HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-08-13, Page 3THE WING$AM TIMES, AUGUST 13 190 i Shoes! -Shoes =$ 2 .9 5= i WHAT ABOUT A PAIR OF SHOES ? YOU CAN BUY THEM RIGHT '• ! WE HAVE TAKEN OUT OF OUR STOCK ALL REM- NANTS OF LINES, ONLY TWO Olt THREE PAIR' OF A LINE. PATENT LEATHER, BOX CALF, VELOUR CALF AND DONGOLA—ALIS CORRECT STYLES, SIZES G TO 10. THEY INIcGee & Campbell' ARE WORTH. FROM $3,50 TO 55.50. SPECIAL PRICE FOR THIS WEEK.... $2.95 CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS. .o..nt.orre --- Warm Mr. S. A. Poplestoue is attending the Grand Lodge of Oddfeliowe hold in St. Thomas from Aug. 10.11 to 14tb. He has been again appointed on the Committee of Legislation. Oar oitizene were shocked to hear that our townsman, Mr. Adam Wettlaufter, had passed into eternity. Deceased had only been sink for a few days, all that medical skill could do to stay the hand of death was of no avail and on Friday evening, July 31st, his spirit took its flight. He leaves a widow, one on and five daughters. Deceased was a mem- ber of the Methodist Ohnroh and an upright citizen. Deceased was 60 years of age. Exclusive CO Sh DealersoeWILLIS 1 Trunks Store closes 7 p. rn., except Saturdays and evenings b e - fore holidays. quit Gases Telescopes 1 i 1 BIGGEST STOOK BEST SELEOTION LOWEST PRICES Samples in South Window WILLIS 0. CO. R. Johnston's old stand, opposite Bank of Commerce. FINl; SHOE REPAIRING A SP>;CIALTF. PHONE 129. - Ten Hap• Fever Friends. Let them know, if they have Hay Fever or Asthma, that Catarrhozone cares permanently. Relief is instant and results guaranteed in the worst eases. AU dealers sell Oatarrhozene for $1.00, Try it. NEWS NOTES. GREY. R, G. and Mrs, Rest, of Chioago, were visiting at Oon. Engle's and Richard A. Cardiff's 18th con. of Grey. Mrs. Rose is a sister of Mrs• Eagle and Mrs. Cardiff. Mrs. W. H. Hodson and three children and Miss Maggie Livingstone, of Detroit, and Miss Mary Livingstone, of Toronto, are enjoying a holiday with their mother. Mrs. Dantean Livingstone and other relatives in Grey, Morris and Bruseels. Consumption is less deadly than it used to be. Certain relief and usually complete recovery will result from the following treatment, Hope, rest, fresh air, Emalsion. ALL DRUGGISTS; 500. AND $1.00. 4104.0416.00411001010.004•00 CIO and -Scott'.' ---1- RioWRAV E. Mrs. Pretchard, of Wyoming is visit - Leg at the parsonage. Mr, Wray is spending a oouple of weeks with friends at Dcbbinton and C hesley. Dr. and Mrs Johnston, of Adri"n, Mich , were spending a few days with his brother, H. Johnston and ether relatives, Mr Simpson and Miss McDougall, cf Whitechurch, Dar and Mrs. McDougall, also Mr. and Mre, Fitzpatrick, of Wa wanosh, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Caesar last week, Early Friday morning, July 31st, the small barn on the farm of W. J. Cooper, 10th con., was destroyed by fire and with it the threshing engine owned by Mr. Cooper. He was away at Molesworth at the time. Cease of fire is not known but inoendiarism is supposed. There was an insurance of $500 on the machine and 5200 on the building. It was a bad time to lose the threshing outfit. An attempt was made to blow up the douse of St. Thomas' license inspector. North Easthope oonnoll has awarded is contract for 515,000 for a drain to clear swamp land. A shortage of $28,000 has been discov- ered in the accounts of Wm. Martin, ,jun., North Bay tax collector. J. B. T. Caron, jun., M. P. for Ot- tawa, will not seek re-election. He :says too many constituents want jobs. Fire destroyed a large portion of the business section of Stirling on Saturday. Damage was done to the extent of -$75,000. The Dominion Government has de- olined to relay alien labor regulations to -permit import of laborers for railway -construction work. Howdtd Sharpe, aged 3 years, was 'instantly killed by the discharge of a -shotgun in the hands of a playmate at West Toronto. Lecturer in Anatomy Dr. J. R. Fowler, of Seaforth, know n to many of oar readers, who for ten y ears has held the p,altion of Leotnrer in Anatomy at the Ontario Veterinary College, has jest been re appointed, the scope of hitt duties to include also Sar gery, for