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The Wingham Times, 1908-08-13, Page 4
KERNELS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL ' Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges It is never too late to break yourself t astir a bad habit. Don't expect the preacher to "make good" for the entire congregation, An attempt at murder by a gang of foreigners is reported from Grimsby. .A. IS IX' eaR.z-L4.. Base the The Kind You Have Arrays Bought feanatitte The man who is right -beaded is apt to be good-hearted. Some people never grow old- at least They never reach the age of discretion. There is lots of fun in doing things iron don't have to do. A pcipectcr reinrred with $3,000 Fold cost from bebind the Golden Ear ,Acrvtains, and alnsh boas begun from Port Haney, B 0. The average man is williug to lot bis wife have the last word -end the sooner Ebe gets around to it the better he seems to like it. An old farmer near Rolla undertoolt to hold a p'ayfnl young bull by the tail. His widow says Reel le was never known to stick to anything more than ten minutes. ThsOry' S Experience. Theoriee are often very beautiful, but :they are not to be trusted as many a physician has found out when it was too late to save the life of a patient. It is always safer to be guided by the ex- perience of others and use only medi eines of tried and proven merit such as Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine for the env of oronp, bronchitis, ;asthma, whooping cough and chest colds. Lots of men would be worse than they are if they knew how to go about it. The optimist invests in a box of polish and gets busy with the dark side of life. The reason that babies are so ex• pensive is because the stork has such a long bill. non. StrC7Xtt.Xatt. . ailesss the The Mod You ease Always Bou rrtl WINUIIAM TI.1MES, Msu' lST i a, 1n(18 re ----.--.t Don't You Sleep Well? THE LADIES' FAVORITE, Lava -Liver Pills are the ladies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Headache, Billiousness, and Dyspepsia without griping, purging or sickening. Stanton of „ettu Better Correet Matters Before Nerves and Health are Shattered Without sleep there can be no bodily or mental vigor, consequently sleepless• nese is a dangerous condition. Nothing so surely restores sleep as Feu( zone; its harmless - just a nourishing, strengthening touio. k'ttrrozane vitalizes every part of the body, makes the nervee hardy, com• pletely rebuilds tbe s>stem The. ranee of sleeplessness is removed -health is restored -you . can work, eat, sleep -feel like new after using Ferrezone. Dont pat off -get Fer• rezone today, it does cure insomnia, 50a per box at all dealers. While sitting in a Magistrate's Court listening to a case one day last week, Duncan bic3Sechnie, of Inglewood, wap taken suddenly i11 and expired while be was being carried out of the court room. He was 80 years of age. It takes a sharp knock to break an egg from the outside, while a weak little chick with its soft bill can break it from the inside. It the same way with a town. The knocks from the outside have little effect; it is the blows at home that hurt. Let the inside knock- ers get out, just as the chicks do. THE STRENUOUS LIFE The Clinton voter's list for this year oontains a total of 931 names as against 042 last year. There are 518 persons entitled to vote at all elections, 322 who are entitled to vote at municipal elec- tions only, and 00 who can only vote for parliamentary elections. Those who are eligible as Jurors 313. There are 120 widows on the list. The Kind You Have Always Bought Pulls so Hard on the Stomach it Must Have Help. A, H. Ridout, ex -manager of the Bank of Hamilton at Part Elgin, committed suicide. Even a married man may have ;his own way -after the wife decides on the direction. Everything comes to the strenuous nhap who goes after the good things the ;other fellow is waiting for. Dean's Kidney Pills act on the kid ;nays, bladder and urinary organa only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, infiamation, • ;gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder Bears the Signature of One of the old and respected reatde'1t3 of Porter's Hill, died on Tuesday, Aug. 4th, In the person of Mies tdeDeugali She had the misfortune to break a limb a few weeks ago, and her most an could not recover froth the shook. Sim was born in Scotland, and carne to this ministry many years ago, settling in tile towuehip with her brother, the late J )h.) MoDougal, who was one of the piou.3ers,. Luck means rising at pix o'clock in the morning, living on a dollar a day if you are making two, minding your own business and not meddling with other people's. Luck means appointments you have never failed to keep, the train you have never failed to catch. Luck means