HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-06-04, Page 5.4. h • • • 0.+fi+f:{f:tl1 fllf tF::if7 fFeiif3fJ+: ss �)f JS SS id tt • Jt -n tt u "M.'"Mblar#'_' :..... . Jl>' alt of power•is the_nteasure .of oliligat}pts • rill } ft vat never God's intention that t we:, ii etifi''ld n a. na_pktn:and bury ever:: one #j'; tales t WJtatever talent we have we This IS. 'u, uslin weather � 'sot ` e ou h and Biter to • b` for '.the next .three, •� . ... : '' era ` ' months. : You: m. '� h vo. r . lr dy .but if not wh. , d • _. �y. a.,. X�u ch��sed� a.cooler dress a .ea y : ; :.' x,' . Y • r .. Y,, longer At this; store you:can bet almost., ''anything.../,you, want *".'in the, way of Muslr><rs,. Gi:euadines;'• Vor es,..ete ,,----- A111tt1e later on' 'the best . patterns• will be' • picked over�F,nd .t d' patterns.* repeated,: hctc rS no chanee•this' f3a;'r.of ettin " oo__. ,.. The demand for all'•wa-1i goods has yfar excluded the output of the miilis!, : Take • ». by a :lod1. through "our Stock. Prices and patterns' to suit all: purchasers. RIBBONS FOR '1VECK '..A D..SASHES _. This wealwe: heccived:a' nice new lot of heck' and :sash ribbons.: Soft ..wash_ _: alitie&.td • sell..at.'20c. and . c.. , •Co] ..Black :White _ .( ream,. Pink,,,. Sk ru QrsJ � Y fTurquoise, Cardinal, Reseda, ew Navy, Pea PeaGreen and Paris, also fancy stripes 'READY-MADE ,IVIUSt iN DRESSES. This is a new lines 'with' us . We'have :Only a few but the ones ,are 'very dainty patterns. . 12 <)ily Ladies':''Musl�ii Dresses,sp.ecial�•at. 1 Only'Ladies' 1\lusliu Dress1at,..: J-«On'1 La ' Mucha Dresses at Y .:41..fes'• .74 OnlyLadies' lusliii 7)resses`at • $2.75.: $6.00. $7.50.' we.. have READY-MADE SKIRTS. • Ladies",. Black all wool' dullVenetian skirts, made with pannel:'front and •vertical pipin aU Ali,outtif,.:lined.throughout: ,with,.percahne a 'very Skirt; at •_ ii if if yoke, flabby• 10. MEN'S ' TROUSERS ' special lot of'• \l_Gtl'a. (>dtl .Crousers just:'opelied up .�. ••51, r.•? •alrl,�?•_';O11•.et;tcli o sell at $1, 25,''$1 50, 2 250 '• •:,. AT 1 ` SUITS Tl✓ D S U EY WORS N is allwool c1av worsted suits, ail ready m a d a, neat styles and d p e.r fec t • fttr�n This lottofor its exceptionally 0d wearing qualities `andfast • Yi ,c:�lol w _. �Italso to s Showv the`dost. Price e c nit 1 4 - w tt TS, SE �E phoul'd ,nen ter. tbe benefit .of others at' u�' hot ie and abroad; zf we. cannot, do tt]i the ltirger=acts of. dervice we{ may' have the gift of sympathy, o 10gu, encu, of money:,of exective . ability •and' we'.urn Such find what our • x b own particular personal .power ia and. understanii .that'where'-power is „given, diity,is implied. very appropriate duett was; then weii rendered ..by ,,the Misses $with. and • Wheel'er.