HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-07-30, Page 7THS WINGHAM TIMES. VOL XX.XVII.--NO. 1.904, WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1908. BrownIe Cameras $1.00 to 5 9.00. I KODAKS 85.00 to 835.00. � ANYBODY CAN KODAKI Full line of Films and Camera Supplies cn hand. Keep a record of your summer pleasures. Our dark room is at our cus- tomers' disposal. ( Walton McKibbon THE DRUGGIST DRUGGIST 4 Maodonaid Blook, Wingham, CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES SUNDAY SC OOL EXCURSION. Winghamites S th The annual excursion to Kine for the people o Thnraday last-ci ly attended. The very best, though a helped to increase t train, with ten coa with two engines, 1 and the run to Kino the record time o train was crowded made betweeneWi town. Arriving bas kers were soon and preparations ner. The noon ooaohes reached o'clook. Nearly t spent the day at t follows: -From W south of Wingha of Wingham, 400. eta were sold at Wi 925. The people spent at the lake. The excursions during people took advent sty for a sail. The G. T, R. considerable prais good aoccmmodati was considerable year everything The proper kind provided and eve through without a The Kincardine b all boys played a was very one-sided best of the play a winning by a snore Wingham Circle, No. 434 Fleets First Thursday in each month, at 8 p m., in hall in Chisholm Block. Candidates for cheap, reliable insurance solicited, Ask to Bee our rates of any member or officers. Ladies accepted at same rate as men. REv. T. S. BOYLE, T. B. ROBINSON, Leader, Recording !Secretary W. J. WYLEs, Financial beoretary. A BIG FALL Iu what ? In Beat .Estate ? No ! Prices have held firmer, and more properties have changed hands in Wingham during the past year, than in any other town of its size. No other town in the vicinity is building so many new houses. Every year shows solid substantial growth and Wingham continues to be the smartest town of its size in West- ern Ontario. With a falling tax rate and pro - 311150 of an abundant crop both at home and in the West coupled with good prices, we confidently look for. ward to A. BIGFALL business for our factories, our `mer- chants, our mechanics and also for the Real Estate and Insurance men. In the meantime we have a few properties on our lists, that we can sell at rather less than their true valve, as the owners are leaving town. Better call on us to -day or some body will get ahead of you. end Happy Day at Lake. ion Sunday School rdine, the big ontleg Wingham, held on o holiday- was largo- eather was of the trifle warm, and this e crowd. The first es and baggage oar, ft Wingham at 8 45 rdtne was made in 45 minutes. This and no stops were ham and the lake t Kincardine the nveyed to the park ere made for din - train of twelve incardino about 10 o thousand people e lake, made up as gham, 1,037; places , 380; planes north ast year '1,232 tick- gham and in 1906, Ritchie & Cosens REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE. Griffin-Vanstone Block, WINGEAM. Phone '123 every pleasant day tug "Onward" ran the day and many ge of the opportun- anagement received this year -for the n. Last year 'there grumbling, but this as in good order. of baggage car was ything was carried itch: nd Wingham base- eegne game, whioh Wingham had the through the game, of 16 to 3. Pl1ONE 59 Don't Forget T -- that the -- Best Spices and Vinegar's Cider, White Wine and Malt (English) ARE THE . ONLY KIND' 'WE KEEP IN STOOK armanieramoisalmmiiiirifai TRY US ON.,... TEAS AND COFFEES GROCERIES (i Etv) CHEESE pen) COOKED MEATS, Ems,, ETC, Send, bring or phone your orders,. Directions for M Warm the teapot. teaspoonful of "Sala two cups. Pour on and allow to infns utes. Pour the lign let cool. "Salads" delicious and retro small piece of le flavor. ing Iced Te nt in a • :aping a" Tea f • every e ly b. ed water fr „ to S min• r o . the leaves and Tea iced is inmost hing beverage A n will add to its Leave your or :r for daily news, papers at the Big : ook store. Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers Times' N The TIMES will n the publication of Ghoet of Lochrain 0 N. Williamson, T citing and thrilling is laid in an old oasts has been turned int° and has been made a notorious gang k ground Syndicate," old secret passages terious assaults a authoress has nee power to produce absorbing interest, ing chapter in our n w Story. It week commence new story, "The istle," by Mrs. 0. s is a story of ex - i oidents, The plot in Scotland which a resort for tourists he headquarters of gown as the "ander- who use the many or a series of raye- d robberies. The her well-known story of most ook for the open- xt issue. Wingham all Fair. The prize lists for he Wingham fall fair have been pr nted and are now ready for distribnti- n. The list this year has been co•.iderably revised. T he fair will be held on September 24th and 25th and the dire for a good progr Copies of the prize 1 the TIMES Office or 1, Henry Christie tors are arranging of attractions. at may be had at e Big Book Store. All the Ieading Book etoro. agazines at the Big Fatal Accide Mr. Wm, Irwin, fast, was returnin no w last Thursday buggy. He met a the roadway the jol him out. Mr. Ir and his neck was was a brother of Mr of this town, and M attended the funeral Near Lucknow. iha resides at Bel - home from Luck• vening, driving in a g and in turning off of the buggy threw !n fell on his head broken. Deceased . Albert J. Fleming . and Mrs, Fleming BRING along your shoes! We do repairing and WE no IT RIGHT. Lowest prices. W. J. GREER. New Post Offic Owing to much caused to the gen considerable tronbl the department, th office authorities h instructions to the throughout Canada. age on packages of dressed to planes w the United States is o The limit of size is 30 The limit of weight is recommended that t dress be indicated on paokage, so that if paokage cannot be d returned to the sen ages so returned are e postage charge. A pa sealed against inspect may go forward to c ada or the United 1 tration upon payme cents in addition postage. FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS 25,000 Men Wanted for Western Harvesting. e Regulations. annoyance being ral public and also to the omotels of Government post ve leaned speoial ikons post offices The rate of post - merchandise ad - thin Canada and se oent per ounce. inohes by one foot. five pounds. It is e name and ad - the outside of the or any reason the livered it may be er direct. Paok- bject to a return kage meat not be n. Any paokage estination in Oan- tates under regia- t of a fee of five to the ordinary To meet as far as poseible the unusual demand for farm laborers in Manitoba, Saskatohewan and Alberta, the Oanadien Pacific Railway will run special seoond °lase excursions from all Ontario stations. Cost of a one-way ticket to Winnipeg is $10.00, and from Winnipeg to points where laborers contrdat to work they will be parried without char After at least one month's work harvest field, a ticket back starting point will b Tickets are only good speoial trains, and will be issued to women, but no half rate for ohildren. Leaving dates of exonrsions are as. follows :- Angina 14113. and Sept, 8th, from all stations in the territory between Toronto North Bay line and Toronto - Sarnia line. August 19th and Sept. 9th, from all -stations on Toronto•Sarnia line and south thereof (in Canada). August 22nd and Sept llth, from all statoins east of Toronto -North Bay line, to and including Kingston. For the three excursions in August special trains will be run from all points on the 0. P. R. If you are in any doubt as to date of excursion from your distriot apply to local 0. P. R. agent, who will also furnish times of special trains, or write to C. B. Foster, Distriot Passenger Agent, 0. P. R , Toronto. Highest price paid for hides and poul- try at T. Fells' butcher shop. Temperanc A gospel tempera held in the Town afternoon, cowmen Controller H. C. will be the speaker. pos ted on the temp is a good speaker, Wright, of the Wo have charge of t Baptist church, wil Salvation Army ba program. The pub ed to attend this ra Meeting. e meeting w) Hall next ing at 4 oken, r. be nnday o'alook. Toronto, with Darkey Hal oaken is well in the fourth he c ra c question and in the stretoh and Messrs, Clarke and a break near the fi datook College, who The fifth was easy e. the Ontario is ed at $18. arm Laborers' Fcr low prices and b quality of furniture, we take th ad. WALKER'S furniture store. Darkey What proved to brilliant and suoc meetings ever held Friday. The 2.07 the feature, and it t in the first four h the favorite did no Hal, the Cannella J. E. Swarts, of the others in th first heat, and w time. In the nes pole very soon an by a neck from fierce drive with second horse's e drive and Auto w Snow did not offe al Wins. e one of the moot ssful grand circuit n Detroit ended on ,000 pace stake was reatened the record ate, Cope De Ora, compete. Darkey mare, owned by Ingham, went by stretch, in the n handily in fast Auto took the held on, winning opa De Ora in a arkey Hal at the r. Another hard n the third heat, to try very hard in this mile, but me fast with her sending Auto to