trusting in God and your own resources. It is said %bat the best Dura for the "blues" is buttermilk. If so there ie a ueed for it larger than many people imagine, Bad temper and tbat div• tressing oomplaiut known as mels? oholv are said to be caused by a microbe. Buttermilk is fatal to this particular bacillus. It draws out or paral_'zts it with its pungent acids. So when the "bines" Dome on and yon feel like abns• ing the dog, gait oeffee, tea and all kinds of intoxicants and drink butteer- milk. Ildargaret Jane Coates, beloved wife of Mr. Allan McDonald, of Goderich, died on Saturday, August 1st, aged 35 years. At times for several years the deceased suffered from melancholia, but of late had enj•)yed mnoh better health She and Mr. McDonald attended the band ooneert on Thnredey evening and she seemed fairly well, but was restless during the night. Daring tbe day, in the absence of 11 :r. McDonald at work, she seized and swallowed a quantity of Paris green. Medical aid w se promptly summoned and every- thing done to relieve the sufferer, but death was inevitable. They say a Kincardine young lady fell into the lake and would have been drowned had she not had enough pre. sence of mind to unpin her "Merry Widow Sailor," turn is upside down, climb• on board and paddle ashore. A Port Elgin girl uses hers for a bath tub, but the worst we've heard them doing in 'Walkerton is hanging the washing out on the rim. It is quite essential that one should take better Dare of the teeth in summer than in winter. The variety of food and drink has its effect ou them. bruits and vegetables with aoids are apt to irritate the gums, and the amount of cold drinks taken is likely to make the teeth sensitive. Therefore, it behooves every one to look after the month in a special way from now until October. A Hat aeclL.nt happened at Oadoriob, on Wednetxlay nteroitag, Aug. 5th,. whereby a young man named Wen. Henry, of Atwood, lost his lite. He was employed as a telephone lineman, and while sitting on a croee•bar on a post, another w )rkruan threw hint a rope; he failed to ot:teii it, and lent his balauoe, falling to the ground sustaining injuries from which he died an hour later. The stress and strain of the strenuous life in both city and country makes stomach troubles. Five people suffer today where one did ten years ago with sick headache, dizziness, flatulenoe, distress after eating, spechs before the eyes, bloating, nervousness, sleeplessness and the many other symptoms of in- digestion. All who are suffering with stomach troubles, and that means at least two out of three in Wingham and other towns. should use Mi-o-na stomach tab• lets. Nothing else is as safe, yet effete tive; nothing else Dau be so thoroughly relied upon to relieve all troubles from indigestion as Mi•o-na. So reliable is Mi•oana that Walton McKibben, with every 50 cent box he sells, gives a guarantee to refund the money unless the remedy cures. if a girl really reepeots a roan, it has .something to do with the way his neck- ties match his complexion. The estimate of Provincial receipts from succession duties for this year has ;already been exceeded by $189,000. James Bell, an employee of the Port Golborne Cement Company, committed auioide by severing his jugular vein. DR A. W CHASE'S 25 CATARRH CURE !s sent direct to the diseased • parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the Meets, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and permanantly cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Toronto and Ser.clo To keep the blood in perfect circula- tion there is no better aid than bathing. Use a Turkish towel mitten for the scrub off, and a huck or Turkish towel for the vigorous after rub. This is most beneficial as a tonic bath. A little salt On Saturday, August 1st, Miss Lottie Prime, daughter of the Grand Trunk agent at Brncefield, was united i'a marriage with Mr. Arthur E. Shain, travelling representative of the Dom- inion Express Company. The cere- mony was performed in St. Joseph's church by Rev. Father Hanlon, after which the happy couple drove to the home of the bride at Brncefield, where the wedding luncheon was partaken of, On the afternoon train Mr. and Mrs Shain left for their future home in Chatham. CAUSE FO I ALARM Epidemic Influenza, Grippe, Ca- tarrhal Troubles, Pneumonia Increasing. Mathews Cannot be Cured. by local eppiioati .ne, na they cannot resell the diseased portion of the ettr. There is only way to cure !ieafuees, nazi that is by eonstitntiocal remedies, Deafnt•ss is caused by an ixfatnei con clition of the art ons 1[ning of the Bin -timbale Tube. When this tube is ii Sutued yin have a rambling sound or impertect Peal into and when it is eutirely cleatd, Dsansess is the re snit, and unless the lt:fiitnniation can be taken out and