whioh he receives an addition of $800 to his salary. This is quite. a compliment to the doctor's recognized ability. When it is known that the doctor's political vie we and those of the ant•ario Government do not harmoniz+, it is all the more °red,ttble to the Gov- ernment that it has re appointed. him. Thomas Corbett, formerly of Bel - grave, wbile loadiug hay with a hay loader, was thrown from the load, breaking his arm. The accident was at Frank Little's farm fa Hallett. A garden party under the auspices of Trinity Church will be held on Garner Nioholsou's grounds on Thursday even- ing, Aug. 20th. The Wingham Citi- zens' Band will be in attendance and tea will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Tho committee is putting forth every effort to make this one of the best garden parties held on Mr. Nicholson's "rounds. Seep the date in mind and attend one of the very beat entertain- ments of the season. 1)r. Hamilton Follows Nature's Flan. No physician was more successful in treatiand liver troubles than Dr. Hamilton&stom0 He avoided harsh medi- eines and produced a wonderful pill of vegetable composition that always cures. Dr. Hamilton's pills are noted for promptly oaring billionsness, sick head aches, constipation and stomach trouble. They work like a charm—very mild— yet il —yet searohing and health -giving. No where can a better tonin laxative be found than in Dr. Hamilton's them and be convinced, 25o, at all all deal era, One fice•extingnlaher to passenger coach is ordered by the Railway Com• mission. Four persona were killed and fifteen injared in a street car collision at Ohatham, Fines aggregating $910 were imposed at Hamilton for breaohes of the liquor license law. The hotelmen of Toronto have pre- sented T. J. W. O'Connor, the barrister who won the license reduction case, with a purse of $2,600. ST. AUGUSTINE. Miss Boyle, of London, is of Miss Mary Cummins. Mrs. H. Spencer, of Brooklyn, is visiting at Mrs. J. Thompson's. itennsSELs. Four Brown Leghorn hens the pro- perty of Rev. E G. Powell, have made a record by laying 500 eggs since the opening of the season. Postmaster Farrow finished 19 years of service in Brussels Post (Moe on Saturday, Aug. let. The years slip away very quickly indeed. the guest Death of Mrs. Morcombe. The following from the Stratford Herald of August 4th, refers to the death of Mrs. Morcombe, mother of Mrs. E. A, Brock, of this town:—One of the few remaining pioneers of the Prospect Hill neighborhood died on August lst, at the residence of her eon - in -law, Mr. Wm. Mitchell, Fullerton, in the person of Jane English, widow of the late John Moroombe, and whose first husband was the late John Renton Dee.eased, who was in her 79th year, was born in the county of Armagh, Ire- land, on Jsnua:y 10th, 1530. When a year and a half old she came with her parents to the township of Dar- lington, county of Durham, Ontario, where in 1848 she was married to the late John Renton. In 1851 they settled on lot 31, north boundary, township of Biddalph, on which the first house at Prospect Hill other than a farm house was bailt. In 1804 they removed to the south half of lot 29, con. 14, Biddalph, the faros on which the schoolhouse of S. S No. 5 (Revere) is situated. Here in 1866, her first hus- band died, leaving her with a family of eight small ohildren, the youngest but one year old She continued to reside in that neighborhood, with the excep• tion of two years, near where the present town of Palmerston now stands, until about 1877. when she removed to Masonville, London township, three miles north of the city, where in 1881 she was married to the late John Mor- cembe, who died in 1695. Since that time she has made her home with her youngest daughter, Mre. Wm. Mitchell, in Fullerton, tno miles west of Car lingford. She had but few educational advantages, but by diligeat reading she became familiar with current and general events and was especially welt versed in the Bible. In early life she was a Presbyterian, bat for many years she has been conueotd with the Methodist church, regularly attended its services and took a deep interest in its work until prevented by failing health. A family of six by