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The Wingham Times, 1908-08-20, Page 3
l 1 �FirlMlltti�>�1�► ClearingPrices SUCICIER LINES MUST GIVE WAY TO FALL. AND WINTER WEAR. HATS --Fedoras, Telescopes, Stiffs, .ete., in blacks, browns andgrays, worth $2 25 and $2.50. Clearing price $1.50 SHIRTS—Worth $1.00 and $1.25. Clearing sale price HALF HOSE --In fancy colors, regular 25e. and 50c. Clearing price .19 UNDERWEAR --Balbriggan, regular 50c. Clear- ing price 38 NECKWEAR—Wash Ties, regular 25c. Clearing price 75 .19 ALL OTHER LINES OP HUMMER GOODS AT SIMILAR PRICES. cGeo 8t Ca obeli CLOTHING AND MIN'S FURNISHINGS, Exclusive Dealers Shoe WILLIS &:�i Store closes 7 R. m„ except Saturdays and evenings be- fore holidays. IIDORTA NT NEWS TO THE GIRLS AND BOYS. VE— have, the Best School Shoes made, and to fully introduce thein we are giving one nicely = finished pencil box with every pair. This pencil box contains ONE SLATE PENCIL ONE LEAD PENCIL ONE PEN ONE RULER and is a neat and complete outfit. LOOK IN SOUTH WINDOW. ELIA R. Johnston's old stand, opposite Bank of Commerce. PINE SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. .LIdLTI )CI'. ..� IIIc. 19. *lint;l:itm,..ui'„5..''-'r.$a ..enee nnone non n er .eene3aei�.aj en p• *amass.. aosseareassamsoll 1 1 XOURV NS TO ,,. ORON O FRa E rXHIBm� .mON SINGLE ' a OW '� FARE' e65 !' ]LATE 2.71 DAILY ON SATURDAY, AUG. 29 TO SATUR• SPECIAL EXOURSION D2,YS DAY, SEPT. 112 INCLrSIvE SEPT. I, 3, 5, 9 and 11 All tickets good to return until Tuesday, Sept. 15 C. P. R. Official Programme gives full information regarding excursion rates, special train and through oar service, from. all stations. For free copy apply to .1. II. BI I,MI;R, Tioket Agent, Wingham, or write 0, B. FOSTER, District Passenger Agent. Toronto. OMMMIMRSONS CANADIAN' RAILWAY FAPJ LAO[ PACIFIC RE EX Chf/ It USiON s to Harvest Fields of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Well-paid woJor over 25,000 men. one-way secon class to Winnipeg. Free tickets from Winnipeg to outs where harvesters are needed, east of Moo Jaw, and west of Moose Jaw to Alberta at on cent per mile. RETURN TICKET TO ONTARIO TARTING POiNT FOR ADDITIONAL $18.00, APTER WORKINAT LEAST ONE MONTH Apply to ticket agents for full conditions GOING DATES from territory SOUTRW[ST OF TORONTO AUG. 18, 19 SEPT. 1, 9 NORTHWEST OF TORONTO AUG. 14, 18 SEPT. 1, B Froth stations on Totoato-North Any fine, west to bulnot including Toronto-Samin line. From stations on Toronto -Sarnia line, and south thereof in Ontario. EAST OF TORONTO AUG. 20, 22, 27 S1rPT. 2, it, 14. From stations East of Toronto - Nerd) Boy line, to and including Shatbot Lake end Kingston. Tickets ,issuer) to women, but not nt half -fare for children. HOMESEEKERS' Excursions afford beat teeam- rnodation, with Tourist Sleepers. Leave: SEPT. 1 15, 29. Ask nntht about them. SPECIAL TRAINS FROM ALL C. P. R. STATIONS ON AUGUST 14, 18 and 20. Apply to nearest C P,R. ticket agent for leaflet swing conditions, train times, etc., or write C. B. FOSTER, District Passenger Agent, TORONTO x'ELfRAV F;, Rev. J. J. Hastie announced his in- tention to sever his connection with Belgrave and Calvin congregations. He purposes returning with Mrs. Hestia to Australia in the oonrse of a few weeks, Are You Drowsy Atter Meals? Is there a fulness in your stomach --a drowsy, lazy desire to sleep—this isn't natural in healthy folke and only occurs when the liver is torpid. Yon need a stimulating tonic—need Dr. Harntlton's Pills to stir your liver and put lite into sleepy organs. You'll feel brfeg and lively—you'll eat, digest and Bleep well after regulating with Dr. .Hamilton's Pille. Sold by all dealers in 25o, boxes. OL MANNAN Those who left on Friday last on the Harvester's excursion