HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-01-14, Page 67 -A v 4 P r Apowp4em I m 0 9! Y—T 04 Q� VIA Q I S, JE 3 19 Xtributp 'Motber 090sio" rtorloo, p TIF y, X pgv, cu �V".7 wu A �VO rJ,00 ct Brugg,'"g, of a d b0­1ind for VA Q,� )s 1�6tw �O�tu . p., is �t.t arle. kw.. ave S, *4y ki R##p Qf. tho'4004. w4 tdg�,uwl iIeprig!)y Iled �Vgro, 64C AS, ike�ent d. V, 41�__ 9�., )Al TAX t UP, OA@, 4"A'"i"44 zr� as,,you, f i.. An. Z A p%tron, o arT� ral no WOO to-wali, of ithe r- renIah U,-Ithe latmou er,o14I 40 04�ttnilatlu Don% (011ow in- thelt pAliiwrix 1p:m_ t bejus4fled`�irl ;pt, DaNN�s,Qllt' Ci(V— of, "Call. 111�lera or Me mQrqI Cu lg6� riot piniple' �Iit'b ;Qughr-� his #Lle%' 144 into 1�- t.,W , ltq� f M, J'A pq&1pc.t ;Lk Is sti 4. the fact I o, but, thp, CUMMINGS&AN I It �b -sl.!ra _o, in New, Yokk,,�$un, that, th r arQ. more, , e* Ar1rC4 urie's. Mho. wi,11 'b V03 hip �P941VO, 9_1 hlp.,N 4 1001 '-s lt Wph CJ"r'. 4oialltty,',over Ayraaa7., th f ialeg .0 pAid',tlY, 8, V, -ort4neol 4). 4,L� W� yea Al ty slilpqr4tq 4 ts lifiloing 3%000 ROOM Leveir- Brothe.ro, f or, lv,04. P, 6�,mo;;41eie: ret forcl� Q Al s;pq_ Who Stroet, Torpotol 06t: �d, JQaliforolo., _�e_ f6. l' I.c I -odL-poplitition 0 _Jn_lli� ,,Clndo UrplW": toro,40,, to, dny per 116i; *4 in rove I 'phone le tbrol I 4,� tjaep� have:. had e.,91st-eilco. P.t as, tra tha% l In i!!� sqa rly - one val A can, onii 'fbrrnI-,9f:adq1ter4ti9 over fla- k.. 0ii, C.Q �'the tidewater equntic's� -4 ' Vlrgh�i4 is an . i a- pop A�v' r� thAt. Ae of the negroi, pp7 pntiiins, qPy, hen., Ny,;n Rair., * . GRA11 T1 ni In' 'T urio s he 1 -ung S. he ON_ to. thor"&oSpi­ �ty V ig equlvtr�­'Vt' limiterae.. Xe� IRK taAs e, 14iiolx..th� El differs. materiMly 6W that 'A STOCKW 19010 lie* RwrropOlp Vfien, flio q6e4tionA�l-ow It to' IbQ f Qurid 1i ek-, Allla;, vii;r-eg w4 fhw cotton, , Ili, oit ;high ini riot' n6w. , , . , flelds"of, �-Alab' it' O'callp ed usef n o ail, 11 jKq ip"uteed, to, MO., ."There, IL4 'the. I a gua ? 'XQ AZ X, 7� MD '04 hIll':' the, V o Ivi q 1 41,07IN 1, 4014 Av x "y �Jjiqn -1,11. :PAC:1VcAIu9u ��- i '� Lt":' VW AIN 4 i npl )A Q 1;�Y:1011 'P,- -W, Ilk V4 6U'gbe,.t"%. W'5�0' 1,120 ifai 25e., 60c., Anct otoq S�Oecjl 6f�- 'bilshel, bellofe, "P erov, 4A rl I xoounti$ of Dec 11, the, e re io han ior P,3 I RI �L, p - rock -ed to, miali, 10im 11. sj.00, per in .0m wi q know - -that jkia�� 0wort, , 10. option'LeXpires, a t1nix'L.6ilisiari'vC negrOcs fr6rri A i..Qtrina, - iii -4 �Wltd lnau`� th er. p ti I I ­ . 4,1 �fgger, aLa �tlle.CLV, rg A Ur, 'j tine;-, ta.- flao, "r. I "" lik%toloy" tfi's�.` & C.� NVELLS ncbiakes grid. rj�e fililds. Uvj Tpro4p�,.0 �LegoY,:$Xi ;4A of ca iiam coinvilay'arid n X )Un' V, .4 k4 -V,14 7- , ". 'r ee -i"I", mre n 11 `114 IF g,"Pt' �c, lluprovp- 111 131storyp coupa ion- ii, -a 6f,.0"nch­ 0, 11MUSSI a 't"A' the rn�jsbul.. the reniindei the, -,afud the FrcnchI'-­accq I 1) a 01A settleri. Who or .7 rliqp�b�,i o-er sirico tj*RES.I N.,T lit '114 Wtoiia 'line Itivb� &f -iffie 1616-01� -or un, -tun.; . jrVjJJCT - beell, ber -bare TH4. -PNLY 'ill Pr , 1. . 