her first husband survive. i 1 i At the special meeting of the Sohool Board, 31 applications were presented by Secretary Skene, many of them A. 1, After dee deliberation Miss Bessie Mo - Camas, daughter of Rev. D. N. MoCam• no, of St. Marys, was chosen and a tele- gram forwarded to her which brought an so:leptanoe- Monday evening, August 3rd, Miss Lottie A., fourth daughter of John Badd,'died at the parental home, John street after an illness extending over a year, from Graves disease, aged 32 years. She had been in the West for 4 years arriving home last Ohristmas and at times was a great,yet patient sufferer. The close of this life Dame peacafally and in a trust,ul confidence she entered into her eternal rest. Mrs. Band died 11 years ago. The other members of the family in addition to Mr. Budd are Joseph and Mrs. Carson, of Gienboro, Man., and Misses Jennie add Annie at home. At high noon, Tuesday, August 4th, the marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. E. G. Powell, at the home of the bride,. Mill street, Brussels, in the presence of about 100 guests, between Frederick G, Longfoot, manager of the Stratford Cartage Oa , and Miss Carrie M , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwards. The contracting parties, who were unattended, stood before a bank of sweet peas and ferns, a final horse shoe Mr. Dobbs, of Parry Sound distriot, is visiting friends in this vicinity. About 150 men gathered at J. Craig's Tuesday afternoon, July 28th, to raise the frame of the new barn he built in place of the one that was burned last spring. The barn is 60 feet by 71 feet and is built on the old foundation. The timbers went together first-rate and the frame was up and the rafters on by 5 30 o'clock. Walter Tisdale and Joe Kinahan were captains. The rape was so close it was hard to decide which side won. Aster supper a game of football was played between aides chosen from the crowd,. A. Pentland met with an aooident at the raising. He fell about eighteen feet from a girt and sprained his arm and shoulder. He, however, fared much better than he might have, tee he name very near falling on a pile of stone. A Dominion Government survey party of one hundred men will start this week to locate a route for the new railway to Hudson's Bay. A half -yearly dividend of 2 per cent, on preferred stock and 3 per cent. on common stock has been declared by the Canadian Pacific Railway. , Edward Lloyd, aged seventeen,• is in the hospital at Stratford in a precarious condition from a kick, and Kenneth Douglas is under arrest on tie charge of being his assailant. ereetteit eel • 1N Manitoba, Alberta Saskatchewan Work harvesting for 25,060 men. Good wages, EXCURSIONS To WINNIPEG Going $10 00 Second Free tickets from Winnipeg to points where farm Trip • Class laborers are needed, w thin certain limits., Ration ,mlt$,- Retarn for $18.00 after at least additional 30 days work EXCURSIONS LEAVE 41G.14 & SEPT. 8 front alt stations In b.rPItory between Toronto. tortes, tine Feld TOfN+WNarth Bay line. IMPORTANT Mtimespacial fort Im p et Agent Bete on A.fi, Tlek MC writi tdA• uet 14th. If ho agent cones tat, C. 1. q1' o. pial, Pass. Att„ C.T.R., Tomato • Only Three Days More OF Isard's Clean Sweep Sale THURSDAY FRID SATURDAY. POSITIVELY ENDING SAT- URDAY NIGHT. MOVE QUICK FOR BAR- • GAINS. H. E. lSARD & GO. %-as Do Yon Lack Solf-Control's If you are constantly keyed up, ner- vous, perhaps depressed—look to your overworked nerves for the cause. They are starving for the nourishment that Ferrozone so quickly supplies. Besides its action on the nervous system, Ferro - zone has marvelous blood -forming pro- perties. It thus supplies strengthening material to every nook and corner of the body and brings the system to a condo dition of perfect health. To be strong, to eat well, and work long without fatigue, use Ferrozone; it is the best nerve system tonic known, At all deal - era in 60o. boxes. sate-- —e.