for the West were Messrs T. Fortune, L. 1+'orgie, A. Campbell, G. Fergie and Miss Kate Belfour. Mr. Issao Metoalf left for the West on Tuesday ou the Homeseekers' excursion. CL ENTON. W. W. Farrah, one of Clinton's most prominent citizens, died Monday morn- ing from heart trouble. Until a few months ago he was in the beet of health. He was DIvision Court Clerk hero for forty-four years, and only resigned last month, being succeeded by his son. in-law, Capt. P, Rance. He was a pro- minent shareholder in several local industries, and for several years in the banking longtime. FIe leaves a wife and one'daughter, Mrs. Rance, Wlli3h I,intnent Ss mst? For muscular pains and aches a think oily preparation can't penetrate—tbat'e why Nerviline beats them all—it sinks right in, "I wouldn't live without Nerviline in my house." writes J. 13 (rottam, of Mastown, N. S. "If you have rheumatism or soreness in the muscles or iu fact any need of an honest liniment, Nerviline fills the bill. I can recommend it highly because I have proved that in one application of Pol- son's Nerviline there is more virtue than in a whole bottle of ordinary liniment." Try one of the large 25o. bottles, GODEItICii. A regular tornado wept over Goder- ich Sunday night. Trees were uprooted and broken branches were strewn in all directions next moraing. The roof was partially blown off the McLean block on the Square over the stores ocoupicd by W. C, Pridham and 11. Edwards, The Wheel Rigs Company's plant was badly damaged, windows blown an and the roof half taken off. The streets were perfect torrents. The lightning was very fierce at times, but no damage from it is reported, --- t Wotnen',i Period of fain. Regularity of the system Dau only be secured by maintaining strong, healthy circulation. If feeble, rnn•dovn ner- vous, bo sure that circulation is poor. The natural result is congestion that exacts eo severe a penalty. Besides be- ing a blood former and nerve tonic, Ferrozone adds additional vigor to the heart and ensures strong blood circula- tion. This is the only means of pre• venting congestions that cause pain, headache and nerve weakness- The whole system is renewed and fortified, with strength, vigor and endurance. For girls and women nothing equals Ferrozone, 50o. at all dealers. ao1bR1s. Miss Andrews, of Bluevale has been engaged as teacher in S. S. No. y for the coming year. Mr. Jock Isbister is spending ,the re- mainder of his vacation ai Dyng on Georgian Bay. Mrs. Arthur Mills, of Napinka, Mian„ spent a few flays with her cuter, Itis. J. Ii, Brandon. Mrs. J. Edmunds anti Mies Norma Henry, of Ilwrrit ton, have been visiting the for mer's cousin, Mrs, T. S. Bran- • 41404041144410.041•03040041041600,41. 000000000000000 The effect of Scott's Ern cl,,riton on thin;', pale children is magical, , It makes them plump, rosy, active, happy. It contains Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites and Glycerine, to make fat, blood and bone, and so put together that it is easily digested by little folk. ALL DRUGGISTS; 80c. AND $1.00. " ''i SVttOx1TEIL. Congratulations are in order to Mr. W. S. MoKercher, upon his marriage to Miss Jean Lovell, which wee solemn z d by Rev. Mr, Perrin, Kr and Sirs He. Kercher, who are spending th+tr honey. moon in Muskoka, are expected home in a few days a•,d will take up their resi- denoe here. Why Cougar Syrups Fail. They slip quickly over the sore irri. tated membranes, drop into the stoanaera and do little else brit barn) digestion. It's different with Catarrhvzone—you inhale. Every breath sends healing balsams to the ir;fi.mt ri tissues. Tikht- ness, soreness and ie.fi:amtuation are cured by healing pine essenoos. Toe Dough goes away, thrnet is strengthened, huskiness is cured. Nothing so