The Wingham Times, 1908-08-20, Page 46
1.-.— WomanIjTr011bIe$
It ie tmposetfile td {to into dotail>t
on tilts subject but the expertene9 of
frari}1 our Exchanges many a poor woman who is crippled
for life. just because aha didn't use a
Interesting ParagraphsRood remedy in time, ahead be a
warning to others.
When the first steges of woman-
hood appear in a young girl, a great
deal depends in getting her over this
critical stage, so that in years to mane
There are in. Europe 10,000 women and I Nearly $1CO3CC0 is spent in Mexico t she will not develop green sickness or
When she complains of flashed face,
headache, bearing down feelings, give
her a course of Fertozcne which will
carry her past the 0risis.
In the adult woman if any irregn•
tattles occur, Ferrozone will be found
a remedy of remarkable potency and
Ferrozone is the ideal regulator and
causes all organs of the body to perform
their work properly.
It purifies the blood, tones np the
nerves and vital energies. The stow•
soh is strengthened, and digestive and
assimilative processes are improved by
the good work of Ferrozone. regu•
lates the bowels, cures constipation and
disease and decay by
health andd
There is nothing better for the com-
plexion than Ferrozone. It removes
the dark circles from under the eyes,
removes and cures all manner of skin
eruptions, gives brightness and bril-
liancy to the eyes, a rosy tint to the
cheeks, roundedens the teeth and lump and handsome
a well rounded, p
Ferrozone is the ladies' favorite,
and should find a plane in every house
hold. It is erepared in the form of a
chocolate coated tablet, convenient
and pleasant to take. Pride per box,
500 or three boxes for $1 25. Sold by
all druggists.
girls 'mho earn a living as artieta
Our idea of an eccentric man is one
aplto attends strictly to his own budsEOM
City every week cn lottery tickets, and
in the same period only $70,000 is paid
back in premiums.
Germany's exports to the United
States in 1907 amounted to 8109,510,-
031. American exports to Germany
Dr. Chase's Dint
mei% is guacertain ranteed were $185,671,797.
curoforeachand The total vote polled in the Ontario
every form of eirotione was Conservatives, 391,815,
itching, blending
and protruding Liberals, 185,354—a popular majority
;,'lea See testimonials in the press and ask
t. You can use it and J for the Conservatives of 95,b67.
your neighbors about i
tgetyonr money back if not satisfied. fisc, at all
4ee1ere or BrouNsat\'. BATES & Co., Toronto,
Guelph bus granted the Winter Fair
310,000, and will now retain it for ten
The Spanish senate has adopted the
'hill dealing with the reorganization
,of the navy.
Mr. A. McGuire, of Goderich Tp., has
It stalk of corn that measures 13 feet 7
' itches high.
This world's population could be con-
tained in Delaware if it were as congest•
ed as eleven New York City blocks, at
the rate of 1,200 people to the acre.
Doan's Kidney Pills act cn the kid
Heys, bladder and urinary organs only.
They ore backaches, weak back, rheum-
atism, diabetes, congestion, intimation,
gravel, Bright's disease and all other
diseases arising from wrong action of the
kidneys and bladder
Bile is Nature's Cathartic.
Since it is the liver which filters bile
;from the blood, where it is a poison, and
gasses it into the intestir es, where it is
enema 1 as an aid to digestion, and as a
:means of regulating the action of the
bowels, it is of the greatest importance
to keep the liver active by the use of Dr.
consttipationis thoroiver ughly cured. lls. In this
testy P
There might be more sinners in the
world if it were more thickly populated.
The Baby Mansion at Sandwich,
where General Brock once resided, has
been destroyed by fire.
The salary paid to professors at the
University of Cambridge, England,
averages only 82,750.
Ci •'lik•d You able AlAL •The Bought
Bears the
. % of
To prevent the taste of turnips in but-
ter from cows fed on them, a western
oreamery practices the following nee:hoe.
Pat the cream in a vessel and place in
hot water at 200 degrees. When the
cream teaches the temperature of 145 or
150 d'egt'eee, set the eream dish in cold
water to cool it.
The Dominion Government has refused
errmtt the importation of men for o4request of the railway Th,> u, n WhQ roan from nothing.
t t
i1 compares' to
Ar •uud the world the fame is blown
Of figti:lug heroes, dead and gone;
Bat we've a Irmo of our awn --
The men who reee from nothing,
flrt's a magician great mud grand;
The forests tied at hie command;
And here he said "Let cities stand!"
