The Wingham Times, 1908-08-27, Page 3ti\ TUB WINGrILAM TIMER, AUUUST X27 1908 FINE4TAILQRED GARMENTS FOR MEN Our Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats of this popular brand of clothing are here and opened up for your inspection They are the finest garments ever shown' in this town 200 new patterns—which we will have made up to your measure—to choose from. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, McGee & Campbell CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS. ®It11 11a, J A.$T w wArrOhl1z. Mrs, Wm. Robinson was at Galt attending the funeral of fa relative. Mre. Geo, Tisdale and little grand. d lughter, Gertrude stein are visiting near Trout Creek. . Mr. Howatt, who has been living in this township for some time will ahortly move to a farm on the Hallett boun- dary. D. O. Grassiok has resumed his duties as teaoher in No. 9. The fine new building has been completed and was templed for the carat time on the 17th of August. The appeal of the G. N W. Tele. gragh Co. against its assessment in East Wavianosh was allowed with respect to the company's loop line from; Blyth to Auburn, the line beiug legs than 25 miles in length and so exempt leader sec. 14. sub•seo. 6, of the Assessmeut Act of 1904, The assessment was re- duced from $220 to $106, 1 1 ExclhoellSlve kitore closes 7 � � � � � � � � II 11. M., except Saturdays and eveningsb e- DealerS Yore hohdnvB. Victoria. S �esl dor Ladies The BosI That Is 4040 New Fall Stock just arrived. The very latest, nicest and best. Samples in North Window. WILLIS .0. CO. R. Johnston's old stand, opposite Bank of Commerce. FINE SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. PHONE 129. 1 �.�ttittts Dr. Hamilton's Cure for Pimples. All skin, diseases snob as pimples originate through.failure of the kidneys and liver. All taints that block the avenues of health must be removed. Dr, Hamilton's Pills do this quickly. They cleanse the system, makes the skin smooth, restore roses to the cheeks and give clear, dainty complexion. For good looks, good health aed good spirits there is nothing Bo sure as Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills. 25o. boxes at all dealers, , EXCURSIO S TO TORONTO FOR T E EXHIBI ION F'ARELEa3.6a5 LOW RATE $2.70 DAILY ON SATURDAY, AUG. 29 T SATUR- SPECIAL E CURSION DB,S'S DAY, SEPT. 12 INC USIVE SEPT. 1, 3, 5, 9 and 11 All tickets goad to return until Tuesday, pt. 15 0. P. R. Official 'rogramme gives full int excursion rates, special trai . and through oar service, fr free copy apply to J. H. BE MLR, Ticket Agent, Win FOSTER, District Passenge Agent, Toronto. rmation regarding in all stations. For ham, or write 0. B. 11ULLETT A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cole, con. 11, Hallett, when their daughter Lucy was wedded to Robert P. MoBarney, Menteith, Man. The wedding took plaoe at six o'clock on Wednesday, Ang. 12th. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. L. Small, of Blyth, after which a dainty tea was served. The bride was unattended except for a little flower girl, Miss Ida Hill, niece of the groom. The wedding march was played by Miss Bertha Manning. Tho bride was attired in gray nuns veiling, and her traveling dross was navy bine satin oloth, and white silk waist, and a gray leghorn hat. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold locket and chain, and to the flower girl, a gold necklace, many use- ful and pretty presents showed the good wishes of the bride's many friends; after visiting friends at Teeswater, Kincardine and other places they will leave for their new home at Monteith, Manitoba. FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS to Harvest Fields of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Well-paid work for over 25,000 men. one-way second lass to Winnipeg. Free tickets from Winnipeg to points where harvesters are needed, east of Moose Jaw, and west of Moose Jaw to Alberta at one cent per mile. RETURN TICKET TO ONTARIO STARTING POINT FOR ADDITIONAL $18.00, AFTER WORKING AT LEAST ONE MONTH "Apply to ticket agents for full conditions GOING DATE' from territory SOUTHWEST OF TORONTO AUG. 18, 19 SEPT. 1, 9 From,tations ,on Toronto -Sarnia line, and south thereof in Ontario. NORTHWEST OF