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The Wingham Times, 1908-08-06, Page 4
tBNftS FROM THE SANCTUM MILL ir.tetcstirg Patarajhs fic.rn c>~r I a+ tinges. Lbziness is a habit that grows Mt and clings close. Some men are worthless, and others acre worth less still. When the husband reigns, the wife does a lot of storming. IL Dr. C7hase'r3 Oinb meat is a certain and guaranteed curofor each and every form of itching. bleeding and protruding o'a ur neighbors about ills. You caneusoa'it and Vet your money back if not satisfied. 60c, at all X$a�o�l'ers or EDMANSON. I3Arrs & Co., Toronto. CE1A, E'3 OINTMENT. The desired haven is not reached by ,tailing before the wind. The polished speaker can't always see :h1s finis h. What's the matter with your bottom ,dollar as a -financial basis? SPIRINO MEDICINE. As a spring medicine Burdock Blood ]Bitters has no equal. It tones up the system and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Only those who are not afraid of being poor really become rich. People who raise objections are al• ways sore of a bumper crop. You can't make hay while the sun shines in the good old winter time. Penalty of Hurried Eating. Harried eatirg and lack of proper chewing of the food are among the most common oansea of indigestion and de- rangements of the liver and kidneye. Rabat and cure are most quickly obtain• ed by use of Dr. Chase's Kidney•Liver Pills, which are unique in having a adirect and combined action on kidneys, liver and bowels. Lying usually is a plan of hiding one blemish with a bigger one. The only harmless fools are those in be hands of the undertaker. Some men seem to have that dire ills- ' ease known as spring fever all the year around. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Tile most recent church census of the United States shows 40 denomina• tions, with 161,731 ministers, 210,199 churches and 32,83,156 members, The plasterers who had been locked out by their employers in Toronto on their refusal to work at their old soale of wagcs, will, it is understood, return to work, General Manager Morse and a party of Grand Trunk Paoifie officials left Winnipeg for a run over the line as far AB Battle River, nearly SCO miles. A New York veterinary hospital not only is equipped with an operating table for horses, but also has a sun parlor on the roof where patients may recuperate. An Austrian inventor has devised a revolving tower which throws out electric flashes of varying strength, which he claims will destroy wireless messages in time of war. Beare the The Kind You Hao Always Bought Signature of � • -14 A large number of white butterflies made the rails of an electric railway in Florence so slippery that a• couple • 111 uurtt, FOR GIAT1CA Sciatica ie Teeny ipflammation of the soiatia nerve, the largest nerve in the body. Time passive inflammation is the product of a run down condition, and in every case you may be sure the nerves are worn down fine. The pain is the cry of the nerves for more food --for richer, redder blood, Rubbing on a greasy liniment can't help very much—you must treat the blood and r build the nervous system. Thia can be promptly done with Ferrozone. No builder of nerve force is more powtrfnl, N. tonic so quickly fortifies the inns cider system, imparts such strength, such endurance and vigor. Any traces of Uric Acid and rhea• matin poison are quickly driven out by Farrozone. The lowered condition of the system is changed into a reserve of vigor that defi_e further attacks of Sciatica. Marvelous in its reconstructive and rebuilding power, quick to give relief, absolutely sure to onre,—where can you find a better treatment than Fen rezone? Sold by all druggiets in 50e. boxes; try Ferrozone. The marriage took pleas Tuesday, July 21st, at the Lutheran parsonage, Stratford, of Catherine Kraehling, of St. Agatha, to Gee, E. Denstedt, merchant, of Auburn, The ceremony was performed by Rev. 0. Kiaeh's, pastor of the Lutheran church. The bride was assisted by her sister and a brother of the groom anted as beet man. Senator Wood of New Brunswick has refused for the third time to aocept more than $1C0 of his sessional indem- nity. He says members of Parliament should serve the country without ask- ing more than sufficient indemnity to of oars got beyond control and came icover their living expenses at Ottawa, into collision. and as he thinks $100 is enough for this The rate of taxation in the town of he refused to accept any more than that Ohesley for the current year has been fixed at 20 mills on the dollar, which Remember, young man, that a little -encouragement during the leap year is a dangerous thing. There are .$'4,000,000,000 in German savings banks and $1,000,000,000 in ,British savings banks. Orchard grace is richest in protein, being 4 9 to a 1011 pounds, almost double that of timothy. