HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-11-06, Page 5a
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•atest . advi. r . P .•: 1*.
f ern ��Parzs Tegar .ar�
lots' and ' shades lit'Ladies Suiti�. s
pr�•n in. that B
roadeloths will take the
lead in: shades' ack. 'Pur . and
..� '� r, 'Purple Brown as
her. • has also been a: big increase
r .
pricegoods, although there has been
noadvance in our prices, having bought* them
nn .
sortie:; t1im o „ ,,. _.
round ,suit and nothing, to _compare -with them
for: appearance, • Call • and see ' the• • different
qualities-lwe-ar . sho:win-g----a 1.Q0,
and-215---Per—Yard.:: _.
'h.,'is -week we. "'ire showing some -: speeeinf values- in Ladies -Read-y Made
Skirts at $3,50 made of all wool homespuns and friezes':h --latest styles.
Some very natty':silk 'waists in Black,:Navy, y,: , y, -Pyk and Creams;,, are
open for your inspection this• week. All ` lined throughout and good fittings.
Prices $4.00, .4.50,--5.00.,and±6100--each
�Pe have ;the :good :yarn
at from 20c. toi 60c. per pair
inds-'for winter in fine; cashmere and saxony wool
Ask'for: No 425,' p Hips : at : 1.. 0, .,b:
Dip • p � 0 , an'extra
tra good � corset :for. the •monoq •
and a very popular •. one.
at od_fiars are.: gett ng --e-,
sire a great many people are:yoking for a good
substitute, this you can get_in _,Newlands Co.
sin, veind and frost proof_ Men's a ':$1 O.00 . aJ
omen.'s at; $8,, $10 and; `$T ;
luhlr; ;Dlieoac of piiuroh. to %oa 004hlq ;Pae
A•t'the regular business, meeting o
the offcipl board of • :the Christian"`
c arch Monday evening, lcler, E R.
ark was invited to ,continue his PAS-„,
toorate of. ;the: ch'nrch-throughout the
ear' 1004 anal indefinitely beyond that'
without f anther eagagement, Ito Jong as.
0144,°1,iih': !. ¢r eriz ll ; tet taw-
11Q . elt:'waipr& YPerrthusrestic•n cet
jug AO fill were'happy :over, the good
work of the pa$t yeaEr'and the, 'bright
,prom se,'for.its eontiiluance. " ,mover
tlowiti .t'reet y that has.. Ua 'oac,ch't
'remar"kaib7e, ;"feature o`i; ' aer"Elacli'e
pastorate and the. universal satiefao-
tion with bis work contributed to. this;
gladaesskof;heart *Many of tbe.'hoard-
expressed, their conviction that the
church had ':neva--known'''such-a-'good
good•year during their knowledge of
its history., The following brief sum-
msry of the year's work' was. ordered
placerecord 'and published in' the
local and church papers.
Daring the year.since Elder E. R.
Black was tailed tom the. -oversight of'.
rtes afwrok.ovrri1-depart-otwvwrk'
had .• been prospered., The . Sunday
school had enlarged: Tie- C. E. was:
re -organized and now is a • most '.excel-
lent,eervice:with 30 and 40 i
once..; A class of SO meet every niid-
week for thnSthdy of the..Eible." The.
Willing Workers.' have.paidtbe organ'
debt, the Quilters and Ladies Aid pur-
chased, the,. new _carpet .paying. for; it
out' of their treasuries. ' There is --a
Hauch higher' standard of , spirituality
mpg, the Church '- Thirty-one persons.
United' with -.the church' all-adal te but
two, without any protracted meeting.
There has been constant' unity... be-
: pastor and' people.- He : has;
made:about 1400tlCalls and Mrs.,Black
has made the roundsof the;lar e' con-'
gregation more "than once. All the
expenses of the church. have •been,met
"by the weekly offering, a systeni. sn
twanged' and superintended , by :, the.
pastor.:. Every month 'has-: found
good balance.in the treasury,, there
being:over~,.ipl_o0 bn_t1ie right -,side --of
the edger now. ',The: overflow of the,:
treasury has "been :used,. severaltimes':
in the , painting,: decorating and "re-'
pairing. • the . church.;. Including• the
gift of the carpet about 8500has been.
