HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-08-06, Page 5TRH wING:42 TIUES, AIMW T i,' 1903
ed S
• .. BY.••
gist mill was added to the intended
plant, thug offering an inducement ter
the farmer to raise grain, and incident-
.-- ally straw, "So we cats ketch 'em on
doth ends, too," es Red put it.
The time seemed like enchantment to
aliss Mettle.
Ings anda stockholder in the. company
she had risen to be a person of impor-
tance, with the result that she was
even more modestly shy than before,
although in her heart she liked it;
but more delightful yet was the spirit
of holiday activity which inspired and
pervaded the place.
Red had insisted ou operating on
the lines that are laid down with' rail -
toad spikes in the 'swestern communi-
ties—to patronize home industries as
much as possible. Therefore the ma -
1 time, for I don't litre to talk this ym]?pit dm that he twee afreis3 or enybody.
any more than you Mo.to hear it.: Ile even clatickled when be gut Leal;
Kola geusl )3y-lsyl" out of the way with a plausible ex -
It was a very successful pante. ease the next uworeiug. Then he
Tiley spent the afternoon in wander -1 strode briskly lute the bouse, his quer
ing around in the usual pieUIe fashion,' thin ou his lips in a plump out and out
developing appetites, ,until it eceurred ! form.
to 'fled to Itven the performance
s Miss
iss Mettle to oat is t oted at hi site with
showing them the art of Mang aslow
practiced Open an old cow foundeiln ilied swallowe(j his question whale,
the Woods. As a spectacle It was a , "I—i wanted a little hot water to
failure. The combined efforts of an 1 ;;have frith," said he, Tben a fury
the hootin small boys could not make took. hold of him. "What the devil
that BOw'ran. She even stretched her' am I lying like this for?" Ile thought..
neck toward Iced, as 'Omagh. sayiug:I Ire exhorted himself to go on and say
"Murry up with your foolishness. I 1 what he had to say like a man, but
have a cud to chew and can't stand the other Red Saunders refused to do
here idle all day." So Red gollopedanything of tbe sort. Ile took the cull
opening was set for the 27th, WO by and threw the noose over her Bead of hot water most abjectly and fled
as au exhibition of bow the tiling was i from the house. Ile had to shave
Iliattie's birthday, grid the village of (lone rather than how it ought to be + then, and in bis hurry and indignation
Fairfield was invited to a picnie to done. Nevertheless picnic parties are? he turned thlooperation
1per tUat1al e ei clinic. Ce held at the mid in honor of the Oce not hypercritical in the Matter of ; "Oh, Jiminy,
It is needless to say that the amusement, and the feat received', the razor opened up another part of
company id the i Manufacturing' Ia shapt three encores. The Last time he missed i the subject. "There's a slit an inch
company did the tiring w in shape, ' his cast through overconfidence, where. ` longi If I keep on at this gait I
byrufour loaded teams straw and rounds at the old cow tossed leer head and tau t, won't have
alone what I say
four horse went the In the air Hud tore off at an elephan•1 'morning, lo. What ails me? What ails me?
of dtbeoubtful
villagetful if Fairfield
the guests. re tine gallop, with a bawl that sounded Why should 1 be scarf it the nicest
IS doubtful than et the was ever more to Red lniglltily lll.e derision.
r risue at was realization a "Burned if she ain't laughing at met" 4 u'own God ever built? Now, by all
Surprised it 1 the Moreton gods, 1'!i post right into
how much there of her, using the . he cried. But as a matter of fact house and say any little say as
pronoun out of respect tod, the majority, was a hornet and its unmistakable then these cutssstop Ulitt a '
"When'she wast have
as Iced that
sting that injected this activity inti t d other
You would not nave believed twat her system.
struggling, lonesome looking place held It was all very pleasant to Hiss Mae
so many people. As Iced could discov-
er tie, as cue's first picnic in many year.