Ettnotiou, They say that there are now
enough men in Canada to do the work
required, and they should be engaged
The deuieion will meet with general ma
The department of education 18 taking
steps to have assessors reminded that
there was an amendment to the Assess•
ment Act last session which provides
that the assessor must enumerate school
children, formerly an optional matter.
Not only must he report to his local
autborities, but he must send his statis-
ticteto the minister of education. The
stetted s are not being sent, and it ie
evident that most assessors are ignorant
of the new law.
Some time ago Frank Hall, of Clinton
bought for $50 an old Veteran land
claim, and got a title deed to the land,
in New Ontario. He recently heard that
a lumberman had squatted on the claim,
and was taking the lumber off, so he
waist up there last week, and found that
this was correct. He notified the man
that he must either get off or bay the
claim which he did, paying Mr. Hall
$775 for it. Not a bad investment.
The worst thing about rich relations
is the way they look down on you be.
cause you are not rich enough to look'
down on them.
Driven crazy by the intense heat,
Robert Turnbull, a pugilist of New
York, shot himself in the head ttith
fatal results on Tbursday last.
Lord Lovat, chief of the Fraser clan,
Scotland, is visiting in Canada. He is
one of the great landlords of Scotland,
owning an estate of 200,000 acres.
In Vienna it is necessary for a man
to . get bis wife's consent before he
may ascend in a balloon.
A small boy likes to hear himself
'whistle almost as well as a big man
likes to hear himsel�.
Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite
medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick
Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia
without griping, purging or sickening.
Ann in one le,zislativo hall
He towering stands alone, like Saul,
"A head itt.d shoulders over all"—
Tho man who rose from nothing.
His efforts he will ne'er relax,
His faith in figures and in faot$,
And always call en axe an axe.—
Tbe man who rose from nothing.
The gentleman in word and deed;
And short and 'simple imp;e in hie s ,
"Fear God and help the coni in need"
The man who rase from nothing.
Ia other lands he's hardly known,
For he's the product of our own;
Could The raan who rose from a shanty or a throne,—
At the fifty-fourth session of the On.
tario Grand Lodge of Oddfellows 11 was
reported that the past year had been one
of great prosperity.
Fred Klages of the 10th concession
has purchased Joseph Young's 60 sore
farm, lot 31, con. 10, Carrick for $2800.
Mr. Young has purchased Fred Wolfe's
farm on the 8th con. for $2400.
Mommis Lnbrisky, affected by the
intense heat of New York on Thurs-
day last, became insane and hanged
himself from a porthole in his own
During the next dramatic season in
New York City there will be pro.
dueed three American playa to one
foreign one, aucording to the present
As a spring medicince Burdock Blood
Bitters halt no equal. It tones up the
system and removes all impurities from
the blood, and takes away that tired,
weary feeling eo prevalent in the spring.
Life isn't much of a burden to the
aecman who looks younger than she is.
By covering up their tracks some men for walking in the straight
and narrow path.
Try using celery seed instead of
celery salt for soups and salads and you
will observe a decided change in the
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Nave Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
James McCormick, of Toronto, hurl-
ed two metal pails throngh a plate glass
window in the Wilson House, Toronto,
on Thursday last, and was sentenced to
nine months in the Penitentiary.
The following is told of an American
gentleman who was reoently stopping
with its wife at the Hotel Ceoil, in
London. On the first evening there he
happened to retire somewhat later than
his spouse. Arriving at the door of
what be imagist d was his own room,
and finding it lootted, he tapped and
called "Honey!" No answer came and
he again called more loudly, '•Honey 1"
Still he got no reply, and becoming
somewhat uneasy he shouted the en-
d earing term with his full lung power.
This time a reply came and in a male
voice: "Go away you blithering idiot!.
Thisis a bathroom, not a blooming bee-
One of the passengers in the over-
crowded butt of a southern resort had
his attention attracted by the odd be-
havior of its dually driver. Every few
minutes the latter would pull up his
bony pair of mules, climb down from
bis seat, and go to the rear of the bus,
when he would open and shut the door
with much show of force. When the
hotel was reached the passengers inter-
rogated the darky as to bis queer actions.
