HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-08-06, Page 10 nnk oij rnniItsn A Savings Account is your best friend. Ny ;ti�d. CONVENIENCE -No forniality in open- ing accounts, or in depositing or withdrawing money. PRIVACY -Information as to savings accounts is confined to trusted clerks, pledged to secrecy. WINGHAM BRANCH C. P. SMITH, AGENT. rf.V.V.V.V.V.TVIVVIIMYYTTY.rflif 4 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR RC1 !► IH ik 3 dozen only, White Lawn and Mulle Shirt Waists, beautifully Ilk trimmed with lace, embroidery and tucks. A genuine snap, reg. $1.75, now $1.25; $$1.50 now 99c; $1.25 now 75c; 75e now ,, 50 • Black Sateen Tucked Waists, reg $1.25 for $1,00 Ladies Whitewear; Underskirts, wide, fancy, very pretty, reg, $2.00 for $1,75; $1,50 for $1.25; $1,z5 for $1,00 -1 Drawers, Corset Covers'and Night -Dresses at cost. DRESS MUSLINS-Positively must go at any cost, reg. 30e for ili 20e; ceg. 20e for 15c, and 15c for 10 '' CORSETS -A bargain in Corsets, celebrated D & A Corset, "(\ ii straight and cursed fronts, lace trimmed, easy fitting, reg. g $1.00 for 75e, reg. 75c for 50 GLOVES -Long black and white Lisle Gloves, reg. 60c now.... 50 a. UNDERSKIRTS -Black Sateen Underskirts, must be cleared e out. Extra wide, pleated Skirts, reg. $1,50 now $1.20; t wide skirts, with flounce and ruffles, reg. $1,25 for, $1,00, 1reg. $1.00 for 60 SHOES -120 pairs Shoes to be cleared out at each ea ring Sale DURING STOCK-TAING Come and see these goods, you will be glad you came. • TOWELLINGS-A snap in Towellings, 23•in. wide, pure linen, reg. 12?;e for 10 Laces, Embroideries, Belts and Collars, greatly reduced. We sacrifice these goods to make room for Fall Goods. You may reap the benefit. L Highest prices paid for produce. Come and see us. 50 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 a e 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 B 4 444 4 4 91 4 taiESSZNA'AiiiiririMEZNIESNZAA VISATAWi;AAXASIi,dl'IAILfiA7C,'IC?iA& ''iia M ANNA MIMAMAAAAA/ AAA AA VVVVV4WVVVVYVVVVVVW/,VVVVWV ovETERN FAIR] TION OF WESTERN ONTARIO Full Programme of Attractions twice daily, including71 Kemp's Wild West Show. Best of Music. Fireworks Each Evening. ATHLETIC DAY - MONDAY, SEPT. 14 r 0. Come and enjoy yourself at London's Popular Fair. GREATEST LIVE STOCK EXHIBI- Prize Lists, Entry Forms, Programmes, and all information given on application to W. J. REID, President. A. TVI. HUNT, Secretary. London, Sep. 11-19 ANMWS8M6666MMDMAI . -00,00 r REDUCED RATES on ALL RAILROADS KK `CC DOMINION BANK HEAD OFFICE ; TORONTO. Ca itai paid up, $3,916,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,297,000 Total Assets, over 48,000,000 WINCHAM BRANCH, Farmers' Notes discounted. Drafts sold on a11, points in Canada, she United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 tsnd upwards, and added to principal quarterly -end of March, June, September and Deoem• ber eaoh year, • D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Vanstone, Solicitor. Was Weak and Run flown WOULD VERY OFTEN FAINT AWAY Mrs. J. H. Armstrong, Port Ehnaley, Ont., tells of her experience with MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS. She writes : "It is with gratitude I tell how your Heart and Nerve Pills benefitted me. "I was very weak and run down, had headaches nearly every day and very often would faint away, in fact, my doctor said that sometime I would never come out of the faint. It was through one of your travelling agents that I was induced to try Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and after taking three boxes I um glad to relate it has been a number of years since I had a fainting spell and scarcely ever have a headache. Too much cannot be said in praise of Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, for in. me they have effected a perfect cure." Price 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers, or The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. ARELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN wanted for Wingham and adjoining country to represent "Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries" While business in Some lines may be doll, farmers were never more encour- aged as regards fruit growing than at the present season. High prices for all classes of fruit have been obtained the past season, and there is as a eonecga enol, an increased demand for nut• eery stock. Our stock is complete in every depart- ment including a new list of specialties which we alone handle. The right man will obtain a perman- ent situation, with territory reserved for him. Pay weekly. Free sample out- fit, etc. Write for particulars. 