11 . . I �. � I I a, child,, an, '1101y nturY 'h' 11ld tke ils"fila.1 rdugl W, it- on, the t yed.. In Sbut MO ki., lux - Al 0A. �wrq,.00y:*A 0 h ,Ca Jit't ;j. , _. . lar eat negro menti,wElon her y Wo, kount', 86en,Xclie Adm. nOlt O�66upled it In 15 or water col .1 : .:� findls� ler pol "w'Ov'd '.Zo ay. "An mtles-thil�Qiilnea liligr whose L kn�, of-e'r ,her W U h S�XQ.Uye a fts.�beqli folm4 alikeulfi fqr*-. Mott 4he.y otill. 6oll but it :'MCESSRUY, or 'boplilatidn, qra.fouirid iii- ihe'tide-. T1 in of "elt 'ce iji�tjjtions. T an. ego, a�7,.ie frilrfEaever.orotp aiiv one w o.. many visitors! _t'0_;u ii-derstand. hw' noveW Or'- itucY t more adfilliflitratlobi; Southern, In I f Aiiid& I my P ,all AT. f r=me_cT.,Ch-arrq 'P6 tile 3STe 181is - 9CAULATE' e jtt:.t JIIA.-Affing i. President, ga -w And, $I . . , , . . rrau it 17"Booton has ever . beei Duthwestern Elto tr 1 1 c'. light n .4 car fle" Sun. one is jvLp -York,. T 6 ­Hel Was, b In scluri, tile. fiegro, dililect. differs, entirely, be lo.ve,tLat an� Qrn 'i a . $oqthl illa.ra eri­wAs in" 4i you k6oWrinkles. that ycar 'Alart!4 N'4a, Bur from what, it -is p1scwheie, in. -th witfi! Iiistory, without Ell, Of fie :,001ie STOCK EXC.HANGP. as ar -e , onsiderable negrei.popltilatjori�rn f - - I . . I to or I latoryl is f � That thle, bank, y6ot Isiterngtionak lRailroad NgWa. cat od�,. an -d �tt.A A 170 -resident, couse iii the Indian Territory,,.,wIiIzre. there t -tbD� Ina nitim r. any� 6ugb knowledge of . a 26 If Afiyr reduced ild court beneiith, .0 AII'lossas, Clovel ed in the A, inIt L "humble r that hoteIF; kEiPt Tho.-ratlron cls of, Peru, L3outh Irm.- artd,Ala�s if!,% , , I )n both siges oof.; : - tions Duren, the -short Indian plirtims and Indiarl methods 0 prai odu A plith placink You ( that 'the Church eiza.- wLaoj� ndan OfL the maricatl *75 onAbles you. to b. L :.of. V V theI aLl William lien and the -re- speech have becor a e 59 share . WrIto fo partioula *ocdqn ,d Q�Qrl�oi. QAI'- nq,.fficorporated.in the ard'S Q rgO ill CQwi. opeF t In1droscopic, barn, with 'a. ate T�ylle h .,of the c oi�e . . Min Liniment QAres a el loul ectric. light 1104A Liihite, Lima, Peru. will sdon.:be 1 mairider of the p] d,. populat,", rylee 4re unblual"1119. mYths. tile' indiket or A, large number 0 -all I! d a- ah er �v ich spee M IL Lf- F� 4 Piteeple.-1 th4,.t t tr ti6n itio.p At Milari ar. ob iftiptis. u, Ought not to miss Thou�h:luu6st'Of t110' of "Polk,, Tay,lor,,j. ore iere6,. Bill a P' 0.. Oro 2 It s, wanV to. �i Ways have been buht, y, cbafianj Lindoln; - o nson-,. o terl�is'of, The oompletion, of I ru, t;e wo -be J0 pitatiod of'. the, He. -,eat tunneL .&MPAO 6 rid's lonk.