HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-08-06, Page 7THE WINCHA1vI TIMES.
VOL XXX.VII.--NO. 1-905:.
Brownie Cameras
51.00 to $9.00.
85.00 to 135.00.
Full line of films and Camera
Supplies en band.
I Keep a record of your summer
• pleasures. •
Our dark room is at our cus-
tomers' disposal. •
Walton McKibboii
t Macdonald Block, YVingham.
Wear Grey's Shoes and Rubbers
'Lord Du
Mr. V. R. Van
stallion "Lord Du
Henry, of Aebfiei
possession o! the
deo" is an Al hor
to be congratulated
Wingham Circle, No. 434
Meets INrst Thursday in each month, at 8
p. m., in hall in Chisholm Block. Candidates
fdr cheap, reliable insurance solicited. Ask to
see Ladies our at sarates of me ee rate asmen, member or officers.
Leader. Recording Secretary'
W. J. WYLES, Financial Secretary,
Ritchie 8b Cosens
Some exceptional values in
farms. If you want one it will
pay you to see us.
• The good old Province of Ont-
ario is all right.
dee" Sold.
)rman has sold his
idee" to Mr. Robt,
, who is now in
orse. "Lord Dun-
e and Mr. Henry 18
on securing him.
All the leading magazines at the Big
Book store.
The annual deco
the anspioes of the
dependent Oddfell
the afterno on o:
20th. All member
quested to meet a
that day at 4 o'c
member is expeot
more boquots of fi
At right prices. We have a
number of places admirably
suited for retired farmers.
No prettier or healthier town
in Ontario than Wingham.
Property bought here can al-
ways be resold.
Griffin-yanstone Block, WINGHAM.
Phone 123
tion service, under
aitland Lodge, La-
ws, will be held on
Thursday, August
of the Order are re•
the lodge room on
ook sharp and each
d to provide one or
Highest price paid for hides and poul-
try at T. Fells' butoher shop.
Grand L
The annual me
oampment, the
Grand Rebekah
ent Order of Oddf
at St. Thomas thi
tendance from
Alderson, frcm
J. W. Haines
Maitland Lodge
from Olivette
Moore is also
as delegate for t
ge Meeting.
ing of the Grand En -
rand Lodge and the
dge, of the Independ-
llows are being held
week. Those ha at-
ingham are A. J.
'nerve Encampment;
d J. S. Carr, from
ud Miss Elva S. Dodd
ebekah Lodge, Elmer
ttending the meetings
e Kincardine Encamp.
Dogs Dot
A number of 1
Wingham are o
manner in whioh
,he hound variety,
into the country.
&ready lost a nn
seen the dogs in
fowl. If the dog
tinue this work tr
g Damage.
rmers residing near
mplaining of the
doge, principally of
are allowed to roam
Some farniers have
er of fowl and have
e act of killing the
are allowed to con•
ble will follow.
AU the leading magazines and news-
papers at the Bia BOOK STORE.
BRING along your shoes! We do
repairing and WE DO IT RIGHT. Lowest
prices. W. J. GREER,
The temperance
town hall, on S
fairly well atte
Groves was the
were snug by
Wright, of the
Salvation Army
selections. Cont
onto gave man
option should be
fereut towns in
the evil effects
was very mach e
A hearty' vote o
the speaker.
Some Teas will blend—other Teas
won't. It's just hero that we excel.
From many years knowledge of this
'branch we are able to select those
teas which will go well together.
O11:11t 30e TEA
is of exceptionally fine quality. The
flavor has been specially looked to.