no means in the town'# resources to tie, as be, She enjoyed the crisp years
a meal for 300 people, it whichcs shosoil, the great trees standing around
necessarily a basket party,gparklike, with the sunlight failing be•
struck Mr. Saunders as being. grievous- tweets their shade like brilliant tat
ly like a Swede treat. llle made Up
tors of cloth of gold, while from the
for it in a measure by having barrels tour dtktance came the tiny shouting
of ands,lemonade anti cider ge tap at the of coos waters. They had a camp fire y
grounds, stronger beverages being bar- at night, making the moonlight slit:
red, and by hiring a quartet of strings I more mysterious and remote by con
"clear from town." trust. The quartet or strings played
At half past 2 ou a resplendent but for the ears of those who cared t(
hot September nfternopn the caravan listen and for the legs of those wilt
started for the mill grounds, the worn- chose to take chances on tripping theh
teno dressed lr the , and tuhe hien o t cn , light fantastic toes over tree roots in
tames imaginable, and the mon este ,the grass.
tatiously at ease in their store clothes. i • Ilett loved music, and He loved tilt
Every one was in the best of spirits, night. The poetic side of his memo
keen for the excitemeut and pleasure nlriof ~etching he Dipper emo
that was sure d mark the occasoon. around Polaris while he sung the cows
Iced rode old Buckskin, who had to sleep came back to him• In his
succumbed to the inevitable and only the vast
"?jumped around a little," as Red put minaniti c saw
v the roll on tc out
• it, on being mounted. It was pretty
lively "jumping around," but perhaps a 'world of white peaks, rising from s
ITr. Saunders found some Satisfaction sea of darkness. Again he heard th(
in sitting perfectly at his ease, smok- 'plaintive zliriiliag of an Indian whistl(
lug his cigarette, while Buck jumped or
or by the the
Fairfield admired. And, at any mtheme. rate, Buck had legs of iron and the
wind of a locomotive, carrying Red all asked, "Having
Hvinghaa good.
time, Mattie?" he
day and willing to kick at anything
which bothered him when night came.' "`The best I ever hadd, Wilck l," elle
Ile was a splendid beast thraugh and severed, smiling
through, from forelock.te tail tip, but Poor lady'. The size of an occasion 1"
• r the
"Yes, ma'am b W ndon't want that
chlnery Orders went through lir. Far-
rel, the blacksmith, initiating that
,•orthy man into the mysterieshiof
Making money without doing anything
ng was
for it,which seemed little less than a ,of the freshness of odes gray greenlfgave p silvery
miracle to him. Lverything that could i the m
be bought through local people was ob-ine 1 sheen into nnotthe landscape that brought it
tailed in that way. It costhe
more, but it brought more money into Oneaewmbbe of full arty felt that
and enabled the villagers to, bis h "Blast the old
the phaco
Partake of the euliweassmpntBa mecido 'officithout it, er
tbewas kepttsaying to himself.
the feelhig that it d til "Bla t its sig dingy windows and the
She glanced around as ihou(it IA search
of some ane.
Cobwebs stopped the cuts, an brush of matted hair. A tough, ropy
cobwebs stopped Red Saunders, late 1 Nein hong from its mouth. If you
of the Chanty Seecbee rauch, 250 '.sot as tnu,:11 or that foam as would
go en the point of a plu in no open
pounds oE• the very finest heldbone and ut, you would bave.ttu end tbnt your
muscle. And the cobwebs held him, worst enemy would shudder at. Par
foaming and bolding with rage and this was the most horrifying of dan-
disgust, calling himself all tbe yellercrying gerous animals—a mad dog! Poor
pups he could think of, but staying brute. As ire carne shambling down
strictly within the safe limits of the the gond he was the grisly mask of
barn, It was a revelation to the big tragedy.
