HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-07-30, Page 6MINOR LOCALS. -Quiet in Wingham, title week, '*mane# are busy with. the 1larvest. -25 oents will pal- for the T alai to Y address in Canada to January sat, I9t19, -The regular Monthly meeting of the Town. council wilt be held on Monday *'owning. -The cement work for Mrs. Hanna's ]stew dwelling house on Josephine street Us been completed, -Theregular meeting of Court Malt. load, 0. 0. F. will be heid on Fridayt s4A:vtxsi1,110. exenitog of this week. There le hay yet to be cut in this dis- trict, xa'j WIWGF,IAM TIM S, JULY 30, 1;iU8 l LENANNAN Barr, picking io the order of the day. Mrs Seiner of Michigan is visiting hex sister, Mrs. Win Elliott. A number of people in tike vicinity intend going to Eineardine on There. day, Miss Viola Mee Ieard of Wunghem spent a week at the home of Mr. Robb. Muir. Farmers are harvesting their fall wheat and will soon have it all in the barns. • -The Citizens' Band will furnish music at a ptarden party in Bly do. on the *veniiag of August 12th, -Send the Tome to your friends Sent to any address in Canada to .Tan• am718t, 18t, 1909, for 25 cents. --Mica Cora Sheriff has been engaged se tesoher in the junior department of the Wroxeter public +1011051. -To-day (Thursday) is civic holiday in Wingham and many of our towns• people are spending the day at Einoar -Winn overheated take a glass of coed "Salads" Tea. It will prove most refreshing. Ae delightful as a dip in the Bea. -Murdock McLeod has been sen. .`fenced to two veers in Kingston Penh eentiary for the recent burglaries at 3'mcknow. -Popular I. 0. O. P. excursion to Sarnia and Detroit on Saturday, August Stb. See advt. in another column for partionlara. Wheat is reported to be of good quality, This year's Iambs are being shipped this week Mr. Thos. Gannt's plot of corn is the i admiration of all here. T. Wraith and eon are building an addition to their house, and the well. drillers are busy drilling for a supply of I water, ETHEL, Early Sabbath morning, July 19th the call of the Master, "Come up higher," was heard by Mre. Elijah Bateman and she passed peacefully away to her re- ward at the advanced age of 84 years and 4 months. Paralysis of the throat was the cause of death following a period of years of declining health der• ing which she was faithfully cared for by her daughter, Miss Hanna, Mrs. Bate- man, whose maiden name was Eliza• beth Taylor, was born in Lincolnshire, --S. S. excursion tickets for Rincar- England, where she was milted In dine will be on sale at Waltoi,Y McKib- marriage to her late bnsbend, who paid bon's drug store up till 8 o'clock this Nature's debt on July leth, 1904, his !Thnrtday) morning, burial taking place 4 years exactly on the day of Mrs. Bateman's death. They emigrated to Canada in 1852 living in Hallett township, Huron Co., for a short while before taking up Lot 18 Con. 7, Grey, then a bush lot. The farm, which is a good one, is now owned by Thos. Bowes. About 15 years ago Mr. Bateman sold the farm and ho and his wife moved to the 50 aores adjoining whioh belonged to them and where they lived up to the time of their death. --M. T. Rance, Clinton, has been appointed Clerk of the Third Division Court of Huron County in place of W. W. Perron, who resigned. --Mrs. Alex. Orr and family desire to express deepest gratitude to their many friends for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent affliction. --We are sorry to report that Mr A E. Simmons is iUI with typhoid fever. He was taken to the hospital on Friday. His friends will wish him a speedy re• oovery, -We