The Wingham Times, 1908-07-30, Page 1VOMINION BANK HEAD OFFIOE ; TORONTO, 'READ O iz= : Hamilton, Canada BOARDOF DIRECTORS ; Hon. Wm. Gibson President J. Turn$ul1 Vice -President and Gen. Mgr. Joha Proctor George Rutherford Iion.rJ. S. Hendrie, C.V.O. Cyrus A. Dirge C. C. Dalton WIN GRAM BRANCH C. IJ. SMITH, AGENT. t7Vit.'rVV7'PVdsV'I">0IYIT"1'VYYYTWIti !M!ilii179:11, iVtI;IB'7'i/TINVY'TVW.l.'Yr TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR j W iLlearing g 1 sr re DURING STOCK-TAKINO Come and see these goods, you will be glad you came. go 3 dozen only, White Lawn and Mulle Shirt Waists, beautifully t trimmed with lace, embroidery and tucks. A genuine snap, , . reg. $1.75, now $1.25; $1.50 now 99e; $1,25 now 7'5c; 750 50 41 $1.00 1 4 $1.00 Capital paid up, $3,676,000 Reserve Fund and Undivided profits $5,297,000 Total Assets, over 48,000,000 WINGHAM BRANCH. Farmers' Notes discounted, Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and Europe. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Interest allowed on deposits of $1 and upwards, and added to principal quarterly -end of March, Jane, September and Deoem• ber each year. D. T. HEPBURN, Manager R. Vanstone, Solicitor. Multi -Millionaire. Perhaps the most extravagant ex- preseion of a fond parent's love is to, be found in the fairy estate being ore• ated near Chicago for young Lolita Ar- mond, daughter of J. Ogden Armour, one of the world's money kings. It is .y believed that this fairy land will cost, when completed between $10,000,000 4 and $15,000,000. There Lolita will have her own woodland, filled with vines and wild flowers, and the forests will teem a with all kinds of animal life. The 4 grounds will be dotted with lakes and t waterfalls, the waters will be etooked with fishes of many varieties, and upon 41 . the surface will ply yachts, electric 41 launches and other boats of various 4 kinds. Briefly, this .nine-year-old girl 4 will be provided with the most beautiful 41 A palace of modern times, filled with 4 every comfort that money can buy, and 4 surrounded by such a dreamland as only 4 the minds of the greatest landscape 4 engineers could devise. 41 411 THE MAN WHO ROSE FROM NOTHING. Around the world the fame ie blown Of fighting heroes, dead and gone; But we've a hero of our own - The loan who roe from nothing. He's a magician great and grand; The forest, fled at hie command; And here he said, "Let cities stand l" - The man who rose from nothing. And in our legislative hall He towering stands alone, like Saul, "A head and ehonldere over all," - The man who rose from nothing. His efforts he will ne'er relax, His faith in figures and in facts, And always call an axe an axe,- The man who rose from nothing. The gentleman in word and deed; And short and simple is his creed; "Fear God and help the soul in need!" The roan who rose from nothing. Ia other ]ands he's hardly known, For he's a product of our own; Could graze a shanty or a throne, - The man who rose from nothing. Here's to the land of lakes and pines, On whish the sun of freedom shines, Because we meet on all our linea The man who rose from nothing. -Alexander McLachlan A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN now Black Sateen Tucked Waists, reg $1.25 for Ladies Whitewear; Underskirts, wide, fancy, very $2,00 for $1,75; $1.50 for $1.25; $1.i,5 for pretty, reg EDrawers, Corset Covers and Night -Dresses at cost. 4 , s DRESS MUSLINS-Positively must go at any cost, reg. 30e for ti 1>. 20e; reg. 20c for 15e, and 15e for 10 . CORSETS -A bargain in Corsets, celebrated D & A Corset,,, straight and cured fronts, lace trimmed, easy fitting. reg. $1.00 for 75e, reg. 750 for t GLOVES -Long black and white Lisle Gloves, reg. UNDERSKIRTS -Black Sateen Underskirts, must • out. Extra wide, pleated Skirts, reg. $1.50 wide skirts with flounce and ruffles, reg. $1.2 • wanted for Wingham and adjoining country to represent "Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries" CAR:T'ER'S VE PILLS. 'While business in some lines may be dell, farmers were never more encour- aged as regards fruit $,swig$ than at the present season. High prices for all classes of fruit have been obtaine3 the past season. and there is as a consega• ence, an increased demand for nor• 3 sery stock. 7 Our stock is complete in every depart, � ment including a new fiat of specialties 50 ! which we alone handle. The right man will 60e now .50 4 4 v 4 4 » reg. $1.00 for ,60 ; SIIOES-1220 pairs Shoes to be cleared out at each • • 50 1 TOWELLINGS-A snap in Towellings, 23 -in, wide, pure linen, 10 be cleared now $1,20; 5 for. $1,00, reg. 12c for tLaces, Embroideries, Belts and Collars, greatly reduced. We sacrifice these goods to make room for Fall Goods, :reap the benefit. Highest prices paid for produce. Come and see us. i 4 tic 4 GCj',C/ix�CAWAsMik AI• KAKI IVIriAaAA*N. 7t,"itioK:tti(AAA AAAII'Adsaalt.Bali, SYSM4 /N1hAAt1. AAA VWtMNMAAAAAAA VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVV Y .." ••••MOIM•••••••••• 4IWES'RNFAIRI GREATEST LIVE STOCK EXHIBI- { TION OF WESTERN ONTARIO 4 Full Programme of Attractions twi daily, including 1 Kemp's Wild West Show. : est of Music. < Fireworks ,:ach vening. i , ATHLETIC DRI.: i RIONDAY, SEPT. 14 i London's Popular Fair. Goma and enjoy yourself at tondo p REDUCED RATES on ALL RAILROADS > •Programmes, and all Entry Forms, Prize Lists, information given on application to 4 4 4 You may 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4• 4 a obtain a (perman- ent situation, with territory reserved for him. Pay weekly. Free sample out- fit, etc. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON Foothill Nurseries (850 acme CANADA. TORONTO, W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary. London, Sep. 11-19 Fresh Fish Friday. -ter THE WEALTH OF NATIONS. (Montreal Witness,) From time to time we hear painful howls about Canadian imports exceed- ing Canadian exports, and there are awful jeremiads about our adverse balance of trade. Ae a matter of fast, however, we have over and over again shown that the wealthy, progressive countries as a rule import more than they export, revealing a profit on their oommeroe and finance and that the reverse is the case with poor, taokward countries. Great Britain imports far in excess of het exports yearly, and yearly grows more wealthy, the excess consist ing of profits on sales, interest from oversea investments paid in goods, what British ships earn abroad as the world's marine carriers, and money or goods paid for other servioee. It oughto'to be plain enough that if one receives con- stantly more than one pays out one Must be growing wealthy, and vice versa. Take a simple example. A ship leaves the shores of Great Britain carry- ing arrying goods abroad to the valve of half a million dollars, and these goods sae dis- posed of at a profit of a quarter of a million dollars. In the Board of Trade r ,turns for the year this transaction would appear as: Export,, $500,000; imports, $750,000. On the other hand, if, on the return trip the vessel should sink, the imports would be wiped out and a fine balance of trade would ap- p ear, wherein the exports would exceed the imports by $500,000. The same principle would apply, of course, to transaotions few or many. I have made arrangements for weekly shipments of Fresh Fish, and will be able to supply them Every Friday. All orders will receive prompt attention. THE WELL-GROOMED GIRL. CURE Sick Bea k:oho and relieve all the troubles Incl. dent to a bilious stats or teo systtnl, such es Dizziness Nausea, Drowsiness. IDistress utter eating, Pain in Vie Site, R•,. While their mast remarkable success has been shown Gi curing SICK Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills aro equally valuable In Constipation, curing and pre. venting this annoyin"comp'iaiut. while theyalse correct all disorders off the stomach, Aim .r.t^.the liver and regulate the bowels. Evenif they only HEAD,cured Ache they would he almut prlcelces to those who Buffer from this distressingcomplaint; but fortis. nately their goodness does not mai here,ana those who once try them will find these little pills valu- able in so many WW1; tht.tthey v ill not be wil- ling to do without them. But after all sick head ACHE Is the bare of so many lives that hero Is whero we make our great bout. Our pills cure it soils others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe purge, but by their gentle action please all w nee them. OAETBII HUMUS CO., NEW YOU. wil t boll Small kions FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT SEE. In making his annual appeal to the readers of Ontario newspapers for in- formation whish will enable him to locate the children and youths of both sexes who are eligible for admission as pupils or the School for the Blind at Brantford, Principal Gardiner asks THE TISMIES to call public attention to the need for some institution where the adnit blind may be instructed and employed. General experience has demonstrated the inadvisability of combining a workshop for adults with a school for children under one man- agement, yet the blind adults who far outnumber the school age, should no longer be neglected. In New York State it has been ascertained by careful inquiry that out of 6,008 blind persons only 584 , or 9 72 per cent. of the total number, are under 21 years of age ; 3,103, or 53.14 per Dent are over 60 years of age; while 1,375, or 22.88 per cent., are between the ages of twenty one and fifty -in the prime of life and capable of being rendered in whole or in part self supporting. It is probable that the percentages in Ontario are similar to those in New York. Many lose their sight by accident after passing school age ,and many who have been blind from birth or childhood need help and direo• tion in order to work profitably. In California, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, Massaohu• setts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wiscon- sin, workshops or "homes" have been provided, and in Washington, Colorado and other States the matter has been taken up by women's Clubs and other philanthropic