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The Wingham Times, 1908-08-06, Page 3
as ' 1v Shoes! Shoes WHAT ABOUT A PAIR OF SAGES ? YOU EN RIGHT ! ! ' RAVE CAN I3L Y 'J -'II T-�kT�EI� OUT OF OUR T PIO pit THI�L+'E M. HANTS OF LINES, PAIR OF A LINE, PATENT LEATHER, BOX CAL11, VELOUR CALF AND DONGOLA-ALL CORRECT STYLES, SIZES G TO 10, THEY ARE �' O RICE FOR THIS WEGI� . S«50. 5 SPECIAL P L.McGee & Campbell ADORE WANTED.�- }" "✓ " Manit. , a, Alberta S .. s .atchewaa. W • k harvesting for 25,000 men. Good wages. CLOTHING AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS i NI t 4, . • 11 ' } I r 1t11 Ckaa0t0��,���t��ser1/0R 40.1010111~Pia abir Arafat �1/: 11, iii XCURSIONS To WINNIPEG $10.00 Second Class points where farm Free borets from needed, within to laborers are needed, within cortann limits. Return for�+y after at least additional "P A •-•'11"-` 3O days work • EXCURSIONS LEAVE A1iOEl4 & SEPT. 8 from all Sarna linen and Toronto -North Bay lis in territory between nento- IMPORTANT Ask C.P.R. Ticket Agent for time of special train on August 14th. if no agent convenient, write to: - C. B. FOSTER, Dist. Pass. Aft., C,P,R.,Toronto ealtouItavaa A well kOown glad highly esteemed. resident •Of East, Wawanceh panned away on Thursday last in tlio person of Nagy Love, wife of Mr. Jas. Nethery, lir her 04t1a year, The funeral tools place on Sa,tueday afternoon to Mo- Crea's cemetery, servioe being held in Trinity Cliauroh. 5,000 Unreel oL Day 1Gfayer• Instead of sending patients to the mountain, aootore are nave presoriblug "Oatarrhozone," It relieves gtiiokly and permanently sures Bay Fever. Ml druggists sell (3atarrhozoae. Plenty to once Hay Fever for $1.00, is rat Ortiz?us were 01o0k0 on learning Th; walla f isstdg of WO Nellie the swore that AMY, the 17 yesr•eld `; I3 art;' es will be phased to hear this d.sughter of Dr. Goon had ilt.ct early j saes has eecarea an excellent. eituetion Tuesday morning, July 28,b, Miss ; with the Oobeit Uaioia Wool, Ltd., Gann was operated upon Waylay for 'Toronto. Mitis $urges$ i3 A graduate appendicitis and was doing alcoly, when of the Winehts't Beaio:ea College. rola i e std relcMold, be aklled, talus before wassa; a:; 2l for salaryadist cand $4a.11 for foods most popular and much loved yoailR ofthe 0f&1 E;2leforrtunZL1OJ,.for lady. 0 f u"d $.+1 4s,1 a ga cry for s:o.•'a $:90 0 or salary funds The deceit raised $174 40 for miasioue; Ladies' Aids, $187.00; r.rue tee Boards, $27.00; in ail $1541 et. TURNBEaust. Mrs. F. A. Mo$ee, of Molesworth, baa gold her 100 aore farm in Grey to Thomas Simpson, Tnrnberry, who bas already taken possession. Mrs. McKee sold out farm, stook, implements and crop as it stood, and will move to Peterborc,- The price obtained is not announced, but it is understood to be somewhere scbout $0,000. (lactation for livery Rea tett It you could find all to pled edetaale remedy for keeping mow, _,� and strong -^would 't you see it': Most galla are harsh, cause pain, and disk nave von a gorse? tersest --they Drregulateoand clean a the If you wast to kOeP ram in shape, syatem-theyet so silently you ac gently, a o tits unproven-''N''trviline' -at as noted for oaring aoar0©ly realize )(Wye taken medicine, never ,Int base suffer gain a on You are Clea sleep isrrestored. Ery etratn$, a"weLlietge and atlffaeB$ and sere color oloaran sleep < mausolea. For latexeal use in coriug man, Woman and uTty is 2 i plioz y Dr cramps and colic, 3`Ierviltae t3 ea perfect Hamilton's Pals. Y Ia evdry {rood traiatog because iG keep Have a Good Complexion, First of all yon need