• :1 ext `.'numnber was: "a'n{St'kLy';?h'.e..4.1•,.4Riail.o'�'"�tss�'+i`««k+.y.E. India" by :: Mrs: a Wobh •-.oE "W hkte ii chure'h J.iow needful (hat we malle a soefial study o `'` thisinteresting 1 11t;.trtiz,�,.t�tk�u.. lir�>-':Patnttx�r_ i . Anglo-saxot Mi ssionary .i bomas. Care•;, u ti''s 'was 'this- .e'otc.i y . nt , d lana over. rua by ,alieif 'racea',•and* rel"ig;oge. `But'the• mfg: tee , oe: is the •..mtssionay i' in' .entertn; ' .Tad a. meets is taste it • regulations being learned from. the Vedas, the eaored book of the, Hindus .papers' having.' been. distrilgttted preparatory to coniducting a question drawer„ 'by Mrs. Gordon• W".110t, 'associate .editor. of • •the:-- Missionary Outlook we -re ndw!T gra be -red b -tire` ttlI young lady .ushers. Much: inquiry. b ha ..bee.n amused'and a: ar e. u e e 1 n7...._r t; of guest ions were' satisfactorily answered by our editor; ' This session was hien closed by' singing the doxology, the benedtc.: tion.• -being pronouirea •by: Garbutt • The evening p;atform•" meeting was largely •attended -and: wad'inteeery it - -tereetinb Lanprolitable a.`e `A: `G Harrib; Astor of'tbe ,church .resided;, 'After singing the grand hy4nn 411: Hail the '.P'ower of Jesus' Name, the Rev, G, W', Cousens offered -Prayer.:. •Mrs.: Gordon' -Wright one. of Canada's gifted daughters was called' •to the' platform,. and. in her intensel'y.earnest 'tnaticrer. ,dwelt upon women's d4ty• to he'r', low:wome 'very olearly_''sbowed the urgent necea sity.bf woman's work in' . the . •foreig.n' lands, and ►u 'concludiii44.ppealed in loving tl6bes' for•, sympathy for oda: 'sisters in far.9ff'Chin'aarid.Japan..and' 'India., She. regitested • •each woman who was A. member of, the" Methodist Church: •to eti.l', he, . rnissionarv•'woO amongst the"wotnan and:rhildren;.i The'clioir •then• favored' the audience: with "a• chorus 11' 'Rev: ,C: P. Wells then' delivered :'a. thou g htand ' able' '.address • :'on . " Woman's •,Statusgful': ',ab .di'f'ferent ,stages . • of the- worlds' history Mtss . Peart sang in her 'most; tonehing Y9nanner:.the tt; it u; its n . - Womc, s Ua#orcShtcs of Fine Don ola,, Medium hee. l self tip, at $1,50 .11 u=, z: tt tt z' z x. tt• St. tt• COLONIAL. sibfr , :r, trl.c, Coleiria� if uu waYrt�nlren,>i,t • Colt Vain -tips a lci''dull kid tops... Price $2.75. • ateut--Carcina • I.25 O.XFORDS:.. Ou 5.1. r5 O 1:'ord. f'or. summer' is . sure to': please t you Made of Flne l)on�ols :1� ad'; P tcmt, l'i: 11[ S. Soles, neatly stitched.and'.a good wearer 8 x R 5:+E+friElF.1 Hi fit ri•fHF3E+EiF3;It Fit fiSf3G{kii{:itiSF if7!13E3i?S if Iflierir4fiif'# •Tiny our GoldbYi Blend:'Ceylon;,Tea:.' �Ti•y auti;:]+,nlsh .lfop Tea Try our. 256. Jap tri Tea ; Try Prickles ii>:', quart jars Try our�Co{lee,„' Seal Brandn \'•reify ou e Coffee Tr.y our, Paradise. urrants, recleaned Tr` our, 14, S'elected Raisin sit.- Try oti'r•Californi1a.:Evapot°ated) `• 3�ca•c'hes 1.. i•y•our.'11'a'plw.$'yrttp in :bottles Try oltr 11ciiee Prunes , 4.0404444•***4•41 Farm, for Sale `]ting donde quarter cif, lot 13, concession 11 West Wawahoshi • Containing fiftt acres,. good concrete house with kischen also barn Wit 50 and frame stables. • Farm well Neter- ed and very snitable'for stock or grail . . MES. FRANK AIRY tucknow;' farm for Saha MThe undersigned offers for. sale 100 acres choice improved land, being east half:.;af lot 2. eencossion 114 toWnship'of Ashfield. ' The, soil Tera good clay loam. First•elass buildings in 'good condition, well 'Watered...Eight. acres of fall wheit_and.forty_aCres' ready .for eprliig crops • YAlquantity'' of good hardwoofl bnah• en premisos. ''Half mile from store, post office and blacksmith. shop.. _,For further par ticularsapply to- -• M • - ALE,Y CLEATil 4.t f . Lanes, Po d. Gres puri: for"Sale , '.