TORONTO AUG. 14, 18 SEPT. 1, 8 Fto.s stations on Tomnto-North Bay line, wedlo hutnotincludnt Toronto -Sarnia rnr.. EAST OF TORONTO AUG. 20, 22, 27 SEPT. 2, 11, 14 From ,tatioas East of Toronto - North Bay line, to and including Sharbot Lake and Kingston. Tickets issued HOMESEEKERS' Excursions afford best aeons• **dation, with Tourist Sieeperu Iesve: SEPT.. 1 15, 29. Ark agent about them. 4140414.0.00000.4114:000a44041.00 4a00a641•0o4a0a4oa0oa00ao111 0 0' 0 A New Orleans woman was thin. - Because she did not extract sufficient nourishment from her food. She took ,colt's Emulsion: Result: She gained a pound a day in weight, ALL DRUGGISTS; 60c. AND $3.00 orange blossoms, and marled a bridal ' bouquet of cream roses The brides- maid wore a pretty dress of pale bine silk, and carried pale pink roses The b:ide's going away suit was a tailor- made of brown broadcloth, with a pretty brown and blue hat to match. A dainty luncheon was served at the conclusion of the ceremony, and the bridal couple left by the 5 p. in. G. T. R. train for Detroit, and from there will continue the honeymoon trip to Mnskoka's wilds, on the conclusion of whish they will take up residence in Detroit, Mr. Stewart being pastor of the Fart Wayne Presbyterian ehnroh. They have the hearty good wishes of many friends, WESTF IELD. Maitland Henry and John McDowell, jr., left on the 0. P. R. harvesters' excursion from Auburn for Manitoba. Mrs. Gordon Ainslie and three chil- dren arrived hero last week to spend a month with Mtn. Ainslie's parents. J. N and Mrs. Campbell. Bronchitis Creeps into Consumption. Coughing weakens the tubes and makes a resting plane for the baocilli. Why let Bronchitis become eatablished? It's easy to cure—just inhale Catarrh- ozone—breathe in its soothing balsams and relief Domes at once. Oatarrhozone is so certain in Bronchitis that every Daae is cured. Throat is strengthened, cough stops, irritation goes away, all danger of•tuberonlosie is prevented. Fpr throat trouble, catarrh and coughs, Oatarrhozone is THE REMEDY. 25e. and $1.00 sizes at all dealers. Get it to -day. to women, but not at hdf.fare or children, SPECIAL. TRAINS FROM ALL. C, P. R. STATIONS ON AUGUST 14, 18 and 20. Avoir to rearm C.P.R. ticket agent for leaflet giving conditions, train times, Ste, or writs C. B. FOSTER. District Passages Agent, TORONTO immomosummorosiiimmummullommormamisormsomeiolir Oar mail servioe has taken another change, which came into effect on the 17th. It is a decided improvement, es we now receive outaGoderioh mail one day earlier than before, The mail - carrier remains in Auburn until he receives the mail from the west as well as from the east. before coming to the offices north of Auburn. He does not arrive here uatil about 4 o'clock. While in Auburn Saturday evening, Aug. 15th, W. H. Campbell had the misfortune to collide with another boggy while driving down trout Street. His rig upset and the horse ran a short distance, when it struck a telegraph post, and breaking the harness, came free from the buggy and ran down as far as the Presbyterian church, where it was caught. Everything escaped remarkably well, considering that the streets were orowded with people when horse and rig went tearing down the sidewalk. The top of the rig was smashed and the horse received a few scratches. Mr. Campbell escaped un- injured. • • BELGRAVE. On Thursday evening, Aug. 20th, a load of Brussels boys Dame. to Belgrave to cross bate with the Belgrave baseball team, and after a brink, snappy game in which they were beaten by a score of 15 to 14, they were invited by the home boys to a lawn social, given by Trinity ohuroh, on the grounds of Mr. Garner Nicholson, where they were given a free tioket to the grounds and supper and treated to refreshments all round at the booth. They thereupon proceeded to show their appreoiateon of their courteous treatment by whooping and yelling during the evening and disturb- ing the crowd, and finished up by emp- tying Mr. Nicholson's cellar of its con- tents and carrying off all the victuals belonging to ohuroh people, which were not a few, as well as a number of lan- terns belonging to neighboring farmers, and several articles frons Mr. Nicholson's house. Their conduct contradicts