HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-06-18, Page 4T "SORE;. 's . ongoja: aoa, sitgle s0.1 0 'AG„KIEW. - , m Four house, 'barn, : fence, buggy; • wagon, 'furniture e , or'any- :thin :'' else:.this spring: ; We 'have a full line of ' • the.._very:_:best_gr • des': of' for ail kinds ',of work: arrive and Furniture: Varnish 'Universal Varnish for Inside`' or Outsides Wood Filler,Hard'Oii Finishes> ,send ' fo Cage and Wagon Paint, '(the gruel►) Varnish Stains' for all purposes. is iv futon' au L 81iR't•Y '0 Dr`T R 4if.D TO *sopa s t.slr]'.Tsoo;ospiNG To TAB, DIOTTT*! op.00mis,otortox a1c rni;1 eBz uor o!a!s LIB*JTIE,;' ' ° Luoicaow 440.:. •beth►1903 ST,' HIJJt.EN3 Mr., Wm.• Them bas muchiwproved the Appearance of'the front of .hie pro "perty :by the'ereotian'`'of'.a''etrong” wire fence; p relace the"o1d board ohs,'• A iasrn .social unde} auspices'o f' the'`HarriaMaasiou $and, w ll -baa l eld `on`t1 gii`hte::'gre4.44+� Zi' %leiie: ouis . *td'ay .evenings Julie 2'6th., ' splen-.• did programme composed of'sorigs re- erdu'tirOarc McpZc ael~'alxx3 _rlitui c 1 .eTec tions will be: given::. Refreabmer is served;, also. games 'an0. other' amuse nrenarete`' provide,' rates open at'. 6 'o'..,jock,,;'• Adnaiesion� 1h, cents. All ' welcome., ne wedding 'was :eo a of Mr Thomas. T a"y . evening, • 3rd filet, ter. Charlotte.. ca Edward' McRob- rA very pretty ,Ju ]emnized' at the hem Todd, On, , Wedneed st., when his lough me'tbe wife,,of Mr, erts, a prosperous young feriner of this: vicinity.:' To the :strains of the wed ding march, ' played by Mini' A M: chili, -' `the--liridsl party took -their • ,places in the parlor,' under' a beautiful areh of flowers: ` ' Ret 3. , M. 'Whaley .performed the .ceremony; in 'presence of about one .hundred guests. After -congratulations-and a, moat --bountiful wedding dinner, the (Wooing was plea: cantly spent with music, ' song, ',etc. The esteem in, whieh the bride is held *as fully evideneed bythe .numerous and' ,costly presents ''ago received -Their manyfriends • wish them:, .every 'joy in their life journey. bir Wm, Mebrostie returned•on, Saturday last' from the, High Court•of 0anadian Order of Foresters in .Handl-; J.ntruo1.. ISoN,: 4i'Uo1 N4WV Ganexal ivottraiice Tial ness; ; .q Transacted;,, , LIFE, ACCID:I I ,T;. • 01:1 ,R.,ATj'gEE, .130111)S;: RgER'T GUNNiIN 44 INSURANCE,' FLRS'. AND MARINS GUELP,N IRKlI�ie,CIN 8G GARROw B:t RHT I SSB"SOLIOI�', , ihjhinsoti Chae'Garrow, L C,B. .h A 4'rALCt4F45ii'.'�y,r� 4 'ks4.:�1;"Bti„tiert313w i."0:11i t0z4u:a7=et , (lxtu oP—Otrtreren':- "felt & Cameron, Goderich l: Office,. upstairs in Atlin Block; Lucknow. .E-i. 3LaItItI .) L1Irl nxal4. I..iG�I Cf1It.•, : a (`nliail�i 3gat,tlel •tTi: It . ,: Qiorre• . to loan, .Oiiiceover Watson's Barber Sho lty tort "etc. Gedericb Ont. t MOD;; Goanox M D, { 1 b1, F T M Si Lev, MOPS. p, Physician; Surgeon and Acooucfier. Upstairs in Allin Block, Resi- dence !Loss street, belii,ud' J.' G. Murdoch &% Co's. store. A M. SPENCE, M D ,O.M. Beaidenee • --Souse of late Dr. . Tennant, and office oyer E111ott's. Grocery, Main ',Street,, be:- Ln.ckno�v- G, - • . TS0N•S: 'U.RE ,:PAINTS RE ,.AD _ Y M( XE D L AB A ST 1 NE all.' th' hes • ; .. , , t shades:'= W E ' R �AI•NT � rn• ' different colors:� ie have _also' a,'lar e stock -of -all k g ads of��: • rya ., .. ' PAINT, V ARNISH AN ii ; D. w ITEWAS•Ii $RUSHES: o et fail ao call ion us •when' von« are oilg,' To'' Paint. KNO ton A garden.party Will be held.at.the residence 'of Mi- ' W McOroetie near St. Melena,, en Friday evening as 3 p. in--Tlie neknQw-band=wlll-be= in attendance and all are'cordially•in.