Haan, and not n pleasant one. How It was near noon, intensely hot, and
was he to know that tbe most salient the street of Fairfield was clesertetl
point of his apparent cowardice was o one saw the dog, and it bis oeea-
nothing less worthy than respect for sion:tl rattling, strangling bowl reach -
the woman's security?
qua g to ed any cars they were dead to its
would stop swearing long enough to ttteuning•He was unheeded until he
get at the springs of his action beSe through the gate which La-
find that be hesitated because 1 tis had left viten, as usual, anti, spin -
shadows o e itis cry
a strong, lawleee, untrained but sorely' It brought Miss Mattie to her feet
tempted uutn? Ile knew nothing of in an unknown terror; it bruueht lied
the sort, and the.fuunieet of comedies from the burn in tt foil cognizt Iced
took place in the barn. De would he had heard that senna before when
reach the sensible stage. "Pah! All .a mail coyote lauded in a cabin full of
foolishuesst (3o? Of course he'd the rainy strong nerved cownten and set
and this vert' minute, and have +item screeching tike hrstesicttl worn•
the new tight on the
matter' made huge nfug °wound II) a circle, gave vuSee to
f the slips in the career of
stand -
ne had learned who was his master sot manbe iutanstor feet etheror the tand-
tnd obeyed him accordingly.
It was a five mile ride, mostly under elattic's events had been measured in
the shade of fine old trees. The road hundredths aany of t en m. h,to co cover d it tooksmall
wound around the hills; here and there go
od a break in the groreal country, well S aped er allowed.actiou as a beautiful utghts Icer picnic on u. wer 'm-
endviewsp of rolling up ass slopes raid; her mouth smiled and drooped at
and plvasing, winding up grassy
In groves of verdure. 4f Course most happinesshe as itheankeen sympathy, and,
OS he looked at her, suddenly she
chauged in Itis eyes. Just what the
(lifference was he could not have told,
uor whether it was in her or in him.
A. sudden access of feeling, undefin-
able, unplaceable, but strong, pos-
sessed him. There is a critical tem-
perature in the life of a man, when
nt of pressure can ever make
feast. The postmistress furnishe e s this
t t, and it r painful to paintd that od, andhd old!
it smell dust the more expannsivEefeenc hip. motions assume Igood,
rr form she tried to furnish a No. 3 fosomething in Miss 3lattie's eye
At she was a and all?" and then he'd.. howl at the nhascasme
arguing that ; e op goo
a N0. 1 price, a
making the mild old brutes which gree, b 1 he didn't know it only
• lone woman struggling through horses in sheer exuberance
ineased fait world and that ,co the feeling,to knew that he wanted to sit rather un-
erabiasgd profit would do her did not put a better foot of it beside the his
necessarilywclose tbed to stet,• and that a re. good, a u dw which Red did made
Ivied cantered up h r we
es nt ofd the difference,
have made "oV hil, oLpening
he said, t go uldb. And he was very silent.
' sent of difference, but he for the opening overturns with the
great he erould be sorry when it came
a Pte
:did not in the least intend to be 1 strength ofs dile camps y he spoke the chive
tohe house
Choused out of it by man or Woman. 1 people this day, ain't we? And the During drive Uack to e
Whey had a vert funny debate in pry " big an smiled like a pleased big boy. p t t the barn with monosyllables; he after-
d d no attempts fter-
vate, wherein the feminine tried to ` "Oh, want a bully old fellow you d hearty ^'ood night •
vo the mand tifound ine to principle sdis- bY 1 him. thought
stthinking lookeds as he ofother
sheer that the
,,gust the method didn't work. iced' qualities than flesh, but the physics
listened most respectfully and always Red LnSaonndae lance from on horseback
bwas the
" ma'am but we don'tserving •the clear
es , poised; o
Il ,
s P
de -
replied; 'figure
want that paint. Get us some .good t massive fig refile; the shapely head
till done with good or bad," He en before a clinnce shot cured ilian.
due quite amused at his
former con• I'ed saw the brute jump toward
duct until he r(*ached the door; then \.izs Mettle.
, ; Instinctively his hand
he'd skip nimbly back again, with a .lee' to his hip, and instantly be re•
hot feetiug that somebody was watch, ;membered there was uothing there.
ing him, although a careful inspection !'liar with great, uneven leaps be
though the crack of the door revealed ..prang forward. "Keep your hands
n0 on( np, Mattie, and dot1't move:" ho
Red discovered another thing that „cse;suled. "Let him chew the dress!
afternoon, which was that the more For Coil's salte, don't hove!"
nervous you are the more nervous you She turned her white face toward
get. lie Tttgroanedlutldtitaeet seenthefrontsrd hi tstrainingough the
effortsn be of sight
daywh. That I shot
day when I tugs afraid to ask anyUodY irr to smile as she obeyed him to the
anything: What's come over me any letter, and w1c!taott,lt aould. nd thtetv`t\b.
