HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-01-14, Page 5veVe • the neur county council bill passed, at the last session of, the Tregislature•I o�uulttes.t4o r?ptiotl of 'retllrnin,g ^w. ,t,O• Cilli YUt. •{•}C.'.. .;::. municipality .:would be xeprese igd by its reeve, :or• of continuing,the system now in vogue,'by which the',coany formed into •:divisions,, each electing; two 'members. The, present system bee noir been satisfactory .so far :as Bruce is•eoucerried... "There has been 4 lack' „of tile• rep .esentatiob of :tbe County Ccnnc l whiixht, fdirmarly •obtained. , .1L,' •;rditur ft to` tt;e, systcr3i., giving:. rep'tesent; ntinn each; ' municipality, woul4. be. Iiioea equitable1 and 'would give 'beth, the county Penn' 1 an;1 Ilio inuP ieip ' counei; wliiclr'.s+3nd jt p e >r tativ. s' ,- test and an ;intelligent grasp' of the: local.pcoda and interefwhich doee•, a ur aaies:. ! etc are 'to be �l�eare•of .t be- ' S�JCK cs bve'all ;'bco� •. greatly•;re-; • r cosy thio roo] . Moot • of the . � : �� , • � ®��, - ��. ;, he � store..: a ° . o �hrom h a da .o lyr 'b e f sees. , .'blas o you . pp to socure a:•:±as .o .a'bh 'ac] of for very t o one • • • a- �ls •TiheV$.5:00 lines: are,; arked clown to .0:74 0r5S1-►'�-0� •11 5.00 • 9 {40 10,00 and .$12,1! 11 r6,0' 7• 004 7.50' • The• growth of Winnipeg -is the key dote of a special edition of the Winnt peg:Ti1 bran; lust.' issue TFie paper undertakes'to show that therc''has been ;more building, done in Winnipeg during 1903•;than'in any other city in Canada; that the 'increase;, in Clearing, Rouse returns in Winnipeg show the largest percentage.of, increase of any city in, Canada; That Winnipeg is the second largest wheat market in, Amer 1- ca' and also the largestlin the. • British• Empire; .and that 'Winnipeg will ;hare the largest railway -yards in'the world. when• the Canadian Pacific 'will'have completed.its present•work of construe -tiacr.—Sia'tstics• are -published: which show • that building permits to the, amount' of nearly $G000 000-"""wereis.. sued; that the bank clearings. have passed the $2,00,000,00.0' mark;' that' .tbe•-arinoun-t ,...of wheat inspected inspected at. Winnipeg. between:: Septewber. 1 1802'• and August .31, •1903 was',gr'eater than at either' Duluth -Superior or. Chicago, also a iiu'inber' of Chiltlren's and Maid's Coat W8 have.. to ,cls i'at; much less' than regular prices: peel 1i . Astrakan clot :Made c,f fast,;blac .• ' . ; ines for $ 10 " 4�IlGla• i'.ulaht�' :: _ • :,�,1,� ..: 1 . • X10 $y lie? r I 1 ., SN1VIPLESS OF CHOICE GRAIN ,Dear Sir, , - Ey instruction' 'of the n: Minister:;of: ricultural another 1 ; `distribution will ,be nnade this •seaton: 'of samples of "'tho most' .productive aOr.t3 ofgr un to Canadian farmers for:, :the1mprovementroLsee& The stock a -for 'distribution 'is of the .very beet'; andhas secured mainly from tirri`. excellent crops; recently had a1 the _ branch 'Experimental Farm at 'Indian :Bead •in'. the : Northwest Territories: Ane • 5 • 30 tied I35 line's to clear at $25 r .