HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-09-17, Page 7IMF F If xil T -7- f 6m prit -A- R -Of U NM lay XbotaJiling U I,� LOVE ThX1611 Of tbii o4f I 'The prilifel, 14b.) fle, 1 1EL`,04ALLY"G RO Rd 1000L -F OR Lie' �;f oi, 1, donomindted., yk I'v OQL Moai .4 ir 2 Uowlthe Teipkolr,ra;�Piiolfi, Is, -V 'W64 AN I : bjoiAn, X-errito 'A D 4XT 'XIONAL LPSS.0 XICL All. 9% f4i T dAP T"" Is tho is RINKER$ ouli 'from, wjAgpo prqFeii (4att, x�j 0 lo 7 r1ii , It IfErtbe result 4f e4vLrg -o­-A P 04 M A 9. `4 3I. -.1,1Z, T- w 111Y 'the pei%onaLlty tba 4 .0t, P must Efifter and 1 ei,li M� o l4v: Alif0ble0o From IMI.—I Feit. - s G6der or,.lat6r 414 in, �qrOer thaitilie" 'go bal top to #r in t. , I �%.hdeni ibat �460,cked IndIvId m -talfif f Tup, t;'ue Afii Ay � 4,li Tbi re -.or gr,.,4 4, Goa, the. street' gravo 111.4 3L. PI)UJIg'sm: (411[ati 4,vt. 25; Itow, yf, 5, !QaJ: 'Ill cc 20).,� T�e- practice t wpl* fair, It'lic'pri os, goill i)2, the- indili.4 -terkitory recontly,� T'llid Apost-le IlOrIni lis, t­o.�,c Of, sel.G. ally strioli 'W. 4 .0i �be�,r- �Out .-the i6it, 'ffer I illga, lip 14P., uia�. The prinliliplep of �elf­�Wllxtl et to eat Iafirb with- sa4fi 2� a -p..,sae, fool, bpAtii ol iv.hite 4t. 8.21 to, XA A'kIn' brQ4,d, ai id�' ,of papabole' of,a " I, : ic ',:6 ai�t-','Iov,� As, diai�iiii vp4p th. Otiph, I' t . With t 64 a8, they' stakid- rfllate(t 01 �, J lisIr cka4 out .'Jt P here ap , ef, 0. Xd I t -of tba,,0owntry. - At �old (it TIT; Dif A! tr _.I I 0' 10410h You- ini eipo,se­ 11ons and, relatlogs, when, ricy alsol. -2 40' Artimate(_I.Alim Ot, puff9p All, tb'e �And �26U Of goo libli Is tis ;taml ri,, is otber joart 9, ady � 4ndi be 94r:r. Anil#. o. b "'Shelis sell ffg.,4t Z to, 5�O I.: -,:ii VO � ;; MN I' ­­ o, r' daugliter, old GnIy.Jn,, . %& , - , wjtb� NY; and, p4x�plc�larly-�',t6 liiltlhLste�'W 64 hristliaa-Afe, M drU' ceyli t,,* t4g: aq fee. kii -,and- a Rr 01,'TeMAsi '61� sqek p lie�16 . ei�- r; f* t 1 z-.. -�6t, -j y J, perl-00104 V dep, ­ VJ-6p, (JAoh-a,xN4,J,­ 2�IL- �15, -alilpiy, it butter. x6dt­ 14YA.-Srou, ZPt.? 14, C -ill.. QN�11. enC VIT' ag�77�13@!14011' .5), ly ap ered, otii �pe­ a tinder xrnl*.�w 69 and e _14,4 'ft Ann io"644 by li cohi produce the, rjq, 4) odod t a -alotheri -and the.-gir 1-lict in illich, YOU ai%st t, 'WO- hIrd8t,Qt.wbafi,.c'Qns Led 'With Sal�ii a be'.-itrin reettIaliii we wou4l, t T a �',vrwo-w.` ba keV 0, WAV�dil% 'Or f Tvllli I., P I., J. k . U1, ­Th-f,ri6 7.-nxP,. gr-,X�- 71a A­xoa- "4401 41,tyv�Q,4' .:;u -UL 4�.Tjrer' 6,013, 't - � : F IT Is * ` �:i it IntS WL ,u be. 