ish wen handily. for Darkey Hal. d was distanced, eorge Gano fell Driver C.,, but r was h• MOVI OUT. Goods are mov IsARf S , TEN DA getting your share buyers are taking Sale and saving chase. Tuesday Ni This notion wa storm on Tuesday that felly three Inc rain was badly nee good to the root standing grain wer ed down in some lights in part of the of business. The f' generator were blo on that of;onit we el that repairs yesterday and eve good working order. quickly at ALE. Are you argains? Shrewd vantage of this Big oney on ever • pnr- ht's Storm. visited by a heavy night and it le said es of rain fell. The d and will do ranch rop, bet corn need pretty well knock. axes. The electrio Own were put out se on one side of the vn out and all lights t out. It was eapect- would be oomiiieted rything again put in Brick pottage for re: ; on Minnie street. Apply to p s. (DR.) J. E. TAmLYN. I. 0. 0. F. Saturday of this the popular I. 0. Sarnia and Detroi{ Wingham to Sarn fare, Sarnia to Train leaves Win This is the popnla Spend a few days of Detroit. e services in the sing duets, and the d will give a musical is is cordially invit- eting. Dr. Nelson Tait Toronto, will be a Wingham,, all da 13th, for cobsnitat Ear, Nose and T of 498 Spadina ave. the Queen's Hotel Thursday, .August on in diseases of Eye, Mit. Glasses fitted. Hardware B Stocktaking Tuesday morning hardware store se t tatten over by the n son & Rae, who wt1 soon as stock.takin Burns hoe trade a aro sorry to see hi Mr. and Mrs. Ba missed by a log They take with the their Wingham fries Of the now firm of are experienced her taking over an old e The TIMES can hear as residents of Will everyorteee9d ill the siness Change. Auto broke badly a and in the stretoh in a heap, throwin neither horse nor dri We do not cobbl them -put no to the can please you. agents for Viotoria s 08 os we repair , we are sure we LIS & CO., 8010 hoes for women. PRICES THAT PLE SE tell in all kinds of ��• a d valuers that and shoes W. J. GREER. Electric Li The by-law reoe Town Council, pro of $7,000 for repel at the electric lig been approved by t and Municipal Bo making these im oommenoed at once its plan has been oe rtain that a ne very latest pattern a new flame and w It is expeoted that w' the old engine, all th placed in the engine gra m can be carrie very compact plant easily handled by charge. We uncle be rue hed along a as to have everyt order when the d are here, hting Plant. tly passed by the iding for the raising and improvements t power house, has e Ontario Railway rd. The work of ovements will be Though no defin• eoided upon, it is generator of the ill be installed and ter wheels put in h the removal of machinery can be oom. If this pro - out it will give a nd one that will be the woikmen in tand the work will rapidly as possible so ing in good working rk nights of the fall Excursion. eek is cue day of F. excursion to The return fare, a is $1-90 and boat Detroit is. 75 Dents. ham at 6 40 a. m, trip of the season. n the beautiful city TRUNKS AND VALI ES /Full stock at lowest prices. See t before buying. W. J. GREER. Invited for At the regular m ly Offioir 1 Board of odist Mamie, held last, a unanimous i ed to the popular p son, to remain for Howson thanked Board for their n but felt that in the corned it would be a change at the en ferenoe year. Th members of the many kindnesses family during thei they well liked the would not soon f pleasant part of The work of seen commence the n was left to a put that will work i pastor, Resolution To lenIi ND MRs FAMILY : - Whereas it has as commenced on in his infinite veil t Mr, J. D. Burns' world your belov' at the nook can be we, the m0ember:• 222. C. w firm of Richard- hea, C. rtfelt symipat • take possession as deepest sorrow. is completed. Mr, life is uncertain nod oitizen and we and that we are leaving the town. short dearbs; an• hors we oyo tli, ne will be greatly ing with the 10 oirole of friends. Signed on bohal he best wishes of cit 222, ds. The members S' chid .t hief Coanc ichardson & Rae are mon and are teblisbed business. sly welcome theta am and wish them new business. f Sympathy. . E. SISittONB AND .eased Almighty God • om to take from this • husband and fattier; of Wingham Council , extend to you our tet this your hour of ay you realize that nd that death is sure, ivided only for a few that by living right opportunity of meet. ed ones gone before. of Wingham Conn. Arrx. Ross lor. Rec. Dr. Ovens, Oculist, London, Snrgoon Eye, Ear, and Throat will bo at MOKibbon's drug store, Monday, Aug. 241h,, flours: 12 a.m. to8p.m. (classes properly fitted. ourth