Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-10-15, Page 3"' Flw��Zx
�7 t
�'q IT
0 �FFR��
. 7
�M40 m4rqUj
and V
14, COU1.4 -feel: til
?r so. If burli C
'Ing:. Int6i herv.
qjlxed bis pon
sly - - I -
�UPQW'06 proud ,aq6,, and"'obe
0 UT ""H
1 (110, The mprqqjp
QN4, W -19w
Lp pearqA,
d raw
A& QUJJ pe-'. t i all
M fr T
WAW RNST19084 TO to-$01eO thel — 8 t
He did
D rin�l; the
ate Ajisa olalup
-q- mismal'' nigbill,�
Q C:1 4,
We;,;, I 'hi
pqt,gpew bar.- 54pe,
Va. teg
ca din
P ozip Pipe, 04t con@i�t Q*7
Yom opej* t
1 a-ga , ow
that W
All t ba� tia.
.46 freshuess.'.0, pat
AD.qpaitwent-p rlcUliq, I'*- ox y .4
You, kqq Ahytto; cop- Icy Wki of" budd" thA
k '.thy-aerveir Who the, 5 1
and, the eyes. Tor a'after the nil' ht.-ot.the,b,al 1P
aSince the,
qtjon 404 not,
sa , gown.
t t
a rgoan, had
�04t4l, ano" PiL.lpltl�mpjq f Q 0, or, One, ",,Adwayo, earn'
provect tha4f. Elai-ne' itdd
he' CAP,
; +hn�-
t sly out, Vfi
�n %�pt
beart,'tho, blood: la� lierjoq,
0, rag
�7 PZ
F4 PR a........ ... . ... .. . ........ tqj brOak off hot anjgein4n �c 'as of. this kii�d �Jlore- 4i ji 'Weiiip. we., find--tbat theyi---re owmend ie,,: Marquis �SO �ce In: its. bellericlAiresul (a the 'Uire of orkshire a
on`E verX.! Wor:tbi HOLID -3, Y'
'lla4, gone: olit: Into, t
of -`, or.. Who.,vdul(I'doubt t
kes now b,'Io�do o(rqngW;, �pj ,Coil .�boga, b4o
..,P.Iiqd ound rwa. 0 p4ta'Ahl
K,04 eneAbe her*e, a� slifferiar b6rksblrp4,.9f the, n6w.64t, *,V m N
hl� .1 � , I pej. on 0 rol oil, of� �t ajaC i)
In witt id 07,4104411v, -
th, Pr '0� alt
Illialag, .1,2k I �iilt his fo t
jeeill Ho"thOU;ght "Elahle,
Is found In tne, case . Of Miss Qrth& 'Ljj VQ .. so,.,weli 'Adapted, liat,
had ho a t toy, ort -Dala6ustei Unt. '-,The,, a 'bus -been aIread.*;'sqzvcq, I
-A TALIB-.OP�WOMAr4l$-L'O.Vil'AND_. -4 11AW igo- Wit
Shba.d en -
pep, ly!s. jr.potgra�. brooders. ot these -breeds are, ralpidlyi, I I .
