HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1908-07-30, Page 4PS ' ttet 'theist are 1,567 walled cities in China where there is neither foreign nor Chin- : tats pastor. [ERNEL.S FROM THE SANCTUM MILL Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. The desired haven ie nct readied by 1 In 1870 the population of Manitoba. ibefore the Was 1"t.CCO; today it is 406,0(0, Bunting orange peel will dissipate the odor of tobaeeo smoke in a roar, The oldest known English picture the pine tree has finally its rated and heensuot.essfully'is one of Chewier, painted on a panel etaliogwind, ?t Ie litho never Friel a harsh word of aniyone failed its iris duty to everyone. The essential lung -healing principal of lea red refined into a perfeos in 1380. cough modicum -Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 23 teats. Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid net's, bladder and urinary organs only. They eurebackaches, week back, rheum- nilersoll win atone Ant yew Car- atism, diabeteh, congestion, infiamatiQn, ategie's offer of $10,000 for a library, t gras disease and all other vel, Bright 1 diseases arising from wrong action of the kidueyt and bladder Ontarin snow has seven Nast furuaees With a capacity of 1,300 tons of pig iron daily. C7 , 'a, ei "X' Cs :fit. X .4%.. . Bears the The IOnd You Have Always Boat 13iguatare When a elan kegins to make a fool himself lee is apt to work overtime. A rabbit dces not consider bis le ,Q� • J hind fcot lucky when it is cauht intrap, of ft a pl'8 StGkia's output Of coal last year . f, 720,000 tome, Quebeo's outptiii of copper last year was 30,000 tons, std of mica 550,000 pounds. 4k kooplub cough Curet, 14Cre. Henry M Edmonds, Allen Park, Ont , writes: "'We think a ;,seat deal of Dr. OLaae's Syrup of Linseed and 'Turpentine as a cure for whooping cough, My children were very bad with this annoying disease. This medicine relieved attaoks of bard coughing and made a cora pieta cure." This treat- ment is &so et inestimable value in cur- ing creep, bxQuthiue end sevtre chest 001ds. Tine revival of the waltz is aimed at by the International Deuce Congress at .Berlin,, SPItUtto rrrinteanieTX. As a. spring medioince Burdock Blood Bitters has no equal. It tones up the uybtem and removes all impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired, weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. Canada's output of minerals last year Mailed $66,102,000, an increase of seven millions over 19C6. Port Stanley hotelkeepere were as- sessed $244 90 for infraotion of the license act on July 12 and 13. OR. A. W. CHASE'S Q CATARRH CURE ..r C: is sept direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the elms, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the throat and petmanantly cures Catarrh Fever. Blower free. All dealer ora ay r. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. Five alleged Black Hands escaped from jail at Panic, finding the door unguarded. ..fr. Kyte and two children were poisoned at Tilsonburg by drinking buttermilk that had stood in a tin vessel. Soothing and healing. As a means of soothing the inflamma- tion and healing the raw sores of eczema and salt therm it is c:ffcult to imagine anything so wonderfully effective as Dr. Chase's, Ointment, Relief from the distressing itching antes almost immed- iately the ulcera heal and gradually a sew veleety skin is formed. There is no treatment se tffective in Caring chit• Mains. s � Contrary to the prevailing opinion there are more persons injured in boarding the street oars in New Yoik City than in alighting from. mnsltrat is said to have holed holes which resulted in a destructive flood near Lewiston, III. Damages of 1St OCfa are claimed sgeinet the lead Y� OXIGNITO THE GREATEST BLOOD PURifIER IN TILe WORLD. 1. Card brain food. 2. Erases the functions of the liver. 3. Promotes a sound and quiet sleep. 4. Dtsinr"ecis the mouth. 5. Neutralizes the surplus acids of the stomach. 6. Paralyze. hemorrhoidal disturbances. 7. Helps the secretion of the Lidncys. & Prcvetta caLu;u;: eA:arettuns, 9.:,viatcs indigestion. 