� I still hale fay 75 acre farm far sale; eighty j recent, eJtcellent grain C rowing sail.• Has Ute:is lsastiired for sf>{ to ten years,. If i old • by Matoh 1th,,'will be. rented; • ` Apr1y JorIN Y4tno)C; : v� ►n solo "Faae. •xo Face''. • '• .;.' The•' usual• votes of thanks were 'ten dared, and thus was.•brought to a close:' one,'of the- best ,conventions held:" en t.the.Vitighaum.Distriet • The total Amoutit raised' b the London::Conference; Branch' $6696:46,•. The-chui'oh Was =Egos t tastefully Fie, coveted 'by the,loint.committee 'of the: League and' W M S. -A-'new ' feature was'a table of missionary, curios. House and Lot', for Sale a f ey -;lfitkt2L frMl ' x e a - Which we 'offer at `close prices Ai 18 Pair Men's Dong Bads, heavy extension sdI �, �r'ond,-valuo at.�;3p.3. o.Q,f or, .:-,. - airM-en s Bow° Calf Bal tensions le oo °-• res It special'at 3. f -o ' ea a r P • 2.75 P -alt- ?{Tomen's-Dong;T£1d.--. _°eoular $ ,50 .,.for:, ..-...•. ., .. ,; ,, ,,., _.,,• .,•.:2.1 � •- 11' 8 Pail ; Women's, Dorigola Turn Oxford,. - patent +, ti good value'at •$1.50 for , .o have a :fine .range i -of. ken's,/ . Boy's—and Youth's S forting Shoes and Oxfords Ask •to see them. TfIEY, ARE r • , NATTY GooDs: .... , 5'4 ` Discount nt off on allleCash Sales. s. .D u ,....: a. -+ • 'Repairin�&. neatly and Prom t. lY•done.: '+++++++++++++++44+++++++++, .t • • • ' We are too: busyto have 'a.for • mgal opening, .':but' in' our store will be found,a beautiful collection of women's trimmed. and untrimmed Hats, Toques.: Bonnets . and Children's,. Headgear, An lnspept;ion Will ',conclusively demonstrate to •you not only, the excellenc,e. of our milllin- e_ntoderatevris.:.as sell or` ,economy's sake;.your owe ; town is the••,,p ace to buy- �I �, your head requirements: Xen have an Yq t,_.._'Weave ••• is . eye - pleasing and purse pleasing collection - of .' fashion's ' most'' approved styles in Trimmed Hats, . Reidy -to -,we. ar Hats Children's. Headwear lYntrimmed .Hats, Flowers, Punmes: and Feathers Nov lties ",Orna' n:. .e and cafe; R1<bbons . and Velvets', i Silks,ei ._ Chiffon's, Vellmbs, • L ces, Etc: • • Give us Fa call before 'placing 'Your. order:,: A first class frame•hoitse 26 x:uli, two stffry'. high with atone faundatipn, and kitchef, with, lot, .for sale ,pn Victoria street;" htickno`w. The .},lace is nicely Idcste'd gaud the 1ot • con, tains a -large, quantity of till kinds of fruit, with lwtli hard' and. soft Water, and gopd stal)le:: The place will be sold 'else tp: , i'c�r furtherparticulars apply to!". • 1YIL1:I-ATt l l t)Cil3; ] Jckrmw t. + is 3x ,tet 4 7 t•y t t �.:J kir^" •. n .�J.a �'a • I i k' I, M f '1 I '•r 1� ,� I -1 1 I,. l �,�• t 1 ,...I., 1.. ,tet I •�'� 1 l .J i� '�...,G:tiw.a..'. r ..,,.w+,.,.�ry,ul4,: •>2 3�. >•".•«luYp.,,.;�+_�; .,;,yam ,.;.�,..,. stay Frost Fonee Baas no equal,. Call' and get out prices before'. 'baying" on handr owns.• ' bSor,i-) rte° >~ r P ALL.DR0 < ' DLER Lucknow ., <Yc4tit ,:.