"Well, yon see, sah," responded the
driver, "them air mules am powerful
tired,rand they bas a big load to haul;
but when I gets down and slams the bus
door, they thinks someone's done gettin'
out, and that gives them courage to
make a fresh start. 0
.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••s••••••••••••^'
Z, �,�'r]r"QVriI] Time INCREASE OF ITS
• Echange Connecton•
Here's to the land of lakes and pines,
Oa which the sun of freedom shines,
Because we meet on all our hues
The man who ruse from nothing.
Alexander MoLuohlan.
S •ervlce•G •
An Extension Set on YouDesk '3 1.3 Cents per dayd
TIDE BELL ELEPHONE CO. OF CANADaffords sece with 100,000 subscribers
Deafness Cannot be Cured.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only way to cure deafness, and
that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
dition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian `rube. When this tube is
inflamed you have e. rambling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is
entirely closed, Deafness is the 'result,
and unless the inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its
normal condition, hearing will be des-
troyed forever; nine oases out of ten.
are caneed by Catarrh, which is nothing
but an inflamed condition of the mucous
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by hall's
OatarFrh. cure. Send for J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for oonsti•
No Rheumatism with Red Blood.
Rheumatism, like diseases of the
nerves, is from a thin, watery condition
of the blood, and disappears when tbe
blood is made rich and red by the use
of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. If you
have tired of noxious medicines try this
method of overcoming disease by build-
ing np vitality to the high water mark.
Pains and aches will then disappear and
yon will know the joy of healthfnl
Is Frequently Made by the Wisest
of Wingham People.
The Church of England's Temperance
It's a serious mistake to neglect back- Society asked an opinion of some of the
visiting colonial bishops at London lust
ache; Backache is the first symptom of
kidney ills. Fatal complicatiotes may week, when the remarks made reflected
follow. Booth's Kidney Pills act quick• very strongly in favor of Canada in
ly to overcome kidney ills, do not delay relation to the liquor question. A Can -
until too late, it may mean Diabetes,
adian bishop pointed out that the drink
Brights Disease. Read what a 'S T Eg bill per head in Canada is only one -
ham resident says. quarter of that of Great Britain.
T. Dewitt Holmes cf Victoria Ave., 1 Detectives working under the license
Wingham, Ont., says:—' I .had felt department at Hamilton have gathered
miserable for quite acme time with lnm• in quite a lot of evidence, and as a
bago. It had settled across the small ;result twelve hotelmen in that city have
part of my back and in the region of the , been summoned. In the city of King -
kidneys. I could not stoop over at ; sten recently, the sante plan of opera -
times and when I would , sit for any i tion resulted in about $1,575 being
length of time I could scarcely get uta, ; gathered in, in the form of fines. Own -
The urine plainly told the disordered! ers of several boats were included in the
state of the kidneys, and altheI bad 1 list of those found guilty.
tried several kidney remediess 1 I could
find nothing to give the desired results - Listowel town Council has passed a
until on recommend of our drnggiet M eat Inspection bylaw. It provides
♦ only 'S?; to 10 cents per day
GeneralaWm. Booth, the great Sal -I
vationtet and Conimander•in•Chief of
the Salvation Army, left England on'
Saturday last for Cape Town. He in-
tends to make a three months' stay in
South Africa, during which time he
will tour most of the towns and cities
of the country, having mapped out a
program that would tire a much young-
er and stronger man.
IS KindThe You Vt. ta.e Rhys Bought
Bears the ,/J
The British Columbia Irrigation Com-
mission is asking the Government to
take drastic measures to protect the
forests from fire.
The escentiai lung -healing principal of
the pine tree has finally been snceeeef fl ct
d tip refined
25,000 Men Wanted for Western
To meet as far as possible the unusual
demand for farm laborers in Manitoba,
Saskatchewan and Alberta, the Canadian
Pacific Railway will run special second
class excursions from all Ontario
stations. Cost of a one-way ticket to
Winnipeg is $10.00, and from Winnipeg
to points where laborers contract to
work they will be carried without charge.
After at least one month's work in the
harvest field, a ticket back to Ontario
starting point will be issued at $18.
Tickets are only good on Farm Laborers'
special trains, and will be issued to
-women, but no half -rate for ohildren.
Leaving dates of excursions are as
follows :—
August 14th and Sept. 8th, from
all stations in the territory between
Toronto -North Bay line and Toronto -
Sarnia line.