'In �,,i brulii tiny' b6dy, U cease, -Am ipog�'a;, lif We, ho di I1g64,'IJgIlt. tter§' wioul�`f]16'�,to tiogin'.109a 4r -i in . tfie flesh; we, sli'all n Agef 1Vst'by­any',we i or, �t, j;leaso, obd Qtli.�ip `fovli�.011 - fi�ard., The brobif�d` fiog8 qrib Rlii W .,'The, an Ai 'that: I w4iiiii be,produced.9 x iave, preached -to. Otheii -f need: A kid' Pya )P' Bi RJR tile ca rly 'tiefore. thii -4 77 -- myself sb'W4, 11P k" ftebt,. �7,50 't`&�$7-7*5', col!r so, *ao. fai P- ' b 12, to "t., -t6,, c6nquoai, torohi �i cor.!IX'. -n'spe iT ", - . -.r, -$ brii ng., plk%, Th,e, 6;,�i ag''; do,. -goocie,: bi t o itl �javi. and J Wee S: VIBRIN butcher can. urn R, In fresh toi 'M qjl�p r i6 ZI­ .1 �kind of 'djelJi do. OlItKi(l, 0 thoeli Pyeef-'­ trig ''Of with --the 7 R lr�i) 24.nO 'Q� se Ili., ar. agon- v that red buZ -92 ieit�lr .21 . I Am. d thA ke mind' that earli and a .79 80%-- peg:� Ith. tlle�..041! i bush., 36%c to `38c ,to, JIV -go ve ads of-'eAullfli di diary jk n li, Auce your le, liciflAer.,-. ."Nok ill 'he in Christ In order bkisb., 94, to 35c. Ba,rlb pors4iijontly to prom6iii tables, 660 be (10" 130 pripeiples: pur Iva ly paid tid" ftY of, His- kingdow. 400"bushele of'�q;t �tj.barffi ot tl ii to i -as$ ve Of nn -no btit*t6:jll*�­' UJ� as. a O�nloln-g"- WO; ', bRrrelR � of- �poo J a wil'-of 9,,00d. as wi -as, quic PIS P4R(MtNl $10 feb.in il s leeks, ca. ages, a warria e4 business 411 pli good'. bb bean and.. wa Lion of tribe of-Juddh 5 Ili imes, thiq 9 has a -over., but Whon we"are to - filth. ot He la ats, and other qI;pplleM in sea� 1,7 t as w0l[ ai� thil Llm,ii of, God.. We must DQp4rtwaAV f Agricultre, 4, 0. per bikmh., 75c to `ITJI�c- f0fi is''21A, tmosot ani neW,edii t4-ijig on, a! likeness of Christ, which is a�ii!f as., we' M- li5. �J,- $8.,45. $1.2 �d the, girl, Coln Ismolwr A, JB&AL fVhlell' is 0", ealro, arineii -agaillatt tile no 1.1cleave Egis;o. Troi 18, td,.,22p-- u,t- and, dolitblifents,of ille Ottawa, Septem,L urn't-6,tho he I ­ "Now t ading,of "darl� ter, dary, 16 to ro, (.o,, cream - We 704 -Ju lir-their con',�friibflo f only,. true n D in ­Of -tile, 65c to, 8Z hiAlaimony, li tile will 9V tWD CliffiCult � Polurts jl �'� tlfe� le'0130112 Oant sdn of xitil, '$I. urkeys, per, pniv, 12c -,t6 14c: hfiguili ri t 'God. C .5 es bag, ij3 beat* ui 4 id found in vie' . one . and, six, We call and -fame ov, CiiCbba,ge, tal 0: the wil, or God. Greek, nithology of p. b -an g ve us the flum!)er"of,times ew, r paili -Ing f0iA lie III We, firid that 'fthp, doctg �qfil� a.1xiiween, iierou'ies. ana I , I . . jor Ji JOL tlgood' and, 40 -to '11 )Gc. Qeepy, do�enLl "'I gh sR you count pea "Clept - awrestling. Although 4ercules was, a.: . . Gill die the Vast: rb ii -to construe ad priiy, 'them -Iri aci Atl� .75c. straAght, for 3.,oa am goo(I In "fig- ble to. thi. to 'ft Beef, T�orpqiinxiq� 2 Dordance With,.AII6 tenor; 0 his alitagtknjist to tile. b -of, We *Ill give the oa M s:, Niow� ay, Sur- plill0iii turn to -,the beadillilk.431 - p 0 liki-quartPris, to ;WO(O go, way lof k of' twc; 4,dheo, on erse ate 'Ille C apd'tel us ho tyjlIg' grquna;ZfrGru Pie wa. tach - -i I me f Xew 'York $9 I -o'. R . ,-� hau :spi tOb to' Milmontz"e' ';' 'Leading nurs n q Lain to - .1ong ilk t4fie in our with tile Uafi rise. st'ro many, Sinii talked of 'Such a nger 1, r),e .. I -101"the Giii Ill, Ingo of.the Biblie."Foil ifils'prok.pose t4ifli before.. -liercules finally Iii have A curious-depariweni'L Iii ifioij: fox- r ofou after mn. riagi ere ni evil oes; in- hath-'tbe GOsi been, pf�eached.even� him, by 11 bil'si 134 called'ili i6g; $V501 to $ 1114. froin, the ness.�- It nii 0 pla.11 'The footing., 10 1.;395.11 t an oil.; cwt.; $8 experitte; v 14L ii -.'a nod N, t -Gen that In e -ver", laime lucezfug�.Iliw to ii 1,,..tb'is lawyer si. to siv-, ry. want a,lt I 1611: gh-t. I I I -.t -b d mn 45 Or TU`f]�,gt� M74 nurse be at-'-)ve: hAve got -a� case. 13od arj.d.�wah,: r,­Kcj�k WI radead, me in the fle��h,'.(tbeirpli if :to 10 of tIJi a., "d t $7.50 tb $9.1 suPe.th of Ille, Bat n at cornee . s6 asi. a per ew thev: I- have -IVYa igb *Y-uff --nal y God th ispirlt ppr I& �lr. at ing­ I 'it Toli :e,T P. a , fr6hs ..said :�Jfe'ivould dieJo yod?" apifi�tle's day is 'welf, as III, ��Oul-� our eted, f I or.. pLa'at 6! Ot Business *as ili with,, ofword hile the. I'd afl s a urned over a wlili the g ili fi t helloe mu, be. -taken to ii , 6 -6 like-ued'toi that. -of tile Ureex'fablli trea, OWn. agaius�t it cona I VVII , - -I n Ler . in sent In to e . idred, and fit y, anowl, Pan I -very , is' , d J -o 'And a Well knows'ihic-grit�at ob nation, Of ;100'-..�unceriwn, sou E Icult" exteat oat'of 'sbrtf� thr6ugl� being finder aie,tl- recel is- rg demand g 3- person, am Ompecially everv.;-man live. -But even wit . h: this" no, Ob (19 .0 to lea t Ji I 041ti-, I .� lelands. 'DuKing the I"t, of GiDd,41 clal c4i�nditl 656 do., d6qd.'25.to'85c; pea'rs, M now, finally 1, bas'be:J called Yd li§.difrlcu.lt to. wile ii chileio4ld V6 Ohispokli dg, yea.r,J- a,40 must;eitlk�r,,'�be':d6ei6red:&nd get verse means,. Now t1s' W ang. ao a -.