O'IJR 40c TEA.
bas few equals, It has a rich yet
delicate flavor combnedwiththe
Is a decidedly high grade tea, It has
everything to commend it.
e Meeting.
eeting held in the
day afternoon was
ed. Mr. John F.
chairman and duets
essre. Clarke and
odstock College, The
Band played several
)ler Hocken, of Tor.
reasons why local
submitted in the dif.
ntario and also showed
liquor. The address
joyed by those present.
thanks was tendered
W inghai
Copies of the
Wingham fall fai�
all the members
lee who have n
desire one, will
at the TIMES o
Store, or drop
Elliott, the se
year will be hel
25th and the
make this year'
held in the tow
tions and other
lished in future
Fall Fair.
prize list for the
have been mailed to
! the society. Part -
t received a copy and
e supplied by calling
ce or the Big Book
ing a card to H. B.
etary, The fair this
on September 24th and
irectors are trying to
fair one of the best ever
A full list of attrao-
artioulars will be pub
issues of the Wingham
Work at Light
The work on the imp
electric light powetr-1
menced last week. A 1
teams have been at
the new course for
work will be pushed a
possible and it is expe
machinery will be re
time in October.
TRUNKS AND VALI S + e going out
fast these days at W J QREER'S Big
Stook to select from, : lowest prices.
Work of
Work on the cor
the bridge on nor
etr eet is being pus)
faotorily. One abu
pleted up to within
and work bas been
other. The iron for
Mitchell station rear
erne the abutments
work of finishing 1
take long. The eon
ing of the oonorete
Month of town says
eady for traffic os
so that after that d
rod south of town
dries through the
orate abutments for
h end of Josephine
d along very satis-
ment has been Dorn•
few feet of the top
ommenoed on the
this bridge is at the
for shipment, and
are completed the
e bridge will not
rector for the 1y•
oor on the bridge
hat bridge will be
the 21st of Angust,
e people using; the
ill not be forced to
FOR SALE.—Three good dwelling
houses, conveniently located in the
town of Wingham, will be sold at a
bargain. Get particulars at the TIMES
C. P. R. Mech
On the stroke of t
ing practically eves)
ployed in the sho
Pacific Railway bi
Vancouver quit wi
with their tools.
number was 2,200,
carpenters. Report
went out calmly, w
apparently confid
victory over the cc
it appears, only t
belong to the u
have gone out th
division the strik
also unanimous.
the union has be
dissenting voice.
Henry Christie
niCs on Strike. —
en Thursday morn -
man and boy em-
s of the Canadian
tween Halifax and
rk and walked out
At Montreal the
two hundred being
state that they
thout disorder, and
nt of winning a
npauy. In Quebec,
n men out of forty
on, and none as yet
re. On the Atlantic
seems to have been
In brief, the call of
n obeyed without a
g Plant,
ovements at the
use was oom-
rce of men and
ork digging out
the flume. The
)ng as rapidly as
ed that the new
iy to work some
Leave your order for daily
papers at the Big Book store.
County Y. M.
Mr. Louis C. Fie
County Secretary of
Christian Association
Wednesday. Mr.
his family from E
has entered upon
the holiday seaso
work will be pus
expected that
organized in all
of the county.
A. Work.
ping, of Clinton,
the Young Men's
e, was in town on
lemming has moved
ter to Clinton and
s work. As soon as
is over the county
ed forward and it is
ve branohes will be
he towns and villages
. Educatio
A great deal
ing paid by t
Canadian Natio
to the applied
the exhibit by
The Committe
strengthened by
men prominent
the City, and a
expected that th
the exhibit will
vance of that m
Trunks, Valises, Suit Ca.:: and Tele-
scopes—biggest stook •:st seleotion—
WILLIs & Co., sole a; • • is for Victoria
shoes for ladies and Albert slides for
Crop Abo
The director of
who is making hi
western provinces,
of agrioniture fro
"Have seen crops
and Brandon, In
wheat is good, a
yield ; in others,
is light and poorl
is very short, and t
Some fields of b
out. These are m
The crops are not h
about Brandon sai
the average, excep
light. First field
two days ago. Ca
in a week or ten
ly to be of exoell
perimental farm
looking well. H
filled, and have t
in eaoh spikelet."
e Average.
xperimental farms,
annual tour of the
ires the department
Brandon as follows:
between Winnipeg
some localities the
d will give heavy
peoially where soil
worked, the straw
e yield will be low.
rley and oats are
inly on high land.
avy. General crop
to be well above
where the soil is
of wheat cut here
ting will be general
ye. All grain like-
nt quality, On ex -
grain of all sorts
ds of wheat well
ree or four kernels
at Toronto Fair.
f extra attention is be-
e Committees of the
al Exhibition, Toronto,
its Department and to
nblio School children,
i have been greatly
the addition of gentle -
educational work in
a consequence, it is
general character of
e a good deal in ad -
e in previous years.
