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Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-09-17, Page 5
• .s r. P.3s3 14:4 31 rI It • r! 4 21 x 1 x L Z, i.fi.' tt 1 x�fr. ?f PF rgi -,� ' 1're ok •El tt . h'a ..', x _�._ =I..,I �1 .. � a 10 U and" 7 m l to s iii: ��_ �. a..l � ._....... � t � F I th'e, thov,an n, morn•iin�rgow Tetrhreoll �i • •'•,s�ct9. of.: ,x!!'17,?,c:',i.:',ia : tho Appt5tles, Uliriat'q own words ciuot ed by k'atr1,-,,gt••is mere: bleared 'to• give their• to rireive a' Rev: Dr, Gun- nI'y of Wingha ii preackied; at 3 p mi. selecting .as Ms tent • Jphi • •4-3a,36�•�--,. c`,$ay` P,° not there.:, are foci months.:. a4c •.tbvn 900,oth hal=vest 2' `• b4ha1d I • :sla'q ur¢toii`yoi[«,; lifti�tip lour° e$'e's and. ,. k. 1M''011n Y+:r Uii Y1af 4y 3:•7.wp: � u.i..4,'•••-Wt l.,k. e..iw1 4f -. 44-i s Y • r..74. 1tec:th t'i if 1.kz251.i, vrtlt Wki es i#. • recoi �, � c gatheretli , fruit .unt,r,:life•oter`aa1;, that leo that sowet6' nnrIj a 1kil,t riapeth :.tray' rejoice :'to- tt IXC tiewFall I`'ashion,tenclen tes•i rer1.Ory welt''l XLO I1 ,1"11c�`1,1(31-t.'th ng to.is:. Your choice: oin.atr~ 'Ictlb anci.,ti-ie. rzln.kltl , of tkik;n'i.' Iii •order ';to:-.1a;lce IYiattev;, • ca..r..ier * r otd�hei }ofto•.al�r i54n•Bti �i�tta thi �...r:rfWhere rr1• taw ,..e orua f the a . s .mat. rltil .-ctncl :st• lei `tor-. 'maks' lira there: n " ()ur stock is w, y .ca ,,..•1 te,i� ..,e,,<..s Yr ,., .,. z. �F i': lar >e than a `. ' ' ° • ,t for- all t, a osis ;. hi:11k. . and 11 Watt ltslai'o a to �,. >~ � e� . l', bei'ore.: �,Pier�•'y. .,, �► �... e . a , a: a Yi!', l n blw . a,.. i. � r i'g e oais�',:�ee a few of the�matFiials •tli'.at yon can et here xtthaf'otltwiilprice IMO r, .:1 48 to 50 inch ileayy Cloth. $uitin' s 'in lack n?vv' brown. • bluer • grey. green, 5 <Iea.d , • Fancy, Mixed• Sultings, greon with -white flake' blue•. with. • white ilake..;_42.-inches:w.ide,.,..:.Looka s: well! asthe:..000,.. Price 50c . yd,: 42irLh Ladies' llct1:, food weight; f t.l �, Ish Gglois r. nem', navy, cardinal; biiisyri'aud blue grey r, ,suital le a#bar children's amid .Lathes'':' 'oats. and YA96c , 4 50 inch all;- woo],)arn Cheviot Serge: " 42"�-iiich_�1,tr:a.�ualxt_y '�131aei�'T.�,;ti�e, .wj;�,fii c; ��,s�y fi`ilish• inch Satin l)ot,li. in earl. ryrebli:i,� '(r t e nav,''' cardinal• FOR ' 4IE YARD x• • iiNG tr ginnE po9•nep. Stone loafing" i �• , i �.Uo �n a �ttb at: e, t k ''- _. tea . f , I .,t� E •o he. reason ` r ' `ave oed ;✓o• ri •�h 'of' t1`sh e d h PIL4 � 0 } feel.,,proud- of-tl,:;new church -they -are:.:. ( erectaxg . Fot• many years they have• . 