ladies, whose influence upon public opinion and the Legisla- tures will certainly effect the desired result. The first necessity is to get an ac• curate knowledge of the faots, and to this end Mr. Gardiner will gladly re- ceive information relating to blind resi- dents of Ontario of all ages (names and post -office addresses.) Those under twenty-one years of age, not deficient in intellect, and free from disease and physical infirmity, who are blind, or *hose sight is so defective that they are unable to read ordinary type and attend a school for the seeing without serious injury to the sight, should attend the school at Brantford,whioh is maintained by the Provincial government for their benefit. A letter or post pard, address ed to the Principal, will receive lame• diate attention. C1141101100111000.001000000011110000 CLUBBING tl't • To be a well-groomed girl you must n ever have a missing button. Gloves must be unripped and immac- ulately Olean. Shoes must be polished and never run down at the heels, Clothes must be brushed when taken off; then there is no temptation to wear them nnbrushed the next time beaus, of hurry. Ribbons, laces, rnchings, must always look as if new. If they are not they are made to appear so by careful reno- vating. Your clothes must never miss connec- tion. Belts must be fastened securely in plaoe, hooks and eyes must not gap, collars must not be pinned awry or with pins that do -not match, Your underolothing must be suitable for the occasion on which it is to be worn. You must never be guilty of wearing a bedraggled petticoat under a cloth suit. Ragged finery must be an utter impos- sibility to the well-groomed girl; in fast, finery at all, except in its appro- priate place in the house or at more or less formal entertainments mast be avoided, THOS. FELLS BUTCHER. FARM ERS and anyone having live stock or other articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same for sale in the Tions. Oar large oiroulation tells and it will be strange indeed e that youwilltsell because you maygaskmore Mr the article or Stook than it Is worth. Send your advertisement to the TAME and try this plan of disposing of your stook and other articles. yS+ MAMMnOMSOS Ancil + eel. OUTSIDE i D E ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion of advertisements such as teachers wanted, business chances, mechanics wanted, articles for sale, or in fact any kind of anadvt. in any of the Toronto or outer city papers, may bo left at the TIMES ofEco. This work will receive prompt attention and will save people the trouble of remitting for and forwarding advertisements. Lowest rates will be quoted on application. Leave or sendyour next work of this kind to the TIMES OFFICE, Whigham 1 • • • • • 0 • • The Deadly House Fly. The house fly is an active agent in spreading cholera, typhoid fever, tuber- culosis and dysentery. It carries the germs of these diseases to the food supply. One uniform method can not be adopted everywhere for the eradica- tion of flies, but some of the following • • • • • • • • • • • A Was Troubled With His sat of rules will apply in every locality and will prove effective: Back for Over Twenty., 1. Do not allow any decaying organic material of any sort to accumulate on five Years your premixes. Abolish all antiquated sewage systems and instal new. 2. If your cellar is damp, clean out the dark corners at frequent intervals and apply lime, 3. Pour kerosene into the drains, and also treat crith kerosene all waste material not intended for fertilizing purposes. 4. Kitchen waste intended as food for hogs or other animals should be re• nioved and used daily. 5. If kitchen waste 18 deposited in large cane it should be c sliest e d at bast once a week. 6. Haul out the manure and spread it oo the soil every day, or, at the outside, every week. 7. If inconvenient to haul the manure out at short intervals, sersen the pile so as to exclude flies, or trent it with itero- sdne or lima, 8, !Keep tip the Work of destroying a•iult files by the usual methods, Got Him Every Sind of Medicine, But DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS FINALLY CUBED HIM Mrs. II. A. rippers Fesserton, Ont., writes: -I can certainly reeommend your yd had beentro troubled Kidney Pills, is back for over twen- ty-five years. I got him ovary kind of medicine I could think of, but they did him no good. A friend advised him to get Some of Doan's Kidney Pills, so he got two boxes and they cured hint completely. IIo feels lisle a new man, so he says, 1tn'1 will never be without a box of Doan's Marley Pills in the house. 