The Wingham Times, 1908-08-13, Page 6THE WINGHAM TIMES, AUGUST 13, MMUS. MINOF( 1..QCALS. —Rural schools will reopen next Monday. --Clinton's tax rate for this year is )323i Dallis on the dollar, The T1,lcxti to any address in Cana= ilia, to January 1st, 1909 for 25 Dents. —The annual tournament of the Ooderioh bowlers will be held next week. ---Mr. Isaiah Moore has sold his Iaouie on Patrick street to Mr. Oliver • 1Ddilla, ---The Wingham L. 0. L. Scarlet Chapter will meet in the Orange hall nn the 14th list Mrs. D. Thurlow, of St. Helena is visiting with her Dieter, Mra. D. E. Mo - Donald, Mise Floosie Fender, of Detroit is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Pander. Mr. Chas. MoGregor left Monday for Stratford, where he has accepted a good position. Mr. F. Buchanan is spending ten daya at Huntsville, combining busineso. with pleasure. Dr, Wm. Agnew, of Dayton, Ohio, is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Agnew. Mr. Hugh Hamilton, of Chatham is visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mts, Hugh Hamilton. Miss Clarice E V. Moffat is visiting with her grandparents and friends in Hamilton and vicinity. —The Cit.zens' Band furnished the musical program at a garden party in Blyth last evening. —A. number of people from this local- ity purpose going West on the Hems- Detroit Oaven returned at r Aft to hvBiting witer home h Bora' excursion on Friday. her aunt, Mrs Dineley. —The many friends of Mr, Robt. A. luurrie, blacksmith, will be pleased to Mrs. 0, Gillespie and Master Pant has blain that he is recovering nicely from returned home after a few weeks' visit bis Recent illness. with relatives et Port Elgin. —Mr. D. E. McDonald and Misses Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cummings, of Mabel and Flora McDonald took part in Listowel have been visiting for a few the Scottish dancing competitions at days with Wingham relatives, Seaforth, yesterday. Mr. Fay Patterson; of Toronto, is --Her many friends will learn with spending his holidays with his parents, regret that Mrs. Geo. Spotton has con- Mr. and Mrs. W. G Patterson. titivated typhoid fever while on a visit to Listowel and vicinity. —Many new subscribers are being added to the TIMES list. This paper will be sent to any address in Canada to Jan - nary let, 1009 for 25 cents. —Trinity Church, Belgrave, will hold ;a garden party on the grounds of Mr. Varner Nicholson, near Belgrave on Thursday evening, August 20th. —The ratepayers of Wingham had • their annual reminder this week that fall is approaching. Collector Paterson has been busy delivering his tax notices —Find the cause of eaoh wrinkle on a nnan's face, and yen will find it was. put there by worrying over something That 'worrying couldn't help.—Atchi- son Globe. --.-Trances�YAlCCa Adelaide Rsed, relictt of lateJcsehh Long. of Kincardine, died at Owen Sound on Monday, aged 58 years. Interment was made at Kincardine on 'Wednesday. —Many fanners in this section have threshed their wheat and barley. Peas and oats are being harvested and farm. are will soon have the he: • • work for the summer completed. A popular idea used tt prevail that all teas were pretty .• ne r alike, but "Sal- uda" Tea is prow • : a pleasant surprise to thousands of particular tea -drinkers, Sold by grocers everywhere. —Darky Hal, owned by Mr. J. E. Swarts was again a winner last week in the circuit races. The mare won .first at Kalamazoo, Mich., on Friday, in the 208 class. There were eight starters in the race. Best time 2.O5;tt —Local registrars according to the ,new Act are required to make their re- turns of births, marriages and deaths quarterly and the fee for each is in- creased from 20 oents to 25 cents. Heretofore the returns were made half yearly, —Mr. Geo Phippen received word on Wednesday that bis brother, John Phip. Tien, had been seriously injured in a runaway accident at his home in Emsdale, Muskoka,' Mr, Phippen's breast was crushed and. he was injured internally. —The I. 0. 