Angnst 10th and Sept. 9th, from all
stations on Toronto•Sarnia line and
south thereof (in Canada).
August 22nd and Sept llth, from all
statoins east of Toronto -North Bay line,
to and including Kingston,
For the three exonrsions in August
special trains will be run from all points
on the C. P. R. If you are in any doubt
as to date of excursion from your district
apply to local (3. P. R. agent, who will.
also furnish times of special trains, or
write to C. B. Foster, District Passenger
Agent, 0, P. R., Toronto.
There is General Surprise at the
Great Number of Persons in
Wingham Who Praise Booth's
Kidney Pills
For Rural Line Connection.
Inducements •••
Over' 300 Rural Systems
connected. •
OR •
Local Manager. P
For Full .
The Contract Dept.
••••••••••.••Oo••s•••••o• ht.
th celebrated
o We are sole agents for e
's' which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and
* Domestio Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand.
• full stock of
's Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc.
(Dressed or 'Undressed)
Highest ®st Price paid for all hinds of Logs. "� �.
It's but a short time since the first
box of Booth's Kidney Pills came to
What a work this stranger has accom-
plished. Dozens of residents benefited
and cured of lame, weak and aching
backs, urinary and kidney troubles. It
is remarkable: the reason for it is
Booth's Kidney Pills are a new blend
of vegetable ingredients, having a
peculiar action on the kidney tissue that
brings quirk help.
James Weir, of Edw. & Patrick St..
h 1
Bred different remedies Il could find
little or no relief for the dull, heavy pain
that had settled across my back in the
region of the kidneys. Every little
ohmage of weather would give me a cold
and it would settle in the weak part of
Mr. McKibben, I used Booth's Ridnev 1 for the eppaintm®nt of an inspector i my back. The urine was colored htgh-
Pills. The one box cured me quickly , ly and filled with a brick dust sediment,
and entirely. The lumbago soon went 1 of meats, and everybody offering for
out of my back and there has not been sale meat for food must be able to ( the
kidneyy secretions
I were
olf frequent
a sign of it since. Booth's Si dnsy Pi11e ; produce a certificate from duel in, bed four or five times during the night.
J. A. MeL
* Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No.
aepasate d into a Fere are certainly a grand remec'? anal I feel I•
Dough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norwayspecter, showingthat the animal was Booth's Kidney Pills were recommend
Pine Syrup, Sold by all dealers on a grateful in recan:mer:di' .c a. '
ox at Mr. McKib.
guarantee of satisfaotioh. Price 26 i TheobR. Boothe
Co , yrice 0rteErie, all nk'ndsdt 1 healthy. meat, low/ aand cafish bon's I to 1 ee and pcommenoedb treatment. They
cents.a Ont., Sole Canadian quickly cured mo, correcting the urin•
Agents. ti s Bing meat that has not 1
a Par. es e dry difficulties and strengthening my
A distinguished author sage, "I re. i _ been passed by tbe , inspector, or ;back. I have not been troubled Bince
iiolved when a child neve$ to use a word *'t f use are liable t a flue I and will recommend° Booth's Kidney
that I could not picnonm.e before my It 15 'lic'y that TeCts�:atar :las Been of from to fifty dollars ( Pills as au ideal and re
,.,-.,,,,,,,�.•,�.,--.., Scld by Dealers. Price 50 cents
that is unlit
or e -
b r be, Y . liable remedy."
ro 'c
mother." He kept his resolution, and ; the last cf .the woollen mill :industry. ,-_ -~- I The lie T. Booth Co ,Ltd., Fort Erie,
L'Y�•rr iIIl1Cr", noble, honored! A number of men have sen :.t work j Ont., Sole Canadian Agents.
n I
becanie tS &
gentleman. Itis rule and example are this ween rEmcving the machines mom
ys'oxthy of :roitalion by all. d the Parvee mull aka i5 :s not to be "i Ft
,__,•.,.,_e _ -'-'" expected that it will ever be tined ups
`A ! anal operate: again.
If von want a sure cure for
here it is. . . . , .
Y trilV
Tho nturrius membrane Tieing in an
inflamed condition, a a'1yea running a
the la -a; u t twit n tidy ria n;almentc 2+i
keithd the di clargc ,'ei
Every ( Mot 010.111 la rade to care
Catarrh f,Jr it Ica* 1,4 to Catarrh. of the
easeatefi,amaeli or Madder, Co.,sun.t,,
ti r t
toid ]l, if;lrt last diol
ttxyt enatci ,s put ug in largo Fido
bottles. Prim Alm!, and ;pi!.
