HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-11-12, Page 8.1
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2s' `32
Toted 147 105 232 205
4-44ieuk, Nov'F + tc .
1l[ *, a sett'
Eta,-,41aehrferr;eh nvr
'Ain; }X ._ .F
t4;ininyt + � t i�c ool
�. a• 'moi*, -+r....---'**
The underei ops wgl rOpcjve tendgrs. CI; to
noon ,oA Mist l*,. a3r l AAt.,� for augpliee of
hi aherameat ;
, our •oa -
4t@a�etY flutter, 'flour , t
Veal, Potatoes .eordWood� ate . etc,. for• the,
f towm �
D�tililf) 1♦i OiQ >r a bans elating '11e Year' 1094,`
At the' AlAttos, for the Aleene n ,
C%1#ondan 3' 14,mgto„
1 1 S114rnian, .of 0041;14 .viile •aA dt'AIrabisto h'� ambo. Bino1~:
1?ae>��v1 /ryy{ ri ppy�.y(�y���{��y`a,�,y§�' 1 !� {gyp �y�y,�y fyry
M} tbY4 �i�f/�(„M�"f3�1�1�w0 � � �•±'J'•Y�Y'Li.Gk',ryMi ��j�r+IW
+��4F 1extlag th@1r.iatbg�;:::Wm X01 and'tipe a#tadataafiantfond 't",.. 7 e{P villa .
e!5g the MIw.. MH1'' n_ ,eA � . tl?O r . ntratP�ieoaxa
^� o ferM t , 4 fio e - 1.40/ thud' Rep
lob bt . Aitceptiou--.Tense
a ° b0°'-- k . Mol eiru, Mra. Poynter, of ParlOala
viat. ip .Jaunannoo, .t
r. Form • au# boa � ��� �Gaso ani M'ru• �Dlsber,
1*i IS* of ore p ,!c,, M
1{# � r• and , 4!Tes. 8totbers wr
Taylor,..(E into the vilr e h vin
L Et�e,F nt.)bA KiItio L•$tallter., neisr the Preebyter au ehn cth.
Becoad :crass bdbon=:3.( ard'ger, E With the near advent .0f.
MoLean,'A MoWar,' E Thom ei 1?.
1?� , #6Qve wood ie'-neaXly:'#s high aa
-E g oody, E oodr, E liw6 year $2.00 and $2 25. bei
tuirch .eC►; % Nevitot►, E B or g' L. ed. now ,for a 'abort.
eadereiwrw orb;
atrgtibe, brat, eilsau 4onoXu.-J Idc=
flbtl, A`gne>a Cliff W ,l3ry:ia
'cons olaliu ,hon-,rx .F Jobnetot
$ Howey;. S Msil'ough; %d' Sturdy, 13
Alliin *.'
• J^ '$talker, to aeb'el: '
Dept, I%
TY', -first elaes htihprg..=_l� j`y �4
rood 040,bouota I.Aicl.uo E
allougb, S Habbiek, A`,11 �Quaig, p
down, F Paterson. ,,1) Ciunpbell ; L
uellgrovo,�B. Sherif% •R aordua,' `W
lortheott, ee,... tio6ntton
• Son.
-itvih g; D G!t!bpbell, ;13-Trelwvrtl,'x; ;
Hibiok� Mc�i onald ` Seaond-�slase'
'donors --M' 1Me •E 'iievera, .E
X.tndeay 1 e illi rd, t3 Ja�astonr
4 iuTton, J Newton, J Scrimgeour,'
G Tre1eu►ven, ltd Campbell,,,
w ,, Mohs, 'W 4 Joynt Fatir—J:.
1(tei1tb11 srr,l,oeowho baveLz 4it tier-.
kve visaed ons or in,re'
l dttb B tbou
Q «,honors :O Gedew,.
C�rUtytiyr; ,cpo
F. � 1r14tE1ty
Gordon) Lisa, J ' Pateruoo 2ud':
}urabieon, M•Wilson,. F Peiietor •J
bae� been
uest . of
11 Yinova
a, house
lb was
ng "ask
NAtNewepapera rhRerLJiu this advert aeme,it
Haider without'nuthor,ty fi�hm the 8enn. t..; . se
ad a Asir price,
OttiTtle4eteif last week th
foneeetiOn with the .,`Presby
u arse;_ nn . re. aired for.