have had expellent barveet weather for the Bast week and the far- mers are through with haying and a great portion of the wheat and barley has been harvested. -The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Haugh will be sorry to learn that their daughter, Miss Della Haugh is ill with fever. We hope to hear of her epeedy recovery. -Mr. Wm. Nicholson has sold his new dwelling hones on Maple street to il[r. W. S. Muir. This is a good proper- ty, centrally located and we wish Mr. and Mrs. Muir many happy years in their new home. --Prize Iists for Wingham fall fair, to be held on Sept. 24th and 25th, will be ready for distribution early next week. Intending exhibitors will be able to get a copy at the TIMMES office or the Big Book Store. -We notice that the Wingham TIMES has been under the management of Mr. H. B. Elliott for the past 11 years; he bas kept it up as a good paper, and it well represents. the Liberal party in the North. -Clinton New Era. --The Brussels Post has passed its 135th birthday and for 28 years Mr. W. H. ]Herr has been at the helm. The Post is one of the best weekly papers on our exchange list. It is well edited and well printed. Mr. Kerr has our best wishes for continued prosperity. Mr. H. B. Elliott has entered his twelfth year as editor of the Wingham BABY'S GREAT DANGER DURING HOT WEATHER More little lives are lost during the hot weather than at any other time of the year, diarrhoea, d sentery, cholera infantnm, and stomact troubles come withont warning, a.. when a medicine is not at hand to g' a promptly the short delay too free slaty means that the child has pass:. beyond aid. During the hot we her months Baby's Own Tablets sbould b: kept in every home where there . small children. An occasional dose • the Tablets will prevent stomach and bowel troubles. Or if the trouble comes unawares the prompt use of this medicine will bring the child through safely. Mrs. J, Renard, New Glasgow, Que., says: - '`One of my children had a severe attack of diarrhoea which Baby's Own Tablets promptly cured, I know of no medicine so good for stomach and bowel troubles." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail et •25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Do., Brockville, Ont. wiameOgiuncee Mr. Wilbert Sharp is spending a short j vacation with bis mother. Rev, Mr. Duncan is showing ne how Clearing Sale of all Summer Goods As the Sale goes on, some of the clearing lines become exhausted, but ovih g to our superior purchasing facilities we are always able to keep the vacancies filled up. This week we have again some great bargains, and of course the earls customer gets the best choice. Read carefully the quotations given below 4 pieces Costume €ill„ assorted colors, reg,..05c, for .45 per yard tn pyres Farley Fitk Wa;stings, regular $L:.a, for 31 pieces All -Wool voile, regular $t 00, for .80 Per yard. ricers Mercerised Voile regular Mc. for .50 per yard 10 pieces Fancy Iaustrrs, assorted colors, reg. Gam and 75c, for.4U per yard 12',c and 15e Gingtiams, to clear at .15 per yard ALL MVSL1NS AT GREAT REDUCTIONS. Lad es' White Cambric Drawers, regular 55c, for 45� Ladies' White t ambr•C Drawers, regular $1.135, for Ladies' Whited ambrie Night Babes, regular 11 25, for .85 Ladies' White Lawn Waists, regular $1,25, for.75 EXTRA SPECIAL -Choice Lombard Plume In 150 per can, now 8 for ' heavy syrup, regular .25 The above are only a few of the many moneysavers which we bave to offer from this great asserted stock. TEEMS CAsiI OR TRADE. No goods charged at reduced prices. BUTTER 20c. GEO. E EGG -S 1gc. g{ING. stuatrv. BExnEnsoiv.