the saying that "There is honor among thieves," for there was certainly none among them. Oa their next visit to Belgrave they will meet with the sort of treatment they merit. ST. HELENS. Miss Laura Aroh?r was visiting for a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Waite r Webb. Misses Lilian, Margaret and Mary Clark have taken charge of their re- spective schools at Leohalsh, Kintail and Westfield, Rev. M. MoDanald preached in the Presbyterian ohuroh on Sunday last. Mrs, Wm. Bowles and babe and Mrs, Taylor and children, of Guelph, are visiting at the home of their father, Mr Wm. Humphrey. Mr. John Clark, who recently return- ed from Scotland, spent, a few days at his parental home before again taking up his home at Pittsburg, Pa. Messrs. John McGuire, John Patter- son, A. E, Darnin and Wm. Bray, left on Tuesday of last week for the West. Look Ahead for Illness. Sudden illness and pains come is every family—to parents and children alike. But if you have looked ahead, and have right in your home, ready for immediate use a bottle of Polaon's Ner- viline—there isn't much to worry over. It it's a sore throat or contraoted chest, apply Nerviline and pat on a Nerviliue Porous Plaster. If it's colic, cramps, or any stomach disorder, just administer tan drops of Nerviline in hot water. No family medicines are more useful or more depended upon than Nerviline and Nerviline Porous Piasters. They keep the doctor bills small 25o. enoh at all dealers. Refuse anbatituves. TCR\BS:6,BL Minutes of Connell meeting held in the Clerk's office, Bluevale, on Monday, Aug. 24th Members of Council all present except the Reeve. Moved by Mr. McMichael, seconded by Mr. Mof- fatt thathat Mr. Kelly be chairman of this meeting.—Carried. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Messrs. Moffatt and McMichael. Mr. Moffatt reported having let job to open part of the Ring drain to Gideon Brown at $1.10 per rod; also it was re- ported that arrangements have been made to have Govt, drain west of Z atland cleaned out and the private drain from East Wawanosh to Govt. drain tiled; the Townships of Tarnberry and East Wawanosh to pay $7.00 each towards the work when completed. Moved by Mr. Moffatt seconded by Mr. Rutherford. that James Nichol be appointed inspector of the King drain. —Carried. Moved by Mr. McMichael seconded WHITECHURCH. Anniversary services will be condaot- ed in the Methodist Ohuroh here on September 6th and 7th, by Rev. Jss. Livingstone, of Mitchell, who will preaoh on the Sunday and lecture on the Monday evening following. Mies Bath, of Toroeto is the guest of Miss Muriel Duncan. Mr, Gordon Dancan has gone to To- ronto to take a position. On Saturday last Mr. G. Gillespie thrAahed 25 acres of peas for Mr Frank Henry and the yield is reported to be a little better than 25 bushels to the sore. The peas were taken direot from the separator to the cora at Whiteohnroh station. Mr. Henry has yet 26 acres of peas. The Perfection of Womanhood. Who does not envy and admire a love- ly woman? The secret of her loveli- ness, of her perfection, is health. She sleeps well, eats well, digests well—in- tricate functions are vigorous and regu- lar. Of all woman's remedies, Ferro- zene is the beat; it vitalizes the functions upon which health depends—makes the purest, rioliest blood, gives perfect com- plexion and lots of vigor. Every woman who seeks health, vitality, looks—let her get Ferrozone to -day. Fifty cent boxes at all dealers. MYTH On Wednesday afternoon, August 19th. the residence of Rev. Dr. McLean, Bruce street, Goderieh, was the scene of an August wedding, Miss Katherine Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the Rev. Dr. and Mre. McLean, and Rev. Ure Stewart, B. A,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Stewart, South street, being the oontraoting parties. The bride was at- tended by Miss Elder, of Blyth, and the groomsman was the bride's brother, Don McLean and the marriage care• Coulter & San are out threshing. Threshing goes a Iittle tough on account of the oats no: being dry. The apple paokers are busy. Rev. Mr. Duncan is away for holidays and Mr. Hatton occupied pulpit of the Presbyterian church Sunday last. Mr, G. Mason took Rev. Mr. Finlay's work on the diff :vent appointments last Sunday. Mr. Mason holds his audience with his sympathetic discourse. His theme was 'Ile necessity of Conver- sion." Rsv. Mr. Finlay's mother was paying him a visit and was taken seriously ill, Mr. Finlay accompanied her to her home. his the on Fire destroyed the barn ane beau in Morrie on lot North ea 8 of the 7th line went to Algoma three years ago and by Mr. Moffatt, that the Clerk be hplast Saturday evening. The farm be- etrncted to notify all the pathmasters since than has made a host of friends, longed fo Wm. Kelly before i passed who will hear of her demise with much H. E. 