Story OL th a ybu4g* la� A How can-wQrklagi
ne, a n d look
-told by bar mAlier, bringing 00I I '1 dne ? Wh
WOMAWS'll"160110V -.0 tibn to health to p�gs IntI P. , r
Gerald. Locke.. arb# thd
A Tew yiOarff aga my sows. of iVh
9,jp crossed all a wa
------- the. Cos .,rig!,
breqtlied, hard,. and,4i:dId,'a,'sV1emlI daugliter r-tha began to, debline In, t t VI 31 xk, pan,
CL ap
-stillne''as he said: WI 11' 3116168 Of tha.11101; 'pi
e, pp rl es �a '
MOM A A Jl�, -health." A'Allong 'the 'early symptoms b it babo I h as said' that -in. detibair,- ��v
aeon tv nee, good s'thq r An..u.ersion, o exercise'.' maose. Why did Fanny Inchley6brIng Xoq wore losu Of appetlte,Llosa of.ptrength plgs."The'�e o i 00rr, e
one, D. il roso-twed Owl nd6' it'una6ubted
tarrpted, hot, tho4gh the powers Of self-restraint, thei anxiet the message-
llbwed by,
pessage,.as V ..y lyi make:1no lenew, Plat tali w4s'aot evk� t1fat. tort�red him, .!showed, lVielf In 7OA con9pie, Lady Blanche to no
Wan' fe, seere b6adachiis, Pa. to
'She ilirned and od' '-at b4Z for a' singAe io, manage I.,
IiIIA �and sometimes,jainting flti�,- her,
A number'j
"You did'
thre;At,- not expec isep" Ilitilyp ilpfiapti r and slio was 'greaLly seBerkshire and Ta i, q W..9 -perj; but 01
color left lie cross: .4 espoc
tata r! , I , pular., 0� n't to h to Cap- Allen . fo
Sherwl 2" In, flesh. In, fact.,,'hpr candis- co'liabia4tion"bf br#edsi toig0th"Or tba-
an Cal �U4 lie and' reduced "'I did. floit"* oer4ld Locke
t� No I No! rgised his band..For all' *as su, NO breed, or
b I I . tion 611 hat I - feared pho,
ou,wardcalm, It trow led
a threaten 'What passed between you, ri his t a,m4jaoji:Iy of":gIf the.,ditpItable '- Co-operation, -has
Paptain, � Shlorwi would, go Into consumption. We n
ith EWW6 closed her eype forr'A. =0-� "LA(dy -B 6. iche, iren2leinbpr what qualities pig. -There , ure -. good I iplendid 'foatsi Uia Way or ma6ag-
tried �.numbe�r.'df,'mediciiies.-btittbey,
Rgr it I
told t YOU.Jhava�40rn, I the 'and bad -in all breeds.. and b�d and is big
N The. � Till Plan w4pokor W43
q man t
'Pon a1Y011 'like worse, ln'.sbmez It dbes-, n6t oll&M
Whole, t� th I The whole tr alled ln,'but ilibre iiFaq no lmptdve�, y
th 1 did not',belp,her
beably.." L:-WOUld uth! Look t
be gentl.. at ill , Pr,isoner--ble 41fe may, depend. that'lleciaiiso a jiok�� to o y -ma ugj As a we
"Now - Ml whpd. did you 6A . 90 ment,, and- things lookad very ftope-
a No. fa ly j: good ',for- of laut, Ii 011" been' so adgliot, i
t [ad
w�, see -.Captain Sherwin itered. !'Do Spoke Upon !-Now.. teh,bilaeding, lie Is ne.cessarl
less -thla stagee aoilng.oir the'a- I�t .At' or -�e�essapyo al
A(At the T6AVn 'Ball od the. -8rd.6f `tQ JIM; be' �vished we to, break off' Lady Blanche ralsed'4er 4yeff'. a* bad bacon. it' tft,�' n6ng 'th� MI.dlanders 0111'
Va.lady. friend, Alo,� b
abreeder, of me, -suc
*It t Lord NalroWs
J. . b Lord aIrne. _4 the'
my engagement' Ptiddered a:s thee a t n v I m thelefore 'that erhersi *itb wondefful. 66
Id. -JIL-1: I Used at -waa* a s L stud yl 4 g -m dint ei", -Lmet-hogg--Ifia-V�- —aclearz:ft con n y
p the r4ara.
then'lle will' Goi thou and do Likewise
you epea, now Practising in, Chicago) so a Ly ap
fall to I"11 tion' of "the' Ideal pig; rhe co�
I'l-I WILL. tell, alll�l know," she adId. giving her Dr. - Williams' Pink. P31s.
