HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-09-10, Page 8V WALKERTON porch;X0411 the wife Fenco P 41 F .iq ne"4ro;p.Mr, Rutboul 040 "t, SC OO'Lo the 'i�ino lin a,, *nd 4 will be -4 -TtjeWay- §PP! � W,, �10 'to gil 0 Our- k1st Rp,'oppns, jilst'o 1 h6twe cob lid 40*0 ElIV6 t., le qir,, pri, notl r0by' P-4 that .QuOr * . " C 0 e -good,jtteution aga,4.,. We. W 1901.31, to fall', s he, o W6 wiR ha e Assortment Of" or WOO Full, att,00tion:given 0"c[onicIr a A + '190 , I , I ', THF 8 ni e- 94 loplo.n. p44 J P + ++++, -+++ +++++++ a igr :,]�Ucjr 'thei va - vecord ''Plow, . . ..... in -tbe q ra k 'ao opg: tli 'isle$ 'A 't�relo - - LEA I JAC eni r LUS S Les-, jog C E, T AQ !�S 4 too powpoiPo1�0 VAPQ RATOR D T T L f ar�, I&) wiL h aak ba ll,�G "lW jh' takel'in till lkjpdo, of bo 5pecislist and' VAY kv�piirator, in know. 1,'.b m b Sitird 11,26 3� c ",will Its .6utlaiil Will, ta tie Diy, b4: Ai I an tbe- 7t �'ef dy M duihi, tbe ope iorrio at! 9. 110inir beeii� i'* obb. WOO - h' kcken& oi -M" and S ery., rpo.m a 11thp lite t I :C m wi �l 0�heva wbO, have bben men,�, A;nd the nomination ase , r. W, D falls,," ithout. delay -1, *11df '.R. C� 0 cience, 11 #oned 'Sili, you e d) it, try- - anil. bag up.' Cmmercial Work,.,, 4ewarb= and Mr_aohw IF r -place in th the a all%qne by themselvow.­ 9A Cdossrvatives wil :eAhet Mr.. 9. C). M. ji handle. vour. Appleoreithet thoroughly.eqpipping t a: science To b,6keil,'. 'or put ex -w rde Cal loosej, in waggOn 4t so that full provision Nifil', b�. in the d Donnelly field, a4d w th eithoi up in bags, as y6u, prefer .. m pils there by p 4;a gooO.09107 �in X. one they ider th%higheit: pride be :pai h acoor ilir, to. quality. both, 14 physics' �nA 6einistq'. Tha, once. art-1-cuir 1660 any, I W r -wi ene ilul�ie-c-omp'-Iatad, -ones, anal -YM by Be 04swet, pt), next.- tir small.' ino y -to a w9 rth9r, pn�q d The sa�tnl-annusl' f *'b t' 9- of icular al th A -.pot s a dress t Win 1111136 JIM0 a A.:'Principal: R AN,M. -0, 1 ON- distriok. at i Vinghom on, Tli�lldayil tola% Rev. A Rodgardi'. presidizi;- JOHN JOYNT R'6v;,J. 0. Kerr acted as -smcretary. 7 P1119PO-Fad 8 J9037 OTER 7011 .,Ala_y__th1n trausact�d was not KNOW LUC - . OV. TIX'N Tow'sslifp ov, a 'the W re OSH, Tj RO C " I F, EST WA*AX OUNTY 0. Ary, lNotice is nere y van AVO rails d'istrict.:, and'tbe, appoiti6oment t06 mitted or deliveied to thfj persons inentiona of tfie Ut in � the and ourtji of h hto be '$Voters, Lis Vl the req, 7rauun q; iired,by said, Uo so transmitted �i deliv4red tl� Ac f aised f�jrthe vaHoug Coq�ere f tli� of the Jist. purBlIfint to vefton�',circult was, a . gain . mitte persons %pearg 0 ad d -Ro of the, U b tb "I -V hied Assebs a at, else Yu ment .4,id .1 t. t ton fbi members -to, the Legisl4iLve Amp -m - to tbwkission eta us and 6256.recom. �d e mumcip�6 e ectibus, an(Ithe said Iny'. 