0. F. excursion to Sarnia and Detroit on Saturday last was not as largely attended as last year. The numerous excursions held during the past few weeks would cause a dropping off. Forty eight tickets were -cold at the Wingham station, • d Give the we Mr. Andrew Scott and Master Harry, of Seaforth have been visiting with Wingham and Bluevale friends. Mies Jean L. Wilson has returned to Grace Hospital, Toronto, after spending her holidays at her home in town, Mise Nellie Pender returned to her home in Chatham after a visit at the home of her -uncle, Mr. L. Pender. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Mooney and children, of Ripley were visiting for a few days with Wingham relatives. Mrs. John Powell and children, of Detroit have returned home after a visit with Wingham and Turnberry relatives. Mrs. Moorebouse has returned to her home in Providence, R I , after a few weeks visit with her relents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wade. Mise Margaret E. Olivant, who has been a guest at the home of Mr. Thos. Wilson for a few weeks has returned to her home in Appin. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sparrow and child, of Flesherton, visited for a few days with. the former's sister, Mrs. J. S. Isard, Diagonal Road. Rev. Kenneth J. Beaton, assistant pastor of Elm street Methodist Church, Toronto, was visiting for a few days last week with friends in 'Wingham and district. Mr. Geo. Shuttleworth, of Liverpool, Eng., and Mr. Brown, of Bright, were visiting this week with their old friend, Mr. John Quirk. Mr. Shuttleworth visited Wingham thirty years ago and he saw a great change in the town. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Johnston leave this week for Markdale, where they will spend the winter, Mr. Johnston assisting his brother in the'marble bneiness, We understand it is their intention to remove to Fort William next spring, where they will reside. The best wishes of many friends will follow them to their new home. if: KING'S FOR W E WAN T SaleStill on TOUR TRADE _....___.. • This week we have passed a lot of New Goods into stock, and among them some rare bargains. Read the quotations given below and then come in aid see the goods. 10 pieces Shirting. regular 10o, for..., •05 10 pieces Towelling, regular 8o, for .05 5 pieces Drees Goods, regular 25o, for •15 All Muslins, Summer Dress Goods, Ginghams, Ducks, Lawn Waists and Ladies' Whitewear at very low prices. EXTRA SPECIAL. 100 pairs 1114 Flannellette Blankets, regular $1 35, for $1.00 CO pairs 1014 Flannellete Blankets, regular $1.00, for .78 TEI: MS CASH OR TRADE. No goods charged at reduced prices. TEB BETTER 22c. s EGGS 20c. GOOD G. E. KING. GOODS FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his 100•acre farm, being lot 2. con. 5, Turnberry. The faim • i_ miles frcm Wroxeter, and 7 from Wing - ham, and, is a first-class Dna and is in aced condition. T he buildings are of the very best. Get tet ms and particulars on the pre- mises, or address JOHN McTAViSH. Wroxeter, P. 0, VOTERS' LIST -. 1908 Municipality of the Townehlp of Torn - 'berry, County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have ted or delivered to the persons me sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario .Act, the copies required by said so transmitted or delivered pursuant to said Act, of all p by the last rev.sed Asse m e anti Municipa3ity to b DANGEROUS OPIATES. anemit- ioned in ter's Lists ctions to be the list made sons appearing t Roll of the said is vote in the ..a 0 municipality at Electio•. for Members of the Legi.lative Assembly. and at Municipal Elec- tions; and that the said list was first posted up in my cihce, at Bluevale, on the 21st day of July, 1908, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said ther errors are found tht. and if erein, to take immene or diate proceed- ings in have the said errore corrected accord- ing to law., .Dated this 21st day of July, 1503. JOHNBURGESS, of Turnberry. Most of the liquid medicines adver- tined to cure stomach and bowel ,tron- bles and summer complaints •ontain opiates and are dangerous. " • en the mother gives Baby's Own T. blets to her little ones she has the eau: antee of a government analyst that t• s medicine contains no opiate or narclo -ao. And she $ has the assurance that . other medi eine will so speedily c • e stomach arid bowel troubles, if th come unexpec- •h•ld n occasion- 1Central Business 1 1 College, Toronto, The largest and best equipped school of its kind invites you 'to write for its new catalogue. Fall Term from Sept. 1. Address 1 SBAW, Pr•esiadent or E. SHAW, Secretary. �'r�•'d�'Lti.