We are offerin a number of articles
in furniture at $1 less each day until
they are sold. This is called Dutch
attrition. Call at WALKER'S furniture
store and get partionlars.
To Fru I Growers.
Auy resident of
ing prospects for
this season is req
exhibit whioh wi
vincial Hortioult
next November.
have again mad
the preparation
Oounty of Huro
prizes, in additio
desiring to contr
lection, or to ma
the regular cox
munioate with V
who Is acting o
Horticultural S
and preparation
help to show the
do in the way of
Huron County hav-
mples of good fruit
inded of the County
be made at the. Pro-
ral Fair in Toronto
The County Council
a grant of $50 towards
and handling of a
exhibit, and $25 for
to the prize list of the
For low prices
furniture, we take
furniture store.
Brick cottage for rent; on Minnie
street. Apply to Mos. (DR) J, E
Home ,eskers
To Manitoba, Seek
berta. Alt rail via
Paul, Ang. 13, Sept. 1
via Sarnia and Nor
Co's. Steamers, leav
p. in., Aug. 29 and 81,
Winnipeg and ret
Edmonton ante re
Proportionate rates.
in Western Canada.
60 days. Full infer
Agent of the Gran
ers' Examination. oounty centres ar as follows:—M. G.
ents who passed the Anderson,G Arms ong, 1 I. Anderson,
no for entrance to the J T. Anderson, M. Brothers, L.
as announced by the Brown, J. W. Herr , J H. Best, E. A
uoation Friday night. Centellen, J 0 Cop , E, D. Oourtice, F.
was written upon in R Clegg, M. gown , K Deadman, J.
tion of the Province. F. Ellis, J. 0. Elliot T. R Elliott, I 13.
of the former junior Frain, I 0. Fergus(), U. E. Fowler, E
• aliens, and is the Goi❑g, R. Greiger, M. Gcvenlook,
tness for second-class W. Henderson, A. I Hamilton, H. S•
es about August 17th, Hamilton, M I. Joh s, A. T. Jordan,
•f those who passed M. H. Jordon, J. F. utas, /1 D. Lark -
those who failed will in, F. McKenzie, Do . Millyard, R. 0.
Olio school inspectors Marks, A. E, MeGow n, C. G McNeil,
prinoipale. Appeals Annie McEwen W. Murdie, J R.
before September 1st, Platt, J. W. Peck, D
High Sohool twenty—is passed this exam- 0. M. Ross, W. B.
result of the test H. Stewart, W. A. S
High School staff Smith, M. Stoddart, J
my -one so that in the Smale, A. E. Stapletoij
Thompson, J. A. Tom,
Taylor, R. H. Vodden
E. L Willis, E. Wall
E M. Yeo,
Junior Tea.
The list of st•.
recent examinati
Normal schools
Department of 13
This examinatio •
almost every po
It takes the plat
tesohers' exams
academie test for
teaohers' certifies
the certificates
and the marks o
be mailed to the
and high sohoo
should be sent i
At the Wingha
niue of the stud
ination. As a
examination the
recommended tw
twenty•nine pass; ng the result should be
very gratifying 1(0 the staff and students.
The TIMES extends hearty oongratula-
Sohool staff and the
idates. The snocessfnl
m Wingham
tohewan and Al-
ihioago and St
, 15 and 29; also
ern Navigation
ing Sarnia 3 30
rn, $32.00.
tr;t, $42 50.
to other points
iokets good for
ation from any
Trunk Railway
nd best quality of
he lead. WALKER'S
Powell -Kin
The marriage of
M. A., eldest daught
C. L. King, to Rev.
rector of Holy Tri
ley, was solemnized
ing at ten o'clock in
Messiah. The care
by Rev. Rural Dee:
the Rev. H. A.
parish. The bride
by her father, was
in an embroidered g.
with veil and wreat
Her sister, Miss
bridesmaid. The
by his cbnsin, Mr,
of Wingham. Re
ell left on the 1.3+
i t
�esooiation, Anyone where en Friday
me to the County col•
e a separate exhibit in
tpetition, should corn-
rm. Lane, county clerk, present at thO cor
behalf of the Goderich `Engen and tbo Doe
liety in the collection ; ,
)f the exhibit. Please 'Chicago; Mesars.