----- atoRRls. Miss Minnie Walker, Gth line, and Miss Bertha Rands, of Grey, are holi- daying at Elmwood, Bruce Co. Mies Florence Kindall, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, is visiting her cousin, Mrs, Wm. Wilkinson, 4th eon. of Morris. Miss, Pearl and James Hamilton, of Toronto, were visitors at Jamea Hall's, Gth line, for two weeks. They took Miss Vera Hall back with them for a holiday visit, The cement gang are pushing work at the cement abutments for the new steel bridge over the Maitland on the 5th line, known as the Somerville bridge. Another week will about com- plete the abutments. George Barkley, of Brussels, has the contreot. The 100 acre farm of James Sherrie, 4th line, was sold to Arthur L. Kerr, of New Hamburg locality, for the situs of $5,400, he to get possession on January 15th next. Mr. Shurrie has done well on the place but has been overworking himself and intends to take a rest, irob- ably in Brussels, for a time. with initials F. and 0. and a floral bell Thos. Casaels,aad former resident of this adding to her scene. li father. Miss Ls avinia Ed, way given) place. Dr. Or.ssels will be remember by sway by herl many of our readers, having left here wards, sister of the bride, sang "The about thirteen years ago for Michigan voice that breathed o'er Elea." in good where he is practising his p^o°ensiou as form and Mrs. R. Thug! presided at the organ. A very becoming costume of a veterinary enrg.ou- brown silk trim:ted with tuscan silk Rochester, Mich., July '310`.—Nellie, lace and insertion, was worn by the •• daughter of D. Roeert Cassels, is dead, petite bride who carried a beautiful and the news has spread sorrow through- bognet cf white carnations and maiden1 out the township. I; seemed that hair fern. Congratulations over the guests sat down to an excellently pre- pared lnnoheon. The wedding gifte, consisting in part of hand painted china, cut glass, silverware, fico., were choice, valuable and useful, • Death from Ptomaine Poise ning. The following, taken from the D etroit Evening News of July 31st, refers to the to the death three year old daughter of Dr. Robert Cassels, a brother of air. Steamer In the burning of the steamer Premier at Warren's Landing on Lake Winni - peg Thursday morning, six passenger s and two of the crew failed to make their escape, and were burned to death. The fire started in the hold, near the engine room; and made auoh rapid headway that escape was cat off for many of those aboard. The loss is estimated at $50,000, the boat being only partially in stared The Premier left Selkirk for the north Monday at 11 p. m., with a orew and passenger list of 39. She reached Warren's Landing, Wednesday evening, and unloaded her cargo during the morning. In the afternoon Captain Stevens took a return oargo, which in• eluded $50,000 worth of furs. All was in readiness to sail when the fire broke out. There were about 35 sleeping on board, and these had not time to dress. was Burned. One in,ti.'crou Called by Consumption. A dreadful plague indeed when you the that in incipient stages it can once the dooter recognized the sy mpmms be cored. Take care of the little cold j o! ptomaine poissniag, and i:laced the fore it becomes a big one. When the ! blame 0n the sanseage. To Dr. Spencer, everybody knew the chili, who was often designated as the prettiest little ons in all of Oakland county. And the manner of her pasaing was pathetic, A week ago to day a quantity. of balogna sausage, purchased in Rochester, was left in the pantry, and the little miss, ant:nowning to her mother, ate her fill. That night she was taken i'i, alai Dr. B. C. H. Spencer was summoned. At throat is sore and it harts to expand your cheat, rub in Nerviline and immed- iately apply one of Poison's Nerviline Porous Plasters. Pain and tightneas are at once relieved. Inflammation and soreness gradually disappear and t' avoided Nerviline take of corn except in the autumn. The snipe and woodcock are the guardians of the subsoil, reaching far down into the earth after hatching larvae and insects that would soon attack the roots of the growing mope. The long persecuted crow is the farmers' friend, for he destroys more insects than the average bird and rarely pulls up the corn as alleged. He has been known to eat 200 grasshoppers in a single hoar„ The pretty quail, whose life has been: spared by the hunter only because of the laws of several states, eats the weed