9TO.1.%E .6s WELLINGTON Fonthill Nurseries (850 acres TORONTO, CANADA. Fresh Fish Fridays. I have made arrangements for weekly shipments of Fresh Fish, and will be able to supply them Every Friday.. All orders will receive prompt attention. THOSI. FELLS BUTCHER. .d.,„-,-00-00 w.om.. .FAR.KBS aardgnyine having live ,stook or othtr articles then wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the eivme for sale in the Trams. Our large of eulaticu tells and it will be strange indeed e yidonot got aonstomer. We can't guar ante; that you will sell because you may ask more for the article or stook than it is worth. Send your advertisement Of the Times and try this aurticlof. pyonr Stook and other OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion of advertisements Such as teachers wanted, business chances, mechanics wonted, articles for sale, or in fact en kind of an adyt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, may be left at the Tiaras office. This work will receive prompt attention and will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on apphcation. Leave or send yottr next work of this kind to the TIMES O]E'FICE, Winglll.tubi QUINCE SEED niN VOGUE. What Mrs. James Brown Potter Says About This. BagelSSer. Quince Seed preparations enjoy an ex- tensive vogue on the continent of EU, rope for whitening both the hands and face, replacing the cucumber, rose and other creams used in the British isles, Rays Mrs, James Brown Potter. The advantage of the quince seed preparatlpns fs that they are easily made and soften the akin without being sticky, like other mucilages, or greasy, like ointments. The disadvantage is that they do not keep for more than one month. Mucilage of quince seed is made by soaking the seeds in water. In France the official preparation is made with oue part of the seed in ten of water, the mucilage being mixed with water when required for use. In the Belgian and Portuguese official preparations one part of seed is used for a hundred of water, the mucilage being applied undiluted to the skin. Quince lotion is made by putting four drams of bruised quince seed into a pint of water, simmering, with occa- sional stirring, till it is reduced to half a pint; strain and all four ounces of glycerin and scent if desired. There is no better preparation for whitening the hands. A. little is smeared on after washing. Some, however, use it in place of washing with soap and 'water. All excess is wiped off and the hands dried. Quince creams are used as toilet creams, usually at bedtime, and are very comforting after exposure to a hot sun. Sufficient to just moisten the skin is applied with a soft rag. HEALTH AND BEAUTY. While walking or sitting the head must be held correctly. If it is al- lowed to droop, causing the flesh to fold beneath the chin, all contour will be destroyed and muscles that should be a support become practically par- alyzed. 'When the hands are inclined to ac- cumulate dirt and retain it, a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and lemon juice will clean them. When wash- ing the dishes rubber gloves should be woru, and these must always be care- fully washed before putting away, as grease remaining on the rubber will cause It to crack. One young woman claims she almost entirely rid herself of light superfluous hairs that grew between her eye- brows and close to her ears by scrub- bing them •morning and evening with a toothbrush wet in alcohol. The reit; son was doubtless that the alcohol de- stroyed the natural oil of the hair and thus killed the roots. A famous lotion of colonial days, known as "morning dew," consisted of one ounce of rosewater, half an ounce of glycerin, half a teaspoonful of borax and three drops of benzoin. The quan- tities may be multiplied If a greater amount is needed. The lotion is ap- plied to the chopped face made rough from wind or exposure with a bit of old linen. Folding Before Ironing. To fold the shirt after starching care must be taken to keep, all the starched parts together to prevent their stain- ing the unstarched material. Take the shirt by the shoulders and place it on the table front uppermost, straighten the cuffs, one over each side of the front, and fold the neck- band over on the front. Then double the shirt in two length- ways, bringing one side of the front over the other, fold over again, form- ing it narrower