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid net's, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak back, rheum- atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder • Drayton is now agitating for the formation of a rural telephone system ,,fog the townships of Maryboro and Feel, The last season's seal catch is the Smallest that there is any record of., It amounted to fewer than 6,000—about half that of the previous year. At Tilbury, William Healey got away %from Chief of Police Kimball after being arrested, and the chief sent a shot lefter the fleeing man which killed him, The Prince of Wales said goodbye to Qa.ehec, and sailed on the Indomitable 1st 3 o'clock, Tuesday morning, His .Bcya% Higbnees tent to the Mayor of the city a gift of OlCO for the poor. (Getter `ed Oxygens) 'CurCs CONSUMPTION. CATARr11. COLDS end LA GR PP[ , Alar• RHEUMATISM, as it allows the Kidneys to freely discl-arge the Uric Acrd freer the BL ed. Cures OleSc- 3 . Coed Family Med;rine to tee ler Cuts, Scalds alai Bruises. THi b1:5T BLOOD PURIFIER KNOWN. For Salo by all Doesei:,ts. THE. OXYGENATOR CO., 42 llorbord Street, Toronto, Canada is one mill less than last year and the same as 1906, A train on the C. P. R. near Buda ran into a crowd of sixty workmen, who had stepped in front of it to avoid the work train. Three men were killed and several badly hurt. The essential lung -heading principal of the. pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect cough medicine—Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Pride 25 Dente. Great swarms of venomous flies, of a species previously unknown in Por- tugal, have arrived in that country frcm Africa, and large numbers of cattle and sheep bitten by the insects have died. Rev. G. B. Brown, pastor of Beams - villa Baptist Church, was drowned while swimming at Jordan Harbor. J. L. Kehoe, son of Judge Kehbe of Sault Ste. Marie, was drowned at Ot- tawa, and Joaeph H. Fitzpatrick, a Meaford boy, lost his life while bath- ing. amount. C Ek �T®T-IA. • Bears the The Kind You Hu Have Always Bought $ignatare • TCY 44 of The Exeter school board have fixed on the following salaries for the teach- ers: high school department, lst as- sistant, $600, 2nd assistant, $600; public school department, 1st assistant, $450, 2nd assistant, $375, third assistant,. $350, fourth assistant, $325, fifth as- sistant, .$325. Mr. Joseph Walker, of Markdale, will Have math reaecn to look with sadness On the 218th anniversary of the battle of the Boyne. Just after he got off the train at Dundalk, he stepped in front of a movirg engine which ran over him and cut his foot off completely just at the ankle. THE LADIES' FA .'OItr.TE. Lama -Liver Pills are the Indies' favorite medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick Efeadach, , Billionsness, and Dyspepsia without {Griping, purging or sickening, THE STRENUOUS LIFE Pulls so Hard on the Stomach it Must Have Help. James Young, Auburn, had rather a severe accident recently. While he was drisiog down to the saw ?Hill the rod clime cut that holds the shafts in the wagon, causirg the horse to run away. Mr. Young was thrown out. He was unconscious far a while, and Lae not been able to do anything since. A very peculiar Bill is befero the Georgia Assembly, introduced by Assemblyman Glenor, of Whitefield, who says the bill is needed, frcm what he saw at a anmmer resort. The meas' tire, on which a favorable report has been ordered, provides that if any wo- man, whether maid or widow, shall betray luto matrimony any unsnspect- ing male subjects of this State by soente, paints, powder or perfumes, cosmetics, art?ficial teeth, false hair, iron stays, corsets, pads or padding, hoops or higli•hoelod shoes, low out Waists-, lingerie, lace, variegated drop - Stitched or rainbow hosiery cr by any other deceitful means or artful prao- tiees, the marriage upon oenviotion I shall be null and void t+.vonc:Gton against vegetable matter which abounds in Brazilian waters the hull of a despatch boot build• ing in that country is entirely of trot ze. During the last fifteen; yeare350,S24 families have takin up tam in the three Weeteru Provinces. The total in crease in population from tbia 60Wee amounts to 206 774, Immigrants from the United States made up 70 703 of the number; Anetria•Hungary, 63 6:39; Russia, 24,594; Scandinavia, 11 9tie, toot Germany and Holland, 7,734; Franet- and Belgium 4,987, and from ether countries, 2 254. A correspondent asks whether any• thing can be done to keep young and prevent the j"ir:ts from stiffening as one grows old. Yes, out down your diet 'o an amount just sufficient to mainta'n strength and energy, phew the food thoroughly, and make your diet largely of fresh fruits, vegetables and sated plants. Breathe plenty of fresh air. day and night, and take regular moderate exercise, driukin'g plenty of water be tween meals. Also cultivate a content• ed, happy frame of mind, Mr. Michael Farrell, 10th con. Proton, had a cow die recently and he decided to investigate. Oa opening the beast it was discovered that a quantity of rusty nails %slid small atones had found lodg- ment in the stomach. A'two and a half inch who nail had punctured the heart In the hardware collection was a aciew nail two inches long besides other hinds varying in size, as well as three small spiral springs. It is not known how or when the animal swallowed the hard• ware and stones. The stress and strain of the strenuous life in both city and country makes stomach troubles. Five people suffer today where one did ten years ago with sick headache, dizziness, flatnlenoe, distress after eating, specks before the eyes, bloating, nervousness, sleeplessness and the many other symptoms of in- digestion. All who