• 5 1± . The is ri • u 4iat of samples., -,4 oate,` . spring :wheat 'barley,''' Indian. ' Corn. , and potatoe- Tlie .cinantrties_ef oats, wheat and ba ley, to be sent this year will be 4 lbs 'of oats, and 5'Ibs of wheat and:barley sufficient to sow one -twentieth of ' a :acre,'. The samples.of Indian' corn an 'potawoes' will; Weigh- 3 lbs ;.ae usual €ariner may.._s.pphy.,.:but"c nl on sample can be sent •.to :one . applicant hence if an' individual= receive a awn-. ple of oats he':cannot„also receive On* of wheat; •barley or potatoes, and •am-' pie for one househol'• ;canna •e en er tains,. These samples„ wil ;' .be sent free of charge through. the••uiaill • Applicatiens :Ghent& bir addressed -to'. The following are some Of our -leaders "* d ' ,ou.� �' ress•with leather sales at X1,50 per pair � x 1.441 Willi frit. ty rJa L 1 1,11' i Men's Felt Foxed Bois, leather soles at $2 25 'per pair • Me r's' Cu1r111ig, .130 , somethlna; cosy) atF $4,00per pair omens,� Felt e1L.Con r'ess. ,, ...+at §1:00.;per pair .:. �:..� � - • ,Wem.en telt Bal: (Deng, Foxing) .", at $1.50 per .p air Womens*Felt Bal. (Box Calf Foxing} ,at $'.1p 50: per pair' Womens Felt Bal. and Congress gr lth at $1:50 per pair , Wop mens Felt'Slippers, Dong Feting at 11.00 per pair Tete line. in•Lumbermn.en's.,Footwear .: We have: a comp at ,Rock bot tom prices. Call and examine our r, Stock before• purchasing. else: Where. '2V % QPF . Pop, Cts_ H ASO tV: •,.R��A�i�ti��:Pi�Wi`�Y=���{� RROMPTLX•�L�.ONEd` Tarriage `License; W, CoNNELL, Tamer of Marriage Licenses.; !Agent-for•'A11an Line and ,Dominion Lines' of: Steamships. • . Life and Accident Assurance.' .' (lampbell St. Lucknow. :`��.CONNELL' ' �.THERS S '• .l titt, $45 , lacoo1} Jacket, size 3G for,: $35 5 . .. le collar' $45, w,�� .F1 Seal; w(1i:,SaU • ,. �� �. �7 cit. -Seal .Tac'! ets � , ._ 4f Jll VY, . .:'q. j1 ..t�i��ilU�., . 41-7 Y: • f r. �tk ek (1 tiled h v d ist i col so.1 c lits etia 1 iia tit anal ytPuawi lip to (l tto atxtluit4`i�,e �VI,�1�1I�y11�, �1h'4lC'�:LIi(l l}VeVy(�lilli� II CI'3hiLrj� fu1-' (1 1I1i; 7iiztitl lti iittillrg, •a ' hlit,tl>S '�'N 'iii 111;,it>s :L,1,;1.1, to wltia; •!'fit r. + •,5�1 ill til \ 1"�,d �' 11L6 111%(�1 CI'lS, y +pl •• l�y 1 Cn'11it)Y �L1I(la• all;i'L111t1 �f'..0 IL1i�� PaorYIkH\'dMI tit iiILCS� :,64‘0,4 0470000a ' pT. • • r- .1 1' n d e • Fire, -Immo. Inure your, property againstloss or dam age by fire, in, the old reliable, National and Mercantile Companiell,low rated, and pun°. Oa :- laymen Deeds "Wills; Mort gages,,^Lease's,_Agree mente,e O'ffide• Town $ail, Tuesday,Thursday ndSaturday, fternonna; :NEWTON,. Honor gradnate in dentistry,. Toronto Dental College, and • Doctor of Dental Sur., gery, Toronto University. All modern plan atiou , . 1 ess in workmanehip -Office'in Alliu's block,' upstairs. p,S=yVihvisit Ripley every 'Tl ursday 'afternoon • of Worthington's . "Canadian, Stock 'Tonic,' Janes' _Leask, :breeder,• and.feeder of ; ilia sweepstake fat cattle, at Proyincial Winter Fair 1901 and4912, says DEAR• SII;, I•have fed.your Stock T•onic'to cattle•and• and put on flesh more rapidly. -: I think it is the best .Conic I. have fed to horses, We aro allso eedig it to our hens ',this- Weser and ' hey are flaying better 'than they have doe Get a; long tint e.' It pays to feed it, Yours'truly, JAMES LE•ASK Greeubank•P 0„ Feb. 23,1903,':. DEAR