�' ur— Eugii�h. captalibts, yet Skyes� ar all '66 for , , , . I.L ill,, is -to brag hbout it, bu you'll Grant,: G el y 1� I 1 1. "o �nja s I I I -lveo lX V at'MilaTWU 0 nearest. prised, Vo't .1 .e a Eiv got per ih1s. cO4j, t e$ a q e aFain an inter- Canadi without l6coino'i la�rgc In A... Min or DIZ41 Italian.el,ty, by 7, fleeing- It. the it is rd,,'o of- Roose eig n a 1 1A thal �teAantI­*of­the­Biack- -h ntionat [mition, 7oir V- -7, here, too. ill Intereet,''You You' go. an ousne IdAerv'_.' 9S IT NDS t1le,', onl country,.in, pgration ate riow., be ng� macle RU 'townshl mol'i I Jiai; no-,railrbads. zlius in' raised and, Eurotle. el fund of $600 000 has been indeed; a, thr and hat not only lived acessale In T e is,40 Vxtaly has &OD316ed to' ,in lot Belt. near n6ws.paplEr is, a fact.' now intended to, EWIN' SQ 11AINUTIES thei, King o io I the' adniiniatrationa� in6tioned, but be. RKLIEV. heart, f the Nlaga.ra Fruit -the _tI -aid a-arr -e--there.-hae.-be flarrc " - -- - --i-, - -1 .. 11 -P oil is )w 114',: adeaakilig ead, Creek nts Dr Xg happening ery 1xiDnilqr. fiern heart, buttile,nerVeRL'AIIA Well., in a trice it bible s' In 136iiiai-, tld,� property.- Ail cdnyepienes�of thel My t a pape.. -the Preisidency, three; of t pifln,W4,twiniclink ItgIves stre ceed' to' ssiogable, phge 8 ngth Ternis very ye Eibaa� the rrOb The, ' British' 'Govorriment, is: rt- Johnioi;,Artliur, and Roosevlelt--com- allays The commit t ttewhich has �tllol)q�t Acres ' four, COIUMDS%Irr I'Sek Pe �orted 'toL'bave- 'Ap'Proyii4ted kho ose: thro�.i or. in charge annIdnine6iI. thatL Only' T� CARPENTER,,. 0, h' the and vigor and It. works. a quick Ann permar, 0. Box 68 Winona, n 000-' -for tile harm eso ox ,47 Ott ol n to�Ahe__NAjte _g remedy cures _e Thl "Local.. firm. go 9: oils ;-sasgifiation'of t eh! predecessors. 'I'lle" by a new-proceas and 14 Mi on t, �C atractor 0,Grady, -l-guuge,`r&IIrot0. -AI, 'I --weak. hearts; -ar� but' that tile. ill'. lar contrac 6 'Bur u, yler and -c 64 hibl't ivorks of flne. joAl Of nliatei ere Van inderUil ',remedy 91 -'hotel'. cOm­ 0s, mex Villmoie. Open- boinpUl order fo across t4,0 Isla lir(il', j)f. uyprus',, in 't h. others, ,.,%v e nerves, *eak.bloo.d.. dOartmenta; -or- tranoortation 1 byl' prectling. new Mediterraneab. ei Pills, 40 d . osi 20. the is 'glovelari& is th� -n A -Bangkok, that. Mn.' -��-.resi ent wIlO1 d Ar and the d ;-and expresses,corifidence n, effEet thlat -Lhe"sict-at�9(i��Oover-unient., succeede n el .,of pricitedtion frorri­.; fteel'. jill�t1le)-ear-around monex-in `Irtl .'Or. Reaeg, "HOKI., Cl fbtw S W &a. fit tlic' doffarW X -Lan al),crl UIL, P dent in the trnWDrta W forget il.4jdst -it 139 thought tbdt I iain a or. the countr well,, kn�", ididAs to.be -added to the Ihis for 1.0 cents in Fit"14110i, i)on,t . I . a 'ga 8 - COI. -L wefl,.nia.tfie.�sb� adAecov4j;iye i t� ''o 4 V V, Ly iinaband I icqtgtIIlp4., �Aud address, standi heerflftlly.