HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-11-06, Page 5a .•.y�r�.--..rye.,.... . a �. •atest . advi. r . P .•: 1*. f ern ��Parzs Tegar .ar� lots' and ' shades lit'Ladies Suiti�. s pr�•n in. that B roadeloths will take the _ , lead in: shades' ack. 'Pur . and ..� '� r, 'Purple Brown as her. • has also been a: big increase theice.of-the r . pricegoods, although there has been noadvance in our prices, having bought* them nn . sortie:; t1im o „ ,,. _. round ,suit and nothing, to _compare -with them for: appearance, • Call • and see ' the• • different qualities-lwe-ar . sho:win-g----a 1.Q0, and-215---Per—Yard.:: _. �ADY-MIIlADE,;SKIRTS AT 'h.,'is -week we. "'ire showing some -: speeeinf values- in Ladies -Read-y Made Skirts at $3,50 made of all wool homespuns and friezes':h --latest styles. Some very natty':silk 'waists in Black,:Navy, y,: , y, -Pyk and Creams;,, are open for your inspection this• week. All ` lined throughout and good fittings. Prices $4.00, .4.50,--5.00.,and±6100--each 0' �Pe have ;the :good :yarn at from 20c. toi 60c. per pair inds-'for winter in fine; cashmere and saxony wool Ask'for: No 425,' p Hips : at : 1.. 0, .,b: Dip • p � 0 , an'extra tra good � corset :for. the •monoq • and a very popular •. one. at od_fiars are.: gett ng --e-, sire a great many people are:yoking for a good substitute, this you can get_in _,Newlands Co. sin, veind and frost proof_ Men's a ':$1 O.00 . aJ omen.'s at; $8,, $10 and; `$T ; 1 m (iOOI) WORK . luhlr; ;Dlieoac of piiuroh. to %oa 004hlq ;Pae an.tor A•t'the regular business, meeting o the offcipl board of • :the Christian"` c arch Monday evening, lcler, E R. ark was invited to ,continue his PAS-„, toorate of. ;the: ch'nrch-throughout the ear' 1004 anal indefinitely beyond that' without f anther eagagement, Ito Jong as. 0144,°1,iih': !. ¢r eriz ll ; tet taw- 11Q . elt:'waipr& YPerrthusrestic•n cet jug AO fill were'happy :over, the good work of the pa$t yeaEr'and the, 'bright ,prom se,'for.its eontiiluance. " ,mover tlowiti .t'reet y that has.. Ua 'oac,ch't 'remar"kaib7e, ;"feature o`i; ' aer"Elacli'e pastorate and the. universal satiefao- tion with bis work contributed to. this; gladaesskof;heart *Many of tbe.'hoard- expressed, their conviction that the church had ':neva--known'''such-a-'good good•year during their knowledge of its history., The following brief sum- msry of the year's work' was. ordered d'on placerecord 'and published in' the local and church papers. Daring the year.since Elder E. R. Black was tailed tom the. -oversight of'. rtes afwrok.ovrri1-depart-otwvwrk' had .• been prospered., The . Sunday school had enlarged: Tie- C. E. was: re -organized and now is a • most '.excel- lent,eervice:with 30 and 40 i once..; A class of SO meet every niid- week for thnSthdy of the..Eible." The. Willing Workers.' have.paidtbe organ' debt, the Quilters and Ladies Aid pur- chased, the,. new _carpet .paying. for; it out' of their treasuries. ' There is --a Hauch higher' standard of , spirituality mpg, the Church '- Thirty-one persons. United' with -.the church' all-adal te but two, without any protracted meeting. There has been constant' unity... be- tween : pastor and' people.