sample, so convenient, s 1 certain to cure as (3a- tarrhozone. Try it. 25o. and $100 sizes. Stld every where, MORRIS. William Henderson of the 3rd lino, left on Friday for a visit of n month or so in the West. Carpenters are busy putting the roof on Sam MOCardy'e new house, when it is completed it will add muctl to the np• pearanoo of the property, Jas. and Mrs Duncan are expected home from their visit to the West Mrs. Duncan's health woe none toe good for a whi'e, ......,., _�-^..so- •- - JA SLi;STO WN. (int, hdcd for last evc,-k.l A large number from here attended the excursion train to K.naardine on Tuesday. Miss L. E. Strachan returned fro the lake shore, where ebe had been visit ing for some time. Thos. Simpson, who has been living near Wroxeter for some months, has bought the 100 acre farm of Mrs. Mc- Kee, near Molesworth. The parchaec includes stock and farm implements. Ilay has been a very hoavj' crop around the country. Other crops are not quire so heavy, bur will be a very fair yield. Some have nearly finished harvesting. • The barn on for 20. con 1, Grey, be• longing, Eto Thos. ett was strn;;le3 t - r lightning early on Tuesday mnrning and burned to the ground. Only hay and straw were in the barn. Ia war) insured in the HowieL- Mntnal for $120 00. Some young m; t: wound here an':Irs, habit of being vory noisy on Sander evening when driving along tae road The yelling and singing would make us imt'gine we lived in a heathen country or among savages somewhere. Soine way should bu found to try to make the boys quieter and more reverent on the Sabbath, a! t itoussa;Ly, George Brown hae ;aispoda : sae Lis Kaplan trotting horse t0 ein,:reva _. Currie, of town, for MO. W. E noncan has tonroaaec.1 standard 1,r«1 mare F•HiLia 4, Shinn. from Dr. Moore, 0f Listowel. Aa the r,'c.ent examination f;r f i.• trance to the Nor[nal S'.:iool a rarug.,. dozen of pupils of 13re.sseis st.ho -1 were Alex. and Leslie Lamont left on Saturday for their respective schools at New Hamburg and Bright localities, The contract for the Knhryvtlle dram in the township of Ellioe, Perth Co„ has been let to Andrew Hislop, of this township, for the sone of $1,900. There were nine tenders. The 100 acre farm of Joseph Ray nerd, lot 15, con. 8, has been leased for a term to Angus Brown, who also gets this season's crop. The farm is a good one and is ouly rented on aooaant of the present poor health of the pro. prietor. We hope the net and change will aid in the return of his accustomed vigor. We are sorry to hear that James Mitchell, a former well known reSi. dent of the 12th ooh„ but who hoe made hie home in the West for a few years, is not enjoying hie usual good health. . Mr. Mitchell has been a vory active man but as he is 82 years of age he can hardly expect to retain the vigor of his earlier manhood. Two large corrugated steal water eonduutors manufactured in Stratford, have arrived and will be placed in position in culverts on the 9.h con. They are 14 feet long, 8i_ and 4 ft. in di meter and cost $1.48 67. The day of the old wooden culvert is about done, eom('ttaing of a more permanent char• Atter replacing the timber in the shape of steel or cement tile. - NEWS 1%,;(5 ' :S - Game Warden Winsley has exoresc(,tl the opinion that the netting of minnows is Liege'. Fire destroyed fifteen places of tnr,i- mes oed eight residences at (are aro' oa S:eturdey eight. 