10. f!: preventativealtVZ against t se as tr of the throat. „ 11.,� Restates all nervous cre.gy and re, vive,the natural fovea THE OXYGENATOR CO. 12 Harbord Street, Toronto, Ont. MOLD BY ALL D1tUGOISTS, wag enten,Ws' aFoi:IT , Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favori medioine. They cure Constipation, Sic Headache, Biliousness, and DyspeP without griping, purging or sickening. Maio isn't necessarily fragment&; because it comes in pieces. .Any rear may snake his mark<in th world, but it isn't always a mark o esteem. There are ten negro banks in Mis sissippi and they have organized State Beakers' Aesooiatiou of their own A ten -year-old child uamed Roger was attacked by a horse at Sweaburg bitters in the face and diefignred fo ife. The Kind Yeu Nate Alecks E0411 tek sis y e f • a a r Sears the Signature of ✓ l4, r, ( r It takes about 2,000,000 cords of wood a year to make the newspapers that g;, through the presses of New York City, Capital invested in Canadian fact tortes is $534,000,000, a gain of 88 per cent. in five years, Factory workers increased 13 pet cent. and wages paid 43 per cent. The total number of producing com- panies engaged in the mining, metal- lurgical and allied industries in On- tario is 721• The new oil and gas fields near Til- bury are producing now more oil from abcnt 250 wells than the ad Petrolea fields from 6,100 wells. Vice -President William Whyte of the C. P, R. says the western wheat crop will require twenty-five thousand extra harvesters this year, and the men will It's not the question of Hyomei hav- be paid two er three dol'ars a da ing cured sine erre else bet will it • y with reach your own particular case. If its board, cold in the head. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Lator department statistics show that Pneumonia, Croup or any affection of during last mettle there were of fatal the breathing organs and the , if _ =�•� says yes, af.a will refund the money if industrial accidents to individual Cana. it fails. No other preparation for the dian work people. In railway work,.28 same purposes can suseet auCly do this, were killed, and 32 irjneed during the isedifferent irrccin anything else. txeatment month. You simply breathe and inhale its Mr. W. A. Black, manager of the medication nn dry air form which des - Ogilvie Millis Cern an snakes an bre thins e a Nasal life that e causes oppressed 8 F y, b� Nasal Ca a-rfi 1 „rout lrrita- estimate of 1 0,CC0,000 bushels of wheat; tion and Lang Troubles, It brings to for the Canadian West this season. He air they wenld get in sththe ePib l and eenhashas returned from special trip Of inspection, ; lyptuh forests. The air that stamps cut Bronchial troubles. Last year Brazil Bei ded over 20,000,.The prince rf entertainers Marshal P. OCO jute bags to hold the year's coffee Wader says' Hycmi is easy to use, and swift eltodscurs,t It lueinsuress sou against coughs prccucticn. Each tag costs the shin- ; and G. Igpure air pers a trifle over :S cents, The bus/tees kills the gerl of disease. It helps thande of making ceiree bags thus amounted voice, Inst year to nearly 34,(00,(00, Hycmei complete outfit, 41 t0, !Rosy Cheeks Thi Ambitun llf. Every Woman Hollow cheeks wftll dark lines, sal- low complexion -'•-how a woman hates then. But rosy cheeks, clear skin, bright eyes -•give theca to a woman and she Its happy. ;;n the blood le found the first sign of trouble. . It growe thin and atr ' fades and increa n palloreauxd tsallowr Bess give the outward evidence of e0e ebauge within. Soon the nerves weaken, the heart eawily tire, and palpitates, etreegth declines. The delicate mechauistn of the wo manly rnuotiona is interfered with, and pleasures, activities aztd event duties are loaded down with the burden of declining health. d Why is it that wcnien neglect the first warnings? Usually she waits till she is ready to drip -often then its too late. These conditions are easily cheeked, easily cured at the beginning, -but even when long established Ferrtzene will remove the cause and cure the trouble. Frrrozono's action Bids the three 1?tirerpal functions of the body- dirges• tion, aesiruilation, Obeli/Aaiun. By strergthening digebticin it forme an abundance of rich, red blood -this gives good color. By perfect eissimilatiQn, Fe:rezone supplies nutrition -ibis gives strength, Vim. stability. Elimination is stewed because Fere revue quietens the actioras of the liver, kidneys aad bowels -this guar. autees tile- ma ntynam,te 9f vigorous health, Pane t , zoneou road --the one that leads to health. right Not a man, woman or child needing blood, vigor, endurance -not a person who is weak, nervous or sickly, not a perean in ill•healtb who won't receive immediate help from Ferrczone. As a tonic andrestorative, as a health -bringer and body-builder, Ferr• mine is unrivalled. It carve because it feeds and nourishes, because it con- tains the elements that build up and strengthen. Try it yeureesf-sold everywhere in 50,3 bcxes. Landlady-' I believe in letting coffee bail for thirty minntes. That's the only way to get the Realness cut of it." New Boarder (turning away and leaving hist -"Yen have succeeded admirably, ruedam," Thomas Macre, eche, cad raided in Go dbricn the p',<et Three years, paesed away Fnitley, July 17th aged 75 years anad 8 months, He bad been ill for some time and the end was not un- expected. The deceased %rined in Tnckersmith, near (limon, for many years, but sold the property some years ago and retired to Clinton, fin- ally coming to Goderieh, He never married and leaves two brothers, John and George, at Kinloss. "SHOW ME" PROOF That is what Hyomei will do in all Fornes of Catarrh and Troubles of the Breathing Organs CASTOR Y I :am Philip Mite,he3I, of Moult Clem• setts, , while nsa::', tried to burn t For Infants and Children, her isuebawl lend herself by satun tlrg The Kind You Have Always i� 'ate ,ar lens i -o bei v: th x�ernnsband."er :eight rob ,; o' s eit on fire. Tee :tan st ot'hcre,t the flames, One not J till ;.Lis wife wee badly i ,- - { awned, Bears the 5.4gneture ci Chairman wfabss of the Iaaitttpy Cenettliee°on, in d . x.irsing a Grand Trask Pacific app-lca'tioa to to 0 spur titre en a street in Winap,Fg, said the rights of n:nnicipa,iti,n to contra t etr own highways would we prote ted. '``conk nen who o have'xo sca2_rn for, the welfare of their en:Yloyere have not encugh concern in regard to their own affairs to suite their cwn lite a eaceese. A clerk, behind either the counter 0r the desk, ts do:y cf value to ids em -1 ployer 'seen ho exerxa l;iniseif :a bells:f of that employer, and tae aaeasr.re of hie weertion 1s Lis value, Therefore, the more a youzo:axe ;roes for hie employer- direetly, the ' :more he is doing for himeeif iuiiiractly, I;y ; honest carte in eio:n e all a3 can, tin* young man. not cnly hateraeg emitted, t higher t wages, 6 but he is ,at the sense time act tairin , • . , g merit I'navr e e'o and : skill, winch shall St him the getter to i carry an b:winces en his even aecouat When opp rtunity se ere. Iu gays to bei coneetned about your er.ployor's business; it elees i;ct way to ba tineaxt• SUFFEIED FE1 HEART awl NERVE TO j LES FOR the AST TEN YEARS. The independent telephone movement continues to spread thronghout the pro- vince. Autong the charters nnnonrioed in the Ontario Gazette is one rncorper. acing the btinto Rural Telephone Conn parry, Limited, which, will oarry on bustnees in the township of Nieto. The company will have its headquarters at FIrtrriston, and bas an aathQrized oapi tal of $10,000. A young than was being examined by a life insurance einem' as to his fancily record. Among the questions the following wee silted --"Of what did your grandfather die? ' The ap- pii0iant hesitated a few minutss, and then stammered out--"I-I'm not etre but I thinly he died in infancy," A story is told of a Soattish minister who arrived at the with without the mannecript of his sermon. Ile could not preach without it, but it lay in bis manse a mile away when the time bad come for him to mount into the pulpit. Sere was a poser, only to be solved by giving out the 119th Psalm. While the congregation were singing it, off to his manse for the at•rmon galloped the min- ister, and with equal celerity galloped bask. Wbeu be returned the congre. nation were still at it, aril he asked the clerk, with stiles trepidation, how they were getting on. "Oh, sir," was the answer, „they've got to the end of the eighty-fourth verse, an' they're Last Cheepin' like wee mice." Cee woman asserts that sbo has dis- covered ' just bow to tell about furP,,' It ` ie5 w xth while a e kn win o g the secret, even if yen never make use of it. "Doable the thin over," she says, "with the fur cutwerd and lock through the ridge of overhair toward bright sunlight. The tips of the cvexhair in both nature and 'ehaded'skins are darker than the lower part of the hair, so, locking at it in that way, you perceive a high-water mark half way between hide and tip, w here the color suddenly darkens. Now, in the artificially 'shaded' skins this high-water mark is an abeolnte straight Iite, int itt the natural elfin it is broker, by cnrvee. nee .flow's pais? We offer One Hundred Dollen Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned. have known F. J. Cheney for the Iast 15 years, and be- lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transaotious, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Welding, Kinnan & Marvin, wholesale drnggiets, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter. nails, acting directly upon the blood and raucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Sold at all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa. tion. The following recipe, which will be welcomed by housekeepers, is said by a waiter in the New York Times to be invaluable as a remedy for carpet bugs and Buffalo moths: -One ounce of alum, one ounce of chloride of zinc, three ounces of salt, mix with two quarts of water and let stand over night in a covered vessel. In the morning