� Moll, ay be, I ferhat iona, ii inintan,,on itemptf�g to,* �oke other unusual VP itipal littit London e - sfrug- new,, Iffiej. Will. artA.. ex f -S, M -fun �at� these lif.e�: L &nSwered' Ue WULUZ&AA1 ic -deter. It. aWD.-prOvI led.. recognition, 'let �_me say, illy: cts',shall be ad_­ Diftipbuig Iron'Works, of' Dills- l4in't- at char at I kno of no , , 'L , _ .1 .. _+;­ IkIL- fn ag.ke;d .,the tba ,ohly. �oueh prQd4 than IS, af4­ a Ight here d -�sqon more- Inspi'r In ....... a - I --- --- - �­ - ;.13ui:F:,,, Rillersis f. -P, uss u,,- ELI5 Jubt Be, sure that. your It eketa read yt ec or. ed l.bjr. t4ie, eehiiical :i0-'4rtistic: v -the 'for. 24 ziew bridges, Trunk'aud �LehlgU Valley route of the.0 -appeta�le-of _Horqw� tual It ue, easier Q,­pro- )is N e,"being fo pre�_ "Don't you. till] ik ask, t -ect,and� Wei I;n the, vromAn.. replied, though tll� aC ed Mra.:�Old_,� ries$ of', civiliZation lf,Exoreus.". . This to the, dly I I've tho object f. Ine erecti otilts. By this &n.' know exactly to Kiad fullj, ' : 1 1 millwter 1�, In best rdAte:from all Canadian aza bast1q, al -c anA -so Wlnillpeg eca- v in, leourge -him 17 yearai.and he' the, OF9_v7 Q 1. __ .'Railay A ne,,,nON, I bOnd: Suct balan't Ciine(j#-Lq in been lo9kifi" for orce tbe redeVving stliti0h LOL route baggalke ts how ch;�cke d tic Canadian ehigh- Valley of cor.Eitruction, by. tbie,Germa pofixta. The rned-up Ybu' travel. &rtl­�11619- wv"Iftetu an& ihb--distrIb4ting:Xx>ifit for .)'ogi flrink§ so hreestattonsinNew.York,LtipiVi,.wrino.Ar way - Cornipa-py. 'and If you see a be tinything. bu nee wlictuar it was, `e'�Wojk§ huve se- all ftret-clasis hotels and down.town,'riparall ood deal tiv n C. Y Germat, 1,6c )MO rUropean a a BIA doi Ing passen-: maff who looks as though held,make Ai, id's,'Jiniment Cures Colds;. ei' jo�h o Do. I . . - usiv trans- in ';:t �atent M 4ce, Bav pured P6 1�6c(:Ifrootiiea ail! expe e a Priet;ty �god usbaib,1 tell' him W1 se., i ' " F As isIl wid-WAS, 6ra for, Europe a Ion The ayepage . __ o -rand -Trunk AtIM 4 a-waffin', apd isend., him er. Secure uq, I'm thlo Jppandiie railioads lau.Passong0r. Willi big, purgers_ 'Rub 'T 'thousand little on in6$ JSL agen .'Rob Parsihiii; lUliv, or the, r_.-riceI.6f Allege g -i.eported to ;rwnt 9 -er� Caliada.-tdpPbl9' Ant.- Ynn a L, ojut country—, fe "di PhiladclphlI%,Pr�is. are revolutibillZing 7110'L ilie 'diily!re s6 eaAy t I' ll"State ,Allrbads vill 'Z (Wiso Head) P .1 And dreaming of in-, tsery At Rit Inispection.. 'LO7or'aY 4�oaj 'Elsie here a a m4a t the to,ra cona;,er pill (lema't (I or to "see Ifie: town. Ile nlik6t. pa >TI:01 --tioll. 1� t booix to� �6iiyy holme. sdyis ie w f Ifia6hlne.-tools to be �::It Nras kitAno take-the.(Ic,86s at Lgn )u_ -1 ec ion, Say,s ''the, hbuspi'!, amoUilt,'O till it b�a.,6 "Tio able c. '� e and the dIfferent. pomr. fects add cleans 4t.thesabie line. Ity 'or� quijinient OrAhe' ineW don r 40 li Mloukan used.16 t QU nuilibar: A� r in tto ir( A.