plenty of blood - the red kind. Have it pure, or other- wise blotches and pimples will render your natural chorine unavailing. No thing can equal Ferrozone, either as a former of doh blood or as a ekin pod - !ler. By driving out humor$, Ferro - zone oleanses inside just as water does outside. Because of the nourishment and building properties it contain$. Ferrozone brings the system to a high point of vigor, from which shines vim, ambition, good spirits, For good spirits. for good looks, good health, take Ferro - zone, all dealers in 50c. boxes. GREY. Township Coanoil will meet Monday.. The Sunday School in oonneotion with Roe's Methodist church hold their annual pionicia afternoon Angus Shaw's grove on Friday last week. Mies Grace Hoover, 9th con„ was away on a viait to Westfield. Auburn, Dungannon, Goderiob and other pointe. Robert Bennett, tts u11ualine, has d nob been enjoying befall th but we hope he will shortly y restored. has J. Leslie Lamont, lOtb oon., been engaged to teaoh a school near Bright for the next year, duties com- mencing Aug. 17th. Ile gets $500 per annum. We wish hien success and hope he will do well, He is a son of Hugh Lamont. CULROSS. mare • s 0u'11 find Nerviauo norsts in trim and redacee the velar- ;' bill. Farmers, stockmen and all tea y resident of Here gleans, bay Nervi P line a>i Mrs, John Mahoney, a rave bow Cx invaluable it ta. a li ()slimes, ow ood for man or beast. 25e. per bottle at he south east corner of()slimes, dud That hacking cough continues Because your system is exhausted and your powers o£ resistance weakened. Take Scott s. Ernalart0f. • It builds up and strengthens your entire system. It contains Cod Liver Oil and ftypophaspbites sa • prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digest.. 2 A1.4 pRUGC1S7�S s�'�'�1.00 ��� 00 040 4. very suddenly Tuesday morning, July nest 28th, She had suffered for some time from growths on the neck, and though these had given considerable trouble David Badgely, Lase gravel road, has of late, serious eg1sn0aa w re not f 11-a acres of cora that will average . ten immediately expected, 0 i Tuesday feet in height, It is a dandy Crop. morning, however, she suddenly be ` both came worse and death resulted from MieBes Rnby and tsetse Olegg r High School strangulation. Mrs Mahoney'$ maiden { toots honors in the recent name was dta husband lived i,x th her f pnpi spromotion and should. take foremast stand d her hush Robs Carrie, 4th tine, cut 40 aures of Fall wheat growing oa his farm and that of Albert Crooks' across the oon- cession, in 2ia days. Crop is good and is safely housed in the barg, rawly for the threshing machine. Miss Pearl Pipe, 5na line, wrote on the recent Toronto Conservatory mast - cal examination at Listowel and passed in primary piano, chasing up honors closely. She has been instructed by Miss Jean MCLeuebiin. We congratn• late both pupil and teaoher. dealers. 1ttOii1t1S. A sae nu unmarried brother, Mr. Henry Mc- Glynn. She was aged 48 pears and leaves a husband and two sons. fiOWICE. An old and respected resid-nt of 13owick township passed away at his son•in•laii's residence ea the 22nd of July, in the person of Mr. Roderick MacLeod, The deceased was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, 73 yeara ago and emigrated to Canada with his parents in 1855 and spent about a year around Elora and Guelph. I i 1857 he settled on lot 24 000. 