SIR,— ' I hada mars,sto„ked in both.legs;- thington's Stock Food took it down Com- pletely and put her iu good condition. It has done my cows good Think it is•.a gooli,thing Tth_e Director:`of' EaQerimental, Farms, Ottawa, and they.:be sent in any time before the first of l iar.li ;: after` which the list wil} be`closed, eo that all the samples asked.for::may .he sent' out •.in tinie'' for. , sowiu ,. Parties writing ;wention. the . sort .of veriety 'they wou-ld prefer, and shotild the avail able stoctr, of the..kind:asked• for be •ex- ,hausted.:some yther goods rt will be sept in: " W M • S'AU•NDERS, /jR) The Luckncw Sentinel will be sant; with the fol? '`lowing papers; .until Jan- . tst, 1904 'at the' following prices. W'n1lti x Crit ofiE di;. SrrtrrsEG, $1 60 ; ioN'rnr\t. 1+Atriitrt }1iunin" AND ' \VE et I. STAii,:. AAf1) S'1 NT1NEL,•$1.76, ;. ANT)' STAN. rlvri, : 'al 1116.N iiia i \V TT,1 Ss AND. 1� 1$1.10 ofiNnoN"•-A.1YVElittOR & • .Tiorilkal !'it,i Pili sat cC' n • 100 acres; with or without crop, For par- ticularq appplyo, WM, DR APER, 'Dungannon/$:6 Publie-4'otioe 1),irectoilaperrioental Farms. •-, few"' years 4go • 9, doilaiLweeltly , enabled t6, oiler two pisper for a trifle over , that Ey •Speciat and Oit-, trek Weekly., efi'ec ..it and. The Sentinel, toi;,*qiin for: taken: advantage Ot,' 0, every :mau, wlionti Chia 'and 'a‘ inaP.ii• Of. entertaining reilding.. irroiistahie he*' •Subscribers the ',.papers be sent the OVA is•the time and don't. forget to have; • your buggies and wagons pointed, My :rices .will be reasonable, at ,the old' stand over Moises Machine Shop, Mr Moist can o any repairingg they:"may-want, TOSL1'H. ANDBASON,'.Painter Shorthorn., Cattle: For Sale; IiE Uiiiiersigned offers'- for • sale at h'is . firm; farm; one mite, east of,Lucknow, Short= horn. cows, heifers and two`youung bulls,, some, of which"are regir}tered'and the others legible, for :registration. For further informal n' apply to PETER TORRE CE, Lucknow 0.00 adtes, in good localit7,, about 1 • Being south of iota 45, 46'; coneession 1 bush land. Xever failing spaing Creek riinning tbrcitigh, farm,. 'Keg 11.0,9se, good barn, and stables, ', Aboitt two miles bagt of Lucknow, MRS: -DONALD GBAIIAM.. • nun l.pu•' cu ••� •�. .:• B CHURCHILL,.” Dairyman'' Clrnton,,Jan 17th, 1903. Furfy your animals' bloodbefore turning them' on the grass They will: surprise: you in the fall, 10 ox, 11 e - i s, .10.; 501b. sack r$3 Manufactured byt, ' • I he WOrthintan lru COQ, For sale' and guaianteed by sA.OAR k' EAIttS, Luckiiow. 'EMMEB,TON'��'E11i1VI1i;RTON Ripley. ' ; Acuder l DiSCov-er . R�Y O :. N' -S ;CELEBRATED: (To what. is claimpd Tor' theriw ,arid. liarnodesS'..Ind...:•" effective: •shining•bald bead where 'the toots :liair.,left 'Niro can ,,rnAkci we' 'have .grown hair on lieads "that ha,v,e bean bald. tor yoais ,and . ,Years' and°. there' is not to.„.caSe ta be .found' where, eur,celelireted hair, growing, remedies , will' fail to produce -n: geed' tealthy This is -to Certify that I baye ,used it has grown toPine tut]. head, 'Pared" of baldrieSs, tailing hair ana Dated thiel8th.,:day Of Deceiriber 1903: That if you. want any Paper Ilanging, Painting 'or Pecor r ,