'SARI) CO. "THE LEADING STORE" New Fall Good� Arriving Daily We are to the front again with NEW in DRESS GOODS,. DRESS TRIMMINGS,. SILKS, SATINS, VELVETEENS, ETC. all that is Our Stock is large and Our Pric,:s are not to be beaten in Canada. No need of send- ing out of town for Dress Materials. We can supply you at a BIG SAVING, "Come and see for yourself." you the goods. No trouble to show H. E. ISARD Ontoheon and seconded by Campbell, that said petitions be accepted and that Engineer Roger be iodinated to exam- ine the localities described sad make his report thereon. Carried After fix- ing the salary of the Treasurer at $100 and passing a large number of accounts the council adjourned until the 14th of September. After an illness of over four menthe, Mrs. Charles Miller, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie A. McDonald, formerly of the first line of Morrie, was summoned to her eternal home, Aug. 12th. despite all that medical aid and kind nursing could do. She was 26 years and 7 days old. She bore her ill- ness with great patience,alwaya cheerful, her going away caused her no alarm as she assured her loved ones she was going to her heavenly home to await their Doming. A short service was held at her sister's home in Massey, after which the funeral proceeded to the Walford Union cemetery. The funeral service was then preached by the Rev. Mr. Lambert, of Watford. Mre. Miller who have not sent in their lista to do so at once, and also to notify the Secretary of each section that have not sent requisition for school money to the Clerk, to do so at onoe.—Carried. The following accounts were paased and checks issued: S. Vanstone, gravel, $3.43; John Mar- shall, gravel, $2.10; D. McTavish, gravel $4 20; Thos. Aitkin, gravel, $1,50; Wm. Ball, gravel, $4 69; Jas. Peacock, grav- el, $2 24; John McNaughton, gravel, $4.14; D. Eadie, gravel, $3 76; James McDougall gravel, $3; John MoEnrnie, into the hands of Jos. Coombs. ' There is no doubt but that the two buildings were sat on fire by some one. At a meeting of the Morris council, held on the 10th inst., tenders were re- ceived for the construction of a five foot cement arch over the Cole drain at lot nine, on the sixth concession. On motion of Taylor and Shaw the tender of Vint & Love of $150 was accepted, being one of the lowest. A deputation from the village of Belgrave appeared, requesting a grant to aid them in build - gravel, $1,08; Ben Ringler, gravel, $1 96; ing cement crossings and sewer connee- Amos Gofton, gravel, $4 55; Mrs. B, Taylor tions' On$40 motiontasgrouted of Cam1h008 papbell andrwfor • poses. Moved by Shaw and seconded by Campbell, that owing to the lateness of the evening traiu cn the southern branch of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce line, the reeve and olerk be in- struoted to proasnt a r, gaisition to the (Holmes, gravel, $7.68; Alex. McDonald, gravel, $1.35; Jos. Breckinridge, gravel. $3.80; H. B. Elliott, adds , $2.50; Wm Adair, repairing B. Line bridge, $10 80; Robs. Hogg. repairing B. Line bridge, $28; James Williamson, gnlverre $1 50; Hugh McKinnon, gravelling, $24 60; Jae, Netterfield, spreading gravel, $3; railway anthortttes to have the station Eli Elliott, tile, $3 60; David Dunkin, at Blnevale heated and furnished with repairing grader, $2.50; Oloine Higgins, light in seasons when necessary. Car - gravelling, $16; Peter Fowler, damages, vied. The Treasurer presented his half 75 cents; David Pocock damages, $3, yearly, statement, and on motion of Moved by Mr. Moffatt seconded by Campbell and MSOatcheon the same Mr. McMichael, that this meeting oto was accepted as satisfactory. On motion now adjourn to meet in the Clerk's of Taylor and Shaw, the McDonald and Office, Blnevale on Monday, Sept. 281h, Johnston drain by -lags were read and at 10 o'clock a. m. provisionally adopted, On motion of Jorn BrnGEss, Clerk. ShaW and McCntche0,a, the tender of c _,,+„_ Wm. Geddes for the :iason drain de. sorrow. She leaves to mourn her loss her little son, Archie, aged 3 years, her parents, her brother Michael at present ill, her sisters, Mrs. W. Philipps, Mrs. Geo. Newman and Miss Mary McDon- ald. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved family as this is their second loss in about four months. ninny was performed by' the bride's We arffeg mabentures at par was accepted, Petitions y father, assisted by Rev. James A. in fnrniteareoatrin$1 a labsnuenohber of dauntil;ttiolee for the construction of df ains tinder the Anderson, D. A., and Rev. James Ham- they are sold. This is called Dutch Munioipal Drainage Act ere presented Ilton. The bride were a gown of crow emotion. Call tit Wanton's furnitureby Messrs. Frank $mi and Thomas liberty , eatin and bridal veil with store and got particulars. I Rubel respectively. oved by Me- THINK THESE OVER. CO NEWS NOTES. Fernie fire losses by insurance com- panies exoeed $1,500,000. Capt. Thomas Dannelly, . the marine; expert, of Kingston, is dead. The oily of Calgary will give $6,000: for the relief fond at Farnie. A young Brantford girl named Day committed suicide by taking carbolic, acid. Three 0 wen sent to Prison liquor license ant. Two hundred unemployed harvesters have been fed and housed by the Moose Jaw City Connell. Seventeen charges have been made against 0 wen. Sound hotelkeepere for breaches of the liquor license act. St Thomas' council in spite of large- ly signed petitions against their notion, leased 19 acres at Pinafore Park foe 20 years for racing purposes. Six Guelph hotelkeepers have been summoned on a charge of filling stan- dard whiskey bottles with an adulter- ated mixture. Mre Jenkins, the colored proprietor 01 a rooming house in Vanoopver, was mardered by a roomer, with whom she had s dispute. Port Arthur power commissioners rejected the plane of Oeoil B. Smith for a $40.000 dam at the powerhouse,. and decided to build one casing $80,- COO. 80;000. Three sharp earthquake chocks were distinctly felt at Eureka, Cal , cn Tues day last. Several chimneys were thrown down, and plate arise windows 1 and crockery broken. The election cxpenees of 11 on. J. J. Foy in the last campaign amounted to 32035 G5, and those of his running mate, G. H. Goodorham, to $2030.71, according to the returning oflioor's statement. Evidence against several other batches of Ontario hotellreepers is in the hands of the Ontario License Department, and charges will be laid in a few days. Kingston, London, Guelph, Hamilton and Owen Sound men have been already fined. Otto Sorenson, an express messenger for the Western Express Company, was was killed by robber.a in his oar on the train for Winnipeg at Enderlin, N. D., t on Friday night last. The position'iitr whish he was lying indicated that there hal been a t>arii le atm :pilo. The rob - b -re flee: after ]silting Sorenson, without; i h of neon - mate teaching the s e, Sore was m ried, tend leaves a wile and two sous l children In 51. rani. (New York Telegraph.) Experience is a good school, but the fees are high. Wisdom is merely a stronger form of common sense. It is better to slip with the foot than with the tongue. Learn to say "No," but never say it unless you mean it, With old age comes the knowledge of lost opportunities. Some men are worthless, and others are worth led still. It isn't the depth of a man's love that counts so much as the length. The opinion of the man who argues with his fist is usually respected. Tho true critic is one who can appre- ciate something he doesn't like. A mistake always seems so stupid— when some one else has made it. A man who is proud of hie small fee needs a smaller brain to feel that way, It's better to be poor than dishonest, and it's better still to be neither than both. It's jest as wall to watch the man who is always harping upon honesty ;Icing the best policy, Sound hotelmen were for offences under th e