10, Howink, and in 1809 he married Miss Margaret McGill of Howiok, who• predeceased him over thirteen Years ago. lie leaves to mourn his loss one daughter. Mrs. Jos. Me• Linoblia, of Howiek, ani two sisters, Alm John Craig, of Howlett and Mts. John Barr, of North Dakota. Dt3e'ti sod was a man of oniet disposi- tion and was big y respected by ing. Ottawa covers 5,119 sores, or eight squire miles, Exclusive Silo Dealers_ Morris Voters' Lists are out for 1908 08 and were first posted up on of last week. There are 601 names in Part I; Si iu Part II ; and 43 is Part III, a total of 788, Perseus qualified as Jurors 4.27. George Miller of SmithvilLe had his leg torn off by a threshing maohtne, and died from his injuries. Robert Freeborn, a farmer of Snaith tow aehip, was killed by his horses run- ning away and dragging him through a swamp. p A Few Words of Explanation Notwithstanding that we are not having a special clearing sale of Summer Shoes, etc., ttc,, it is nevertheless a fact that we are selling all kinds of Shoes as cheap as the cheapest. OUR 1VIOTTO: Good value at all times. Exceptional bargains sometimes. WILLIS 0. CO. R. Johnston's old stand, opposite Bank of Commerce. PHONE 129. FIXE ,SHOE REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Mrs. A okerman, of 1i`enora, beaten with a hammer by an insane beanie named Johnson, will die. D P. Burrows, one of the best known physicians in Set was an died expertenon ly in Lindsay. tuberculosis. Robert Freeman, a farmer residing near P.1terbro, was driving a wagoma loaded with cans of milk to the cheese factory on Saturday morning last whese i hie borate became frtahtened and ran i away. Freeman fell off the wagon. but beo erne entangled in the lines, and wear dragged through the swamp for about half a mite. Elia body was hotrihly mutilated by banging against the stomps by the roadside. dotoeseAmtV~ocel~orvesttseeest~~114§SattsfeVZ ' r A � I i•• fisar. (It's Big N t 3 ' 'Cleams' AUGUST 12, 19D3 URDAY AUDUST It, A a s' Sale traus ND �NDIND �SDAY, \4 COMMENCING SAT �Bargains It willyay Whirlwind 'n Chances liollar '��� FOR TEN DAYS ONLY ! ! IN FIFTEEN DEPARTMENTS I Great loner -Saving you to borrow money from 1 he bank in order to take advantage of these Low Prices r i i Every dollar you spend here during THIS SALE is an ainvestment e vQ ofinterest� r i at a high Crum's Best English Prints, worth 15C per yard to -day. • .l0 Stock To Slaughtered wors•rtner*swomozsa*.i........wmoss*s+wsermo CORSETS -A lot to c'ear, worth $r bo and $1'25, on bargain tables ; your choice for - - .69 w li l T E' EAI Clean -sweep sale place, only TABLE LINENS GIG SAYINGS ON CLOTHING Table Linen, Q� vane for.. .-�8 d Llnan sale price . � GROCERY DEPARTMENT ....03 Royal Yeast Cakes. .. , •.. • • .......... , . • .......08 Carrs Starch............ ....... •... .07 20 Zap ao Red2 cans sb)., . •• .f.. ....'.......... • ... ........ 03 on Pot Barley, tt'tpxtract lb ...... ........ ...08 100 .08 10e 13opkgtle Rolled Prize Oats.. ...............'.....08 Canada Laundry Starch ..... ...........,, ,1, ,20 25c Japan Tea .............. ...,; ., ..... 10 25 2.5o Ceylott Tea.... •. • , . Large Bottle Pioklea • • ........5 4 packages gold Dust for . . ` .. • ....... ... n5 .25 12 Bare O si Soap for .. ................. Fresh Raisins, 4 LbB for •... ..25 Gan Tomatoes, Corn end Peas„.3 for. , . , . • • DRESS GOODS A.large stook of New Goods to ohoose from. 20 per Dress Goods, Silks and cent, tS. Ent off urllinesuress now and Rave money*. velvets. Buy y BARGAINS AT THE RIBBON COUNTER iso Plain Ribbon, all colors, sale price... ...• .10 204 Plaid Soft Taffeta itibbon ......... •.: ......1 5 150 Colored Ribbon, sale price ...... . . . . .... .1� 200Panoy Ribbon, sale price $100 25c Plaits Ribbon, all colors, sale price... , ...... 