HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-12-03, Page 5Famous Brand of VisTDERWE411 mac- of-rour0 1Tovs Scotia wooli, auk guspv- ave not alreaay worn it be suie to -get -it -this -year;, Log6:613,iltiett silos will -arrive this week can be fitted.. Big .Men, Men "pad Brasil The, Toronto, Prgsbyterian . Minis ilgrOatinit-`b bees .discnesti luau al,reforipOne speaker Paid the display and: publi ,ity iu C0.0 section with inkny ,.fuperalq• wan: vv ar and, extravigance,. 'There" is a.good' deal of, truth in .this But.unfurtunately moat! people:have * tie idea that a.cheap' f ud'er' l mea,ua disrespect 'to the , ;dead, add eedieetd_. unfavorably upon .,them, selves, and:,eo, the deeper ° the '•sorrow toe. more anXious they are to show ;due irejepecti to the departed. ,n 0125-44 'the ' state, 041040 4r' of" fin icaOt'1 oalled this Minnesota. Penitentary. ;Prison Mirror, Which _;propounds the follewiog ` no,stion: { 'i `k►y. is it. that .. from the, first inception of oar-. paper to the present ti'uso we• have .;not bad, an;editor.'to •'sojourn ;14 „QUA' mideta Other professiocs°liaie been;.well• re, pcesented. Of : preachers we- have, had enough to furnish eubstauce,-to•an African chief.for- a ,year';'-'.of_doctors,: enough to depopulate a state; and. l'ewoecr4: 'enough to estsbliel'i" a < goof' sized colony. in hades. But_ editors -- not One. ' IMBER—tOLLARS Haile you seen. 'the. new rubber' Collar for Besr‘,, Men, and Womenl hey,.de not break. Thiry *ear _well. ATERIA0 F This Store has 'made provision for the imas fancy work. Shetland Floss; Berlin Wool, Colored Velvet. Ribbons, Baby and SatinItibbons, Lace Edg- ings,. Limb's wool insoles, coldred cbloreiFsateens, cushion tops, cushion cords, embroidery, Huckabaek, etc. Womeii!kCircular Wool Shawls, in Black and yy hite-,'-'ne-N-v designs at 1,00, 2:00-and.$2.60 each WRAPPERETTES AT 10c. We have just received a new range of dainty Patterns in Wrapperettes TtiOfollOWing item, taken from the bevies. Harold 11..,is_the horse which -2-':04-,--by-Roadmaster_ilarrived yester- day from the South; and -is stabled at 4:.'Morse's barns on Elgin -avenue_ Ed. H: Desmond, who cams with ills horse, has been WithAbe Geers,.stables this' Bummer, 'arid says-- Harold went a smile •race le' 2.02, with out hobbles; and 'Could haVe done bet- ter, and-thatirevill.--go•-in_2.00._ilat next season." asked this question: 7h9A..,tiTes .and nnder what. circonistall'oes May faiiner shoet stray dogs on his, prersis-, ear' The answer taat.thi'paper gives ak-fogovrei4lid,it*.u.iche' well for Owners' cif: dogs: to'' bear it in mitd: "He inly kill any dog he finds 'aitray• between sunset and.;Peerrao .stieeP are kept thereon,., unless sea- deg is securely. muzzled,' or .aocOmpaniect by or-in..reasonell Or control' of the perion having it in. chargs. EVen .in each cases t4e,40g:,,inay kiged if. thera is .reasonable apprehension .on the part of farmer that. such dog if not killed is likely 'to. wound or woe: ry sheep or lambs.. then.On his .:fatm: • • .He Mai alio kill any .:,deg which; lie the Wan andrfound-hylriosIte-be-Tgiv.. tengee and terrifying• and sheep or Iambi thereon." Men's Drivina Cape m.ade of ne quality Beaver w th peak and v s 4-ur-litecl-protector for_ears and neck • —A capita—id-ex Price $1.35' Oach en'a,French,X-iP- Bhicherf ,Der Pair"' .gen's English, icip'13,1n*Oher, at • are .wearers. Women's Calf Grain Bals at, .