HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-11-12, Page 54-44
Cause' worry and;"annoyance to any.
P?u(,h institution both as it relates to
tile inmates 'in the ,anticipation, and
the keeper u •carrying gout the pro -'i
visions of the'. Act:.
Leution thatidug Edward had fl' vein
needed Kr; Aileeworth to 'elePregil
Made in the Raglanette s e.. ..,good heavy
t � -...�'. material, velvet collars size 22 . .
..to 2$ At $3.7b;. 29 and 30, s
to� 33 at, X4.50,, 3� and" 35. at. X5,00'
liTr Prey.Zarks has hheu pryin} rt r
•tdt wIi tnaKing.upon;.t'he: subject of,
the proposed .fiscal change's.; fl~Ie
Majesty's private secretary gave the
only possible reply .—"Th9 King never,
expresses; any Opinion ;ou political mat,:
tete except' on the -Y advice; of. hie,
Judge Doyle beard:argument •on.
several interesting and important
points which have arisen during the.
Voters'. Ie't =Geu'rts fizeld-4.
Huron this year.' ; The applicants on
behalf of -the Liberals- in:'severa ronin%
cipalitteawere A. 'B. McDonald., who
has: recently removed from 4oderi h.
-fir-Brustore io•open hig,law once there;.
and John McEvoy; a law student also
ofnGoderiob ., cDonald.;was •.on• the
Ashfield voters' list df 1902, buds not
on any list for this year, nor ' was lie.
qualified ,'to go on any voters', list.
McEvoy is in a similar 'position;, ex-.
cept that:he was ontlio M .F. list fora
'the last Provincial elec ion as' made
upby the registration ' board. It was"
contended for the Conservative by Mr.
E. -Th Dickinson that both : arae there-
fore,;not qualified 'within the meaning
Cf the Voters' List' Act: which governs
,�7 00 ; Men's black beaver overcoat
well made. Special at _" . s, good heavy weight; well liiec _
P �7.OU an
$10.00. -..Men'sblack; beaver -overcoats- -Pi s -
beautifully .finished, This•coat�is nest quality cloth and and' Iain
and worth $12.50 in:.the:__re a
our "Leader" '_:'
ay of.buying.the -Therquantity--welandleof this coaten to
1 at $10,00. Sizes; 34 to 44. inches. ' . abler' us: to buy it
$10.50. Men's black b • eaver .Raglanette' cdat, long len th rn \ �...
oa sleeve, slash pockets,, A very:dressy coat sat 12:x0.: g made with cuff.
X7.50,, Men's Ralar'ette overcoets, Made of 'heavy. frieze
n good linings at $7:50 velvet .> collar
$10.00.: The. ' Grovenor" overcoat, made of.. hea'
vertical :pocltets. Special at $10.. �.. Y grey cheviot,:.cufl`s and
$12,50 —Ile "Chesterfield” overcoat for d
ressy men . This coat 'is c t
very full in skirt, plain sleeve, breast pockets, velvet collar' Price -$1._
• $1-5007: The' °Chamberlain" overcoat.
--kJ.lir heat. 'u'tiirru-s.: see � � � is coatt toga. reciate -`' 'perfect overc oat . and
pp the style and quality of it Price*
in thesematters independently' of 'the
M F. Registration Act, they not' be=
h` mg„votere,_nor.qualified_to-..be entered
Hs such nn a.... voters'
list. _
n 0 to this by Mr.Proudfoot on behalf of
; the -L berali -is-th b:-i1'rlairgi " was
p g '.oliggible to gQ1e1,the-:-lYla-1? --ne
o registration had taken place att the
time time of entering the.appeale, and that
E-9 McEvoy'ri name on that. /list . at the
time of the :last Provincial election
bolds good till` another .'registration
• takes: place. ;These are only the main
points ` in the argumentst . several
• $15.00,::
$12.50. Men's heavy.,.chev of
made ':;A' Y got . overcoats, � Ra Lanette`
splendid coat for drivin. Price g
style, :extra well
$10.00. kens curl cloth overcoats 'with stbrin collars, cuff on sleeve, slash
pockpts; lined. throughout with rubber. • Newiands make., a 'veridressy coat ot
$10. We have also a better quality Of this cdat at $15.00. •
others being'ineIuded in•. or connected
with 'these. 1he,effect of (.a decision:
against these appellants would be to
throw out all the appeals passed upon
urts sin their
ood coat/for walking in, prices $7.50 and $10
ain coats at
e carry'aii extra large assortment
Mens' wearing knocks and coats IA thick,
twee corduroy -and Jeather,, t from '75 tkl $10.