seeds, which would otherwise scatter, and is a good feeder on insect life. The grouse of the west as wall as of the east is a great eater of grubs and grasshop- pers and all forms of insects. Heat and dronth of July have resulted in reducing the estimate of western. A few got away by the gang plank, but crops, bat the prospect is still consider others were forced to jump into the 1 ed to be good. tag Idell alongside. Little is known as While the announcement comps £Fern to how tha victims of the tragedy met i Winnipeg to the effect that inaurano9 their deaths. It is supposed, however, rates throughout the West are to be increased as a result of the heavy losses in the Ferule fire, insurance men in Tor- onto state that the likelihood of On- tario premiums being affeoted is very remote. Nelle was Fiore than an ordinary patient, for ho, too, had long since re- cognized her beauty, and that is why, after he had dono everything in his power to save her, only to see her die twat they were ant off at the cabin, and ware burned to death or smothered before the flames reached them. Be'ore the steamer could be cut airift and shoved into the lake, the flames driven by a heavy wind, oaught the docks, and in the absence of all fire fighting appara- tus, it was bat a few minutes before the boat was completely destroyed. Mr. Arthur McKersie, son of Postmaster McKersie, of G:enfarrow, who hes been doing missionary work in the far north was a paseeuger on the Premier. Ho hal all hia clothes, effects and money Teeswater with hint, as he intended to take a j Ripley course in modiofne at Toronto to ft him } Dangarnon f )r medical missionary work. He saved I Fordivioh Paul illness is ons Plasters as a counter irritant over the Wednesday night, the pil ysiciau was seat of pain, and as an exterior app?i- moves to tears. Nelle was 3 years old cation in curing oolds ._ ,u muscles, inJane 10111. Hers was a beauty oat of the ordinary, she had it plump figure and the colnrtng of her cheeks was like the blush of the rose. Hells had a wreath of golden hair; her unnsxallarge At the Free Trade Congress at Lan- .eyes were brown, while her eyelashes den, Eng., on Friday last, the right of were bleak. Coaplod with her good Canada to do as she pleases in respect looks, was intelligence and her gan efula to her commeroiel relations with the l nese. "I don'e believe there everwas an mother country and other nations, was ; angel handsomer than Nellie," said One stronglp nrlted by Alexander Fee, had not ratified the Franco -Canadian , of of• her aamiters. This afternoon she Montreal. He oomptatned that France. Wall be carried to t'ae cemetery and her treaty,although li it had beeomo Iwo, se grave will be covered with the flowers fat' as Oanada was concerned, i which little Nelle loved so much. pleurisy and headaohea they have no equal. Keep these remedies right in your home. THE FALL FAIRS. .... ..... Sept 24-25 Wingham Toronto Aug 29—Sept. 14 London Sept. 11-111 Underwood Oct• 12 Tiverton.... Oot. G Oct. G-7 Sept, 29-30 Sept. 23 —24 Oct..7-8 Oct 8 S 'pt. 2x2_.93 Sept, 29-30 I Brussels O e. 1-2 1; nothing but his coat, Sir. MacK.trsie's Lietowel, friends here will be sorry to hear of 1 is Blyth heavy loss. w •— Fa••lners' Friends. Farmers who have been studying tt e use of various girds to their growing crops feel mnoh less animosity against the crow, blackbted, and blue -jay than formerly, for it has been proved that 1 these birds aid 1113 farmer more than i they . hurt him, The ewallow, swift i and nightingale are the guardians o' the atmosphere, fending on the wing, and taking from the air those forms of insects that might ,endanger the fruit trees. V9`oodpsckers, chickadees, and creepers aro the guardians of the trunks of trees, eating the grubs tiaat injure the bark or fruit of ornamental trees. Elaakbirdi, thrushes, prows, and larks protect the soil, eating the worms and limed! that Ware the Cote, wheat and oats. They scarcely par - BL UI WU t SAW MILL Though our mill was destroy- ed by fife on Monday night, we wtl_t have a large stook of LUMBER AHD SMiiNGLES on hand, and can fill all orders. COAL and CEIVII4IN71f' nlmo on hand for sale, DUFF SrEyvL• R Y ! 1 1. :