�.gti1R1�7►^1� $ PLUMBING and --A party of Winghamites are 1pen tedly. i a Ing two weeks camping at Kincardine, al dose of these tablets and they will effect, Prevent sickness by clearing the stomach Among 'eke those who left kn Howson,sdfor nd bowels of offending matter. Mrs. WJBoyce the Iake town were Frank 'Bert Wilbert Bone, Carrville, Ont., says:— �✓ Wellwood, Miss Etta Weliwood, Mrs. el have used Baby's 0vvn Tablets • - R. S. nIeGeo, Mrs. John Halpenny, R. for stomach and bowel troubles and Successor to J. Bugg ek S°6n. E. Lloyd, Miss Mao Lloyd, and Mrs. know of no other medicine so satisfac- tory." Sold by medicine dealers or by t���,Q y� mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Wil- TYVVVYYTIMPTTYVYTIVVVIIITYV 1' f o. o. The Little Eaton I. r. ,.A Hota; i s st Weather It E AI . ►. O HEAP PRIDES 1� 4i ANAs 1AN TINSMITHINO: We are fully prepared to execute all orders promptly and satisfactorily. 1{ irst:class $ workmanship guaranteed. - Reduced prices on Tinware and Graniteware are still in McKie. --The friends of Miss. Irate Patterson Balis' Pdedioine Co.. Brockville, Ont. will be pleased to know that she hes =-- ? 4 + H3.3.4e: •teef °i:>;"p p £ 4 p returned home from the Wingham HORN. + + General Hospita1, where she has been 1.1112e81;.—In T5:ronto, en Aug ret Z!!..4'. to air. .1. a patient for the past mouth, having gra Mrs C. N. l'eahe; a ala ell ti. •i, Il :vat . In 1;1+,cvicic, c r July ;:7'ch, to sir. undergdne a double operation perform ar s.ar 11 ,::.13rnnett; a ser 0 0 NT O •A ae ed by Dre. Kennedy and Ferguson, An•L E".a --In e lro o r A tr,,..,'„ to :MSr. .? '1' Ripley Express. a: ,t M1s T.B At•kens; a son..•1,, t. --ion Monday evening the Baptiet afAlzRIED� g- a p o u n d of Dialcolm'e •,1I, `Yopnge2eople'$ Society had the pleasure f a,V po l;i :':licit,:+ -1n rn-•. , ,4i A t t y I .21,. E. t}. Powell, Sr G i r, -der• ,� TEA AND +C�l"r FEE—best 4. o>? hstenmg to a very interesting talk i:, ° . � 5,rntfo:a, to Lin a ,hire .1., from 'Dr.:3hislrolm, Pa. P, on "How to a' t i.t, i f .t.1r. ru.d Mrs. liet,r,, I:t1-::nrd .r. • ill the market, Quality .1. 12,21.-..,N. + d, .r. carrfor tie Huns n holy." At the ratan guaranteed. •1• 4t .5. dose of the meeting, a meet hearty vote 1 ' t 9s 321 East vdasva t, Li August •i' ... l:l r ,t i .a Ray, i clic el the late Ale. • -r F� R S 1 GROCERIES + of thanks was tendered Dr. C:tisholm ., r• It a 3.,_%11,,r ,'t•i year. •?• Br'd, .v....-13, Li; el.. •iii A i r.,t ' t::, ,1. always in stock. a. or his address. f,,t i .i e i. i; r of Jelin l:ud 1 ngci ;:. 4. 4. --Winiham :and Goderich played u yea y `� Step in and ir, 1pect our friendly. gesso or baseball on the hark ,,:a,•,c ie ii, el,. a^.t A;�,;. nd a3 here on '77'Ee'lneoday' afternoon of last Marra W , age t y,.ti i, int .. line of CROCKERY be- g T'rt:i i ,1.i. ,n my; t2, u'i'Itr1y ..6t, ;Wahl fore purcb.lsing* We are wade, Th0V.0 7^r3 n tlunlbez of Geier., 17. t...,,..ft1, aged.,,i y,ars, 1 at.or.�h and 12 •i+ Ij rd to pie sd la( ptillrld. c �. t'� ;p telt people present as that day was .uzy . ,;, . Io holiday in the county town. Tho , ...• ...�,-; .. _ +;„l.;l.,ra,,.;..,,.;.:;, ..,, game was a good CHs, resulting in a'; TAKE NO` ICE. .i•.14 wore of 5 to 9 in favor of (oderici:.— 44. ' 4 ...^. — . -- ,+ That ,�..�, Jerome, Dentist 1'I.< 11 Ci Tam.as. CASH # Yviif fl1.,5.: nz;VrEI3^ ANTI +; q Its matting G atltSaal sets of .i, PE ISON�, s • IM.. teeth for elgflt tu:ylllara, and .r. 1'",1:J xi'. a . o ..... • • • • • •.{ --� inserting the Patent Airchamber. All se . ,ICill4 FranLt:o Wilson is s;;,ertling her: work guara:.ne1i, .1. idays at andosky and b'orestor, OfiioO in Chisholm Blcek, Wizgh.