King, Chicago; Mis
world what Huron can and Arthur Sing,
siting good fruit. Review. Mr, Pow
Lino steamer Tu•
Country. The bri
was of brown cloth
Relatives and frie
tions to the Hi
successful oanc
candidates fr
follows :—
Herbert D bson (Honors).
Roy Galla her (Honors).
Harry Gre n (Honors).
Edna Isbi er (Honors).
Bessie Lo ell (Honors),
Bessie M sales (Honors).
Annie Mc wen (Honors),
Carter NI+Kee (Honors).
William + oLean (Honors),
Minnie t oss (Honors).
Mary S • eriff (Honors).
Ethel " alsh (Honors).
Maggie Anderson.
Jean B ue.
TRUNKS —Strong trunks ith strong
locks. Snit Cases, C b age and Tele-
scopes of the first qn W. Jt GREEK'S.
Died at
The death occurr
day morning, whit
Ingersoll, of Mr. La
Mr, and Mrs. Day
Colborne, and son -
Agar, of Ingersoll.
New Mexico over
hope that a ohang
prove beneficial t
however, was not
by the change and
Ingersoll when h
ceased was aged 31
by a widow and on
Fortier resided in Wingham for some
time, being empl yed in Walker &
Clegg's factory.
at Chicago, Fri -
on his way to
an Fortier, son of
Fortier of Port
u•law of Mr. W.
r. Fortier went to
year ago with the
of climate would
his health. He,
nefitted as expected
e was returning to
passed away, De -
ears and is survived
son. The late Mr.
Jennie owman.
Mina t urrie.
Rata avidson.
Will albraith.
Alvin art
Lizzie Hetherington.
Nelso Higgins.
Viola card.
Earns. iffe Musgrove.
Earl P•rter.
Clayto. Proctor.
Bell R.bertson.
Roben Sheriff.
Claren,e Wilson.
Flo Vag Candidates
Successful candidates at other points in
the county are as follows:—E.'L. Ander-
son, G, Arratong (honors), I, I. Ander-
son (honors)), M. Brothers (honors), L.
Brown (hono s), M. J. Bisset, J. W.
est (honors), E. G. Camp -
Cowan (honors), 13. M,
0. Chaff, F. R Clegg, E
(honors), J. C. Copp
oombes, T. Dark, K. E.
rs), E: Dickson (honors),
(honors), H. I Elcoat
st (honors), Be 0. Ed -
rain (honors), I. 0. Fer-
Fowler (honors), R.
vanlock (honors), W.
re) S. A. Holmes
milton, M. I. Johns,
ors), M. J. Keys, H.
. D. Larkin (honors),
onors), J. F. Lucas
iler (honors), D, L.
W. C. Murdie
arks (honors), 0 G.
A. E. McGowan
aogregor, L. Mao-
evin (honors), J. A.
s), B. McEwan, F.
s), J. W. Peck
ey (honors), M. W. President, A. 11 Musgrove, M. P. P.;
on (honors), J. Robb President, W. HGreen; Secretary, R.
erferd (honors), S. R Vanstone; Trees rer, Dr. A. 3'. Irwin.
13. Roach (honors), 0.
e J. A. Scott (honors),
le, A. E. Stapleton
dee M. Smith, D. H
C. Speir (honors), W.
ors), E. Tighe, G. J.
s), J. A. D. Tom, E.
Vodden (honors), W.
Workman, E. Walker
(honors), R. A. Walter, I. B. Welsh
(honors), E. M. L Yeo (honors),
are as
E. Ross, S. R.
Straohan, D.
:evensoe, A. M.
, A. Scott, R E
, E. Tighe, G. J.