Its this darn country, 1 be- brave
round Orli" he
bhp desperately. 'Tain't me." Then he stormed
short. "What you saying, iced?"lbe ike t At
eiutneeeta istancelue dovee like
queried. s "Why don't you ow'ii up
a man. ,(andat betlaughedfunny
half wentaround
with the`shockneck.
onset, Hud
side struckly him,
Forlornly and half in thorough enjoy- before tbey were stilt the bands had
meat Ile suddenly sobered down. tluished their work. A clutch, and a
"She's worth it anyway," said be. snap, and it was done.
"She's the best there, is, and I ought to The dog lay quivering. Red rose to
feel kind of leery of the outcome. his knees, wondrriug at the humming
\Veil, now I guess I won't say any- in his head. IIis wits calve back to
thing till there's a downright good him sharply, he
of business
I see i didn't t savvy this I dict' 111.0
she 1 elhadbite
al adyMcaught'his handsa
of Uusiness like I though
'Twouidn't be no kind of manners to and was looking at them with a sav-
step up to a lady and shout. 'I'd litre age eagerness one would not have be•
to have you marry use if yon -feel you've Hewell to be in her.
got the time'.' 'That don't • go no skates. de ore Ther e weak. no m didn't she
eusai yon?'?
than a Chinaman on roller y
Your work is goer, reed, but it's a lit- "Answer the when 1 speak to your
tlo lumpy in spots. Them two left feet ,houted lied, beside himself. "Did he
bother you. You're good in your place, bite "roti ?"
but you'd better built? a fence around She answered lsitu, with a sob. '1N .'
the place, d—n the luck! Smathera- And then •
Itis question asked itself.
tion! I thirst: she likes me, all Might, and answered itself, although, again,
be dict not know it. He gathered Iter
np in his arms, kissed her litre ors
raised from the dead and swore and
prayed and thanked God all In the
same breath.
• ore
Itis o"=1 imperious nature 1 he U
with the relief. "Here:" sale at-
las; her away for a moment. "Take
cff tln,t dress—that slime ou there's
enough to kilt a hundred meat—take it
The Rind To have Always Doughty, and which, has been,
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been matte under his per.
soxtal supervision since its infancy.
' G# Allow nO one to deceive yauin this.,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but.
xperiments that trifle with, an:i,endangerthe health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
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Castoriin, is a harmless substitute for Castor Dir, Pare
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is J'leasant. U
Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
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and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and. Wind.
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The Cluldrean'S I"anacear- Ehe Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind Yoii ilave Always Fought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
';r: A'f4;e;
DIN [ATI 1 S F03 i Local History of tiles early Sr1s.
Items from the "Tinges'" fyles-
_._. ....,._. e ..... • M xe Lxaie lieu-
(From the -Teems of Aug, 8, 18135) Goderioh Signal: Miss zzie Ken-
nedy, of Wtngham is she guest of Kra..
jj A J. Manger.
Mr, Abram Wright formerly a dray
man in W ineham is now employed its to
furniture factory in Oshawa. Ilia oft a tt(t
were removed last week.
Mr. James Ritchie, of Rochester, a
carriage painter. was home on a visit to
his parents at Winghana last week.
Will 13.11, of Wingham, a Earmer re-
sident of this plane, has tomo bank to
make Brussels his home, and oomtnem
cee next week to learn the l arbetitag
business with R. N. Sesrrett.
Aar. O li. Repinstall, and wife; jewel-
ler of St Thomas was in town this week..
on Mia way to visit his friends at Ford-
wioh. Ile commented on the condition
of Wingham 15 years ago when he last
visited it. lie tells He. he spent $4,000 is
advertisinu his business in five yelnrs
and believes it paid, toe.
Messrs. Wm. Robertson and ` . J..
Etiiott, leave on Monday to attend thy'
Grand Lodge l 0,0 F. Mr. J. A. Mor-
ton, who is a member of the Committee
The flow of honey this season has bean
fax beta w the average and apiarists share
in the discontent at the season's pros'
Irwin Johnston, of M.oltillOp, died last
week is hie 62nd year. Us was a man
of integrity and well esteemed. Dr.
Johnston it clever son died some mouths
Brother Race, of the Mitchell Re-
corder, has received from his friends a
solatium in the form of a .100 purse to
assist in defraying the expenses of his
late libel suit.
The Brussels Budget comes out square
and flat -footed against the practise •of
giving presents at gold and silver wed-
dings &o., on the ground that what
should be "unalloyed friendly gather-
ings degenerate into delioate ways of
beating presents from unwilling donors "
Newspaper men see a good deal of
human nature, meet a good deal of dead. -
the u .l made g oh, blast o but it, I'll just have to wait for
it comes to inme n
the usual fru an agoodhence! NOW come, old
1 c
kiss. areal
"You're as glum as an oyster!" said man, get four feet on the ground and
Letts, when they reached their quer- don't roll your eyes. Take it easy till
tors. "What's the matter, old man?" the chance comes."
"I don't know, Let; I feel kind of Little he knew st Bet tttethat moment. lichance was e
paint—bully old paint with stick um in cut, pion p ing up
only1with its crown of red gold hair; the 4 quiet, somehow." something go wrong?" only saw miss Hattie step out inr face to g un
e 'ler.s stuff We're gni whioewash, a atgrace of him by virtue of his "Sick? O
swel f going to put on e ` easy tank he rodless, butt bed of flowers,
And youthful ocher un-
) at the mill, and we've slaengtU—it would be a remarkable
sort ofnttn kat of the kind. It's just i bed of floli tis1a d start to reduce the
swell front lipAnd at 1 crowd in which Chants. Sebig straw
got to have the right thing."
last the riostmistres`s' said that shy couldn't pass for a man. ]3e was ev- j feel darn gaud." t s • eh. in search of some one, and
_nt,TTT I f the ground up. j xettis laughed. "If it wasn't you, weeds to order. She glanced around
would, her respect for the e:
puncher baying risen noticeably in the
cry inch 0f that rem you were an eve, A a
Letts had come to bOW dn own to him
I said• l'd say y `lied felt intuitively thht the one was
adoration, with Althe or he
boy's worship, To those eyes iced ; It was have
seen ba change d'wonnderful hi"ISere's tt'liere i ought to act as if Y
wtts just right in every particular, , would behold
likewise to ]`Iles Mottle, who even f Ueh "T come lad bit it" he said long
to hinder ,' said me from odndgthe t
1 him face The a i t o
tall (in ?
r t g11 work on the mill was push- now was filling her eyes wmore disgusted
from behind the e grunted "hunk" scornfully, and' he ' sat down hastily,
ed, and in spite of the usual
vantage of a broad to himself in astonishment; aloud be there an gaud smote the air with
amount of unforeseen delays brimmed straw hat. than ever,
was ready for business by, the At last the "allele party disembarked I aroused himself for an unnecessary than
fist, "You'd think the nicest, quiet•
latter part of September. 'tile official re the Sat before the mill and made •joke Or two. boast the way l Act; yes, sir, you
ad for the official starting of the miss Mattie had noticed the "attack est woman that ever lived was a wit
ready h P stillness" and immediately tried to
The Danger
o -
machinery. The big doors were thrown o
old see fasten the blame upon Herself. What would!"
open, so that the company ca
Within wails resting outside in the had neo auythiihlg. done?
remembered n she recall
shade, end under the cooling Influence
w of what breeze there was. The mill said something about the way his hair
was officially started. Red climbed moon shining on. it.
Peloorhaps he d h had taken offense at that.
The remark was entirely cotnpiiment-
nry, but sometimes people are touchy
about such things. Still, that was not -
the least like Cousin Will. She must
have said er done something, though.