pour carefully into another vessel so as to leave sediment behind. Dilute this with two quarts of water and apply by sprinkling the edges of the carpet for a distance of one foot from the wall, This is all that is necessary. The bugs will leave anything that is sprinkled with this solution, and it does notenjure the texture or the color. Another of the pioneers to whom the ootentry and the preeent generation owes so much passed away last Thurs- day night, July 16th, at the home of her son Robert Quaid, Dunlop, Colborne township, in the person of Agnes Mc - relict of the late Andrew Quaid. The deceased lacked only a few days of being ninety-six years of age. Both she and her partner-in•life, who pre- deceased her by about thirty years were natives of Ireland. They came to Can. ads sixty-seven years ago and -settled in :New Brunswick, where one of their sons William still resides at Bailie. In 15:I the family Caine to this district and settled in the Township of Col• boruo. :;carnthe ,The Kid 110 Haie Always Baughl signature cf Rcrldexits of Listowel Will well re- member Mrs. Soper and her lusty fas fly cf boys and girls who lived in its Tremain settlement in the early aye. To those who are now more hare middle aged she seemed an old ontan when they were children, and 1 late years few have realized that he Was still alive, She is certainly veritable Iink to the times and con. loons that are gone by. Her bus. and, William Soper, who was about the first permanent resident of Wallace township, wax Blore of a hunter than a farmer, and hits young family were f9asted on many a haunt& of venison and many y a string of trout then abound. d in in forest pleat and streahi, Ile died forty-five years ago. Tho widow and family lived many years in Listowel. Of tato she has been with the children at Trout Crtcek, Ont. She passed a long life of arduous toil and kept it up almost to the titno of her death, Jny I;llh, ' If ti* re r., nerve Jer ; eemeait of any d 0 s A kind, it is bound to produce all the varii,tta phenomena. of hoar& .lerange. lien;;. In HEART Al'J43 lidZ,FtVE PILLS is eembinssrl i t ne:it that will dare nil b toilet 4 ra'rvu : tll. C.^Lr3, ... w net t lw t the /wart it.,elt, Mrs. John Riley, Dour, Ont., ;,rites: "I 'teats been a greet enfterer front heart and ;+terve trout,le ; motor the past ten es an -i. After tryit:g many remedies, nnd in , C,, ,r l„ for two oetr,3 wilt ern t to t t benefit, , I dccrt,ed to Bice 'tMii- lrurxt l lIc in am 'very Pi1L ti trial. I art thankful to taw tett, after using z ins ',,. 1 ant <ntirely cured and would r< ter i:,i,nd them to all t,ufiercr.,," I'x'i,' •"s() cents per boa tr 3 1n,xea for $1.20, at all dealers, or mailed direct en r-veil,t s,£ price layhe T. 3iilLuila too., I,imtei!y 'reroutes. . . >i,�n. r. „v �.► The *sterna from Temente University for the year thow a remarkable iuerease In the number of students attending - There were in attendance this year 3,345 students. This ie ate Worease of 1,000 in two years, and 2,000 more than attended ten years ago. Of those that attended this year 1,774 were in the faonity of arts; 754 in the faculty o xnedioine; 734 is applted science; 211 in tees tenuity of education ; 78 in house- hold eciencp and 8 in forestry, KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Health Saving Explained by a Wing ham Qittzen 4vho Knows From Experience, Many Winghatu people" take their lives in their bands by neglecting the kidneys when they know these organs need help, Sick kidneys are responsible for a great amount of buffering and til health. The t eeson we many use Booth's Kidney Pills is their quick relief for a&I KWidneyinghaen wo.enktizdn sneea, s: , dere is what a e_ R. Leary, of Diinnfe St., Wale,Wingham, Out., saysWale,baok had been weal: and tender and a severe, grinding pain would patch me across the kidney region if I would etoop over or lift anything. The kidney secretions had become un- minalIy irregular and frequent and the urine was highly colored and filled with brick dust sediment. I bad tried sever - different kidney remedies but had fouled none of them to benefit me, I learned of Booth's Kidney Ptils thrcu,;h an advertisement and procuring a box at Mr. MoKibbon's Pharmacy I com- menced their use. I was soon con- vinced, however of their wonderful curative merits. My baok soon had strengthened and the pains and tender. nese had left it. The kidney secretions were reduced to normal and the urine oleared. Booth's Kidney Pills are a fine and reliable remedy and I wit': always recommend them," Sold TheR. T, Boothe?rite Co., Ltd., 50 cents. Out., Sole Canadian .Agents. THE PHILOSOPHY OF FAILURE. (Wall Street Journal.) Dr. Walton leas introduced a book on "Why Worry," with