HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-08-13, Page 7THE WIN(iHA1vi TIMES. VOL XXXVII.—NO. 1906, WINGIWI, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1908. $:t A YEAR IN ADVANCE tonswispRIS THE IMERRY WIDOW' THE SWEETEST EVER The "Merry Widow" Perfume just arrived. Sweet and lasting. Come in and sample it. KODAKS, FILMS AND Walton Mckibbon; THE DRUGGIST Macdonald Block, Wingham, t SUPPLIES I1ISS SPARLINQ Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music And Authorized Teaohe of the Fletcher Musio Method, Symp x and Kinder- garten (having studio this method with the originator, a t Synthetic Sohool, New York). Pupils prepare for Conservatory ex- aminations, both in Theory and Piano. CLASSES OPEN 4th SEPT. For information regarding tuition, eto., apply at her home, Minnie street. Ritchie 84 Cose ns REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Farm Properties Some exceptional values in farms. If you want one it will pay you to see us. The good old Province of Ont- ario is all right. Town Properties At right prices. We have a number of places admirably suited for retired farmers. No prettier or healthier town in Ontario than Wingham. Property bought here can al- ways be re -sold. RITCHIE & COSENS Griffin-Vanstone Block, WINGHAM, Phone 123 CHAMPIONS LO F T• TAIL -ENDERS. In a I7 -Innings Game at Lucknow on Fr day Last. The looal base • all taanl, met defeat at the hands of t Sepoys at Luoknow last Friday by t • : narrow margin of one Inn, the score be vg 4 to 3, at the end of the 17th inning. The opposing pitchers were Johnston : nd Dunlop, and their deliveries wer hard to solve. The game started a 4 30, Barrett pitobing for Wingham, ith Dunlop behind the bat ;*Luoknow attery being Johnston and McCoy. A' the end of the second innings Wingha , battery reversed, and the soore being 1 to 0 in favor of Luck - now, a battle royal ensued. In the third innings ingham scored, and Luoknow tallie two in the 5th, making a total of three, while Wingham scored again in the 4t and tied in the 7th. Although each ':am had men on bases at different tim:s no runs were made until the 17th i , ping, when Findlater and Johnston f"Iced in the winning run, and oongra • lations were in order for the winners, with cheers for the vanquished. Eve the victors forgot to oheer for the nm • re, who stole away only to be chafed ,y the crowd for his somewhat erratic work with the in- dioator.. Leese E NOTES. Wingham and lyth are now tied for second plane. Two hours a fifteen minutes for 17 innings is goi • some. Wingham had •• en left on bases in five of the last te' innings. The Three T's Some Teas will blend—other Teas won't. It's just here that we excel. From many years knowledge of this branch we are able to select those teas which will go well together. 011git 30c TEA. is of exceptionally fine quality. The flavor lies been specially looked to. 011fIlt 40c TEA. has few equals, It has a rich yet delicate flavor combined with the BEST DRAWING QUALITIES. OM 50e TEA Is a decidedly high grade tea, It has everything to 'commend it. BUTTER ANS S WANTED J• Henn Christie Wear Orear'ti Shoes and Rubbers "At H The Rector and will be "At Home" nesday and Thursda est 25th, 26th and 27t me." rs. C, E. Jenkins Tuesday, Wed - afternoons, Aug- . Luoknow out- • eld is the best in the League, havin 12 put-outs to their credit, and no e rots. Kincardine, Blyth and Wingham have each thre: games to play; Luck - now has four, ' • d Goderich, seven. LEA o UE STANDING. Won Lost P. 0, Goderioh . 0 3 ,666 Wingham 7 4 .637 Blyth...,. 7 4 .637 Kincardine 4 7 .364 Luoknow . ... , 3 9 .275 Ready on The bridge south of opened for traffic o week. The closing different times owin has been a greatinao people. Farmers an be pleased to know t open for traffic on Fr Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop. Wingha A meeting the berry Agricultural Thursday evening details were arra fall fair, to be hel and 25th. A go will be put on a particulars in our Fall Fair, rectors of the Turn - Society was held on last, when further ged for Wingham's on September 24th list of attractions d we expect to give ext issue. ridgy, Wingham will be Friday of this f this,roadway at to the high water venienoe to many townepeopie will at the road will be day. BRING along your shoes! We do repairing and wE no IT RIGHT. Lowest prioes. W. J. GREER. Farm Stock and Mr. John Crowe, 1, Outwits, will hol farm stook and imp! August 25th, nom p. m. The farm wi sale. Everything reserve as Mr. Oro West. John Pervi Leave your order for daily news• papers e,t the Big Book store. Severe El What many pec was the most save the season passes during the early morning. We h serious damage h immediate locals sections were not Implement Sale. lot 29, goncession an auction sale of ments on Tuesday, Poing at 4 o'olook also be offered for 111 be sold without e is moving to the auctioneer. Baseball M Blyth and Wingham, will meet on the loos (Thursday) afternoon. be started promptly will undoubtedly be ai as the teams are now e awe this game. Mr. 