What Could it be? Oh, what a pitiful
memory that could not recollect an in-
jury done to one's best friend! She
r a
long t {luted before wondered length ?t she fell
Ited also looked up at the roof and
took Aceonnt 'of stork. kits face was
radiant in the dark. "If I could only
pall tbat asfl" he thought. "I must
stela an awful rough cuss to her,
thougb. All riglet for a Cousin, but
it's (iifferent when you come to the
other proposition. My 7imiuyl I'llj
take a 0114500 in the mottling and finer l
out, anyhowl" said he, nod, eased in
the decision of action, he toe
mind by
shook hands with liiOrphcits and was,
lregentlyr dreaming.
Isgreatter than Some pooplo ima-
i b you realize this?
the bank to the fume and raised
gate. The crowd cheeredas
risoned waters leap itch to
It Is a mistake to look ata piles or l with a hollow roar, raising 11 I'
hemorrhoids as merelydangerousaa'asewfor
e 1, the penstock filled And the wheels be -
are their
andi h was
-Bir tshrouia or a gra trated form gun to go round.
oro. Speech
ph lytta called
and in tilfor, and
grin keen distress and the ruination of was forced ato the front by his former
i and
Lettis. 'Chun be -
The tango of piles is very different in
different buses but there is always tenet
and with 'regular troatnient thorough cure
in the usb of Dr. Chasb's Ointment.
It is the only absoaf It hi S gran e(i
Cara for every form Try it; thousands
rind Protruding piles.
/save. Caledonia ]trines,
1 ,
Smt„ writes:•, pro r gears piles and could
'frith bleeding, protrudiwo l
x10t obtain a birth. I would bo laid off
Work for weeks. Two boxes of pt. Chase s
Ointment completely cured me:
Dr. C'hase's Ointment hasan unparallel-
ed llel-
ed record of cures; 'Toronto.
debt. -
..ere, or Edtnanson, Bates & Co.,
Dr1 ►.W. ha '
Oi .men
friends, Dem It a
ttayed by those he trusted, Iced made
the best of it. fellow eiti-
"Ladies and gentlemen,
rens," saki he, "the mill is HOW open
to nil comers. We hope to make tilts
tbtug a success. We hopeto fee eveer ry
1 p
handed, h ,
the country rosin tbe soke of through
castes and shove his p
thrice as much grouhd ns he ever did
before, and if he comes here with his
plunder we'll glee him a equate shake.
'We'll pale t him in on the ound door,
much As we dast
and not let him
So he eau crawl out through the coal
hole, aS is gbmetimes dace. `10W,
elybody .rain AWAY And laavo at good
titan the chance dre
w nearer.
not a pleasant ioohd
Utility. Its eyes, full of
dreadful, peeped out from
1 It lied never occurred to Iced Stun
beating and are—unjustly, we presume on by-laws, does not leave till Wedges -
•—accused or doing a little at it odea in a t day. •
while, Mr. Geo. Oarr, 'tailor now working at
Rev. Dr. Wards farewell sermon on St. Thomas, is home on a visit to hast
Sunday night last wase. well reasoned ( parents to Lower Wingham.
and stimulating elucidation of the utter- 1
ance of Christ to his deciples: "Lo, I
am with you always." The Dr, spoke
pleasantly of his sojourn in Wingbam,
and kind and generous treament by the
P- le.
Banking, as a oelling, at least in the
earlier years of those who engage in It,
is one of the most uncertain et employ -
to one's locus in quo. A few
tight off." ate
ago Mr. J. D. Nichol, ledger keeper
iiss Matttie started b'Andly t:+ obey.
then stopped. ""mot here, Will—I'll g 3 ins rho: auis 01 11la translation the SSm oe
in the house," she; said. branah.
"You'll take it off fight hero and
now," s.abl red, "t.i1 l I'll buret it up It the magnificent simples of gaole-
r benthe
loft in our s,stimp a by ItEevo
tI tits es around. I'd rttacr hate fumy rat;
witi'a11! sthan ildt splay. 03 &Totten are any criterion es to the supply
with Sp! This is no child's old add end xality of small frulte generally,
I don't care a d—ra what the old lady' then vol tr. li •ve grumbling would be
next door thinks."
Miss Mattie slipped off her outer
skirt and stood. a second, confused tied -
dainty. She took flight to the house,
running as lithely as a greyhound.