Year. ting of the Querter- heWingham teeth. n Tuesday evening 'Ration was etctend- stor, Rev. Mr. How- e fourth year. Mr. he members of the animous invitation, interests of all con - ell for him to make of the present Con - pastor thanked the ongregation for the hown himself and stay in Wingham; beautiful town and get the happy and eir life spent here. ng a new pastor to t Oonference year it supply committee harmony with he Si A YEAR IN ADVANCE y $7,000 FOR LlGlfi d ING PLANT. Ontario Railway and Muni'ipai Board Approves of By -La Authorizing Issue of De entures Town Council Holds S rasion Mon Regular Monthly ay Night. Less than an hour s the business which civic legislators on The members were al Omens. Nicholson au A request from ti for a donation to which have been ma was filed. The olerk read a o the Secretary of th and Municipal Boars , approving of the application of the Council for permission to issue debentures to the amount of $.7000 for the purpose of making repairs, improvements and extensions to the electric lighting plant. A petition, sufficiently signed, was presented asking fora four -foot grano- lithio walk on the easttide of Catharine street, between Jon and. Patrick streets. On motion of Reev oilier Hanna, the E mittee was empowere in the usual form in oonneotion with their Mr. W. J. Howe lowering of the wat enable them to Clea whioh had been. was and Conn. Gregory the course of a few Light Committee wo water, and the work that tame. A by-law fixing the for 1908 at 25 mine w: The amounts to be purposes, together wi nary, are as follows: - County purposes ..$ 1 Gen, expenditure . $11 P. S.hool purposes 8 1 H. Schoolpurposos.$ Mr. F: Paterson w leotor of taxes, at tt A grip was taken E . Moore's restaur ev ening last. Will ea me kindly return it. take from t on Saturday party who has We are offering a number o rticles in furniture at $1 less enc• •ay nihil they are sold. This is alled Dutch auction. Call at W : R's furniture store and get partial,. TS Death of A. E. Simmons. The death oco evening last of M his 48th year. De with typhoid fever his death and it first that his case Mr. Simmons oa London with his years ago and ba dent of the tows m ar:hocd he tear in the offices of th. and the writer s! trade in the TIlTE twenty years ag years the deceaee printing busines years published the Wingham Journal. He. was a man of many good parts. lie was whole-souled and would always do a good turn foil a friend. For over had been conneoted n Army and though times was very hard trying to live a Chris - he past few years had in the army. He will by his comrades and bereaved family will of the community in e is survived by hie Miss Rachel Rankin, nd Mrs. Rich. Rankin sons and five dough - 'e, Harper, Willie, !belle, Gertrude and one are residing in re, Percy Brown, of e funeral ou Sunda; We cannot cut prices $ furnitur very much as we have ways sold a rock bottom. We h v the hest stoc of furniture in Win am, at WALKER' furniture store. e t k Oddfellows' R� At the annual fellows' Relief Aso the report of the showed the finance; ingly healthy cons for the year was $10 Of assets over liabt and the securities association during 1 $132,035 47 per vat, applications reedi VMS 2,537, and the tions, lapses and d mcmborabip on The average age was 47,52, the r 29,31. The asset ance had advar 1800, to $21 80 i rooeived on lave from $14,170.83 i in Vol, Tho an claims during th $170,258 05, iffioed to transact same before the donday evening present t xcepting MoDora'd. • i Salvation Army aide the repairs e to their building, mnnioation from Ontario Railway rred on Thursday A. E. Simmons, in eased was taken ill two weeks prior to ras thought from the was a critical one. e to Wingham froiu parents over thirty continued as a reli- ever di:^Q. In early ed the printink }rade TIaiES and Advance arced in to learn the cfilce under him over For a number of Thad conducted a job here and for a few Irwin and Conn- eotrio Light Com- te issue cheques ayment of labor in department. n asked for the :r in the dam to out some gravel ,ed in last spring, intimated that in eeke the Electric Irl be lowering the could be done at 6 13ooa-Iceepera Telegr l0)lelera and Tola>;raphera ��� trained by our naan- 1•1•01.0•,,,1M„-,,,,,,, agement last year. Bxpert en0o counts. Graduates most auecesrfui. Sp.cial Course for Teachers. Mail Courses. Bend postal for particulars EASE TERM OPENS SEPT. I Wingham Business College GEO. 6POT7 ON, PRINCIPAL. 