HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1904-01-04, Page 817'
• It.
' • • •
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' • '
5' !9P !Tic:
e Plato& $3.
Ladies': Fnr. coats
an they were .a year, fig°, bo
and can give you •a coat. At 'last
This...means. A:saw:1N,, 9
, .
• .
Coats,at $5, $30 $35 and $40.
Z1ecttie'ea.4:01tte.OppOS4g(tilMin;;ings, $40 00y
ffe ,are eting'4on'6 'Fur :C04ti
ab-reduCed.prices; e ,WislE to, ,Cleer
4.)ut,:every .1(4* anti 'Will --not 7;euir,v,-
coat over if big . v4tuq sa:tisr
If you ,want a range' that will
give yo:-t-e;verysatisfaction
and -
no trouble, buy the
444,144+4444++T.7444.0.44444++++++44 -44.++4.444.4.44+4+1-14444++440+444-1-1-14+4+44
•. 'as Mhige..ret'`O'Langhlin, 'died .at
her horiaa in West WaWanosli, on Sat-
Miornin,g, ' :26th after : a
lingering il1nes of about tw' ';'years.
•'aniiable'diepositioni.,•-whieh gained -for
her Many. friends.,, The remains were
interred bl.tha faanilkplot in St. All7
-,gaitine.. cemetery,
andiw4 largely attended by the
serroWing family' and friend!.: The
services at the church and the. grave
Were conducted lay, Rev. Fr. _Hanlon,
P. P., •WheT-41-05Aireft-elf.0-(1-a
soling serhion t� those preient.. The.
bearers wereMessis. Thos. and Lewis
Donovan, of Detroit; M. L; McCann,
Jos.::(Y4LugIcilinj'.: of .Ash-
field; " W. J... Forehen and Jos. ' Qairolc,
of figawanosh• cousins of the • deCeased
loydryts tr:0€8b.1.11;iaeryth,tralawarlsth‘::BefvRecitr:v"Ia7ilarat:e.fi,31:1:::-Koggnca"Tys,suui...'aitatausdr:
enjoyed goad he /
• *r. e
.after being confined.to his bed for the
PIO f ilr weekek Dar. 4.3Kwir .1".18
b3rn in ..fiiitherlandshire, Scotland in
onderfu ideo'very
Scientists, EtC, tiave given
-their unqualified testa to ; the only
knoWiiremeclys which will absohitely
aowhat is.cle.imed-for__tbem,..___An(Lat__ _
the saniatime may he relied iipon. ' as
absolutely •IntimleSS. .and. effective.'
We do not claim to grow- hair. on 'a
.shiriin bald head *here the roots of
the hair are dead or . estroye no
finirhaii-left-rbut if there-'is-2-anv fine
baitleft we can make it ..grow, we
have grown hair, On heads .that have
•,lieeti, bald for year and retirt; and
there is not '4:C9.Se:to-be found where -
6. young n?eat or woman Who„isl6sing.
.their hair and liecoining ' bald where ,
our pelebrated,hair growing,. verctediOs
will fatl to produce • a °good healthy •
:head ()Chair, used according to the
directions. , . .• ; .• •
' .1$44; and:can:a 0 Canada When seven
years Old with hi3. paretita•;and two
brothers and. two .sistersi.-,...The.4n?lly
itt the townahip:of,Zorra.'...
,11e Kay waaangaged.in.eohool teach-
ing,f.jr.abub nineteen yeareand.013-. 7
'eqnently,,entereT the Ministry of . the
. .„ -
Presbyterian 'church; 'At Sambre' he•.
...,workect.i3p a-ohake, and for two or
'three yeitA7. was in Charge of t4e .ciode7
rich township: and TAO:min, appoint:,
,Latterly he .had; been taking
ministerial *irk 'ab Lb, ,re-
turning f-9114 about • five weeks ago.
Raiz. '1,14.:31.egay,,w:ittniarried,,in-'1,87f
the the township of .gnuih Eisthoiie
• Perth County, ta:IlisS,Lizsie J3lain and
hartthri3e children, John MoKay and.
:the Misses. MoKay of to**
Mis. Mc-
Kay two and three years
and to their children, the sympa--
'thies Of our tawnspeople go out, in this.
second 'oereavemont. •. Wm. McKay of
,•Detroit; • Dan,McliaY Of Port Huron;
John *IcKay. of Deluth; gra. Vako.
:of AshPeld, and ig.rs., Fraser of
inond Hill, *ieh„; are .brothers and
'sisters of •the, docesed Tho inne`tal
took place yesterday, afternoon, to.
Maitland.CeMetory,, the services being
Rev. A. Anderspn,
• B. A.., and I.teV., las. Hamilton. :
:v.erneeti Oanii); S. 0;,'S,, Were. Oszierit
at' the, funeral and, the :Pill -bearers.
iVere'sik ,meimberk.ni', the .camp. U
• Caughan; ilea,. Leonard, Tait; and
Alex. Johnston.: 'Piper Craig .ylayed
on the pipes as the 'prooeSSion.stertect
lqr..131iiin of 'Toronto; and the deceas,
';':ed!ii brother and Sister, dt'
'fletroiti and Mrs; Blake of. Xelifield;',
were 'prehent at the •tuteral,j(loderich.
