HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1903-05-07, Page 8.. •#
0 Websteri m • Seceed class hon_ote, .N
• A,tcbibald; L:oMiteheli, A Mit 1e11! $
Dodds, St Xrwin, L ,AgneW,• M Kae,
T Bennett, U' Reid,, . fair,E Bogue,
W Qirvitl
.Ttxmoif,Xarb 1:,, Second •.cla s honors
t,.Eart i ' Dell, F M• tit ,Dun
yon menu, Newest attrac-
ti*e designs and': handsorat
co ori s are eatures a,. the
digpla- prices as. law. 'as you
usually pay !or irterior kinds.
!Salt, /3ATIL
and 13ible Class.
Sir nAlt
nead.iy evening t 7.30 p.m.
'b7 r. and Mrs:.S ivpson. cawo..to Caesel"
ton,'N..'D., in 1878 whero.they, lived
Until, 1885 'when •.they apple to,'thie e.
locality. . Ptght, children pave ,been •e
burn ; to' thein and;.•exoeptiog one • -
daughter who,`died in infancy', 'are • o
giving. ''.h.ree,::John, Jaw 4-0i<1•hs.' e
an, Ta Aito} iso$, M McKay" Bcu ' den,, live Sp
In :okane, Wae1hPour Fo
�„tr'''Q ArGhXbak ,,,' 1441;n1-+etiri,r 4 title in ',tats state, Mrs' • Mcf regor, .of 'p.
•mi_ % i,, . 1`iivi't'''•Vigt [ sw. iias..inad, Ctasselton, George•Simpson of Lent, and
seVeinl wica100'1 0'e ] • .
wx Ti' ,,,,.11. `d.,�.ciw -.a ' k. .�'r -4. `>w414c. ..'
e • 11e tllig ani t,lie most -.Ole-, Std.paon was 1.iaptlsedwi it f ancy io.11i
agreeable•,• aJ•lraelt tlt" '=-'f.tta . ia'itntanr. •
flash iti air to anal it `ls,'heir to: sev , Presbyterian church,' and. Inas t-la"ays • . '.
eral very :painful xlrl?iat•sn, I k. r a l •
ripk t� r 4c .ke ai.ar ��c,�.t � �evotetl t atubei ,•
my rottkr5 -4 i ',71�,ttii 1pPY,ra^ 1 F ^lt,, r
�raw .:1 .:...'s•y ZS1.:: k ria4i •. £.L ii)u-•-';-'••1;44,•'0.'".2.-41-;04.'1'"'44f4''''''4,;,--1-'f..q r , .. V
to; pi.nke ev., y oiie tv tli whom, you , •
come in c.amtict .mist t auto tntmbership..with titin to „Canada, and q�
Iti IA"not, n. pain. Xt is not an ,ta•che. '' later tG, Colton where• Ile''' rettiined •'
t is• simply 'the,1 ptost. consennitate.. _ , •
$:;tore ever invented, The early his " '!�ewbershtp , in,•140... Presbyterian
tomy .of the .disea•sP if tvr:•tpped in. im-. 'church' until his death Wimoledon.
• I Newe,; N "D•.
L•tiolcndw ; Boyd . Mr. Simpson had resided in Kinloss • Get
One of. the mos , notable, instatces' far some 18' years and.; was a 'brother •
,f growth among. the M,ontreal,congre, yin law,of,Mrs, H.,Hudsun,,•of• the 4t6,
had• under . consideration :the .:YOUng S60thind, i6 17 )47: 7 god:: egrl,' in ' Oli‘.
;anion, is that of St. Matthew's chue.th coheeasion-of•Kinloss.'
•ebere the ministr of Rev;E. A. Mao• '.. . .. •
1Keazie, 1).D, continues to grow . in : OBITUARY
power and'' fruitfulness; '~Though the - — °
church ;seats 1,200, the .demand ;for : The late ars.Sarah HFnderson; m..ho
pittings far' exceeds the•'accomodntion. 'died et. her borne• oti' .the first. • ma,' of.
q . „ . aft Sal)... _ilo'. , J pril 28th, wt,s. ,, born in
y Kinloss on A
At the , uarterl � communion las ._. .' Skye'''.
_.•_.__, V; V l :� �:. � tf;-r./ M;
bath, forty were received into member-• •the 1 u;ish of .`Portree, •Isle :of Skye, • . .
i i• nd' sixty eight years :a o; '' She ` ••�:ao•i os '.."".......-.4..*""ossa
ship, a large preps; tion 'o •whom were: Scotlrt . y C t ,
4 o•••i•i•••••o•:�o•.o•e.••'iw,•aia••••�•e.•,•
nil' dau titer of the Iate:Johti '
goung , :en � w'Ifich' class • Mr. Mac::... , was;'t6e oily S - - -
• D.1cLeau of Ashfield b his wife
genzie a reachn�.has.pro'ven•speoie,lly ,' ., � ' Y - -
• • . r <Ma . ; Morrisons a couple' well known.
attractive,- a•• 1 -'... creee444-
•�e�►rNe�ee1� 4eeeeeqoes o�•e®��s�►®eoea�so�®�eoeeNR�4
Rev. Toon :Mac. a Of Crescent for their: eniiine=piety and Consistent
. .... y � �. „_ r_ _ ,_ _T. _,.....,..i .r..... i..
nudity :Of •very
•Itractiae Wed
James Leask, b eder anal 'feeder of the
sWeepstake,fat. cat le at P. Ovincial Winter
"DEAR 81144 "
, I haVe.fed your oitoaik Toole to cattle and'
t makes them thrive well
.,and put on flesh mo e rapidly.o' I think it is
the,best Tonto I hay -fed to lhorses, We are
bottle of onr Virrnittire 'Polish and rub up yOnr Furilitine,. Piano or Organ. --E.-.
Makes -theta look like new.
Mau- Problem, and-lha,Vn-about denided fifties, settled on .the 4.2th con„ of
04 establishing a yortng- men'Ercidb in. Ashfield ,ne the • homestead' occupied
connection wi# t'le church. in' the 'Yet hY Mr•-• Alex. McLran
Mrs Hen.
the.Y.M..C4.1huilding te initiate 'the .was., 11,15401 rearFike .to.s‘the' ;late!,
'cennected, with the •Congregatten' will, g'helpriteet• in the Scripture;Sense. of:
-strangers' Vlskting, the: city 7and rather than of woras.. • Sne .,practlatici•
st4lents:to .•epencl sofcial'hour. there . n101,13 than. -talked Lreligien, and was
befOre the. evening. service:, Va will much dev;oted privatp.prayei, Of a
ba.ser)ied, religious 'and soCial :-.41#31310, :Self-denying nod •Chnritable
thn evening servicitektended. ' Should ',and • do go64 te• all, esfiecj921)'• to 'theVe
has :been'in the Churches of the -United 'It'td "heen delicate, for severnt:y.Oss'and
ehtb.ttouse be`: PrOVided . in., the' ;death? thOe'. Yeats last IatararY.
Vicinity of 'the chtireh,rite Fresh ter 'which', lhongh endured thai :heaVy..
they:are laying bette than • theY. have done,
*ngton's Stock Food took it down. com-
(Vane My cows good. 'I! ink it is a gOo&thing
Purify your animals' *before, ttirniag.
-„,th'em ett the grass, ' The surprise 'You
..•Ftie!iiiiii"iiitdttiaratitaied by::
• t1•3 -,:.:she seetned not to telie the sante'
Death • of John Sint‘sish . • '.interest In. the World 'or•ite concens,'
occurred the death Of jno: SimPsOn ,S n ' :goring: ill,liesS,With' character's ti O' calm-.
olunit/. ;The bid.. gentleman , had, ful•of 'the .cOniforts ,cof those Who .canna4,,
paralysts.and.on.,the lnorningi.a. his funeral to the', Kinloss Cemetery
,death he Snffered another Stroke from, (11-7iiii"--f.411"-.1115f:47—W4"011.0tlia4 wgg
149:)901.0 PheAeceased* for :the .past sereict.s Were coe-
-WheatI•ndo-this-state,iparly yeari be- .Lennnti and- MacKay:. „Three'. of 'her
ear .relativesio—Tattainedihe
Shire. Scotland% Sept - 14: 1827 and
Out lias to bp replaced With the neW.: In the cayrpet line' 4,ve.are:welkassoi:t0.
ace Curtains,., Art- lgiislins, Art,
,Muslins at prices' to Suit.our
DepartinPnt aiwaY,s receives special attention, .s6 that Oa
litay enStoiners pan get what; is'new-and OP-to:date:: 'Ve. Kiss -Pentland ;fl, c11.1).
bor Curtains and "Dotted....
e c•e
.eaye lour order wi,t
:fitting Frence Cal
'Shoes'Avarranted.n.o.Lto. get
'rnade to
iyou ;want your shoes repaired in an, up.,
u'' farm, north side of •Locknow, a short horn
IP Dnrhain hull. Terms $1 f.10 at time of service,
'; W. Corzrznnri, ,isanier of Marriage Licenses.
Agent toi Allan Lind Aha' DOeihiOn:Lipega
Cannibal' St. Lucknow.
oiad to &lire with 'yon 011 any .Or all 'your. "fencin';4" :.and ean sur)spi,Sr fOr '1,11
T.; Erkil
•airram rear ;that, licr,rillitelY
Alt' &Sins. 81lowaial sod N146011'64 slit*
;gavial (lentil-, lastlf"a• h .tere of ' laaol . anti largo, .."
2,1 „ is , ,M.1/,(S.",c,,,‘,\I'Var.sf;i:Ao,'Ne:.;),71:1IttFik,c,,I.,'Sri,r,, ,,. ,.• 0 t.,-,t,4,Tai.shIA,,,,it,.,,,,,,,,,r-idti )1, .,::::ir.}: vOti positi.,,,,,,,,