- He : has; made:about 1400tlCalls and Mrs.,Black has made the roundsof the;lar e' con-' g gregation more "than once. All the expenses of the church. have •been,met "by the weekly offering, a systeni. sn twanged' and superintended , by :, the. pastor.:. Every month 'has-: found good balance.in the treasury,, there being:over~,.ipl_o0 bn_t1ie right -,side --of the edger now. ',The: overflow of the,: treasury has "been :used,. severaltimes': in the , painting,: decorating and "re-' pairing. • the . church.;. Including• the gift of the carpet about 8500has been. Spent in improvements during'. the year. Nor has the church lived for 'itself.:, About 'i00 have been given to various Wesions, half ' of this coming' :from the -0--W;-B:Mne of the. best societies', in the State While . the pastor e= '-clines` or' t uch uninspiring. report, all this speaks :in the: highest. term of his untiring work. Truly the Lord' has blessed him and 'the 'people for whom he; has labored • ; The above article is taken from. the Daily Courier, of New Castle, ;Indiana of Oct. _27th, and. -.refers -tc' the. RRev Mr 'Black, son-in-law of: Mr.: Same= Morrison, , of the first concession of Binloas. a •• d We, have: opened up fire : lines' of INVIGT. gh.�Xfg1►ha wiif ntte With• nes land!%ctu^I�e'c..> Tho{ate } 'aha 11,00 and extra • • . good wearers' and Altera, ..•• 17 DO �R �PRYC • S •A TTAOH• D. -We have a ne of men's shoes from Bell's Factory that will interest wishing ' Y a waterproof shoe , It is made: from :No. 1. , grain. calf with .light calf linin . and; interlined with. waterproof lining..:_.. P The .sole is • made, of sole leather soaked in oil which makes it' waterproof.; It•: is . worth what, h t we ask for it $s•oo'}, u:: pair. ' . isx orr''non amt.. REPAI RINC, NEATLY..AND-PROMPTLY Tryour Golden Blend Ce lone Trour English' Hop "Tea Try our 25c Japan Tea Try our Pickles in quart jars Try -our Coffee, Seal Brand Try Our 25c Coffee ' Try our Paradise Currants, recleaned Try our Extra. Selected: Raisins • Try our California' Evaporated Peaches Try our' Maple' Syrup; in bottles Try -our; Choice Prunes • EST. El\TM) o L` ' ' Canada's. Great Illustrated'Weekly. '.' That Hp:* want any Pa"e• added this fall, will bean ,Eight,rikke . A' "reading feature 'of the`Wssxix Giosu to be 3litst ocl- Supplomout.; pn•suporcalendered Paper; ecol1- ating' done; to` cal'lwon' icarg /• . E:in {Gigs ai • •E311 . tT. nalarlFBi:.t.iaB .- FRFEW faf.T3F13 fie Fri .... ":. , • ii: Puhi!a4i19iu:u w ,'Q�1.fi e.eo•la 0ogRoo .2ica ' ,.E.k I" a w,z' g'qpB„.g�,ra .egva6au Oa4• T °=.#i!:fl -8 8ia ~ 7`61u,°� "k7'0S.•yW•�. ��qSxa$°,v-O;�a;aWO!. .gJ�~”��`v:tt~1ti3q . GpA.;.Sa�HE.0~1.av'viyOcs,y`aC .a3gO a v_C�W Er.ay .o;�A's,,A ,v"'v:,to a.�o S bag, .4 'ss,o a-o,&•au,°?.,., D0ica�4,30co .4� .ou �amw�A"iS i,SofaS�Noo ci-.74 P. 'Vl•M.I '' � �.5.aF,a„g a g M0,uO N w o ;,- , p -.°'".'Dd� ,Mw O iCfiO1.1W”p_C g41 E.:iv S�.g.Ew0 3w' s,.t*..'b :d.4•,:l.$ T.,.t,oa:n'q,. 2.d.. C}'3a'' a.M 3�gt:i ,G0V.� q �'C. b:V`Z I?.ip—,,0t' ,AO.5 d.0am. °s.2 a0 c a�o YM t o' o .a �gtt-4-w,�a�-g1N�eA CG__ a � t-a..i4m.i•E R�a'... 