HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-06-04, Page 4} 4XCE f�1i' o: A It AMY Q sRt4UI 01180ENCS WA, PRIZEAHQ`AE A'}'+Z oT$Ia r IBERTIB8 Dongol,a :Shoe. Sin 'Sole 111 �.e.. So �arv` s.�;� hoe. � .... en s � o � .d ngle AG NSE. our house, barn, fence,'; buggy, wagon,,: furniture or ' any thin Rise -this spring. We have a full line of the very best grades of 'Luckisow . Juae: 7th,, •W M'•,S. CONIIE111TIOlt' .•' - This convention was held< on May: 20th.,.in,the. 'Ale thodist church. Lack :utast,: their, being both. ' .an afternoon • . and evening aesston. '1'ba feat aessyop was •opened at 1 4.v p. m, by.INI rs.(Rev) Garbutt of.iriea•conducting• the :.• 711h©i`dy ' 'U tT,;OI {e.'4514.5.a,n-%.,:Mi` Cr's Cti.'Fer of °Whitechurchi .presided `at tii;xe 4O ,. "Sire, ntmediately; rcaXl'e : for' 1e'^ minutes of the previous annual meet- ing held at Winghanr, which' were read' JAiss Kew, : Secretary-Treasuroar• • Of tbe' District,; and confirmed. by the convention .Next carridthe Roll 'Call to . which about:70 delegates responded. URQfl'rSON;..tavo ''ow. •A General .IL lranee•• Eu iue�s F1l E, zIl 1 ACCIDENT, QLTAiATEE 730N0S;• j k'?I 3�)17=rE=1< t' -#0100 0 " • •0'101 fi3 ICIA .1411f_±+i1410 IFlif Ai i;t{F 0 o ii i)i,i p ainrs uas tor ' all • kinds of vpork.' arriage .:and Furniture Varnish Universal Varnish', for. Inside or Outside Wood Filler, Hard Oil Finishes. n '� ••,A QQ„„ /�y� Pf • ready fort•' •'Oarriage, and Wagon Paint, =elle UrU69 Varnish Stains for:_a11..purpQses. • The .report' from the Aulcilaries.of the District were there 'called' for, and the' following,. responded, Whiteehurch, SOCIETIES' EKY a� ' GUNM4HGp RO�.. INSURANCE. FIRS 'AND, MARINE. .CUELRH L!ECAL, .,, icICrl.' o,N & G aaoir aMRLU9 CEtiS',SOLICL• hire ,etc , Goaerri.h tint, ' • L, ..( h;lg. (axro}v Irl 13.. A lidiLcrlls�t},, i'�>lturallslt,l3ii�rxol, •t 013i1:>f, ^lF,erY-.j w /1_,.4 e,g ,enLP'<`"i'i711„,r lx?la.if44'kd on.'s „xrddir..114)•.f ercg .ltpatdire A� hon 13rp 1 ]. ekn tv 14 C P I-.. r ,• OF t1 . n�q IN[onitt`os 131n1iI4r1 (t, S.011e1rdi,. t v lotot ,40illee,uver-; c"ttscu a akmber, ait�,li, MEDICAL; 1V15 GoRt'Jo MT), 0 M, 1 &1; S, 1'1,0"14I'ilysicielt, Surgeon'and' A'ccouc er+ }lJpstaiisin'A1lln 1310i0k. Hesi denee hoes street, behind J. G. Murdoch CC'S; store.. .. ll ASPNa1`1GN., Di'.v..1(,DL. I.ealdence ,.....Housec! (a late ,a)r, 'Tennant, and.. office over Elliott's Grocery, .Main Street, I.ucknow. ' '', elgrave, Ethel, Gerrie, Berrie, .Iiin oardine, -Ashfield,"Lucknow"and- Tees -- Water. :;Th e•were.very •encouraging and helpful • Then came the nomrnntion o£ Dia tr'Lc t OrganlzEr.M s Cay ler ler beioa"the ' lLI) LIGHT' LODGE A Z' every, Thilredaynight on or. before the tull moon in the Masonic, Hall;. 13,tvelo0k.. ' street Luckuow, . • • Ly s . 1i t?,tY,s. • New 1VI, u[scated. raisins in 1 ackages;` e:W• ,Core,a :rates. �1 rrNewTap Figs, n •� � Fri C..> , � � ,,,x+ +�CV i1t(1 t >.4r tic a Y ex'.o». Now Selected Valehcia Raisins'%" T., New. Layer . 'igs. • tt We eal/ $11)l)ly j (71i �v1t�1 ^ tr esi�� •bust equality b ttg eht,se 4lothilig but 'choice brands; z� these ;,:oo�ls ��s al's;'pul c � ._ n . , F• • BR OS. i RI � .. x •. GRUC k LTfGK. TU-. ISEMEDINEE TI .4e -r .x'k a1 ,g; n aT. ij 4+rH +4•-•i44-444f•+j,`3++ ++44 .4+ .1.4 Far1.144444^1r• +++ +l'"14+ • ter. tr cow - LUI)ci �, . • ch`bice,',tha Convention tendered' her a :IfNo; 11') • meets j 1 • M every Friday evening ' resolutionf t� o .'apprecla ion;'; "tit S o'clock 'hi "then . '. Then followed a short 'address of hall, Campbell street t11'l.f)rttLnen cordially 44 welcome fro 4...Mrs:_(Rev,_)__Ilarr s -o£. 'r`11t4 ealggr 1, S Fiicl, ' �. L icknow..' o \gle irl furl,' 1 xcordei, consecration service led by Mrs. (Etevl ii OCKvow Cars' del Canadian Vane of. 