-,great- &L-Iiii di;piri-tLbentis ma. CbTillstructi�611 of, Me G'rii -Ill tit' elli aiii air, or di i. tAG -1 e ten �'40C 1) grapes, 11t000'. wtim the word 'althou .'the medium' of xfbwsli Plants are Subiea 6 �11 6f i -ets' 15 t we ii Stifieti, "W18 4% 1 Ja9t, as in"a p, �Cb t' i Ai art' -blazonud aAsag.e n Ro.m. vi re wormsi 0 OqUee7Q$, and, agriculi maladles.',Th commonest..& hltpf�sj baiiik;' We inev r read -without, . � i >9 V,6� p ' I.iv4te poi pes' men �!And kisses Proer Pottingo�.� Wall �'Q washing ora. Oil III subject. t ftiflib)i -Me. n, owever, Is .Iand eslirined' ;i inswrting.. In the te ll�plfi 'Of the If,th The propass, o ucario ` if -417,000 atering. Th ng Is eviKill I 'r� -'At t 13a iso; tile ana ; Go. mii46; lack "and. be 20 low.,,and it 's6ems I Q eX -1,60 to "For spel: I , d T a.se; Air d the' the gli bipini cd progressive, oly., c6r.verv�ttloh �lil th0'.Clii S. Go 4xdesp; of watering is thle commonest � to '�3 75 watermelons eachi on h he deposited, basket and. t 0 t liew wwo to mot er, aqd's coltmil-lilty causes. . .11tiny. withegsii -farmers' ' plants, such.as '2�c,;.,� an they farmers, ;'reviiated by, . efi, Ivilli ' , Look �tlleje kppt iiii cant diary on the - law*er's' table d power' of' in.'stifilie ihe pallh )i -25L to' Ae- over the docuniiients�And If �ou want 4.' Think -t bl Judged; CoMeril Coula"W'lle sitl-v6 tb chnges �Ieget&bles--Poi bushel.; .migli ned.. p�� dopirs, eco,mas, sen -bring- n a .",cordip . g- t . mail. tethat thfi time h,as b ny,thing,fatriliIer, I 1can tem 15' perdture, &S. a delicb,te W eI t1D a eano o]w an. i0illi I 'dozen � neight, elli ius, 25 to 30ii green ao to be to- ch 04 611V Ili- the flelFh;- thes, nilglit. Abbld deaug -th 7 fors to. Swear. to fd6ti tile -God in: irit.!' Spi ituifl were, Ili sil6 for �,li and' _tIJc r no, t he hlii6-igi t of h:n. 4,06,11 r. .kt bett ve I'e doze We- -w t 1 , IL 'tS.to! plant; .25 ti &Let. with ifw to mien do ust'bi made to lift� I difficult for m0si !PaP "wee( t b,' per. on6aftl e. for fee pi�-. go to us, ':way. -,ind'.thii ac farm -a' " A Xill _o With IfU4411i d r'o The it IS. 00,1.', -CII I 1VtitjrLk6t6, J'jo 4111 ss t Itlial IIN, 9. Orteli &Fv -I d b wimns and destrOy 1 �Th;c ily wlll.l�all again w;eek owe hpe A6 -true: In generhl,"ydt F11�,y-Bi IqZl, �lj A -b) -large p s' sold -and more than - people d.��in boArd Ilb to- ery.1? Speking Of- y1ju Tl -.e lowe a roartion ',uf, t day. About III find ill,4§6tute. a, . lillivo dre:3er,peace a�holler,pifrjty, it 'WOuldhot cavit, I . I lLlf.'