Spent in improvements during'. the year.
Nor has the church lived for 'itself.:,
About 'i00 have been given to various
Wesions, half ' of this coming' :from the
-0--W;-B:Mne of the. best societies',
in the State While . the pastor e=
'-clines` or' t uch uninspiring.
report, all this speaks :in the: highest.
term of his untiring work. Truly the
Lord' has blessed him and 'the 'people
for whom he; has labored • ;
The above article is taken from. the
Daily Courier, of New Castle, ;Indiana
of Oct. _27th, and. -.refers -tc' the. RRev
Mr 'Black, son-in-law of: Mr.: Same=
Morrison, , of the first concession of
a ••
We, have: opened up fire : lines' of INVIGT.
gh.�Xfg1►ha wiif
ntte With•
land!%ctu^I�e'c..> Tho{ate }
'aha 11,00 and extra
• •
. good wearers' and Altera, ..••
17 DO
�R �PRYC •
-We have a ne of men's shoes from Bell's Factory
that will interest wishing '
Y a waterproof shoe , It
is made: from :No. 1. , grain. calf with .light calf linin . and;
interlined with. waterproof lining..:_..
P The .sole is • made,
of sole leather soaked in oil which makes it' waterproof.;
It•: is . worth what, h t we ask for it $s•oo'}, u:: pair. ' .
isx orr''non amt..
Tryour Golden Blend Ce lone
Trour English' Hop "Tea
Try our 25c Japan Tea
Try our Pickles in quart jars
Try -our Coffee, Seal Brand
Try Our 25c Coffee '
Try our Paradise Currants, recleaned
Try our Extra. Selected: Raisins •
Try our California' Evaporated
Try our' Maple' Syrup; in bottles
Try -our; Choice Prunes
EST. El\TM) o L`
' ' Canada's. Great
Illustrated'Weekly. '.'
That Hp:* want any Pa"e• added this fall, will bean ,Eight,rikke .
A' "reading feature 'of the`Wssxix Giosu to be
3litst ocl- Supplomout.;
pn•suporcalendered Paper;
ating' done; to` cal'lwon'
icarg /• . E:in {Gigs ai • •E311 . tT. nalarlFBi:.t.iaB .- FRFEW faf.T3F13 fie Fri
.... ":. ,
w ,'Q�1.fi
e.eo•la 0ogRoo
.2ica ' ,.E.k I" a w,z' g'qpB„.g�,ra .egva6au Oa4• T °=.#i!:fl
-8 8ia ~ 7`61u,°� "k7'0S.•yW•�. ��qSxa$°,v-O;�a;aWO!. .gJ�~”��`v:tt~1ti3q . GpA.;.Sa�HE.0~1.av'viyOcs,y`aC .a3gO a v_C�W Er.ay .o;�A's,,A ,v"'v:,to a.�o S bag, .4 'ss,o a-o,&•au,°?.,., D0ica�4,30co .4� .ou �amw�A"iS i,SofaS�Noo
'Vl•M.I '' � �.5.aF,a„g a g M0,uO N w o ;,- , p -.°'".'Dd� ,Mw O iCfiO1.1W”p_C g41 E.:iv S�.g.Ew0 3w' s,.t*..'b :d.4•,:l.$ T.,.t,oa:n'q,. 2.d.. C}'3a'' a.M 3�gt:i ,G0V.� q �'C. b:V`Z I?.ip—,,0t' ,AO.5 d.0am. °s.2 a0 c
a�o YM t o' o .a �gtt-4-w,�a�-g1N�eA CG__ a � t-a..i4m.i•E
R�a'... 4 u.... th sy.•�ti'1:O H wEO�' rg 1.a..3,..,,0 a0§
wtom6rtisvio 0 1:3 Yg Fr .s A•! n d►e awt.aM r`r,", 0 r`M -qK3w
S°'c3'5aFguwe 8l'6143,s
gkWi.ff*• C m o" a�no,,p�aMotg4,2 Fill
,` .y
: a�x u
' ./ -a . §q,1 .0 fl �cSga .. a u.0 :J. tin ',x,a b.S o�roe 0 , mow , ;w�E. q, Q"e
ro�vy�',p. i 1 p oV.GC1ur��s•5-wit a',,,
iltit ',..,...fia,,,, .1 ir se,:,loli.a. 1
/ El' a b. a . ti a'
Ftrs • .f ;
t class world 1,uarantp+e
' Por -the -production of this great paper
an immense new electrotyping. photo-'
' engraving and printing plant hasheen
added to the•plobe's mechanical equip-
ment, This;will make The WEEKLY
°Loeb unquestionably the,tnostdesir.