1 Tho pries of Doan's 'Kidney Pills is r1 .1 cents per box or 3 boxes for $1.05, at tali dealers, or will be mailed direct on receipt of price by The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Oat, RATES FOR 1907 - 08. TIMES will receive subscriptions at the rates below for any of the following publications Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times and and and and and and and and and and and Daily Globe Daily Mail and Empire Daily World.... Toronto Daily News. Toronto Daily Star Daily Advertiser Toronto Saturday Night • ... • .... • • . Weekly Globe . Weekly Mail and Empire Family Herald and Weekly Star Family Herald and Weekly Star, and premiums Times and Weekly Witness Times and London Free Press (weekly) Times and London Advertiser (weekly) Times and Toronto Weekly Sun Times and World Wide Times and Northern Messenger. Times and Farmers' Advocate We specially recommend otir readers to subscribe to the Farmera' Advocate and Home Magazine Times and Farming World Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Christian Guardian (Toronto) .. Times and Youths' Companion Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly) Times and Sabbath Reading, New Yoi'k Times and Outdoor Canada (monthly, Toronto) Times and Michigan Farmer Times and Woman's Home Companion Times and Country. Gentleman Times and Delineator Times and Boston Cooking School Magazine Times and Green's Fruit Grower Times and Good. Housekeeping Times and McCall's Magazine Times and American Illustrated Magazine Times and American Boy Magazine Times and What to Eat Times and Business Man's rt agazine. Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Ladies' Home Journal Times and Saturday Evening Post Times and Success Times and Hoard's Dairyman Titnes and McClure's Magazine Times and Mnnsey's Magazine Times and Vick's Magazine Times and Home Herald Times and Travel Magazite Times and Practical Farmer Times and Home Journal, Toronto Times and Designer \ Times and Everybody's Times and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg Times and Canadian Pictorial • m 4.50 4,50 3 10 2.30 2 30 2.35 2.60 1.60 1.85 1.75 2.10 1 85 1.80 1.60 1,80 2.20 1,35 2.35 1.75 225 2.25 3.25 2 40 3.25 2.90 1.95 1.85 2.15 2 25 `2.60 2.95 1.95 1.55 230 1.70 2 30 1 90 1,90 2.15 2.15 275 2.75 2.25 240 2.40 2,50 1.60 2.60 2.25 2.10 1.40 1 75 2.80 1,25 1,60 ;1.44�4.314-44 �3. + + _5 +` •i• .+ �• , The above prices include postage on American "pnblioations to any •t address in Canada. If the TIMES is to be sent to an American address, add + 50 cents for postage, and where American publications are to be sent to a American addresses a reduction will be made in price, •• We could extend this list. If the paper or magazine you want is not in1,1 the list, call at this office, or drop a card and we will give you prices on the {>t paper you want. We club with all the leading newspapers and magazines. • • When premiums are given with any of above papers, subscribers will • secure such premiums when ordering through us, same ae ordering direct from publishers. • These low rates mean a considerable saving to subecribers, and are • STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE. Send remittances by postal note, post • office or express money order, addressing • • TIMES OFFICE, WINGHAM, ONTARIO. • • • • • • s• •001111•••••••0•0000.00000•0 wesw••••w.•.•.•.•s••••••••- BLOO' DISEAS'2 CURED Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years. NO NAMES USED WITH- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT Ho was surprised at how the sores healed-- "I took: your Nrw 31rruen TREATI:ENT for a serir,us disease with which I had been infl+•t.-.i for twelve years. I bad consu.tol as, re of physicians. taken all kiwis .ef 1.1 • d medicine, visited Hot Nprings and .Mier mineral grater re.orts. Lit only got tent - 'wary relief. They would help ua,• f,.0 0 time, but after diseontinuiug the 111•`:.1 eines the symptoms would Lrealr o'tt again -running sores. L1otehes. rllet1n.- ati't pains, looseness of Bit hair. sea'liiacs • of the glands. palms of the handsscalinz, BEFORE TREATMENT itchiness of the skin, dys eptie stem`:l' AFib TREATMENT etc. I lead given up in despair -. isei us • friend advised me to consult•ou, as von had cured him. f a similar i :c a . a, ego. I had no hope, but took his advice. fn three weeks' tine th.• sole, mn ,eneoi .1 li up and l became oncouraged. I continued th0 Now is, r 11 1)',o'„ yr e f,'1 e+ 1 i t 110 mA at the end of that time every symptom had disappeared. I tu0.8. 1 .l 7 v ars ago and r' Signs of any disease since. My boy,three years old, is sound and 1.. a t .v 1 i. u t n.ly can recommend your treatment with all my heart. Vim .an refer a S her;.,, moprivately, but you eau use this testimonial as you wish.' We treat NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOCELE, STRICTURE, VITAL WEAKNESS, BLOOD, SKIN and PRIVATE Diseases, URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNEY complaints of Mea anppd Women REAI?l:lly,air leo,dibe n?diseaseiluHIavely ni anycn 1n ssaiiii,aNew isIu,rnas a PI1E_uiu:ar will cure you. What it has done for others it_ will do for you Consultation Free. No matte' who has treated you, write for an honest t.lhti'.n Free of Charge. Charged reasonable. Books Free, -"The Golden Monitor,- o 111t.ssated i, i lliscase-sof Mon. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everything confidential, Question hut and cost of Home Treatment FREE, DRs..KE NE Y Y Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. monsmagm