—In Whitechurch, en July 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. ]bat..Henderson: a tun. PEACOCri -In Morris, on July 10th, to Mr. a i.d hirs..ias. Peacock; a son, e .circ.—in Morris, on July 8th, to Mr. and Mrs John Cun.ing; a son. Eis(a.—In Howick. on Sunday, July 18th, to Air. and Mrs. Ernest Ring; a bon. Dnny-LAnorp-At the residence of the bride's parentsv. W, Rosebush, Mich„ on July lath, bDerby, of Clare, Michigan, ligan to' Alma, srlalargaret Isabella, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. La- monl, of 1iosebuth, and grand daughter of Mr. Win, Shedd.,n, of Morris township. DIED Henning, relict rof lthe late Gon eo 8, dung, aged 51 years. DE14r Lr.—On Afcmday, July f 7th, 1008, at 0 daughter c f the late William Ea ry of Exeter, and beloved wife of Andrew Dtmpsey, eg.d t;3 years. MoLEon.-In Howicic, on Wednesday, ,Tuly :i.nd, Roderick MoLeppod, in his 73rd year. BTaylor, elict of the late Elijah Bateman, aged 84 years and 4 months D lePerio -In Brussels 11 eegod i i yti,l'E•dearacres. rellet (.f the, lateon * Thos, Danford, FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for dale his 100•nare farm, being lot 2, con. 5, Tytrrrterry. The farm •", miles from Wrozet And 7 from Wing• ham, and is a first- jig s one and is in good condition. Tho b dings are of the very best, Get terms and p rtieulars on the pre- misos, or address JOHN MCTA\'ISH. Wroister, P. 0. CANADIAN HOME CIRCLES Wan x circle, Ri o. 34 Meets 1+'irst Thursday in each month, at 8 p. m. in hall in t h;sholm Block. candidates . for cheap, reliable insurance si Ileac d. Ask to see our rates of any meml.er or officers. 1 :sillies accepted at same rate as men. REV. T. S. BOYI.E, T. E. ROrtr,,O:r, Loader. Recording Secretary W, J.'1 YL$R, Financial becretary. TAKE NOTICE. Thai T. S, Jerome, Dentist is making beautiful seta of and to grow earn. It is a competition be. inserting the Patent rot t eight diallers, tween he and Mr, Pardon. Eachhas a y work guaranteed, dandy lot of corn, Office in Chisholm Blot* , Wingham, Mr. Holmes is recovering; but we are sorry to learn that Mr. Millner is not THE SLR i SATE COURT expected to recover. Both have been 111 from pneumonia, and the latter is well i rl;tt;*1UNT't' 11111T r O rap in years. TIMES. The Advance has found Mr. Mr• Jo11n Simpson grave rlrl ail exhi�i- 1 tzi serarat t,r :r Gr '1,TANsztin of Elliott3rar tliott an agreeable neighbor, and es- tion of his skill on the be ' lc eDzu, mond lab imam calla gy';t+i�`iea Inst +.f yr , iiIli Ii. Ih t.i..+.Hund late of the Town tends congratulations and wishes him Wednesday eight. It wee geed ; but Y it „ zi it rn Ici� ct e i.e i u.,ry of 3uron, mauy eld ire- Thnrsda o evening, the manse; e t Il', f to situ c'ayyOtt a s r in thet;'cf t1` Inrl;zr the `t *tion Full information at Grand y g, sacra cher�a ...rvi„ e . , th .o ,t .... It n will e made to the Trunk Ticket Otliae, any is not being tele. ! �ut3 , ,e t , rt L, , •r r ` Eltirc,n for a • grunt f Letters or fou reLarysliip of the pnrsen The c..eetirat in the M.etnorlirt Cherch ' Sul t Je E crf h' ee•3 d in°tint to ff it} taw:lade in mypaper? On Wed. 