his tube restored to its normal oon,ii`i.ln. hearing will be des troy -d fore vet; nine cases out of ten are °awed by tiatarrh, t! hIch is nothing but an ind: me l ooadition of the mucous anrtnces We will give One Flundred Dollars for any oast of deafness (caused by oatarrb) tbat cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh cure Send for eironlers, free. F J. Cmcs f & Co , Toledo, 0. Sold by drukg:ses, 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. A mark ed increase in troubles of the breatbing organs is noted in many locali- ties. If yon will only have Hyomei at hand to use with the first attack of Cold in the bead, Pneumonia, Colds, Bron- chitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, in faot any respiratory affection, the trouble will be quickly overcome. If the attack is neglected and becomes severe, speedy relief will come in most oases and a persistent use of Hyomei will cure. The directions for using it vary, but the principle is atways the same, that of destroying alt the germs in the air yon breathe and haviug it reach the air pass- ages with dry medication from the Pine and Eucalyptus forests. Remember that liquids or moisture is barred from the Bronchial Tubes and Longs. It's the dry air of Hyomei that reabhes the spot. Walton McKibbon guarantees it. Complete outfit $1. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• i ••••• •• P • • w • • • ANGLERS POPULAR RESORT, The Algonquin Park of Ontario is fast becoming popular for anglers and those fond of the woods and out -door life. The Grand Trunk Railway System have received a letter from a high Govern- ment ornate' of the State of Oouneetiout who has just returned from a few days in the confines of that delightful park; A Hsieh Prized Book. Few books are so uniyersally known and so highly prized as Dr. Chase's Receipt Book and the tame may be said added some times gives good results to i in regard to Dr, Chase's Medicines those in poor health. j which now have a place in the medicine The last of the immediate family of { cabinet of the great me jority of homes. ; Dr. Chase's Ointment for example is Leine Riel died on the last day of July, standard the word over and is practio- Deceased was 36 years old and was born , ally the only actual cure for all forms of in the West, bet was educated in Qne• ;Piles. bee. At the time of his death he was 1 employed as a civil engineer on the! Fred Hunkin, of Usborne, was the Grand Trunk Railway. He had been : victim of a painful accident last week, which may result in the loss of one of Ibis eyes. He was leading a large cow, which did not take kindly to the rope, and as he was passing under some trees the animal began to run. Mr, Hunkin clung to the rope and unfortunately one of the branches struck him, piercing his i eye and tearing the surrounding flesh, married a few months. The greatest proof that marriage is C 4 S T 0R I A arot a failure is that widows and widow- for Infants and •Children, a are always anxious to try It again. The Kind You Have Always Bought The Ontario Government has appoint ed Mr. J. N'. Hare, an agricultural ex- Bears the Q�y�??---�~ The State Labor Commissioners pert, to assist the farmers of UIItario, Signature of , 4r ' New York say returns obtained from er A A • S • • • Excher.ge Connection Ccsts • • only 5t; to 10 cents per day s • a • •• • • For Rural Line •4 4 e 0 • s • For Full • • • Particulars a d Consult • s O • • he says: - "Some weeks ago I sent for and ob- tained a Grand Trunk folder relating to Algonquin Park. Tho printed matter received was very interesting reading, but I had the opportunity of learning within a few days that the beauties of the park were not overdrawn, and that the fishing obtained there was the best I have ever had the privilege to enjoy, although I have fished the trout waters of Prince Edward Island, through the Canadian Lauren- tian sections, and in Colorado and Wyoming in the United States.. I arrived at Algonquin Park from Toronto on the 271b of June and on the 28th I left the hotel for Smoke and Ragged Lakes, arriving at Smoke Lake late Sunday evening, Jane 28th. I started for Crown Lake the next morn- ing, and fished in that lake and had good look, catching square tailed trout. This lake is outside of the Park. As I started for my headquarters at,the Park, June the 30th, on my return trip I fished in Ragged and Smoke Lakes for salmon trout, using a deep water troll and brown minnow for bait. Between four and five o' olook I caught two salmon trout, one of them weighed eighteen pounds and measured thirty-two inches in length. As my stay was only three clays in the Park, I mean to know more about this plane, I shall try to go in there again this fall. Descriptions of localities and prospectus of railroads are often times