*:Eci fbein.,17or. mat lie.; balli ci).:oi cur, Geli anious' Aut orsi a cb;nd thAL-,agree'' ith' F" irfstallce, of it or.,those-tri o refusii s bi b .'board. Tb i t As. yati oo 'not 'fiwe an of,- tfl a�rld ea ''YOU lfJd6011T4 ili§ease tit ip flu as .0111i V unim. oi da -17;'J4clf10 6 to b"L.r(-nc$oIrNI to� fill'EROLMon'the skin'tIf �cjot;jioos, c6ijdition- of Uu. I d n: acoi 1 jppu,, I 3, say ng ney, so, you o, God, (1 5. 'RIlifill gtv� 'A06JJn.t I 'I,' -be 4' 6 fft-red -1200 white;, n6t, grici virtubus', by.-, werely. I Y, . t dw: f4di t 6- and I i Ie cleanoe tile til witIt P i eave*r',, ruo ..Tliv effect '01, :k;u( don ianges We. van Panin; 6f. t a d CiLiver., 'tbrilil.wrature -o the piii, 'Se .�ii grass, an ande .'90, at' �to 6ff.L -viiifli Wit is tile, loss to' be,foi f roots' Which" aii ROW J*lge-See jo oof some ri -Lh,e hair t go 4bhArm 4 Automobile To mom. "dq -nq ParaL which glallo miny. -and.-die-agree 11 3�lfje�� to' Impj)I W at ba. lance ref uksed at, J11 6ding ap e,er cated-4rom, thlo 06 y _rtafit part 'of thid I. their erof. were 03 bQxa9l Of- t "t� �pai they r6t,,':and' tle -plaht. is 0 OlSeli bill or i,16r, iii larg-6 �secii6u 0 iiiiii c� tii The prVp VVb all 'required' ferrW dt. to- teaer;a, i 'man, ihosi hear 6. Th;6 then,.un.4-ble ako� effough nouli bte f _8e to J1.3.7'l lireavbkl 61SO-T)i dull. Ing tho'greater rl�hxi he -past t hat �,gooitsl Gifel-vd, 1 � ' §al(� es't- ment, Wian I plan't kete off rd66; rkek-ed the' , g had been 'remarkable N-kiality If 0i i son,. tlibile ed " io - P14r1t, eaxid- terms. -�A,nd amount.. 'oX - oiiring� a cc! ed' ddourdilig E6 quality, was. the ilbli sei NN Jth,L �V' or gone, 1 lucid, pridoi tbey; ard A I the ptalirl%( NE JUI, Study, t le ts... C.Gin I ent, ex. I rb t 'Ir dyL., -two 'yol cai�e p t tL" he Ls b Inilch Of �it Under A !ry adverse a hot, tifin it litn falls. an'eaho -ey o a dis- Followinj -.#r6 the cIok61l:ng, 'quota oldept over roi If thy filld fOit allces, 110111" pb t. A eam� :Fun, and al. oi S4 6s I hol th legitlhl�Ltfj t d' tio. a;,Iiu t iVIIIIJ fi great: Vidnii Q 9 ndThe [ere Wil ra a. pailaiteR. c6tiflieto istill P ahtOi' noili )7drk, botan; to, ID#8 a( (lied I oin hoult; tile 6 Eake t, Iii - N. 6 %v N, wo6 (I ied t rin to, ch, ot INIS less A ob 6' fto the Prof. of on �6r 89, no, iii, IelfUnusual priic4ple-coif.the bill we 1 Pebp e 'a hd- -ulfe'-or-two-mem rs,jif lo se, 6 ed T , 0 C.h,Mgo: ...... n, another— fio6rt � . .. I . .. . ­ ,Ire raised bi, Ical. &nli say In, the.ifirefty. o'& -.