11 twenty years he with the Salvati the temptation a he was sincere ti an life and for done good work be much missed' friends and the have the sympatl: their afiiction, widow, formerly daughter of Mr. of town, and fon: tern, viz: -Err Archie, Alice, I Grace, all of w, Wingham, and Acton, O. t, Th afternoon to the Wingham cemetery was largely atteerded. Public service Salvation Army bar - y Ensign Banks, of of Wingham, and lief Association. seting of the Odd• iation, at Kingston Secretary -treasurer to be in an exceed - tion. The surplus ,120 05; the surplus 'ties was $608,760.09 purchased by the e year represented e. The number of d during the year nee gain over rejeo laths was 1,453. The ane 30th was 28,835. of decease. mombore rate of taxation read and passed. aised for various h the rate neoes- 126.15- 13.' mills 012.24-16 mills 891 33- 5 mills 945,66- 23. mills s appointed col - same salary as last year. The citizens' band: was given exeunt quarterly grant:of $37.50. The sum of $300 'was voted Public Sohool Board, A discussion took p of the Western Form assessment, and it motion of Gonne. Sp to appeal from the Doyle, in which the motion was parried al Conn. Gregory alone The expenses of Ju nection with the abov to $9.52, were ordere Mr. J. B. Fergus() granted leave of abse a few weeks holiday The following no ed by the Finance ordered to be paid: W. J. Boyce, tappi pipe F. Paterson, repairi A. Sanderson, wat A. Sanderson, wor Can. Fairbanks Co valve was held in the racks, conducted Petrolia, formers Ensign Tricky, of Stratford. The funeral procession was one of the We are sell ng all largest aeon in Ingham for some cheap as the chea years. The mem re of the local Tent chaper, Read ad of the K. 0. T. , of which deceased & Co, was Record -Keep r; the members of the local ti olunte r Company and the members of Wing am Council, 0. O. 0. F., of which Mrs. immons is a member, marched to the ce etery, headed by the Army Band aiid embers of the local corps, The pall- eras were Messrs. Jos. Clark, leobt. Mooney, Geo. A. Phippen, Geo. frau 'n, Arthur McGuire and Win. Dodds. rs. Simmons and family desire to tank the people of to per thousand was Wingham for all the kindness and sym- per $1,000 of insure pithy shown them i their late bnroave- oed from $12 05 in meat. The nureea ]!nn the hospital de - °i for their extreme Bono 'teethes to say levo and tender the to the ce on the matter ry Co's business was decided on tton and Hanna, eoision of Judge town lost. This oat unanimously, oting nay. ge Doyle in con - case, amounting to be paid. , town clerk, was ce in order to take rine Tailoring is what you invariably get when you leave your order for clothing at this store. Clothes bought here are guaranteed to fit well, look well and wear well -and they do. ante, recommend - Committee, were g mains and $21.29 g walks,2 00 ing streets36 40 on streets12 95 hydrant and J. D. Buena, suppl Mrs. Bloomfield, o Thos. Deans, tea R. D, Mason, wor J. B. Ferguson postage . 48 00 s 791 aning hall.. , 2.00 ng, eto., 6 00 1.50 :5v0 S.UO salary and Geo Allen, eater Ed. Lewis, salary R. Rankin, saber Dom. Express Co C. J. Thornto work, etc..... J. Glenn, work D. 0, MoDonal Wm. Moore, w 5 7.00 , charges .80 pump head, 24.00 , work on streets 3e 77 rk 1.50 A..ocounts of the electric lighting mounting to $374 ea, were also pass Council adj 10e8. The interest setae speatal metal, tmente had increased kindness. Mrs. Si WOO, to 6:11,6G9,65 that tho tokous omit toad in death sympathy have gon a long way in teak. fintmeial year was, OW her serrow iightee and easier to ki of shoes es -in most macs . on page 3. Witaas Fon Saan.-Three good dwelling houses, Conveniently located in the town of Winghara, will be sold at bargain. Get particulars at the TIMES EducatiOn No one in this a under the excelle prevail in the Oen of Toronto This to be one of the 1 ptti mitronized by steal viuoe in the D partiea are invited cetalogoo. See cat Men's furnishings of all kinds That Pays. questions the value ng such as is given °heel is well known gest and best equip. tho kind on tee t, and le largely nts from every peto beim Interested o write for ite 111:A7 1 in Mir aavertising Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Collars, Underwear, etc. The very newest of new goods are here, Come in and have a look. Robt Maxwell MERCHANT TAILOR AND MEN'S FURNISHER The leading Shoe SIM Shoes /. I Shoes DOWN THEA GO: OUT THEY MUST GO All that's bit et' aur Spring and Summer stock. will be stlil at ph( e:y.st can't iguore. and tha;: will fttive you to Children's Faotw.ur of any and ' sorts inti..tt go. WE WANT THE ROOM WE DON'T WANT THE SHOES 'Yuri can't afford to d, nor can you afford to tali., what's Mt. over. W. J. Greer