,,fith lmni of meat tarthe, re19lnina,a .gileento
ondo , ih stop'•: r,,
riot fat the (.2.J.. t_ stn.tsnti' t#e,cjty:Ilei
Or ot, t •::•x ro ..ail P •, s x,.:sluii 'f+ tt,uF itIl;'
-4A, Marked chegin, ,for true per cent of they
estimated amount of the contract. nayable-to
'the Qrder ;of- the Honorable the •Pr vinoial:;
secretary, zu be-furnished..by each nderer
a B'
es' uararkteo" of his bola !ides, Tw suffCi
eat. securities will be required for the due ful-
fillment of each contract, and, should any ten-
der• be withdrawn before the contract leeward:
etl; or ebould the tordererlai to furnish. auoh
amity the amount` of the .deposit..?s!ill . be
Torfeitej. .. « . s
speoid`catione and forrge•of tender may be
,had on application. to. the Department of the
provincial Secretary, Toronto, or to the 13
rank of the' reapective,,ustitutione.
Tfje lowest or•any. tender not necessarily ac'
net be nrid for it: •
Church (Erakine).. was held. at , the
manse, mid they report:that they !Ifttro
lattiCifiaTfaiiiifui year, :having , raised
$215 fOrtihe (nude ef„the_eliiiiell--,'Ior-
lair' Were ilepointed4.as followiti,' Miss
eiNeviii,ireasurer, and Blies Eleanor
eep interest ,in °buret* work.. Wo
7-E lieCtitOdii, Tit -*Ube
WJahnion 13
2,:, _.,•:. ,....,ivizr-;.-.z.i..s.t,•:::-,,,-.7..,.--"•----',----" -It 14b4-4,--!1.251.4!468-411-ngt, rep . unader ,grame nnd paStnte fos .t.he ,last fifteen Only 11894:Phe olle trOittm!nt,ev'wefthil;iht:
--1. 1 ]it Little It ' R T $2.50, Wm Brown, grading $5,00; Ed lillA; JoSEPIE simPs112; onit:IP:eigii:e . tin :rt I • Itlave"e iCtgrt:tdm leTsd ooff LI :01 'w. n i! :
' Cefebrated Hair ()giver, 'which lasted
J'aC eta 1'9;11400 0 9cin
ave been `
E. wili,have`no Milliner} • ern.'%"
�. Yp
ill this . season,...but
'entJaiid .will'" be . pleased to' s , show
Bust meinb9w
.W. i �'
�n a Tan �.t�s
:. t3�s. ..�ln. these: requiszties::,1u.
rTaCkei .
rompt A tte
If you, want wra,nge that will.,
'give yo. eve ill rtfs fa;-; Lion and,
no.11,0,uble, buy the
For. 1604
Select theriiist.,-Whiatii.elii
CheCliii:Wern issued for, the felleng
-hill VI 41111BleNahl, rep 'bridge L ft, 'Read 1.11-eii—Pierniunf' offeis.
$1; Annus lifeDernials1,_wesk-ongreder
0 AR
,11nE!Xe_eti,econ operation.
The fire-boX 18 so ed
to give, tIte greatest amount.'
b*lefit from the least amo-
steel oven. These ranges are
Made tor people who want the
best. Call and examine ;the'
range, and ask for one of our
Cireulars., We are always
pleased ttio show our goods.
‘pie,,heuadiery; Oft': Neil ',1,1bReifaiii, rep;
Farrisk'oeaUing drain, . $1;' jai Rend -
Oven; ceineiktile, $21.50; J, bilmiire,.
ditch. $11.61',,,Iiiii Hackett, rep.ceil (Ion
rite for Sample Copy.
—Adress All Orders
eireies. e• *softie is ea ilea • sloe**
acts entirely different tO anything that,
has been sold to grow lath-, as it re-
Move8 all the dead, diseased skin „and
dandruff off the scalp ; it starts at the
bottom or -root the disease..
writes n regard to your hair grow.,
best "'have ever tned. 11aVlag been
troubled with dandruff and hair fall.'
can now 'say -that hate as
, 1.1—.,Pireb•anee •henore..-4V.V. ;asp; Johit mil"' atria* gi,iivez, Emiree, one storey swirl half with.neW hitehmii L..7olis, writet4''
$75.72; John KilPatrick, pravellink me nearly nine m ths. using, It ace.
u Henderson. secand, ciao 6tiorri_, meet' nit Nov. z!nt,
ut, et: Tds nes!: Er-iY
odd faultless fitting`Shoes for Women. We are 861
agents for ...these shOes LucknO'w, .Call and, see thein._
Men's Rubbers at 65c.