able' home -paper in Canada. Arran-
gements have been made whereby our
readers oan secure this Superb Weekly'
and their own local favorite paper the
&INTrit>nti,at a specially favorable rate:
,, elan' •
s brick : '
� ... .and Tile
IrGrade Work UM,
All sizes of Tile from 2 inches
to 10' inches, , will be Made in
St. Aelens yard.
for onr Jgraduatek, ACC AS teadherki in. their.
for atto the best school ta attend.' thoneands
of onr‘foriner stkidetitirf are -now- -iv butinor
life. Write for our handsethe eatelogue,,
Stiodi the' Dropert# of ' the' Into Wire, rifAniee
SainnerVille, Apply. to it, CONNELL
:acres, no Duni is n rieh eiey,ioetn., well tin.
der,diained and in, it first CLOS, etate dulti-
Vittion'0 Sitiketect Ode. half mile *est Ofagly0
farmer, and fiVemileik'frent tithea'lkitekno*
Wish frank° kitehen and Wnedeheaf 20g35 feat.
ie 0006' ftw,r With strikao 'shed, 2456 feSe.:
fairing water whale ,ever it le needed, Apply
Pa Sal
of Worthington' i <., Canadian Stook , To 04 - •
James Leask, Breeden and, feeder sof the
•sweepstake fat • cattle at • Proyincial Winter
Fan' 1901 and,1902,,says
Dada Six;=
• I have'fed your Stock Tonic to cattle' and
like.it ver; much. • It makes them thrive well
and, put on flesh more rapidly. I think it: 10. •
the best Tonic I have fed to horses. We are.
also feeding° it to our hens this winter and •
they are laying better than they ' have •done
for a longtime. eIt pays it.>
Yotouti feed truly,,
.. • • JAMES LEASit
Greenbank P. 0,, .Pell, 23,1903:
Dzen Silt,
I had a mare stocked in both 1e e;` Wore 1
thidgton's: Stock F o
dtoo too.....
it it :d� .
w tom- '
doetely and put her i ood.conditlon. -It has •
tie my' cows good; ' hink it is a good thing
and' can recommend it. ' I
B. ClWURO 'ILL; " Dairyman,'
Clinton, J'an.l7th,1903. ' • b
Purify your animals' blood before turning)
them on the grass, They •will• surprise you • •'
in ''the fall. „ . ,•
.0 Ib. box,' 200• feeds, $Oc.; '50lb, sack 32.,
Manufactured by)
• .
:he .,..._..,_:•
orthintno Drug�.Co
qu,eLpFF,' . .
Forbale and. ggaranteed by . •
AGAR at. EARLS, Lnckni w,
1Thf tERTONdc. 3titl�Rl`oN, Ripley:
House and Lot tor Salo'
high, with titOtie fontidation,,Mkti kitchen Wit h.
The hike !Snidely 'lodged' and tlke lot boil
infra; ic large quantity of all kinde of fitilt
With `both hat& and eat *Mee; And odd
stable.. The pike be 'sold eliOnp..