the following words from Chwaug TeZe. "The legs of the stork are long; the logs of the duck sre short; you can- not make the legs of the stork short, neither oats you make the Iegs of the dtiok long. Why worry? In other words, why worry about things which cannot be helped? Take life as it comes and make the best of it. There is no use complaining or worrying because one is long and can- not make himself short, or is abort and cannot make himself long, or has brains without health, or has health without brains, or is born rioh without the ad- vantages of self -development, or is born poor without the opportunity of wealth. Professor Laughlin has defined So. cialisni as the physiology of failure." It might also be defined as the phil- osophy of worrying, Socialism is a protest against inequalities that cannot be helped, Men are born with wide differences, physical, mental and moral, and it is impossible by any process of law or any system of economies to re- move those differences. Even equality of possession is impossible because of the inherent inequalities of the mind, the temper and ambition of man. The Socialist complains of these inequalities and is constantly inciting the people to worry about their Iack of this thing or that thing, hoping that this worrying may finally lead to a political revota- tion, CURES Dysentery, Diarrhoea, ininSmh, Cholera,, Cholera Morbtle Chol- era ol- era Infantu, Sea Sickness, Summer Complaint, and .all Fluxes of the Bowels. rt has been on the market for 63 years. Its effects are marvelons, It acts like a chalet. Relief is almost instantaneous. Ask your druggist for it, Take no other, Substitutes are Dangerous. The genuine is manufactured by Pitt; ;r, :mese , co..t'ammo, Toronto, Ont. 1'riee 35 cents. COi1PLE Or DOSES Cellla. Mrs, \'V, ,1. Wittiest, Tessier, Sade., tells of her experience itt the following words: - "1 I lii tyle t ir t lI, ruof 3 the • od a I have efnurl i1 l)r, 10uler,sIxtrACt of Wild 8tttitvberry. Last summer my little girl, aged two years, was taken ill with 8utn- ner Complaint, and as my mother always rept Dr, b'owle'rs in the house when T was a child, 1;yeenretl to follow her exam- ple no I always have it atgn. I at once vmy e;as licwag atonce relivdand after a cod uple of doses were taken was completely cured." GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM I.O.O. F. EXCURSION Saturday, 4uust 8 Minerva F.ncampment, No. 47, Z. 0. 0. F., Wing -ham, have - completed ;,lrrai •ements with the Grand' Trunk Railway System to, run a big Excursion to A IA Via HYDE PARK From the following places, on Saturday, August 8th, 1908, returning Monday, Aug, loth, at the following ,low fares : MACH TI9tI; FARE I'LSCE !PIMP, ICincardiiie 5.40 -i ar. R2.3() Eelgr:Ere, 5 $1.05x'. Ripey 5.55 `, `,0 Blyth O:'i4 n, rI. 0 Luck/low r.,S 1.0 (i.10 v,05 l,andt'�iroi't' 7.7.16 I,60 i10 Whitechurch ..,... 6,23 2,00 Clinton 7,50 ) Winghnm 6.10 0 Brp',e �ld... .......... 8.1`2 1,35 Kipp t1`3,23 1.35 CHILDREN over .5 and under 12 years - HALF FARE notarising, Special '.train will leave Sarnia on Monday, Aug. 10, zit 10 pan. Arrangements have also been made with the White Star - L ire to convey passengers from Sarnia to DET per magnificent Steamer "Tashmoo," on' Saturday leaving - Sarnia at 4 50 p.m., at the loty return fare of 75 cents. Tickets good returning on any White Star Line boat up to and - including 2.30 p, m. on Monday, August 1o, This wil'I afford an excellent outing and an opportunity for excursionists to • spend Sunday in Detroit. Everyone Gonne and Enjoy a Pleasant Outing COMMITTEE : H. 13. ELLIOTT, J. AV., DODD, ...••••••••••••••f•••••414410 AOr••••••0♦04f4•44f•4••••4- • w 4 4 ', etea If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon *; • or snake a better mouse -trap than his neighbor, though he ' s bniid his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten ee path to his door. -Emerson.: 4 ste ♦ w G•et on the path to the door of the• • 4, • oi, 4', • 10 'rinses Printing Office ! , 0• Where mouse.traps are not made but •• 0 . --where-- o +P se Or e4, Prilltillg no 4. Good 41 4. • 4.•b • 4, :M►**s*s*.*sass 401 4* s •i r ,q► r i r THE WINCHAM TIMES +SM i a, `&444:44034:0114440.31,0.0.11 Is turned out every day with neat- ness and despatch; where up-to-date materials and machinery are used, and were mechanics with up-to-date ideas are employed; where quality characterizes every piece of work and service given every buyer; where cheap printing is never done, but where good printings done cheap; where the kind of printing is done that will lead the world to make a beaten path to your door; Where particulars may be had by following up the path to the office of or by lalling up 'Phone bj • i