'Bernie.,-a---ao'Odl number- Trde1 oF' `Gbnseii After this > came a '. ery profitable • taking part We.. were very • highly favored in having present at this con: Mention .two.of our 'W...1%,..S.'" Board:, and London Conference Branch o$:cera' viz..Mrs •Gordon Wright;•: London' and bees.: Cunnin;haur, Z�Lncarcline:'' ,These ladies 'Were 'now introduced 'to, •the convention and responded with: a .fe.w well chosen ;words; Gr! stn s from sister,were: then'Iu: or- der,' Mrs, (Rev.) MacKay of the W F.:_ M.S. 'of the Presbyterian `:church Lucknow, 'being fiist...rnti i ringed and very._appropriately • replying. In .lis- tening`to`her. earnes'� words, ,wet•fel;t BERTSON'-SPLJRE PAIN' READY -MIXED. I AB STINE all the best shades. OLD WATER PAINT in different: colors. fie' have also. 'a large stock of all kinds of PAINT, '.VARNISH AND ''VV HITEWASft BRUSHES: lon't fair call o us when v-ou ar EN 'of Christian Work WAS' Very, jag. Bryan,. who. spohe 'of the • Mutual reasons :there were. to interest; each gothetylint,he others' WorIF: 'She' also WOrk: of the, being;. among, Auxiliary treating Ditliculties• iti Anxiliary work and thelr remedy„. The -subject, was 7.dirided into: twO 'seetione.. the* difaulties ib annection with ,trying :increase our striving ...to:. secure 'member's do. tiOt are the impression that , the.W.51.S. dole organized for the •purpoge, of money raising,- rather let 'us Qver'heep ..agenay, entles.roring 'to' interest: and.: 'Friends,. meets first +l , and, third `.Tuesday ; A evenings of ,.each pct .month, in' the Odd. fellow's 1ia11,Catny- LKY' hell street, . Luc now. - Visitors :yi e cordially invited;'.,. stock of Tables.. ,We have' them in altsizes 'and 't•Yles • you want a goOcl table at a fair price call op. us: Our stock of FUrniture in other lines is Very cOinlilete Parlor Suitk' Bedroom Suits, Pouches, Mattra,ses, ' Chairs .Window Blinds,. Pictures and Pictiire* Frames in great variety. . Prices consistent with -quality,. ' .attended to Night or' pa?' rarm .for gale. .10 acres, With—or without crojr, For -put.. Farm for Reitt to rent, 150, acres of lincl one rutle•east‘ ef fladod *pasture, Ifurrlit and Ashfield toWnships. Good lands with goOd.buildiagit to be sold cheap, ort ,easy log In toot ection) dcdrig good business, for • sale clo.ap ' A generalstore With large trade,' are only readied by 'Women, •Ccut,:we. as Ob,ristifin ...women . With 41r. the privilegee and 'full ...blaze 61' 'Gospel 'gram ptibliehed lite Missionary .1 ,Oatlook and gire 4Yery 'one something let each ,ropipbPr feel' that. the stioOsS of her AUXiliarty is depending in ipixie • Part in the diseu.ssion which .fejloWed • ye vtere, Afterward* .-"favai:Cd :With Moore Of TsesWat6r on tir Mrs. Bryart.kintlly 0,onecited, to read it, One thOught Was that , power *bother' name for duty, The measti,re ' I (C.otitinil( ti on .page •r J SitEnNVoup No. 50.. MendaX eV,ery,,month,in the' Orange Hall.", -uckii.pw Loons 'ILA dependent Order ,lf, Foresters .meeta the, ,Od.ifellow's Hall, ()Vale s'entid and fourth Tiles - day of each' montli, c brethren are wodially invited. ' Chief : Workmen, meets, in the Oddfellowteliall -"N", y,T, on'. the second last •MondaY. lugs of pita inunth ateight o'clock." • • • bayVAOst.- ii:0;eived -a- full line of., the -I test ,,and- tuoSt.up.10--da'i6 cbodiz.„ consisting. of 10 . and' '14k s 61 d. in tllese •part§. fief te,i;-the :next thirty days. .0nr made in the' 10,;r11-1 p'ercOxis titl7thiiirr .the.T Orange Hall, Campbell street, tucknoW, the second Tuesday evening of each and e„v ry ' nionth.,, Degree night un. the secontriliiii,:day, evening :follO4Wing. All .visiting ' brethren Secretary: ' ITCH ELL W. Issn 'of ,Marriage: Campbell 8t, • • entat College, and Doctor of lie Ita bur , TAutliT ai.etaught by, • stock o rid8aCtirdai'a.flet.rit.t.ro, 1. .4 • °:,..i4ii(;120,118, 40°Tsa,