E B, Tye, E J
J. 0. Wiseman
er, I 13. Welsh
Bowlers Won a
Four rinks of WinE
to Kincardine on Tu
afternoon in a frienc
bowlers of that town
era won out by fort
R. Ross 4 VG
Jas Miller17 L
Jas. Stewart19 A
Wm. Harvey6 D
GENTS! Have you see
of Iuviotus Shoes fo
Shoe in Canada f
i• ise E. G. King,
r of Mr. and Mrs,
toranois E. Powell,
ity Church, Ches-
on Tuesday morn -
the Church of the
ony was performed
Miles, assisted by
ight, rector of the
ho was given away
becomingly attired
yen of white muslin
of orange blossoms.
Nessio King, was
room was attended
hos. E. Robinson,
Mr. and Mrs. Pow -
train for Montreal
y sail by the Allan
elan for the Old
's going away gown
and hat to match.
s from a distance
many, were Mra.
, Miss A. E. Engles,
harks and Rupert
Powell, Wingham
en sail. ---Kincardine
lis a San of Mr. T.
berry and is well -
our readers. The
is section will join
isbing Mr. and
s of happy wedded
Dr. °VOfle. Oculist, London, Surgeon
Eye, tee', Nose and Throat will bo at
MoKibbon s drug etore,Wednesday,Ang.
liGth, Hours: 12a.m, to8p.m. Glasses
properly fitted.
K Powell, of Tut*
known to many
many friends in t
With the TIMES in
Poveell ninny yea
Berry, J H.
bell (honors),
Campbell, E.
A. Cantelon
(honors). J. A
Deadman (hon
T. R. Elliott
(honors), S. E
meston, I. B.
guson, H. E.
Greiger, A. M.
Henderson (hon
(honors), R. I. H
M. 11. Jordan (ho
R. Ker (honors),
J, B, W. Long
(honors), E. S. M
Milliard (honors
(honors), R. 0.
MacNeil (honors)
(honors), C. G.
Vicar, R. I. Mo
McConnell (hono
McKenzie (hon
(honors), M. Pol
Pfaff, M. I. Pear
(honors), L. Rut
Ross (honors), J.
M. Ross (honors
A. G. Somervi
(honors), G. St
Stewart (honors)
B, Straohan (ho
Thompson (hone
J. Taylor, R. H.
W. Weir, H. V.
the new lines
all? The best
en. Drop in for a
ham bowlers we
:day and spent the
ly game with the
The local play-
-nine shots. The
Stenographers and
600 13 ao 1. -keepers
__ trained b our man.
ageuient last year.
Experience counts.
Graduates most successful. Special
Course for Teachers Mail Coarses.
Send postal for particulars
Wingham Business College
N ■
Holmes ..... 25
Kennedy - 19
M. Crawford.. 19
T. Hepburn... 32
New Victoria Shoes for 1
arrived. We invite the la
ham and vicinity
You are under n ..ligation to buy.
WILLIS & Co., sole agents in Wingham.
sof Wring-
nd see them.
- Guarding Aga nst Typhoid.
Wingham has hasome three or four
oases of typhoid fe er during the past
few days and peop : will do well to act
on the advice given by the Toronto Star,
as follows:—"As autumn approaches
there is almost inv>riably an increase in
the number of +hoid cases in rural
sections, There is reason to believe
that much of this disease is duo to the
fact that wells at t. at season are nearly
dry and that the impurities collected
at the bottom be me mixed with the
water made nee .f for domestic pur-
poses. In all oasin which the pur-
ity of the water : not absolutely be-
yond question, st•ps should bo taken
to have it analyz d. Samples sent to
the chemical dep tment of the Agri.
cultural College, a uelph, will be tested
free of °barge. other cause of con-
tagion is found in , e presence of house
flies, which may • tether disease germs
On their legs and wings and transfer
same to human fo •+ to which they are
allowed access,
limiting the dans;
found in the rote
of filth and the 13111
places which may b
St. Paul's New Rector
Rev. C. E. Jea�
St. Paul's ohur
and child, arri
Thursday last
settled in the r
preached his firs
last to large co
pleasing speaker
voice. The memh
tion speak in high
reotor and we feelenre the work of St.
Paul's church will prosper under Mr.