4 u.... th sy.•�ti'1:O H wEO�' rg 1.a..3,..,,0 a0§ wtom6rtisvio 0 1:3 Yg Fr .s A•! n d►e awt.aM r`r,", 0 r`M -qK3w S°'c3'5aFguwe 8l'6143,s .' gkWi.ff*• C m o" a�no,,p�aMotg4,2 Fill ,` .y p� : a�x u r ' ./ -a . §q,1 .0 fl �cSga .. a u.0 :J. tin ',x,a b.S o�roe 0 , mow , ;w�E. q, Q"e ro�vy�',p. i 1 p oV.GC1ur��s•5-wit a',,, ',wh• .. ) iltit ',..,...fia,,,, .1 ir se,:,loli.a. 1 / El' a b. a . ti a' • LUCK \IOUV•' Ftrs • .f ; t class world 1,uarantp+e ' Por -the -production of this great paper an immense new electrotyping. photo-' ' engraving and printing plant hasheen added to the•plobe's mechanical equip- ment, This;will make The WEEKLY °Loeb unquestionably the,tnostdesir. able' home -paper in Canada. Arran- gements have been made whereby our readers oan secure this Superb Weekly' and their own local favorite paper the &INTrit>nti,at a specially favorable rate: ,, elan' • s brick : ' � ... .and Tile IrGrade Work UM, 40 All sizes of Tile from 2 inches to 10' inches, , will be Made in St. Aelens yard. ,STRATfORO, ONT,. MOS" PHILLIPS for onr Jgraduatek, ACC AS teadherki in. their. for atto the best school ta attend.' thoneands of onr‘foriner stkidetitirf are -now- -iv butinor life. Write for our handsethe eatelogue,, Stiodi the' Dropert# of ' the' Into Wire, rifAniee SainnerVille, Apply. to it, CONNELL • :acres, no Duni is n rieh eiey,ioetn., well tin. der,diained and in, it first CLOS, etate dulti- Vittion'0 Sitiketect Ode. half mile *est Ofagly0 farmer, and fiVemileik'frent tithea'lkitekno* Wish frank° kitehen and Wnedeheaf 20g35 feat. ie 0006' ftw,r With strikao 'shed, 2456 feSe.: fairing water whale ,ever it le needed, Apply Pa Sal WHAT OTHERS S� of Worthington' i <., Canadian Stook , To 04 - • James Leask, Breeden and, feeder sof the •sweepstake fat • cattle at • Proyincial Winter Fan' 1901 and,1902,,says Dada Six;= • I have'fed your Stock Tonic to cattle' and like.it ver; much. • It makes them thrive well and, put on flesh more rapidly. I think it: 10. • the best Tonic I have fed to horses. We are. also feeding° it to our hens this winter and • they are laying better than they ' have •done for a longtime. eIt pays it.> Yotouti feed truly,, .. • • JAMES LEASit Greenbank P. 0,, .Pell, 23,1903: Dzen Silt, I had a mare stocked in both 1e e;` Wore 1 thidgton's: Stock F o dtoo too..... it it :d� . w tom- ' doetely and put her i ood.conditlon. -It has • tie my' cows good; ' hink it is a good thing and' can recommend it. ' I B. ClWURO 'ILL; " Dairyman,' Clinton, J'an.l7th,1903. ' • b Purify your animals' blood before turning) them on the grass, They •will• surprise you • •' in ''the fall. „ . ,• .0 Ib. box,' 200• feeds, $Oc.; '50lb, sack 32., Manufactured by) • . :he .,..._..,_:• orthintno Drug�.Co qu,eLpFF,' . . Forbale and. ggaranteed by . • AGAR at. EARLS, Lnckni w, 1Thf tERTONdc. 3titl�Rl`oN, Ripley: House and Lot tor Salo' high, with titOtie fontidation,,Mkti kitchen Wit h. The hike !Snidely 'lodged' and tlke lot boil infra; ic large quantity of all kinde of fitilt With `both hat& and eat *Mee; And odd stable.. The pike be 'sold eliOnp.. • 44, •