a -gave. me --twe
-pe, at big I : - I I
r eau gla"need -ZA - ' -& -Jfe*�wo6ks -tbolra be. in--&�.po o�ma the, beat z 9 twcourse dt sition- _Ve -HOlidays-- Ass
n a
wave Of: sriibdued exclawatib t I ad' m"'she bit lie" till the as''A �deolded'imOi-4vement'iii,.I.-er use of tfi6 mateodla at MO. disposal Ileadquarters, Which Is �4 because7 po t�
"Misi belaifie, you were, Sta�fllg tile, ciohft, otarted. -. and - the rod -shame cohdltlo�n,. and' by -Abs time she'liad' p borders ISOM
blood. by -.Judicious,'. selePtioni: qmid c4reful field on th4 y
8 on
fitod. aW afraid' elevoil, years oldl''but 1"t yqa.r '3,00.0,�
At Nillrn�'Castlo with � ybur,father "YOIL c011;se must nooded bei-wbite fame, "beicause, we, taken nine boxes obe was. akaili -an-
at the, "Cline of I he tuarder3 Xlet ask'-wh.* Miffi.Delaizie?"' 'had agree'd:,to, prevent',ifie. marrihie,, joying. perfect heulf1i. DuAng het�. ill- As. commohly,' -believed among-
-spoke -the wov,4. as�-.Jgoftl breederi,: Of live stovak, privileges. One , of ithe
a i
tif sire Its
A all who, could -submit, my lord, tha Tbe stlence'ofmmaz6alent followed illnety-five poundsj lid, wmle- taking equaLlY.-Wel -Ut*
ly- am be''could, but e�� gA
p9anitz advice -'to on
the nerrous Aemperament--and feed- A' nbonneli, oil
bannot,,put that qgos 4is, his confiesialon. Tile th �11 Lt lnckoaffed�'t' formei,haa the greater. Influence''.11 actually 'boanL �Ijiiughtji by%
nee hor nbittoed,,the ahitildert that, t inkrquis -put 0 P .8 Q one'.hundi
th6'6o�fojrmation ad..III6 Latt bars, and A40 "Ifivu-Ri, ran _through her. at- the -sound of* li ziptlildr, to ld on -
which my' oil arged. d tho daieloc
-to his side.., rs�whiq,haye.,weak,or, ailing
P with 0
g eyes. -b easedfAt h' d. Pip
fleld,` Upp�ei Ba
be t3ken -in seLecting the Tamales of
"'Let:us undiorAaud' ble�rlyt. You Nearly all,the Ills of: 1114 are diabito ng r�
mprder?l, tl i,ed, by Drl; the herd to choose only,:those. of a Ireland, Mon L a
hour which has no plotted with 'Fanny Inchley � fdr.,tbo Dr. Williams' k Pills, or this - be true or nOt,,narek;houLd Others ai
The. lookiqd at hini gravely' 'Gerald Locke -looked at -her ;glrls�ls to: osell time . In givilig,bein, ing, qualities of. the, prdg6ny,. Whe Lano, 4co0mmodatj#g,.120..-gu and -.6liglitly Iii as ;hat' of the h a 04 Id. bad ll'oocl, an, i" are-cui ayi
A� moluen 6e p re . pea:t her at
Va silence. then bomb the rupturp 61-Lbild Williams" Pink iPills simpljr'bec
r502 ed'ills allied siuse (igi ' et,'contented tomperam tWhy',?" those pills m4k() new, rlch'Vlocdy thus, tbini"'are, more exasper be, in
ating-, than Won& 7%ieke W1
-The rq'ajrqmj rd, h6ld- 17j,.r. pa a, roving, noisy 50.0.Membar
leaned,forwa head did -not ciroop, but the, bringing'strength. to vety rt,of dlscontent6d.,�sow;- altogethbrlor
r&Mtb Ze qu wa a,
1119* Jl�ff -b t dIX iortu,eo 6f.'-Aha3he revealed Itself- In thai body. That ler'tbe'whole.�- secret, aot,Ohly- I's �he a continual zhenacd' arb alsq� 'temporairy,VeD
had' not ?11
Th�o judelooked',. up fXom his Ut her face. aQ 1, th6 rbasoa whyjhe6e:- Pills toJences�&nd"gu'tes, but she is'6ross accoritillig *6 cotivbidence- r!
is hAte a's,
t pross.-theil
Lave 'cured. �"after oher 'medicines time, -�and q Eummer -y-neaion'.