are suffering with stomach troubles, and that means at least two out of three is Wingham and other towns, should use Mi-o•na stomach tab- lets, Nothing else is as safe, yet effec- tive; nothing else oan be so thoroughly relied upon to relieve all troubles from indigestion as Mi-o•na. So reliable is Mi o•na that Walton McKibbon, with every 50 cent box he sells, gives a guarantee to refund the money unless the remedy cures. Since the escope of the seven 'pris- oners from Toronto jail some time ago there is a growing feeling that Ontario needs to hays a complement of Provincial police, and the matter is now being considered by Attorney. General J. J. Foy. The search for the escaped prisoners has so far been unsuccessful, just es was that for Private Moir, the London murderer, some time ago. The death took place Sunday, July 2Gsh, at Port Albert of an old resident of Ashfield Township in the person of John Young. Mr. Young was a native of the township and was sixty years and eleven months of ago. He is survived by his widow formerly a Miss Simpson, and a family of -two sops and two daughters, a1ntt Port Albert, The Edmonton Journal of July 20 contains the announcement of the ap- pointment of Mr. Alex, Butchart, for- merly of the Teeswater News to a city commissionership. This position is somewhst similar to that of controller in the city of Toronto. The salary in connsetien is $2,4O0 per year,and the ap pointment is fairly permanent as it takes two thirds of a council to remove a Wal - 1 missioner, A Sinkii!g, IIo11©•, " A11= Gone " Sensation at the "THAT IS DYSPEPSIA Pit of the Stomach. 99 A remedy whieli has rarely failed to give prompt relief and effect permanent cures even in the most obstinate cases, is BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS It acts by regulating and toning the digestive organs, removing costiveness, and increasing the appetite, and restoring health and vigor to the system. Mrs, Alice Steeves, Springfield, N.S., writes:—" 1 have used Burdock Blood I3itters and find that few medicines can give such relief in Stomach Troubles and 711yepeysia. I was troubled for years with Dyapopcia and could get no relief until I tried 13.13. 33. I took three bottlea and became enrol, and now I can eat anything without it hurting rile. I will recoS"i ognal 1 it to all ]raving stomach Trouble, Redden the Blood. Redden the blood by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and yon lift your- self from that low level of health which leaves you an easy prey to every ill wind that blows. With the btood thin and watery yon catch cold easily and are liable to beoome a victim of con• gumption or some form of wasting or contagions disease. A Dornoch farmer who had quite a large flock of hens could not account for the fact that he got very few eggs and was thiuting of disposing of them all and getting a fresh lot when he made a discovery. In his hen house one day he found a snake and eventually killed two dozen of the reptiles of the black and garter varieties whioh were nested among some bark material in the hen house, After killing the snakes he found that his hens yielded a good supply of eggs. ®R.X_... Beare the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature ` of i cf4%.' An old resident of Goderich, in the person of Mrs. Grummett, passed away on Sunday, July 26th at the residence of her niece, Mrs. John McDonald, where she had been living for the past year. Mrs. Grummett was a native of Dun. Donald, Scotland, and came to this country when thirty years of age with her parents, settling at first in Tucker - smith, Her maiden name was Margaret Hyslop. She was twice married, first to Henry Colnskey and later to John Grummett, Rho predeceased her about twenty-five years. She lived for a time in Clinton but for the past forty-five years has resided in Goderich. She was eighty•flve years of age and for the past year had been unable to look after herself and for three months before her death was bed -ridden, Deafness Cannot be Cured, by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear, There is only way to euro deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rambling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless, the inflammation oan be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, ]rearing will be des• troyed forever; nine cases out of ten Are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh cure. Send for circulars, free, F..1, CHENEY & 00,, Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75o, Take Hall's Family Pills for conati. pation. Humor anD Philosophy By DUNCAN M. SMITH Western Fair, London. The Western Fair of London, Ontario, is expected this year to eclipse all previ- ous Exhibitions. A very large amount of money had been expended on the grounds and buildings, thereby giving ,increased acoommodation to visitors and exhibitors. The prize list has been very materially added to, and several new features inserted. For cattle exhibitors the milking contest will bo interesting, for which good Prizes have boon offered, . Manufacturers will bo busy, and Ma- chinery will bo running, which is al. ways interesting. The Old Curiosity S`aop, Carpet Weaving, The Bakery, a'rd many other interesting exhibits will be teen. Don't miss this year's