'P dealer, offers a pair of to the player on the l the best batting in th be played this season. tche baseball teams 1 diamond this The game will t 3 o'olook, and interesting one, tie. You should . H. Willis, shoe $5 00 Albert shoes oal team making games that are to Important news to the boys and Read adv. on pate 5 Wale sole agents for Victoria ale and Albert shoes for men. For low prices and best quality of furniture, we take the lead. WALTER'S furniture store. Teachers Co Idn't Accept. Neither of the to °here chosen for the position of teaohe of the primary de- partment of the W ngham Pnblio Sohool on Tuesday eveni g last could accept the position when ommunioated with. Accordingly a spe al meeting was held on Thursday eveni g, when Miss Haw- kins, of Port Alb rt, was offered the position, and hue a epted. T We are offering a number of articles in furniture at $1 less each day until they are Bold. This is called Dutch auction, Call at WALKER'S furniture store and get particulars. ctric Storm. le in Wingham say e eleotrioal storm of over this section hours of Monday e not heard of any ing been done in this y but some other o fortunate. TRUNKS AND VALISES are going, out fast these days est W. J. GREER'S. Big Stook to select from, at lowest prices. In Business Wo last week the fact that Mes and Norman Bran purchased a fern'. business at St. M of the firm are ex tore business and town will find the regret their rent but wish them new home. St. Mary's, erlooked reporting s. S. M. Kneohtel n, of this town had re and undertaking ry's, Both members erienced in the furni- he people of the stone good citizens. We al from Wingham, try success in their Road Need The Tams has plaints in reference of the road on the flour mill, Water hill until large hole! the roadway. Thi! roadways leading the street oommitte in good repair with Fon SALE.—T hooses, convenie town of Wingha bargain. Get par office. ree good dwelling tly located in the , will be sold at a milers at the Trues girls. , Co., s for ladies Demonstrations ltj >Competitions in but be held iu the Ampb Dairy Building, at the al Exhibition, Toronto, and 2 p.m. each day fro lith inclusive, excepts F armers' Institute Con held in the Amphitheat Building on that date. ested in agricultural e will be made weloome tion. There will be exhi� out the whole two week! models illustrating meth and taking care of milk on monstrations in milk -testi given each day, Farmers wives are cordially invite tions regarding the demon Repairing. eard several com- o the bad oondition hill near Wingham has run down the have been made in is one of the main iito Wingham and Should have it put at further delay. TRUNrs.—Strong trunks with strong looks. Snit Cases, Club Bags and Tele- scopes of the first quality, at W. J. GREER'S. A Good The Central Bti Stratford, whose oar in this paper, is and best business trains to -day. The ken -n thoroughness. Its ing leading positio oonimerolril centres The College has illustrated catalo beetled free to any ELLIOTT & MAO shoot, fnese Coliege of appears elsewhere ubtedly one of the schools fn Canada e of its courses is rad:hates are hold• hi the important of the Dominion, sawed a handsome e which will be non interested. &OMAN, Principals. A New Mr. Chas. J. Rin nosh, is now busy has two machines o recently purchase Massey Co., a new ting box, blower a ed. The new very best of sa excellent work. good job will do before placing threshing. eparator. ui, of East Wawa- th the threshing and the road. He has from the Sawyer - separator with out - d self -feeder attach - chine is giving the isfaotion and doing Farmers wanting a ell to see Mr. Rintoul heir order for their Dairying. er-making will theatre of the anadian Nation - at 10,30 a.m. Sept, 3rd to zg the 9th. A ention will be e of the Dairy 11 persona inter- oational work this Conven- itions through of the Fair, ds of cooling he farm. De- g will also be and farmers' to oak quea- tretions. Ali