0 0(, at ily 8 first -posted n �M 'pin �onalud'ed,' Rev. J. G. Kerr o, w f ees elen this �3r day o( 4ept, 190S. and wa r ractical ad alled upbu the s, h6re foQu4)tibUiA. ac, C a y t Ev aElectors Arev iniesions� or any' o to have, thd!Said errog opTrected ;Dl owed. ound therein .�,t6'take immediate Machite HerW&B't mid list, and. if any' 4) the* f a fil b lk�vj, C.,��P., Wells of Ethel, who 7 aye, on,' ex ti�i d Mated ai St 'HeI9usAhiS'3r lld ay of,� S 'C 0� s. MCC I Re 1903 3) G noy..pre�idlqdl out otpa U Philp 01e�i ot.the,saia uni ;or op f ine. a el oi3,1 ivat, -TRY OUR A Sm jhe fiII34 a tir.'anA hiline. elphit . Giai 6imea kof will, C orpo �he Torofito:d h4v reCeivQ instructions t9 c;. be' ceive. ill, for tenders pi4s. liInnoiatiq whichrilinistais "d -0 opeii V., I &26ly liuckno Fy ty, fbr I -AY .0 0 am 4D, j 14)F]Wgiiiptifise of the. following property r ril1pay re and. b f th' Vni:, Village lot �hum er Thirty- burl i a were, 6ruesi helOfuli ONE DAY. ON LY ageof Luokno* in the the ch 'h �'Brdde on ;t ago;, )ounty of, a N III r Nwm2816%%l16Kd.s ur�h jj�djteda Alite. ant em 'Rai' 'f - house situated!:a, rame �nd T.h4. � .4 , Failihg -in her Uin % . wing -is --'24th".1903.,, ;w 6. d iblo .61 sdap, .. 3$ ,b ad Xim Rei ,mapg jq,,lqn ersigne 'BE URED-BY USI CA at ille:offic"40 Of, �Trusts. yourself. of hii Tefideri to�be d .6 The'Toront;6 uikb a services Corlioration'ndt lutai thin the 31 at' day of, -Altt�; HIPMENT', OKOUT F0R­,I B ROW r- Walkhrto" 'F. uguit::AD. �19iO3, iad16 state % cash ffer 14 is - oney'.pt time' ..for Ten per cent of,welisse,1311 'F 6, -f-urther-Forty withht- irsy ays I; 4pre er -balane able'lit five equal -to be p _�2--91-i-_24 of Be h 9t' nd the -Ee—c dr ot -_—F arnm d aL d' rize i. are. offered' for Th6lra.will be sold'by Public Auc The purebaser to sett 0 tit a - at' his,. 0�iWvHqteliLu . � '�t 3 oI61ook�pizin­ ckn6w, expense -slid the Vendors sball not called an A mortgage. on th6 remises securedby a fir attr"ting wide 4pt6pid. R hearing intereiit:� at ivd per cent per aunh= WE �'BOOTS_ S.1,11 ES.' Fair: jan. its 19odel' tUr Xon or 901. 'o = other th... those in *thei exhib�- 'to' fniniilli hily 'bjtrao�pt,�title or- title' aliperioi, stock anil, galieial .. , . a thi's is the, cAy' a" aay,'06t6ber 10th �,19' !s._C�clebrated Hai der''Gov 1I in 0-496- rt is given it. is, e held this' _6n,,Irojy� differeul hat 'I r Half of, Lot It' Cell Solicitor the r. Coall, Ill. t Is owns ip o Preps! ha� been'sold,to'grovy',fi. air, o aser a hi red' bv g.ed Ist f London �and in the County ut Huron. b the: V. P fiFing Five dollars theiefdr. year no bb 6 The-farnif ajj�'thq d6id- d skin an he Soil is,cla� Ioa;d 0 0.�rin Solind. Exilert,ilid0s. spatial- ..Fifty, acras. Tipleis ivill oidy be',fibcepted SA. -starts. at the 3 cot to e ap th KOM, Arni-goo -orc river-, une y -aselgIR _Aaffi__bi�hest or any. tender not neceftan'ly om rose corner, nei-er.1siling ted.L 1TT.L.E,`-S,, �b val and if isjSU v6fctfie _ci4arod, excepting: small slash. Vr dandruf L _he" hard- ly_ -6f Ahe Atiorne Gin h7S H EIT ricu tui so an­Msn,per cetit-of, plifeWe Money' irl' 1�orolltb "this lot Xy .0 pguat�, AJ -113s Maryi,Thoinpoolls I*g prW. 