names.; .• Another question was 'as, to
• the right of depaty registrar: "to •' vote
at Provincial elections, as' •the regis-
tray is,., with otherofficials: named,'
specially--debar.red-by the act, and the:
"Interpretation • clause', .sayith
wherever the word "registrar''` occurs
it shall inclnde''`also the deputy regia
trar...Still anothir queetion'ie as t
-the tine ' of ' posting\;up voters' list
In township, of Ashfield • the cler,
said he posted up the .list n his ,bons
:,on the 1'S'th, but in the'`advortisnient
' - gave the date as the 20th, dnd the
COikurviiiii7e. appeals Were enters Oil
pusiiiik„yt lig ruling that .the Publisk
eff date Should; geverri, but he Suggest. -
ed iii,theeenitsel that a eine shOUla be
tion eferlio&byAhe'tioirtrotL.
.7tbeaselwilltbersa-forwardecl when it
�e have received: is shipment of `nxyfdot's heavy shoes
m�epiQ•`aa»'omen. The followingis some `:of the.
llile .w'`, era "'showing. p•
anerh,Kip.::3luchor, gat $3.1)9 perpair, wi1'l,° al
keep . pliable, .
Nf en's KipEn lish B
�.[ocher, at 42:50 per fair, They
are wearers.. •
Men's Split Bluchers at`.:$1 75,and-,$2:00 per pair, unex.
:celled :.for durability.
Women s Calf Grain lais at $1.75 per pair, they are ..,
trade. 'winners.
These are the bestheavy goodsmade in Canada. ..
Received a.'case of •Men's Stub Proof rubber long boots.,
They arebest made.; ...'
6% Off' FUS 08SE.
Try. our Golden ]3lend:Ceylon'iTea
ry 'our •English, Hop Tea
Try our 25c ` Japan= Tea
Try our Pickles in quart
Tryour' q Jars
' „Coffee,..Seal Brand
Try our 25cCoffee
.Try our Paradise Currants, recleaned
Try our Extra Selected Raisins
Try :our 'California Evaporated..
Try b.ur Maple Syrup in bottles '
Try our. Choice' Prunes
All sizes of Tile from 2 inches
to 10 inches,' will be made in
t. Helens yard.
zed Silos ,mds4i,td,'Rd.di.
Farm, For
Being Lot 8, Con, 7, Xinlossi cdntaming1.00
acres; The land is a rich clay loatte. we/1 ill-
ddr-drained and in a first class' state of culti-
Vation. Situated one..half mile West of HolY4
rood, where there 'is every acComodatichi for
a farmer, and five miles froth eithee Lucknow
or Ripley. Main honse solid brick.,34x24 ft;
wish frame kitchen and woodithedi'20x35 feet.
Barn is 90x36 ft, withstraw shed 20x56 feet.
.horse stable 30x22 ft, lino a large frame imp -
The seabliag is all new and up -td -date with
spring water whore ever it is neededi---.!ApPrr
Lkatl. 0'1'41.4
tg.ri bo
Canact4's:. Great
'10o.ozogf44aiiirtfOi thd (hong to be
added th!s fall•vill be an Bight -Page ,
: .11.'0i the' preductiou CI thts great paper
enkraiiing 'encl., pyintiog plant hair been
iiddbd to the illobe's mechanical equip.'
'That if -you want Any Paper
Hanging, 'Painting ',.oriDee:orl
.dOne t6 call on
Atjoolany. toatitbid,ritto,,, 414§$ wort; guarantee'
swetipstake fat cattle. at Provincial .Winter
Pair 1901 and 1902 says • '
like it verF much. Irinakes them thrive 'well
and'put on flesh more rapidly. I lhink it is '
the hat Tonic I have fed to horsei. ; We are,
also feeding it td our, hens this winter and '
they are laying better than they have done
for a long tune, it pays to feed it.
Greeribank P,0„ Feb. 231190:k
theni tin the vase. Their ,wl11,' sul',Pl'ino You
The pfridu is iiieelY located'. and the Aot dell,