250 �' Men's strong well -made Overalls, bine or black ,50 Denim, 10 days' sale prioe . Men's strong Tweed Suits $7 00 to $7 50 for.., $5.90 Men's fano Tweed Suits, $10 00 for10.00 Alen's fine Worsted Suits, $12.50 for 00..... , .. $10.00 Men's French Worsted SaitB, ,i for..., • • . $12.0 0 Men's strongStriped wee$ Pants, $1.00 00 for.... .•$1.00 Men's Striped Tweed Pants $2..$1.00 Men's fancy Tweed Pants $2 50, for..::. • .... 0 Boys' 2.piece Suits $2.00 for • , •. ,,,., . $1.00 Boys' 2.pieoe Shite $2.50 for . ,, X2,50 Boys' 2•piece Suits $3 00 for ....... , $2.50 Boys' 3•piece Snits $4 00 for :...00 Boys' 3.pte0e Snits $5 OO for , • .. , , .. , . $Lica ieoe Snits; $6 00 for. .,,5.25 Bays' a piece Suite $1.00 for.. ........ . .5c,) Bays' F Pants, 75o for , , • ..... .50 BaBoys' TR+eed Pants, 653 for 5 Bays' wearing Pallas, 503 for, ..., :::=:4.0 .,...+-- ries..., ... ., .05 Embroidery Collars, sale p .. + . , , .30 50c Silk Belts (near) • • • ............ , . , , .3 ti 35c Ali Wool Cashmere Hose-, ..... ....25 Flannelette, to clear . .05 05 5WideWeisrin ,.,.,...... 5 pieces Prints, to clear ...... , , .... . TABLE NAPKINS .75 $1.00 value Napkins l 50,sale price... Large Size Napkins $ hi tetra large L1nen Napkins, $ 50 for " 11 panelled on tickets daring dais big save. 311:231/.15t11:0 No coupons Given or sales g ' No Bonds oharggd at said taco -mu ok produce iu ex0haugs f0'< goo3s. everything will be tteduced, MiM�MN0MM4 54 inch B.etclied a e in , - ......,•..�4()503 half Bleach$ ... 0 60a B1ea0hed Linen, fine and wide for ...••.....$1. 0fin w de meaty neosaleioe prase ............. .80 $1.00 6.no q�a'•ity ��1.00 and fine Linea for...•......HOSIERY ANO GLOVES Long Gloves in White, Elack and Laeaalai m; Ger enmake to Lisle, Silk,ie- count of 20 per cent, off all lines of Hosiery and . GOO'S AND SIHOES Look on ootre table in shoe department for snaps in footwear. A lot of 3330i3 olearing at .... 6i)e. in . S1) ,ta9eworth tales aavngato the bttyer..pla1ove quick. Extra ill be sold at a bigsalespeople to wait on yon. LACE CURTAINS s sale . • .'71iregular della: Onrtains, 10 day ..•.... )K25 pair wot*. $1 ''25, sale price ..... . ..ti815 pair fine Cctrtatne, $33.00 value for . • ,$1.54)12 pair regular $3.50, sale price.. . ••• 1.908 pair Nett Curtains, $3,50, sslo price.... •••• White Muslin Top Skirts, $1 50 for.... ..... 81.nn $1.00 aVhita C3odeskixts, $t 25 Oar . .. $125 i bOar White Underskirts,;�➢5 doz DrawerB, floe oambrio, 45o for ••••• S30 Corset Covers, o0o for x,40 Ohildrens' White Dresses, $1.25 for...•...••• .t0 'Waab Belts, to clearE�MCROIDERY AND L ICES Thousands of yards to be cleared ont st a tag saving "`� •�Ladies' IU -1 triovc eraateed.regelar $1.25 qual'J:)ity, 10 daps sale prise . •Ucavy 1315011 Sateen i?sderaktrts, wor•.h $1 25 . $1.00 sate price. '..... _.. ,..�Ti.Ot)White Parasols, $t.25 for .().)Boys' Hand11eteltiefa, to clear.•...... ... ,03Pins, per plc:raze.,....•. ••..,.. .i,,White Waists, $1.00. value for d;1.75Ladies' Wrappers, $1 25 value for...... .10 15c Side Combs, sale pri02 ..... . ... ..• .......•may-�••GENTS' FURNIS'NII GS 5 eloz black Cashmere Sot, 25e for ........, .. ft)19 A lot of Ties to OLe,ir at ... ••....•..... .1)Men's Shifts And Drovers, sale .••.' .25 M91i'O 50e Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers .Q;0Men's 75o Top Shirts for .....;....: . .00 Men's 500 Shirts special forRemember the date. auoyRibbons, stile ptic0................5alespec�nle WatltSs. Angllst. egA001140404011 Sale starts Saturday, ers a