� riepair- sh panies',of, the\battalion were: stand- Cppsfll)*. tioL of ten, to t `e oOPS JnL ten rit ta;tloha along, t L ­Wlth, thtir kits on. tho';g ro Ma'(cAIII.Iiig -ftOm d0WltIitaIA:s)- of pdoplel;.fro 11.3 rid 'built . UP gLn'tribint.of, -major hem."The ser eh, P, making the: exam. i n 6usan 't A' Pir I Fro -Rusis are AT THE. THE LIST, Of uck 3sela,66 , 11.41 to 120 iit ',take J�Iasters, R 8 it, if' a% Ma U'L WO The"'Jo Uum, v ea, nea:is to onnect Teheran. -er 'in the a and-, 110L demanded: wna xquse�...tbe for' ci e -,pr stit oile spee fly �110 (0'hi f, iuese Ii t e i the kJod. 0 Persian' ea:p- bf�ir tbere,lo'on Y; oz,-" n t le,,. ��-Ic�ri d�7sal yes-Za.89n�E! One, I' W rais"`6 should say 60;. Will' Ila, 9 usied; Ri I-l'Ni'.1th the 111113l I Vroa a at� ,p ze 0Dj;r,. it' altb Tiki,,Fren6h Government-�- had' ot t6 -to frame- h be rrlctits.�' t ere d r Q1 tre6t� Of t 'd M- alyndlitit of 25-000,1000 UEedl�: �ap t a _Se Ited_ D a L h r�tmn* 9Xt major. 've Ca ria(ia ineorrojatl6n is A, "f —ra Cc —8- Tor "Wh* the" first, cAke r, Snap Baby. Htirno eff eev; quick and effeett Di Amper.�, D. ricili Indo-i� ina and'. inArd?s Liniment 111b bab re', not kiii,eruptiOns lzc t,6� Nyllich', every prope oefted', -Ir town rdliroids in 'tj.� nl6 m.y kil lasted �soothff, qiets and, Me M` Pures...Jist oa -c �'Ures In All a to wlii�h tha th Island, or""Bviiidagascar' hr6e, -yeai-s, vihQe.-'you "a hE41 h ion ki (r� Vle� ires. la reat, dEmari 1: I' time. It is. harmless to the t bf a set. nn; a, yibar'li durijig -teetn ng grthat wits ever. t&ct6d T_hbro is a�t 4prese a the, �n::Fur 91". kinds,of. rAlli in, 'eases -of Sea .,'r6dentl IMeweat villag -orid mal ld.,Hej%d ` and cures hi P ator st.viveg-Con- Pir in Spffin:. , A Spani you d ' ole ' V6r (1 haI Rh in and All Skin �Dlseasoa ng for sha i 0 a rig Stop orts thAt I'% Intest�� a. EezeMS6 Salt Chriiitianid,' rep Mat the. - .;.., I... , 11 L'i .-' qdently,,uten from" th'e 1�116;ceg -FlInn's a had.,'th 6 ral t � ilio !IontelutoraryI. reports 0 in 0 urA authorized' during ep. re Ili )l&re lnvp erate liars, lblaligli PIPIOP of aAw1nkl,6;, f older pe6plej .3,5 cents. 'I Th 3vernment has 'they, ­11plaze. sorr I over a says -f urther:- Ais�-, his" f4cul ics �r" �skiii tio.'s iows lines of that I st n f6url,'Molriths alloieAlle.co.ow I There s ri 7nd- _u Tt I —t- --�-Ano,. the, TA -A-N--N-9 'Jlco bra�g'(Iilite .1 e n. a str BLUS i the conibinatidn one. It., ti,6ulrly'fitificeaMe.' sequence, qf 0,If k Volt can. fi I e do�6rnnie of. the All se defects.be cannot 'wor', Ibsen is, cannot 'quite.. liadbrIiitand:'ho%,� the- -re tely ro �en'up. or" Ing--te'n- I or 011i% CITY 0 LEDO W 'Soirt, Ot people Von to at es" A fibe in fact, corng e� e- the' dark' brow,ii fuil*. harmonizesi, L I L ply, of 44, iiew -.ana th6pidtureof,a 'rinkl e BIJI. off rdlt In li�s are. SMATI hat. Me 'pi D ch J116 e bridges a of Vz itli.the n6k6 -brown: of lon,t sulpose f1i re's t 80 Weie. r r, a for the der syl n nvord-, Carla- 1 soa t dt heig the es Fir Serial, "T for i4birt'll' to be, ADFle efforts of, the erected 'on .. I . . I i IFarnal-lel-alz 1, - I i". I -hb JUM-11 LVWJiW-- o n in- the "City:of Toledo, In Jayh�,pInLq -3�.unning_ln.,the' t t t t Ica con., emi�oriirystates )U jtIfy lts�,.glori a loresaldiancif a saldfiriin thb, man 0 f I h 0 000 000 wil mt, the'atim OIL O*JE HUNDRED, DOT- BradleY says t1lat t6ftrlY!