't- e l t ty :..:r,n ,ti the You bet it l:ba,�.y $.ei':ir � of I rt Fr 96it I camas. t air v° "a c r.r:-a i c., ,i r r lire does,,, the editor replied. "Look at ! ender the ausp: •es of tie Epworth (' i apt I pwortli � i t, r �• Si,. til,t•r. r ., r.. net, Sands, the cash grocer, for instance, I Leagwe) was fairly welt at erre-d. The l nee , tee .:1,..4 t ter c: y c'f`J..r,t , Us, rat' Sands advertised for a boy Iast week, lecture by 1 '•v, liir. Peachier ctt Japa:1 • rend the very next day Mrs. Sands had was very ieteencta7e ar,'l the sewn were lw s -hath boys.” very liner ting,. We might feere one = -1t ...ere should keep their eyes t tiring, from tae to ee of Jape, ,, and that 0ptzl for any nese weed that may tip- ! is tiatt x241*G are •o$ were, IECIC04'5. Some m' l n fat, t i lietelef er:d' en ],i4 pear int sir field& this year, especially I 4)�1e ur*un 3 ° , : t r, T ,H i, p f r e t ti i llut'v " lr � W.i 3:1..rel CGli,ffsoifl�wx � 3x <t � 1 ,( .i h r p t:', . , c L -',rat I`,'Sr. 110,::3 c -1,o tici,d any of the frozen wheat r Were the foe :,,i i;1 t1:11, [:G1 WtsY tW noyc I atr.i-.4:, t.i ,.e :.ti,.t t.r,.t f , r, c > from the Northwest for feed. Any "11°48 cif ba anrcli> ' T. M. r tatt:1 1 •:v, arY.n l.ai.r, P. U. 1 very many more years of successful business osreer.-Wingham Advance. -"Does it pay," said the man, "to advertise in your paper's" "Does it pay ROYALCROCERYI GIROGERIES Tea and Coffee + + + + 4. •T, Produce taken for cash or trade LEAVE YOUR NEXT ORDER + AT MALCOLM'S FOR FRESH ,'f1, + + + + + + + + '1'+1'+1++++8+1+++++ Try a lb. of White House 2 Coffee ; it's the best in the market, also FRUIT AND VEGETABLES44 + + + + + + 4.J. Malcolm 1: PHONE 54. .+r + 4.4++++++++++++++++++++++.+4 s..1.+?.3+ ..i+.g.,1,.i++i +++i.+#++ ++%+,l••i+++++i.+4 like Popular Way to MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN and ALBERTA is via Chicago and St. Pani, Re. dieted second class fares now in effect, ALL PRINCIPAL TOURIST RESORTS including Muskoka, Temagami, Lake of Baye, Maganetawan River, Kawartha Lakes, Georgian Bay, sle,, are reached by Grand Trunk. Summer Tourist rates in effect. SOAR FOR SERVICE. exceptionally noeions weed by the name; 1...........,....,............-. of 1 eeetL.h weed, or stint: weed, as it is trace in Wvater;n Ontario, in this way. I 11aWiU i errixie until he ltChild air a It wii1 coat the farmers of this section stone rind s rneh George p L e ,yin the ` � ,� aaiii thousands of dollars if this weed i9 face, Satn:tt er 011 irjary tl?, .,. „, &„9• ;. walled Ott Wcst, has made its appear I1 Blvd: t ,3 ucys tease on cid non • .4 LOWESTthe RATES NORTH-WEST by any route, are those on C. P R, Hcmeseehers' Excursions, which are de 1 now run via uew Mee/coke. line. Hours allet ed. Oct gain a foothold. figure him fee safe, p QQ eoved on oId s�iiednle. d0•daq rotnrn -r-- A ei ,arrei occurrtel a:.. . it t 0tickets to all ortll•west paints, at d h Ila fan& + s, ■■' rates ranging Yrom �. living in tom; Italian otterter tl $e' 1I'ereeftee railwaymen) sniu honed 101.Marie, Out., n.i;z as n - oi;:,l tap 1 is Winnipeg return, �2.5O 413 5Vi'tie:.ii;e Before the railway t 0ii1• flet:: with .:SQ N7iis4ta in .I:,35 u,' pyt and Vt e :are ill lV s:l'epered. to J Edmonton return, 842.50 1rileeiotl wilt Vivo their time pend, and °enee lite all 'ri (1o:'a i,rer.;,1i.,41y $ r g:_r.s'xNG DATES: One i.l L,i& ..ac1, Ani;ta£r ,' `0 Iiti l,a IY t tel:tl :.,i.}S 3Ctul l`;, :loll. Ri rvgY 232`53 allOts`aren gr.a lted. 1 eat mil eleabed that he is ate en ectal .' t.. 0�ilJ Ue(ly 7, 1 ir.g, •4, ill. Srlrt, i, ][ ,, 9!1 18 is stated that Ottas7a'ir population I, to 2€' OVL1'. 4T1tD1'e .sed p1 e mil , "J 1, Cc,tnfor+ , i, si ;T v 'n tn:.r' leai,inr care JO jJE a will 1 0 near X716 ui 1,6{OJ liable, , -, at a71, err:. rust. t17.Uiy Carly for 1'It'elo0?tl eware to '1'Still i n co.ivn(. Al.lt. 11- that t�?e u'../7tA'jE ri39Qeeknent is ltirEily ° Z.r17Giy t1'_. s.<zn.G stt,� Cel: :nE with. :311:1 (r ,.t t �, >•, ____._ __�_ Juno the t3 °il ?iiiiila grati011 ilynij ; *tie le ' 1t .Pili PoYL 031 80761 iii }arx cax1.