- vied-4 ' . KINTAIL The' recent rain ,falle.are making a big'improyement on the crepe. •'. Jas.. Whitt left last Tho' ,• , Y rsday for his home •:in ;Gould • Cit •' Mich. 'vie De front :;. ;he. :J. pitaiiy•left for Detroit 'Orr Thursday' on, . the 'excursion •. by the King Edward. Mr; and' James`$.ortonoi e Lee". bare' , s p ent a.. p few, days with their daughter Mra `J;, D: Farriahr ' ' Otte of the' ,dratsettlers of this_ sec - :tion in theperson, of Donald. McDon= aid departed this life at the ripe`Ald. age:'ok, ninety,three years, nt hie .home on June l l th. ' The deceased:had: been ailing' , for some `,years, with Iropsy~ Which disease caused• bis death. The. funeral took, place on June 1'2th 'to the;,Kiatail-cemetery .and -was -^largely attended ' .by friend anti; relatives: The-widow,;six-song-and-,three .dnugh- tars, wl-ro survive him,.have the ,heart felt sympathy of the entire community. their•bereavement.' , L*UBIEB Mica AmMndaMurray of Paramount was. the guest to, Mies.. Madge,.•Boyd leaf week.. Mr. Chas. Matheson, of • Armow, spent :'a couple of days with friends on 'he gravel, this week r 'stockof •Tables. We:'have• them in all: sizes and. tyles` If: SOCIETIES (SLI) LI HT.'LODQE; A F. t/ 04.M..t R.O.;;meete-' 1F bxeiry.',lhureday-night-on-or before the full moon,' in the �! Masonic Hall, 'Havelock street Luckuow, •JAS LYON6 • H, :Dais , . W. M. Ste. LUCENOw LODGE: No. '112;.meets every Friaay_eFening. at—8 o'clock in their tt Tr tt w Q'ns�cated Raisins, xn' Packages., New .Oor'ona ;,Dates.: ew : Cleaned. Plirral ts. dw' eels, Lemon,O ange,Ditron• New -Layer Figs...: W.e can filipply you;with the,' -very,, best quality of these goods as we purchase nothing' but .choice' brat ds:• fii tilt iF 1E11i.41.f f t.1,!_Itiitila'if:i4.1411 .':� ball; Campbell street, • Al.. brethren 'co d allay:. invited J Pickering, '1''. S -'Reid Noble Grand Recorder. UOICYow Covx- •r , ani ir u l tttttt�ssr a •, •fie+'i d+$^�4++f+gF�i++I4• pd r dCdr�lr�Tr3+ do l }+4,4 4' } +. +}r ++4C�t�+4, • • 4▪ 1. - 1 .C._ la yy Order. of ,eetsfirst •Chpeen�`y.t;:��� .+ Friends, m. , '• and third Tuesday (` evenings or each ' t' month, in the'bdd fellow'eHn1l;Camp ; 4: �k bell street,. Luck.., \ now.' •visitors are ,` • �� 4;,i ' M • cordially'invited COURT SHEi4iliop No. 50. Coos on•Lucknow.nal ets ,every'first, Monday of -every. month in the ',Orange: Hall.. Vliitingbrethren are cordially invited W J"-Pvasjw ,it Gn Hair; Chief Banger, 1Reo=Sec+• 4▪ : • • • 4+ r have just i eeewed a: full' line' 'Of -t'h•e latest •' aAd•.' - v0xxow 1.oiyCa AA dependent. Order of ,_._ Io1C P`� 4' -!!lost upack-dilteC)piical''baoCls..conslstin"�r: of 1Q 'and .I4 :. • 'Foresters .meets, iii 'the Oddfell w's Hall 'Oita >; , filled frames whlcli'T aviII, sell at prices lover than; ' _ , ,i. o e $, • ,�, .. . .. aur e�er.►1•.:. second' n s a & fourth. 1.•" sold . Tiles- � : _, �-. sold "� these art Uef� • ►� : day a .each .month' as d+ 1} $ Jre ,fOr.•tllf� rielt 'thirty Our ►1. 7.30 o'clock.' Visiting t!Y frames. are unlimited ,r• r i * , • ' � ' .....,,r;•� ..,ua1 �,iltee as•. tu..w:erli. ",-We � , . brethren' are ':cordially`��L.B.C. s'1sQ `';, 44' guarantee.'the :,fit and as we onl keep the• "n ns invited; '''�• '' • ::;•... Onlykeep p b est•1en,Ues .