords of creation.
Then a swelling of chests was visible all
over the hall. She described the inde-
pendence o3 the farmer,he was in the en-
viable position of any man. And so she
aroused the vanity and self-satisfaction
of the audience and just when the men
began to feel like strutting, she turned
her address into a roast by suddenly
demanding: "Why don't you sot the
GA wear b o
part? Why do w
which chow the Boiling quite as badly
white shirts de and look so ugly? Why
don't you shave oftener and look more
like the lords of oreation, the agricul-
tural gentlemen that you are? Why
you so slouchy?"
are y
The speech created a quick increase
in the trade intoilet soap, "bated" shirts,
and razors. There is room On many a
program for wore sttoh talk,
lob both popular and well-known young
!people, Rov. Jas, A. Anderson, I3, A„
pastor, terforiuew tho Cereulou .
Prieo 50 cants > r 'i;os. or 3 boxes for
$1.2:5, At all du' ers, or mailed direct
on reaaipt of )tin by the T. Milburn
Co., Limited '. o°onto, that
We carry a
full stook of
(Dressed or Undresseril
Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
• li[ighest Price paid for . all kinds of Logs. -111011
A If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon
Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Cramps,
Colic, Pains in the Stomach,
Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Chol-
era Infantum, Sea Sickness,
Summer Complaint, and ' all
Fluxes of the Bowels.
It has been on the market for 63 years.
Its effects are marvelous. It acts like 5.
charm. Relief is almost instantaneous.
Ask your druggist for it. Take no other.
Substitutes are Dangerous.
Tho genuine Is manufactured by Tnx T.
MILBURN, Co.. Lmtt'rrm, Toronto, Ont.
Price 35 cents.
••••••••••.•••c•a ••••.•••••
• or make a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he
•• build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
• ♦ path to his door.—Emerson.
Get on the path to the door of the
t Times Printing Office
hra. W. J. Wilson, Tessier,
Sask.,sk, tells
experience in the following ----
of her exp g words
"I wish to toll you of the good I have
found in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry. Last summer my little girl,
aged two years, was taken ill with Sum-
ner Complaint, and as my mother always
Dr. Bowler's theinto when 1
`o t
was a child, I seemed to follow her exam-
ple as I always have it also. I at once
,gave it to my baby as &reciteitl and she was
at once relieved, and after a couple of
dosses were t keit was completely cured,"
Where mouse traps are not made but
Good Printing
Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good prin.tingis done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that will lead the world to make a
beaten path to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of
or by calling up 'Phone 4.