"Wilt- You tell jis wbe er t0 far' a's you "aria. .'c6ncer ad,"'. said baie failed. All ' di6ind dealers sell tOdestroy'half '(if her' liqw, d d; e m
told' me, -the l6iremtob iwise
win was �OomotWngi� �11�maln I'wilt no
;?et It at farro*ln
to YOU W.Pfq Aauadlble soine, fit of nervous AcIte- It began, byj: hl�.Zepnaj
rep Gerald, sightficantly.' !,You were to., these -pills, but, tnere Are.,some who nrd, a coyjg
at,, that time Vt Y. in.461 tfic. "AboutAke prisonerVI ent. th,is,.a��so aAn. groundarii .'benefit, We -will. -not'sa how. Bu, offer substittitbs;: see 1hiLtAhli'l 11: W, of -anal. miiiate Volii& illi LA
—Her-1ead-4roopd, -,h
unfaltor ug" he t ;6 thrill or good milker Id for,Ajin bribe her,? Peoplea'! to Printed. oil he a
now TwvphA orga I
L7 rl't ? Did y6u w and eiVery stockfila gut ual,hollda
�irhe'liiw ers gathered rou'nd tfi6 'Not : I g , 4,vei her, no. Moneyl, I --per; around, It 11 a that the owA got wind,it
hey,through the, ebur Ott
d6ra r It
orga At Wha time?", Sotabliors, ia e, exchalged, � eager prom, sed!.her, none,'.-' � came from the tch pigis Is, detormified largely Leonard'a d,ifec lon,'byl ajdw.,Oid
the I I send'direct to the Dr. Williams"Med!4
Vt 01lexperlouce, tj "tu 15t3k A"
-'an 0
a c1n-e-Uo.Br=0CXV7 e7zont.,
t h If past h -W WIM Buell RAF -AS What, then, 6iigive, r -pro-; pills will bo�sent:by 'mail-at,Z t " the -first six or eight weeks.- The tingham.. IV Cdug oir t
0 0. lit
ce a
-tile jhllklng� ia -tIfcrgroUn40` -- _4U. itles.'
a Ill- -melL
the sergeant n matter
'On., 1 9 In' the -The; whole tiatli,.7re"em er, -ri -Overlooked' ��o�r Aary'workers Aret found to')sP.end,.ft
-ad, -when'' se
Lgn6i the, fem n charge. Tbia'Ai6stib
eager young ace, HAPTER XXXV-I.
boy 'to ald, turned b f
gri . d6rk,'so to speaki an him, .,-..Mr. f*k6l" marmuted, the aies' fortnight: J'
A On. it rose" 6 1 lnicns� sil- t lek, Judg6. !,
I a .the :.,Wai 'wIfh.a nervorusAntear IQ . a',irbeding.therd Majiy-meh'se6m -at,' each cent untary. -6 n
the poor Ity for the mext toward the h's .re, are v..
benc to Uke- It -foi g-anteff tha�t'-if they yln'g, their own 14 e.j lb Pla -.nd,response for a 0- a,
.'What ",*.as it,that, he told lotd, if I,sebm- harsh withthis, T aa.ry was how to Produce- a. large 'a;hd lectgres fre% And
Gordid.., Lock 6 41its, feet y -aVcpardoh.!*----7But� t r- f 'managere.
.,',�lio'sald -b aathem; afterwards. Vilis Is. &. aad� d mostib.hoi I is
asked the so gat &to o iddur8L�,--oulrpald-sit,%ff--si-wth�-
lty.I'� stand,on the
Of 13 y6ur'lordslilp f e
his wi 6etlk,dnd r�ed.'him,§611 -to- speak frGil;l - the., judge fell' bs�ck int -oressfid,.emerged gra�,e- ml9take. Sows 'vaty"In-Ah It, Jure the hat I
a sign, I 'all: liamil ,m at-"� the back'of 4'dburt
:a rose,.'bu.t at 1i in 0 Pero. A;ar or
t alligilit-hgare, neatly.