Olt e^enator ra, o1i by ulL Wholesale
and retail druggist:4.
The Oxygenator Comps iy
Toronto, Canada.
ee,Ee 0e'mrem =,E'er -.`"1
T s -".(; 5 3 t t3 4:c., :Teal
Sig Cen / 'n
E. G ...e "Weer,
On Wec?t:esdey, fin 7Aa ° Gr„ the
death of Waliam ::lees=, , aged. 71 years !
and 5 meatiest recurred at th3 family
resi me e, .cat 20, emceed:al 13, b ear- 1
dine to nshit. Deceased was cnu c2 1
g the meet highly reaps t d °arniero to
the tote char, having r;.s.'le:l on tie Beth
t, ,
In :°i.,
as .�, ,
'i „.a c
about for 9
erdeen, S calmed, and ea coling to
Caned.. chose farming r c a e ai-ing. In i
this he Was c:zceedingly succetsxnl, hav-
img Si fine hand and 2C3 stones Of. lath l
when called away. Ile married Miss 1
t Wilda, whcs4 mother and brother James
reside on Ileo 9111 of Xinteardd ate. The
', blessed with ono ;den liter,
union was u.eee.d CPP, f�
1 Mrs, A. Mcli'ayden, bocn€dari, and tyro 1
dons, ,latnee and Beheld, who reside at
I Immo with the mother,
^!1 While passing through the pasture'
Tf,J field, recently, Wm. Huth, of Howiek,
was attacked by a bull and badly injur-
ed. He was knocked down, his back-
bone dislocated and the spinal cord in•
fared. The old gentleman's body and
lower extremities are paralyzed and he
is in a precarious condition,
Iia31> ren itl n£3 fur over 3') years, anti
l 1 -b
'r all,r-
r.;,vo iis.d by
,r c. ,,, 1, who .
f r.... . E l
the 1, ,t utedi iue fo:
Every town has a few of the people
described by the Beaton World, as
follows: ---We still have one or two men
1 in this community who stand around on
the street corners and from morning
et until night complain about the town,
Le their neighbors, their taxes and the
a are $'
mighty r Such rt
h U4
mon Olay and it is fortunate we have so
few of them. Such mon aro of no use
to the town, their families or their God,
They seem to live, but no one can tell
how, Like mosquitoes and fleas they
are not fatal but disagreeable to have
MAMA. It is not necessary to publish
names of the two or three who infest
this community, for you all know
For Diarrhoea,
Summer Complaints
It will tlfororsr.iily renovate the entire
system, and it.alae th blt,,,d pare, rich
and red - -curing Moils, Pimples, I:ezeana,
ilin f wirni, and all blood ant' cldn diseases,
It has been used in thousands of homes
during the past sixty-two years and has
always given satisfaction.
Every home should have a bottle so as
to bo ready in case of emergency.
Price 35 cents at all druggists and
dealers. Do not let some unpricipalled
druggist humbug you into taking so-
called Strawberry Compound. The or -
, The ret e
i S
" final i.5
Mrs. G. node, Lethbridge, Alta.,
writes : "We have used Du. Itownnn's
I;xxr.Ac'r oz' \Virg urn.&wnhnm.Y and
found it n great remedy for Diarrhoea,
Stmmser Complaint and Cramps. We
would not like to be without it in the
+, or by calling; up 'Phone q,. •
* n.1
64. Mill, No. 44. 4?
00.0•••••14 3144 •04• 76-440 d'
••••o••••A•••••• ••••o••oo
4 -
If a man can write abetter book, preach a better sermon
or make a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he
build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten
path to his door.—Emerton.
Get on the path to the door of the
Times Printing Office
Where mouse traps are not made but
Good Printing
Is turned out every day with neat-
ness and despatch; where up-to-date
materials and machinery are used,
and were mechanics with up-to-date
ideas are employed; where quality
characterizes every piece of work
and Service given every buyer; where
cheap printing is never done, but
where good printingis done cheap;
where the kind of printing is done
that willlead the world to make a
beaten path ; to your door; where
particulars may be had by following
up the path to the office of