Jeakins. The Ti IES has great pleasure
in welcoming the •ow Rector and Mrs
Jeakins to Wingh m.
ins, the new rector of
�, with Mrs. Jeakins
d in Wingham on
nd are now nicely
ctory. Mr. Jeakins
sermons on Sunday
regations. He is a
nd has a splendid
rs of the congrega-
praise of their new
The Wing
The annual m
holders of the
held in the Comic
nesday evening o
port of the dire
hospital affairs we
that the work for
carried on in a
The number of
from fifteen to u
gentlemen were e
Rich, Clegg, R.
Irwin, D. T. Hep
W. Hanson, Dr.
J. P. Kennedy.
directors held on
oers were elect
am Hospital.
eting of the share•
ngbam hospital was
1 Chamber on Wed -
last week. The re-
ors showed that the
sin good shape and
he past year had been
ery satisfactory way.
irectors was reduced
e and the following
acted:—W. H. Green,
unior Mat
The juthor mat
announced by the
cation Monday e
the calendar of th
onto, the pass sta
of the marks assig
of two classes of o
iculation Exam.
Department of Ede. -
ening. According to
University of Tor-
dard is 33 per cent.
ed to a paper.
contains the names
who have written
requirements of the
onto in a sufficient
for full matriculati
have written on one
have fulfilled the regluirements therein. ,
‘o made 33 per cont. Subsription fcir f
The Wingham h
very successful
wonder how the t
out a hospital.
are at the hospita
outside points.
worthy institutio
The financial rep
-directors was as f
The receipts a
the date of the c
October, 1907 we
Oath on subscrib
Grants, donatio
Hospital receipts
spital 'has so far had a
areer, and many now
wn done so long with -
is week ten patients
many coming from
e Trees wishes tens
continued success
rt presented by the
Rows :—
d expenditures from
arter to the lst of
e as follows: —
d • stocks $3887.50
s, concerts,
eto 1874.87
rom patients 1092 28
$685-1 63
is what you invariably get
when Jou leav e your
order for clothing at this
Clothes bought here are
guaranteed to fit well,
look well and wear well
—and they do.
Paid on land and
tuents to ground
r improve -
and build -
$4455 84
733 32
pital. 1574 09
$6763 25
Metier, 1007 to the
the receipts and Ox-
en as follows:—
stook 137.50
tious, etc_ 441.78
$2563 70
account $ 212 04
no 86
on and fulfilled the Maintenance of h
University of Tor -
umber of subjeote
From the lst of
31st of July, 1908,
r more papers and penditures have b
It followe that all w
npon the papers 'ape
are here reported.
The students of t
e best means of Soheol who passed
are as foliates:—
from flies will be Vgiin EurVae 0
al of all collections
in nr any marshy Will Galbraith
near the honse," Gordon Goble
Alvin Hart
We canuot out pricer; an furniture
very inuch as we have always sold at
rock bottom. We have the best stook
of furniture in Winghem, WAmEn's
furniture store,
Carter MeKee
Minnie L. Ross
Gertie Troy
Gertie White
Sacceaeful etude
which they wrote Calls on subscrib
Received from pa
Wingham High I County grant
Other grants, do
this examinations
Rote, Davidson
Rey Genneree Paid on building
Alberta Geble I For equipment
Harry Green I For maintenane
Merle Lamonby Dal- in bands of
Pearl blePhereon
Gordon Dolman ENP
Men's Furnishings
of all kinds
Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties,
Collars, Underwear, etc.
The very newest of new
goods are here.
Come in and have a look.
Robt Maxwell
The Leading Shoe Store
183S 04
Treasurer 475 40
VNI1COUVer, ham been appointed Poe-
ts at other liuronlmatiter of that city.
Men's Fall Shoes
It may seem a little caoly but never-
theless now is the VERY 13EST time
to select yaw Fall Shoes
Let us show von our now lineq Men'Fi
Invietts SlIteeS for rail
o me of the nerviest things among_ them you
ever saW. Wo can. Shoe von at et ea see) and
Bravo a look at tow stylcA in windo,v.
J. Greer
SOLE ..torNT.