"13e jingo!" said 1110(1 In ader miration.
"Let's see you bring
tag oppor' that can ran like that!„
dread hodI Ile gathered same hay and piled it
beneath a i on. the dress, firing the heap.
Then he turned to his antagonist"
"Poor old boy! hard luck, eh? But 1.
had to do it," be said And gave him de-
cent interment at the end of the gar-
den, 'washed his heads carefully and
went into the house on pleasanter
"I'll ask her now,
ou this sore.
About two weeks ago a Mr.Ileray'
Chrysler, of Galt, passed through Wing -
ham, to spend some time with his son
Anson Ohrysler, ou non. 10, Turnberree
After t,vo or three days il'.nees he (lied
unexpectedly on Sernrday• Re was 81.
years and 6 months Di age.
Isbister.—In 'Morrie, on the lath. nit
the wife of Mr. Wm Iebister; e, son.
Braudoe.—le Morris, on the 25th
Mary, wife of Jobn P. Branton, aged 54
Valens —In Kinloss, on the Nth sit ,
t Robert Valens, aged 73 y oara.
i stable house of my own." ; told n10 a word, you old sinner." said
re "l e
"Yes, Will," replied Miss choose
tattle, as- , he. "Tell you the honest truth, Let,' re+
subjesetl that he should choose such a ' plied Red earnestly, looking up front
object at such a time.
,"Vac," he continued, "and 1 want a drawing off a boot, "I didn't lutour. .
wife too. You often said yolt'd like myself till you told me about it."
to do something for me, ahlattie. Sep. ' They talked it all over a long tittle
i before blowing out the light, but theta
pose you take the job?'g the little window shut its bright eyes
How much of land if l :a thin„ in And the only life the Midnight Starts
one'smind as a beautiful iinprobebct , saw in Fairfield Wnn Miss Mettle* her
ity will ever make such a cold fact •elbow on the cesement, looking fat•.
less astonlslling? hiss 9TAttie eyed fax out into the tranquil .tight find
duties. 1lfttt with eyes that saw nor. Srieeeh 3 thinking mistily. ,f ' ' ,
w by the great horn was sti ken from her. rut~ END. ' r,.ae 4
Spoon!" said he valiantly. a Red e"tuaht frigllt. Ito spring for- 1 •lx 'f
\Ills 11. Th was I ward and took ld 't Voice o
p in n curious state her hand. "Con n of Experience. p,
of mlth " There was an after effect
s. + you do it, Mettler said 110. 'there ; y, ES
which tirade her .rem world of pleadingin the tone. ° "In 'Wallin; l article tyro, :t these
from the fright re tv was a
and a remembrance of Consul Criss :statue leaked up, her own how +; zine." eculiatih waylit ted s1 be the
lite, a
tVill"s aliens which made her ti+efnoUlWe ; est self. all the tittle eeEtl)ttanc shrink* , any ils so as to convey the ideahand?* the
lucre yet. When she heard him, onw i lugs left her itnmediatci5"eCt het+
" til, but I could, 'Will!" she said" rd• I editor that
t Itamrean old answer
clothed lteyon eI + Lotto came on me stoop unhea ,
and she was forced to (: stopped, then gingerly turned And , eotluui• "Po
otlse rinskde to prepay $
her, Air. Iced came , in way back on tiptoe, holding , of thein
h made ills y estate if you expect ever to
sin return p
_ Tr
nit, q a
Man. e.
nus 3n •• hi
i t
tvhistsi a blithely, cions, g bis elms like ',e gs ,,murmured. Seo the A tll+:lo Aspin" ?ta
Ile had his suspicious, generated by ( iyelm, by Georgel he ., %fl,y
?,tie peculiar fervor bliss Mettle had .,T+tl come backin a little tvhlle, 'When i tine.
shown in regard to his hands. rit be more •.welcome,,,
"Mattis.," (tooth he, "I'm tired of liv- i lie spoke to Red in strong reproach '
ing out there in the barn. I want a that night is the barn" "fou never i
ing she started to fly, althotig
d reproach, but her knees
k brtei. in her C in