~iu . .l. i IL c' � (� a 4. ire. Iirad:ley and son, of Toronto, BOAR FOR SERVICE.a 4 ,+ tore vieitor•s with Mr, anJ. Mrs, T.. ,i,d• Grocery. roce�a '. H er. T,.z.a r ; , 1 viiil eel•fella..ry0111,0111,,:q< c,.Q '1+ t t, '1,4; Tti Con. 1 Maria, (1,?tae"r:i1C •H 4 re. .*'t. 3. Malcolm was v'eiting fora 1 a.1 i ,iia ,.n a t r.,I icr, hie Dar. •i• dN 4� i('•4 tieek With Mitvlltil ' '� �i,.:, . to a e pa_al a t i..e e,f, r� o;t. E'IIo Ii 54, T. x1, TWa-44r l�ula2., ++ 1+•#.x•1" F+ LOWESTthe RATES NORTH-WEST •f+•••+,•.IrVPYTVITYVVY VYTYYYVVYYTY 4 by any route, are those cn C. P R. Hemeseekera' Excursions, which are now run via new Muskoka line. Hours saved on old schedule. 60 day return tickets to all North-West Feints, at rates ranging from Winnipeg return, $82.00 Edmonton return, $42.50 LEAVING DAMS; ; 9S; July 7, 21. Aug. 4, 18, 'Sept. 1, 15, 29 • Comfortablectt srppars at mall extra berths ApPlyealy for accommodation. A TRIP TO- MUSKOKA To Parry Sound or to any of the delightful Georg'an Bay resorts is moat comfortably and quickly made by . taleing the O.P.R. Fast trains over new direct line—service, time and equipment without equal. For any information see Agent or write G. B, Foster, Dis. Pass. Agent, Toronto. Ea G AND TRUNKSYSTEMwAY $10.00 • + 4. + Farm Laborers' Excursions II s SASKATCHEWAN (! • 1 +' 4 +'. TO MANITOBA. ALBERTA, From all stations in Ontario via Chicago and St. Paul, Minnea- polis, or Dulnth. AUGUST 18; SEPT.,1. From Toronto, North Bay and intermediate stations, and alienations west thereof in Ontario. AUGUST 20, 27; SEPT. 2, 14. From Toronto and East, and East of Orillia in Ontario. Fare of $10 is to Winnipeg, where free tickets will be given to Kamsaok, Sask., Swan River, Sask., and inter- mediate points on Canadian North n Ry., one cent per mile beyond ose points to Edmonton inolnsiv . The Grand Trunk is the ole double track route to the Wes . Through St. Clair Tunnel by el trioity, No smoke or dirt. $18,00 Rt URNING Flom Swan River, Kamsask and intermediate .stations. Farm Labor. ers' certificate supplied with each ticket explains how to procure this fare from the Canadian Northern Agent. Tickets will also be issued via Toronto and O. P. }ty under per- tain conditions on following dates. AUG. 14, SEPT. 8. From all stations north of main line Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel via Stratford, including Toronto North Bay line and stations west. AUG. 19, SEPT. 9. Toronto to Sarnia Tunnel inolnsive- via Stratford and all stations south thereof. • AUG. 22, SEPT. 11. Toronto and East, and East of Orillia to Kingston inclusive. Full particulars from any Grand Ticket Agent, Canadian National Exhibition Toronto Many special features including the Stege of Sabestopol. Grand Trnnk Exhibit in Railway Exhibit Building and "Grand Fireworks Die• play. $3.05 from Wingham, good going Aug. 29 to Sept. 12. Special excursion rates $i:.70, good going Sept. 1, 3, 5, 0, 11, All tiokota 'valid returning from Toronto on or before Sept. 15th, 'O8. Tickets and full information niay bo obtained from W, Henry, Depot Agent. + + + To It's No The Hard 1 Point 1 To Read MllsIillS Our entire stock at 9c and 13c. Great variety. Clean stock. Almost % price. Remnants Dress Goods—ends suitable for Waists, Suits or Skirts to be sold at a price. Be around soon. + Groceries is i:. ► 1IIANNA ri 4 4MAi A 'til' 0.****0 r1 .00.. *** Millinery I2 Price—good choice. • straw Hats Men's and Boy's—to be1 cleared out at any price. 1 4 4 4 1 3 Clothing Boys' and Men's :iuits, all sizes. New goods, Boy's 99c and $1.99, worth ' up to $4.00. Men's $6.99, worth $10 and $12 a suit. 50c Ties Now 5 for $x.00 or 2 for 5oc. Your choice thing in store. All new, clean goods. any - 1 1 1 up to $5.00. A genuine bargain. 1 Skirts at $1,98 20 Odd Skirts'in light and dark tweeds and Vicunas, regular See our new grocery Department on Ist floor. Trade 01 all kinds taken on sale goods. 1 1 Farmers We have now the handiest grocery De- partment in town for you. WING BIOS. HAM. 114414444AAWiettlatakkaAtel