` 110-a: tb,ba I , , lBlbl& p an erie is a onstant ' -bal Jil e an Toledo -age- 4 .0 on in � t be: -Heiar no IIJ'L lo t "friendl. and: isi=, V Journieyingle1surely, Ovel''Colliii ulture. eULU A— -es that 4raw,�susten, -I r 40 M1 ric I ereye, 'decidli '-pointled out bi r. f Tbe #Ja fall' siap es fore: ug, "theh we' e I I , forever,; 11 t IlifgIlway,0 � lli -bywaysi, �stlopp ng tile gravity, 61. the sinbjedt :4V o1a lifit ' - the n 4tlD�/-Ilt le' Go$ bair liaf ae,.: LIVIL; 96 b Idble Go , row' I mailid, Xor -13 d f tfi4t you budievd,�Wlllfitin �-da Brit- �to" God',7�A Conipm), , ulla,t,. jili -thin, -it - interf . e I r L-9 to develop-� in- fO`I all) filendIS forth: bILter e AnN c h,,0*m `of - t he new'pali and lbli be harvesilti6d. ft -h tfir6wg: the plailit swat e �ret foli wat , t: a - ,e rk C ndvanta�61§ Of lli`�) ehicle.,inost fillai ici At an: a e, it, irm oil' Ii �NTC, heilrb vloWlbas, angels" -of be-Ifli. .66i 'Jili thliLt are k!e6ill bying, . fo.'� u usiliai I r: the, the would b of Iilit', smoke, and OW thX1 d list I he, iftileptiOn of 01! tbe,trade 10" 'Lab;or -is employed. b tLli 90 gli -by. fh d6fi­ offer �seli suLli as e :bill c t, ortill , -difni heart be 'riolt in the sigfif'o, jifilio- t killed for, etidden c1li :of, omporature. q7be Lomi 4dap'lijaciiii �are ufi�,­, ai,i ar. *abb momen s, record uig bi) UW1 lev Al - d b rerlect so. III oes. hilissibnary work rAb the oil the date s dii.e. fi.rAt. 'affected and. react W1 a, �th 'thp OnTilo Him that Isita IsLx-cifllii- In- -ay wgpdd�,, -UNIE-1-t -9-Nilt—OMbbilist 8 us -w. bg)no to '(1rc -it- -thortAtt , oils an,d t4ble'Comidit. tLee gen Ip. tcir 16,1 mnd. Tarlorliso�e- ' I I � I n d lliai�' iil� litw- Ibl;�Iffig indivi ual,. wbo with ill' vie 'd be,taken: as, u:evJdepqe Tbel�ii bili wore.coun., li pnn t IaLn(l--�-"TbaoL'M'�'It"','.�.0 a %within re'asoni 'E! a lyi. agreed. uff, Yofi� id at ftjiy� kee, P. -tbe ad - (I So� �eonclu&A that it would! n All hli troub.le.- with-, tb 1ii--Tr&ht6 tjl,�: ilk plound. -.derw4on lt�rfi 4), ith, be er, Ao�ii -MLLile-l-I'�'-t-.0�L"CoUn�t-er�� pe tch li� es to koober; . .,-4-n f, *," , !=vtostbolli A&,bhnk,��the-bffl -This %N be X 9f ation .,DeXt�.37ear. L,!. :1 ieis tli�, life .IT. lj.�,,, Causes bf -disease 'Plants - W Ind. p ra, vice o'f J. n '�7.P;ed,�t*.ilhcx�<)iumitte"e-r.ose orepqrt beside-RIF,being ni!Imeroti are, - often t A In hUinfli eial 8- W ell' of� ... boldep !Week of A bse '.Tlhe! nc C. ep. (J"I et- ;. ' -kiouped f r ough c," -ii Wheii ;ai, ..progreas th,11iiiisti griculture 0 ' uri F ar�� baly Pow "IAL' t y 1111 er� slci L being, tli 11 ditf nd. ejIlle is take eshlt'olf 41�e,debat'e in' conli ce iKumfii�6d� up -the ri� n mah'is; presu�mptlfarf: on t;oi�m'oroc tr �bu in thil tLh6 folloWL09 - language: !'