.,a] 0, siIfiie� platform* .1 ellped tinto propengitios, 4ts -
I 6i*iit to'-seati.'cadtlng: a glanc6, almols t - ftr,6Wt6. Vfi4 1161 milking widely 'a's be
- Of We-� with the JurY.' Ibelleve, my client the witileas-tpx, and,JlistAntly� every �o.-Covrs -in' -an ,lanseleutecl herd;. Iday, mAkers. ome, I th"
I 16se.n, a omerlt. In gtatlnj;� thiii, I P116acir-at the marquis. It said,, innoc:ent.j � and. I want the truth W eye fixed. on �bek. ;:Among. jilgs the � ability to- give:, a dWtihot unde�standlng
an4, 0 e,
-evidd "Why did o -cour Ah me�? I 'hoarse ch'L-er. ros. 'from � tile
.)I q 0 Unprepared forthIs ineb llnqt� Ido A
61alie's - andj all ul" 'See how I 'am plad6d,� se6 bdw ohs In crowd,;. the Uiller slidutod sile' more a fgm1V,Are lit It
It- ais'A strange face, as'
b it, my nee. largo flo,w,, of: 11 tF, I tod' od a a u
rw trait than, - a teed cliziriLdteridI6 uests- '-aild-1 a to cu 10rd, I for,hidr pldc6d,, by your, sionee 1 ".Another ssioll Marblc� under . its 'tb:iek,:'I1ghf'-
of feel" exr
the glance, fitalit, face with a:,.stranite that, ig to -say different familits of,, D.: is esi as rece g,�-
0 n aa her. own rot If tlle;.mi�quls saw
e�ctlon--=" Ing,and I � WRI have ilia coort olear- bore
ban b Prwslon� " or. rather elpressidns.-. At.
'i ge..w�v6d his d '"an'd :m response, to Jt,., at'kept his Led:' '0ild' the.jddgej:ster'nIy.' he', sam6 bri;h dlffek'-m6id::1n.tbIs, norarlum' el t. shilling
one moment,'tb6 morlignt in, Which particular, .. th&h the diffe 'ent ek whiletfibre.' h . plan the alb faco-that had Cale felt- -herself C'obsei�V�d of -all
Wwod'., eyes.fixed, on, "Mr.. L h N1,
-ocke Will ta a, an oppo %
v rdlifi I
about, t6'do what-yu. sug- -gr6wn� deathly *,whit breedsr,� each 'co4sidbrod as a whole, ply.anniliflated thei se3rvaht i u
_p-Jt!ry. pre-� observers
-:I! --gra�ve y- con.. Oe a—ted his -que -'and 1, rehlly -ft 19V
lfffrgeant7zepea a zlight Shade its of-drea
g6w ItAs. afly, plattp -are an
that OL -'-ace -fiOVjr,'
Is keen,, gray qyes�,, ltl:t � w It told� you?" --selectloihi-AW-0114ormed laciddr-is -of -,same-wby., It -10 Amazing-tj
'said. t1fie striteant-,Csarcas� as'If With %an -effort, she 'raised her
El2ilrie opened bpi, pdrcheil,lips,, as, course sbo,uld "not '*o1*e
"M Is' t�j!��j I 't ' '' L ' -
a Delainej you know ro- and gn.
at to �I?eak� thea libi. hea4fell. -give -�b6ttler a
41111, to -te1k'y6u-ilIat-.Voa e One Of the
White. lids nAd looked.'roun(3 ate *.on 6� her'for and.a keeond'afferwurd the defiance So, bome
-any, orward, and I
obltged� to, lahe sank Auto. M;L,*!la fourtol wplb-dev`blppod, evenly. othing could.- blo eaAer !foie' fif yj
... .. y t if abo a er defiantly bc'� . fewer', ihAn ',t*etv�
ansiver 'I, this 'conspiracy?s asked.. aoem� to be hidden- behind. a. mA�sk N.
-you I -on
up to 0
ildris hink: may��'in any' tb�-n,tho gray ey* plAc6d T�atg, 6 tendi�g. well hand n,,=
11 � �!, 11 - c all t jral.d- jile. Of cunnIfig; and the fore Legs.. . , r A. hghi
Incriminate Y04 wy- �halr -,vaT e 'a -sow: shojild to, take house for, a] In t a
le 116d. 'file as he 1.4n
Y., raeif.' DoyQU un .6red,*, fAit6fiia, and, in b- The
zge A Len u a un n a
ooked' do 'n 1 n---- lana
bewildered 'look- cam iorkotten w ere � lish" mis, for er- a- trimand- lie helffidrd;
lovoly falde� for"fa moment, then she. b U e -into the., fr w 6r. -bro'wd And th I t a to sel
11 �te� . . I
'but to marry.- well, 1"I out Ines' -showing 110''ten Q ag- AH- -a un itakd.- to'
not guests for a,week. 'SHoulu no
eecribe'the 'look gliless.or flal h as.
