HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-07-16, Page 5•o It It it It =t 41 ii tc it • r • ,, :LARGE STOCIZ TO CJ{OOS,E.FI�nl1Z,•' of'diff'erent makei And . long :Net, Percale, ,r, ' . � , :,o waist. �;u t, irdles• to the 1 Sizes: Tape Cx 41 . A. s r _ :: . • : never before, shown.. such, Drill, otille Sateen'and. �attn. _ 1?he have �r C .. . � , .:° . , �` • :; - nt.'-':The ',light, • a .large assortment . of the latest makes. as at . prese weight ones -are in ''demand just:—nowTy,.oar pahl •of-...our._"Cool',. Breeze" or "Fekind., ' Weatherweight for : Judy .and August: ' They are•.the , ''cool comfortable alsd have :a Leader• for summer; ;.:, price 50c for.: ;;'. . ll,e alar."was, �, to if m 7L it sc u • =t ..r,: S� edens°ick ;and Ti ur u n . V' ill be ready, for,delivery ;pa tt Tuesday ane 9 • . Ali •parties that hate been' asking for tale u will do,.well 'tc' Come' as sooty .as possible .after that date 1 tst `Tata.::7 ,..,17OQQ TALE•. • . - - We nav°e: just opened out a. fine ; range of 1V elf' Women's : 1.1111i1,dien's; Yarm; Weather i Footwear: „" Or. 1Vlen,,,we .show `t 'Pe fol. owing K 01 1111 •u x l#i , IA , .IYorthin "ton's, ..Cunt i n" Stock .. onid +I4g1ea L.es s 2, • Iireeiler andc•fo eller of the `sweepstake fat- cattle. at i'roytncial Wintez; Fair 19Q1. and. 1202', Says I)ait t�^= I h5ziave fed your;'Stoch Tonic to, cattle and' ,like it ver`; ranch. It Makes thein,thrve well and put mi flush more r1piilly. I think it .ie the beat Tonic 1 have fed tai lioi sea.,, We are i41so-f.e ,dia� it tb our hent+: this •. winter and tliey aro Iayiiig better 'than they lave done' . for a, long; time It pays to .fried it . '� - .- Your;i.trtily, 4_ C .. nildren's:Goods $, . a . it i - 'find oar' `1 will , •Corsets' =••. i• ' ve been using ordered .Cars Ladies. who: h t, . a g L.. �"'� ' 'red.:.ft Crest. To,.. 4.0 0, to be' just tie ,good if not better than. Most. o =L �'oocLdaal less•mouo Sizes if to 30,,"at:' X12:,., U>Eles, alld 10-COSI=It.-.y,. y '- ,to -35 .at<' 0�;: ly ., 1 , sizes.1 v . CORSET COVR'S' 25c. Ladies' Corset Covers,:' made.' of good quality Cambiic,'T wit Ernbroidory or Lace Trimming, all' si/es at 25c • • WAIST 1VIATERIALS .Fashion nays. white for :waists will still be in the lead for fall wear.,''I;i fact almost:. entirely'This weep you can get>at this,` store,'Cream, .I:t stres, mn' Plain_. and ,'figure'd Cashmeres, Bedford' Cads; l'a-iP and-f-rn'el, Cream,_Seig_es and ,t�ream 'Si'T1;s, suitable; torr cooler days,during ,the summer, as.:well as fall and 'win er wea'' Neat • Cuirips•a?d. Pearl'.Buttoiis for Trinimng • he' InanufaCtiirErs.-want,ed..to ,elear thern ont ,so we get them at a few:of them are. made of wash and the rest ne qua ity soft Taffettg; in cream. •blaCk pinks pido blaes; wines :and navy • NferdiaiiilTose:-Slifilieti-'seeirrio:bie•the leaders .for thiS. 0 lit <n rtt g f x1' JAMES LEAS'K Greenbank P. O„ Feb 23 1903. • • DEnit Stu,`"•—• ' I had a:mare stO2ked'in,bath legs,' Wor- th} om_ igtrzri's `k�'Lsisls.. FuUd �orik it dawn t pletely and put her in good ynndition'.. It has, 4o ie wy:cows good. 'rhink'it ib a•gaod thing' and can recommend it, ' B: 0IIH tOIrILL,." Dairyman.' OlinLon, 7an..17t1' • R +:u?xk- ‘,.,; 11/4' eE z6-. g.i.e!,i 1?waP11t:'Sri Used. (gra en:;.glad �'V Sxite eariv ,9 Hi :h• Shoes; to`:sell at` ak tl s�L � lv�.. �cr; pa�� •. WQ'> . 