$18,000,Cc1� ✓;o1 X11 fel,for �£1 t. A TRIP TO MUSKOKA wag t" x,18;7 ^5 C�OYli � r iI w�'ct"a it s z�) A;,..t a r andse" nil fifty residents tlio ka• o rental aaet < �� 1V;_ty 3Yr awl bU & 13clsille havo Leen off was GIe...C5, ELtBroi in 2 ei ee u, r 9 a�1 r4ti:w ,P traf4G l tS atop tip to too dOstorilI ltolnee from Vette) .3 and �1oi;. Tao uy ow ` and pay the duty 01 eneenases recently from the tr:aits? 1 Strstea was il.aeticelly ae7w4a ilx DotrOita the stat so tie last year, ByceZ o Su( ltt, i;1' to o ,J.1:c;krii21 Sz ft. i loo Parry Sound ,5r to any of Ilio (iolightful Geer 7 lou Ray r( -sorts is inose comfortably and 0n cIrly made by tai.ing the C.P,Ie. batt trait to new direct lino -service, tin.o and o,,t lora tn„ without equal. F,,rany lnformation see Agent or write C. E. roster, D.S. Pass..Agont, Toronto. VTIfe nivrryrrrr.TYVVYVVVIVyltlif 0*****:11.`+4.1e+ ►*s4******** A rrwxyyyrryyyyryyyyy'ryriy 1 f Th i tet ,„ e Little Eaton 4OP e 442OpR C 1OrPr ., THE . 1VIcCALL BAZAAR�i 00 -110 S. 411 00 A. 10 r Now on exhibition in The Little Eaton, represents some of our many patterns now 3 0. for sale at our store, This Pattern has the Largest sale of anydeer: in the * wehave i United States and it is the best money can buy, or we would not have it. Many 3 s times been offered Patterns but to our mind none is to be compared with 41 : gtthe McCall in style, simplicity or correctness, Come in and examine our Elarge catalogues and give our patterns a trial. We guarantee your goods against 3 misftts. Price roc and 15c. THE BEST YET, --S cilli ' p g 75c will give you the spendid McCall i Magazine (The Oueen of Fashion) with any pattern on the sheet, free of charge, for one year. This Ladies' Magazine will ivemore pleasure and g' you�. information than any other magazine published. +. tiot • July Reductions Our Summer Goods wear nothing but the Cost -Mark. The profits have t 44, reh �1•r + run away with the heat. r1ILLIN13Ry 100 Trimmed Hats to be cleared up at half price—why not get another? They're just as good, only season has advanced. A splendid chance Specials .For The Deck FOR TT -IE LADIES. SHIRT WAISTS—Our entire stock on sale. 98c for any one up to $2.00; acid `$1.98 for any one up to $3.75. A snap so early in the season. for $I,99. Come while the last they're a cinch. WASH SKIRTS—Regular up to $3.5oy ; PARASOLS -- Summer Fancy white, trimmed with insertion, also plain; prices away down, We have the best 15c Ladies' fast black worth 25c anywhere. Cotton Hose in town. As pedal,: 464 • + WHITEWEAR, AL1 our entire new stock has been cut to ridiculous prices • +' t for July ---See window display,"' MEN WITH H A MIND., SUITS—Special reduced prices on two -pieced suits --swell light and dark4. tweeds and worsteds --oh, the shoulders and collar will tempt you, and they o •cost any more than the common, everyday kind so many try and sell—we cansave ,14 you a nice penny so don't pass us up until you have proven us right, + a. STRAW HATS—Cut, swell shapes, It --- reg. 30„ ' BLACK SOX -.A special 25 dozen Iot to run at 1 c, G P they are as good as our 25c ones. 5 et a pair, boys, 41 43 o. I3ALBRIGGA1 ' UNDERWEAR --I2 dozen men's fine Balbriggan Shirts,3, all sizes, regular 5oc, Saturday only, 25c. g� ...........„....._.........................._._........._.....,....,..._._..,....„......_..................,....,...........,.,......., + it Or ES Oy ' HOLIDAYNICK: 44 10 m` x00 pairs at 25c per pair --mothers this is a rare chance —get in on this bargain. 41f -1-T A AT AT A 0 RA N II A BROS. ib, 14w i„ WINGHAM. iA RA4tk, f �iA cktttf ttttkttitttttt t+tti rl%JCoI.AaAu,k ;,l 444AA '