" • -is-to'-certifY-tiTia--171TE54.-used
Brown's Celebrated Hair Grower, and AGEN1'
it has grown for Me a good hill head
ofhair. I was quite bald befora.I. LUCKNOW‘
. . . . .
't and now 1 am -permanentl* •
cured o baldness, falling s air an. .
datidruff._. J. R.° Johnson, Guelph.
Dated this,16th -day' of December 1903-
• The
Berliner •Tialg=
• The Berliner Records are .
• made of the hardest mat=
erial ever discovered and
• will aftwear any other:
'recordS. two , or three
' times over.
For particilar's apply to:
It is unexcelled in, operition.
, The fire -box is so arranged as,
to give the greatest amount
of benefit from the least amo-
unt of fuel. The ove,n is a
steel These ranges are
made tor people who want -the
best. Call and examine- the
range; and ask for one of our
circulars. We are always
pleased to show our goads.
• ,
16-IIIE are paying $18.00'
: vw $15.00, si2.09 and:
size and quality kr
. •.• • • • • •
LUCKNOW!,7 oirr• Coming !
oming ! Coming!
J. E. 'BROWN & CO., Guelph ITHi
;MOlfi0tPiAtt.....:30iti 1414 -in Winnipeg,
• Anti14:4taithilrlWeig,;ttiivilY)litylle‘ti\Vnyi1:t11101:12.
now bet now of Oak 'Fake. W4iasAianta
•:ilordan, of Oak take, Nailitoha,
we •
.1. Otter
whom it may Coucfrn ; Mr CIENTIFIC •OPTICIAN
my agent to collect all fees d with .
Otter 13: Wilson, has....,beercerhirintecl
lid Graduate of Nev York, Philadelphia
nay horties,Latigton's Danegelt • in 4,i,
• T RILL ••• wil • at
Marquis, and is authorized to we eceilt! and Tor -onto Colleges,. '
will -be
Gild °rich; Dec, 39l11.1901
Public 2,N oboe .- • Thursday, Jan..21st, !04
:Call early and avail yourself., of his
• ' 'valuable Services. -
is the' time and ,64,i forget to have
prides- will be reitsontible,-,itt -the-Old' stand
over Moise's Machine Shop Mr ,MoiSe can
do any repairing they may Want,
• jOSEPH ANDERSON, Fainter •
ShoPibora. Cattle For Sale..
- •
HE Undersigned offers for sale at his
1 farm Cue mite east of Lucknow, Short-
horn cows. heifers and two young bulls, some
of which aro registoied and the others legiqte,
f r tio • For ther information ,
or . eg tra n..
apply to • tf 61
, ' • PETER 'I'ORDENCE„.Liiciniow For 8ato or. 'Rent,
• Boar' for -Service
/111HE onder4igned will keep for 96rvice, at
.1.; Lot 12, con 10, Ashfield, (E.1.i.),° his
thorougmbred, ,boars, tork and Beikshire.
Terns -SI. For pedigree and °flier particular
apyly to •
• JAMES Af/rON, Belfaet.
• Annual IVIeeting
--B:itiintia1;ineeting of the West Wawan-.
oat Mnfual Fite !Insurance Co,. wilt be
held in the Agrichltural hall; Dungannon, ' at
one o'clock p,t33; on. • • . •., . .
W A' '2.
.anuary ,Oth,
. When the. Directors .anral re; )rt , 1011
„ . r4rt ,
givon hefore the mCating•. lifo,fo'r he redwing
of the.auditoria annn61,keports 0 receipts add
expenditures of the compikpy fo the past year
and for the election of fc,nr.tii.t• tois to.fill. the
, •
vacancies at the board incurrciJ4 theretire
merit' •of Messrs John Balla tyits. Edward
Achison, Alexander Stewart and
Whosd- tPrtn, of efhce .as di eters wil en
expire, all of'whera are eligi taor re.eletti
• • . ROBERTS.
ori; Decbed26th.,; 033::
AnnUal Meeting
The &nimbimeeting:of the: Paramount
'Cheese and Ilutter Company:Litiiitea,, viir be
held in the Orange • Ball,Paranionta, on
. • ,
atl.droloele,. noon,' for tlio.„'petpase, among
otb things, of•receiVing the toiditora'' report
And disposing' Of the same, electing direetore
:lett* theinilk routes
IVin6(ii 1°f. •Ehq why, the
nft6dof DooimIier 1)O3
. `:1449
' • • INF ow, is your time to seA as the •_.
quantity of logs to be got in this•;.
! district is falling much below Our •
;:requirements: • We are now per::
• fvfecting arrangements•to mOve our •
.11.bnsiiees elsewhere • after , this .•
•season. •
• '?heBrick , Store' and divelling house -con
tabling dire'. rooms, IcitoVerk. Woodshed. two.
halls, store house, driving shed, ,nuarter, acre,
land. Good hariness stand. liseI1 or rent
on reasonable' tering; For particOtars 'apply,
to • •5111S. 1, MUR.RAY, St, Helens. .