$147.1.5.. -per pair, they- a,,re-. These are the.best heavy good$ made in Canada. , Received a case of,Men's Stub Proof rubber9lorig boots. - They are best made. CALL AND EX.A.igNE TBEIV1_, • REPAItiNd NEATLY ARO PROMPTLY DONE. • HEADQUART:ERSFOO, r is rititt • • • Itiakncw Sentinel sent with ihe lo17. liming papers; , until Jn.7•.' uary .1itt 1904,, at thy following priCei., TENDERS FOR:SOPPLIES, 1904 noon on Monday, 23rdinsL, •for supPles of hetchers.meat, creamery. btitter, flour, oat- meal, potatoes cordwood, ete.:; etc., for ' the followinghietitutions during the year 1904, London, Kingston,. Hamilton, Alimico:•Broek- :and Mereer:-Reformatory, Toronto the Rel Exceptien--•-Tenders. ar'e no' t' required for the supply of ineat-to_the_niylnins in Toronto; London, Kingston, liamiltOn and Brockville; nor for the Central Prison and Mercer. Re'' 'marked chenne for live per cent of the Beeretaryonust be furnished by edela tenderer fillinent of each•contract, and should any ten, der be ;withdrawn before the contriet is award - .ed, or ehould the tenderer fail to furnish stjecificatiens and forms of tender •may• be }laden application ,to the DepartMen't of the Provincial Secretary, Toronto., Or to the Diu - The lewest or any tender nefneceesarily tic; Bewspape'rs inserting this; advertieement without authority, from .the department will Provinoial Secretary. . Parliament Buildilirs, Toronto, November' • --Tiron-r-Golden-Blencl_e_eylon Tea, Try our English Hop Tea ' :r ry our Pickfes in quart jars Try our ,Coffee; Seal _Bran .Try our 25c Coffee Try ourParadise Currants, recleane Try•our Eletfa Selected Raisins Try our California, EliapOrated Try onr Maple Syrup in bottles Try olir Choice I,''runes MEP Yard. 'All sizeS.of:Tile froth:2 inches to .10: incheS, made in ordere House- for.,45itle Area, the propertf of the late, Mrs', ;lathes Being Let 8, Rinloss, containing.100 acres, The liansiris a rich clay loam; Well un- der -drained and in se•first elass state of culti- Vation, Situated ono half 'Mile west.of Holy. .rood; *here there is every accornodation for a•farmer, and five nines from eithoe Luoknow. or Ripli;y. Atain house solid brick, 34%24 ft. wish frame kitchen and woodshed, 20x,35 feet.. Barn id 90x36 ft, with straw shed 20x56 feet. horse stable 30x22 .ancl.:a large frame imp'. leinent house, Barn on:a new steno Wall; eprifig water whore ever it is needed, • APPly , That if,You want any Paper ating done to .0111 on Snell ro : t :7:UO , NOs ced, Strayed tiord the premises of hildersigned "ing information will' b.euitably reWarded. ra' • itS8 :work ft.., a , • of Worthington'i . Canadian Stock' 'James Leask, breeder and feeder. Poi the sweepstake fat cattle at Provincial Winter • beim fed•y ur Stock Tonic ta battle and „ like it very miich. It Makes them thrive well • land,pnt /in iloah More also feeding it to • our hens this minter and they are laying 'batten than they liave done for A long time. It pays' to feed it. •I , had a mare stocked in both legs, Wei- • Pletely and put her in good condition, It has and can recommend it, •• Clihtorr, San. Purify your an,imals' blood. before turning • th`ent on the graSs, "lhey will surprise you Th'11011111410,..:, bag' Oar Y014, ,'SOTACer. • The Undersh•yned .keep tor skrvire at llerkshiielloar, "Jackson Second." rierlin', Ont.* aria is ti; first-claf.4 pedigree nod other partibulars apply to • •