'L "' A t a 0 A;D 'I "use ale, aw at a Hair li,I to imh t -time of �iile4lbalancein 30 d e d' Guelph,. Ont. Terms kapplp:pzck_� Foi further particulars iietiply, 6, 'AN "I�. jjinaij�g, d deeds.. Denionitrations iE wet, Mid, It has kro vi n Xn e a .900 Gro joiepb�H;�kitt 11Xecutdr%, Txui; DGAR,.S0IiUit,r for n'h r r, nto.Genersk' fl%6dort of -poplory 4or Ahe drew I ck4t's .. i * Q 'Preparation John" seW icitor ifr ard authoritiO3 will or'� g"a-, beo of -hair eognizo -whesil 'started, to use I b, t '11OW'. ::Thewe,-.Shes' �vore, bought for.s" I'll b6 by k . , i , -cannot POtL CtLgb" od; or to 01 do -has A 'Id h h fol �t e g9p 1. one h t su U ki be, Oide'. 'Th Wom6n's Depait� )atefth say eno'ug .4per ffiiin, tb,Le cle, Y.. a VO R6 L ST .1908, is,: also special 16attirm, -"L A 19oa t T ato"i h g ow-, _Kip�, athot -im o OF'- Tlift, ILLAGH OP *rites our, Mariluee hap b t S 0': R,HINGTON Veen orovided.,1or j In'regara th:'&ui6u ien L. N 4'.:.Credltorg� V the d it. 68 r� head qu thili and 1*6 la..Y "h-highlk'r660"imen been, 4fiis to B cits'� LUC Ttz the,$u,,git-' Cwt-of"the Coun i'"hilIve avek.'tried.* . itaylpg r -1iPA.0 In t�o a of 'Andrew ' I Q, 0 T !TOP best' monstrators will'be sent Hills g -an 'i but;, Xtrilubledwit �:m ern. cookin d odi tr&tP ce, can novo SO that Noei that We trane- lig h :other'. -brdn6ft of - doiaeatW- ad an- I W againsi r I fourth, 'lleotions "..of 7; Vo%mzhio --of hftld,rita -the County of gilly d _dopi es,.requirv& b best -D6ce"ed,,wh6 died'6a or said sections f tod or deli'vefe chil _n If, you W !�,,yQur s oesiropalr6d. 1 t a1903,. are required on'bibef ore ti 0 Writes. -bit ntsi t ichod, dren 1% 0-1h' .6f'Pl'antsi b t ' Be teenth dav ofJune, A. D. t is ioth.day 'of -the liilt� punuant -to tlie, said act� by the 144 mv!4 *oada and itisee s., is expee "send to the unjersign64 d. Amess-' ca on us. for th.,yX I of: the. -said, in Ira Sal y Pl6t#:shOWIng 40L different' Solicitor, tor of the said estate of October, - 1903 61- a the aeo' YQU or s,O grains, grasses' urities, (if any) held' by!thenl, duty,-,ieMed_ . . . I - � fens foromembem til tho Legi4lative Asgem' tp tte '' f fuparticulais"of their -CIA ims.and ly atid th� fiffinkipil elections, "a the 11 Ll giovilllg n t a &IF g1p will prb&eAA6 diattibute the, itaW this 3rd'day of Be in� f6b.tated to -hs WL W. 1181bg it &004 at les6ol$ supp em among the pArti referemce r, Ivap,ction, 11101A % y Shall have Elect' 1 direc-tions, N7 T� ip6n, to� exatifini, i4 "" f b aid date the ex. R;if "A _ - list vsi4 first:josted UP in my oflice 1,'�ick'- fo ti�d$� Will form dfidavit. Afier,th� m now eniW Iij S� butitledi havin only to the claid'si 'of wbi�h the 4griuristA. ording I ailing bY' re�bived I notice. and �f ter , Such �ikaid list, And*, It 'o any lor 'Relneay to ful onsible. fok'fiuT, )art of 'er,rors are Ionfid thereiti, to take hmnl�alilltl 0 'Pro., they will not bd kesp Out oor