1 REMNANT Nr SALE ININIMININNIMPENNOMMINIIIMINIX Lots of R mnants to be Cleared O.it Regard'ess of Cost ! We've gone through the stock and taken out Odds and Ends left after the Big Sale. ° Look on Centre Tables for Remnant Isar - gains in DRESS GOODS PRINTS COTTONADES COTTONS TABLE LINENS SATEENS, Etc. MUSLIN'S SHIRTIrTGS FLA.NNELLETTES GINGFI.A�V1S CRETONNES DrokinLhos, In Boots • and. Shoes, Hosiery and Gloves, ,ca Corsets, Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Pants, Overalls, Smocks, etc., etc. BUTTER AND EGOS. Your Butter and Eggs will buy as nl ich for you' as your cash at this store. T:.e C. 0. F. members in Toronto • fi ;� o will erect a large temple ere C;slnege strt t, e(rer gage. Thr+ Canadian National E.hinteion ___a•. SEVENTEEN. weds be formally opened by Sir Louie j Jett-, i,i•'utena.,t (.1:vr renx•t of tl b i Z J e eatohing , whales la the P.xoifio, t::; a ic:.ner a ..awr,n.., 1.0.e9 larok,+n t:... woritfs rr,ort:, winch Creel previa 0n.•iy '11. } W E. Snow. C'hiareneowe heat expert., 6.1.3rauat,:s that the en-ot •ran w'�•.i'ae Y ..f. Kia be betivcon htaahele. Efaarts are now bin; .::-ale to have the sentence of a:. Htl hogs,. I,r wan oa t 7lw:i�i r .i ^0`?3mticie'.o. .FI i"iS bi'rVE.C: three of I , sr:,ntrn.te already. e have Iron very busy around 1 fa :°center of resid--'noes' W.1:371.t cavi r ts,(x, ct>tcrt.d, r;hi:e ' - . - t ^•t i la.,ve. been *sacre c., i _,! -A.1 .e,.1-' . r- far !ALA.-! lam, , l t..' Ere•. t r d- , r, :13:11.3 don, caerlidates. AN twelve 1!asee,i, eleven. I3 was '. nt::le I el °al : ill , ::i. In the awful fire that (ieraetate d Fernie, Mr, and ;Mfrs. George G. Hen- derson had a narrow escape,, Mrs Hen- derson is a noioe of Mr. William Wray, of Bolgrave, Although they escaped with their lives, they lost alI their pro. perty, valued at thirty thousand dollars, Mr. Henderson was Collector of Cus- toms at Fornie. W1i1TEC.r1UIU)] , A farmer was recently heard say "that machinery was not always the best for farm work." The binder packs the sheaves too tight and the grain does not dry out properly. Some sheaves opened were found to be blank inside. Some farmers aro complaining because the oats are badly* beaten down and completely spoiled. Some people must grntnble for exercise. Zetland school trustees are behind with their flag, but we expect they will soon be rip-to•dato. The recent storm is still the topic. No. 9 school house, near Langside, was struck byf o lightning, Tho chimney was knocked down, stove pipes were scatter- ed, elook was lying on the floor, none tho worse for its fall. Walter Lott's house was damaged, a hole being out in the roof and .T. Norman'e honso at Beeth Grove was slightly damaged. Tho rain, however, made the roots and Dorn smile and gave the weeds another good start. taking honors. The large traction engine and s<.•p- oratcr belonging to W. J, Panzer of the Electric plant, Brussels, hoc been sold to a party in T'urnberry tow:est:iv. And is being utilized for Pall trlrachicg, Considerable uneasiness was felt for the safety of Milton, son of Arthur and Mrs. McGuire, of town, as he was a re - ardent of the ill fated tow of Fernie, B. C , which was practically Ew'lsid cff the map by a bush lire. Milton lost everything he possesr'cal excepting his everyday anis of e'otlies. The photo gallery in which he was employed was destroyed. Arrangements are being completed for , celebrating the Jubilee or 30th at;niver• I sexy of the Brussels Methodist Sabbath: School. Special services on Sabbath, ` September Gth, conducted by 0, E.; Getman, a well known Sabbath School worker, of London; open cession of the school at 2 30. Monday afternoon fol. i lowing a short program of sports will be given on Victoria Park, folio teed by a napper in the school room of the elturali, A Jubilee entertainment will take place in the evening, Coaigmittees are in ehargc of the different departments. In the matriculation examination to University the following seven pupils of , Brussels sohool were successful:_. -Glen Armstrong, Muriel Brothers, Kate Deadman, Ida I3, Frain, Will Herder.' on, T! loronoe McKenzie, Will B. Strath• an. lit&' 'an:t Le:• i ft. _ ._ rx_n:'?'3n pu:ae cut, b.p. c' • '. t:a at f::-., hove btE::` e .. atrlbateai *>! t t ct:-t ... ;a 13 OOelp in Lie harCeit Atfc:Tiey-tf 1:£15 an nc'r z- a;ust t-.2 C'. 