Exhibi- tion, Prize lists, entry forms, and all information on application to A. M. Hunt, Secretary, London, Ont, 's•THE OLD STANDBY. Dear old constitution, Bulwark of the state, Framed to guard the people And to keep things straight. Aro you made of rubber Or some loin to it, For sometimes they stretch you When you do not lit? When the fathers formed you From their fertile minds In their wise opinion They nut up the blinds That wore meant to guard us From the despot's grip, That would let no tyrant Get us on tho hip. .Are you always standing Witll a watchful eye For the weak and lowly Who of wealth aro shy? Are you every moment Careful as can be Of the man who cannot Raise a lawyer's fee? Of your good intentions There can bo do doubt, But sometimes we wonder As we try you out If there are not places Slightly out of plumb Where judicious patching would improve you some. 4 Wise Guy. • "You say you are inexperienced lir the work?" "Yes." "But 1 advertised for experienced ap- plicants." "At $6 a week?" "Yes." "If I had experience I wouldn't be here." • "What woilld you be doing?" "Advertising for suckers at $0 a week" The largest and most expensive casket ever seen in Fordwieh was ordered by W. A. Edwards & Son, from the Nation• al Casket Co. of Toronto. Tho dimen- sions were G ft. 3 in. long, 2 ft. 4 in. wide inside, 2 ft. 9 in. wide outside, 2 ft. 5 in. deep. It is made of oak with thrt e iron bands covered in black and with rolled,lid, triinmed with Masonic orna- ments and having eislit massive handles finished in ebony and copper. The case and corpse weighed about 800 pounds and the cost of the casket was about $250. The casket was used fcr the late Wm. Hamilton. CAUSE FO I ALARM Epidemic Influenza, Grippe, Ca - tar, hal Troubles, Pneumonia Increasing, A mark ed increase in troubles of the breathing organs is noted in many locali- ties. If you will only have Hyomei at hand to use with the first attack of Cold in the head, Pneumonia, Odds, Bron- chitis, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, in feet any respiratory affection, the trouble will be quickly overcome. If the attack is neglected and becomes severe, speedy relief will cemo in most oases and a persistent use of Hyomei will cure. The directions for using it vary, but the principle is always the same, that of destroying all the germs in the air you breathe and having it reach the air pass• ages with dry medication from the Pine and Eucalyptus forests. Remember that liquids or moisture is barred from the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs. It's the dry air or Hyomei that reaches the spot. Walton McKibben guarantees it. Complete outfit $1. A severe spasm of coughing may be relieved by drinking a teaspoonful of glycerine in a wineglassful of hot milk If a speck or a splinter gets into the eye, simply lift the eyelid and blow your nose and the particle is forced out. An Unscrupulous Druggist Will Try and Sell You a Sub- stitute for DR. FOWLER'S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY Why? Because c+ Dr. Fowler's" is the oldest and best known cure, having been on the market for 63 years, for DIARRuICEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, CRAMPS, PAIN IN THE STOMACII, CIIOLERA INFANTUM, C H Oto ERA MORBUS, SUMMER COMPLAINT, SEA SICf1NESS, AND ALL FLUXES OF THE' BOWELS. When they offer to sell you a prepare. tion "just as good" they have not the welfare qf your health at heart but that of their pocket. All honest druggists will give you what you ask for. Ask for "Dr. ]towler's" and got the best. Mrs. Thomas Miller, Allendale, Ont., writes:—" I snfiored terribly with diarr- loea and asked tho druggist for something to euro it. Ho gave mo a small bottle of medicine of his own manufacture, but I got no relief from it. A friend advised me to get Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry and I was cured after taking a few doter. The genuine is 35 cents, and manufac• tared by Tho T, Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. .•••+••••••••••♦•••.•••••• .•••••••••••N••••••••••••' IS MOST S TROLLY Y MARKED BY THE INCREASE OF ITS Canada's Growing Tie 1Teleph.one 4, O • • • • • • • • •; 1'xcharge Connection Ccets only ti to 10 cents per day ♦ • ♦ • • •O O b • • • 4 ♦ • • • For Full . • • o Particulars • • Consult . • • • • • i..•0•.••••.•..•••.••....• ••••e••.•••+•4•4+••••••.•$° Service THE HELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA affords service -a itla 100,000 subscriber's • An Extension Set on Your • of Desk 4 3 Cents per day ste • ir- • 0 • • •. • • • ••. Systems a 9. •• ®- 4. •- • •. 9. •- se • •,. • •. e L. BINKLEY, Local Manager. • Special I (ducements For Rural Line Connection. Over 30o Rural now connected. The Contract Dept. OR ••9••Oi•!Si481041f4044•4•t A' iii4O4•40•s••••9***44••••40s4 COAL COAL COAL.: We are solo agents for the celebrated SCRANTON COAL, •li which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, 'gannet and Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. LUMBER, SHIN'CLES, LATH I (Dressed or Undressed) •{ . Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. ' Jiiglaesf Price paid for all kinds of Logs. '1►j' Js A. McLeanr .„: • We carry a a full stook of O 4. O t a Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. d;. •♦.••••®aW: