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Lucknow Sentinel, 1903-05-14, Page 5
sr, tt ,.i, • f -it tt tttpu�ttttsttu►uturxttmett� ST:. BN EiLES• f":. `- �z' , • M.Tssya B McGuiri and 3;,MacDon-. u ' aid'spant Saturday in Wingbarn. ; -u The Misses MacDonald of S.ucknow u were bbe guests of Miss Magpie` Miller u on' Saru.rday.and Sunday. tt A nutnk,dr from this vicinihy attend - x ed thti Uuiozi f .'aglies,service Co,White;" - ,church on Tuesdwy evcning. . ttA ;,'Mr"'s 111n 'hnf :! •13?ffi n. tflldf '; :3 t U whr a he; lies secured;; a. u j;pod' ,position,; We.':wish hire et/ r}a, K AukGest;,• ^ :;;;;;L;;;:•1;: . • .:51:-. `-•M.. ' u3i•t r;' " A , i-i:iat�tet atro y � } }. :• •. ••. , .., :'. .. a„ •, .: •appreciate a, nicer ,article' as much 'as grown up peop�1e. This is' a ' fa;ct i •. '4�i dh h . should' o be , overloolted when purchas><dg �heii slirin . ,outfit. la. ...recent .years. :little attention was. aid to the wearing apparel of c •ildr ri exce ti g • rpaid � PP, ., , h eT.. p n� :the necessary and mat, stale' lin '' • moat, h es. But's�>tc<h• is not the case to=day, .,. The styles. and; n- aterials fashionable for men andt : yv!omen are .manutact>tred into.Up" smallest. '.sizes,; More espy i' l , is this:, • . .., ,. p c al y notitveable in :the lines• of ,Sh�c�es and, Su�t�, is -detndnstrate: this fat, we.•would ask You to mil and see what ;we ' are' showing 1n these tK o lines. Here are.' -a few Lof then , k • SHQES-. --SHOE; • . Infant's Fjne Dongola Button Shoes, soft turn, soles,. no heel, ' new last, tipped= Sizes ; Co 5 at 85c, 't t it f i h drn: e Dongola on/l o a: But � Button . li • • �. •. g 1. � S e with � _ull � .toe and patelat '•tip, ,spring' heels.. • Sires 5 to °7* at $1.,00:. Little Gent's.: Fine ngo1a Bois with hooks and s ,ring heel•. P a•, --at-414.00. • 't . x=. it •, fu� L'l sc :3 x K 22 tt it u si u tt Sizes G,' 62 it tti u Children's Fine Patent Calf. Safi with dull Kid topPs, turn. � oles.. u s at•_$1,2.� (^hil:d's'Patent Leather 'Slip. peis, latest styles at $1.,00 and x:1:25 at,.$1.25 and $p:1.50.• Sizes f5..to 7 Misses-slzes Little dent's ;l)origola.ai.d.Patent :-leather, Bala, sizes 8 to $10-11 at $1.25 and -$1.50 SULTS'' SUITS (children., Wash•:Suits•at'75c•and`1 0 ,0 ai ChijdxEn s• Suits in 'the latestpatternc.. eta 3.50 3 75 and 4.00 ou w ll ___. � ,...�e ..t- �. �_..�•��,� �.'. = ..bf� balh..su� iis edandleased 7it•atr•te neatness and makeutrof these suits when you- see them. They for boys.4 to 1 "year's of age. ' '4 ac ies' Department The warm. 'Weather -will soon be here Have:• you',., prepai ed • yen, 1VI usiins Arid W tsli Goads for floe season 2' ::If ilot we will be`. ►leased, to show ou through 1 y �h '•oui; large stock of }:'lain° and'. Fancy: Muslins, Gingharns; Prints "etc. :'t -.,The. largest ran e.we have ever shown awl the daintiest patterns We have ali?o an exce ' tlon,41-Y7lai; - st' Y'c"1 of '1':Iain.:Orga'ndies,' `Flctorlfd Lawtl�;; Swigs `�VTlislln ., Swiss Spots,, Lino. I.n vu 'and French .Cambrics with. neat- Talonci'en118S'� .Lacesand Inst ltiolls, Wash.'i Eeda,`Ilions;.Embroidery, Embroidery Insertions foo; _Triinmings; • ' Dennitees, in Navy, I ight'Btue, Pink 'and White. Organdies in rale Bide, Bink and, White . : liadic and. white -Silk:: (organdies. 'Beautiful:Grenadines from 60c to $1.35 per . yard. • /1 „As the pascor�,f 0-kEvio church; Rev;„ erioubh:;-,tor liis... tries, cif r. ;Bcekett;_- ' who, 6(1, ear ot,t itied the $,", r1, cue'. 0089 '4 Queen;'s Unzverett3, . s41/ take the work here'`for seine time Mr;,. BeekeGtJ'gave $'ciear,'forcible, practical sertbott on ''S•unday ornin :.•last, . liie add-rese based on the words, "But eoe1 ye Amt. -the' kinadiitu of God and •his ighteousness•• and` atl triese things: Oval be .'adled ,no to you." Mr. Beckett:being an; c artiest• student and possessed, of'go id delivery, we,.trust he ..; �wi1L.hav . a.bdg,ht pros�peraus,.ininistry,. -1 LAURIE'R ".= r Meal lm McDonald who .M co •c has: been 'studying, la•w *in'•.Tor}onto, is home • et present•. _ Miss -Lexy r" McLe'1an' `8.14. • Miss Mad;ge poydweere, guests ;of• Duncan "'McLennan qn Monday,' • Mr. Sam Beckett who is attending the it untver • Toronto .spent.. sy�,na few u days+ under the . parental .roof t is tt u I iE tt tt tt st tt ress . Goods'` •Lhere'was :a:rush ; to'•Ldcknow• on "'Baturdayrate "oyhich ended in. a,greaf' disa'ppoinbtnenbto some Miss Jennie Magurchy. spent .a, fe days visiting relations in• Lorne. `Mr :Godericli} : McLennan :spent repairing lies,try and 'proinptly< done. Sunday_at home. t . f. to �e L_ n . ++++'tti'# s lVt4 na;n as the ..., L ust. arrived:.a•. fav fine's. of , Me :s, anti ; �.., _. ,, Women's which Ie; offer, at close t8' Psi ,r M ;n' n e s Do g 13a1s, heat/x .extension,'..s:olP good 'value 3$3,00 for , 18Mn's1ox Calf Bali extension sole,C ood-J .,year welt., special at $3.00 for 2.7.5 I-8 IPsir Tonaen's-Doi g lijd•'Bal:- eg lar fora-,. :y- 18 Pair . V0 �ens Don o' ra Turn O xford; patent tip, good value at $1 30 for , . 'e • ,lidyea; -fine ange ; of 'Men's Boy's-land----Youth's-4 Sporting Shoes. an • . � and Oxfords. -• • As • to ', I• :.. Ask k see; them. THEY ARE•NAT' '�i } T x G'.00ns., ..... , Discountoff on all Cash Sales guest of Miss Kate 11IeDonald;during: Sunday.. __ Mr. • Rsbet:t• McCall visited Mr., Thog►as Sanith last week: arriage License. . 'CB;irtELL, lBsuer of Marriage•.Licerees. Agent forAllan Line and ;'Dominion Lies Life and Ac iderit Assurance., Campbell' St. Luckkcrow m \' . t UNNE CL,` ., 1 In `tlie 1)reSs Materials of the.11„ ht'textures we are :showin a: large range sof Voiles Elaniarles Dra e_de_ Paris and. EoLerre s in the'newest light :end darker, shades; algo Blacks and. Blacks ;with: Plaices „cof ‘1.1i loofa. These: materials are the - • correct thinir •Co things for ,the New .... �hr ed . stumes. ,;The.. prices. range from 50cto' Anderson cC . Bennett; the _Celebrated painters: _and.::dee= ;orators 'havingagreed to work together asniucli as' possible` tt ti Olt. the - seasdn we solieit46uratreaa, e.'.If, you. 