the Ieading magazines and papers at the Bice Boon STORE. Dr. Ovens. (Mullet, London, Surgeon Eye, Ear, Nolo and Throat will be at Mcltibbon'a drug a tore,Wedneaday,Ang. 26th, Hours: 12a.m. to$p.zn. (1a600 properly fitted. Wo men's In A large number the Wingham bra Institute had aha Mr. John T. Ourri on Wednesday of The afternoon w var ious kinds, bn was the main feat joyed by the 1 Supper was serve and a happy aft brought to a close. this kind would in the work of the I titute Picnic of the members of h of the Women's y time pionicing at 's in East Wawanosh rnoou of last week. spent in :ports of the baseball match re and was much en - les and gentlemen. on the pionle grounde noon's pleasure was Moro gatherings of ease the interest in titute. news - Died in Margaret Burns, Wade, died at the law, Mr. Robt. least on Sunday in her 8 ceased, along with band have been ma their daughter, T on Tuesday, the s and grave being o0 E. Jeakine. We cannot out prices on furniture very much as we have always sold at rook bottom. We have the best stock of furniture in Wingham, at WALKER'S furniture store, A Business E The Mitchell Advooa when it says:—Said a nese man to ns the would not hurt you to tion our business in would help to fill a Yes, we might do it. least idea on earth tha us, and it would, as h fill up. It would not to come around and s column or a half col advertisement, and h for it," By doing t a deserter to that gr heads who expect continually note the make, by giving the for which they nev' high time for all ole newspaper is a buss same as a dry goodh run for a living for irnberry, ife of Mr, Wm. oma of her son -in - age, in Turnberry, th year. The de- er bereaved hos ng their home with e funeral was held rein at the house ducted by Rev. 0, All the leading magazines at the Big Book store. Wingham H< Mrs, Boles, of Lr ly underwent an fully reoovered an will be able to le few days.—The m Fowler will be s� has been indispose Mies Laura Marti fever, is doing nim will be pleased to h be fully recovered.,, of the 3rd line of M the hospital on Fr an operation, H will be sorry to she was stricken terprise, e puts it nicely ell known bnsi- ther day: "It ooasionally men- yonr paper. It , yon known." We haven't the it would hurt suggests, help to urt lfim, either, y: "Give me a mn space for an re is the money is he would beoome rid army of dead - he newspapers to improvements they free puffs, and pay a cent. It is sees to learn that a bass enterprize, the store or a grocery, is owner." GENTS! Have yarn seen the new lines of Inviotus Shoes for Fall? The best Shoe in Canada for men. Drop in for a look. W. J. GREER. Off tot The O. P. R. stat on Friday mornin number of people f on the first have Canadian West. ticketed to Winnip J. H. Beemer, and them will go on .to the line:—John Golley, H. Connell, Greenway, George moor, W. J. G. S T. J. Elliott, Robt. McDougall, H. Tho Mat. Sproule, J. Hastings, Andrew gatt, John Phillips, Beeoroft, Sara J. I more, R. Calvert, F wont, Dan McLean, nae Wheeler, Jose Hogg, W. S. Yaokie Tiffen, Albert Dow Burnett, S. B. Fra Wm. Little, Wm. J. Rich. McKenzie, Forrest, Wm. Reid Green, Angus Mc W. J. Johnston, A. F. Walters,Sam. W rison, Isaac Jowltt, E. Finlay, J. Ande Geo. Anderson, Joh Biggins, Fred 1 eig e West. on was a busy spot last, when a large our this section left t excursion to the he following were g by Station Agent rota thence many of afferent points along Campbell, R. D. ohn Monne, Joseph hurobill, Jas. Ar- tt, Jas. Robinson, Ornikehank,Alex. nton, J. W. Pearen, . Mitchell, Agnes eggatt, Jessie Leg - Alvin Orris, Lewis in, Andrew Case - Linwood, John La- ohn A. James,Len- h Youill, Chester T. Finnan, Almer n, Geo. Mutton, F. ick, Frank Little, Little, R. Robinson, . Falconer, W. S. J. MoVittie, A. 0. nzie, S. MoBnrney, Stewart, Fred Reid, leinson,Norval Mor - ark Goodman, R. on, Mrs. Jas. Robb, 0aoemor0, Chester bor W. Neighbor spital Notes. know, who recent- peration, is almost it is expected she e for her home in a ny friends of Nurse rry to bear that she for the past week.