These are nice new goods, just received, and No.
.11 Yoil. wafit your -bo-ot„. rePairOd in-, ;I:n up. Lto•date
style; call on ILIFt
was looked npon as niaVel of cheap-
ness: Now, at no, little Cest, we are
:enabled to offer, two papers for a trIfle
over that sum. . By *eche' and ,ex -
elusive!' . arrangement, 'with lbei
trel Weekly Herald, we. offer 'it' and
ThaSentinel for One Year for. $1.15:
The'Offer la so extraordinary.' 4661
!t'lytt should 1,* taken adVantage Of
)>3. every:,,:nian; Woman and Child who
paper in 'this dotrlet. The
farm; giving Vie. news of the. wOrld,
and 'a , •"of entertaining, reading.
The tWo papere at ,siich price- make
lin irreaistable combination. To new
ubseiriber the papers will be sent :nhe
.alsnee Of this year free. •
•b°116re*.'Bt."114t4elifen14°.". '4, .1Traiii;' ivr. seeded down,' eight aCted flaall Wheat.,
. Taylor,. L Rain, A Mitaity, 0 Irvin*, I Well viatoied ,:by. ePt'iortieli.-•'.A.:
!', 1' .11feeNall; 3 lteeteoil: raiz. 0 .litiee-,. ifairr,driellina .and k goad, barn ate' on
•Diseasei Of the Eye, Ea -r, ...NOSO and
Thelarge and '4.16r/1)nel:hone keine. On Roes
street; the property of the late Mrs. 'Janie,
Best place in Canadatf Securing. a,
thorough 'business ii.dticittiori or a
superior shortbanel training., • Our
graduate's aro 'always sucaessful
Table givOS its students. more than
they exPeet. Write hit .
Winter term-4)1)0mi' january 4th.
iv-Oi'ICE -is hereby .'giYen that Court will
.11 he held,' plirsuant t „the! Ontario Vot.-
era' List Act, by mo Honor tbe Judge of the
CountY Court of the Oeiinty, Huron, et, tke
Agriculyiir,a1 et,e1; Dungannon, on
at 10 'climir; forenoon, to hear and deterinine,.
the several complaints of errors and. omission's '
'ilk the Voterh' 'List 6f the Municipality...of'
biittineSs at the Court ire required t6 attend at
the Said time and plaCe,
Clerk of •West WaWa,nosh.
this 8th day of October, 104
taming five rooms, kitchen. -
land. Good buifiness stand. Will sell or 'rent
halls, store house, driving shed, quarter acre I
on reasonable terms, Per particulars OPPIY
That „Brick Veneered House, and abeiWit
acres Of in no Imago or l'aicknow,,
am ambs For Sale
The undersigned has 'a nutriber: of Eank
Lambs for sale, ooaree weetvariety, prices all
'right. early cells /foliated. •
Teacher 'IV rite
'Tericher . minted for o.
duties to begin January, 1004. Appl stating
Salary, experience and"' what elastl eertifi•
critic Applications received till NOvinnber
ist, 1203. 'Address A.kx. Secretary.
',Treasurer, ‘./305c 234 LucknoW P,O.r Ont.
°TICE herebylIyen that al Court ;Will
ere'. List Act, lionor.the Judge of the
Dungannon, in .the Aparietiltirial Roll, on 'the
10 &cloak, forenoon, to hear eliddeteriiiina
field for 1003.: • All 'persons haVirig. business 'at
the -Mutt ave.regiired to att.erld at. the seld
Lamb Betray ..
pa.6. to the premises of Angus. Illethniold,
Lamb', Cater Oen ,havo same, hy inviting
'Caine tl the ireinises' of the undersfined.
the '2411 of September, a Sow and elm young
-.-,..11aln and Eric tambe of the beat of ' breed -
Acre. land ',Well stnek'd- With botli-largo end ' .
eilfel :bolts. It is nieelynituated and Will he : •
t1.0 I