attraction" 9 oce6di igs to ha4etbe said errors ---,"L. __� . �l L � , � _ , \:. , i� the iastai;6 to'any. dtadit6r of whose c film 'they litneL accordidr to aw, 4ided, mind Farmeris',juatituth meeting$ sh*II,n6t,yavi3 Tecelycd n9il" At �he 0 of go& distributioni -This notici is grand eV ni� th ven Pledat.:Luckoow this rd d4tif Sel)t�d a Ing colicer In t ty, aave HUGII alf table been. arrang6d.,- The WAT 1%0' _why 'N' and a �urstiant to the tatu n that bell bor 003., gUG q MORRISOX. Cloilt 6f the isid .. '�! I I J, L I ! " I . " , " r Jim, Hackett, T BAR7'�.!k e sujperlor to,6the AT i iiifflSeptic in theft& din I'llis Are irom:60 Stitt, in years. Tfif)� 8dre- AD,ted 9t Be h holil, pic di dro.. per b6x,, 6 boxtslor $2,56 61 Notice,' to are it i o r e to be t 0 aa -ill 'be ih- Attell a2ndR i�b Ditid d ance, and h $3, Ott on U. -P.Q! box 4,55, �A*ry JAED he HM Me-DOLF, DR 11, WhOL in the Stirtogate of t4o owalkdrt6 ilad to I, � In the E t4te: of formoi 'I applica- Igo;),:, mftrth� -cook" (teliot of, ie toL 0 t At- I All'feious ha�ing any tlairn' avtil t. t44 M 4 mubt - 14, made. the AnaL.0 da eq die T litper He now, in, U C u ­j J.4; n i Dedea ' ged4 'Who died on'ok ab6at the'20t -da it I "'k 1 .4 k eer� U U Y, ehts, 3 ntofithe Ly hown 'f, Augi d o ist'A.Do- 10.0:1,. Are r quire 1ang' g, fis � �' "; reKt1ne?lt 17 ill. in.ili Coiirt bf Uev io U �;, " _ — I . 1, � : too Acre ilib We'l7illL day,of October, 1003, to* send to ll -'VO 10R. is hit III ihe undersigned 86licitei, for ch! the Moere ICU era jhe $Aj&e�tate. full j�lhjmg ;.thlj treamOnt- tLp a l,ng 011d to 6h bi 'h AdOL 1)Ursualit to the Ontario ot -a it doo ikot relle*t. . PAsollej. Otaot.. 2t; by llis,lig'or tliej d Is f the lind; the Ae6urfti�s (if any) holo by theva. dulY !XI _t(,)btbaChe, 'jire inst- 0d 1-2, �kdh , driven t 06ilbtk, C. oilirt ot th6 fit o uce, at this wondorful froat"'611 lflolkrooif on thi' Exoputorovill: Pj 6666(1 to d1stribUie th4 estate iritty, 'tt6l, 0!4 Ab %V be 1)1406d tre t I , t6fict on �kl! th refored, 6t It V611 among a rie 0 001y to the Clairns' of,whith they nr 20 sth"OctIi 6- weat the hotel of W'11 �ftl th day of 86pt6lli�, .1903 received ilotica, and Afforatichdi8tAbiAloli 241:2 7 hddremo:Whii A I ol at J6'6'eljjok,� foranoon, L to beat #jUd determine LUO N.OW Mn te* ch e, from they Will b,otbe responsible f4 fivY. p�Wtlf Ift -, r. .1 jilo,fea of brtoj# htjt� this pap I'dotme sitatford—.0et., III* And omiosioni the eState t6 jk0j, announcelne , L 1 1 vice 6V f t6oa*at� odoi $6� fit the Votets' List of t ehajIL not, -have . radei I Oed' notida. ht­LtbfLL,',t1mA 6 loss for,1901. All,po fis hhviig businc40 At of such distribution, 'Phis floi!0 ik 9 bo vvfwndod, oftlteI3� polo ite -N meto r to- �t_ bb b -slept -f , 1w 6,bblialfs 1p OP� OP I V0% on aSON4 td* " , . ' ". , ' " L'' . L ' " L 'L j- ".. . . jjj" oI0 . , , 11 . 1 1 A of I,." i ti I A 0 9 tic butig work j' �trjg( ).A Akn Ile j)F Ott, diy of 86pt IOR, f :7 jar 1004 A, .. ....... .