$ j be sr�c 11 �dwi., L G.. . 'of the pwn. ::11Is.-.a spot � Which - Uv Provit. I re aud�every case, --------- y wilmoNty.540K WGGIN, PILLS 06 fl�T-.GURIC In. the, near 41. - or. extefiding the, t -by ex- L C(i' ' , , Lo 1. L " , uture f 6 t d be. the UAL% Of MLL'S cu e J)Y�Lnafural position VU�E.� S. " C4. of:'the I�tei,.:part ad: � 6HE14EY conditions, IVIAX.- - "" . " . , rl�, goblesse A ROK raordi,na'ry dndl tble Tansa, LLL � i �:, - t-! of tl P i)r to efore-me and subseAbed- in' in f I din: okirnitar'L trj the,, mnadiaa n nobjes8e, ..howevEr, y US _�t air.. loread, of built. in-Juliqu,esia. ificial all a'rt as iiii On 'Wo,st. Let the fath,,e�8. of A. W. GUA�ON", �a :,W6 or coiast 'of, fri6a, A tter In its,ln -epa,re - tile grouirild On 1, f " cl t rhost 'Vq�fcct'ienlccly that:hq rlIir' ity., pr _Moilri�co ly.' co�intr.*, wl I: Notar5r Pftblld. �ry`L dWtinct' order ap el the, on a-: A',( 8 sure generations." reE 1i'las go; tailroni'd I n T'l iffirei is taxetit', I but little �ulistab iL ust as* �,been di-ic kii-ids of L aterne, y and' w to* n 8: f3o the, in a the ne "it; ini '. rote Troubl!5=71.901posunve,are we -.trafflo2from tlie,ciin,§t, eblobdand.mucou's surfaces' r of'I adtodireetlonth rno -the -erfake--ter ativ -cs 0 t + f the systixii.' Send f or testimontalsyee. to e en-, hat,6in cur6.. -N -,6-.-,,roIedo, 0' tie man'' Srj -cen -case that guarantee I 7611u; Eiv &it, th 0 , sove.nteent i lry caravans. Kidney 4il, Plldnt011d d bir all tiruggists-75e. 'Go r6port6d"t'at box orqq.a Sol N-ernors of Canada 'jnilliox�s- recting o.n,tlils patch -Take-41611's FlArilY to r�,'6na 66',prico in okYsprap 1�rom -Jest, to' 6p. , t ha t 'ri' ri�ammoth theic was. a e4 a. - oatent of nobility wit I I gr di. �c� sacrificing;AvIth Some' re7. u off, Nei c -Nor' store,,, Chicago post.'� barrenL' accompanipentsil' anq rom lit wi 'th'al -1 sern Sense kk (exam.- rank lro coin- I)o TH't BOLM DII.Lld odut -post- ' " I I '' " 'The 'dau, 6t . , : xbou J11rt briotigh t urch and. the you know alpyt squir y lie 'little ch makd pla 'Ing,, the village In a coull ry office shck, �O e -for' a in school) 46*4, 6hildrEn' 41�d ci f.bll tile. ivbat;ri,-..mir9ele. � , i4le the; 01 -e, 6ut,§ JlciaV. � list, hot6l. aywh6r ton-istolreyed -imple at Mal, tial ahothe -but *1 -trfed'. It ha,n �-bildrea l'ool� rlol,ther,�rioble nor And of .0101 IOU' sli I: . . . .1 e be ju�tifled. '.'N(it 'all 0 f: �Jf "tho --girt" d1dri't. I y me )lit rcinaillEd More t I). ifieIr food. b, ea cc large, w font. av , d.egre citizems 0 a e8tion? cloth hem shall,be' or.a..new bbi- aq n '-;One t sthpd­ 6ovelied *itb.