.'I bli-Iii thactiOnal and, ibulcedt IfL, 0. God ii awb g, or< -tilt] w n n What -1 -had li�qped I 'r t as ugA p,ro -bo, r e S- 0-1holl-11 I �afiot tob",:mlich or bet'Leil'or more, colat y. c aes. as. (1111i 6t this 11ro ,.qrL dolne. for In.. the. Aiscussili 1 ' have' h6d �r. '011 condi� 14 le d vanto the 6pillion,:of t . he ��too. jijtL 10 tbe-.'allige�iiew or? cral, tl-(tde . at 4 vefAithlu I Gen �2 Wi co n t I'll tfes. . -y6UJ3 can: i -le tbo'House softce, o of ctive a4 t Ilk t&d, fidic. 10� irl a' e]e I'If L*es MR17 mentlif, the PI t if] 11 Ili& -0004, . Zed for' I': firRi 'I D of ethr air, have bi6en rZ Nv ea d Ao t e icb. and 'be tro t oblir ln� 'With silli Or. or ff le' 'tb< pinlong"i'llA tile li Ito �stifiligllt %'JC'LS.'tO:L. ABra& V-1 compolisation If t, osition qs ell cuss On, 11 i�s, � a r st�.n :he fare' hoav'r',nit things c n ��16t J411. E V'017 8.:,Abo b et's nft� 'th";Jt fi $ r the lie (11 IL e.. II -.t 10 fi 8 1 0 de I Qd or thbi iCs0st Ire 1he perldetin of �Ilot - i � 6 ajid-*all OlLffers, foi fli, thill A -t sIry lilt; �in,�� t ion or h.10110 eulfli tiji ltor f6. (I �-I' thingil I' KI JilZe t'l iscussion, ase... t le on" 'few lleftefi, roe 4' t 1k, y 'k i ;P je demnd, fot� lielp, in fee o fwr as to '.sn fell Cb r* 13�ii foV,.' nother': .Tc, karviftion.. firl I h die in, �h p 6i A�esAl6n after apd., old. ing; nd 'of lettlite is ag . q. xmiano move n 13 ell of 01 oCharity- iniffit-be tig , a, -Ous sup-, -and "".this t (10 I'J'gII t9 Ifn(411lo GO C -.1 L I L. . I V, no eeIli !me and 'el ire g,.Wo �,4 of tri" fro'll'i J� Meng t a f b . U Ill 'tile 10116 ire b p;� V1. Ifl(-, it, t 0 Prices' iv ble' t 111011 t 1)0,,, bil I dern NN, it Ili . I) h v', t Labor Ls in Orp! the'- weall a d to tj .0 0 1 166, iti Oil or 'illfitisti.r. Me I 'Ili our moi fal'. L ki t li.- Ili on, nlkor too' of, utio. o thank d toMtk4 'tile Stlrlerlrij�. ore rot P.II'list'llfing nii.triili�n: tf�ot .mo- loil two will I ; oil every. h­hn,A IiR . - tit gimig4ig, SAW eLVor' "Plig1teli oil ]],'I A� . trild in Niis§ Agnes.Mifl er,: of Qlcagi 1:1 if Itd: ht, 016 cost of. frolible; 8"" :'6 .1 fit, �'Jl 111'41 '1 SLtoi" flainilt 01 11 fl if (if �C tki., iv f, enJI '00 nv k- i, o toiri jitit e, act(. of, bee v4, 1;v 't r I', 17" ""'W I peel. edljo,%; fig, ll 11 li t t� n, Chirfli ;i�d V, speaks, to,, Younr �women' AM., 1. ckme 11 better.; ill - P 4� in*l t II b r 0, ur, I iilf Ilien6i o i agi ofthe Me:� abil ty, lt nstmW Period. 