1-'. 11 , u the Earl.. - i'oort at Ottawa for tLe recovery LI 4 , F,';,),a:t. male up of. customs d:a•_ s on goo is tis ieb either hae, no entry or else ware, t.ztered at an unfit:rya:nation. Tbo stunner S -;.:•:s ard, wtl,i h rv' Gently ran ashore nr the Lower St. Lawreuco, has again been floated. Ia order to do se, it was neerssary to throw overboard'a goodly dare of her cargo This in pan consisted of heavy rolls of paper, which were of eoaaiderable wvei„lit, bat not of any groat value. The situation 02 Three Rivers, P. Q where the recent eonflogration nearly wiped out the town, eontinnes to be a serious one. Leat week the Mayor and a deputation of aldermen from that town weitel on i'rntuier CYouin with Et rognest far aid on Behalf of the fire suf- ferers. The Peonies, requested that !they put their request in writing, To L °.ca:now we went F� tAF from L1 -kno wwaocame; R� se lost but we witnessed A ws r,,ttterful game. 14'retn thy' start to the finish F, a rt thought their side best, oter..o:t and we yelled— At Est -trifled each chest. The h- ve wire well m itched And er.ch played his game a: tt lorever a, tvoia decide his fame. i F firs; of the first %Vat, f.Layed to the last Bui' nothing was doing, 0 •e IL^Eiluge was pass. Bet now teere's a shout (a clams” ly and dames Af'• oitA, of t-0'ir number ()res loudly "Tuan games." ISL! Inuit quote Vv": '• ea:netm/me profound That Lt,•hoew has scared 1,E :h. the bail on the ground. And i,C w tth, re commencer f; 1),; that dillast ,'ank low Anti e. E' ai -: ea f feet. second, A t afronily E1at,'d, h ITtr'- mated, T 1 'y Aral herby 0 • to c',; .,:t l,lae.'e; l t i r 1 •:oc boys think d+ 0 o f 0:2 0,163 In7, tl' at pi, 7.71te t. mall k: els i.e l:ia ©there 1'it- a a t',l:s ,„• el2 socce6o not g. -t elsewhere. Atteib. I:.i;;1,„ow is in An,-; a ai th-t,y are out; vin :1 re i, which iuereoses it:tetect about. I� It.• e number four eIntO' vee.sttobat At -.1 , 1. W1 i z o Ernrc-ca.-=- V4 „°+`1,id z you 'trthKa? rP'.i`,5 a • ge.ng Land now o t3 cue, t 1. , ; on Li earnest A,:.t great 10 li + root ru los �4%ianr keatn . ° 1 r..se !J their feet, an•{F' c.,1'. (to'' t i;._:,eth7ng 11• (: w.i n't here repeat. We sccreily pitied T'AF. man it)Ot Teesw alter :ins r , of into .iLu liq tel when !(otter, Ho r ally Waw Good When weAfoinglit hint bad, 1'0')r i, wnie he• th tlailt so 0:i that run he ha+i. T«i3 filth innions ends And Lueett':e,W scores two, ,',:d up go the ehoute Uf the whole; village crew. Tile sixth is a blank :and site seventh is played; 1 suet vri h another That Wieeltatn has made. Now the battle is hot, Ti+t' score is at tio. 1I.'rb'e doing the hitching, Nene pass Barrett by. Wo go into the eighth, The scare is the same, We come out at the ninth With no news to 1)roelaim. The tenth tbP: atcrted, They're laying like fiends, And old risen with whiskers Feel but in their teens. 1'. Cil ' et-:s'r ii h: �t•_v;ntlt � Tiee one,' s tiirc a to !'hre:e, .'int tech ermti.es e ,z r ,.,r Iienbie, • tal.al t1 wY • a i Icer the 1olAt6'; a::at t t EE.'a glove) '• i 2tedl it, iroc wise. ,••r: .i :.!,a* tan It . cs,;;tain rho tyat®. r n” luck Pn,r. 'rctit Ana o'. b ,,11 etruelr- • ':rs• ,-t1 sore, it Bat i7' i :•,. IIlaere, 0 e high L, ! _± t blue • ,: _ till a fly. , rrnd . c .Lo11a+;:,H e V 1,Yi rte «€ '.'t -t 24C''Ct?irn w, :canrgo to t11) er.e°a. ct 1 & i 31� JJ, •L li .1t ,l.- a ene irl: , wee. dee tl'e - Od IN nen 3 aril°. 'il ay.‘ a i e , . '',o of il.Fiwtf ;,llAA 11',qu i1HLES .4n lid011, ,.411,1 On :LI all orders. VOA f. and CE.IIE iT ls'1 on mend fr t- fill('. )U''two :°+'l' "r °A LIT.