disappointing. Many times I think it is due to the fact that the pictures are ,greatly overdrawn, but from my own experience I should say that your folder does not describe this beautiful country, known as the Algonquin Park, in as bright galore as the facts warrant. Since my return I met a friend of mine, United States Congressman Ed- ward W. Higgins, of Norwioh, Conn., who upon my advice is now fishing in the Park in oompany with his wife. He wrote me that all I had told him about the country is true, only that I should have said more," Canada's Growing Time fele •••••♦+®•+4.49 4••••• •••• • • IS MOST STRONGLY! MARKED BY THE INCREASE OF ITS hone ,.. Serv1ce. +• 4- .. w• • •• :. • • . IAn Extension Set on Your ;' Desk 31.3 Cents per day - •o- 4.' •.> •„ •. 1. 44 300 Rural Systems', •, •• •4 •' • • w . • 0' O A ••0 L. BIIIKLEY, Local Manager. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. QF CANADA, altf'ords ser,t•ice "tt•Mt 100,000 subsc• ribers Airship Sails Over Toronto. The most remarkable exhibition given in Toronto singe the day of the inception of the telephone and eleotrio railway ocenrred Monday night, when an airship startiug from the Island, creased the Bay, ciroled the City Hall, and, returning, landed safely at the° point designated in advance. The bal- loon portion of the apparatus is 66 feet long, while the whole thing weighs 220 pounds when filled with gas. It is propelled by a five horsepower engine, The framework beneath the balloon is of spruce wood, while the balloon it- self is of Japanese silk. At the bow is a propeller, and a short space to the rear of this a small engine. The red- der is to the rear, with Captain Beaohey the navigator, in the centre. The noise of the engine was distinctly heard in the streets, and it was this noise that gave the first alarm, and there was much scurrying in the streets to get a good. view. The ship was at all times ander perfect control and responded to the will of the operator as readily as the canoe to the paddle. of haunt), ; trade unions is that State show 13u, - The essential. lung -healing principal of Geo. Miller, a farm liana residing ` 000 men ice out �f 3s7,C0O reported on, $he pine tree has finally been successfully near St. 'Mary's, was asi,_te g ,.s bee`:i- Over n::e-fourth .,f tale ni;aan member - Separated and refined into a perfect! c •u ; t,Y sbtn reed o ' .d a o w i i as all trough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway er [u operating a tixree �r machine 'ne pn ,P Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a, Saturday :act, when ie stet' p 1 i..to Cie d i ii t'eN first .:-re.3 months cf the surcautee of satiefa-tion. Price 25 : revolviug e liniier, The rt aa't ,ran that e t .. I Tcra:i�., 11 is s:.13 that cents. his kg was torn f cm his Indy, and he `t'^,3 e:Gc. rat a.su y aliot.:pkyei .ow as r f ' tilEle C.iurc it thea ,..,,ter, '.Pilo railway comm[se:on has issue; (Led sl.ut;y a tcrwar� from ire effects. art order of all railceaa s for Ilia tiro ! For , ce en iz g Ya. ;uth ',ash noire erre • Motion. of trestles by watchmen and, onnea e.f t �re of orris,one ei:inca of • fire alarm devices from May to Coto i alcohol, ens -half C nC3 of ion do 01 , t �' 'Y 'ter ��JY•ett,', her. i hydrt•gen, twenty drops of ,,: a,r ermint. C Special inducements glass — �•- � �^ ..°-a�, r Pat a .ew,v d.cps .n a sn.a.i a ass 0f 1 i� b 1 NatgAa 1' s Remedy La grippe, pne:inloliia and influ- enza often leave a nasty cough .lira they're gone. It is a dan crrsus thing to neglect. Cure it with OXYGEN A:'® R "Nature's F"atrifieG IYatui e s E�eriert Wood Cures Ni Germ Diseases" FOR C A1,E BY DRUGGIST THE OXYGENATOR CO., 42 Harbord Street. Toronto, Ont. Water, an,' rinse the rit•.,Pti"' i:",oi;onguiy. The mixt1Yre also^ni_i b's Rcpt ;.a a colors x gias3 bottle, c,nd in a dark liiace. Ti.e ! Il'dregea !lea's all month cores. sPiiii4tr atatr n, As a oprIng rnedi • in'n I r ice i Mend •„ ;• , r• • tones i. the !13itie:.a has a.o equal.. It to s p t i oystan and rFinoVcs all ,rng a' tare from ; II 1130 blood, add takes away lora, tire , weary 4ceiL g so pr0Vai art <r'Jae sa,ring, 6 Last week a number of, ren.1 caovcld pCOL.atcrtal $c r.13 Telt nit) an3o other material 6 the a t. ia' kta ,r it .' n 0� t. 4C c a�rnet3o y taken to Port 'i<il. nil, where work ©n the Gceleriela`1 incarellne lino is to be cortunenceal. 'Tern will be tiro c@pec 1 hilly heavy nieces 04 cutting Dat the line, at Port Albert aria at the Binh ', teen le River, it is naacrste+o;aRiver, and 11 le n a crste+0l I that work at theca tioints will l e Foshan ahead as rapidly tee nossible, so that the construction -of other par- 1 tions oY the line May not '130 delayed, From Hear . Falun In such ea';es the, action a MILBURN'S HEART AND NEM PILLS FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS Over now connected. The Contract Dept. OK s •+1•••••••••9•••••••••••••1 ••••••••••••••.