6"per: pant `:.50 per pair 4,t2...00 _per pair xtr For Women we have the following ; Dong; Kid, 1...Strasp Slipper (with, bows) at $1,20 pe'r. pr .1 Strap Slipper,. plain• at . $'X',25 per pr '1 Strap� PPer,'.i extra.value 11,.;50 per pr + ,� f Strap' Slipper,. neatly trimnTied 2.00,,per.pr. $, ,Agd ni ny linea.•.f Oxford$, a7nio.9.d va1,uea,:,' • 4 ..,,. .._ Miisse3 TanBlack. .. i, s. = s sle :11.to at $1.25': ��or•Uong. T e , . U x r B ��ac i` Dong Ties . sizes 8 to 101, at , $/.00 Childs:�.�an l l , z g, ' , 5 Lhrlds Tan 'or'�I�lack:Doiib Ties, .sizes 4 to 7,, at 8 c ' +.Child's Iatelt Calf; Theo Tie,; 5U -es es 4 to 7 1-, at Bac .} Purify your antra ala blo!d }aefbisl :ttirnitf , h ie �rwsQ,..�a,y :-:'L-. � ,. .,�+?.` 'w"'�`�';:�.s a,.:yar.,.4$+n*:1•v,ar.+--....—w.m•••,.•.•••f=--.b.a in the Rill. , 10 ib box, 20d feeds 50c 01b sack $2,.. • Manu;a+tuied'by :• .. \No(hineon :D.rugon Co queLpt Z.Yr sale and et aranteed Ii.y 'AGAIt & FrAit;LS,. Lucknow. •I \1 i•;11TON &, E1GI11iE'IiTON, 1'yipley, , • PoStmiSter,i0eneral, wid 'be received at Ottawa for .t he; cotO•eyacao. •HN 'Majesty's Mails, on tvo.:prepogted contracts," for •fout .tieriesTer ,week teach way ,, hetween FOrdyee .„May be.seeir andMank forins. of. Tender May,' otained•at't he• Post Otiioes on' the' routes and at the Oflice.of the P‘lst ,Otlice.,InspectOr Thre*h.ing •Outfit' For Sale.' b'ep' are good w.earerh. .. 4.1 • .Dlicotgit off Op Cish Sales., THES • Repairing' ueatly:and promPtly done. • • one nearly.rie; AlSo, tine :Daisy. grain: . ,1;* .er, :nearly new,. with jaek and' belts, .. One. • IN -sawing, machine G rain. li)tc.c.cii.gitg.) thresh any . 'note. ; or particulars • N'S SECTIO Negligle Shir,ts,. W. Q. :For alturday. there ,wilLbe some 'of the veryJatesf .1•16w styles in Soft and ,Stiff,Velt lIatS lot A10,11'. • orlt 141 Th.,•eoWner offers for sale- het franul. house.,,' taining one half Haveloel: St, south,: for $27,5, This is a „very price...for this, property, And .should!'meet : witli. 'quick sale,' 'urino. the few weeks we offer many f rare alge- millinery. If You'require. anythina in this witi:paY you to take, a.look through our stock. -40 street',.th propelty of the late Mrs., jam6s otherville; Apply to W. CONNELL. at inti•+,,s,"Ood eellart With three-quarters igf land; f or sale'elncacp, just ea:Str Of the The 4-;14" lot 0h11.' '1 Statigin',.' 'Ilion, is, good Water 'and NU tial‘ 411••••,' a ttaitte.c Ilitc.-plac4 will be sold cheap!. F,br eller Ewtray on or sibtint the 10th of April 11)0,:. Ac gre:t Yeaitlilig heifer', Any inforination that Will.' Try .oiir,English Itop Tea; Try onr '250 Japan Tea ' Try Our txtra SeleCted„Aaising Try onr- ,California Evaporated: „ PeaChes "Try oar Atap,.ebyyttp 1112 Ot OS Try oar Choi:co:Prunes, 1,01010b,, 1.14 th,, kviltenee yogi ore loo,k1141. for AS the boit cketicooltp attend. Thousands ' of our fonder tinft,tagg c. ctte 111)144, :blikling,,AA • Douse ancl. Let for Salo 'fruit treogg, 'the propeikty of the late 111r, 1.110.s.' Ittato. (if li•'en;lir and Lica WawcicgtAsli. will P4.3 let llotiday Sion 1).. • Tly." `Pewit ship tng:,cineer will c. 'A •coinfortabliwilWelling liectise -for Sale • 42ti„gt of,.the :For further_ particular-, the itntig'crttiggiett about; the, ti flit of, c•tin ; tWo' eives. witl i• Iambs/ fay expenses anti iak'octlieurgitway. , PArni 'or MO