strip, turn up the bot- tom hem a few inches and roll from the top downward. Leave for one hour or more before ironing, as the starch grains become ao; for and yield more readily to the in- iluence of heat and a better result is obi t Bend the handle of a teaspoon Ya k to form a loop so baby can have a spoon she can eat with without spilling. A new stiletto to be used in embt oid- ering is made with a gage so that the eyelets may be of uniform siza. IBSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills Must Bear Signature of See Fac.Slmilo Wrapper Below. Very small and as easy IQ take a8 sugars FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION CA 'Eas ITTLE IVER PILLS. ]F.Z *Y1NID NUSTIIAvr�YAYU5 , atrts Furory Yegcttab1e., r#,? CURE SICK HEADACHE, 06.60.16166. GROWING OLD. [Rollin J. Wells.' A little more tired at close of day; A little lees anxious to have onr way; A little less ready to scold and blame; A little more care for a brother's name; And so we are nearing the jonrny's end Where time and eternity meet and blend A tilde less pare for bonds and gold, A little more rest in the days of old • A )reader view and a saner mind , And a little more for all mankind; And on we are faring a down the way That leads to the gates of a better day. A little more love for the friends of youth A little legs zeal to establish truth, A little more charity in our views, A. little less thirst for the dailv news. And so we ere folding our tents auras And passing in silence at olase of day. A little more leisure to sit and dream, A little more real the things unseen, A little nearer to those ahead, With visions of those long loved and dead And so we are going where all most go, To the place the living may never know. A little more laughter, a few more tears, And we shall have told our increasing years; The Yolk is closed and the prayers are said, And we are a part of the countless dead, This' a happy. then, if some soul can Pay : "I live because he has passed my way." OIL FOR DOMESTIC WHEELS Rub faucets with lemon peel to brighten them. Prunes are greatly i>rproved by being stewed in a little cider. Sancepans should be as flat and broad as possible, so tat no heat may be wasted. Tho under oven in the range is a most convenient place in which to keep irons. To preserve fish sprinkle powdered borax over it lightly and place in a good situation. Tansy leaves sprinkled freely about woollens and furs prevent them from being moth eaten, If the color has been taken out of silks by fruit stains, ammonia will usually restore it. A quick and easy way to scale fish is to rub the fish quickly and vigorous- ly overa coarse g:at:.r. A coffee grinder may be used as a food chopper if the housewife does not happen to have the latter. A rev, drops of lemon juice improves scrambled eggs. Ie should be added while the eggs are cooking. R • CANADIAN •NATIONAL Aug. 29 EXHIBITION Sept. 14 TORONTO Greatest and Best Attended Annual Exhibition in all the World Every Province Sends Its Products $100,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions Mammoth Massed Band Concerts Grand Art Loan Collection From the Parts Salon and other Old•World Galleries. International Military Tattoo and Realistic Spectacle The siege of Sebastopol With 900 Performers. Superior Vaudeville Performance 9,000 Live Stock on View For Prize Bhp, Entry $lanky and all latormni on address J. 0. 0110, Meneder, City Ilan, Toronto CHEAP FARES FROM EVERYWHERE ammeenieseeniemewiliammem vrie, (110,0 0lfll rII 00000+B•tll•tf •100** • 1 2 •• + + CLUBBING RATES FOR 1907 - 08. SMIIIIMIIIIMMOIMMIM The TIMES will receive subscriptions at tilt rates below for any of the followir g publications Times and Daily Gybe ,1+, Times and Daily Mail and Empire + Times and Daily World ..0000. + Times and Toronto Daily News...... 4. Times and Toronto Daily Star... + Times and Daily Advertiser + Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and 'Weekly Globe . 0000 + Times and Weekly Mail and Empire.... + Times and 1"amil3 Herald and Weekly Star 4. Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, and premiums + Times and Weekly Witness 4. + Times and London Free Press (weekly) '0460 3+• Times and London Advertiser (weekly) + Times and Toronto Weekly Sun .i, Times and World Wide ,r+, Times and Northern Messenger, + Times and Farmers' Advocate .+r. We specially recommend onr readers to subscribe + to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine f Times and Farming World + Times and Presbyterian + Times and Westminster 4 ' Times and Presbyterian and Westminster + Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) .. + Times and Youths' Companion 4. Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) � +, Times and Sabbath Reading, New York Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto)... Times and Michigan Farmer ... 4. Times and Woman's Home Companion +, dTimes and Country Gentleman + Times and Delineator 4. Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine Times and Green's Fruit Grower + Times and Good Housekeeping 4. -Times and McCall's Magazine .. 'F' Times and. American Illustrated Magazine X Times and American Boy Magazine 4. Times and What to Eat Times and Business Man's Magazine + Times and Cosmopolitan , + Times and Ladies' Home Journal .+r, Times and Saturday Evening Post 3+, Times and Success .r. Times and Hoard's Dairyman + Times and McClure's Magazine . + Times and Munsey's Magazine + Times and Vick's Magazine H• Times and Home Herald + Times and Travel°Magazine + Times and Practical Farmer .+r. Times and Home Journal, Toronto .. + Times and Designer......... + Times and Everybody's + Times and Western. Bc.nie Monthly, Winnireg...., ,r+, Times and Canadian Pictorial 0600 060 + + + + The above prices include postage on American pnblicaticrs to any 4. 4.60 4.30 3 10 2.sO 2 30 2..:5 2.60 1.60 1.:,5 1.75 2.10 1 85 1.50 1.60 1.80 2.20 1.35 2.35 1.75 2.25 2.25 3.25 2 40 3.25 2.80 1.95 1.85 2.15 225 2.60 2.95 1.95 1.55 2 30 1,70 2 30 1 90 1 90 2.15 2 15 2 75 2.75 2.`d5 2.40 2.40 2.50 1.60 2,60 225 2.10 1.40 1 75 + 2.80 1.25 1.60 .+i, address in Canada. If the TIDIES is to be sent to an American address, add 4 • 50 cents for postage, and where American publications aro to be sant to • A American addresses a reduction will be made in price, • • • We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you want is not in •o • the list, call at this office, or drop a card and we will give you prices on the • •• paper you want. We olnb with all the leading newspapers and magt'ziues..tal • When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will • • secure such premiums when ordering through ns, same as ordering direct i • from publishers. • • • • • • TIMES OFFICE • - • • a These low rates mean a considerable saving to subscribers, and are • STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post • office or express money order, addressing •• • • • • WINGHAM, ONTARIO. • • • ••••e•aeasnamenaseeneenboaa s a••+'srs•***+Cl--it•••••••-•-•!•d DR S. . SUCCESSORS TO Drs. KennedySi er an SPECIAL NOTICE. Owing to Dr. Ker - gen being deceased, Dr. J. D. Kennedy, Medical Director, has associated with him Dr. Xennedy Jr. who has been with the firm for several years, so hereafter business will con- ducted under the name of ORS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY NERVOUS DEBILITY Thousands of young and middle aged men are annually swept to a premature grave through EARLY I:tl)15CRE TIoNs, $Yc1+ssEs AND BLOOD DisnAss:s. If you have any of the following symptoms consult us before it is too late, Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irrita- ble. palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and 1 uses, sedi- imentin urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks careworn expression, poor memory. lifeless, distrustful, lack energy and strength, tired mornings. restless nights, change- able moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose. sore throat etc. BLOOD POISONSBletl.r roison9 ase the most prevalent and most serious dis•ases. They sap the very life blood of the victim, and unless entirely eradicated front the system may affect the f iture generation. Beware of Mercury. !t only suppresses the symptoms -OUR Nlw M$T13OD cures them. OLIR NEW METHOD TRELTMENT atone ran euro you, and makes man of you. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that atl pimples, blotches, and ulcers disappear, the nerves become strong as steel, se that ner- vousness, bashfulness and despondency vanish, the eye becomes bright the face fall and clear, energy returns to the body, .and the moral, physical, and vital systems are invig- orated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system. Dont let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. We will cure you or no pay. READER EADER o7fo Cmasrtgteer. w1to'has trlREy-TwerGeolfdoern aMohnnoers" otpiinustnra)ede Question List ler Hone Treatment Sent on Request, DRS.KENN&1'&KE?l!WY Cor, Michigan Am, and Griswold St, DETROIT, MICH __0..611