HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-12-24, Page 5;l!
�aKwn, .*,p rr.,•w.,v w �.l,w+st�iy-`:.:".'F.
•nw •
entr.' There eya 22 .dsaths in aU
anring, the +year;1r. weye'over 5Q year3 Q /y
at,�l C . over 80+ y'e rs • Tbi3 would
makea, death rate; Rfaboub 11 er
ihoutand, whchtoarrewnariiable g.�
fie:the, dead} rata, throughout
the province -Ws year *ill'-. be 0A?cut#,
or as 1eaat 16,0 per thouaawdt.
l e.peotfully ,4ubmij.ted,
Dr,T. E; •Qaset•
lyl. •H! Oficer.
0* deal' to 103? h0fir,t' 41' .tbef steidi
be pari radvatieesi. without skip-
-Wkio lays down" hie °dollar, and offeF0
Who never says : "Stop it, ..I.• cannot
'1 -afford it 1"
Or, "Getting more papers each day,
Bdt always says, "Send the whole
outfit likeo it— '
' In fact we regard it as'a business need.'
How welcome is -he when he Steps
the sanctum, '
How'. lie makes "our heart" throb,. how.
.be makes ihinr eye" dance!
We outwardly thank.. him--; We in-
en'kr Felt cloogress with leather soles at. $1;50 perfpaar '-
Men's Curling Bar (satnething, co0) at $4,06 Per,pair
.en's Felt ..TOxecl leather soles*.q $2. 'pd. pair".
WoMeni Felt Congress at '$1.00- per. Pair
',Weniens Felt 'Bal. (Peng Vexing). . `at $1,50 per pair
Wornens Felt "Bal. (Sok Calf FOxing;1,at $1.56 per pair ,
Womens,Felt;,,Pal.r40,potigrps$, gr:ith at $1.50 Der Pair
We have a complete line in Lumbermen' Fdotwear
at Rook bottom prices.
Call and examine our stock before purchasing else
,,P7inncil Met as "required:by statute.
and Councillors D. 1SlcDmiald'and-A;
Were issued Which Will appear in the.
Tinancial Stetenient. 'A .motion Was
passea extending the time for the' Col-
lectien of taxes tilt --December_alat;„:
1903. • Council,,then adjourned...
and ,weekly newspapers; peri.odicels„..
faehion. books, etc:, If you wisb to
subscribe give bird a call. Do nob
E have just rcceik,76d,..t.t. large., stock t)f,, t1,0
Istov ,Type, Inks arid. negesskir
:The LuektieW Sentinel
will he sirit 'with the „fol-
WdioAtiN Stitt; Axe
:1ViniritnAliWritEs$'.ANtn, $1,150;
.trapm For, Sala
pight Miles fromTLimlatow; Partly
,seeded doWn, eight acres of fall wheat:
Weil : watered ., bY. spring creek.. A
fair and ft. geed:barn are On
the preniiees;,. For further particulars
Teacher Wanted.,
:Teacher wanted for School Section No. 3,-
Rinloss Township. lYfile 'or Female. ',Duties
Holyrood P. Ont.
arm for Sa e
Farm for Sale.
Rettig south half of lots 45, 46. concesSion 1
Kinloss,, contains 95;4 acre. -Aboub 10 acres
:bush land. Never failing swing creek ripening
through farm, ICog honee, good •barn and
stables. A.bout two miles east of Lueknow,
Apply to ,
arm 1,1or Sale.
• Being Lot 8; Con; 7, pnloss, ccmts,ining100
vation: Situated one half mile west of Holk-
rood, Where there is every accomodation for
farmer, and, five Milos froia eithee:Lucknow
dr Ripley. Main himse solid brick, 34744 ft.
wieh frame kitchen and Woodeheel, 20)05 feet. '
13ern is 90x36,ft, With Straw shed.20x5,0 fest.
horse' stable azi,22 ft, and a large frame imp:.
lenient house, Barn is on' a new. stone 'wall,
The seablingsis all new and up-to-date with
spring wailer where ever It 413 heeded. Appl
Try our Engliih Hop Tea
Try our.--2-5-67-T4Taii:Tea,
Try our'PieklealifAnarti
Try atir Coffee, Seal Bra.n4
Try .our Paradise currants, recleaned'
Try our Extra Selected:Raisins
Try our Californ4, Evaporated .
17—hoice Prunes
Tau undersigned offers for' Sale,twenty
Street. the property of the. late Stre. Jathea
W. Coinvitt,, Issuer of Marriage .Liceeses.'
Agent; for Allan Line and 'DoinliiO\ 'Linea
Life and,',Accident' Assurance.
Fire Insurance.
Insure Tont property againsiloss or di%
age by fire; in the oldr reliable Nat%onal and
Mercantile Companies,loW rated, mid lhhh
Office; Town Hall, 'runedaY,Thursday,
•edSatur ay a s.
Dental College, and Doctor of Dental ,Sur-
gery, Toronto *University, All modern plan
of operation and earefniness workinanehip
Office in Allin'S block, npstnia,
That if you warit any Paper
'Hanging, Painting,,or Decor
ating done t6 eau .
Sn'eli rip\
TnAltre trout Lot',.100 09 .1:1 24 lti.h'iosh.7' oh
yearline steer, siteikilbsg ebeet 10 et 900 lbel 1.tit)jkOc)Itii ,- ,
or sheet 11'6%7,1,18th, '.ii ied an4 white
Eindet suitably iewet,:led' (in, returning siiine td
of Worthington's C'ataidian Stock,
Ja•ries Leask, breeder 'and feeder. of the .
eweepstake fat Oattle .at Provincial , Winter
Fair 1901 m10902, liayS
"4m', rcitneli Tonic tocittleand.
*like very' icnuch. It makes them t rive , e
',Iitud--put on flesh More I think, it is
lietest Tonie nave fed to horses., • WS are
alsu feeding it to, "mit hena ibis winter and -
they ar,e, laying ,better than :they have done
I heti \ a Mare stocked in- both legs, • Wor.'
pletgly anit.put her in .good condition* Ithas
done my cows good., '1.7biek it is i'good thing '
Ptirify your animals' blood before' ttirnii4
theimen the grasa. 11.',heY Will surprise '0114
Wqrthintop: Dro
For Sale and guaranteed by
Boar for Service.
tot, SO, Colt, KinIess, hie thoroughbred
English Berkshire Boar, "Jackson, i4eecntf,,"
'.11w hog was bred by Atr: Bowniatt,i
E, Ort