--,- , who 18 ill with ly and her friends ar that she will soon Miss Tena Geddes, rris, was brought to day last to undergo r numerous friends fern that on Sunday th paralysis. We are giving a neat and n fnl present with every pair of echo shoes. Our sohool shoes ar unbe able for prioe and quality, IL & Co., sole agents for Victoria sh for women and Albert shoes for men. Read adv. on page 5. Contracts At a meeting of Committee of the T on Tuesday evenin supplying the new electric light plant Canadian General This figure will inn a new generator, board, new aro st necessary supplie received from the to; Westinghouse Kilmer and Pul: machinery will be Wingham by the work of building the ing alterations at the be finished about th is expected that t will be in working of Ootober. The c everything in thei light•nsers of the vice and with the th the plant should be Itghts were out of b a nd Friday evenin n navoidable. The little disturbed as i time the alteration Absolutely Fa se and Malicious. The following ' eragraph, "from our own oorreaponde' t," appeared in the Toronto News, oft riday last: "Wingham, An . 14. --It is understood that a call liar •:en extended to Rev, Roy Blithe Saunters to the Methodist Ohnroh,. here in .. °cession to the Rev. W, G. Howson, w ose term expires with the current donfe :nee year." There is absol tely no truth in the above. There is, Further, no each name 31 "Rev. Roy Eli ha Sanndera" in con - notion with the Methodist Obaroh in Clenada; and, inn • :over, the Pulpit Sup. ply Committee ti the Wingham Metho• dist Church have 'i ade no recommend- ation t0 the Quar •:rly Board in cameo - tion with a se Miser to the present pastor. warded. e Electric Light n Council, held the contract for aohinery for the as awarded to the eotric Co. at $4,350. de the purchase of ransformers, switch eet lamps and other Tenders were also nilook Co., of Toron- o., of Hamilton, and of Toronto. The eady for shipment to t of October. The new race and mak- power house will same time and it e new machinery order by the 15th mmittee is doing power to give the own a good ser - rough over -hauling n good shape. The siness on Thursday last, but this was service will be as possible during the are being made. WINGHAM HIG SCHOOL AGA! TO THE FORE. Pupils At This C;titre Score High— A Provincia Reputation. The department: and matriculation examination result have all been pub- lished, and from a •erneal of thOm it is found that the W ngham High Sohool has more than su> ainad its reputation of a year ago. THE ECORD Junior Leaving 12 with honors), .29 Junior Matrion . tion .... . . 21 Senior Leaving, Pt, I (2 honors) ..14 This phenomen reoord has been ac- complished despit: the toot that with a congested sohool o 180 pupils in atten- dance, only four ':etchers handled the work. In examining o exohanges, we find that not only d•es this sohool stand highest in the con • ty for percentage of pupils passed, but is not exoeeded in the whole Province. „e may be pardoned, therefore, for feeli g elated at the recent results, The wo der is, onoe more, that we in Wing ne were content to get along for so ny years without a High Sohool, Heretofore our get Senior Leavi.n other towns and schools, but from we see that no few Gained Senior Lea own High School; we find to be the la at any other High Institute in the wonder that we dance from the co Dufferin, Bruce, Al the city of Toronto The Late In the death o relict of the late Mortis township, inst., the oommuni oldest and most The deceased lady, the advanced ago 0 months, was a untie, ing been born near seven years ago she husband to this part. s whioh afterwards too Morrisbank. The Donn dense wilderness, and had not yet been au dustry and thrift the making a home for enjoyed the aatisfactio was onoe forest land co dative farms. The 1 was a woman highly community and estee excellent qualities. T dren are four sons: D Turnberry Council; Janata, also of Tur Morris, (with who sided on the leo daughters: Mrs. G ham; and Mrs. Ro berry. The Pune Saturday afterno largely attended, t to rest in the Blue service was coed Perritt, and the pall - sons and two eons -i , died twenty-one ye Reduced Rat Via Grand 'Trunk account of Canada Mon, Return tick Angle fare frotn a to Toronto, good Sept. 12th. Vesta 01 before Sept. 15t aims will also be particulate of whi from Grails, Trunk rs. Moffatt, Agnes Hamilton, eorge Moffatt, of Wednesday, 12th y loses one of its teemed residents. who had reaohed 82 yelirs and 2 of Scotland, hav- dinburgh. Fifty - came with her ttling at a place the name of ry was then a Huron county eyed. By in - succeeded in emselves, and of Boeing what `verted into pro- te Mrs. Moffatt bought of in the ed for her many e surviving WI' vid, a member of Christopher and berry; Peter, of Mrs. Moffatt re- ostead) ; and two . Olver, of Wing- , Mitohelleof Turn- 1 took place on , and was very e remains being laid ale cemetery. The cted by Rev. Mr. earers