�` • • F., made In :the i ,E, blc� nald, T. E. Lawrence World, eraon$ W"hing ' < ., :.,:; s ra. anythln�, in:, .tkie . P Chief Ranger• Res Sea, 4'.� .tical •Lill:e•..shoiii4:6;1ve 111 - `:. '. \ �• p .., ' to ; . a �, call. I have en th'e. ,1,..,,,, \-044: s'erv'ices,of one,of tlle.',mgst;.: expert.•oeu`,i: t it` rian's in :.. Canada: to visit my)1lce a •b' • " ..' ►b :.. Which Will L t re�,ular utc,> vials; .elates: of, 4'' which will' ,be riven later: ' y • ' vc3NOW LODGE of the Ancient •• � Order, •' of .Unitsd • \\``i Workmen, meets iri, the Oddfel� lows''halll on. the second and last Monday • even - logs of •each month �- at eight o'clock:-• ••- Visitin . brethren cardially invited. T. MCDIai:MID.. G.;P EOOTTEA, a Mader.: Recorder; �j No. 428 'HOLDS ITS REGULAR. : ___ID •�i monthly meetings in ,the Orange Ha11, Campbell street, Lucknow, on the second Tuesday evening of each and every month. Degree night on the -second Tuesday, evening; following All -visiting brethren "cordially Invited. to the; meetings.. , W. H. COOK, ;` IN' M.'MILLk3,,, Seeretaryi 9eWeIeri Marriage -License. W; CONNELL; Issuer of 'Mar nage Llcei sed, Agent for Allan Line, and bominion Lines of Steamships. Life and 'Accident Assurance. ` Campbell St Lucknow:" w CONNE [,L;.. o��iat-ail ha returned home after"'being the petit' of her. aunt Mrs. ICen McLennan:for a few days ` Mise Isabelle McLean ep6nb; two days with friends in: GodQrc6. • Miss'• Jennie McRae ' and' Mies liettsy Walker left on the .Xing. Ed- ward for Detroit last;' l hursday. Mr.. • btincan McIntyre y raised iii barn up on,abutments on Wednesday. He ie. putting a stone foundation ;un-' •de: it '• I1f ice' l;!h i :PriteharctLibet wish, -a very paipfulwqcei2leet Ont "Friday While at'schobl .she fell: and struck` her head againgt .the . brick wall:' It -was very sore ab the time but we hope. fora speedy recovery« " TlsoTrusteeer "and Union, school° picnic. which .was. t� be`h,ici' at-tho• ligbth'ouee iaae Saturday ?afternoon failed to 'mature, 'but will be held of Saturiaay ,lli.►sebail;', ,"Ripley vs. And herly, titid 1'�ucktiow ;aunkbra vie. 'rant-, ierJuniors, racou andi denting will be - tile cliiot� 'portli of the ` day;, A..good Land, will 'bd in attendance:, .Oome' early a'ri don''t "forgot: your;baskote,.: Teacher' of • Pilule, Orga , and, Theory ie8 iVllrggie-11�lctean� a {rails prepsyred---for seruatety--gxOfin�, • shone. 'Canning ''Street' Lucknow O. 'A.'�. NEWTON.• you want a,good table at: a`fair price call Our stock of Furniture i other lines is very completer Parlor Suits, Bedroom Suits, 'Couches, . Mattrases, : Chairs WinJow . ' Blinds, Pictures and: Picture Frames in great 'variety':: Prices,consistent with • quality. HLA-LE-A:DINe..t NDJ;lt'TAICEit A:ND ,E+ MnAL'MEIt.-. Calht ,attBnded. to Night.o0 .Day' • r ...._ 44�' Farm for Sale �Who • Wants h `Fc ren ?, . . for lient .• rent,•,1,50'acres Otie mile east of "30•38. Well fencedi'arteliiarr %veil- and creek. haYeyevtir 1000 ikeres.ot6hoia:farin 'lands with ,good fie. eiAti .eheap .ori .easy ti song ; geed black litillth..ehr)t) "(«Irktell. •• Honor gradnite 'in dentistry, Toronto Dental College, and Doctor of ;Dental Sur- gery, Toronto University., All 'modern plan Office in Allin's block, upstairs. - .1),S.—Will visit 'Ripley every ThuzSday MUSIC, ma'' TAU° Lessons in,. V0611 alla liarniony s good ptook of tire .-.tsganoii.' Iriaiire your property agalne't lose or il,am age -by fire, in,the old reliable National and Office: Town Hall* TuesdaY1 ThUrClay *It Itoti Ad verti§o • Jawren •