-who j4hall d ' Ot IT: I A jid fieAiselie d to', froin 'Ilia !ovbs;, explain' 11W -Too staring at
6kirladus L an
the fully. She is it ; . b
answ,.4�r at mom d with' u
any.. th eilu� fado �he, 4, he ded
qqeklon as. c lOU8%a 911 mu 0 active ly a r.each
009LIsi - 0'mu letle ' o
-in ae�sperately. argd firm, or-
wd AAltirrIod' coasitiltattoil,'to fritio tbis sit ,our clubs -ana every
a ganize, Ito own" holldiy ?. It: W -not
�n s clums�- vr�Jk, shou d q0t be, tal I he tid,'wttb jeiw. eyes 60en', you. en-� soy ular MA u r m rs Of- excitement and, gym- between `fho 08ilende.l� Word l'adjourallient" 6yots a Ott 4
by., aiid the �sh6r'erilod 1aw rig; -the luarqWw h6asehold, tO 6stroy lat,
d th t stock o I
Ile d:lnto. this Plot with a member- In.breedink elthii � sex; I �hat -the, em�l h I
a but� Or "You' lndlci`ate.;�ii -li i6f. i a orce;.and do%tbJs1 self-beip'.19, the'thing,:ahil, It
was rd-.. IS" "t"I f
'lYou %v�6rb On the brid the udie did n the IIfW hae heard Lady. :Blaxche a
go at a1ittlip Gl; rig, liti happiness ind long liajjpl� a-anlinal With Oils, -chara, teristle, the formojll�
evidence'.,U lit-trilie that'yod jolied, of our large'worksould: 'i
an cop you on-, Of. the cousin 21' Said Goral(l. her In a'* break off the o ent,',as take the 'matter upi Ifia diffletilf
see k Did' . thq,� pr6longdti poda or:-�your t t I w4ill what' IS not,11kely tb`b6 'so',, prep trial r4ust mean to -the - th'
any one here-?" prisoner, and The wietcho4 voolhnlp liedd-,droop� a . one with a, ., more'. -active; sprightly t6-16riso&,the time *when great ngm-! nagrement. .,. betye,07-,
`:--1 1 . � I I - p. class will find a
er aiid'611iii'b6lit
"Ilkitteir 'call- your next You suspected': that a -part' of -the true. -
Ile tsergean,� Paused, to allo, the witil-ess, IneT brood- sovks� shouk4d.'164 holiday -'within their.. cTheir
intillalut I tnat arose to' subside, Anil jobrgeant,1- he �ravei' rit ed, . 'out -that The 's'er'g`ean.t p fioiii pi families. 'A so, luast' sis erfj ml, lit -the'.
. y. . , cla 'I Act As helpers �dlid
also to: gain* tlin464�or thoughOThat Tile ;s6rkoant litierl . aus6d. .' 'J, that'. MiAs, Ek6lialne -614 the servt�ht, Bridget, give you rai'so'.4-give.n uuiiibpr�,of,-pi'j9.each dignity thei 'I b6r u. t ned bM
atp6n-t of eliciting, some wai
lie ivas on'the W1104: sad -%viay Answer, the tell' doliieted to yer to pay, expensesj� and addl the. , courteak of' their tteatmefiti, i
tl� iduped lJo"'l9ome you
Important wa,
This Is no inero' eVfdenc6 was,plain;,'buti, 4'Lo:ay Delaine"', S messige ;�b 11onal,plg represents, a profit.',Theke
Ia4dy, tlanehe, 'remaine& il�lotion�-'
cool and4 actised, law'yer aa was th,'e sbanieful." as..,, lie, did'oot,"':cAm th w '' is, lidwever, a. 11 mit: to, the - n a mbef pr�
11661fated Lady; Blanche ."Did irod kn6%v" that 1611e, was .,to I I t a, a ans era of piks In, a, profitiiblo.� litter.; very
undergio'od -what less for - it, monibilt; then. a an pa in y a njos erelitly- Ititeks are apt to:.b'e weak dad'
"In fact, you arranged" It i?" Argo
his -lordship SAId to ;r and *Itli,., Avcr:�. ar It I I did :,r'S't �states
uneven 'in: quality. J!6w. sows ran Urn
Y more th6b,to'hi4eq -the
.3116s Dolaln app, Me d - upon her, ishe felt bee properl� nourish n -1&Mstee'EiavIngs Ba &A in -Unite&
eye , fix 0 wa kne "'You know hat.. Delatne. as ll
down the'A ps,to,the',place which ','Nothing, libilhijig., more. 5.1 131, s, n4d -all even litter of frdini.elglifl- Kingdolh,"
c being 'e�ntrappedjbto meet 9 and 58 ot them'
'Very dbod. Did4ou'lliebt bap�t�i6 'Elftinu had Otelipled td twelte largo, 6troxig, luft fe'lloWs Boothifid., ',Qlas SiLvIngs Bank'
t . gow
se i3mn Noo ge Alin )jJ+A- limmiji - -7� --fterwid at tile! brld
t le
I&InWs. face fluall een a or
Lady. 131a oit
od for amOJaJen,V. ndlic, ill her abotasenionts, all & j -' I . I 9 tie you' at of depos and -the par ey6s opehexipon', him 441t 6WLij. ear wrltl)ed�ilo,other w6rd �vlIl'..fIes"er1jjp'
t d. cou, th � 'mo'tlon.'o -the. at ii�.�Lnged' it allj'!, she
In, 'I (believe :Sala.