••!••••••••4 • •••••'i••••.••••••*•••••0.00 **4••••.•_•.•4g 9. • 4 * We carry a -f ull stook of COAL COAL COAL. We axe sole agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, which has no equal. Also the best grades of SYnithing, cannel and Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds. always on hand. • '" mg •• • • Residence Phone No. 65. Office, No, 64. Mill, No. 44. d, t►•s••••••/••••e•*•• a•ira...• •�•••••••3• •o4�m•"4•4444ta; LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH (Dressed or Undressed) Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. hest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. 'WI Jim As elm anal 2:5,000 Men Wanted for Western Harvesting. To meet as far as possible the unusual t demand for foam laborers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, the Canadian Pacific. Railway will run special second I clines exeet:Isions from all Ontario ! stati :,as. Cost of a one-way ticket to 1 Winnie eg is ;110.00, and from Winnipeg to points vh-re laborers contract to work they will be parried without charge, After at le' st ono month's work in the harvest field, a ticket back to Ontario I starting print will be issued at $18. Tickets aro only good on Farm Lab'arera' Ispecial trains, and will be issued to women, but no half -rate for children. Leaving dates of excursions are eta follows:- August ollows:--August 11th and Sept. 8th, from all stations in the territory between Toronto worth Bay line and Toronto - its di:zir tin( the, heart. t, re Loring its nor- , Sarnia lime. real !:eat and ii,"parting tone to the nerve August 19th and Sept, 0th, from all efr»tree is. bey:o.P1 .:11 q to tiC1t, :natcel- . stations on Toronto•Sarnia line and loos. south thereof (in Canada). Mr. Darius � r(r�iv � l'writes : 1n i ns� �ud and SeptS✓ P t 11th , from all lin© r ofr e.vtar 1 ,,: Toronto -North iia - o.t is with tt,, ,.re 3t tp1etat.,.ns Ernst of Toronto N y , wnte y ,n a few lint 3 t) lr t yt a knew to and including Kingston, th ^r :it !,Te- : your Mill, rral II .fart t .,1'Nerve Pill. ._ ata 1,e,"n t<t .,tr. I r:as rat the three excursions in August trig al oriel» f,+ *.3 ?car„ f viroid and Yny special trains will be ten from all pointe ifra d i. erfl t) t�l.rt 3,r 1r 11iIiq' on the O. P. R. 1f you are in any doubt ft:ar r t:l,i tc , ,ria, ., I t::i: rr tired to l: if. t v b' illi. I an, n v 61 v :aro old as ito bate of excursion from your district and feel alnlr„t as well a:1 I did at 20.” apply to local U. P, It, agent, who will Price :>t) emnt:z per hon. or 3 foie 51.25, also furnish times of Special trains, or 1r Ie -: or 1.100 direct by The write to C. B. Vaster, District Paaaenger d a J� T. wltulgn Co.) Limited, Toronto,, Ont, A ant ,Y %r Toronto. to. For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Stomach Cramps, Coln, Summer Complaint, Chol= era Morbus, Cholera In- fantum, and all Looseness of the Bowels There is no l!iedicine Like ;,, . , •••••••• .4.4441ill•A•••4•••44i •••4••••'044404••4••44.0444 44' It has been a household remedy for 83 years. You can always rely on it in time of need to db just what we claim for it. I)o not ,allow an unprincipaled druggist to palet off a cheap substitute on you, The genuine "I)r, Fowler's" is tnanu- factured ltyThe T. Milburn Co., Limited,, Toronto, Ont. • • • • 0 • • A • • • • • A • • • • • • • • • • • •O A • • • a O • • • • • • . • • • • �E FOR blAitRiI�A T�c:rll,�rcUr Ii "X havo used Dr. Airs. Robt. F aha, Fowler's Bxt. of Wild Strawberry Bur2reton, Ont,, L y Writes;- for diarrhu!a, and I think there is not a better remedy to be found, as 1 have a largo family and all subject to it, I would not be without it in the house al it is a quick euro, and 'the only thing' that will our() them." • • • • • •• •' s If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon or make a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he build his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door.-Emorton, •, o, O' •� w •, •• A • tar•48 • s• Get on the path to the door of the Times Printing Office Where mouse traps are not made but —where -- Good Printing Is turned out every day with neat- ness and despatch; where up-to-date materials and machinery are used, and were mechanics with up-to-date ideas are employed; where quality characterizes every piece of work • and service given every buyer; where ' cheap printing is never done, but * where good printingis done cheap; - where the kind of printing is clone ' that will lead the world to make a • ✓ beaten path to your door; where • particulars may be had by following t up the path to the office of Z iZI' i' �i,�,, THE WINGHAM TIMES or by calling up 'Phone 4. 'to .aa fo a Gt a eti it et i• 5 �t