1 wor,,:i:ppedin the old frame structure. •that. r,tanda tc the sou: west of where the new church . i ,, being built.. • Ai time- went --on aid•- tha=Teongregation LL grew irr aunibers.the;old building had :0 1months' r•. lseeu added to, anti when's few rt Iagy 'it was. found .necessary, to make: fj further P rov eion,fnr.the accoaiadatien ,.. cht the peoiple, i( was' decided tobuild'., a ne,w,: htrrcla.altogetlier, and .on /Sun- day .1E:4, :the Sun- dty.1uat,.:the cornierstone of an edifice 44:+44444-4+1++++-4444-Hp++.4++-t++.4+44++4+44+++-4ti4t :WW..56•:itit;li a'. it c.,c), i ' Oxford 0 rey 10der rtc.•for sults altd. coats.' `a`i iiit hall.2--v4u,,1_Aiir y......Ivorstedl erg t...woz.tn<: 1 if>'_2_272ic;', • ':;iai inch all .wobl.:.ii rirze far Sart ; :skirts, . 'hildeizs: overcoats �;i; inch•i)i'a,ck 'Vieiiila cloth'- ■ g•000 `weight for ,suit ,.ab ;weight, t S .tnd'coat5 • 42 inch heavy cream w3o1.;,, edford, for, waists.'t • ; 2 inch fancy crenm. Wool. B•_edtorc Cord! ,:. '.:>G inch: -• la. ll•wool,black or..n��vy'.Cheviot.,: • 16'iticll'r?,l.wool•licit es pun.•: a41:1.-:• I 6 c} !1.... +,alai, n .e -... tiled:: 1 y, , c•. e dark ire' brown ttnd-blac'1 :. ' • >4 i'n >h 1.. Oad.;.iylaths., ri b.raarit •aw•i•-i., Gist r''' rcer;c 4.4,en ,. 1 I 1� zzr e' e r a b a,c . . r, � � a R .'Under this, price,ygu;•can get a splendid' choice of , Slutings;; ., and s1 ut ends, in• the latest .fancies n ati.d' ovelties ` t• 'on .e 0'00: Tit+n �•tiie a o' slue, We make a . sl eeialt �' of . Broad'c:loths,. . t7iin. p:iesellt. ,. _. Steck having been 0oi Blit b.eft re the. t dt,art•t,p it.i,.price, caul ' ed ley the.German surtax,•, wi are• .n• a, position 'to"• oftet;• you exce•ptionally good values .it l•iese cloths„ ,1,t • present we: .can-•,`sh•ow yo•u them al the ,fall iwing p.;ices: 61.00, `7. 25,`:;1 li•st'' '. :1.5'0, 1 75 ;incl 2••`'5 per.yd. The `On it �c.1.'5') is certainly. J. ;Uecial vafut , • , ?• ra rj that P _ romises to • . be• an ornament td' • tel iiigsbrfdge`an. '::the. pride o! the pa.: iolt,• was ave11 and. truly laid by His Lr,rtet,+p. Ltshop 4cEvay,• of the • 'die- ' cess if ,London; The occasion • was' no.trkoci'bnr'large gathering of resi- dents from • this. *neighborhood, :• All. rtetigrr ira-tiuns-of the Christairi•'faith' were -represented • is the ` assembly .of u w r,ls of.tliree'thoiisand' eo pl:e, •not P p P a f,,w be inti; from Goderich,'and others were there from a:distance of 25 to 30 msl•�, • ''1'i • ,.I, �r, b • atne r 1 c(, rmick and 'the a e x o merxi6ers. f.'.:his. parish is due ' "'reat , pisise for:their::zea1 and `enterprise in: u,idertakin ; to push .: forward a ` work of o; great :magnitude,'.` which when: completed;.will be . one` bf. the finest' c.hurchod in'SYeslern Ontario, and: is esti,Tittod 1 o•cost in the • neighborhood of $2o,Oo.O. At:the conclusion: of the laying' of the. stone,, the •offering of 'thepeople wc4 :taken :TPp:,by R©:v' ,1;• atliera McCor- Buick :and 'Wont, € ft?t which the M' sip' sidled . up'en ''Father Aylward to preach the sermon,. , our es Se tember is the month'1(5, l�,ti yotiz� 'li v s1"rzti5 - p3 c bahtk y Ya ma.y. become seasoned 1.tetk,r .11is. •Nr,et, =.