11OUSe Cep JJgL &tJ ro �_�OW� ey' 'Can 'Itvob a_th and bill! I'to 61 dtity or ater illat4hlb 0 4LqJ­-0efJi 4f+-, 141-- -d move the cuse., titei al.11crei to. . t 0, 110 Ill t1i ed'fro ni'' P" 0 t WI ff, G A the Aild Itised, It] iotiin� ilew tis- IS Metti n' :direct.! We �il ILI gufferM, an e �6red r� ith Iii the J`ii h Invo t fflf,-, IfE. Mi glix ears vi belo , ng§ to 0 -014'and Wn sill Ouse " , ­ I 1 :11 11 1. ffffi6noih A(pa�, 41 peri6ds)',i much go 61 own tilil 4hat I dreuk ar1i to, H s -bfira of ps In_ plie, goli S of" iMng, br --the' o a very thotitil m I ithoi - �bdeitry 'go I I. I t; di gory.' -roe JJ ihebIi th be four dake Of' intexise, thii 6111f) that P, losenIL fol4t Is' doctor "id his. was du6 gl�,r6 are noi Ajiowod- �.Isa, ari A,ny 'pit 8 in, l�uAii� to m4 qf 't Ills, �l oUj�&Jhi i"betwdii over V "I'et tll& 04fli, 110 ot 81, r Mamed . �oridiaoa i thb J), �dn iupplv, itild, it re oxpa( v. JJ0'L �kjlt , _ . , f "6 a0lil J0(:rfOI,M,4 ippond�k�6s �augcd by',repeated'and Ittlel 901110-0i tliei: Londoll Og a T A tJ,,I ' I'Lflij(l, t I 1110glefiWd eblds andleet wettizig,., Ing tho, surface. ad 11 the, �k\orst bi! lor "'If yohng' girls ohly'k�fxuiea A ortw6b6foroIlt gveat gtQjti�k v for o,hpli and p'r'd- fi�tm. � , ., , , t. 0,, pro," 'wa 38 ..Wi cold at " thl "i Ili: catle.0rig ot N otj�(S %V4,i 6-1 t S, tile begin - 'a critical.tim6, ihuch silli would 'bli aweitt Ponds, I 111L , tr.eeW -to' he fili Ill . , tile 1 'fli kliots lilt nead :An tii the peobble� fifiniber r tfili tor, Thank'God 1or jIli blin't'llos off. t IIP� 0 11 id, I' r V ukliti lrcietablis� -00M-Ims -s 4h, difil plain4 fo , Z W r rN*,, t h r Jr, goo , 0: On Y. n edi 0 potinA, that ivas' th, I 'eitie eG­ b S. t whidh holped, e-any.� IrMin threii. t4 nd boil ffrl AfAfSd td take U - I * illill Ii of Iny lil to' 'of' 91.1 ri'(1,111 Pst OpileriiII, hibilt4, and at thid, tithe 6t lliy' af iiin a N, it bi 6,q C liff"N'ted �bv th ;tri to i P�VJJ�J nif�Xt MC it, - r . -had, Illig, v(I t1lo pain' ti�� r ol C Pr illi todo Well mll4t 010, Alraiiii6edtv iilMderibly, 'I ke i If iruell 'dofim umbi d6wn to. the, It.4 11 -it< for (VI) fig llitte itiidthoe,�oerii ii l(I:*6g-`,, 10 o116 hil Olkit viov, �ttid th''a; illo, , 111)", 11", otoj,ed 'Oil 1star., I am I tit 11s$- 06, jt t nJ ' iA. t'[I'a t " pe it fill fjiltoni A M, n�q(V roAo troni "'17.1, In )0() 't Ile- 0i nonest canne - I ) 4 f le( i10 of th(, �l F t Ofre 0. Most -,'6 eee -port- ()r, i the 1�onfljtloll h46i 111C(i t Ji vAr rom I I 14" � il, too'000, 4 �JAV- r;3( P'JrA i wo1n(,.h t lo, - Aq,me t It! hell, hfid. 1.811naOh olittl bi o t i a' Zt to t 0 11 , t&no, f what lud t V r)otvell, 11 15o 0001 t ,X 06: �*dia �4ri4", J*hd ve� tw valud�f' 06 W It ra. o imi -bat-the tlle_,gk w W b e a s*s p Pli E 'I PIC, t I It Lnt