- dense, r 0oof Ailbugh e40;01 wOts . rd19 Linimen urp9 D1j;ihtb6tJ(a, 'Ve4r front, qagio� tj formed the' W9 on, to ri lin, e_ struck, %tft 7. '0 Ing to TE AR S.',' -P R, trant rig !morb but -but Ill.. in I'll 31 r n-evEr. o t 11 es ara b6tom �Xcftcffly. INA giyt �td �t 110 be F E. in I wa�, IV 00RESS 'Pt'lort he.' to thrust intO' rtiffid,atid m6re talielfuli er JU towin Of n tLLtk1l)r,. N�- lo�, P Cc their, -,Ido of the- selw�hell scildolin a pur I VembOrg. "tevblt.', again'st the and�'ndt 6 fin'-'a,disi,lay oflrW- rn mill eai hand. T Ing r�ritg, ....... ...... -tvith, to h, Irr all t 0 ...... -20$' a....... 20,00. W,Qlaee in Loplilclin Mail. moll 1prig -to :.knee tb'oSe 20,917 ............ ................. ............ if rd tI �6'd to licep MIKS Tang(,- ........ . 93 isoci6ty �irat-te� if. (1021 t e6��S 'of, noblebUtil aniblift other, rddP,: and I I 1*oll d just se'ry sLOWillY 2 a.. pal t eeps a. p4 r ...... ... ... . ... Goose. tht, Pre -510111 result 2 2�, 406,06&,'00 of loylg�, "tron..,.f ....... O'd Itnd ...... ... ............... h 6 soon be Tb 0 W, f i, takfm ItlP0 a. 6 mw.. a n il as; not .4f kings' b. Peel TISIOn ' ' to 111L, on ol e, rand.,. corder un. Qcc�mlpg. Ato 1 11. Inore Appl,� tkixn ti�6ni: s ca 1 v'4 r I I lathtj llpoill'(,�Iorypos.�1�16' oc-, ti L111 qt' lle "L eaIII'. c t be ninn, o '-p once erl- �q, tlip g(ilit'le orli or, u ew� r v tllq P-01JI"t, rA jib-, aq no 1�161"�ffit 'uniforms., T hdovot g -101monts fOI; noVed, t 11HE ithp 200ti .1ing ) 'AV�i CANLIVINT, b or ca, I n g;' -1 e fde�ijtho�lri.he-o :tllo 4EIlib the to no Uncerl, ert3 to 1011'aw any i rr, o mamy men will colitaka ''it is ornilll wondor. thAt lliiioth o6ke who � Boeak co: r clothed. 4 to the ano pill ei exper mpc ak In It personal !taln 1"Ple n t;p in flo r-!- a�l 'd id oh't 1� il aw h0ef0-`:beA riter 7in' -Its houschol'd 'pilabi t Ili— �11�oets I" fd inan rrq is ed to- opp Valid it uYi0ars" Iltrlbutps'arld_tjl� �of, big, I'Lfe 'Wjjjl� 'th r i lit L InImlebil tO 1) rvI Absoldtaly Qtkr6d.. JIn. 26, tgyi. ade him, TotiAdalil b,t, 000.'I Ian and with yotli Inured to thcr chalie and, a 8trangel", try vuly illi t4. I Ally D. Rol;ttel. nheAlftk use rthe boiling E: 014DA'90AINLE, 06w'Curt' ri" tdIentifted Mingle TH rav[d, of an 1 tlitl Iting ILI ro&d ,g,,rl,,,, ?46sl. 64iootoof ut Reih�dy r,,v,6r Ell IRIngtionm 9tr �hgtd�', ad t fi,el 'got] 8poedll id told of C Ur ra n, the IrISb en, tirotis, a 1t u r a. ag. a;,m", ble Ie - pot v 0 r preposA60-Ing.. Apper, a a peaw y iybb,sb&r� h1t I fill 11414 ,, 4 -",M f -dayl- t, ei�l : Ito 4t, of '-his 16 litit,4 aild Vve e the iyads;p Of a nol)lo 'lord,j Who' lyad� 6111y 16SR kPatly tlyan 11 Is PP A qow not hopor -of prprto A '13 R B, J L 14 C Ll� the� tvit g 1 b vro Olw ord. a -n (Av, $ ItH r 1. A Vt; Th r hin16 fj'j� on A L Co. P wb c M vx, I v. L 1