✓t' • rfz . on1e$r• O}Ir tock' in. all lines for 'l;'ai1 a complete:,. d "Cylnter 'wear:: is. Men'_s'Heavy Gvait Long' Boots. to sell at, $3,7"q-.: Pe.?' gl p Men's HeavyLon ' Boots sell at ,ler ` ��, OO - air'. • Th s_e` pair. :Men's. English': K -i 1Biixtcher el t: •,} l etlnth trate s • •.:theb e• . ,.. '. .... ti ., . sem. Men's Heti Shoes from , L.,. u .. _, �O ,ei • �ai•1 vy � t 1 .,. and 111. , z , cl . • : Tn NP m s �,Trs es G .a � . o.en s car' rs .have o:�trii. qed N , . e yx • ' •w�i ur.'1�' Ime of Ladies' black cloth capes have ju:,t bee:i: op' est• `ii P '.�. �� () r line is ix1,i.(�lj of 1:•P.tvs• �.iearer cloth, �vi.tll satyr trim1211I� , to sell a� �,,� 00. , .ZIia,.• ©r is of -a: fills^ :, 1:1,1ity. beaver;sex.tra full ;anct;low?, with fancycording at $6 50 rti Tills• week wssre showiirg cline nc w :ra;in co<I;ts, latest •cuts: 1t.00 and • i•0 it's 1 anti winter .weights:' *111111a lt1100.0•114.11.dllni 5,1 tt Axl • AnionO:the neW'skirts Opened ,nty. lately Is a oiack, :limas Skirt 'nicely at $2.'50: 1Ve •are glowing alaag,e range 'of, the: betten.ones it $5 00' • • • • SIINITAIL • 5,.p :w . �., ,t • kj ars tri. ,�'`yr3t • REPA SRNC NEATLY' A�1u. • o • • • Jr :1 t' ?t tri rri ?$i,y..:.•1i°grvy� - • ,.. .- ir�rir,*s.Trmu... 7.7 0 v !'hreshing`is the order of:thtidtty. ', The--farriers--liav all---fillialred "atiw reg' the fall wheat' 'Wiard'of Dim annon put. the. eave-troughing on the barns • of Messrs llnWean %[eLsod and Alex: M Kea ' ztos ,barn, _hiss Annie Far -r sh of .Detroit is � isit ng her former home ►� number. from here took in•';tl�e' Toronto Exhibition last week T OTHERS • K'F.rJ`i. v •.Ji '7."°?41 1', 3ai4 +1 7r.).:t_�1.�. "0'q;"7. --- 4-4 tnaterials, in 'the ,new.est styles.; for'. winter - DSS trimrnings, eta, • Applique and drop' p. - ress, G00(19 IOSS- than cost. Ilame, Leak, breeder and fecelec 'of • the. Ordered. Clbtiiiiv order'ing .yoni: Suit -for :fall' .iatest 'pattern, wee di, , 411 • It pi .stfreAo• . 0110 LA are!'ready, for• fall Winter' des.etiption. et this cb;ats .he • • 3tist one of the Snap4 that the' uniltrinitable; :11oav4y- weight, price 5"06 each, plope or $1.00 a, suiti, Standard Patterns carried irrstock, Prices he to 20c es.ell, The "T.,)osignor 1.0.e ;single copy „or" •k0c Per ai:tvance- 1 .; , tii::y are 1,a,Yinti 'better than they liave done: i 8toe}i 1'004 tOok it down corn- ':! anti Wit her in good• condition,. It bas toile Anti gnArnntendby ''' TTirl;',.•°citIlt;r'_Gtri°1gdlisih'I'3,1116:011,t),tt('2,'''',?:41)141H.' 4 Try our triektes;11)..qutttL ,l, Tr, y. o. itTr.,.:.C. al.:cOpittio6,1a::,.1.,,,z.2,c's...1:( ; .. 13( eatted'