'have ;house t . , . •::.... . a o _.paint �or paper, give us a:,Chrthce to' fig= ,"tt .ure•on;it. Our prices will. be right, consistant . with. work iimnsbip and 'material ' fro C rnaments nice, assortment .of.Drop Ornaments to sell, ate' _'1Oc, 2Oc,. •35c :and U.5c each, ,Call early if ybu' wish :to secure any of them... (jjlikftttt ltt6si':tiiSi �:T 't: 'c� ij�z', s��t,5?litss :i.L',r.P;z�',ss�'iz ;;f"s::si • • Off.MME3M x' • fT,fa63 it N a it it ElttMf2 tt tt • Elm "fry 'our Gulden :Blend Ceylon Tea 'Pry • Mit Englisliliop Tea' Try .our 2.3c Japan rl'ea I'ry' oelir pickles hi quart jars' ` ty .our CulYeef, Seal :Brand;; 1':ry.cilli 25.e.( 'try our Paradise Currants, recleaned'. T'' —iuiur Extra`Selecte.d 1. Si 1 Try Our California Evaporated; '4r' Peaches Try our illape'Ssyrup in bottles e„ Try our Choice Prunes: •Ni • Farm for, Saiz'' •:M,:.:.•.:.-.•: •lee A sie .....m a, IS _. • : We are 46.6 busy..o have a :formal opening, but in our .store w ll'be ,fi un'd' a. beautiful collection of''women's•' trimmocl ,rid utitruniiiedIlla ;',. To:lues;7;°Bo .nets Children's Headgear An inspeetio"h will c' nclusive'ly dernonstrate.'to you; not only':tlie. excellence . ,f .Our rriill n try; but. .the ir>oderate;prces as well; • For: ccoiloniy'S sake,,youul own town is :th.e�p ace to-btty: all your head requirements We have 'an eye-' d y easin� tind.p t•.' f . ' pl,e � ¢- .purse. pleasi '-collec�ion -of :fashion s. � ' us g m pr *a oved styls iii Trirnmed'.11ats , head to_wear Hats f. e � Y •Children's eadwo eaeirl.,. i,;Untiia 'ed II ats,'Flowers .Pu.mas andFeate•s,. s ,ad )cxaxenis:.: �ilbonspant Velvets, Silks;' Chifl'ons;r Vellings, Laces;`Etc. Give us a call before pl cing your order. -- I3 iug.snnth,gtinrtet t f l?)t 1 3 ciliac inn West \Vawanurtt, i,'ott'ttuing tifty. pert: A. e,4.t swt3trC50 and framustabls.f2nu..lt}ter' -ed and very suitalile forIstockor, giniy.. i Mil'S. t�Tt<1NK .)'.Cr1lL i.ifuliuo r,; tar •nfor dale ik'1 he ttnelotsigneti- offers for sale 100 Ari( : choice improved hlod, being; easeliaif of lot t, , concession 11 toivmbtp i,f A'.btield J,I)' i© nml is a"ga clay loans •1+trst•clrsfa btuldiOs in good, c ilditiun wt;ll' Watered hEignt acres of fa. l t'heatarid lefty acres ready. for spring crop A quantity of •good bafdwond 'bush on premise.. Halt mile from store., roost t fiice.and blacksiititi'ahol1, 'TO further pai - tionlars: apply to Ar,F. , ,nrcrr,1 kir., ":• t f Q+ 'Lines, 1', • Grass 'o,rm; for Sale . • I still bave'.timy 7'a'aoro farm for 'sale, eighty per cent, eitoollont,g rain growing sotlr' 'flits Ubeen'paetned•fdr six to 'ton years, If trait gold by Matdt, frith, will 1�,g roiled;. " Aptly to•• (1 t i _ w Or 'he +'ence,in this Cut wase erected ,by us'on th'e'propeity� of Mr. Thomas 'Anderson Dun ,amio1? r r, atifacn a e • y r, stay ' ,., .. �' + , �., ' �. rr ]t our i ,11�• , b.«.' � .. c. Orli he�iv} .aFrost Fence has noequ, 1. Call and g'e , c prices u'fore huyilig, elsewhere.. First C1iaSS 'Nixon guaranteed. on Ei orteSt notice.' ° Gates .'l1Xd m tl e.:mi •.alwa. S'' o1}�haba, 'earl roti r►s; sorai� 1t' rr. '. .. , r • t rr