iA told that, myloiTant; Ii proposed
]Bridget, walting,10k : I _*ant-, iier -lips ni0i've bat,no soundcanj 1 6. a 'passed 'betweeh; yft A'Voti 'knevi Ngpeak Gin
A�,'shlgiilr dok.., climle. Intd! the,
ing o� e notbing to -Mis§ Dekille ? re..,y U,
See brIft4,' and 1' .141) "Id ls� eone.-..lff�' 06 Owent, to see -her a t6ne"of ased e -L wh�t
supprL OkCit
-had: occ��Od. Slit) was, I"
y a�secand.'.
like the out'oCa. whip,, and "You did :,not
ad; and Jo6ked4 CIP
-slight stir'behnd her,, St
Bfandhii belainel!" she'-sitld. 111Y tilillik, we muniot-haVe' I'llaird, told you -no 10?- she
OmMent seemed,to act S,
lid 'O� is . I I . . . I . .. I . . '7 , : �41W in , eyes,
oeaThe sergeant, rose.
Jug N6 'the, We ''k-,
.�Elalho hesli e
her llps-tWlAchln
There SJIGLral6ed her b.
chenvas, ehag,
and Lady round' haught'
Bla 51 Gus n �dsthjd Locke edAils hatid.
rise'and tlieh tali,back Ill$ c d' livered, thv� messake,,abd -,A
one- lafile� Subjebt to Stnkle
iirqdls lboked,`111 "Did'yoln tAkli bolt the.'m6ffsagpIr 6el h§ an�` Poe jng8jDf.L&nguor,, Do
,,I 'am 6011.te:nt, 'my, rd efice6eded In * Ifiducing. Miss De
oul 10, ' 1,
her -servant, "T haVo doll 10 A6 goio '66 -biidgip did �,O'a, I
qiiestl6n and
.Bridget V' the jtljeSs:'t0, ji,iy! YOU' go y
aV . .... ...
w tile' -1-sion eitid, Weil Ca be. Hblo y
ed',tol tL le kness.- ou ed b
e or his i A A,troznor'soem6d to. selvY upon' the:
and'lboke . I . .0 'd 7
I bbaulful. fae said
oVer ;i:nd-,ndtwIth1stafid h9'.14AI 40 Pr6naLty�'Onlarl, but On'e, word' Of this "to no -0 MY room.,
haughtily before hot.,,. excepting, your w3colupfli�01' 'ASE1W ERVE: F 00
"I took V, Bldnche.stai�t.pd as; if shi yes' A., , . had': '',� sectind's besittlon',' e' P Ri, C
in ssagei, hid Uri n 04M!,
ID 13A*BYtS1jl*7E. bben (let, tho W111to I6
d d kho afik'ivolri
ao' Ont., for his III h bt tie t*hj. cko You ew- tht tfi6,'mar%u*ls, I ti,
ie apprd
Bridson, Gold 44N rohrul nib and da. 1%14�
"Dlly's'. Own "Tigbleta qaV� tjl� to,
It from,17-ahny,lndhiey,'l -to be itled oil d ,you
Was sp Oke arAft n there was I t1liptight' the sergeant, fess that they
a name,
dd milr,. iboy's * life *hefi, there 00 NVatch tile rbiltt Of y6hr scheme. all.d. I'trig4jiA, :F4*1 at*%&
tq led' Jj(y jb4e, h6d'he -a' 9tir at*tbe, bd6k'6f thle-dDurt,- and )If. go
.!go in doWl llt 'Some, slight nols: anq epressN ei but lt,Was.s 6irffly 'S roltud th,6 6ur Do Where, c ld,, ea a rvea
likight. rosy, beal�hY child. 1,11�suj- aTo'ifio bk,idge,!l shp "pik"I slow-' you e, Lnily . 4tfA* Upoll, IOU.
feted !note, th'an iohguo canAell fidlipreised'. . our her. - s6il l'- handp" re.stilig. oil, " tife ir"Fallily InChL ef#,lr
tt�4,b': to t: loyj Said t e tilojin itidigestjoh, Aloepleas'ne,680 Iftlo easter 'to, prL. blit a
roW obAlliain ; ciililstip&tlon and .1 7 1 ' k ey'es fI aria arib hiln '110 trying io n.( the L44y DI sed"'not tal b6(lilV Nrtix4 Why kb6W Ong,,
aliche WteA hor ghame,� 0( O6dt in elle'l in namoo. 41id. all-�a the,
bor6-1 t 'the
boft belisd of ,e 9
-W6 Dr."
aid, -
16 gbte;&A e it a -V carjay, r. a �lf uhtli; f b idatiffig
bry Fold T,lej erald L Wavild hot be, without ilio %blots ockej av ils Ian q trant, Rhe (10180111IM". 0 an&, I- cate, flidt lie had fljhl�h6d,' All& 110J)ds 01, hl�.Nv' and,
It V, looked roitlidl s a Where I the elih king,. Aj)('jjS tbfe L"j
Iand I h
0hould be ke�i Ili every IP, lull rs,
e YO
d Lm - -holud where, -44VVbbt as ill 99-u she!
f d
ht a les
, 1 0 hall, 0 telils taroK but ..:by uot4ig 'yqu r . it 9 orwar a, nild dIshi
�Saaljdori§ g6t. close ilp. egot, eLrh(V �aptalii Sher- Such 8Srmptoiuli p6l'ut .1 . Place. The peolild" elt Win V, 31011 ( C611, J�
hmaow',j4y 116110,61111011t It, the 'i)160(1 nrld qly 'IM611 Afj Indigbotlon, colld� .'stoj�ac4, t I W Y6� kind' left ITb be doiltifttLA
you kiioSr thill a) � nallirdir 'L 111040.� if, she %Vke u er, VOUS Rstelij., You: 11)4,111� to uIDo,�y`ou khoW t))ht tb6t; Wa6 no I§dk- Pla.ille.,strickoh. A ban(led ot ihe P3,S_Vijj
J)atlono And, colds Are walting illorb 211., oteps, bat.a,s slI'6jdroj Poll t, bta notlli, 0 lipeuI intont illot e W4 ier'6ertt in t
ho, cpfhetj� Ladv, Vb6d. through eohanorrild, ft"696 'd 'lit drmam otb;er� j&djMj t6ilrh�8 fiew blood', it -a 0 g1to"L . M!
Uondbdo crowidtfig' togol-lioe, dre'lV, IgWarto' Tda '60e,fild qu-Ar' tbq� Iito.- fOrbe - silid' 'Itiuy th,6 lVaptett 11,18 Vocill fill ('ll I'L
At ny rate, $Lou ga'o tile Uldg-L
bo.Oplate, and in -n ouswill let ek*n liql. there's. litlA L1:CsLj1ktVd,l1qVVe C011%. il6,t 1, F�i;ny In Ch 60'e t1diig'al '111 b, I and le11611ed tho sL -tile bloo oil f6j" .111,10 to
lit, V;�,C
Wthifig dAl" noleaol1, ollp too
1% o6k 4, DI(i il anhatL --I,- r
a O��
uAda III's d.l1itg1q( Are :r
�� L IA6W,