were the four -law. Mr. Moffatt rs ago. tridents, in order to had to migrate to 1p to build up their he published results r than fourteen ob- ng, Part I, at our d this, by the way, est number passed ohool or Collegiate rovince. Is it any ve pupils in atten- nties of Middlesex, oma, andeven from 600 trained by our man- agement last year. Experience -counts. Graduates most successful. lipecial Course for Teachers. Mail Courses. Send postal for partioulara. Hook-i+,eepere steuegraphera and Telegrapters FAIL TERM OPENS SEPT. 1 Wingham Business College GBO. SPOTTON, PRompAI,. That the High Sohool Board were fortunate in seonr ng an efficient, en- ergetic and pains > king Principal and staff of teachers generally acknow- ledged, and pupils and staff are deserv- ing the most heart congratulations on the splendid result= thus far aohieved. Sohool re -opens •n Sept. let, and any citizens who wish o take students for boarding or roomin should let the Prin- cipal, Mr. J. A. T for, know at their earliest convenience. Following are th • successful candi- dates :— JUNIOR LAVING. Herbert Dobson (h ghor (honors), Harr Edna Isbister (bono (honors), Bessie Mars Die McEwen (honor (honors), William Minnie Ross (hono (:lonora), Ethel Wal gie Anderson, Jean man, Mina Carrie, Wm. Galbraith, A Hetherington, Nalco Isard, Earneoliffe Mu Clayton Proctor, Be bona Sheriff, Fla Clarence Wilson. JUNIOR MAT to Toronto. ailway System on, n National Exhibi- ts will be, sold at atati0n�,in Ontario oinkng. 29th 10 ing from Toronto on Low rate Exalt - 011 certain dates, h can be obtained gents. THE FALL FAIRS. ors), Roy Galla - Green (honors), ), Bessie Lovell, les (honors), An- ), Carter MoKee oLean (honors), ), Mary Sheriff h (honors), Mag. one, Jennie Bow- Reta Davidson, in Hart, Lizzie Higgins, Viola grove, Earl Porter, Ie Robertson, Ro- nne VanNorman, •ICULATION. Elgin Currie, Viol: Davidson, Gordon Duncan, Beta David on, Muriel Duncan, Roy Gallagher, Win Galbraith, Alberta Goble, Gordon G.,. le, Harry Green, Alvin Hart, Merle Lamonby, Bessie Marsalea, Carter Me : ee, Pearl McPher- son, Minnie Ross, c sage Tees, Gertie Troy, Ethel Walsh, is ertie White. SENIOR L AVING. Wingham , .al," Sept 24--25 Aug. 29—Sept. 14 Sept. 11--19 Underwood.... 001. 13 Tiverton .. , . Oct. 6 Toeswater Oct. 6.7 Ripley Sept, 29.30 Palmerston Sept. 23-24 Dungannon .Oct, 7--8 Fordwioh Oct. 3 Listowel.,.. Sept,)— ept 22-23 B11rth .............Sept.29 -30 Brnssela ,, ..1 ... ..........Oct! i.'-.. London Toronto Pearl McPherson ( vidson (honors), Edn Currie, Cora Corrie, Everett Glenn, Alber Goble, Annie M°Bur ney, Thos, E. Robi Ernest Wiley. oars), Viola Da - Anderson, Elgin live Crnikahank, a Goble, Gordon ey, R. S. McBur- son, Gertle Troy, The marks and ee Leaving and Ju arrived yesterday, from the Prinoip Certificates will no next week. tifioates of junior ior Matriculation d oan be obtained Senior Leaving be out until early CHURCH NOTES. Rev, J. laadfor eondnot the Borah: Presbyterian Chum Ira D. Sankey, years engaged With Moody in evangelistic home in Brooklyn, N. Of late yeare Mr. 5 The Rev. N. Wellw Tonto Conference, 3Xta preach in the Method Stinday evening. The for his morning Aubje plOWinale," The tell to show visitors to se Fine Tailoring of Belmore in St. Andrew's next Sunday. 0 was for many ork, died at his on Thursday. nkey had boon is what you invariably get order for clothing at this store. Clothes bought here are guaranteed to fit well, look well and wear well —and they do. od of the To. be expected to st Ohm& next pastor will take t: "Ged and the s will be pleased ts. All welcome. Three people lost sir lives as a testa Men's Furnishings of all kinds Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Underwear, etc. The very newest of new goods are here. Come in and have a look. Roll Maxwell MERCHANT TAILOR AND MEN'S FURNISHER The Leading Shoe Store The Best School Shoes The School Shoe questinn Again Fall term commences shortly and with it comes the demand for Solid, Stylish, Comfortable School Shoes for the Boys and Girls Our School Shoes will stand the rough k knooks and hard kioks they are boned to receive. Shoes that combine the Parent's de- sire f Or wear with the Children's ides Of looke. Every pair made ttpcn honor. good workmanship and solid leather from heel to toe. Oar aastrautee Back of Every rttir School Shwa at $1.00, $1.50 And $1.75, According to atm and style. IRemember we sew freA of Olahlte ail rips in shoes boukht of te. See us for Trunks and Vslises. W. J. Greer