.Tha't f3riek Veneered Ifonse) and about 74
ecros-of land, in the 'Village of :14noknoi...,,
riehr the railway Station. At present 6de•
unied bY the ll,ev Angus McKs,t, Por.
'terixte:noply to the • .... '• •
•, REY. If,- 0mfloffl,`Oakville Ott
• Tlielarge arid couttnodiotta bottrron Ross,
street„ the property of the late Mrs, limes
Socirnervilleo apply tD W. CON'10,1,414. •
.}I&Use For Sale ,
ctr Jiirge""•'frittic..,"'t*is 'storey.' dwolling'-vw
• • Campbellstreet, befonding to Mrs,;,,,T
Mrithie is. oficrek for sale at a reasonable price
MIS is it comfOrtabls heirief nicely situated,
with good lawijs, orellard.sete, there is a
good barn on ilit pieinisea with bait; entrahee
and any one desiring it bargain $1101.114 tslI MO
set) it, Por prieS hAtil other particulars apply
,tri. Inlektiow
• C
• . •
IN •
•LUCKNO••••••••-eili,•••• 40**,9,80414i:
Who Wants a Form?
I hair° Over 4000 acres of ;Choice 'farm lands
for 'side. in 50; 75,100, 150 and 200 acres. lots '
in, •Kinloss,' Greenock, Brubei Kincardine,
Karon and Ashfield townshipF3., Good.lands
with good buildings to he wild cheap ob easy
terns. , A good' saw mill 1 or sale. almost 'for
a sor!g ; also a good blacksmith shop (dwell-
ing an connection) 'doing'gdod business. for
.sale Cheap. A generalstore' with large trade,
live village. Also a largo amount, Of •nrincy to
loan at 0, per cont. • For further paiticu!ara
apply to
• .•
Morning Prayeiat'11 a. int
•$tittday$chtuilP m'
,Evenifig Prayer at' 7 j) xis '
;Holy t mmnnion firAt, Sninlay of very•
, •
Bible Class and elioix practise VVeilvael'iday.
evening at 7.30 p, • 1, ,
triAnt. 1
10 Ar .-170116watilp MeOtilnkr
r,m.-Pitli11n'8eivice, •
o'cloolt,.7,,g(Av0ttir Tiett
' ltyJilug,.. 8 .0"elr,ok
„kr,t, W141;00tiff
e Style of, a Dorothy D
anbielitwylinu adrii'lwlaliiiS°sWeilelafiPn'edi.tthaft°rtliSteYsiet;leexocid'aed`'11)1011::.•
rtriri .por.)1,' shoe gives her.foot,all the distiaction •
..of ,a.: high.priced cUstoplineasured shOn;,
--21z., Style of ,a, ' T. orgthy. ,.,Dodce licia . ..
• .---beamne proprbict .. •• .
It is the'shoe•that preserves the natural'
outlines of.the foot, yet'actually.lookS a• .
,ffill siZe' smaller. '..4. , 4t' .. 'tat :" ,
' OEFORpS $2,156 , BOOTS $3.75. SPECIALS 25c, MORE
• .. Vast 'color 'eyelets used exclusively, '
Befit place in Canada of securing a
tizotough, busineSs ' educatibn or, o,
$UPerior shorthand, trainiog.. One
gradnittes are •,alvvrtyli sticcesSful,itr
getting positionS, ThIs school invar
iabie givea te stude,i3ts Mete • than'
they expect; \Vette for .ent&legne.
Winter term opens ja,audry' 4th.
W. J. E1111..1011',
Farrn 11„ p.,.8 thc2nd Cht)O070114
. . . , .
Apply to P 4 :AYNOK
Aoi int the Ababa LnolinOW
111' be go'fcliel:ItaftintOdL,fie 't$f Yeare,
7.or .SaIe or li9g.
Wegt kjdf 2.,g t,an Voloss. e fain -
14.110 acres,. The land'is a/tich claS
Under grails'aiirKstfire • it• trio loAt ten
yr:Atli. God oorplihrit,,..0 fail i o g epY5),
pr pale' tram o brtewi tli tib r&4414ttelo 01: 5n
o11P:Pi.,4kroy arid t,
;3itita,tpirmix tnilcs gorn Luc1tiswitt,j;:t0Q;
Wile s from rat ic:110(i' P.;01.1,0 and poet
anilt from sphholind Chor'cli, Apply to •
Ult.% .1 0 1.31•11.) 10t„ fi prtni low):
• 4 . •
ougo and Lot for, Sale
class ir‘one
t'Ffi , arscl kit'l'ci'4tr1
lilts for elo. on. Vintori,n ttf..tk
The filaeo i rildely loel.tecl :arra the i(if row
tains it largo quantity Fit all 11lllde f uft
with both liarit and holt water, and good
„ta1)1c, place will' be sold aheaP, FoY
hrtlicrptiet.iculats apply to . •
.VVIL.141.414 FLOOD'. .I.ttokiic*i